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Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection
"Killerdillers" to "Killing"
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----------------------------------------------------- The Killerdillers. Mad Clobbers the Classics / written by Larry Siegel ; illustrated by Angelo Torres ; edited by Nick Meglin. -- New York : Warner Books, 1981. -- 192 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. -- Contents: Mopey Duke. Goodbye, Mr. Grepps. The Scalloped Letter. The Killerdillers. The Complete Works of the Marquis de Sade. The Devil and Samuel Fenster. Julius Seesaw. The Goodly Earth. Les Messyrabbles. The Wrath of Grapes. War and Piece. -- Subject: Literature. -- Call no.: PN6727.M27 1981 -----------------------------------------------------
KillersSee also |
----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Ambergris Killers"* (Paul Kirk Manhunter) / Ed Moore, script and art. 6 p. in Adventure Comics, no. 69 (Dec. 1941). -- Data from Bob Cherry, Gene Reed, Lou Mougin, et al., via Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A3m no.69 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. Barbarian Killer Funnies. -- San Jose, Calif. : Bud Plant, 1974. -- 32 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- "No. 1." -- Contents: "Tower of the Warthog!" 31 p. -- Underground, sword and sorcery genres. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.B8B3 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. Beautiful Killer. -- Limited preview ed. -- Congers, NY : Black Bull Comics, 2002. -- 24 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "May 2002." -- Samples of the forthcoming comics series, and an interview with creators Phil Noto & Jimmy Palmiotti conducted by Justin Gray. -- Spy genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.B55B4 2002 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. Beautiful Killer. -- Congers, NY : Black Bull Comics, 2002- . -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Began with no. 1 (Sept. 2002). -- Spy genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.B55B42 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Birth of the Hulk Killer!" (Incredible Hulk) 10 p. in Tales to Astonish, no. 86 (Dec. 1966). -- Call no.: PN6728.2.M3T3no.86 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. The Blank in the Comics strip collection includes a file of one or more daily comic strips related to this keyword or topic. Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Cactus Killer Rides Again"* (Midnight) / art: Alex Blum. 6 p. in Jumbo Comics, no. 49 (Mar. 1943). -- Data from Lou Mougin via The Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: Film 15791r.196 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Camera Killer"* (Captain Wings) / art: Dan Zolnerowich. 8 p. in Wings Comics, no. 17 (Jan. 1942). -- Introduction of Red O'Neil; villain is The Camera Killer (Luke Krag), who is introduced and dies here. -- Data from Lou Mougin via The Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F5W5m no.17 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Candid Camera Killer" (Bulletman, the Flying Detective) 9 p. in Master Comics, no. 47 (Feb. 1944). -- Call no.: Film 15791r.65 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Car-Boy in The Case of the Car Killers" / Max Andersson. p. 11-16 in Gare du Nord : an Anthology of Comics from Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Iceland -- (Stockholm : NordiComics, 1997). -- Call no.: PN6790.S33G313 1997 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Casbah Killer" (Captain America) / Don Rico, pencils ; Vic Dowd, inks. 15 p. in Captain America Comics, no. 56 (May 1946). -- Villain Mike Reilly is introduced. -- Data from Lou Mougin and Tony R. Rose via Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.M3C3m no.56 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Case of the Careless Killers" (Let's Play Detective) / art, Al Bellman? 1 p. in Captain America Comics, no. 60 (Jan. 1947). -- Data from Lou Mougin and Tony R. Rose via Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.M3C3m no.60 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Case of the Frightened Killer: Case 2, File-A, Clue-1" 1/4 p. in Jumbo Comics, no. 14 (Apr. 1940). -- Data from Lou Mougin via The Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F5J8m no.14 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Case of the Frightened Killer: Case 2: File-A: Clue-3" 1/4 p. in Fight Comics, no. 4 (April 1940) -- Data from Gene Reed via Grand Comic Book Database. -- Call no.: Film 15791 r.150 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Catch a Killer" 2 p. text in Captain America Comics, no. 67 (July 1948). -- Data from Lou Mougin and Tony R. Rose via Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: Film 15791r.180 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Clay Pigeon for a Killer" (Batman) 11 p. in Batman, no. 179 (Mar. 1966) -- Data from Gene Reed. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3B3no.179 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Cockeyed Cook Story : a Real-Life Killer Truly Born to Lose!" / by Zingarelli. 7 p. in Weirdo, no. 20 (Spring 1987). -- About William Edward Cook and the "Mosser Massacre." -- Call no.: PN6728.45.L3Wno.20 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. The Comic Book Killer / Richard A. Lupoff. -- New York : Bantam Books, 1989. -- 262 p. ; 17 cm. -- Novel about comics collecting. -- Call no.: PS3562.U6C6 1989 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Cop Killer!" (Vigilante) / Gray Morrow, art ; Marv Wolfman, story ; Steve Skeates, dialogue. 10 p. in Adventure Comics, no. 417 (Mar. 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A3no.417 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Coughing Killer" (Captain America) / Al Gabrielle, pencils ; Vince Alascia, inks. 13 p. in Captain America Comics, no. 31 (Oct. 1943). -- A villain called The Cougher is introduced and dies. -- Data from Lou Mougin and Tony R. Rose via Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.M3C3m no.31 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Crime and Punishment" (Out Our Way, May 19, 1965) / J.R. Williams. -- Summary: A pair of killer/bank robbers are fleeing on bicycles from a posse; they pass up the chance to steal horses because then they'd really be in trouble. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "bicycles" ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Crystallized Killers" (Doctor Solar) / Paul Newman, writer. 