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Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection
"Histories" to "History"

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Histories : a Kane book / by Paul Grist. -- Sheffield, England
   : Dancing Elephant Press, 1997. -- 134 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
   -- (Kane ; 3) -- "This book collects Kane issues 9 to 12".
   -- Call no.: PN6737.G76H5 1997
   Scout Handbook : an Atlas to Survival in New America :
   maps, histories, weapons, tactical equipment, character
   dossiers / Catherine Yronwode, editor ; Timothy Truman,
   creative coordinator, text. -- Forestville, CA : Eclipse
   Comics, 1987. -- 32 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Call no.:
   PN6725.T73S35 1987
Histories of Comics
Entered in this index under Books about Comics
Histories of comics.
   Index entry (p. 159-160, 361) to Principes des Littératures
   Dessinées / Harry Morgan (Angoulême : Editions de l'An 2,
   2003). -- Call no.: PN6710.M57 2003
Historieta : la Imaginación al Cuadrado / Marcelo Birmajer. --
   Buenos Aires : Ediciones Dialéctica, 1988. -- 157 p. : ill.
   ; 22 cm. -- (Colección Culturas y Sociedad) -- Essays about
   comics. -- Call no.: PN6710.B53 1988
Historieta ; 4
   Luis Lorenzo y el Rescate de Matías Pérez / Pedro Péglez
   González. -- La Habana : Editorial Pablo de la Torriente,
   1991. -- 24 p. ; 15 cm. -- (Historieta ; 4) -- About a
   comics hero by comics artist Luis Lorenzo Sosa (1937-). --
   Call no.: PN6790.C9P4 1991
La Historieta Argentina : una Historia / Judith Gociol, Diego
   Rosemberg. -- Buenos Aires : Ediciones de la Flor, 2000. --
   606 p. : ill. ; 32 cm. -- History of Argentine comics. --
   Includes bibliographical references and indexes. -- Call
   no.: PN6790.A7G6 2000
"Historieta Brasileña Actual y sus Perspectivas" / Waldomiro
   Vergueiro. p. 23-32 in La Revista Latinoamericana de
   Estudios sobre la Historieta, v. 2, no. 5 (Mar. 2002). --
   Presented at the 7th Encuentro Internacional de
   Historietistas, Havana, Feb. 2002. -- Resumen: "Con un
   estudio actualizado de las publicaciones recientes in
   Brasil, el autor analiza, cuestiona y propone en forma
   pormenorizada sobre el actual de las historietas en el país
   y las posibilidades de su desarrollo en el futuro próximo.
   El equilibrio entre las obras nacionales y las importadas,
   así como las probabilidades para los nuevos talentos están
   expuestas de acuerdo son los resultados obtenidos en la
   investigación del comportamiento de las publicaciones en
   las distintas casas editoras." -- Summary: "With an updated
   study of recent publications in Brazil, the author
   analyzes, questions and presents in detailed form the
   present state of comic strips in the country and on the
   possibilities of their development in the near future. The
   balance between national works and imported ones, as well
   as the probabilities for new talents are described in the
   context of results obtained in investigating the
   publication policies of the different publishing houses."
   -- Abstracts as published with the article, with some
   editing of the English. -- Includes illustrations and
   bibliographical references. -- Call no.:
"Historieta Chilena Post Dictadura Renaciendo en la Década del
   Ochenta" / Christian Gutiérrez (Christiano). p. 33-42 in La
   Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre la Historieta, v.
   2, no. 5 (Mar. 2002). -- Presented at the 7th Encuentro
   Internacional de Historietistas, Havana, Feb. 2002. --
   Resumen: "Las últimas dos décadas del siglo pasado, vistas
   en la recopilación de las revistas de historietas chilenas.
   Un recorrido donde la autogestión parece ser el almo
   protagonista de un grupo de apasionados testarudos." --
   Abstract: "The last two decades of the past century, viewed
   in the compilation of the Chilean comics magazines. A
   picture in which self-direction seems to be the guiding
   principle of a stubborn and passionate group." -- Abstracts
   as published with the article, with some editing of the
   English. -- Includes illustrations. -- Call no.:
Historieta Cubana. -- La Habana : Editorial P. de la
   Torriente, 1993. -- 98 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- Cover title:
   Historietas Cubanas. -- Call no.: PN6790.C93H5 1993
"La Historieta en Chile" / Cristian Eric Díaz Castro. p. 75-92
   in Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre la Historieta,
   v. 2, no. 6 (Junio 2002). -- Resumen: "Comenzando el siglo
   XXI la narrativa grafica se ha ganado un lugar en el campo
   del lenguaje. Contar una historia usando imágenes y textos
   complementarios se ha consolidado con un verdadero arte.
   Sin embargo, este lenguaje no tiene la adecuada atención en
   todos los países, en este caso Chile. Allí este oficio se
   ha desarrollado lenta pero constantemente duranto el siglo
   XX muy influenciada por el estilo europeo en un comienzo,
   el estilo norteamericano desde la década del cincuenta y el
   modo japonés los últimos años, todos los trabajos
   supeditados al desarrollo tecnológico. Para comprender la
   no presencia chilena en la historia mundial de las revistas
   de historietas debe decirse: hay pocos trabajos literarios
   sobre la historia de la historieta chilena; esos libros o
   ensayos nombran solo unos pocos autores y títulos; ellos
   han sido publicados de vez en cuando; solo los iluminados
   pueden llegar a estas apreciaciones históricas. Rescatar y
   recuperar este patrimonio es el objetivo de esta
   investigación cuyo contentido intenta mostrar al mundo la
   idiosincrasia chilena hecha de tinta y papel. Así que,
   agárrense bien, porque el viaje en el tiempo ha comzado."
   -- Summary: As of the beginning of the 21st century,
   graphic storytelling has gained a place in literature.
   Telling stories with complementary images and text is
   established as a real art. However, this form isn't getting
   appropriate attention in all countries, in this case Chile.
