Michigan State University Libraries
Special Collections Division
Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection
"Aedena" to "Äventyrens"
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Aedena, Miss.
"Cadelo" / Miss Aedena. p. 45-47 in Spot BD, no. 4 (Sept.
1986). -- Introduces a Silvio Cadelo album called
Décollages. Includes a biographical paragraph and an
introductory paragraph by Philippe Bronson. -- Contents
page title: Décollages. -- Call no.: PN6745.S63no.4
Aedena, Miss.
"La Nuit de l'Étoile" / par Miss Aedena. p. 44-47 in Spot
BD, no. 2 (May 1986). -- Introduces a new Moebius/Bati
album. -- Call no.: PN6745.S63no.2
Aedena, Miss.
"Pacifique Sud 2" / par Miss Aedena. p. 38-41 in Spot BD,
no. 3 (June 1986). -- Introduces an album by Sergio Macedo,
with a biographical paragraph about the Brazilian artist.
-- Call no.: PN6745.S63no.3
Aedena, Miss.
"Torrès : La Bande Dessinée du Futur" / par Miss Aedena. p.
31-32 in Spot BD, no. 4 (Sept. 1986). -- Contents page
title: Olympe, Opium et Autres Récits. -- Includes a brief
interview with Daniel Torres, and biographical paragraphs.
-- Call no.: PN6745.S63no.4
"The Aedena Saga" 1 p. text in Moebius Comics, no. 4 (Nov.
1996). -- Call no.: PN6728.6.C3M6no.4
"Ædipios!" p. 40-41 in Métal Hurlant, no. 19 (July 1977). --
(Paradis 9) -- Call no.: PN6748.M4no.19
"Aedipios" p. 65 in Heavy Metal, v. 1, no. 13 (Apr. 1978). --
(Paradise 9) -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.1no.13
Gueules de Foot : la France / Jala-Medori ; illustrations,
Christine Ponchon et Pierre Quentin. -- Vichy : AEDIS,
1998. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 30 cm. -- "Les matchs, le jeu,
les sites, les règles, et les gueules." -- Soccer
caricatures, with 2 p. of comic strips ("Bédéfoot"). -- All
illustrations signed: Jala. -- Call no.: GV943.2.J3 1998
Entry (p. 3) in The Encyclopedia of Super Villains / Jeff
Rovin (New York : Facts on File, 1987). -- Call no.:
P96.V48R68 1987
Entry (v. 1, p. 5) in Who's Who : the Definitive Directory
of the DC Universe (New York : DC Comics, 1984-1987). --
Call no.: PN6725.W475 1984 v.1
Aegis. -- Stevens Point, WI : Crushing Press, 1997- . -- ill.
; 24-27 cm. -- Began with no. 1 (May 1997). -- By Becky
Grutzik. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-3
(1997-2000). -- Call no.: PN6728.6.C68A4
Aegis : Sibling Rivalry / created, written and illustrated by
Becky Grutzik. -- Stevens Point, WI : Crushing Press, 2002.
-- 20 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. -- "Originally printed in The
Painter in Spring semester of 1996 as a weekly comic
strip." -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.G783A6 2002
Aegis Prelude. -- Stevens Point, WI : Crushing Press, 2001- .
-- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Began with no. 1 (Mar. 2001). -- By
Becky Grutzik. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1.
-- Call no.: PN6728.7.C68A4
Aegrisomnia. -- San Antonio, TX : Visualeyes Studio, 1987- .
-- ill. ; 22 cm. -- By Steve Krueger. -- LIBRARY HAS:
chapt. 1-2.
1. New wave comics. 2. Fantasy comics. I. Krueger, Steve.
II. Visualeyes Studio. Call no.: PN6728.55.V57A4 1987
Aegyptische Humoreske.
Er-Sie-Es : IIte aegyptische Humoreske : nach der Natur
abgemalt und niedergeschrieben 1302 Jahre vor Christi
Geburt / durch D.M. Seyppel, Hofmaler und Poet der seligen
Majestat Konig Rhampsinit III. Memphis, Pyramidenstrasse n
36, Ite Etage, Meldung beim Portier. -- Dusseldorf : F.
Bagel, 1883. -- 42 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- Printed on thick
paper imitating in color and appearance a damaged papyrus;
bound in brown sackcloth.
I. Seyppel, Karl Maria, 1847- II. Aegyptische Humoreske.
Call no.: NC1509.S48 1883
Aeiou : Any Easy Intimacy / Jeffrey Brown. -- Marietta, Ga. :
Top Shelf, 2005. -- 224 p. : ill. ; 16 cm. --
Autobiographical genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.B677A4 2005
Aejung / Han, Hi-jak. -- Seoul, Korea : Tosochulpan Yehaksa,
1990. -- ill. ; 24 cm. -- Complete in 8 nos. -- LIBRARY
HAS: no. 1-8. -- Call no.: PN6790.K63H36A32 1990
Älgar Vidare.
Ernie : älgar vidare / av Bud Grace. -- Stockholm :
Atlantic Förlags, 1992. -- 130 p. : ill. ; 17 cm. --
(Pandora Pocket ; 15) -- Ernie, translated from English to
Swedish. -- Call no.: PN6728.E7E719 1992
Älgen är lös / ritad å berättad av Ulf Frödin. -- Stockholm :
Bokförlaget Röda Rummet, 1977. -- 56 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. --
(Comix-nostra album ; Nr. 1)
1. Swedish comics. 2. Funny animal comics. I. Frödin, Ulf.
II. Series. III. Bokförlaget Röda Rummet. Call no.:
PN6790.S93 F7 A4 1977
Aellen, Nady.
La Mort et la Passion : Bandes Dessinées du Cercle Polaire
/ Kalervo Palsa. -- Kemi : Service Culturel de la
Municipalité de Kemi, 1989. -- 63 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. --
Translated from Finnish to French by Kirsi Kinnunen, Nady
Aellen & Pascal Roux. -- Call no.: PN6790.F522P3M614 1989
De Älskande i Roissy / av Guido Crepax ; efter en roman av
Pauline Reage ; översättning, Horst Schröder ; textning,
Sven Rosén. -- Stockholm : RSR Epix, 1988. -- 56 p. : ill.
; 30 cm. -- (Historien om O ; n. 1) -- (Topas ; 4) --
(Lotus ; 4) -- Translation of Historia di O. -- Erotic
genre. -- Call no.: PN6767.C7H5019 1988
The Ämersom Litepalti Stååry! / av Mikke Hedberg. -- Stockholm
: Medusa, 1990. -- 64 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. -- (Ett Album från
Medusa) -- Alternative genre. -- Call no.: PN6790.S93 H4A5
"'Aemorraghe" / Caza. p. 20-23 in Heavy Metal, v. 6, no. 9
(Dec. 1982). -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.6no.9
Änkan / av Gérard Leclaire ; text, A. Vastel. -- Stockholm :
RSR Epix, 1989. -- 44 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. -- (Topas
presenterar ; nr. 14) -- Translated from French to Swedish.
1. French comics. 2. Swedish comics. 3. Erotic comic books,
strips, etc. I. Leclaire, Gérard. II. Vastel, A. III.
Series. IV. Ego transfert. Swedish. V. RSR Epix. Call no.:
PN6747.L325E3419 1989
Aeneid (Virgil).
