Michigan State University Libraries
Special Collections Division
Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection
"What I'm" to "What Your"

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"What I'm Looking For is a Plain Cook" / Gladys Peto. p. 661
   in Cartoons Magazine, v. 17, no. 5 (May 1920). -- Cartoon
   from The World, London. -- Call no.: NC1300.C37v.17no.5
"What I'm Saying Is, That Bone Could Be Anywhere!"* (Mister
   Boffo) / by Joe Martin. p. 89 in Mister Boffo and his
   Wonder-Dog "Weederman" : The First Decade (Kansas City :
   Andrews and McMeel, 1996) -- A Sunday strip. -- Summary:
   Weederman is talking to another dog about the universe and
   the concept of infinity. -- Call no.: PN6728.M555F5 1996
"What in *@+* does 'Poochie' Mean?"* (Born Loser, July 4,
   1979) / Art Sansom. -- Summary: A lady stops to pet her and
   say something nice to her, and Kewpie wonders. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.B64F6 1970v.5
"What Is a Blind Date?" (Dep't: Every Dog Has Its Date) / S.
   Aragones, art ; A. Kogen, script ; in Mad, no. 100 (Jan.
   1966) -- Key words: Blind Dates, Dating -- Data from index
   in Mad no. 350. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.E14M3no.100
What is a Comic Book? : In the Beginning / by Robert Beerbohm.
   -- 1995. -- p. 33-63 ; 28 cm. -- Draft dated 11 November
   1995. -- Call no.: PN6725.B373W46 1995
"What Is a Criminal" / Spain. 1 p. in El Perfecto Comics
   (Berkeley, Calif. : Print Mint, 1973). -- Call no.:
"What is a Hero?" (Cultural Corner) / Richard Relkin. p. 13-15
   in Comic Culture, v. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1993)
   1. Heroes. 2. Superhero comics--History and criticism. I.
   Relkin, Richard. II. Series. Call no.: PN6725.C545v.1no.1
"What is a Man?" / by Goupil and Walter. p. 23 in Heavy Metal,
   v. 25, no. 5 (Nov. 2001). -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.25no.5
"What is a Used Engine?" 1 p. text in Auto-Be-Recycled Comics
   (Berkeley : Last Gasp Eco-Funnies, 1980). -- Call no.:
"What is a Used Part?" 1 p. text in Auto-Be-Recycled Comics
   (Berkeley : Last Gasp Eco-Funnies, 1980). -- Call no.:
"What is a Woman?" / by Goupil and Walter. p. 22 in Heavy
   Metal, v. 25, no. 5 (Nov. 2001). -- Call no.:
What is Arizona Really Like? / by Reg Manning ; cartoons by
   the author. -- Phoenix, Ariz. : Reganson Cartoon Books,
   1968. -- 117 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- Based on the author's
   Cartoon Guide of Arizona, published in 1938. -- Call no.:
   F809.3.M3 1968
"What Is Faith?* (B.C., July 9, 2004) / by Johnny Hart. --
   Summary: Faith involves a dog whistle, a cliff, and Lassie.
   -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "dog whistles"
What is God? : a cartoon meditation / by Jeff Gillette. --
   1990. -- 15 p. : ill. ; 14 cm. -- Topic: Spirituality. --
   Genre: New wave. -- Call no.: BT102.G5 1990
What is God's Area Code? : a Kelly-Duke book / by Jack Moore ;
   with an afterword for parents and teachers by Andrew M.
   Greeley. -- New York : Sheed and Ward, 1974. -- 95 p. :
   ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Cartoons for New Children Series)
   (Alligator Books) -- Story in panel and caption, with the
   characters of the comic strip Kelly (strip also called
   Kelly and Duke in editorial matter). -- Call no.: BT113.M66
"What is Happening?" (Daredevil). 17 p. in Daredevil, no. 135
   (July 1976)
   k. Happening. Call no.: PN6728.3.M3D3no.135
"What Is, Isn't Enough" / by B. N. Duncan. 2 p. in Weirdo, no.
   21 (Fall 1987). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.L3W4no.21
"What Is It, Cocaine?"* (Miles to Go, Apr. 23, 1986) / by Phil
   Frank. -- Summary: Customs officers have their
   drug-sniffing dog check Miles' luggage, and the dog goes
   wild when he finds kibble. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "dog
What is it Now, Beetle Bailey / by Mort Walker. -- New York :
   Grosset & Dunlap, 1971. -- 120 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
   1. Funny military comics. I. Walker, Mort. II. Beetle
   Bailey. Call no.: PN6728.B4W47 1971
"What Is It With the Bus?" (The Bus) / by Paul Kirchner. p.
   46-47 in Bride of Heavy Metal (New York : HM
   Communications, 1985) ; reprinted in 15 Years of Heavy
   Metal (Heavy Metal Special ; v. 6, no. 4, 1992) -- Call
   no.: PN6728.H43B7 1985. Call no.: PN6728.H43.F5 1992
"What Is Life Without a Punch Line, Doggie?"* (Zippy,
   copyright 1997) / Bill Griffith. back cover of Zippy
   Quarterly, no. 17 (Oct. 1997). -- Summary: Doggie says
   life's a setup. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.L3Z5no.17
"What is Pedigree Quality?" p. 56, 62 in Comic Book
   Marketplace, no. 78 (May 2000). -- (The Michael Naiman
   Report) -- Call no.: PN6714.C632no.78