   There this craft has developed slowly but constantly during
   the 20th century, very influenced by the European style in
   the beginning, the North American style since the fifties,
   and the Japanese way in recent years, all subject to then
   current technical developments. To understand the Chilean
   non-presence in the world's history of comic books, it must
   be said: There are few serious works about the history of
   Chilean comic books; those books or essays only name a few
   authors and titles; they appear rarely ; and only a few can
   get their hands on these historic appreciations. This
   research aims to rescue and recover this patrimony, and
   show the world the Chilean idiom in ink and paper. So, hang
   on because the time trip is beginning!" -- Abstracts as
   printed with the article, with some editing of the English.
   -- Includes illustrations and a chronology of publishing
   events from 1900 to 1923. -- Call no.: PN6790.L29R4v.2no.6
"La Historieta en Chile, 2" / Cristian Eric Díaz Castro. p.
   153-176 in Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre la
   Historieta, v. 2, no. 7 (Sept. 2002). -- Covers the period
   1924-1949. -- Resumen: "En este periodo los cómics
   extranjeros marcaban la pauta para la producción nacional y
   tímidamente se acepta el uso del bocadillo en las viñetas.
   El estilo de dibujo es clásico, monótono y de varias
   calidades pero algunos autores juegan con los estilos y se
   destacan nombres como Jorge Delano, Christie, Core, Percy,
   Nato, Alhue, y Pepo. Ester periodo comienza con la llegada
   de los suplementos de cómics como Don Fausto, pasando por
   la época de gloria de El Peneca, y Topaze, y sus
   imitaciones, y termina con la aparición del más famoso de
   los personajes de cómics chilenos: Condorito." -- Summary:
   "In this period foreign comic strips were setting the
   pattern for Chilean comic book production and the use of
   the balloon in panels is hesitantly accepted. The drawing
   style is classic, monotonous and of many levels of quality,
   but some cartoonists try new ways and some names stand out,
   like Jorge Delano, Christie, Core, Percy, Nato, Alhue, and
   Pepo. This period of time begins with the arrival of weekly
   comics magazines like Don Fausto and goes up to the golden
   age of El Peneca and Topaze and their imitations. This era
   ends with the publication of the most famous Chilean comic
   book character: Condorito." -- Abstracts as published with
   the article, with some editing of the English. -- Includes
   illustrations. -- Call no.: PN6790.L29R4v.2no.7
"La Historieta en Chile (3)" / Cristian Eric Diaz Castro. p.
   219-239 in Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Sobre la
   Historieta, v. 2, no. 8 (Dic. 2002). -- Covers the years
   1950 to 1965. -- Resumen: "Durante estos años el lema de
   las revistas es cambiar o desaparecer de los quioscos.
   Colosos de antaño desaparecen a pesar de los esfuerzos
   editoriales. Sólo los genios creativos se proyectarán en el
   tiempo y siempre gracias al poder de la sátira. El
   replanteamiento va acompañado de una mejora en los medios
   de impresión. A pesar de ser una poderosa empresa Zig-Zag
   entiende que debe ir con los tiempos y los gustos del
   lector. De esta manera comienze el preámbulo de lo que será
   la época dorada del cómic chileno." -- Abstract: During
   these years the challenge for Chilean comic books is to
   change, or disappear from the newsstands. Former big guns
   disappear despite the publishers' efforts. Only the
   geniuses will survive the times, and this thanks to the
   power of satire. Technological improvements bring changes
   in publishing. The Zig-Zag publishing house understands the
   changing times and the tastes of the readers. This is how
   the preamble to the golden age of the Chilean comic book
   begins. -- Abstracts as printed with the article, with some
   editing of the English. -- Includes sample comics by Luio
   Cerna, Percy, René Olivares, Alberto Vivanco, Vicar, and
   René Ríos Boettiger (Pepo). -- Call no.:
La Historieta en Chile en la Última Década / Manuel Alcides
   Jofre. -- Santiago, Chile : CENECA, 1983. -- 82 p. ; 28 cm.
   -- Bibliography: p. 79-82. -- "CENECA" = "Centro de
   Indagación y Expresión Cultural y Artistica. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.C47J6 1983
La Historieta en el Mundo Moderno / Oscar Masotta. -- Buenos
   Aires : Paidós, 1970. -- 175 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. --
   (Biblioteca Mundo Moderno ; v. 39) -- Bibliography: p.
   174-175. -- Contents: 1. La historieta norteamericana ; 2.
   La historieta en Europa ; 3. La historieta en la Argentina.
   -- Call no.: PN6720.M28 1970
La Historieta en Europa.
   La Historieta en el Mundo Moderno / Oscar Masotta. --
   Buenos Aires : Paidós, 1970. -- 175 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. --
   (Biblioteca Mundo Moderno ; v. 39) -- Bibliography: p.
   174-175. -- Contents: 1. La historieta norteamericana ; 2.
   La historieta en Europa ; 3. La historieta en la Argentina.
   -- Call no.: PN6720.M28 1970
La Historieta en la Argentina.
   La Historieta en el Mundo Moderno / Oscar Masotta. --
   Buenos Aires : Paidós, 1970. -- 175 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. --
   (Biblioteca Mundo Moderno ; v. 39) -- Bibliography: p.
   174-175. -- Contents: 1. La historieta norteamericana ; 2.
   La historieta en Europa ; 3. La historieta en la Argentina.
   -- Call no.: PN6720.M28 1970
"La Historieta en Nicaragua."
   El Hereje Confeso / Guillermo Rothschuh Villanueva. -- León
   : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, 2000. --  131
   p. : ill. ; 22 cm. -- Contents: "Róger y su Eterno Devenir"
   p. 11-67 ; "La Historieta en Nicaragua" p. 69-78 ;
   "Anotaciones al Margen de la Caricatura" p. 79-87 ; "Dos de
   Cal y Una de Arena" p. 89-92 ; "El Burlador Burlado" p.
   93-98 ; "El Muerto está Vivo" p. 99-107 ; "Róger y Guillén,
   Caricaturistas" p. 109-117 ; "Así en la Tierra como en el
   Cielo!" p. 119-125 ; "Entrada a la Posteridad" p. 127-131.