Index entry (p. 177) in America's Great Comic-Strip
Artists, by Richard Marschall (New York : Abbeville Press,
1989). Call no.: PN6725.M284A5 1989
"Aenigma Regis" (Doom Patrol) / Richard Case & Stan Woch,
artists ; Grant Morrison, writer ; Daniel Vozzo, colorist ;
John Workman, letterer ; Tom Peyer, editor. 24 p. in Doom
Patrol, no. 54 (Apr 1992). -- Data from Gene Reed & John
Bullough, via Grand Comic-Book Database. -- Call no.:
Aeon Flux. -- Milwaukie, Ore. : Dark Horse Comics, 2005-2006.
-- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 4 nos. -- Science
fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 4. -- Call no.:
PN6728.7.D34A32 2005
Aeon Focus. -- Seattle, WA : Aeon, 1994- . -- ill. ; 26 cm. --
Began with no. 1 (Mar. 1994) -- Distinctive title, no. 1:
Justin Hampton's Twitch. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1, 3.
1. Alternative comics. I. Justin Hampton's Twitch. II.
Twitch. III. Hampton, Justin. Call no.: PN6728.6.A33A32
Aeon Focus--Reviews.
"Amazing Montage: Comics reviews by Joe Zabel" p. 27-46,
57-60 in Subliminal Tattoos, no. 2 (1994) -- Reviews and
exerpts of: Way Out Strips, no. 1 ; Love and Rockets, no.
43-44; Nina's Adventures ; Twisted Sisters, no. 1 ; The
Acme Novelty Library, no. 1 ; Boom Boom, no. 1 ; Peepshow,
no. 6 ; Hate, no. 15 ; Palestine, no. 6 ; Dirty Plotte, no.
8 ; An Accidental Death ; Strangers in Paradise ; Rogan
Gosh ; Paper Tales, no. 2 ; Colin Upton's Big Black Thing ;
Aeon Focus: Colin Upton ; Places that are Gone, no. 1 ; Our
Cancer Year ; American Splendor Presents, no. 1 ; Diva
Graphics and Stories, no. 1 ; Starhead Monthly Mini-Comix ;
The Mutant Book of the Dead, no. 1 ; Naughty Bits, no. 12.
1. [Each title]--Reviews. 2. Reviews of comics. I. Zabel,
Joe. Call no.: PN6700.S8no.2
Aeon Press.
Aeon Focus. -- Seattle, WA : Aeon, 1994- . -- ill. ; 26 cm.
-- Began with no. 1 (Mar. 1994) -- Distinctive title, no.
1: Justin Hampton's Twitch. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1, 3.
1. Alternative comics. I. Justin Hampton's Twitch. II.
Twitch. III. Hampton, Justin. Call no.: PN6728.6.A33A32
Aeon Press.
Boom Boom. -- Seattle, WA : Aeon, 1994- . -- ill. ; 26 cm.
-- By David Lasky. -- Genre: Alternative. -- LIBRARY HAS:
no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.A33B6
Aeon Press.
Buddha on the Road / by Colin Upton. -- Seattle, WA : Æon,
1996- . -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Alternative genre. -- LIBRARY
HAS: no. 1-6 (1996-1997). -- Call no.: PN6728.6.A33B8
Aeon Press.
Crush. -- Seattle, WA : Aeon, 1995- . -- ill. ; 26 cm. --
Began with no. 1 (Nov. 1995). -- "Suggested for mature
readers." -- Science fiction. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-2
(1995). -- Call no.: PN6728.6.A33C7
Aeon Press.
The Desert Peach. v. 2, Politics, Pilots, and Puppies / by
Donna Barr. -- Seattle, WA : AEON, 1994. -- 120 p. : ill. ;
27 cm. -- No. 4-6 of The Desert Peach, plus a new story,
1. War comics. 2. Gay men--Comic books, strips, etc. I.
Barr, Donna. III. Politics, Pilots, and Puppies. IV. AEON.
V. Outfoxed. k. Pilots. k. Puppies. Call no.: PN6727.B3D4
Aeon Press.
The Desert Peach. v. 3, Foreign relations / by Donna Barr.
-- Seattle, WA : AEON, 1994. -- 101 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. --
"For mature readers."
1. War comics. 2. Gay men--Comic books, strips, etc. I.
Barr, Donna. II. Foreign Relations. III. AEON. Call no.:
PN6727.B3D413 1994
Aeon Press.
The Desert Peach. v. 5, Belief Systems / by Donna Barr. --
Seattle, WA : Aeon, 1994. -- 96 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. --
Introduction by Roberta Gregory. -- Stories about Pfirsich
Rommel, the fictional gay younger brother of the Desert
1. War comics. 2. Gay men--Comic books, strips, etc. I.
Barr, Donna. II. Gregory, Roberta. III. Belief Systems. IV.
Aeon. Call no.: PN6727.B3D43 1994
Aeon Press.
The Desert Peach. v. 6, Marriage & Mayhem / by Donna Barr.
-- Seattle, WA : Mu/Aeon, 1994. -- 128 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.
-- (Mu Pubs ; 233) -- Introduction by Mike Kazaleh. --
Issues 16, 17, 19 of The Desert Peach.
1. War comics. 2. Gay men--Comic books, strips, etc. I.
Barr, Donna. II. Kazaleh, Mike. III. Marriage & Mayhem. IV.
Series. V. Aeon. Call no.: PN6727.B3D44 1994
Aeon Press.
The Desert Peach Collection. v. 4, Baby Games / by Donna
Barr. -- Seattle, Wash. : Aeon, 1994. -- 101 p. : ill. ; 26
cm. -- Issues 10-12 of The Desert Peach.
1. War comics. 2. Gay men--Comic books, strips, etc. I.
Barr, Donna. II. Baby Games. III. Aeon. Call no.:
PN6727.D42 1994
Aeon Press.
Ersatz Peach / by Donna Barr and friends. -- Seattle, WA :
Aeon, 1995. -- 80 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- (MU Pubs ; no. 255)
-- Interpretations of and tributes to Donna Barr's
character Desert Peach, the gay Nazi officer in World War
II North Africa. -- Contents: Cover by Roberta Gregory ;
Preface / Donna Barr ; Introduction / Dave Sim ; A Letter /
Daniel Pinkwater ; Pilot error / Sean Bieri ; The early
life of Rosen Kavalier (a dissenting view) / Heloise Warne
& Barb Rausch ; A Letter / Bob Crabb ; The new colonel / RL
Crabb ; Night session / Peter Oakley ; Birthday card &
games / Elizabeth Weeks Pankey ; Little night-mares / Diana
R. Sasse ; To dream of victories past / Bob Hanon ; Desert
Mikado / Danielle DeLeon ; Rendezvous with Rommel / Matt
Howarth ; Desert Peach in Slumberland / Landry Quinn Walker
& Eric Jones ; Go Peach Racer Go / Jim Groat ; Source
material / Dave Sanders ; Encounter in the sands / Trina
Robbins ; Desert Peach frolics / Spain ; Artistic license /
Joyceanna Brock ; Listen / David Morris ; Nocturne / Larry
Lewis ; Rosen is a pain in the ass / Ford Prefect ; Sunday
afternoon / Brandon Graham ; The Desert pitch / Ian Boothby
; A new assignment / Bob Delaney ; The Syndicated Peach /
Brett Austin ; Desert dykes / Jennifer Camper ; The Peach
and I / Dennis P. Eichhorn ; The confusing sounds of war /
Johane Matte ; A parting of the waves / John Blackburn ;
He... is, isn't he? / Teri S. Wood ; The Peach reviews a
book / Brad W. Foster ; Moonglow / John MacLeod ; A Peachy
story / Kjartan Arnòrsson ; Age of consent / Howard
Stangroom & Stephen Lowther. -- Call no.: PN6727.B3E7 1995
Aeon Press.
