Index to Comic Art Collection: "Golf" (1995) to "Golf" (1998)  Special Collections Division
 Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection
 "Golf" (1995) to "Golf" (1998)

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Golf (June 3, 1995)
   "The Doctor Said We're Not Getting Enough Greens"* (Off the
   Mark, June 3, 1995) / by Mark Parisi. -- Summary: Two
   monsters are eating greens, each complete with a hole, a
   pin, and a golfer. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "greens"
Golf (June 9, 1995)
   "First I'd Give My Caddie $10, Then I'd Close My Eyes"*
   (Beetle Bailey, June 9, 1995) / Mort Walker. -- Summary:
   General Halftrack is in a sand trap, and asks Beetle for
   advice. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "sand traps"
Golf (June 10, 1995)
   "Can You Cradle His Head a Little?"* (Overboard, June 10,
   1995) / by Chip Dunham. -- Summary: The ball knocks the
   captain out in the tall grass, but they lift him up and are
   able to play it. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (June 17, 1995)
   "This Is Ridiculous! I Don't Even Play Golf"* (Blondie,
   June 17, 1995) / Young & Drake. -- Summary: Dagwood rushes
   the mailman off off to the big golf sale at Tudbury's. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (June 17, 1995)
   "Who Knew It Could Be So Much Fun?"* (Hi & Lois, June 17,
   1995) / Chance Browne. -- Summary: Thirsty whacks his ball
   three times in a sand trap while Hi hits his straight into
   the water hazard. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (July 15, 1995)
   "A Ceiling Divot! Is That More Advanced?"* (Luann, July 15,
   1995) / Greg. -- Summary: Luann's dad shows her (indoors)
   how a beginner can avoid divots in the grass. -- Call no.:
   PN6726 f.B55 "divots"
Golf (July 17, 1995)
   "This Chapter is About Driving the Little Cart"* (Dilbert,
   July 17, 1995) / Scott Adams. reproduced on p. 146 of Golf
   in the Comic Strips, ed. by Howard Ziehm (General
   Publishing Group, 1997). -- Summary: Dilbert studies up on
   his new computer golf game. -- Call no.: PN6726.G595 1997
Golf (July 21, 1995)
   "And Relax!"* (Luann, July 21, 1995) / Greg. -- Summary:
   Mr. DeGroot gets a long annoying list of golf instructions.
   -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (July 24, 1995)
   "Can We Bring Our Golf Clubs?"* (Hagar the Horrible, July
   24, 1995) / Chris Browne. -- Summary: Hagar addresses his
   crew detailing the hazards of the upcoming voyage: famine,
   disease, storms, sharks, burning sun and hostile warriors.
   -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (July 24, 1995)
   "Stop Singing 'Shall We Gather At The River'" (Peanuts,
   July 24, 1995) / Schulz. -- Summary: Snoopy is golfing near
   a river, and Woodstock is chirping. -- Call no.: PN6726
   f.B55 "golf"
Golf (July 28, 1995)
   "The General is Waiting to See if the Weather Clears Up"*
   (Beetle Bailey, July 28, 1995) / Mort Walker. -- Summary:
   If it clears up, golf. If it doesn't, maneuvers. -- Call
   no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (Aug. 4, 1995)
   "I Thought Scotland Would Be Nice!" (Hagar the Horrible,
   Aug. 4, 1995) / Chris Browne. -- Summary: Hagar's going
   somewhere to play golf rather than join his wife and her
   mother at the flower show. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Golf (Aug. 5, 1995)
   "Unhandicapped Parking Only"* (Frank & Ernest, Aug. 5,
   1995) / Thaves. -- Summary: Ernie and Frank arrive at the
   city golf course parking lot. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
   "parking lots"
Golf (Aug. 14, 1995)
   "I Think I Found Where Your Shot Landed"* (Herb & Jamaal,
   Aug. 14, 1995) / by Stephen Bentley. -- Summary: They've
   been driving around in the golf cart for a long time, and
   are lost. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf carts"
Golf (Aug. 16, 1995)
   "He's Seen My Golf Score!"* (Herb & Jamaal, Aug. 16, 1995)
   / by Stephen Bentley. -- Summary: Herb gets to park in the
   space that says handicapped parking, because the club owner
   has seen his golf score. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Golf (Aug. 17, 1995)
   "Take Time Out to Relax in the Sand and Surf Today!"
   (Horrorscope, Aug. 17, 1995) / Kelso & Rickner. -- Summary:
   A golfer hits his ball directly from a sand trap to a water
   hazard. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (Aug. 18, 1995)
   "Fore!"* (Garfield, Aug. 18, 1995) / by Jim Davis. --
   Summary: Garfield uses a golf club to squash a spider on
   the ceiling. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "spiders"
Golf (Aug. 18, 1995)
   "I Gotta Hook It Around This Tree, Over the Other One,
   Across the Pond, Avoiding the Trap"* (Beetle Bailey, Aug.
   18, 1995) / Mort Walker. -- Summary: The caddy suggests
   taking a drink first. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "hooking"
Golf (Aug. 26, 1995)
   "Dad, Is There a Correct Time to Get Married?"* (Dave, Aug.