   -- Call no.: NC1455.N5R68 2000
La Historieta Española de 1940 a 2000.
   La España del Tebeo : la Historieta Española de 1940 a 2000
   / Antonio Altarriba. -- Madrid : Espasa, 2001. -- 465 p. :
   ill. (some col.) ; 23 cm. -- (Espasa Fórum) -- Includes
   bibliographical references (p. 465). -- Book about Spanish
   comic books. -- Call no.: PN6775.A48 2001
"La Historieta Española en America (1)" p. 11-22 in Bang! no.
   6 (1971). -- Contents: "Carlos Prunés" p. 12 ; "Friday
   Foster, de Longarón" p. 13-17 ; "Legionarios del Espacio :
   Esteban Maroto Entrevistado" p. 18-21 ; "Ultima Hora" p. 22
   -- Call no.: PN6700.B35no.6
La Historieta Mexicana. -- México, D.F. : Artes de México,
   1960. -- 91 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 32 cm. -- Text in
   Spanish, summaries in English and French. -- (Artes de
   México ; no. 158) -- On Mexican comics and fotonovelas. --
   Call no.: PN6790.M4H57 1960
"La Historieta Mexicana : La Chuchería para las Horas Flacas"
   / by Alfonso Morales Carrillo. p. 14-15 in Ambiente (San
   Francisco : Galería de la Raza/Studio 24, 1990). --
   Contents page title: "Mexican Comic Books." -- Call no.:
   F870.M5A45 1990
La Historieta Mexicana en los Años Sesenta y Setenta.
   No Sólo para Niños: La Historieta Mexicana en los Años
   Sesenta y Setenta / Harold E. Hinds, Jr. y Charles M. Tatum
   ; traducción, Francisco Ledesma. -- Aguascalientes, México
   : Instituto Cultural de Aguascalientes, 2007. -- 316 p. :
   ill. ; 22 cm. -- Includes index. -- Translation of: Not
   Just for Children: The Mexican Comic Book in the Late 1960s
   and 1970s. -- Call no.: PN6790.M4H5217 2007
La Historieta Mundial.
   "Oesterheld Relata Humorísticamente su Biografía en
   Cuarenta y Un Cuadros" p. 84-88 in Revista Latinoamericana
   de Estudios Sobre la Historieta, v. 6, no. 22 (Junio 2006).
   -- (Palabra de Oesterheld, in H.G. Oesterheld, Maestro de
   los Sueños, 7) -- Summary: Humorous autobiography in the
   format of a comics script, reprinted from La Historieta
   Mundial, by Enrique Lipszyc (Editorial Lipssic, 1958). --
   Call no.: PN6790.L29R4no.22
La Historieta Norteamericana.
   La Historieta en el Mundo Moderno / Oscar Masotta. --
   Buenos Aires : Paidós, 1970. -- 175 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. --
   (Biblioteca Mundo Moderno ; v. 39) -- Bibliography: p.
   174-175. -- Contents: 1. La historieta norteamericana ; 2.
   La historieta en Europa ; 3. La historieta en la Argentina.
   -- Call no.: PN6720.M28 1970
Historieta para Niños.
   Index entry (p. 209) in Puros Cuentos I, 1874-1934 / Juan
   Manuel Aurrecoechea, Armando Bartra (México, D.F. :
   Grijalbo, 1988) Call no.: PN6790.M4A8 1988 t.1
"La Historieta Peruana (1)" / Mario Lucioni. p. 257-264 in La
   Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre la Historieta, v.
   1, no. 4 (Dic. 2001). -- Resumen: "Aun habiendo sido
   exporádica, efimera y de dibujo algo torpe, la historieta
   peruana fue original y creativa, asumiendo el reto de
   expresar un pais conflictivo que el arte con mayúscula no
   hizo suyo sino mucho después." -- Abstract: Even though
   sporadic, ephemeral and clumsily drawn, Peruvian comics
   were creative and original and took up the challenge of
   reflecting a conflicted society, in which Art with a
   capital 'A' didn't appear until much later. -- Abstracts as
   pubished with the article, with some editing of the
   English. -- Includes illustrations. -- Call no.:
"La Historieta Peruana (2)" / Mario Lucioni. p. 203-218 in
   Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Sobre la Historieta, v.
   2, no. 8 (Dic. 2002). -- Covers the 1950s through the
   1980s. -- Resumen: "En este periodo la historieta peruana
   conoce la popularidad, la proliferación (siempre relativa)
   de soportes y obras, e incluso sequía creativa. Como los
   grandes! Pero no durará." -- Abstract: In this period,
   Peruvian comics have public success, a proliferation of
   formats (relatively speaking), and even a touch of
   creativity. Like the big ones! It will not last. --
   Abstracts as printed with the article, with some editing of
   the English. -- Includes sample comics by Rubén Osorio,
   Maximino Cerezo Barredo, Javier Florez del Águila, Juan
   Acevedo, and Darko Dovdjenko (Dare). -- Call no.:
La Historieta Peruana 1 : los Primeros 80 Años, 1887-1967 :
   Galeria ICPNA San Miguel, Mayo-Julio 2003 / guión y
   curaduría, Carla Sagástegui. -- Lima : Instituto Cultural
   Peruano Norteamericano, 2003. -- 122 p. : col. ill. ; 29
   cm. -- Includes bibliographical references (p. 120). --
   Call no.: PN6790.P4H5 2003
"Historieta Política en el Chile de Allende" / Umberto Eco. p.
   46-48 in Bang! no. 12 (1975). -- Article serves as
   introduction to an episode of "Juanita la Lista" published
   in this issue of Bang! -- Call no.: PN6700.B35no.12
"La Historieta Política en el Franquismo" / Ludolfo Paramio.
   p. 14 in Bang! no. 13 (1977). -- (Dossier "Comic Político
   Bajo el Franquismo") -- Introduces the dossier. -- Call
   no.: PN6700.B35no.13
La Historieta Tica.
   Colectivo de Comic Costarricense : Recopilación Antológica
   de la Historieta Tica / compilado por Osvaldo Sequeira
   Araya. -- San José, C.R. : O. Sequeira A., 2007. -- 172 p.