Das Loot / by Matt Howarth and Lou Stathis. -- Seattle,
Wash. : Aeon, 1994. -- 159 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Cover
title: Post Bros. Das Loot. -- "Portions of this book were
originally published in 'Those Annoying Post Bros.' #1-5."
-- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.H6D3 1994
Aeon Press.
Lowlife. -- Plymouth, MI : Caliber Press, 1991- . -- ill. ;
26 cm. -- No. 4 published by Aeon. -- By Ed Brubaker. --
LIBRARY HAS: no. 1, 3-4 (1991-1994). -- Call no.:
Aeon Press.
Not Just Another Pretty Face : the confessions &
confections of a girlie cartoonist / by R.C. Harvey. --
Seattle, Wash. : Æon, 1996. -- 136 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. --
Genre: Erotic. -- Subject: Sex--Caricatures and cartoons.
-- Call no.: PN6727.H345N6 1996
Aeon Press.
On Our Butts / edited by Gabrielle Gamboa, with Fawn
Gehweiler. -- Seattle, Wa. : Aeon, 1994. -- 32 p. : ill. ;
28 cm. -- (MU pubs ; #215) -- Includes work by Ariel
Bordeaux, Gabrielle Gamboa, Janelle Hessig, Chantalle
Doyle, J. (Jackie) McLaughlin, Fly, M.C. Betz, Fawn
Gehweiler, Lisa Onomoto, Anna Costa, Megan Kelso, and
Jessica Abel, with introduction by Mary Fleener. -- Genres:
Alternative, women's. -- Call no.: PN6726 .O5 1994
Aeon Press.
Peach Slices / Donna Barr. -- Seattle, WA : ÆON, 1993. -- 1
v. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Stories and miscellanea relating to
the comic book feature Desert Peach. -- Call no.:
PN6727.B3P4 1993
Aeon Press.
The Portable Lowlife / by Ed Brubaker. -- Seattle : Aeon,
1993. -- 48 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Teen humor. -- Call no.:
PN6727.B73P6 1993
Aeon Press.
Reporter / Dylan Williams. -- Seattle, WA : Aeon, 1997. --
1 v. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Vol. one, no. one." -- Alternative
genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.A33R4 1997
Aeon Press.
This is Heat / Howarth, Rittenhouse. -- Seattle, WA : Aeon,
1993. -- 23 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Part 2 of the Fire Shrine
Trilogy. -- Alternative and science fiction genres. -- Call
no.: PN6728.6.A33T47 1993
Aeon Press--Miscellanea.
"Aeon Press Set to Wind Down" / Vanessa Vanderzanden. p.
29-30 in The Comics Journal, no. 198 (Aug. 1997)
(Newswatch) -- Summary: Edd Vick will close down Aeon Press
and Mu Press. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.198
Aeon Press--Miscellanea.
"Post Bros. Moves to Æon" p. 39 in The Comics Journal, no.
168 (May 1994) -- (Newswatch) -- Matt Howarth series moving
from Vortex. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.168
"Aeon Press Set to Wind Down" / Vanessa Vanderzanden. p. 29-30
in The Comics Journal, no. 198 (Aug. 1997) (Newswatch) --
Summary: Edd Vick will close down Aeon Press and Mu Press.
-- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.198
"Tor and the Man from the Aeons" 2 p. in Wham-O Giant
Comics, no. 1 (Apr. 1967). -- Prehistoric adventure. --
Call no.: map case PN6728.W45
"When I Was Aerating the Lawn, I Accidentally Cut the Cable
TV Line"* (Fox Trot, Oct. 16, 2006) / Amend. -- Call no.:
PN6726 f.B55 "lawns"
Ærbødigst : Viser og Vers / af Viggo Barfoed ; tegninger af
Herluf Jensenius. -- København : Rasmus Navers Forlag,
1947. -- 26. samling. -- 95 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. -- Humorous
poetry with cartoon illustrations on every page. -- Call
no.: PT8175.B355A63 1947
Aerial Acts.
"New Girl in the Aerial Act"* (Hy Wire) / Henry Boltinoff.
1 p. in Blackhawk, no. 146 (Mar. 1960) -- Begins: Hmm, a
new girl in the aerial ...
I. Boltinoff, Henry. II. Hy Wire. k. Girls. k. Aerial acts.
Call no.: PN6728.1.Q3U5no.146
Aerial Agent.
Daffy Duck : Aerial Agent. -- Poughkeepsie, N.Y. : K.K.
Publications, 1967. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Top
Comics ; no. 1) -- "Everything's ducky when Daffy is hired
as a spy guy." -- Call no.: PN6728.3.G56T5613 1967
Aerial & Assault. -- Lapeer, MI : Medieval Studios, 1994- . --
ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Tyme Comics Presents..." -- LIBRARY HAS:
no. 1.
1. Superheroine comics. I. Tyme Comics. II. Medieval
Studios. k. Assault. Call no.: PN6728.6.T92A3
Aerial Assassins.
"Hitler's Aerial Assassins"* (Parachute Patrol) / art:
Henry Kiefer. 6 p. in Wings Comics, no. 4 (Dec. 1940). --
Appearance of Lord Roslyn. -- Data from Lou Mougin via The
Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F5W5m
Aerial Battles.
"Pour It Into Them, You Madcats"* (Jive Gray, June 12,
1943) / Ol Harrington. reprinted on p. 66 of Time for
Action, by Robin Mazyck (M.A. Thesis, Michigan State
University School of Journalism, 1998). -- Summary: Aerial
battle between the Tuskeegee Warhawks and a flight of Nazi
bombers. -- Call no.: N6537.H349M3 1998
Aerial Combat.
"Fearless Funmaker" 4 p. in True Comics, no. 35 (May 1944)
-- SUMMARY: A ground crew member with a sense of humor gets
a taste of aerial combat in the Pacific.
1. Fenster, Irving--Comic books, strips, etc. k. Ground
crew. k. Aerial combat. k. Funmakers. k. Humor. Call no.:
Aerial Combat.
"How It Began!" / art by George Evans ; script by Archie
Goodwin. p. 12-13 in Blazing Combat, no. 4 (July 1966). --
"A brief look into the days when aerial combat took wing."
-- Call no.: PN6728.3.W3B55no.4
Aerial Dogfights.
"You Might Hafta Use That Gun"* (Alley Oop, Sept. 30, 1983)
/ by Dave Graue. -- Summary: Looks like Alley and Jacques
are in for an aerial dogfight in their LVG. -- Call no.:
PN6726 f.B55 "dogfights"
Aerial Duels.
"Baron Kraft"* (The Sky Wolf) 10 p. in Silver Streak
Comics, no. 4 (May 1940) -- SUMMARY: Sky Wolf saves a
French patrol from Baron Kraft, then spies on the Germans,
and later defeats Baron Kraft in an aerial duel.