   26, 1995) / David Miller. -- Summary: Dad puts it between
   taking up golf and learning to like jazz. -- Call no.:
   PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (Aug. 30, 1995)
   "How Much If You Didn't Use the Green?"* (Frank & Ernest,
   Aug. 30, 1995) / Thaves. -- Summary: Frank is trying to get
   a discount on the green fee. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Golf (Sept. 1, 1995)
   "On the Fourth Hole, a Birdie Got Me!"* (Ziggy, Sept. 1,
   1995) / Tom Wilson. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "birdies"
Golf (Sept. 1, 1995)
   "Pointer on the Golf Course"* (Boropolis, Sept. 1, 1995) /
   Boro. -- Summary: A man hits his golf ball, and his dog
   finds it in the tall grass. -- Strip without words. -- Call
   no.: PN6726 f.B55 "pointers"
Golf (Sept. 2, 1995)
   "The Latest Technological Advancement in Graphite"* (Born
   Loser, Sept. 2, 1995) / Art-Chip. -- Summary: The boss has
   new golf clubs, and Brutus feels sorry for him, figuring
   wooden clubs like his are getting too expensive to make. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "graphite"
Golf (Sept. 2, 1995)
   "That's Why I Only Took a Dozen This Time"* (Geech, Sept.
   2, 1995) / Bittle. -- Summary: Artie did better at golf
   than last week, when he lost 18 balls. -- Call no.: PN6726
   f.B55 "golf balls"
Golf (Oct. 31, 1995)
   "The Boys' Golf Weekend" (That's Jake, Oct. 31, 1995) / by
   Jake Vest. -- Summary: The golf commissioner is proof that
   "nobody is so backward that they can't end up leadin'
   somebody." -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (Nov. 24, 1995)
   "Dear God, Please Let Me Give Wise Counsel to Those Poor
   Sinners I Will Meet Today"* (Beetle Bailey, Nov. 24, 1995)
   / by Mort Walker. -- Summary: The chaplain prays before
   playing golf with the general. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Golf (Jan. 3, 1996)
   "When You Travel in Scotland, You Must Be Constantly on the
   Lookout"* (Hagar the Horrible, Jan. 3, 1996) / Chris
   Browne. -- Summary: A loud voice says 'Fore!' and Hagar and
   Eddie put up their shields. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Golf (Jan. 8, 1996)
   "And Then They Put On Their Ugliest Clothing and Lay Their
   Eggs in These Little Holes" (Frank & Ernest, Dec. 21, 1992)
   / Thaves. -- Summary: A flying saucer alien explains human
   reproduction at the fourth hole. -- Also distributed Jan.
   8, 1996. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf clothes"
Golf (Jan. 10, 1996)
   "He Broke 100 for the First Time Today"* (Beetle Bailey,
   Jan. 10, 1996) / Mort Walker. -- Summary: The General is
   kissing his golf clubs. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf
Golf (Jan. 13, 1996)
   "Don't Worry, Those Golf Caps Usually Pop Right Back Into
   Shape"* (Beetle Bailey, Jan. 13, 1996) / Mort Walker. --
   Summary: Fuzz tries to give the general tips on putting,
   and ends up with his own hat stuffed into his mouth. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "putters"
Golf (Feb. 1, 1996)
   "They Must Be Running Out of Ammo"* (Beetle Bailey, Feb. 1,
   1996) / Mort Walker. -- Summary: General Halftrack
   practices driving golf balls during the war games. -- Call
   no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf balls"
Golf (Feb. 15, 1996)
   "Do You Think It Might be Bad for Morale?* (Beetle Bailey,
   Feb. 15, 1996) / Mort Walker -- Summary: The General was
   planning to carry his golf clubs past the men who are
   digging a ditch. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf clubs"
Golf (Feb. 16, 1996)
   "The Other Eleven Months are up to us!"* (Jump Start, Feb.
   16, 1996) / Armstrong. -- Summary: Black History Month
   reminds them that Black inventors were responsible for the
   golf tee, the helicopter, the cellular phone, the traffic
   signal, the clothes dryer and the torpedo discharger. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "tees"
Golf (Mar. 16, 1996)
   "Your Putt is Good"* (Beetle Bailey, Mar. 16, 1996) / Mort
   Walker. -- Summary: Halftrack marks his ball with folding
   money. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "putting"
Golf (Mar. 28, 1996)
   "He's Over at the Practice Range"* (Beetle Bailey, Mar. 28,
   1996) / Mort Walker. -- Summary: Lt. Fuzz is rehearsing
   compliments before playing golf with the general. -- Call
   no.: PN6726 f.B55 "practice"
Golf (Apr. 3, 1996)
   "I'll Never 3-Putt Again! I'll Never 3-Putt Again!"*
   (Beetle Bailey, Apr. 3, 1996) / Mort Walker. -- Summary:
   General Halftrack tries positive thinking to improve his
   golf game. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "positive thinking"
Golf (Apr. 19, 1996)
   "Sometimes I Wonder if My Staff Stops Working the Minute I
   Leave for Golf"* (Beetle Bailey, Apr. 19, 1996) / Mort
   Walker. -- Summary: The General doesn't see the party hats
   that come out as he leaves. -- Clal no.: PN6726 f.B55
Golf (June 1, 1996)
   "I Forgot to Subtract the 75 cents for the Fresca you
   Bought Me on 14"* (Over the Hedge, June 1, 1996) /
   Fry-Lewis. -- Summary: Golfers figure out the totals after
   starting at a nickel a hole. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Golf (June 22, 1996)
   "This Looks Like an Easy Pitch to the Green" (Shoe, June
   22, 1996) / MacNelly. -- Summary: Nobody's watching, so
   Cosmo throws his ball. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "pitching"
Golf (July 4, 1996)
   "With the Help of Acupuncture, Gary Was Able to Trim 11
   Strokes Off His Game" (Close to Home, July 4, 1996) / John
   McPherson. -- Summary: A man on the golf course is stuck
   full of needles. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "acupuncture"
Golf (July 20, 1996)
   "No One's Going to Want to Play Your Extreme Golf Course"*
   (Over the Hedge, July 20, 1996) / by Michael Fry and T.