   : ill. (part col.) ; 28 cm. -- Subtitle, author statement
   and imprint from cataloging in publication, p. 4. --
   Alternative genre. -- Contents: "Ciudadana Heidi" / Ariel
   Arbuola -- "La consagración del caballero (extracto)" /
   Douglas Compos, Melvin Compos -- "La estrella verde
   (fragmento)" / Allan Cedeño -- "Nina" / Rodmi Cordero,
   Robert Guillén -- "Trabajo temporal" / Francine Delgado,
   Nel Llanos -- "Tiempo" / Mario Espinoza -- "El gato barato
   presenta Los siete pecados capitales" / Pablo Granados --
   "El chupacabras/El finiquitador" / Roberto Guillén,
   Asdrúbal Piedra -- "Tierra" / Alex Monzón -- "Chichotes" /
   Francisco Munguía -- "Hombre" / Asdrúbal Piedra -- "Ley
   salvaje" / Carlos Eduarte, Francine Delgado -- "Pseudogan"
   / Carlos Eduarte -- "Gofio y la teoría #354 sobre la
   división de los planetas" / Vicky Ramos -- "Vlad Dracuela"
   / Carlos Redondo, Gustavo Salas -- "Rigoberto el
   dinosaurio" / Leo Rojas -- "Stephany 1987" / Carlos Salazar
   -- "Al y Cía" / Osvaldo Sequeira, Eduardo Velázquez -- "Un
   extraño destino" / John Timms. -- Call no.: PN6790.C662C6
Historieta y Caricatura en Bolivia / Ronald Grebe López,
   Virginia Alcalá Calvo, editores. -- La Paz : Universidad
   Católica Boliviana, 2000. -- 93 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. --
   Includes bibliographical references. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.B6H57 2000
"La Historieta y el Cine de Animación : Charla con Juan
   Padrón" / Manuel Pérez Alfaro. p. 131-136 in La Revista
   Latinoamericana de Estudios sobre la Historieta, v. 1, no.
   2 (Junio 2001). -- Interview. -- Padrón was born in 1947.
   -- Resumen: "Juan Padrón Blanco es el autor más popular en
   Cuba en el campo del cine de animación y la historieta, con
   una temprana carrera en ambos que alcanzó su climax con el
   personaje Elpidio Valdés. Actualmente reúne una
   considerable filmografia, entre ellos, varios
   largometrajes, además de sus numerosos aportes al humorismo
   gráfico." -- Abstract: Juan Padrén Blanco is the most
   popular author in Cuba in the animation and comics fields,
   with a long career in both which achieved its climax with
   his character Elipdio Valdés. Presently his filmography is
   considerable including several feature films in addition to
   many graphic humor contributions. -- Abstracts as printed
   with the article, with some editing of the English. --
   Includes illustrations. -- Call no.: PN6790.L29R4v.1no.2
Historieta y Política en los '80 : la Argentina ilustrada /
   Pablo de Santis. -- Buenos Aires, Argentina : Ediciones
   Letra Buena, 1992. -- 118 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.-- (Colección
   Transiciones ; 9)
   1. Argentine comics. 2. Argentina--Politics and
   government--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Santis, Pablo de,
   1963- II. Series. III. Ediciones Letra Buena. Call no.:
   F2849.2.S227 1992
Historietas. -- México, D.F. : Editora Sol, . -- col. ill. ;
   26 cm. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 618 (1963). -- Call no.:
Historietas : Reflexiones y Proyecciones / Cecilio Avilés. --
   La Habana : Editorial Pablo de la Torriente, 1989. -- 187
   p. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- Book about Cuban comics. -- Includes
   bibliographical references (p. 187). -- Call no.:
   PN6790.C9A9 1989
   Che nada más / Alberto Breccia, Orestes Suárez, H.G.
   Osterheld, J.L. Guerra. -- La Habana : Pablo de la
   Torriente, Editorial, 1997. -- 26 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. --
   (Historietas) -- Call no.: PN6790.C92C47 1997
Historietas (Angel Pons)
   Index entry (p. 342) in History of the Comic Strip, v. 2 /
   by David Kunzle (Berkeley, Calif. : University of
   California Press, 1990) Call no.: PN6710f.K85v.2
Historietas a Diario : las Tiras Cómicas Argentinas de Mafalda
   a Nuestros Días / Hernán Martignone, Mariano Prunes. --
   Buenos Aires : Libraria Ediciones, 2008. -- 150 p. : ill. ;
   23 cm. -- Includes bibliographical references (p. 149-150).
   -- Call no.: PN6790.A7M37 2008
Historietas, Comics y Tebeos Españoles / CRLMC ; Viviane Alary
   éd. ; prólogo de Roman Gubern. -- Toulouse : Presses
   Universitaires du Mirail, 2002. -- 242 p. : ill. ; 16 x 24
   cm. -- (Hespérides. Espagne) -- "Ouvrage publié avec l'aide
   du centre de recherches sur les littératures modernes et
   contemporaines, CRLMC, Université Blaise Pascal,
   Clermont-Ferrand." -- Includes bibliographical references
   (p. 230-232) and index. -- Call no.: PN6775.H5 2002
Historietas Cubanas.
   Historieta Cubana. -- La Habana : Editorial P. de la
   Torriente, 1993. -- 98 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- Cover title:
   Historietas Cubanas. -- Call no.: PN6790.C93H5 1993
Historietas de Babiano.
   Index entry (p. 207) in Historia del Comic Español,
   1875-1939, by Antonio Martín (Barcelona : Editorial Gustavo
   Gili, 1978) -- Call no.: PN6775.M37 1978
Historietas de Ines, Aldo y Beto / diseno e ilustraciones,
   Orestes Suarez Lemus ; guion Ernesto Padron Blanco. -- La
   Habana : Editora Abril, 1988. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. --
   (Coleccion Pucho)
   1. Adventure story comics. I. Suarez Lemus, Orestes, 1950-
   II. Padron Blanco, Ernesto, 1948-   III. Series. a. Cuban
   comics. Call no.: PN6790.C93S8 1988
Historietas de La República.