14 p. in Doctor Solar, Man of the Atom, no. 5 (Sept. 1963). -- Call no.: PN6728.3.G56D6no.5 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "A Dark and Violent Place" / story, Donald F. McGregor ; art, Adolfo Abellan. p. 18-31 in Creepy, no. 59 (Jan. 1974). -- "An insane killer stalks the darkened theatre, and while scenes of violence fill the screen, horrors far worse await the movie audience!" -- Call no.: PN6728.3.W3C7no.59 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. Dead Killer / story, Kyle Garrett ; art, Ron McCain ; letters, Vince Locke. -- Plymouth, MI : Caliber Press, 1992. -- 32 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Featuring material originally published in Deadworld, issues 19-20-21, plus a new short story by Kyle Garrett." -- "From the saga of Deadworld." -- Horror genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.C3D37 1992 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Death the Comedian!" (Bulletman, the Flying Detective) 13 p. in Bulletman, no. 14 (Spring 1946). -- Begins: "The frightening echo of uncanny laughter resounds through the halls of a famous comedian's peculiar house! The threat of a horrible death hangs over the head of a man whose job it is to make people laugh! To meet the challenge of a maniac killer, Bulletman, with Bulletgirl at his side, swings into furious action!" -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F3B8no.14 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Dr Deth with Kip & Muffy" p. 12-21 in Bizarre Adventures, no. 31 (Apr. 1982). -- "A fun-loving bunch of mutant killers just doing their thing." -- Contents page title: Dr. Death with Kip and Muffy. -- Call no.: PN6728.4.M3M337no.31 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Driven Mod" / written by Michael O'Donoghue ; photos by Tom Lafferty. p. 53-59 in Evergreen Review, no. 51 (Feb. 1968) -- Panel and caption photostory about a killer go-go dancer. -- Call no.: folio AP2.E884no.51 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Eyes of a Killer" / Carl Wessler, story ; Abe Ocampo, art. 5 p. in Witching Hour, no. 57 (Aug. 1977). -- Data from M. Tiefenbacher. -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3W5no.57 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Fury of the Kryptonian-Killer!" (Superman) 15 p. in Superman, no. 195 (Apr. 1967) -- Written by Jim Shooter, with related cover "dreamed up" by Cary Bates, per letters page. I. Shooter, Jim. II. Bates, Cary. k. Kryptonian-Killer. k. Killers. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.195 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Gentleman Killer Strikes Again!" (Wonder Woman) / by Charles Moulton, H.G. Peter. 11 p. in Wonder Woman, no. 14 (Fall 1945) k. Killers. k. Strikes again. I. Marston, William Moulton, 1893-1947. II. Peter, Harry G. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3W6m no.14. Call no.: Film 15791 reel 82 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Get Those Killers" 2 p. text in Crime Does Not Pay, no. 57 (Nov. 1947). -- Summary: Two thugs named Daniel Filow and Henry Sarles and a car chase, a manhunt, and their eventual execution in 1937. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.G55S5no.57 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Ghostly Killers!" (Swift Arrow) 5 p. in Golden Lad, no. 1 (July 1945). -- Credits illegible on microfilm copy. -- Call no.: Film 15719r.31 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Giant Killer of Jupiter" (Red Comet) / art: George Appel. 7 p. in Planet Comics, no. 11 (Mar. 1941). -- Title from cover. -- Villian is King Sinto of Jupiter (introduced and dies), character Bruto is introduced. -- Data from Lou Mougin via the Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F5P55m no.11 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Giant Killers" 5 p. in True Comics, no. 35 (May 1944) 1. Torpedo Boats--Comic books, strips, etc. k. Killers. k. PT Boats. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.35 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The God Killer" (Black Panther) 15 p. in Jungle Action, no. 13 (Jan. 1975). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.M3J8no.13 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Golden Boy!" (Firestorm) / Gerry & Carla Conway, writers ; Gene Colan, artist ; Rick Magyar, inker. 23 p. in The Fury of Firestorm, no. 19 (Jan. 1984) -- Cover title: "Call My Killer Goldenrod". k. Boys. k. Killers. k. Goldenrod. I. Conway, Gerry. II. Conway, Carla. III. Colan, Gene. IV. Magyar, Rick. V. Call My Killer Goldenrod. Call no.: PN6728.5.D3F8no.19 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Green Mask Killer" (Human Torch) / art, Carmine Infantino? 7 p. in Captain America Comics, no. 61 (Mar. 1947). -- Introduction of the villain called The Green Mask Killer (real name Silas Stevens). -- Data from Lou Mougin and Tony R. Rose via Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: Film 15791r.180 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Half a Killer is Better Than None!" 7 p. in Witching Hour, no. 66 (Oct./Nov. 1976). -- Data from M. Tiefenbacher. -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3W5no.66 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Happy Malone" / by Dan Barry. 13 p. in Crime Does Not Pay, no. 65 (July 1948). -- (A True Crime Story) -- "They called him Happy Malone because he never smiled! This cold-blooded killer from Brooklyn wanted to be big time!" -- Call no.: PN6728.1.G55S5no.65 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "His Killer's Keeper" 6 p. in DC Special Series, no. 4 (1977). -- Call no.: PN6728.N333D35no.4 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Hoss Killers"* (Midnight, the Black Stallion) / art: Art Saaf. 6 p. in Jumbo Comics, no. 32 (Oct. 1941). -- Data from Lou Mougin via The Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: Film 15791r.179 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Huntsman" / by Archie Goodwin, Michael Golden, Steve Mitchell. p. 34-50 in Bizarre Adventures, no. 28 (Oct. 1981). -- "The ultimate killer's ultimate task." -- Call no.: PN6728.4.M3M337no.28 ----------------------------------------------------- The Killers. Index entry (p. 259) to Seduction of the Innocent, by Frederic Wertham (New York : Rinehart, 1954). Call no.: HQ784.C6W4 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. Jack the Giant-Killer. -- Canton, Ohio : Bimfort, 1953. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Vol. 1, no. 1, Aug.-Sept. 1953 issue." -- "Plus exciting fairy tales you have never read before". -- Cover title: New Adventures of Jack the Giant Killer. -- Fantasy genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.B5J3 1953 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. Jack the Giant Killer. -- New York : Dell Publishing Co., 1962. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Dell Movie Classic) -- "Monsters, black magic, sorcery and witchcraft. The evil Pendragon stops at nothing to halt Jack's mission." -- "Based on the motion picture, Jack the giant killer." -- Code "12-362-301" gives this a cover date of Jan. 1963. -- Fantasy genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.3.D4J28 1962 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Kansas Killer"* (Kayo Kirby) / art: Matt Baker. 8 p. in Fight Comics, no. 52 (Oct. 1947). -- Villains Philadelphia Flo, Trigger Traylor, and Herb are introduced; also introduced are The Kansas Killer, Mr. Stone, and Rosie Stone. -- Data from Gene Reed via Grand Comic Book Database. -- Call no.: Film 15791 r.5 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Kaws and the Killers"* (Norge Benson) / art: Lily Renee. 5 p. in Planet Comics, no. 30 (May 1944). -- Appearance of Jolie; villains Knut and Lars are introduced and die. -- Data from Lou Mougin via the Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F5P55m no.30 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. Ki-Gorr the Killer. -- Longwood, Fl. : AC Comics, 1995- . -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Jungle adventure genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.A2K5 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Killer-Diller Killers" (Bulletman) 16 p. in America's Greatest Comics, no. 7 (Spring 1943). -- Appearance of Bulletgirl. -- Superhero genre. -- Data from Lou Mougin via The Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F3A45m no.7 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The King Killers" / Russell Braun. p. 30-38 in "Classic Conspiracies" Chapter 1 of The Big Book of Conspiracies / by Doug Moench and 39 of the world's top comic artists (New York : Paradox Press, 1995). -- On the Martin Luther King Jr. assassination. -- Call no.: PN6727.M64B54 1995 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Kryptonian Killer!" (Supergirl) 13 p. in Action Comics, no. 323 (Apr. 1965). -- Appearance of Superman. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.323 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Kryptonite Killer!" (Superman) 10 p. in Action Comics, no. 294 (Nov. 1962). -- Appearance of Lex Luthor. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.294 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Levantine Group"* (Modesty Blaise, 8839) / by Peter O'Donnell ; drawn by Romero. -- Appeared July 30, 1997 in Detroit Free Press. -- Summary: No need to call the police, we'd be stuck in red tape for days; this is the team hired to kill Carol before she can inherit. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "Red Tape" ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Lightning Killer"* (Cliff Crosby) 6 p. in Detective Comics, no. 56 (Oct. 1941). -- Data from Gene Reed. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3D4m no.56 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Maniac Killer"* (Snappy Sammy Smoot) / Skip Williamson. 6 p. in Bijou Funnies, no. 6 (1971). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.K5B45no.6 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Mission: Catch a Killer" (Manhunter from Mars) / Denny O'Neil, story ; Mike Nasser and Terry Austin, art. 6 p. in Adventure Comics, no. 449 (Jan./Feb. 1977). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A3no.449 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Ms. Vampire Killer" / Don Glut, story ; E.R. Cruz, art. 4 p. in House of Secrets, no. 121 (July 1974) -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3H62no.121 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "My Killer, the Car!" (Spider-Man) 17 p. in Amazing Spider-Man, no. 160 (Sept. 1976). -- Call no.: PN6728.3.M3A5no.160 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "My Wife is on that Satellite, Killer!"* (Flash Gordon, Aug. 12, 1960) / Dan Barry. -- Summary: The doctor tries to stop the mob beating Steve. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "mobs" ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "No Coffin for a Killer" (Outlaw) / Gil Kane, art. 14 p. in All-Star Western, no. 4 (Feb./Mar. 1971). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.N3A5no.4 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. The Panty Killer / Rutu Modan ; translated by Noah Stollman. -- Tel Aviv, Israel : Actus Tragicus, 2001. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Actus Box Series) -- Call no.: PN6790 .I83M6P3 2001 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Plague of Spotted Killers" (Sheena, Queen of the Jungle) / by W. Morgan Thomas ; art: Robert Webb. p. 1-12 in Jumbo Comics, no. 42 (Aug. 1942). -- Title from cover. -- Summary: The Leopard Men join the Nazis. -- Data from Lou Mougin via The Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: Film 15791 r.155 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. Portrait of a Killer / story by Kazuo Koike ; art by Ryoichi Ikegami. -- San Francisco : Viz Communications, 1990. -- ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Viz Graphic Novel) -- Complete in 2 pts. -- LIBRARY HAS: pt. 1-2. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 K64P6 1990 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. Portrait of a Killer / story by Kazuo Koike ; art by Ryoichi Ikegami. -- London : Manga Books, 1995. -- ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Crying Freeman) -- Complete in 2 v. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 K64P6 1995 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. Preacher Special : Saint of Killers / Garth Ennis, Steve Pugh. -- New York : DC Comics, 1996. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Vertigo) -- Complete in 4 nos. -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-4. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.D3P675 1996 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Priest Killer" (Bulto) / Jaxon. p. 11-24 in Death Rattle, v. 2, no. 15 (Mar. 1988). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.K5D4v.2no.15 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. Purgatori : God Killer. -- Scottsdale, AZ : Chaos! Comics, 2002. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 2 nos. -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-2. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.C47P77 2002 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. Rack & Pain : Killers. -- Scottsdale, AZ : Chaos! Comics, 1996-1997. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 4 nos. -- Superhero and horror genres. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 2-4. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.C47K5 1996 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. Retief : Giant Killer / Keith Laumer. -- Westlake Village, CA : Adventure Comics, 1991. -- 28 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- "#1, September, 1991." -- Cover title: Keith Laumer's Retief : The Giant Killer. -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.A3R425 1991 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Roach Killer (2)" / by Jacques Tardi & Benjamin Legrand ; lettering by Monisha Sheth. p. 69-80 in Cheval Noir, no. 11 (Sept. 1990). -- Plates numbered 12-22. -- "To be continued." -- Call no.: PN6720.C47no.11 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Roach Killer, part 3" / by Jacques Tardi and Benjamin Legrand ; lettering by Monisha Sheth. p. 3-11 in Cheval Noir, no. 12 (Oct. 1990). -- "To be continued." -- Call no.: PN6720.C47no.12 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Rocky Lane Ropes a Killer" 1 p. in The Marvel Family, no. 40 (Oct. 1949) -- Carnation Malted Milk ad strip. -- Call no.: Film 15791r.61 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Saber-Killers" / by Capt. Weston ; art: Chuck Miller. 6 p. in Wings Comics, no. 117 (Fall 1952). -- Data from Lou Mougin via The Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F5W5no.117 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Singing Killer" (Hopalong Cassidy) / Harry Parkhurst, art. 7 p. in Master Comics, no. 39 (June 4, 1943). -- A villain called El Diablo is introduced. -- Western genre. -- Data from Bob Klein, Lou Mougin, and Jim Vadeboncoeur via The Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: Film 15791r.88 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Sub Killers" 4 p. in The American Air Forces, no. 7 (A-1 no. 54) (Aug. 1952) -- Non-fiction feature. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.M27A2no.54 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. Thrillkiller. -- New York : DC Comics, 1997. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 3 nos. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-3. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.D3T474 1997 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. Time Killers. -- Toms River, N.J. : S.Q.P. Inc., 199?- . -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Fleetway Quality." -- Science fiction. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6738.T497 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. True Crime. v. 2, Serial Killers & Mass Murderers / by Valarie Jones & Peggy Collier ; illustrated by Jon Bright. -- Forestville, CA : Eclipse Books, 8993. -- 61 p. : col. ill. ; 13 x 17 cm. -- Trading cards in book format. -- Call no.: HV6786.J6 1993 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. True Crime Trading Cards [realia] -- Forestville, Calif. : Eclipse Enterprises, 1992. -- 110 cards : col. ill. ; in loose-leaf notebook, 30 cm. -- Text by Max Allan Collins, George Hagenauer, Valarie Jones, Peggy Collier ; art by Paul Lee, Jon Bright. -- CONTENTS: Series one, G-Men & Gangsters (55 cards) ; Series two, Serial Killers & Mass Murderers (55 cards) -- Call no.: HV6786.T7 1992 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Victim is a Killer" (Secret Six) / E. Nelson Bridwell, Joe Gill, story ; Jack Sparling, art. 23 p. in Secret Six, no. 6 (Feb./Mar. 1969). -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3S36no.6 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "The Wax-Double Killers"* (Hourman) / Gardner Fox, script ; Bernard Baily, art. 6 p. in Adventure Comics, no. 51 (June 1940). -- A mad scientist and his gang are introduced as villains. -- Superhero genre. -- Data from Bob Cherry, Gene Reed, Lou Mougin, et al., via Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A3m no.51 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Who is Clark Kent's Killer and Why is he Doing Those Terrible Things to Me?" (Superman) / Swan and Anderson, art ; Cary Bates, story. 19 p. in Action Comics, no. 409 (Feb. 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.409 ----------------------------------------------------- Killers. "Woods, Irons, Putters- All Killers!"* (Dick Tracy, Dec. 28, 1961) / by Chester Gould. reproduced on p. 103 of Golf in the Comic Strips, ed. by Howard Ziehm (General Publishing Group, 1997). -- Call no.: PN6726.G595 1997 ----------------------------------------------------- Killer's Cage. "In the Killer's Cage" (Wonder Woman) 14 p. in Wonder Woman, no. 15 (Winter 1945) k. Killer's Cage. k. Cages. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3W6no.15. Call no.: Film 15791. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3W6m no.15. ----------------------------------------------------- "Killer's Destiny" / by S.T. Harrie. 2 p. text in Jumbo Comics, no. 47 (Jan. 1943). -- Call no.: Film 15791r.196 ----------------------------------------------------- "Killers Incorporated" / by Nathaniel Nitkin. p. 54-55 (text) in Captain Marvel Junior, no. 6 (Apr. 21, 1943) I. Nitkin, Nathaniel. k. Corporations. Call no.: Film 15791 r.87 ----------------------------------------------------- "Killer's Kraal" (Sheena) / by W. Morgan Thomas ; art: Robert Webb. 12 p. in Jumbo Comics, no. 41 (July 1942). -- Title from cover-- Data from Lou Mougin via The Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: Film 15791r.155 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Killers of Shark Pool" (Lance O'Casey) 6 p. in Whiz Comics, no. 154 (Apr. 1953). -- Call no.: Film 15791 r.96 ----------------------------------------------------- "Killers of the Bund" (Captain America) / Joe Simon, Jack Kirby, script ; Jack Kirby, pencils ; Joe Simon, inks. 10 p. in Captain America Comics, no. 5 (Aug. 1941) ; reprinted in Fantasy Masterpieces, no. 5 (Oct. 1966). -- Appearance of the Sentinels of Liberty. -- Data from Lou Mougin and Tony R. Rose via Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.M3C3m no.5 ----------------------------------------------------- "Killers of the Crypt" (Sheena) / art: Robert Webb. 12 p. in Jumbo Comics, no. 145 (Mar. 1951). -- Title from cover. -- Data from Lou Mougin via The Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: Film 15791r.283 ----------------------------------------------------- "Killer's Return" / by Mickey Spillane. 