What Is Reality, Papa?

What is Reality, Papa? / by Godard and Ribera. -- Montreal, P.Q. : Dargaud Canada, 1981. -- 52 p. : col. ill. ; 29 cm. -- (The Vagabond of Limbo) -- Translation of: Le Vagabond des Limbes 6: Quelle Réalité, Papa? -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6748.V27W47 1981

Note: The "vagabond of limbo" is a well-favored young man named Axle Munshine, into whose dreams has come the vision of fair Chimeer. With a goading perpetually thirteen-year-old companion named Musky, he searches the universe. A four-page introduction to this first English-language album is helpful, because this is the sixth in the original series. In the introduction the authors are quoted as trying to "dream up something very difficult." The series won the prize for best science fiction series at the 1976 Angoulême festival. The English-language series title changes to "The Vagabond in Limbo" for the second volume.

Summary:While a beautiful actress is trying to get into a part for a movie called "Vagabond from Nimbus," Axle visits a clairvoyant to ask where he might find the mysterious Chimeer about whom he has dreamed. From her remote asteroid the clairvoyant hears the actress in Hollywood rehearsing her lines, and gives Axel the coordinates for Earth. Over the protestations of Axle's young companion, Musky, she also gives Axle a large caterpiller with the power to rearrange reality. At that moment on Earth the role seems to click for the actress, and her agent is amazed at how intelligent she starts to sound. The change happens to other actors and actresses all around Hollywood, however, and soon chaos reigns with stranglers really strangling, Nazis rounding up people, bands of Indians on motorcycles, stuntmen on kamikaze missions, etc. The police are confused. When Axle finally finds Chimeer she is about to be burned at the stake as a witch by a Cardinal in a Nazi concentration camp designed by Leonardo Da Vinci. At that moment Musky shoots the caterpillar, and reality returns.. or at least enough so that the police can operate again. The actress stomps off to complain to her agent, and Axle and Musky leave the planet.

This summary is from European Comics in English Translation (Jefferson, NC : McFarland & Company, 2002). Used with permission.