I. The Sky Wolf. k. French Patrols. k. Spying. k. Germans.
k. Aerial Duels. k. Duels. Call no.: Film 15791, r.31
"Aerial Firefighter" (Tom Carver, Helicopter Pilot) / by
George F. Foley Jr. p. 23-25 in Treasure Chest, v. 2, no. 6
(Nov. 12, 1946). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.2no.6
"The Aerial Mines"* (Chip Collins) / art: Gene Fawcette. 9 p.
in Fight Comics, no. 11 (Feb. 1941). -- Villain: The Nazis.
-- Data from Gene Reed via Grand Comic Book Database. --
Call no.: Film 15791 r.108
Aerial Observation.
"Civil War Air Ace" 6 p. in Airboy Comics, v. 6, no. 8
(Sept. 1949) -- SUMMARY: Balloonist and Professor Thaddeus
Lowe does battlefield observations from aloft,
communicating with a telegraph wire.
I. Lowe, Thaddeus. k. Balloonists. k. Professors. k.
Battlefields. k. Air Aces. k. Aerial Observation. k.
Telegraph. Call no.: Film 15791, r.105
Aerial Photography.
Index entry (p. 148) in Histoire de la Bande Dessinée /
Gérard Blanchard. Nouv. éd. (Verviers : Marabout, 1974).
Call no.: PN6710.B58 1974
Aerial Photography.
"Mystery of the Aerial Photographer" (Armstrong of the
Army) / Ed Moore, script and art ; Ed Wheelan, letters. 9
p. in Star Spangled Comics, no. 1 (Oct. 1941). -- Adventure
story genre. -- Data from Gene Reed and Jim Walls, via
Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S75m
Aerial Photography.
"Photo Joe" 5 p. in True Comics, no. 27 (Sept. 1943) --
SUMMARY: A Japanese aerial photographer taunts an American
Base at Assam, India.
1. Aerial photography--Comic books, strips, etc. k.
Japanese aerial photographers. k. Taunting. k. Assam
(India) Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.27
Aerial Rescues.
"Scratched from Death!" p. 48-49 in Real Heroes, no. 3
(Mar. 1942). -- William W. Lowrey and John R. McCants
received the Distinguished Flying Cross for an aerial
rescue, May 15, 1941. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P3R4no.3
Aerial Shots.
Index entry (p. 40) in The Will Eisner Companion, by N.C.
Christopher Couch & Stephen Weiner (New York : DC Comics,
2004). -- Call no.: PN6727.E35 Z5C6 2004
"Aerialist"* (Caveman) / by Tayyar Ozkan. p. 100-101 in Heavy
Metal, v. 27, no. 3 (July 2003). -- Call no.:
"High Death!" 5 p. in He-Man, no. 2 (July 1954). -- (A True
"He-Man" Adventure) -- Summary: A circus aerialist is on a
high bridge planning a suicide jump, and a policeman climbs
up to talk her down. "You're young! You're pretty! You've
got everything to live for!" Then another aerialist comes
along and tries to kill them both. -- Call no.:
The Blank in the Comics strip collection includes a file of
one or more daily comic strips related to this keyword or
topic. Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Ærlig, Tor.
"Work : Gustav Vigeland in Short" / Tor Ærlig. p. 282-287
in SPX 2002 : Biographical Comics Issue (Comic Book Legal
Defense Fund, 2002). -- About sculptor Vigeland, who lived
from 1869 to 1943. -- Call no.: PN6705.U5S6 2002
Ärligt Talat (June 25, 1996)
"Vi kunde förbjuda kvinnor att öppna käften"* (Ûrligt
Talat, June 25, 1996) / original serie för Metro
(Stockholm) av Monica Hellström. -- Key words: Masculinity,
women. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "Masculinity"
Aero, Captain.
Captain Aero Comics [microform] -- Holyoke, Mass. : Holyoke
Publishing Co., 1941-1946. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
Published v. 1, no. 7 (Dec. 1941) - no. 26 (Aug. 1946), cf.
Official Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide. -- Continues:
Samson. -- Microfilm. St. Clair Shores, Mich. : J. Bails.
-- positive ; 16 mm. -- (Jerry Bails Microfilm Library of
Comic Art) -- Setting: Aeronautics. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
8-10, 17, 21, 23 (1942-1945). -- Distribution on reels:
no. 8-9: r. 386
no. 10: r. 29
no. 17, 21, 23: r. 386
-- Call no.: Film 15791
Aero Coloring Book ; 30001
Heckle & Jeckle Coloring Book. -- Ottenheimer Publishers,
1977. -- 64 p. : all ill. ; 28 cm. -- (Aero Coloring Book ;
30001) -- Call no.: PN6728.H435C6 1977
Aero Comics.
Index entry (p. 29, 142) in Bonzer : Australian Comics
1900-1990s, edited by Annette Kay Shiell (Melbourne : Elgua
Media, 1998). -- Call no.: PN6790.A8 S47 1998
"Aero Entrenador" (Hágalo Usted Mismo) 1 p. in Daniel Boone,
no. 15 (Mar. 1958). -- Call no.: PN6790.M44D27no.15
Aero Into the Aether--Reviews.
"Surrealist Cartoonist" p. 53 in The Comics Journal, no. 66
(Sept. 1981) -- About Hal Rammel; review of Aero into the
Aether. -- Data from Pete Coogan. -- Call no.:
Aero Publishers.
More There I Was / by Bob Stevens. -- Fallbrook, Calif. :
Aero Publishers, 1974. -- 126 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. --
Includes index. -- Cartoons about military aviation. --
Call no.: D745.2.S772 1974
Aero Publishers.
There I Was / by Bob Stevens ; with special foreword by
Milton Caniff. -- Fallbrook, Calif. : Aero Publishers,
1968. -- 96 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- Cartoons about military
aviation. -- Cover title: Bob Stevens' There I Was. -- Call
no.: D745.2.S77 1968
Aero Publishers.
There I Was-- 25 years / Bob Stevens. -- Blue Ridge Summit,
PA : AERO, 1992. -- 300 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. -- Originally
published: Bonsall, CA : Village Press, 1990. -- Cartoons
about military aeronautics. -- Call no.: D745.2.S774 1992
"Aerobic Exercises"* (Fat Freddy's Cat ; 186) 1 p. in The
Adventures of Fat Freddy's Cat, no. 4 (1978) / by Gilbert
Shelton ; and 1/2 p. in The Adventures of Fat Freddy's Cat,
no. 4 (1988). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5A3bk.4 1978. Call
no.: PN6728.45.R5A3no.4 1988
The Blank in the Comics strip collection includes a file of
one or more daily comic strips related to this keyword or
topic. Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
"Flight Attendant Aerobics Class" (Mother Goose & Grimm,
July 22, 2003) / Mike Peters. -- Summary: Seats to original
upright position. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "aerobics"
"Nintendo Summer Camp"* (Us & Them, July 28, 1997) / Dewar.
-- Summary: Looking for a 'regular' summer camp for Sam. --
Key words: Golf, basketball, baseball, science, music,
drama, Red Cross, swimming, aerobics, water polo,
campfires, singing, French language, Sega, computers,
lasers. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "Summer Camps"
"Step Aerobics for Golfers" (In the Bleachers, May 23,
1992) / by Steve Moore. reproduced on p. 166 of Golf in the
Comic Strips, ed. by Howard Ziehm (General Publishing
Group, 1997). -- Summary: The golfers are getting in and
out of their golf carts. -- Call no.: PN6726.G595 1997
Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon / adapted by Tracey West.