   Lewis. -- Summary: It takes the right clubs, for example a
   mace to get by the werepoodles. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
   "golf courses"
Golf (July 29, 1996)
   "I Splurged and Bought a New Golf Club"* (Born Loser, July
   29, 1996) / Art-Chip. -- Summary: The boss didn't buy a
   titanium and graphite one, he bought one with 18 holes and
   a clubhouse. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf clubs"
Golf (Aug. 1, 1996)
   "It's Called Croquet. It's Something Like Golf, Only It's
   Fun" (Dennis the Menace, Aug. 1, 1996) / Ketcham. -- Call
   no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (Aug. 2, 1996)
   "You Think My Golf Outfit is Too Loud, Don't You?"* (Beetle
   Bailey, Aug. 2, 1996) / Mort Walker. -- Summary: The
   General's staff is wearing sunglasses indoors. -- Call no.:
   PN6726 f.B55 "golf clothes"
Golf (Aug. 10, 1996)
   "New Spam Products We'll Avoid" (Mixed Media, Aug. 10,
   1996) / Ohman. -- Summary: Products include beer and golf
   balls. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "spam"
Golf (Aug. 23, 1996)
   "I Guess We'll Just Have to Keep Looking"* (Beetle Bailey,
   Aug. 23, 1996) / Mort Walker. -- Summary: The General
   always slices on the hole by the women's swimming pool. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "slicing"
Golf (Aug. 30, 1996)
   "Boy, You Got Some Real Good Height and Distance on That"*
   (Overboard, Aug. 30, 1996) / by Chip Dunham. -- Summary:
   They're throwing their golf bags into the water hazard. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf bags"
Golf (Aug. 31, 1996)
   "Golf Shots" (Beetle Bailey, Aug. 31, 1996) / by Mort
   Walker. -- Summary: General Halftrack demonstrates the
   "slice," the "hook," the "muff," and at the 19th hole, the
   "straight." -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "straight"
Golf (1997)
   The Eighteen Banners of Wisdom / by D.A.W. -- Chicago, Ill.
   : Fortress Publications, 1997. -- 36 p. : all ill. ; 78 x
   142 mm. -- Story without words. -- Penultimate illustration
   signed: D. Wells 4/1997. -- New wave genre, about golf. --
   Call no.: PN6728.55.F58E35 1997
Golf (1997)
   "Too Much Golf in the Kingdom" (Saban's Samurai Pizza Cats)
   / written by Clay & Susan Griffith ; penciled by Rusty
   Haller ; inked by Steve George ; lettered by Kenn Bell &
   Graphic Planet ; colored by Graphic Colourworks. p. 50-64
   in Into the Fire and Other Stories (Acclaim Books, 1997).
   -- Contents page title: "Too Much Golf." -- Call no.:
   PN1992.77.M53 I55 1997
Golf (Jan. 22, 1997)
   "Look at the Trophy I Won at the Golf Tournament"* (Beetle
   Bailey, Jan. 22, 1997) / Mort Walker. -- Summary: Miss
   Buxley says it's cute. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "trophies"
Golf (Mar. 14, 1997)
   "It Get All Knicked Up Or Anything?"* (Overboard, Mar. 14,
   1997) / by Chip Dunham. -- Summary: Seahawk's ball has hit
   the Captain on the head, and Seahawk shows his concern. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf balls"
Golf (Apr. 2, 1997)
   "I Couldn't Possibly Reach the Green with Just a 5-Iron"*
   (Walnut Cove, Apr. 2, 1997) / Cullum & Marshall. -- Call
   no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf clubs"
Golf (Apr. 16, 1997)
   "You're Right, I'd Better Take My Driver"* (Born Loser,
   Apr. 16, 1997) / Art-Chip. -- Summary: Brutus is going
   downstairs to check on a noise, and Gladys questions his
   taking his 9-iron with him. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf
Golf (Apr. 19, 1997)
   "Do You Want Dinner Tonight?"* (Beetle Bailey, Apr. 19,
   1997) / Mort Walker. -- Summary: Mrs. Halftrack suggests
   that Amos should say 'that's good' to her ten-foot putt. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "putting"
Golf (Apr. 19, 1997)
   "My Husband's Pallbearers Would Like to Wear their Golf
   Outfits to the Service"* (Wizard of Id, Apr. 19, 1997) /
   Parker. -- Summary: It's a schedule conflict. -- Call no.:
   PN6726 f.B55 "golf clothes"
Golf (Apr. 24, 1997)
   "Where Do You Get All This Money?"* (Fox Trot, Apr. 24,
   1997) / by Bill Amend. -- Summary: Jason accepts hush money
   from his dad, caught sneaking in with an expensive new golf
   club. Jason is reading a comic book: Jellyfish Man. -- Call
   no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf clubs"
Golf (Apr. 25, 1997)