Serialization in Heavy Metal:
  • "What is Reality, Papa?" / by Ribera and Godard. p. 38-46 in Heavy Metal, v. 4, no. 9 (Dec. 1980). -- "To be continued." -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.4no.9
  • "What is Reality, Papa?" / by Ribera and Godard. p. 35-45 in Heavy Metal, v. 4, no. 10 (Jan. 1981). -- "Last month, smitten with the thought of Chimeer, Axle traveled uncharted planets, seeking her company. He met Rita, an intergalactic soothsayer, who encouraged him to go find his love, and gave him a magic caterpillar to aid him in his search. Meanwhile at Univers-all Studios in Hollywood, a starlet plays the part of Chimeer, which becomes much more than just another role." -- "To be continued." -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.4no.10
  • "What is Reality, Papa?" / by Godard and Ribera. p. 13-23 in Heavy Metal, v. 4, no. 11 (Feb. 1981). -- "As we saw last month, during the production of various films at Univers-all Studios, the actors began to take their roles just a bit to seriously. A film on the Third Reich produced actual Hitler and Goering clones, and the Boston Strangler terrorized women once again. Axle and Musky land smack-dab in the middle of all this craziness just in time to find Stuart running from a pack of wild Indians." -- "To be continued." -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.4no.11
  • "What is Reality, Papa?" / by Ribera and Godard. p. 18-24 in Heavy Metal, v. 4, no. 12 (Mar. 1981). -- "Hollywood was all aflutter, last we saw. The townspeople were panicked at the recent trend in which actors throughout Univers-all were taking their roles all too seriously. Stuart, the troubled studio head, was attacked and slain by a crazed motorcycle clan; Chimeer was kidnapped by two SS Men, and Axle is believed to be the pope's envoy." -- "To be continued." -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.4no.12
  • "What is Reality, Papa?" / by Ribera and Godard. p. 38-45 in Heavy Metal, v. 5, no. 1 (Apr. 1981). -- Final episode, paged 39-46. -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.5no.1
"What is Sex?" / Copi. p. 31-36 in National Lampoon Presents
   French Comics, The Kind Men Like (New York : National
   Lampoon, 1977). -- Translated from: Et moi, pourquoi j'ai
   pas une Banane? -- Call no.: PN6746.N3 1977
What is the Face? -- No. 1 (Dec. 1986)- . -- Bethany, Oklahoma
   : Animated Comics Enterprises, 1986- . -- ill. ; 26 cm. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 1, 3.
   1. Horror comic books, strips, etc. Call no.:
"What is the Meaning of this Armed Intrusion?"* (Sergeant
   Stony Craig and His U.S. Marines) / by Frank Rentfrow and
   Don Dickson. 1 p. in Reg'lar Fellers Heroic Comics, no. 9
   (Nov. 1941). -- Fifth page of five in this issue. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.1.F27R4no.9
"What is the Most Beautiful Language?"* (Hagar the Horrible
   Aug. 28, 1984) / Dik Browne. -- Hagar savors the words:
   "Lasagna, Pizza, Spaghetti, Al dente, Primavera,
   Manicotti." -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "Italian food"
What is the National Cartoonists Society? -- National
   Cartoonists Society, 1982? -- 4 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- Call
   no.: PN6700.N32 1982
What is the Point?
   "Blunt Spear : What is the Point?" / created by Ed F.L.
   Babb. 4 p. in Helix (Cape Town : Igubu Collective, 2002).
   -- Call no.: PN6790.S64H4 2002
"What is the Title of This Picture?" p. 45 in Circulation, v.
   4, no. 18 (Feb. 1925). -- Caption contest. -- A drawing by
   Louis Biedermann is shown, described on p. 9 as "a crew of
   comic characters getting out a newspaper." -- Call no.:
   folio PN4841.C58v.4no.18
"What Is This Clinking?"* (Overboard, Nov. 14, 1997) / by Chip
   Dunham. -- Summary: There's no ice in his drink but there's
   this noise; meanwhile the guy who'd wanted to soak his
   false teeth back in the bar can't find them. -- Call no.:
   PN6726f.B55 "false teeth"
What is This Thing Called Sex? : Cartoons by Women / edited by
   Roz Warren. -- Freedom, CA : Crossing Press, 1993. -- 170
   p. : ill. ; 24 cm. -- Includes index of artists, and
   biographical contributors' notes. -- Call no.: NC1763.S5W47
"What is to be Done" / R.C. Crabb. p. 49 in The Comics
   Journal, no. 100 (July 1985) -- Letter about Junior