-- New York : Scholastic, 1999. -- 71 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. --
(Pokémon ; 3) -- Summary: Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu go
on a Pokémon fossil dig. Things get explosive when Team
Rocket accidentally wakes up some cranky ancient Pokémon--
including a flying Aerodactyl! -- Call no.: PN1992.77.P6
P603 1999
The Blank in the Comics strip collection includes a file of
one or more daily comic strips related to this keyword or
topic. Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Politically, Fashionably, and Aerodynamically Incorrect :
the First Outland Collection / Berkeley Breathed. -- Boston
: Little, Brown, 1992. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 22 x 28 cm. --
Call no.: PN6728 .O85P6 1992
Entry (p. 391) in The Encyclopedia of Superheroes / Jeff
Rovin (New York : Facts on File, 1985). -- Call no.:
PN6707.R6 1985
L'Aéromédon Populaire.
Entry (v. 1, p. 347) in Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de
Héros et Auteurs de BD, by Henri Filippini (Grenoble :
Glénat, 1998). -- Call no.: PN6707.F5 1998 v.1
"How the Radio Beam Guides Airplanes" p. 24-29 in True
Comics, no. 20 (Jan. 1943)
1. Aeronautics--Comic books, strips, etc. 2. Instrument
flying--Comic books, strips, etc. k. Radio Beams. k.
Flying. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.20
Junior Aviation Science / D.H. Grimm ; illustrated by
Clayton Knight and Eric Sloane. -- New York : Noble &
Noble, Inc., 1942. -- 111 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- Topic:
Aeronautics. -- Call no.: TL546.G7
"Science in the Sky" 3 p. in Science Comics, no. 1 (Mar.
1. Flying machines--Comic books, strips, etc. 2.
Aeronautics--Comic books, strips, etc. k. The Sky. Call
no.: PN6734.S345no.1
Science is in the Air : an inspirational textbook told
almost exclusively in pictures / artists, Ray Evans, Jr.,
Robert Powell ; authors, Ray Evans, Jr., Alfred M. Klein ;
ed. by William J. de Grouchy. -- New York : Street and
Smith, 1947. -- 158 p. : ill., maps ; 20 cm.
1. Aeronautics--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Evans, Ray.
II. De Grouchy, William John, 1889- III. Powell, Robert.
IV. Klein, Alfred M. V. Street and Smith. Call no.:
TL549.D4 1947
"Supersonics" 2 p. in True Comics, no. 73 (Oct. 1948) --
Illustrated text feature.
1. Supersonic planes--Comic books, strips, etc. 2.
Aeronautics--Comic books, strips, etc. Call no.:
Variguinho. -- São Paulo : Icaro Editora, . -- col. ill. ;
18 cm. -- "Revista infantil de bordo, Varig". -- Genre:
Educational. -- Subjects: Airlines--Brazil; aeronautics. --
LIBRARY HAS: no. 3, 16 (1987?). -- Call no.: PN6790.B74V3
"Why Airplanes Fly" 2 p. in Science Comics, no. 1 (Jan.
1. Aeronautics--Comic books, strips, etc. k. Bernoulli's
Principle. k. Flight. Call no.: PN6728.1.H8S36no.1
Aerosmith : Rock This Way! / Dean Hsieh, writer ; Greg Fox,
artist and letterer. -- San Diego, CA : Revolutionary
Comics, 1990. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Rock 'n
Roll Comics ; no. 11)
1. Rock musicians--Comic books, strips, etc. 2. Aerosmith
(Musical group)--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Hsieh, Dean.
II. Fox, Greg. III. Series. IV. Rock This Way! V.
Revolutionary Comics. Call no.: PN6728.55.R453R6no.11
Aerosmith : Rock This Way! / Dean Hsieh, writer ; Greg Fox,
artist and letterer. -- San Diego, CA : Revolutionary
Comics, 1990. -- 48 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. -- (Rock 'n
Roll Comics Magazine ; no. 5) -- Backup story about the the
Rolling Stones: "Satisfaction" / T. Loren, A. Kuhn, p.
1. Rock groups--Comic books, strips, etc. 2. Aerosmith
(Musical group)--Comic books, strips, etc. 3. Rolling
Stones--Comic books, strips, etc. 4. Rock musicians--Comic
books, strips, etc. I. [Each creator] II. Satisfaction.
III. Series. IV. Rock This Way! V. Revolutionary Comics.
Call no.: PN6728.6.R4R6no.5
"Cherry Poptart Does Aerosmith" p. 39 in The Comics
Journal, no. 172 (Nov. 1994). -- (Newswatch) -- Larry Welz
character interviews Stephen Tyler in September 1994 Bikini
Magazine. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.172
Rock 'n' Roll : a Cartoon History. -- Port Charlotte, FL :
Re-visionary Press, 199?- . -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Contents:
v. 2. The Seventies: ZZ Top. Shock Rock. AC/DC. 2nd Brit
invasion. Beatles solo. Aerosmith. Frank Zappa, & more! --
LIBRARY HAS: v. 2 (1999). -- Call no.: ML3534.R63 1990z
Rock n' Roll Comics Presents Encyclopedia Metallica : a
collection of the best of metal from Rock-n-Roll Comics. --
San Diego, CA : Revolutionary Comics, 1990. -- 94 p. : ill.
; 26 cm. -- Indicia title: Rock n' Roll Comics Encyclopedia
Metallica. -- Contents: "Guns n' Roses" ; "Metallica" ;
"Aerosmith" ; "Mötley Crüe" ; "Warrant." -- "Unauthorized
and proud of it." -- Call no.: ML3534.R6 1990
Aerosmith II. -- San Diego, CA : Revolutionary Comics, 1993.
-- 30 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Rock 'n Roll Comics ; no. 57)
1. Aerosmith (Musical group)--Comic books, strips, etc. 2.
Rock musicians--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Series. II.
Revolutionary Comics. Call no.: PN6728.55.R453R6no.57
Aerosol Sniffing.
Tough to be Free : a message about sniffing for young
people / created and produced by Custom Comic Services. --
Washington, DC : Solvent Abuse Foundation for Education,
1988. -- 16 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Cover title. -- Art
work by Mike Roy.
1. Solvent abuse--Comic books, strips, etc. 2. Aerosol
sniffing--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Roy, Mike. II.
Custom Comic Services. III. Solvent Abuse Foundation for
Education. Call no.: PN6728.25.S64T6 1988
The Blank in the Comics strip collection includes a file of
one or more daily comic strips related to this keyword or
topic. Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
"The Whole Universe is Full of Kats"* (Krazy Kat, 1917) /
by Herriman. p. 101 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen
Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: Ignatz tries to hide from
Krazy in his 'aero-submarine,' a vehicle that is both an
airplane and a submarine. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
Aerotica, Captain.
"Captain Aerotica's Experience" / by Denis Sire. p. 33-38
in Heavy Metal, v. 23, no. 6 (Jan. 2000). -- Call no.:
Aeschlimann, Richard.