   "Shouldn't We Go Outside?"* (Fox Trot, Apr. 25, 1997) / by
   Bill Amend. -- Summary: Roger has bought a new golf club
   against Andy's wishes, and now she wants to give it a
   swing. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf clubs"
Golf (May 3, 1997)
   "Do You Really Expect Me to Believe That You've Never
   Lied?"* (Frank and Ernest, May 3, 1997) / Thaves. --
   Summary: With his golf bag on his back, Ernie is
   interrogated at the heavenly gates by St. Peter. -- Call
   no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golfers"
Golf (May 3, 1997)
   "Respond Within Five Minutes Or You Will Be Disconnected"*
   (Born Loser, May 3, 1997) / Art-Chip. -- Summary:
   Thornapple's television set times out while he's watching
   golf. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (May 13, 1997)
   "Caught Keeping Two Sets of 'To-Do' Lists"* (Mr. Boffo, May
   13, 1997) / by Joe Martin. -- Summary: One list has "mow
   lawn" on it, the other has "golf." -- Call no.: PN6726
   f.B55 "accountants"
Golf (May 14, 1997)
   "Mercenary!"* (B.C., May 14, 1997) / Hart. -- Summary: The
   dentist is open on Wednesday, while the other medical
   professionals play golf. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (May 20, 1997)
   "No Golfing"* (Jump Start, May 20, 1997) / Armstrong. --
   Summary: Joe and Marcy are on a deserted street, all the
   windows of the buildings have little holes in them, and a
   sign says, "no golfing." -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (May 24, 1997)
   "My Clubs Will Sell Lake Warm Scones!"* (Steve Roper, May
   24, 1997) / Matera & Saunders. -- Summary: The Scotsman has
   toured the course and likes it. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
   "golf courses"
Golf (June 7, 1997)
   "Be the Ball. Sell the Clubs"* (Overboard, June 7, 1997) /
   by Chip Dunham. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (June 8, 1997)
   "That's My Lucky Ball!"* (Pickles, June 8, 1997) / by Brian
   Crane. -- Summary: Earl's ball goes into the rough, then
   into a sand trap, and then into the lake, but he refuses to
   just leave it. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf balls"
Golf (June 21, 1997)
   "A Set of New Graphite Clubs for 10 Bucks"* (Close to Home,
   June 21, 1997) / by John McPherson. -- Setting: Garage
   sale. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf clubs"
Golf (June 25, 1997)
   "She Smacked Every Ball into the Next Time Zone"* (Luann,
   June 25, 1997) / by Greg Evans. -- Summary: Brad is
   frustrated about not being able to hit a golf ball himself,
   while Diane is good at it. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (July 3, 1997)
   "So My Dad Can Play 18 Holes After Work"* (B.C., July 3,
   1997) / Hart. -- Summary: In school, Johnny explains to his
   teacher the reason for daylight savings time. -- Call no.:
   PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (July 3, 1997)
   "Great! We're Off to a Good Start!"* (Luann, July 3, 1997)
   / by Greg Evans. -- Summary: Diane says they should just
   have fun and not worry about who does better, and her first
   stroke seems like a bad start to Brad. -- Call no.: PN6726
   f.B55 "golf"
Golf (July 5, 1997)
   "Being Merely Up to Par is Never Enough for You!"
   (Horrorscope, July 5, 1997) / Kelso & Rickner. -- Summary:
   Two men report their scores on the 9th hole. -- Call no.:
   PN6726 f.B55 "par"
Golf (July 5, 1997)
   "Mind If We Play Through?" (Herman, July 5, 1997) / Unger.
   -- Summary: Golfers come upon a man with a large snake
   coiled about him. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "playing
Golf (July 9, 1997)
   "It says 'Four-Putt'"* (Shoe, July 9, 1997) / MacNelly. --
   Summary: Shoe can read the green just fine. -- Call no.:
   PN6726 f.B55 "greens"
Golf (July 11, 1997)
   "Putting Notes"* (Peanuts, July 11, 1997) / by Charles M.
   Schulz. -- Summary: Notes are falling from Schroeder's
   score, and Snoopy is putting them into a bucket. -- Panel
   without words. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (July 22, 1997)
   "Either Way, I'm Prepared"* (Hagar the Horrible, July 22,
   1997) / Chris Browne. -- Summary: Lucky Eddy asks if
   there'll be much fighting in Scotland. Hagar has his golf
   clubs just in case. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (July 25, 1997)
   "Who are those Two Guys Putting down the 18th Fairway?"