   Alien. -- Montevideo : La República, 1992- . -- ill. ; 28
   cm. -- Began with: Año 1, no. 1 (8 de setiembre de 1992).
   -- "Revista semanal de historietas internacionales editada
   por el diaro La República." -- Cover title: Alien :
   Historietas de La República. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-8
   (1992). -- Call no.: PN6790.U74A45
"Historietas de la Vida Real."
   "Comics, Etc." 79 p. in Poliester, v. 2, no. 6
   (Verano/Summer 1993). -- Parallel text in Spanish and
   English; illustrated. -- Contents: "Historietas de la Vida
   Real" ("Real-Life Comics") ; "Alarma!: Crimen y
   Circulación" ("Alarma: Crime and Publishing") ; "Insólito:
   Ámela o Créalo" ("Insólito: Love it or Believe it") ; "Low
   Writers: Revistas Chicanas" ("Low Writers: Chicano 'Zines")
   ; "Del Pop a lo Popular: Arte y Comics" ("From Pop Back to
   Popular: Art & Comics") ; "Manga: Imágenes Involuntarias,
   Impulsos Incontrolables" ("Manga: Involuntary Images,
   Uncontrollable Urges") : "Tatuaje: Comics en la Piel"
   ("Tattoos: Skin Comics"). -- Call no.: N7.P65v.2no.6
Historietas de Martinez de León.
   Index entry (p. 207; fig. 102) in Historia del Comic
   Español, 1875-1939, by Antonio Martín (Barcelona :
   Editorial Gustavo Gili, 1978) -- Call no.: PN6775.M37 1978
Historietas de Walt Disney. -- México, D.F. : Organización
   Editorial Novaro, . -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Funny animal
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 538 (1974). -- Call no.:
Historietas de Walt Disney. Serie águila. -- México, D.F. :
   Organización Editorial Novaro, . -- col. ill. ; 20 cm. --
   Funny animal. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 581 (1976). -- Call no.:
Historietas Ilustradas.
   Index entry (p. 14, 31; fig. 3) in Historia del Comic
   Español, 1875-1939, by Antonio Martín (Barcelona :
   Editorial Gustavo Gili, 1978) -- Call no.: PN6775.M37 1978
Historietas Infantiles.
   Index entry (p. 63; fig. 53) in Historia del Comic Español,
   1875-1939, by Antonio Martín (Barcelona : Editorial Gustavo
   Gili, 1978) -- Call no.: PN6775.M37 1978
Historietas para Sobrevivientes : Comic y Cultura de Masas en
   los Años 80 / Carlos Alberto Scolari. -- Buenos Aires :
   Ediciones Colihue, 1999. -- 346 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 22
   cm. -- (Colección Signos y Cultura. Serie mayor ; 5) --
   Call no.: PN6710.S38 1999
Historietas Peruanas de los Sesentas y Setentas.
   De Supercholo a Teodosio : Historietas Peruanas de los
   Sesentas y Setentas : junio-julio 2004, Galería ICPNA San
   Miguel / curaduría, Melvin Ledgard. -- Lima? : Instituto
   Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (ICPNA), 2004.-- 141 p. :
   ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm. -- Includes bibliographical
   references (p. 139). -- Exhibition catalog and history of
   Peruvian comics. -- Call no.: PN6790.P4D4 2004
Historietas y Dibujos.
   Sedes : Historietas y Dibujos. -- Buenos Aires? : edición
   independiente, 2001. -- 50 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. -- "Sedes" is
   a pseudonym of Sergio W. de Sanctis (1973-), cf. p. 50. --
   Alternative comics. -- Call no.: PN6790.A73S38 2001
Historietas y Fotonovelas en México.
   Mitos y Monitos : Historietas y Fotonovelas en México /
   Irene Herner, con la colaboración de María Eugenia Chellet
   ; prólogo, Henrique González Casanova. -- México, D.F. :
   Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México : Editorial Nueva
   Imagen, 1979. -- 318 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 27 cm. --
   Includes bibliographical references (p. 315-318). -- Call
   no.: PN6790.M4H4 1979
   JD : Just Draw! : HistorietasArgentinas.com Yearbook. --
   Buenos Aires : HistorietasArgentinas.com, . -- ill. ; 24
   cm. -- In Spanish and English. -- LIBRARY HAS: 2003 issue.
   -- Call no.: PN6790.A7J2
Historiography in the Comics Medium.
   "An Examination of Historiography in the Comics Medium" /
   Benjamin F. Towle. p. 261-280 in International Journal of
   Comic Art, v. 5, no. 2 (Fall 2003). -- Includes
   bibliographical references and illustrations. -- Call no.:
"Historique" p. 14 in Les Cahiers de la Bande Dessinée, no. 88
   (Mar. 1990). -- (Critiques) -- Brief review of the album:
   L'Horus de Nekhen: Le Chant du Harpiste
   (Ramaïoli/Corteggiani). -- Call no.: PN6745.S37no.88
"Historique ou Historienne?" / par Pascal Ory. p. 93-96 in
   L'Histoire-- par la Bande (Paris : Ministère de la jeunesse
   et des sports : Syros, 1993). -- Illustrated. -- Call no.:
   PN6710.H545 1993
"Historische Serien bei Carlsen" (Comics und Geschichte ; Teil
   2) / Hartmut Becker. p. 12-14 in Comixene, Nr. 23
   (März/April 1979). -- Sections on Alix by Jacques Martin,
   and on François Craenhals. -- Call no.: PN6755.C65no.23


See also
   "Alley Gets Credit" (Alley Oop, Oct. 31, 1950) / by V.T.