Index entry (p. 170) in Frémion, Yves. Le Guide de la Bédé
Francophone (Paris : Syros Alternatives, 1990) -- Call no.:
PN6745.F69 1990
Æsels Forlag.
Pedroismens Opståen : en Pedroistisk tegneserie med Onkel
Ftata & Faetter Teetah / tegnet af Jesper Deleuran & John
Pedersen. -- Copenhagen : Æsels Forlag, 1978. -- 48 p. :
ill. ; 23 cm. -- Call no.: PN6790.D33D42P4 1978
Index entry (p. 255) in The Comic-Book Book, ed. by Don
Thompson & Dick Lupoff (Krause Publications, 1998). -- Call
no.: PN6725.T5 1998
Index entry (p. 424) in Crawford's Encyclopedia of Comic
Books, by Hubert H. Crawford (Middle Village, N.Y. :
Jonathan David Publishers, 1978). -- Call no.: PN6725.C7
Aesir War Chiefs.
"Bloodstar" / by Robert E. Howard ; adapted by John Jakes
and John Pocsik ; illustrated by Richard Corben. p. 7-16 in
Heavy Metal, v. 4, no. 12 (Mar. 1981). -- "Last we saw,
Grom told young Bloodstar of his father. The two had met
some years before during battle, when the elder Bloodstar
defeated Grom while fighting but saved him from a cruel
death by defending him against Helva, the daughter of the
Aesir war chief. In the fight, Byrdag's regime beat Grom's
jungle comrades, but talk of the old leader's possible
retirement has one of the young warriors plotting ahead."
-- "To be continued." -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.4no.12
"Robert E. Howard's Bloodstar" / by Richard Corben, John
Jakes and John Pocsik. p. 12-23 in Heavy Metal, v. 5, no. 3
(June 1981). -- "In search of Helva and little Bloodstar,
Grom and Bloodstar came upon a group of ravaged Aesirians,
apparently killed by the demon that haunts the valley. They
set up a trap to lure the sinister serpent Satha, and
Bloodstar offered himself as bait, to avenge his former
comrades." -- "To be continued." -- Call no.:
The Baby's Own Æsop : being the fables condensed in rhyme,
with portable morals pictorially pointed by Walter Crane ;
engraved and printed in colours by Edmund Evans. -- London
: Frederick Warne & Co., 1887? -- 56 p. : col. ill. ; 19 x
20 cm. -- Call no.: NC978.C7B33 1887
Biographical entry (p. 12) in Minute Biographies / by
Samuel Nisenson and Alfred Parker (New York : Grosset &
Dunlap, 1931) -- Call no.: CT103.N5 1931
The Blank in the Comics strip collection includes a file of
one or more daily comic strips related to this keyword or
topic. Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
"El Cuervo y el Jarrón" / Esopo ; guión, M. Arce ;
adaptación, Rémy Bastien ; ilustración, Claudio G. Baña. p.
173-179 in Novelas Inmortales, no. 493 (Apr. 29, 1987)
I. Aesop. II. Arce, Mercedes. III. Bastien, Rémy. IV. Baña,
Claudio G. Call no.: PN6790.M44N64no.493
"The Fox Who Lost His Tail" (The Fables of Aesop) 3 p. in
Catholic Comics, v. 1, no. 9 (Feb. 1947). -- Call no.:
Index entry (p. 270) in America's Great Comic-Strip
Artists, by Richard Marschall (New York : Abbeville Press,
1989). Call no.: PN6725.M284A5 1989
Index entry (p. 176) in Cartooning for Suffrage / by Alice
Sheppard (Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press,
1994). Call no.: NC1425.S54 1994
Index entry (p. 18, 137) in History of the Comic Strip, v.
1 / by David Kunzle (Berkeley, Calif. : University of
California Press, 1973) Call no.: PN6710f.K85v.1
"The Man, the Boy and the Donkey : an Aesop Fable" p. 16-17
in Treasure Chest of Fun and Facts, v. 2, no. 7 (Nov. 26,
1946). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.2no.7
"El Ratón, La Rana y el Halcón" / Esopo ; guión, Mercedes
Arce ; ilustración, Mario Rangel ; adaptación, Rémy
Bastien. p. 175-181 in Novelas Inmortales, no. 362 (Oct.
24, 1984)
I. Aesop. II. Arce, Mercedes. III. Rangel, Mario. IV.
Bastien, Rémy. Call no.: PN6790.M44N64no.362
"El Rey y las Monas" / Esopo ; guión, M. Arce ;
ilustración, José Luis Echave ; adaptación, Rémy Bastien.
p. 173-179 in Novelas Inmortales, no. 393 (Mayo 29, 1985)
I. Aesop. II. Arce, Mercedes. II. Echave, José Luis. III.
Bastien, Rémy. Call no.: PN6790.M44N64no.393
"Sons of Aesop: An Appreciation of Western Publishing" /
Jim Korkis. p. 93-95 (Comics Journal #66 September 1981) --
Data from Pete Coogan. -- Includes material on animation.
-- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.66
Aesop, Johnny--Miscellanea.
Entry (p. 2) in The Great Superman Book, by Michael
Fleisher (New York : Warner Books, 1978). -- Call no.:
An Aesop Fable.
"True Lion and the Mouse" (An Aesop Fable) / Lee Sherman. 3
p. in Catholic Comics, v. 1, no. 11 (May 1947). -- Moral:
"Little friends can someday become big friends!" -- Call
no.: PN6728.1.C3C3v.1no.11
An Aesop Fable (Oct. 1946)
"The Three Beavers" (An Aesop Fable) 4 p. in Monkeyshines
Comics, no. 11 (Oct. 1946). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.A2M6no.11
Aesop Said So / Hugo Gellert. -- New York : Covici, Friede,
1936. -- 47 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Call no.: NC1429.G36 1936
Aesop's Desecrated Morals. -- Magnecom, an imprint of Rip Off
Press, 1993- . -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Classics Desecrated
Special) -- Cover title: Doug Wheeler's Aesop's Desecrated
Morals. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1.
1. Fables--Comic books, strips, etc. 2. Funny animal
comics. I. Wheeler, Doug. II. Doug Wheeler's Aesop's
Desecrated Morals. III. Desecrated Morals. IV. Series. V.
Magnecom. VI. Rip Off Press. k. Morals. Call no.:
Aesop's Desecrated Morals.
Classics Desecrated / by Doug Wheeler & many artists. --
New York : Nantier Beall Minoustchine, 1995. -- 60 p. :
ill. ; 29 cm. -- Stories that first appeared in Aesop's
Desecrated Morals ; April Horrors ; Cheval Noir ; Comics
Buyer's Guide ; and Negative Burn.
1. Fables--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Wheeler, Doug. II.
[Each source publication]. III. Nantier Beall Minoustchine.
k. Desecration. Call no.: PN6727.W43C55 1995
Aesop's Desecreated Morals--Reviews.
"Reviews" p. 35-46 in Indy, no. 8 (1994) -- Brief reviews
of: Vicious, no. 1 ; Slacker, no. 1 ; Crap, no. 5 ; Grit
Bath, no. 3 ; Big Bang Comics, no. 1 ; Eagles Dare, no. 2 ;
Strangers in Paradise, no. 1 ; King of the Dead, no. 0 ;
Twisted Sisters, no. 3 ; Aesop's Desecrated Morals, no. 1 ;
Thieves & Kings, no. 1 ; Bru-Head, no. 2 ; Girl Hero, no. 3
; Omaha the Cat Dancer, no. 1 ; Pickle, no. 4 ; Paul
Auster's City of Glass ; The Ballad of Dr. Richardson ;
Something Inside ; Optic Nerve, no. 7 ; Billy Cole ; no. 4
; From Inside ; Invisibles, no. 2 ; Rare Bit Fiends, no.