2 p. text in Marvel Mystery Comics, no. 31 (May 1942). -- Data from Lou Mougin and Tony Rose, via Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.M3M3no.31 ----------------------------------------------------- "Killer's Swap" 1 p. text in Catman Comics, no. 32 (Aug. 1946) k. Swapping. Call no.: PN6728.1.H6C3no.32 ----------------------------------------------------- Killer's Town / Lee Falk. -- New York : Avon, 1973. -- 156 p. ; 18 cm. -- (The Story of the Phantom ; 9) I. Falk, Lee. II. The Phantom. III. Series. Call no.: PS3511.A45K5 1973 ----------------------------------------------------- "Killer's Trademark" 2 p. text in Crime Must Pay the Penalty, no. 16 (Oct. 1950). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.A2C7no.16 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Killers Who Wouldn't Forget" 7 p. in Crime Must Pay the Penalty, no. 26 (June 1952). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.A2C7no.26 ----------------------------------------------------- Killgrave. "Call Him Killgrave!" (Daredevil). 21 p. in Daredevil, no. 88 (June 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.3.M3D3no.88 ----------------------------------------------------- "Killgrave, the Unbelievable Purple Man" (Daredevil) 22 p. in Daredevil, no. 4 (Oct. 1964); reprinted in Marvel Super-Heroes, no. 24 (Jan. 1970); reprinted in Marvel Masterworks, v. 17. -- Call no.: PN6728.3.M3D3no.4. Call no.: PN6728.3.M3F34no.24. Call no.: PN6728.D3M3 1991 ----------------------------------------------------- Killian, Kevin. Index entry (p. 158) in Dangerous Drawings, ed. by Andrea Juno (New York : Juno Books, 1997). -- Call no.: PN6725.D245 1997 ----------------------------------------------------- Killibinbin (Nan Fullarton). Index entry (p. 65, 103, 119) in Panel by Panel : A History of Australian Comics, by John Ryan (Stanmore, NSW : Cassell Australia, 1979). -- Index by John Melloy. -- Call no.: PN6790.A8R9 ----------------------------------------------------- Killien, Christi. Rusty Fertlanger, Lady's Man / Christi Killien. -- Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1988. -- 133 p. ; 22 cm. -- Summary: A high-school comics artist faces humiliation when he is scheduled to wrestle a girl in a public match. I. Killien, Christi. Call no.: PS3561.I375R8 1988 ----------------------------------------------------- Killies. "Captain Corey's Curiosity Corner" (text) 2 p. in Atomic Bunny, no. 13 (Oct. 1958) -- Non-fiction about swimming, dahlias, and killies (a kind of small fish). k. Swimming. k. Dahlias. k. Killies. Call no.: PN6728.2.C47A77no.13 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Killing" / Jack Oleck, script ; Bill Draut, art. 8 p. in House of Mystery, no. 255 (Nov./Dec. 1977). -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3H6no.255 -----------------------------------------------------
KillingSee also |
----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Arena Kill" (Killraven) / Marv Wolfman and Don McGregor, story ; Craig Russell, pencils ; Jack Abel, inks. 17 p. in Amazing Adventures, no. 37 (July 1976) -- Data from George Olshevsky. I. [Each creator]. II. Killraven. k. Killing. Call no.: PN6728.4.M3A5no.37 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Before This Night Is Over, Superman Will Kill!" (Superman) / Martin Pasko, story ; Curt Swan and Dan Adkins, art. 17 p. in Superman, no. 314 (Aug. 1977) I. [Each creator] II. Superman. III. Superman Will Kill. k. Nights. k. Killing. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.314 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Born to be Superman!" (Superman) / Paul Kupperberg, writer ; Carmine Infantino, penciller ; Bob Oksner, inker ; Milton Snapinn, letterer ; Gene D'Angelo, colorist ; Julius Schwartz, editor. 24 p. in Superman, no. 404 (Feb. 1985). -- Summary (by Mary Walker): Superman suddenly lost his powers at 16 and is now married to Lana Lang. He is a supermarket executive. Luthor recalls being in prison having been tried as an adult and sentenced to 20 years of which he served 13 before parole. He would have served longer if they could have proven he killed Superboy. He wishes Superboy were still alive so he could 'have the pleasure of killing him all over again!'. Kent becomes more uncomfortable with his powerlessness with Lana thinking that it has become an obsession. She recalls how she and Pete Ross found the unconscious Superboy and got him home. Luthor stages a comeback with Superman there to meet him. Superman reveals how he tried to use the various forms of kryptonite to regain his powers and created a belt which gives him a semblance of them. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.404 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. Born to Kill / Tang Lung Hum, story ; Barry Blair, Angel de Mioche, artwork. -- Newbury Park, CA : Aircel Comics, 1991. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 3 nos. -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-3. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.A36B6 1991 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Boy, Do I Hate Golf"* (Betty, Mar. 31, 1994) / D&R. -- Summary: Too much tension on the backswing, Dad's trying to kill the button. -- Key words: Video games, swings, thumbs. Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "Video Games" ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Bringing 'em Back Dead, for Our Great Museums" p. 38-42 in True Sport Picture Stories, v. 3, no. 2 (Aug. 1945). -- Summary: Describes the killing of a whole family of gorillas in West Africa, for a "habitat group" in a U.S. natural history museum. -- Call no.: Film 23261 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Bucky, That was a Hat"* (Get Fuzzy, June 13, 2002) / by Darby Conley. -- Summary: Bucky talks about killing a raccoon with his bare paws, and Satchel reminds him of what really happened. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "raccoons" ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "But Don't Think I Won't Do It!"* (The Boondocks, Aug. 18, 2000) / Aaron McGruder. -- Summary: Granddad says if he has to mow the lawn himself he'll have a stroke and die and then he'll have to kill Huey, not necessarily in that order. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "lawnmowing" ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Clouds that Killed" 9 p. in U.S. Fighting Air Force, no. 2 (Nov. 1952). -- Call no.: PN6734.U2no.2 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Coffee, Tea, or Kill" / Carl Wessler, story ; E. R. Cruz, art. 7 p. in Witching Hour, no. 72 (July 1977). -- Data from M. Tiefenbacher. -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3W5no.72 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Cold Warriors" (Colossus) / Ann Nocenti, writer ; Rick Leonardi, penciler ; P. Craig Russell, inker. 