   (Walnut Cove, July 25, 1997) / Cullum & Marshall. --
   Summary: They're almost out of balls, but they want to
   finish the course. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "putting"
Golf (July 26, 1997)
   "How About Triple Bogeys?"* (Peanuts, July 26, 1997) /
   Schulz. -- Summary: The dentist has told Charlie Brown how
   to avoid cavities. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (July 28, 1997)
   "Has Anyone Turned In a Cheeseburger?"* (Peanuts, July 28,
   1997) / by Charles Schulz. -- Summary: Charlie Brown goes
   back to the pro shop to inquire. -- Key words: Golf, lost
   and found, searching, running. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55
Golf (July 28, 1997)
   "Nintendo Summer Camp"* (Us & Them, July 28, 1997) / Dewar.
   -- Summary: Looking for a 'regular' summer camp for Sam. --
   Key words: Golf, basketball, baseball, science, music,
   drama, Red Cross, swimming, aerobics, water polo,
   campfires, singing, French language, Sega, computers,
   lasers. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "Summer Camps"
Golf (July 28, 1997)
   "You da Man!"* (In the Bleachers, July 28, 1997) / Moore.
   -- Key words: Bondage, golf, trees. -- Call no.:
   PN6726f.B55 "Bondage"
Golf (July 29, 1997)
   "The Idea of a Garage Sale"* (Jump Start, July 29, 1997) /
   by Robb Armstrong. -- Summary: We're supposed to be getting
   rid of junk, not collecting it. -- Key words: Golf clubs,
   buybacks. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "Garage Sales"
Golf (July 30, 1997)
   "Most of his Breathing is Sighing"* (Beetle Bailey, July
   30, 1997) / by Mort Walker. -- Key words: Golf, romance,
   martinis, aging. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "Breathing"
Golf (July 30, 1997)
   "The Other Reason it Took 40 Years to Cross the Desert"
   (Rubes, July 30, 1997) / Leigh Rubin. -- Key words:
   Sandtraps, Moses, golf. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "Moses"
Golf (July 30, 1997)
   "Shaving a Few Strokes off the Score"* (Herb & Jamaal, July
   30, 1997) / by Stephen Bentley. -- Key words: Golf,
   lessons, practicing, cheating. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55
Golf (July 31, 1997)
   "And a Couple of Shovels"* (In the Bleachers, July 31,
   1997) / Moore. -- Summary: The guys in the golf cart have a
   corpse, and one's going for supplies. -- Call no.:
   PN6726f.B55 "shovels"
Golf (July 31, 1997)
   "I Can't Just Say Ethics Aren't My Department"*
   (Doonesbury, July 31, 1997) / G.B. Trudeau. -- Summary: Kim
   has taught Tiger Woods that he has to take a stand on Nike
   and manufacturing conditions abroad, and he calls her a
   warrior. -- Key words: Golf, endorsement contracts. -- Call
   no.: PN6726f.B55 "Ethics"
Golf (July 31, 1997)
   "Your Usual Tee Time for Tomorrow?"* (Herb & Jamaal, July
   31, 1997) / by Stephen Bentley. -- Summary: All the
   frustration, anxiety and anger is enough to make Herb quit
   golf. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "Golf"
Golf (Aug. 2, 1997)
   "From This Angle, It's Hard to Say if it's a Boy or a
   Girl"* (In the Bleachers, Aug. 2, 1997) / Moore. -- Key
   words: Ultrasound, gender, prenatal golf, swinging, hiring
   an agent. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "Golf"
Golf (Aug. 2, 1997)
   "A Golf Bachelor Party"* (Second Chances, Aug. 2, 1997) /
   by Jeff Millar and Bill Hinds. -- Summary: The groom gets
   umlimited Mulligans, and there's a stripper in the 18th
   hole. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "Mulligans"
Golf (Aug. 2, 1997)
   "Golf Course for Ladies Only"* (Wizard of Id, Aug. 2, 1997)
   / Parker. -- Key words: Women's golf, stairs, falling.
   Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "golf courses"
Golf (Aug. 2, 1997)
   "Is It Okay If I Bring My Sand Wedge?"* (Hi and Lois, Aug.
   2, 1997) / Chance Browne. -- Summary: Hi's all ready to
   play golf when Lois reminds him he promised to take
   everybody to the beach. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf
Golf (Aug. 16, 1997)
   "And His Wife's Got to Do Everything Else!"* (Born Loser,
   Aug. 16, 1997) / Art-Chip. -- Summary: Brutus has to
   entertain a client at golf; 'a man's got to do what a man's
   got to do!' -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (Sept. 12, 1997)
   "What Attributes Does it Take to be a Great General?"*
   (Beetle Bailey, Sept. 12, 1997) / Mort Walker. -- Summary:
   Gen. Halftrack answers Lt. Fuzz's question by giving him a
   golf lesson. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "pointers"
Golf (Sept. 13, 1997)
   "They Didn't Float"* (Geech, Sept. 13, 1997) / Bittle. --
   Summary: Artie lost his clubs. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
   "golf clubs"
Golf (Sept. 17, 1997)
   "He's Getting Even With Me for Spilling a Bucket of Paint
   on His Head"* (Beetle Bailey, Sept. 17, 1997) / Mort
   Walker. -- Summary: Beetle explains why he was chosen to be
   the general's caddy. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "getting
Golf (Oct. 25, 1997)
   "In Your Watery Grave You Will Remain"* (Overboard, Oct.