   Hamlin. -- Summary: Back in the 20th century, Alley is
   angry that they didn't let him rescue King Richard, but
   history says a minstrel named Blondel made his release
   possible. -- Call no.: folio PN6728.A43F6 1937v.7
   Among the Folks in History / by Gaar Williams ; foreword by
   John T. McCutcheon. -- Winnetka, Ill. : The Book and Print
   Guild, 1935. -- 191 p. : ill. ; 24 x 22 cm. -- Nostalgic
   cartoons. -- Call no.: NC1429.W54A8 1935
   Among the Folks in History / by Gaar Williams -- 1935? --
   25 leaves : all ill. ; 27 x 22 cm. -- Cartoons reprinted
   from the Chicago Tribune. -- Cover note by John T.
   McCutcheon written after Williams' death in 1935. -- Call
   no.: NC1429.W54A8 1935b
   Among the Folks in History / Gaar Williams ; foreword by
   Delos Avery. -- Chicago : Rand McNally, 1947. -- 96 p. :
   ill. ; 23 cm. -- Cartoons. -- Call no.: NC1429.W54 A8 1947
   Among the Folks in History. Second series / by Gaar
   Williams. -- 1935? -- 25 leaves : all ill. ; 27 x 22 cm. --
   Note by John T. McCutcheon on portfolio cover written after
   Williams' death in 1935. -- Cartoons reprinted from the
   Chicago Tribune. -- Call no.: NC1429.W54A82 1935
   Anno's Italy / Mitsumasa Anno. -- New York : Collins, 1980.
   -- 47 p. : all col. ill. ; 25 cm. -- Japanese edition
   entitled My Journey II, which is a translation of Tabi no
   ehon, II. -- Summary: A pictorial presentation of rural,
   town, and city scenes in Italy, which contain hidden images
   from fine arts, religion, history, and folklore. -- Genres:
   Stories without words, puzzles. -- Call no.: NC991.5.A56A73
   "A Bit of History" / Vuillemin. p. 12-17 in Rip Off Comix,
   no. 15 (June 1987). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5R5no.15
   "The Bizarro Who Goofed Up History!" (Tales of the Bizarro
   World) 11 p. in Adventure Comics, no. 297 (June 1962). --
   Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A3no.297
   The Blank in the Comics strip collection includes a file of
   one or more daily comic strips related to this keyword or
   topic. Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
   Charlie Remonte le Temps / Martin Handford. -- Paris :
   Gründ, 1998. -- 24 p. : col. ill. ; 33 cm. -- Find Waldo
   Now, in French. -- Summary: Charlie travels through
   different periods in history. -- Call no.: PR6058.A56F514
   "Crow Vadis?" (text) in Mad, no. 1 (Oct.-Nov. 1952) --
   Notes: Rome, history, Quo Vadis. -- Data from index in Mad
   #350 -- Call no.: Film 15791 r.29. Reprint call no.:
   PN6728.2.E15M3a 1986
   Daffy Duck's Family Tree. -- Ashland, Ohio : Landoll's,
   1996. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Summary (from OCLC):
   Text and pop-up pictures provide a chronology of Daffy
   Duck's ancestry throughout history, from prehistoric times
   to the space age. -- Funny animal fiction. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.D27F3 1996
   "Did This Dog Shape History?" 3 p. in True Comics, no. 72
   (July 1948) -- Cover title: The Dog that Saved Lincoln.
   1. Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865--Comic books, strips, etc.
   I. The Dog that Saved Lincoln. k. Rescues. k. History. Call
   no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.72
   "The Discovery of the Ice Cream Sundae!" (Jughead Presents
   Great Moments in History) 4 p. in Archie's Madhouse, no. 9
   (Dec. 1960). -- Call no.: PN6728.2.A7A67no.9
   "A Dream of History"* (Wilton of the West) / art: Charles
   Sultan. 8 p. in Jumbo Comics, no. 21 (Nov. 1940). --
   Appearance of General Montcalm (in a dream); a villain
   named Lucas is introduced. -- Data from Lou Mougin via The
   Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: Film 15791r.192
   "Face of the Past" (Wurtham View 2000 ; 2) / created by
   Dave Huxley ; drawn Angus McKie ; color separated by Angus
   McKie & Alan Craddock. p. 56-65 in Heavy Metal, v. 8, no. 1
   (Apr. 1984). -- "Last issue, Dr. Wurtham revealed the
   existence of a method of tracking light rays far into the
   deepness of space. The captured rays show the entire
   history of Earth, and of everyone who ever lived on the
   planet." -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.8no.1
   "Family History"* (Dinette Set, July 29, 1997) / Julie
   Larson. -- Summary: Joy tells the doctor her father-in-law
   had high blood pressure. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "High
   Blood Pressure"
   "Famous Flags in American History" / B. Geller. p. 8 in
   Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact, v. 11, no. 1 (Sept. 8,
   1955). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.11no.1
   Freedom Train. -- Street & Smith Publications, 1948. -- 50
   p. : col. ill. ; 27 cm. -- Cover art signed: Powell. --
   Text on the history and historical documents of the United
   States, illustrated with line drawings in the general
   format of a comic book. -- Call no.: JC591.F79 1948
   "Gems : Heralds of History" / Severin and Elder. 6 p. in
   Real Life Comics, no. 57 (July 1951). -- Call no.:
   "God of Fear" / story, Jeff Rovin ; art, Vincente Alcazar.
   p. 45-51 in Creepy, no. 78 (Mar. 1976). -- "Uturumcu had
   slumbered for centuries. Now he had been awakened, called
   to life by an archaeologist's chant. He glared around the
   museum angry more than half mad. The havoc he would wreak
   would become terrifying history!" -- Call no.:
   "The 'Good' Comics : Using Comic Books to Teach History" /
   Card Scott. p. 546-561 in International Journal of Comic
   Art, v. 8, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2006). -- Includes
   bibliographical references. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.8no.1
   Great Moments in Smurf history : coloring book / by Peyo.
   -- New York : Happy House Books, 1982. -- 1 v. : all ill. ;
   28 cm. -- Subject: History. -- Call no.: PN6748.S57P43 1982
   "Great Monsters from History" / Eddie Campbell. p. 27 in
   The Cheque, Mate, no. 1 (July 1992). -- A page about Gaius
   'Caligula' the Roman emperor. -- Call no.: PN6737.C3C47no.1
   Great Morons in History. -- San Diego, CA : Revolutionary
   Comics, 1992- . -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Began with no. 1 (Oct.