2-3 ; Visions: R.G. Taylor ; Big Mouth, no. 4 ; Cereal
Killings, no. 6 ; Duplex Planet Illustrated, no. 9 ;
Nurture the Devil, no. 2 ; Billy Cole, no. 2 ; White Like
She, no. 1 ; Hairbat, no. 1 ; Last Gasp Comix & Stories,
no. 1 ; Zap, no. 13 ; Wolff & Byrd, no. 1 ; Archie Meets
the Punisher ; Normalman/Megaton Man Special ; Tyrant ;
Introducing Kafka ; Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde, v. 2 ; More
Tales from Sleaze Castle, no. 1-6 ; Tales from Sleaze
Castle, no. 1-3. -- Reviewers: Chris Waldron, Chris Day,
John Day, Richard Johnston.
1. [Each title]--Reviews. I. Each Reviewer. Call no.:
Aesop's Fables. -- Seattle, WA : Fantagraphics Books, 1991- .
-- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Began with no. 1 (Spring 1991) --
LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-3 (1991). -- Call no.: PN6728.6.F3A32
Aesop's Fables.
"The Donkey and the Little Dog" (Aesop's Fables) / Mike
Sekowsky. p. 29-30 in Paul Bunyan (Classics Illustrated
Junior ; no. 519) -- Call no.: PN6734.C55P3 2003
Aesop's Fables.
"The Fable of the Fox and the Crow" (Aesop's Fables) / Gog.
p. 45-47 in Monkeyshines Comics, no. 1 (Summer 1944). --
Call no.: PN6728.1.A2M6no.1
Aesop's Fables.
"The Hares and the Frogs" (Aesop's Fables) 4 p. in Catholic
Comics, v. 1, no. 8 (Jan. 1947). -- Moral: "There is always
somebody whose troubles are worse than yours." -- Call no.:
Aesop's Fables.
Index entry (p. 100, 104) in Comic Art in America, by
Stephen D. Becker (New York : Simon and Schuster, 1959).
Call no.: NC1420.B4
Aesop's Fables.
Index entry (p. 192) in Histoire de la Bande Dessinée /
Gérard Blanchard. Nouv. éd. (Verviers : Marabout, 1974).
Call no.: PN6710.B58 1974
Aesop's Fables (Opper)
Index entry (p. 71) in America's Great Comic-Strip Artists,
by Richard Marschall (New York : Abbeville Press, 1989).
Call no.: PN6725.M284A5 1989
Aesop's Fables.
Index entry (p. 6, 24, 26) to The Fleischer Story / by
Leslie Cabarga (New York : Nostalgia Press, 1976) -- Data
from Don Markstein. Call no.: NC1766.U52F593
Aesop's Fables.
Index entry (p. 73) in The World Encyclopedia of Cartoons,
ed. by Maurice Horn (Detroit : Gale Research, 1980).
1. Cartoon series. Call no.: NC1325.W67 1980
Aesop's Film Fables.
Index entry (p. 73, 547) in The World Encyclopedia of
Cartoons, ed. by Maurice Horn (Detroit : Gale Research,
1980). -- Call no.: NC1325.W67 1980
"The Aesthetic Imperative" (The Secret Defenders) / Tom
Brevoort, Mike Kanterovich, script ; Bill Wylie, pencils ;
Tony DeZuniga, inks ; John Hoston, colors ; John Costanza,
letters. 22 p. in The Secret Defenders, no. 21 (Nov. 1994).
-- Data from Robert Wood via Grand Comics Database Project.
-- Call no.: PN6728.6.M3S37no.21
"Aesthetic Pathology : New Work by Robt. Williams" / Walter
Hopps ; introduction by Nicholas Cage. p. 60-65, 84 in
Juxtapoz, v. 5, no. 1 (Spring 1998). -- Call no.: N1.J8v.5
Aesthetic philosophy of The Masses.
Index entry (p. 206) in Cartooning for Suffrage / by Alice
Sheppard (Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press,
1994). Call no.: NC1425.S54 1994
Aesthetic standards.
Index entry (p. 11, 14, 18-19, 22, 31, 77-78, 93, 98, 120,
122) in Pulp Demons: International Dimensions of the
Postwar Anti-Comics Campaign, ed. by John A. Lent (Madison,
N.J. : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1999). --
Call no.: PN6710.P85 1999
"Aesthetics"* (Blondie, Aug. 1, 1997) / Young and LeBrun. --
Summary: Dagwood waits to find out if the dress is on sale
before he says whether he likes it. -- Key word:
Salesladies. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "Sales"
Abschied vom Wahren- Schönen- Guten : Wilhelm Busch und die
Anfänge der ästhetischen Moderne / Gottfried Willems. --
Heidelberg : C. Winter, 1998. -- 261 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. --
(Jenaer germanistische Forschungen ; n.F. Bd. 3) --
Includes bibliographical references (p. 257-261). -- Call
no.: PT2603.U8A654 1998
The Blank in the Comics strip collection includes a file of
one or more daily comic strips related to this keyword or
topic. Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Index entry (p. 97-98) in Pulp Demons: International
Dimensions of the Postwar Anti-Comics Campaign, ed. by John
A. Lent (Madison, N.J. : Fairleigh Dickinson University
Press, 1999). -- Call no.: PN6710.P85 1999
"The Pulp Art Aesthetic" / by Greg Cwiklik. p. 111-115 in
The Comics Journal, no. 209 (Dec. 1998). -- (Beyond the
Grid) -- Review essay on Robert Lesser's book: Pulp Art,
Original Covers for the Great American Pulp Magazines. --
Call no.: PN6700.C62no.209
"A Purely Aesthetic Exercise" (R. Crumb's Modern Dance
Workshop) 1 p. in Best Buy Comics / by R. Crumb (San
Francisco : Apex Novelties, 1979). -- First published in
Coevolution Quarterly. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A6B4
"Would You Like To Play House With Me?"* (The Boondocks,
Aug. 23, 2000) / Aaron McGruder. -- Summary: Huey ruminates
about reasons not to mow the lawn (he's against "curtailing
the progress of nature for aesthetic reasons") but he
forgets all that when he gets a worse offer. -- Call no.:
PN6726 f.B55 "lawnmowing"
Aesthetics and comic books.
Index entry (p. 11, 14, 18-19, 22, 31, 77-78, 98, 120, 122)
in Pulp Demons: International Dimensions of the Postwar
Anti-Comics Campaign, ed. by John A. Lent (Madison, N.J. :
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 199 9). -- Call no.:
PN6710.P85 1999
The Aesthetics of Comics / David Carrier. -- University Park :
Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000. -- 139 p. : ill.
; 23 cm. -- Includes bibliographical references (p.
125-135) and index. -- Call no.: PN6710.C35 2000
The Aesthetics of Comics--Reviews.
"The Aesthetics of Comics" / Jeff Williams. p. 344-345 in
International Journal of Comic Art, v. 4, no. 2 (Fall
2002). -- Reviews the book by David Carrier. -- (Book
Reviews) -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.4no.2
The Aesthetics of Comics--Reviews.