8 p. in Marvel Comics Presents, no. 11 (Late Jan. 1989) (God's Country ; part 2) -- Summary: Colossus interrupts the killing of a child by an anti-communist covert U.S. government agency. k. Warriors. k. Children. k. Killing. k. Anti-communism. k. Covert operations. k. U.S. government. I. Nocenti, Ann. II. Leonardi, Rick. III. Russell, P. Craig. IV. Series. Call no.: PN6728.5.M3M23no.11 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Colonel Killing" / by Jim Burns. wraparound cover of Heavy Metal, v. 1, no. 12 (Mar. 1978). -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.1no.12 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Commando Kill" / by R.W. Colt ; art: Bob Lubbers. 6 p. in Rangers Comics, no. 59 (June 1951). -- Korean war story. -- Data from Lou Mougin via The Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: Film 15791r.308 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Crazy for the Kill" / George Kashdan, story ; Gerry Talaoc, art. 7 p. in Witching Hour, no. 75 (Nov. 1977). -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3W5no.75 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. A Dame to Kill For : A Tale from Sin City / Frank Miller. -- Milwaukie, OR : Dark Horse Comics, 1994. -- 204 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Genre: Detective. -- Call no.: PN6727.M48D25 1994 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. A Dame to Kill For : a Tale from Sin City / Frank Miller. -- Milwaukie, OR : Dark Horse Comics, 1995. -- 2nd trade paperback ed. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Detective. -- Call no.: PN6727.M48D25 1995 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Daniel Boone" 1 p. in Silver Streak Comics, no. 2 (Jan. 1940) -- "If Daniel Boone had not known how to kill two birds with one bullet, Indians might have massacred the people of Boonesborough." -- Inside front cover. -- Call no.: Film 15791, r.163 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "The Day They Killed Clark Kent" (Superman) / Curt Swan and Murphy Anderson, art ; Geoff Browne, story. 8 p. in Action Comics, no. 404 (Sept. 1971). -- (A Secret Chapter in the Life of Clark Kent) -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.404 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Dressed to Kill" (Archie's Pal Jughead) 6 p. in Archie Comics, no. 51 (July/Aug. 1951). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.A7A7no.51 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "The Drive that Kills" (Capt. Marvel Jr.) 10 p. in Captain Marvel Jr., no. 48 (Apr. 1947) -- A golf story. I. Captain Marvel Jr. k. Golf. k. Killing. Call no.: PN6728.1.F3C32no.48 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Escape to Eternity" / McCarthy & Zakarin. 6 p. in He-Man, no. 2 (July 1954). -- (A True "He-Man" Adventure) -- Summary: Joe Tucker, an unemployed pilot, takes a job flying Korak, a Red spy, out of the country. Korak then tries to kill Joe, but Korak's other prisoner Erica has a gun and saves the day. "You Commies are born losers," says Joe. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.T56H4no.2 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "The Gun that Couldn't Stop Killing" 7 p. in Witching Hour, no. 43 (June 1974). -- Data from G. Reed. -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3W5no.43 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "High Death!" 5 p. in He-Man, no. 2 (July 1954). -- (A True "He-Man" Adventure) -- Summary: A circus aerialist is on a high bridge planning a suicide jump, and a policeman climbs up to talk her down. "You're young! You're pretty! You've got everything to live for!" Then another aerialist comes along and tries to kill them both. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.T56H4no.2 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "How Shall I Kill Thee? Let Me Count the Ways!" (Black Widow) 10 p. in Amazing Adventures, no. 8 (Sept. 1971) I. Black Widow. k. Killing. k. Counting. k. How Do I Love Thee? Call no.: PN6728.4.M3A5no.8 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "I Don't Care What You Do Dear, as Long as You're Happy" / A.B. Sens. p. 80 in Evergreen Review, no. 47 (June 1967) -- Sequence of 3 drawings in which a man kills his wife. -- Call no.: folio AP2.E884no.47 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "I Fought the Man Who Couldn't be Killed!" 4 p. in Fear, no. 1 (Nov. 1970). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.M3F4no.1 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "I Have Eternal Life, and It's Killing Me!" / T. Boxell. 8 p. in Death Rattle, no. 1 (June 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.K5D4no.1 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "I Refuse to Answer on the Grounds that my Answer Would get me Killed"* (Beetle Bailey, Apr. 6, 1991) / by Mort Walker. p. 112 in Battered Husbands (Redondo Beach, CA : H. Gregory Associates, 1991). -- Summary: Mrs. Halftrack complains that Amos is gone all day when he plays golf, and asks why he doesn't take up the shorter game of tennis. -- Call no.: PN6231.H8G75 1991 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "The Infidel Poet Hides Well"* (Pogo, Apr. 4, 1989) / Doyle & Sternecky. -- Summary: Two cowbirds are on a mission (apparently looking for Salman Rushdie); one almost makes a rhyme and the other would have had to kill him in poetic justice. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "poetic justice" ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "The Inheritor Kills!" (Metal Men) / Gerry Conway, writer ; Joe Staton, artist. 17 p. in Metal Men, no. 56 (Feb./Mar. 1978). -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3M4no.56 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "It's Impossible to be an Environmental Threat by Heredity!"* (Doog and Blair, Apr. 29, 1994) / by Mark Ilich. -- Summary: Blair has an urge to kill passenger pigeons for a stew. -- College strip, from the State News (East Lansing, Mich.) -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "pigeons" ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Jesus Christ, Lawnmower" (Fetus-X, Aug. 7, 2000) -- Summary: Jesus appears to kill a dog named spot with his lawnmower. -- Strip "deemed not suitable" for The State News (East Lansing, Mich.); a website printout is filed in the library. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "lawnmowers" ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Killer Golf Clubs"* (Dick Tracy, Dec. 27, 1961) / by Chester Gould. reproduced on p. 103 of Golf in the Comic Strips, ed. by Howard Ziehm (General Publishing Group, 1997). -- Summary: Mr. Pardee has accidentally killed a woman with a golf shot. -- Call no.: PN6726.G595 1997 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "The Lady's Not for Killing!" (Ms. Marvel) / Chris Claremont, writer ; John Buscema, artist ; Gerry Conway, plot ; Joe Sinnott, inks. 17 p. in Ms. Marvel, no. 3 (Mar. 1977) -- Call no.: PN6728.4.M3M73no.3 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "The Legionnaire Who Killed" (Legion of Super-Heroes) / Edmond Hamilton, story ; Curt Swan and Sheldon Moldoff and George Klein, art. 16 p. in Adventure Comics, no. 342 (Mar. 1966) ; reprinted in Superboy, no. 202 (June 1974) I. Hamilton, Edmond. II. Swan, Curt. III. Moldoff, Sheldon. IV. Klein, George. V. Legion of Super-Heroes. k. Killing. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A3no.342 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "A Little War Never Killed Anybody"* (Cow & Boy, Aug. 28, 2006) / by Mark Leiknes. -- Summary: The cow is tired of the boy's complaining about war. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "war" ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "The Movie That Killed Batman" (Batman) / Dick Sprang, pencils ; Charles Paris, inks ; Bill Finger, story? 10 p. in Batman, no. 74 (Dec. 1952-Jan. 1953). -- Villain is Skid Turkel. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt and Lou Mougin, via Grand Comic-Book Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3B3m no.74 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "My Filthy Mouth is Killing Me!" (Coochy Cooty) / by Robt. Williams. 2 p. in Zap Comix, no. 12 (1989). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7Z3no.12 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Night Shadows!" 5 p. in Warfront, no. 17 (Oct. 1953) -- Summary: A coast guard sentry kills four German spies landing on an American beach, in 1944 (WWII). -- Call no.: PN6728.2.H33W3no.17 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Oh, Way to Go! Now I Have To Kill You!"* (Drabble, June 12, 1991) / Fagan. -- Summary: Norm finds out that the secret password to the Polecat Lodge is 'Open Sesame.' -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "passwords" ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "The Only Way to Kill Superman!" (Superman) 14 p. in Action Comics, no. 376 (May 1969). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.376 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "The Picture that Killed" (Star Spangled Kid) / Jerry Siegel, script ; Hal Sherman, art. 13 p. in Star Spangled Comics, no. 7 (Apr. 1942). -- Superhero genre. -- Data from Gene Reed and Jim Walls, via Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S75m no.7 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Pity Me, Please, Please Kill Me!" 8 p. in Witching Hour, no. 22 (Aug. 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3W5no.22 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "The Plot to Kill Jim Dolan"* (Jim Dolan) / James Wilcox, art ; 5 p. in Wow Comics, no. 3 (Fall 1941) -- Introduction of Zara ; villain is Orranto (introduction) -- Data from Lou Mougin of Grand Comics Database. I. Wilcox, James. II. Jim Dolan. k. Killing. k. Zara. k. Orranto. Call no.: Film 15791, r.144 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Plot to Kill the President"* (Señorita Rio) / art: Nick Cardy. 8 p. in Fight Comics, no. 21 (Oct. 1942). -- The fascist "blanquistas" of a South American country try to overthrow their government. -- Data from Gene Reed via Grand Comic Book Database. -- Call no.: Film 15791 r.148 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. Powers : Who Killed Retro Girl? / Brian Michael Bendis, Michael Avon Oeming, Pat Garrahy. -- Fullerton, CA : Image Comics, 2000. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Portions of this collection were originally presented in Powers, v. 1, no. 1-6. -- Organized crime, detective. -- Call no.: PN6727.B4217P6 2000 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Revenge!" 4 p. in Warfront, no. 17 (Oct. 1953) -- Korean War story: Johnny Rektor's best friend was killed by the enemy while a prisoner of war, and in a rage Johnny rips out the radio wires in his jet plane and becomes a 'one-man atrocity avenger', until he runs out of ammunition and is shot down by his own artillery. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.H33W3no.17 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Ritual and Sadism"* / Yves Chaland. p. 18-23 in Heavy Metal, v. 2, no. 10 (Feb. 1979). -- Story without words about the ritual killing of a girl on an altar, and the pulling off of the wings of an insect. -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.2no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Season's Greetings" / Moebius. 2 p. in Moebius 1/2 (Anaheim, CA : Graphitti Designs, 1991). -- Summary: A gang member pretends to help an old lady in order to rob her; she turns out to be a good fairy so he kills her and takes her jewelry. -- Originally in Hara-Kiri in 1963 or 1964. -- Call no.: PN6747.G5M6213 1991 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "The Secret Warriors". First installment. 5 p. in True Comics, no. 49 (May/June 1946) -- (lead story; pages 1-5 of magazine; featured on lower 1/3 of cover) -- SUMMARY: Depicts FDR calling on William J. Donovan ("Wild Bill" Donovan, lawyer, Columbia quarterback and World War I Congressional Medal of Honor Winner) to head a new intelligence service. Covers selection and screening of recruits and their training in disguise, stealth, killing, concealment, and forging documents. 1. United States. Office of Strategic Services. k. Roosevelt, Franklin D. k. Donovan, William J. k. Lawyers. k. Columbia University. k. Quarterbacks. k. World War I. k. Congressional Medal of Honor. k. Intelligence service. k. Recruiting. k. Training. k. Disguise. k. Stealth. k. Killing. k. Concealment. k. Forgery. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.49 ------------------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Shoot to Kill" (Señorita Rio) / art: Bob Lubbers. 