   25, 1997) / by Chip Dunham. -- Summary: Captain Henry Crow
   has ended years of torment by sinking his golf clubs into
   the sea. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf clubs"
Golf (Nov. 1, 1997)
   "I've Got That Now, and I Don't Have to Travel"* (Blondie,
   Nov. 1, 1997) / Young & LeBrun. -- Summary: Mr. Dithers
   doesn't see what would be so good about being a pro golfer
   and having a life of country clubs, money, and people
   catering to his whims. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golfers"
Golf (Nov. 1, 1997)
   "I'm Discouraged Enough As It Is!"* (Born Loser, Nov. 1,
   1997) / Art-Chip. -- Summary: The golf pro wants Brutus to
   visualize each shot. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Golf (Nov. 1, 1997)
   "Clarence Did Something Clever. He Dressed Up as a Golf
   Nut"* (Jump Start, Nov. 1, 1997) / Armstrong. -- Summary:
   Sunny wore a Big Bird costume for halloween; Clarence wore
   his to Myrtle Beach. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golfers"
Golf (Nov. 12, 1997)
   "You and Clarence Went Golfing Without Inviting Him!"*
   (Jump Start, Nov. 12, 1997) / Armstrong. -- Summary: Joe's
   dad damaged Joe's car while golfing, and Joe's going to be
   furious. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (Nov. 13, 1997)
   "He Seems Eager to Get His Ball Back"* (Jump Start, Nov.
   13, 1997) / Armstrong. -- Summary: Joe realizes that it was
   his dad, Frank Cobb, who damaged his car, and hopes he's
   eager to pay damages. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf
Golf (Nov. 14, 1997)
   "Some Stranger Would Be Trying to Sue the Pants Off Me!"*
   (Jump Start, Nov. 14, 1997) / Armstrong. -- Summary: It's
   Pop's lucky Day, his golf ball hit Joe's car and only
   caused $500 in damage. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "lucky
Golf (Nov. 15, 1997)
   "The Way You Hit a Golf Ball You Could Play 18 Holes
   Indoors"* (Blondie, Nov. 15, 1997) / Young & LeBrun. --
   Summary: Herb doesn't think Dagwood should care that
   winter's coming. -- Callno.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (Nov. 26, 1997)
   "I Think Maybe You Need Help With Your Swing, Miss"* (Dick
   Tracy, Nov. 26, 1997) / Dick Locher, Mike Kilian. --
   Summary: She pretends she doesn't know how to play golf. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (Nov. 29, 1997)
   "Nixon! I Blame Nixon!"* (Thatch, Nov. 29, 1997) / J.
   Shesol. -- Summary: A woman who works for a senator
   explains to her parents that they're proposing corporate
   sponsorship of campaigns, strip-mining of the moon and
   Mars, and turning national parks into minimum-security golf
   courses for white-collar criminals. -- Call no.: PN6726
   f.B55 "national parks"
Golf (Jan. 2, 1998)
   "I Want to Visit My Golf Balls"* (Shoe, Jan. 2, 1998) /
   MacNelly. -- Summary: Cosmo wants to take a romantic walk
   down by the public golf course. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
   "golf courses"
Golf (Jan. 22, 1998)
   "So What's Wrong With My Golf Idea?"* (Doonesbury, Jan. 22,
   1998) / G.B. Trudeau. -- Summary: Phred is going to take
   Michael Jordan golfing instead of showing him the worker
   conditions in the Nike plant. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Golf (Feb. 28, 1998)
   "Something About a 7 A.M. Tee Time"* (Beetle Bailey, Feb.
   28, 1998) / Mort Walker. -- Summary: The general has
   consulted a map and seen a golf course, and the men want to
   know why they're marching all night. -- Call no.: PN6726
   f.B55 "golf courses"
Golf (Mar. 7, 1998)
   "Or at Least Float"* (Geech, Mar. 7, 1998) / Bittle. --
   Summary: Artie is shopping for golf clubs that are
   inexpensive and disposable. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf
Golf (Mar. 19, 1998)
   "As I Understand It, the Lowest Score Wins"* (Walnut Cove,
   Mar. 19, 1998) / Cullum & Marshall. -- Summary: Ethel
   thinks she'll take up golf. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf
Golf (Mar. 19, 1998)
   "At My Office! I'm Right Around the Corner from the
   Property"* (Rex Morgan, Mar. 19, 1998) / Wilson and Di
   Preta. -- Summary: From the golf course, Mr. Hall makes an
   appointment with Mrs. Whitworth. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Golf (Mar. 27, 1998)
   "Pass the Putter"* (Born Loser, Mar. 27, 1998) / by Art &
   Chip Sansom. -- Summary: Gladys asks Brutus to keep his
   mind off golf until they finish dinner. -- Call no.: PN6726
   f.B55 "golf"
Golf (Apr. 20, 1998)
   "Wasting the Time that We'd Otherwise be Spending With Our
   Families"* (Non Sequitur, Apr. 20, 1998) / Wiley. --
   Summary: A man ruminates about the purpose of golf. -- Call
   no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (Apr. 21, 1998)
   "These Flights Can Be Very Long If You Don't Have Someone
   To Listen To Your Golf Stories"* (Dilbert, Apr. 21, 1998) /
   by Scott Adams. -- Settings: An airport, then inside an
   airplane. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (Apr. 22, 1998)
   "You Think of War as a Sport!"* (Beetle Bailey, Apr. 22,
   1998) / Mort Walker. -- Summary: Beetle complains about
   Sarge's mentality; Sarge has his weapons in a golf bag. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "sports"
Golf (Apr. 25, 1998)
   "Never Let Your Stomach Growl when a Member of Your
   Foursome has a 3-foot Putt for Eagle"* (Close to Home, Apr.