   1992) -- Genre: Biographical. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. --
   Call no.: PN6728.6.R4G7
   "Great Wasters from History" / Eddie Campbell. p. 24-26 in
   The Cheque, Mate, no. 1 (July 1992). -- One page each about
   Jack Mytton (1796-1834); George 'Beau' Brummell
   (1778-1840); and one page listing great men of the 18th
   century. -- Call no.: PN6737.C3C47no.1
   "The Greatest Feat of Daring in Human History" (Wonder
   Woman) 13 p. in Wonder Woman, no. 1 (Summer 1942)
   k. Feats. k. Daring. k. Human history. k. History. Call
   no.: PN6728.1.N3W6no.1. Call no.: Film 15791. Call no.:
   PN6728.1.N3W6m no.1.
   Half a Century of English History, Pictorially Presented in
   a Series of Cartoons from the Collection of Mr. Punch /
   comprising 150 plates by Doyle, Leech, Tenniel, and others,
   in which are portrayed the political careers of Peel,
   Palmerston, Russell, Cobden, Bright, Beaconsfield, Derby,
   Salisbury, Gladstone and other English statesmen. -- New
   York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1884. -- 293 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
   -- Call no.: DA560.P8
   "He Learned from History" p. 45-46 in True Comics, no. 8
   (Jan. 1942) -- As monks in the 6th century smuggled
   silkworms out of China in bamboo poles, so a modern
   filmmaker sneaks his film to the west.
   1. Smuggling--Comic books, strips, etc. k. Silkworms. k.
   Bamboo poles. k. Filmmakers. k. History. Call no.:
   Herblock's History : Political Cartoons from the Crash to
   the Millennium. -- Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress,
   2000. -- 64 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- Includes bibliographical
   references (p. 63). -- "This catalogue accompanies the
   exhibition Herblock's History: Political cartoons from the
   crash to the millennium in the Thomas Jefferson Building of
   the Library of Congress from October 17, 2000, to February
   17, 2001." -- Call no.: NC1429.B625H4 2000
   How Krypto Made History! (Superboy) 8 p. in Adventure
   Comics, no. 323 (Aug. 1964) ; reprinted from Superboy, no.
   75 (Sept. 1959). -- Appearances of Babe Ruth, George
   Washington, the Dutch boy at the dike, Robin Hood, and King
   Arthur. -- 1964 printing is called A Hall of Fame Classic.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A3no.323
   Humors of History : 160 drawings in color / by A. Moreland.
   -- London : Sully & Ford, 190-? -- Complete ed. -- 160 p. :
   160 col. ill. ; 19 x 25 cm. -- "Reproduced from originals
   from The Morning leader." -- Call no.: NC1320.M6 1900z
   "I Suppose it would be Impolite to Ask for a Second
   Opinion"* (Peanuts, Oct. 14, 1982) / Schulz. -- Summary:
   Charlie Brown brings Snoopy his supper, saying it's
   probably the finest dog dinner in history. -- Call no.:
   PN6726 f.B55 "dog food"
   "Invention of the Frisbee"* (Fat Freddy Scat's Little-Known
   Events in Cat History) 1 p. in The Adventures of Fat
   Freddy's Cat, no. 2 (1988). -- By Gilbert Sheridan and Dave
   Shelton. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5A3no.2
   "It's History" 1/2 p. in Real Life Comics, no. 59 (Sept.
   1952). -- Illustrated facts about the deaths of U.S.
   presidents John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe,
   about the battle of Waterloo, and about the Constitution
   (Old Ironsides). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N4R4no.59
   Jackie Robinson : The Ballplayer Who Made History / story,
   John Harrington ; art, Manuel Villalovos III ; letters,
   Mike Sagara ; edits, Todd Loren. -- San Diego, CA :
   Revolutionary Comics, 1992. -- 32 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. --
   (Baseball Legends Comics ; no. 6) -- Story of the African
   American baseball player. -- Genres: Biographical, sports.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.6.R4B34no.6
   "Julius Caesar" (Dep't: Cut Your Own Throat) / art: W.
   Wood. in Mad, no. 17 (Nov. 1954). -- Notes: History. --
   Data from index in Mad #350 -- Reprint call no.:
   PN6728.2.E15M3a 1986
   "Loneliness is a Tomato's Wet Dream, chapter 2" (Ultimato)
   / Warren Greenwood ; Von X. 10 p. in Zero, no. 2 (1975). --
   "Last issue we saw the Ultimato shanghaied away to a planet
   ruled by vegetables, called Fondue. The planet's ruler, the
   Eggplant Supreme, has sent our hero back into Fondue's past
   to learn of its history!" -- Call no.: PN6728.45.Z4Z4no.2
   "MacArthur's Unkept Promise"* (Rubes, Aug. 1, 1997) /
   Leigh. -- Key words: Douglas MacArthur, lawnmowers,
   history, neighbors, I Shall Return. -- Call no.:
   PN6726f.B55 "Lawnmowers"
   "Making History" (Herman & Katnip) / by Sid Jacobson ;
   illustrated by Bill White. p. 56-63 in Harvey, the Magazine
   for Kids, v. 1, no. 2 (Jan. 1999). -- "A cat, a mouse and
   the Constitution?" -- Call no.: PN6728.6.H3H3v.1no.2
   "The Man Who Changed History!" / Lee Elias, art. 8 p. in
   House of Secrets, no. 22 (July 1959). -- Data from Michael
   Tiefenbacher. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3H62no.22
   "Medical History"* (Rex Morgan, M.D., July 30, 1997) /
   Wilson and DiPreta. -- Key words: Questions, necessity,
   babies, allergies. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "History"
   Nam / Baudoin. -- Paris : L'Association, 1998. -- 24 p. :
   ill. ; 15 cm. -- (Collection Patte de Mouche ; 35) -- A
   story about history, and southern Africa. -- Call no.:
   PN6747.B3445N3 1998
   Navy History and Tradition : the Daring and Diplomacy that
   Built a Great Nation and Navy / by Stokes Walesby and
   Theodore Roscoe. -- Washington, D.C. : S. Walesby,
   1958-1961. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Line drawings
   interspersed with text. -- Contents: [1] 1782-1817 -- [2]
   1817-1865 -- [3?] 1861-1965 -- [4?] 1940-1945 -- LIBRARY
   HAS: no. 1-2, 4. -- Call no.: E182.W35 1958
   "Not So Good" (Alley Oop, Aug. 13, 1952) / V.T. Hamlin. --
   Summary: The genie promises that the Queen of Sheba will be
   remembered in history, and that Alley will be tired from
   riding a camel. -- Call no.: folio PN6728.A43F6 1937v.8
   "On This Date in History, 1881" (Bizarro, Feb. 16, 2000) /
   by Dan Piraro. -- Summary: President Garfield dreams about
   a cat, and lasagna. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "Garfield"
   "The Parole" (text) in Mad, no. 4 (April-May 1953) --
   Notes: History, crime. -- Data from index in Mad #350 --
   Reprint call no.: PN6728.2.E15M3a 1986
   "Peril Stalks Man's Quest of Gold" 10 p. in Real Life
   Comics, no. 7 (Sept. 1942). -- Contents page title: "Peril
   Stalks Men's Quest for Gold." -- "Since the dawn of
   history, the search for the yellow metal has reared and
   shattered empires, woven an endless thread of fortune,
   plunder, discovery and conquest through the tapestry of
   time." -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N4R4no.7
   Picture Stories from American History [microform] -- New
   York : Educational Comics, 1945-1947. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm.