"Universitaires, Encore une Effort pour être Bédélogues!" /
Thierry Groensteen. p. 145-146 in 9e Art : Les Cahiers du
Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 8 (Jan. 2003). --
(Répliques) -- Response to the book The Aesthetics of
Comics, by David Carrier. -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.8
Aesthetics of Comics.
"The Aesthetics of the Comic Strip" / by Robert C. Harvey.
p. 640-652 in The Comics as Culture, edited by M. Thomas
Inge (section in Journal of Popular Culture, v. 12, no. 4
(Spring 1979)). -- Call no.: PN2.J6v.12no.4
Aesthetics of Comics.
The Art of the Comic Book : An Aesthetic History / Robert
C. Harvey. -- Jackson : University Press of Mississippi,
1996. -- 288 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. -- (Studies in Popular
Culture) -- Includes bibliographical endnotes (p. 275-283)
and index. -- Call no.: PN6725.H37 1996
Aesthetics of Comics.
The Art of the Funnies : an aesthetic history / Robert C.
Harvey. -- Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, 1994.
-- 252 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. -- (Studies in Popular Culture)
-- Includes bibliographical references (p. 241-247) and
index. -- Call no.: PN6710.H35 1994
Aesthetics of Comics.
Cat Yronwode interview (11 p.) in David Anthony Kraft's
Comics Interview no. 23 (1985). -- Topics: Aesthetics of
comics, more. -- Call no.: PN6725.D28no.23
Aesthetics of Comics.
"Commix, an Idiosyncratic Historical and Aesthetic
Overview" / Art Spiegelman. in Comics, a Special Issue
(Print ; v. 42, no. 6), 1988. -- Call no.: PN6710.P7 1988
Aesthetics of Comics.
"Designing Women : Challenging the Rules of Aesthetics and
Propriety, Lesbian Cartoonists Flourish in the Gay Press" /
by Anne Rubenstein. p. 44-53 in Out Week, no. 48 (May 30,
1990). -- Summary: Discussion of and self-portraits by
Karen Platt, Roberta Gregory, Kris Kovick, and Alison
Bechdel; also discusses Jennifer Camper, Andrea Natalie, N.
Leigh Dunlap, and Michelle Rau, with a survey of lesbian
stories in Sisterhood of Steel, Love and Rockets, Gay
Comix, and comic books in general. -- Call no.: HQ76.3.U5
Aesthetics of Comics.
"The Funnies, the Movies and Aesthetics" / Earle J.
Coleman. p. 89-100 in Journal of Popular Culture, v. 18,
no. 4 (Spring 1985). -- Includes bibliographical
references. -- Call no.: PN2.J6v.18no.4
Aesthetics of Comics.
Index entry (p. xiii) in Comic Book Rebels / ed. by S.
Wiater and S.R. Bissette. New York : D.I. Fine, 1993. Call
no.: PN6725.C69 1993
Aesthetics of Comics.
"The Seven Deadly Cliches : Reactionary Aesthetics" / David
Stallman. p. 37 in The Comics Journal, no. 58 (Sept. 1980).
-- Data from Pete Coogan. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.58
Aesthetics of Comics as Parody.
"Weird Signs : Aesthetics of Comics as Parody" / Ole Frahm.
p. 76-84 in International Journal of Comic Art, v. 2, no. 1
(Spring 2000). -- Illustrated ; includes bibliographical
references. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.2no.1
"The Aesthetics of Noise and Other Revelations : Signal to
Noise" / a review by Ng Suat Tong. p. 99-101 in The Comics
Journal, no. 162 (Oct. 1993)-- (Comics Library)
1. Signal to Noise--Reviews. 2. Gaiman, Neil. 3. McKean,
Dave. I. Tong, Ng Suat. II. Comics Library. Call no.:
"The Aesthetics of the Comic Strip" / by Robert C. Harvey. p.
640-652 in The Comics as Culture, edited by M. Thomas Inge
(section in Journal of Popular Culture, v. 12, no. 4
(Spring 1979)). -- Call no.: PN2.J6v.12no.4
Ästhetik des Comic / herausgegeben von Michael Hein, Michael
Hüners und Torsten Michaelsen ; unter Mitarbeit von Ole
Frahm, Jens Nielsen und Michael Will. -- Berlin : Erich
Schmidt Verlag, 2002. -- 223 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- Includes
bibliographical references. -- Call no.: PN6710.A8 2002
The Adventures of Professor Thintwhistle and his Incredible
Aether Flyer / by Dick Lupoff and Steve Stiles ; with an
introduction by Neil Gaiman. -- Seattle, WA : Fantagraphics
Books, 1991. -- 61 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- Science fiction.
-- Call no.: PN6727.L78A4 1991
"Aether/ore : the Dreamworld Descends to Earth."
The Sandman Papers : an Exploration of the Sandman
Mythology / edited by Joe Sanders ; preface by Neil Gaiman.
-- Seattle, WA : Fantagraphics, 2006. -- 196 p. : ill. ; 23
cm. -- Includes bibliographical references. -- Contents:
The origin of the Sandman / B. Keith Murphy ; Of stories
and storytellers in Gaiman and Vess's A Midsummer Night's
Dream / Joe Sanders ; A game of you : yes, you / David
Bratman ; The king is dead, long live the king :
orientalism, the Sandman, and humanity / Renata Sancken ;
Illusory adversaries? Images of female power in Sandman :
the kindly ones / K.A. Laity ; Prospero framed in Neil
Gaiman's the Wake / Joan Gordon ; Aether/ore : the
dreamworld descends to earth / Alan Levitan ; Of parents
and children and dreams in Mr. Punch and the Sandman / Joe
Sanders ; Imaginary places and fantastic narratives :
reading Borges through the Sandman / Leonora Soledad Sousa
e Paula ; Reinventing the spiel : old stories, new
approaches / Stacie Hanes and Joe Sanders ; Omnia mutantur
: the use of Asian dress in the appearance of Dream from
the Sandman / Lyra McMullen ; Lesbian language, queer
imaginings, and in [!] Death : the time of your life / Joe
Sutliff Sanders. -- Call no.: PN6728.S26S3 2006
Aetos the Eagle : Children of the Graves. -- Orphan
Underground Comics, . -- ill. ; 22 cm. -- Story and art by
Dan Parsons. -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 2 (1995).
-- Call no.: PN6728.6 .O7A4
Äventyr bortom tid och rum.
2000+ -- Stockholm : RSR Epix, 1991- . -- col. ill. ; 28
cm. -- Tva tusen plus. -- "Äventyr bortom tid och rum." --
Genre: Science fiction. -- LIBRARY HAS:
1991: nr. 1, 3-10
1992: nr. 1-9
-- Call no.: PN6790.S94T87
Äventyrens män ; 4
Mannen från Zululand / G. D'Antonio. -- Stockholm : Semic,
1979. -- 52 p. : col. ill. 29 cm. -- (Äventyrens män ; 4)
-- Translated from Italian to Swedish. -- Historical comic
about Cetewayo, King of Zululand (ca. 1826-1884) and the
Zulu War in South Africa in 1879. -- Call no.:
PN6767.D35U619 1979
On down the list
This segment last edited May 18, 2008