   25, 1998) / by John McPherson. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
   "stomach growling"
Golf (May 7, 1998)
   "Don't Forget to Keep Your Head Down"* (Shoe, May 7, 1998)
   / MacNelly. -- Summary: Cosmo hits his golf ball through
   somebody's window. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "balls through
Golf (May 8, 1998)
   "Mostly I Hear It from Herb on the Golf Course"* (Herb &
   Jamaal, May 8, 1998) / by Stephen Bentley. -- Summary:
   Jamaal is used to profanity. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Golf (May 12, 1998)
   "They're Old Friends"* (Hagar the Horrible, May 12, 1998) /
   Chris Browne. -- Summary: The ship sank and Hagar only
   saved his golf clubs. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf
Golf (May 23, 1998)
   "Did You See a Golf Ball Come Over Into Your Your Yard"*
   (Blondie, May 23, 1998) / Young & LeBrun. -- Summary: Soon
   after Dagwood asks, the ball hits Herb on the head. -- Call
   no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf balls"
Golf (May 30, 1998)
   "Nice Shot, Clem!"* (Blondie, May 30, 1998) / Young &
   LeBrun. -- Summary: A golf ball lands in Dagwood's yard
   from 10 houses away. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf balls"
Golf (June 4, 1998)
   "I've Been Known to do a Little Duffing"* (Dr. Katz, June
   4, 1998) / Truxaw. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (June 4, 1998)
   "They Trained a Dog to Chase the Geese Off the Golf
   Course"* (Mr. Boffo, June 4, 1998) / by Joe Martin. --
   Summary: Mr. Boffo has lost another job. -- Call no.:
   PN6726 f.B55 "geese"
Golf (June 6, 1998)
   "Hiking with Golf Bag"* (Peanuts, June 6, 1998) / by
   Charles Schulz. -- Summary: Snoopy is leading the scouts on
   a hike, and the last bird has golf clubs instead of a
   knapsack. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf clubs"
Golf (June 6, 1998)
   "Look at the Pin Placement"* (Shoe, June 6, 1998) / by Jeff
   MacNelly. -- Summary: A tough course, the flag for the
   first hole is in a water hazard. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Golf (June 9, 1998)
   "Look! A Flag!"* (Mutts, June 9, 1998) / Patrick McDonnell.
   -- Summary: The new park is nice. -- Call no.: PN726 f.B55
   "golf courses"
Golf (June 10, 1998)
   "Fore in Examining Room 12!"* (Real Life Adventures, June
   10, 1998) / by Wise & Aldrich. -- Summary: The doctor's
   next appointment is a tee time. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Golf (June 10, 1998)
   "Metal Woods? Why, the Very Expression is an Oxymoron"*
   (Tank McNamara, June 10, 1998) / by Millar-Hinds. --
   Summary: There's a Mostly Ancient Golf Association rule
   against oxymorons, in the same paragraph that deals with
   stagecoach wheels. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "stagecoaches"
Golf (June 10, 1998)
   "That's Some Bounce!"* (Mutts, June 10, 1998) / Patrick
   McDonnell. -- Summary: Playing fetch with the golf ball
   that just landed near them. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf
Golf (June 12, 1998)
   "I Thought I Smelled Something"* (Mutts, June 12, 1998) /
   Patrick McDonnell. -- Summary: The golf bags feel heavy
   because they're packed with tuna sandwiches. -- Call no.:
   PN6726 f.B55 "golf bags"
Golf (June 13, 1998)
   "I've Got a Hole In One"* (Mutts, June 13, 1998) / Patrick
   McDonnell. -- Summary: Frank calls them his golf pants. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf clothes"
Golf (June 17, 1998)
   "I Suggest an Eight Iron on the Soft-Boiled Egg"* (Shoe,
   June 17, 1998) / MacNelly. -- Summary: Shoe and the
   Professor are at the 19th hole for lunch. -- Call no.:
   PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (June 20, 1998)
   "I Told Her Twice, But She Didn't Answer"* (Blondie, June
   20, 1998) / Young & LeBrun. -- Summary: Dagwood has this
   idea about making the backyard into a putting green. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f. B55 "putting greens"
Golf (June 22, 1998)
   "This Looks Like an Easy Pitch to the Green" (Shoe, June
   22, 1998) / MacNelly. -- Copyright line says 1996, but this
   was clipped from a 1998 newspaper. -- Summary: First Cosmo
   checks to see that nobody's looking, then he throws his
   ball. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (June 24, 1998)
   "When You Get Back to the Office, Tell Them I've Gone to
   the Golf Course"* (Blondie, June 24, 1998) / Young &
   LeBrun. -- Summary: Mr. Dithers agrees that it's too nice a
   day to work. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (June 30, 1998)
   "You Smell Like Sunblock"* (Hi and Lois, June 30, 1998) /
   Chance Browne. -- Summary: Lois suspects that Hi skipped
   work to play golf. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (July 3, 1998)
   "These Aren't Titanium. They're Just Plain Old Golf Clubs"*
   (In the Bleachers, July 3, 1998) / Moore. -- Summary: A
   couple of alligators have overcome a golfer, and are