   -- Published as Part 1 - v. 1, no. 4 (Summer 1947). --
   Color microfiche by P.J. Iacovone. -- Historical genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-4. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.E14P48m
   Picture Stories from World History [microform] -- New York
   : School Comics, 1947. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published
   v. 1, no. 1 (Spring 1947) - v. 1, no. 2 (Summer 1947). --
   On cover: "EC an educational comic." -- Color microfiche by
   P.J. Iacovone. -- Historical genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1,
   no. 1-2. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.E14P52m
   "Playing with Frisbee"* (Fat Freddy's Cat : Little-Known
   Events in Cat History) 1 tier in Further Adventures of
   those Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers / by Gilbert Shelton
   (San Francisco : Rip Off Press, 1972). -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.R5F23 1972
   Preacher : Ancient History / Garth Ennis, writer ; Steve
   Pugh, Carlos Ezquerra, Richard Case, artists ; Pamela
   Rambo, Matt Hollingsworth, Nathan Eyring, colorists ; Clem
   Robins, letterer. -- New York : DC Comics, 1998. -- 221 p.
   : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Vertigo) -- "Book 4." --
   "Originally published in single magazine form as Preacher
   Special : Saint of Killers 1-4, Preacher Special : the
   Story of You-know-who 1, and Preacher Special : the Good
   Old Boys." -- Call no.: PN6728.P68A53 1998
   The Real-Great Adventures of Terr'ble Thompson! : Hero of
   Hist'ry / by Gene Deitch. -- Seattle, Wash. :
   Fantagraphics, 2006. -- 100 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 20 x 26
   cm. -- Collects the 1950s newspaper strip about history and
   time travel. -- Funny kid genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.T398R4
   The Recent History of the United States in Political
   Cartoons : a Look Bok! / Chip Bok ; forewords by John C.
   Green and Dave Barry. -- Akron, Ohio : University of Akron
   Press, 2005. -- 291 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. -- (Series on Law,
   Politics, and Society) -- Call no.: E839.5.B64 2005
   "Rookie Gladiator" (text) in Mad, no. 3 (Feb.-March 1953)
   -- Notes: History, sports. -- Data from index in Mad #350
   -- Reprint call no.: PN6728.2.E15M3a 1986
   "Sexy Secrets in History" / scenario, Bob Mende ; art, Don
   Orehek. p. 38-39 in Best Cartoons from the Editors of For
   Men Only, v. 1, no. 1 (1974). -- Two-panel gags about Sir
   Walter Raleigh, Emperor Nero, Napoleon, George Washington,
   and Cleopatra. -- Call no.: NC1763.S5B4v.1no.1
   "A Short History of America" 4 p. in Snoid Comics / by R.
   Crumb (Princeton, Wis. : Kitchen Sink Enterprises, 1980).
   -- Call no.: PN6728.45.K5S59
   "The Suez Canal" 5 p. in Real Life Comics, no. 11 (May
   1943). -- "First envisioned by the princes of forgotten
   empires, this great waterway returns to history as one of
   the vital gateways of democracy." -- Call no.:
   PN6728.1.N4R4m no.11
   Then and Now / by Jeannette Fidell ; illustrated by Tom
   Funk. -- New York : Scholastic, 1976. -- 1 v. : all ill. ;
   18 cm. -- Paired cartoons contrast modern concepts with
   similar ones, each from an unspecified earlier age of
   American history. -- Call no.: NC1763.H53F8 1976
   Through History with J. Wesley Smith / by Burr Shafer. --
   New York : Scholastic Book Services, 1953. -- 1 v. :
   chiefly ill. ; 15 x 20 cm. -- "TW282". -- Library has 1963
   printing. -- Call no.: NC1429.S48T48 1953
   "Time Travel is History's Swiss Army Knife"* (Diesel
   Sweeties, Sept. 1, 2007) / by Richard Stevens. -- Summary:
   Can a time machine save the record industry? -- Call no.:
   PN6726 f.B55 "time machines"
   "When They Wind Up On Their Shell, They're History"
   (Reynolds Unwrapped, June 26, 2000) / Dan Reynolds. --
   Summary: Turtles are observing a school kid held down by
   his backpack.  -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "backpacks"
History, chronological.
   Index entry (p. 129-145) in Bonzer : Australian Comics
   1900-1990s, edited by Annette Kay Shiell (Melbourne : Elgua
   Media, 1998). -- Call no.: PN6790.A8 S47 1998
On down the list

This segment last edited March 24, 2012