10 p. in Fight Comics, no. 45 (Aug. 1946). -- Data from Gene Reed via Grand Comic Book Database. -- Call no.: Film 15791 r.112 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. Sin City : The Big Fat Kill / Frank Miller. -- Milwaukie, Ore. : Dark Horse Comics, 1994-1995. -- Complete in 5 nos. -- Detective genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-5. -- Call no.: PN6727.M48S53 1994 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Something to Kill For!" 3 p. in Justice Traps the Guilty, no. 58 (=v. 7, no. 4) (Jan. 1954). -- "There were three of them. Three old men in a charity home for the aged. Three men chained to their beds by legs that would no longer carry them, and one of them was envious." -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P7J8no.58 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Die Spur des Gletscher-Dämons" p. 3-14 in Gespenster Geschichten, Nr. 76 (1975?). -- Summary: Scientists from Europe hunt and kill the Yeti, thereby depriving the Tibetan village of its protection from rest of the monsters of the mountains. -- Call no.: PN6758.G38Nr.76 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "The Spy Who Killed Me!" (Iron Man) / David Micheline, script & plot ; John Romita Jr., pencils ; Bob Layton, finished art & plot. 17 p. in Iron Man, no. 117 (Dec. 1978) -- Call no.: PN6728.3.M3 I7no.117 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Star-Kill!" (Superman) / Marv Wolfman, writer ; Curt Swan, penciller ; Frank Chiaramonte, inker. 19 p. in Action Comics, no. 528 (Feb. 1982) -- Features Brainiac. I. [Each creator] II. Superman. k. Killing. k. Brainiac. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.528 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Stop Beating, Heart! You're Killing Me!" 8 p. in Witching Hour, no. 19 (Feb./Mar. 1972). -- Data from M. Tiefenbacher. -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3W5no.19 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Strop! You're Killing Me!" / Bill Elder. p. 106-112 in Those Were the Terrible, Shocking, Sensational, Appalling, Forbidden, But Simply Wonderful Horror Comics of the 1950's (New York : Nostalgia Press, 1971). -- Reprinted from Tales from The Crypt, no. 37 (Aug./Sept. 1953). -- Involves a fire station, a new fire chief, and a razor-sharp descent pole. -- Call no.: NC1426.T45 ------------------------------------------------------ Killing. "T.O. Morrow Kills the Justice League, Today!" (Justice League of America) / Gardner Fox, story ; Dick Dillin and Sid Greene, art. 23 cm. in Justice League of America, no. 65 (Sept. 1968) -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3J8no.65 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "These Things'll Kill Ya"* (Jump Start, June 18, 1997) / Armstrong. -- Summary: Ashburn says non-smokers exaggerate the dangers of smoking; Joe reads the new cigarette warning label. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "smoking" ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "They Won't Bother to Punish Me, They'll Kill Me!"* (Buckles, Aug. 25, 2005) / David Gilbert. -- Summary: Buckles has crashed the paper boy's bicycle. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "punishment" ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Thou Shalt Not Kill (Except While in Uniform)"* / A.B. Sens. p. 45 in Evergreen Review, no. 42 (Aug. 1966) -- Sequence of 5 commandments. -- Call no.: folio AP2.E884no.42 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. Thrill Kill / Mark Winfrey, creator-storyteller ; Dan McKinnon, letters. -- Plymouth, MI : Caliber Press, 1991. -- 32 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Vol. 1, no. 1". -- "This edition reprints material which first appeared in the first four issues of Caliber Presents." -- Superhero and science fiction genres. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.C3T43 1991 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Time to Kill" / Carl Wessler, story ; Jess Jodloman, art. 3 p. in Witching Hour, no. 60 (Nov. 1975). -- Data from M. Tiefenbacher. -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3W5no.60 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "To Kill a Mockingbird!" (Secret Six) / E. Nelson Bridwell & Joe Gill, script ; Jack Sparling, art. 24 p. in Secret Six, no. 3 (Aug./Sept. 1968). -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3S36no.3 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "To Kill a Spider-Man!" (Spider-Man) 20 p. in The Amazing Spider-Man, no. 58 (Mar. 1968) ; reprinted in Marvel Tales, no. 30. -- Call no.: PN628.3.M3A5no.58. ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "To Kill a Vampire!" (Dracula) 19 p. in Tomb of Dracula, no. 13 (Oct. 1973). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.M3T6no.13. ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Weed Kill"* (Between Friends, July 8, 1999) / Bell-Lundy. -- Summary: The death of a dandelion in a fog of spray interrupts the perusal of a issue of Organic Gardening. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "weeds" ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. Who Killed Junior? -- Clovis, CA : Right-to-Life, 1973. -- 20 p. : ill. ; 8 x 13 cm. -- Cover stamped: Abilene Right-to-Life Committee. -- Topic: Abortion. -- Genre: Political. -- Call no.: HQ767.5.U5W6 1973 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Who Must I Kill Tonight?" / George Kashdan, story ; Ruben Yandoc, art. 8 p. in Witching Hour, no. 47 (Oct. 1974). -- Data from M. Tiefenbacher. -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3W5no.47 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "Who Will Kill Gigantus?" / George Kashdan, story ; Alfredo P. Alcala, art. 8 p. in The Unexpected, no. 157 (May/June 1974). -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3T3no.157 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "With These Rings, I Thee Kill!" (The Inhumans) 10 p. in Amazing Adventures, no. 4 (Jan. 1971). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.M3A5no.4 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. Wolverine : Killing / John Ney Reiber, Kent Williams, Sherilyn Van Valkenburgh. -- New York : Marvel Comics, 1993. -- 47 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.R38W6 1993 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. X-Men : God Loves, Man Kills / by Christopher Claremont and Brent Eric Anderson. -- Special ed. -- New York : Marvel Comics, 2003. -- 72 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Includes an afterword by Chris Claremont, consisting of 5 text pages dated 2003. -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.C55G6 2003 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "You Can't Kill a Corpse" / Carl Wessler, story ; Romy Gamboa, art. 4 p. in Witching Hour, no. 49 (Dec. 1974). -- Data from M. Tiefenbacher. -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3W5no.49 ----------------------------------------------------- Killing. "You Can't Kill a Guy for Trying" (An Archie Story) 2 p. text in Archie Comics, no. 15 (July/Aug. 1945). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.A7A7no.15 -----------------------------------------------------On down the list