   disappointed. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf clubs"
Golf (July 3, 1998)
   "You Know Your Golf Game Is In Trouble"* (Marvin, July 3,
   1998) / Armstrong. -- Summary: Marvin's dad gets his ball
   retriever regripped. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "grips"
Golf (July 11, 1998)
   "Since I Found I Could Have Some Fun With It"* (Beetle
   Bailey, July 11, 1998) / Mort Walker. -- Summary: Beetle
   has the General in a contorted position, and Killer asks
   when he became a golf instructor. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Golf (July 15, 1998)
   "He Summers There"* (Jump Start, July 15, 1998) /
   Armstrong. -- Summary: The doctor is unavailable; he's in
   the sandbox playing golf. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (July 16, 1998)
   "It's Their First Junior Golf Game"* (Nancy, July 16, 1998)
   / Guy & Brad Gilchrist. -- Summary: Nancy and Sluggo are
   trying golf. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (July 17, 1998)
   "The Weather Is Nice, But I've Lost 73 Balls Already!"*
   (Frank & Ernest, July 17, 1998) / Thaves. -- Summary:
   Angels are golfing from cloud to cloud. -- Call no.: PN6726
   f.B55 "golf"
Golf (July 24, 1998)
   "I'm Putting Here, Matt!"* (Gil Thorp, July 24, 1998) /
   Jenkins-Burns. -- Summary: Mark, Gil and Matt talk about
   the coming football season while on the golf course. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (July 27, 1998)
   "Partner's Efforts Could Be Worth a Second Look"*
   (Horrorscope, July 27, 1998) / Kelso & Rickner. -- Summary:
   One golfer sees another secretly dropping a new ball from
   his pocket. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf balls"
Golf (July 28, 1998)
   "This Club is Preferred by All the Better Golfers"* (Shoe,
   July 28, 1998) / MacNelly. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf
Golf (Aug. 7, 1998)
   "You, Mom, Since When Does Golf Put You in Such a Good
   Mood?"* (Foxtrot, Aug. 7, 1998) / by Bill Amend. --
   Summary: Roger watches Andy driving the ball, and keeps
   telling her she's thin. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (Aug. 11, 1998)
   "About Four Hours"* (Hagar the Horrible, Aug. 11, 1998) /
   Chris Browne. -- Summary: Hagar and his band are ready to
   loot a castle, but the owner wants to get in a game of golf
   first. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
Golf (Sept. 3, 1998)
   "Now Just Swing Naturally"* (Beetle Bailey, Sept. 3, 1998)
   / Mort Walker. -- Summary: The general is clamped into a
   new training machine at the pro shop. -- Call no.: PN6726
   f.B55 "golf"
Golf (Sept. 9, 1998)
   "Tie it Good and Tight!" (Heathcliff, Sept. 9, 1998) / Geo
   Gately. -- Summary: Heathcliff is tying a set of golf clubs
   to a railroad track. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf clubs"
Golf (Sept. 15, 1998)
   "A Wedge that Floats"* (B.C., Sept. 15, 1998) / Hart. --
   Summary: An inventor comes to the patent office with his
   innovative golf club. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "floating"
Golf (Sept. 26, 1998)
   "Then I Need About a Half-Dozen of Your Cheapest Ones that
   Sink"* (Geech, Sept. 26, 1998) / Bittle. -- Summary: The
   salesman tells Artie that he doesn't have a floating
   putter. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "putters"
Golf (Oct. 3, 1998)
   "Camouflage/Fairwayflage"* (Beetle Bailey, Oct. 3, 1998) /
   by Mort Walker. -- Summary: Shows two styles of clothing.
   -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf clothes"
Golf (Nov. 4, 1998)
   "Are There That Many Stars Lined Up to Have Sex With Men in
   Polyester Pants?"* (Sylvia, Nov. 4, 1998) / Nicole
   Hollander. -- (Bad Girl Chats) -- Summary: Most golfers
   would pass up sex with a movie star to shoot par. -- Call
   no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf clothes"
Golf (Nov. 5, 1998)
   "What's Happened to Our System of Chicks and Balances?"*
   (Kudzu, Nov. 5, 1998) / Marlette. -- Summary: Bill Clinton
   and Will B. Dunn are having a conversation on the golf
   course. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf courses"
Golf (Nov. 6, 1998)
   "They Run Their Commercials on Golf Tournaments so CEOs
   will See Them, the Creeps"* (Second Chances, Nov. 6, 1998)
   /  by Jeff Millar and Bill Hinds. -- Summary: Her company
   won't let her keep frequent-flier miles, and makes her stay
   in generic inns. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "golf
Golf (Nov. 7, 1998)
   "I Insist on Ending the Year with a Good Round"* (Blondie,
   Nov. 7, 1998) / Young & LeBrun. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Golf (Nov. 30, 1998)
   "I'll Golf When I Want with Whoever I Want"* (Speed Bump,
   Nov. 30, 1998) / Coverly. -- Summary: A marriage counselor
   talks to his wife on the phone. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
   "marriage counselors"
 On down the list

 This segment last edited March 16, 2022