   Jackalope. -- Data from Pete Coogan. -- Call no.:
"What is Your Favorite Peanuts Strip?" (Q&A) p. 50-55 in
   Hogan's Alley, v. 2, no. 4 (=no. 8) (2000). -- Selections
   with comments by Cathy Guisewite, Rick Kirkman, Genndy
   Tartakovsky, Patrick McDonnell, Guy Gilchrist, Greg Evans,
   Judy Sladky, John (Derf) Backderf, Lynn Johnston, and Scott
   Adams. -- Call no.: PN6700.H6no.8
"What It Means To Be Friends : Wigwam Bam" / a review by
   Robert Edson Sandiford. p. 54-55 in The Comics Journal, no.
   168 (May 1994) -- (Comics Library) -- Reviews the Jaime
   Hernandez comic. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.168
"What It Should Say is 'Surf and Tuff'"* (Willy 'n Ethel, Aug.
   25, 1989) / by Joe Martin. -- Summary: Today's special is
   Surf & Turf, but they only have fish. -- Call no.: PN6726
   f.B55 "surf and turf"
"What Jack Kirby Did" / by R.C. Harvey. p. 2-10 (inverted) in
   The Comics Journal, no. 167 (Apr. 1994)
   1. Kirby, Jack. I. Harvey, Robert C. Call no.:
"What Jack Kirby Did."
   Jack Kirby / edited by Milo George. -- Seattle, Wash. :
   Fantagraphics, 2002. -- 123 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 31 cm.
   -- (The Comics Journal Library ; v. 1) -- Contents:
   Introduction / Gary Groth ; Foreword / Barry Windsor-Smith
   ; "There is something stupid in violence as violence," 1969
   / Mark Hebert ; "I created an army of characters, and now
   my connection with them is lost," 1971 / Tim Skelly ; "I've
   never done anything halfheartedly," 1989 / Gary Groth ; The
   Monument Carver's Store / Christopher Brayshaw ; What Jack
   Kirby did / R.C. Harvey ; revised for this collection by
   the author -- Once and for all / Earl Wells ; revised for
   this collection by the author ; Kirby and Goliath I : an
   overview / Michael Dean ; Kirby and Goliath II : God save
   the king / Frank Miller ; revised for this collection by
   the author ; Kirby and Goliath III : "I'm a guy who never
   gave anybody trouble," 1985 interview / Tom Heintjes ;
   Kirby and Goliath IV : peer pressure / 1985 roundtable
   discussion, moderated by Gary Groth with Gil Kane, Wendy
   Pini and Kenneth Smith -- A selection of art from
   throughout Kirby's career, featuring correspondence and
   field drawings from his experience in World War II. -- Call
   no.: folio PN6727.K53G4 2002
"What Jiggs and Maggie Did for George" p. 35 in Circulation,
   v. 4, no. 18 (Feb. 1925). -- "Quaint characters aroused
   enthusiasm of Persian art connoisseur to such a pitch that
   he had made a beautiful rug as gift for creator of Bringing
   Up Father." -- The new rug, six feet by five feet, is based
   on the cover of Circulation for Feb. 1922. -- Call no.:
   folio PN4841.C58v.4no.18
"What Kandoo Did" / by Lew Fay. text p. 28-30 in Treasure
   Chest of Fun and Fact, v. 4, no. 13 (Feb. 22, 1949). -- "To
   be continued." -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.4no.13
"What Kid Wants to Play in Front of 10,000 Empty Seats?"*
   (Tank McNamara, Oct. 28, 1993) / by Millar-Hinds. --
   Summary: The ESU athletic director doesn't want his games
   telecast because it hurts recruiting. -- Call no.: PN6726
   f.B55 "attendance"
What Kind of Foal Am I?
   Return to Centaur : or, What Kind of Foal am I?) / script
   by Richard Pini ; art by Dennis Fujitake ; colors by Gary
   Kato. -- Poughkeepsie, N.Y. : Father Tree Press, 1990. --
   80 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. -- (Xanth Graphic Novel ; v. 10)
   -- "Being the first part of the adaptation of Isle of View,
   by Piers Anthony." -- Fantasy genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.F78R4 1990
"What Kind of Man Reads The Journal?" / Edward May. p. 2 in
   The Comics Journal, no. 158 (Apr. 1993). -- (Blood &
   Thunder) -- Letter to the editor. -- Call no.:
"What Kind of Man Reads The Journal" / Steve Bagatourian. p. 7
   in The Comics Journal, no. 153 (Oct. 1992) -- (Blood and
   Thunder) -- Letter to the editor. -- Call no.:
"What Kind of People Name a Dog 'Chuck?'"* (Norm, Nov. 9,
   1998) / Jantze. -- Summary: Norm expects to find a baby on
   the porch, and instead finds a dog. -- Call no.: PN6726
   f.B55 "porches"
"What Kind of Server? Web? FTP? Mail? News?"* (Fox Trot, Jan.
   29, 2002) / by Bill Amend. -- Summary: The waiter says
   he'll be their server. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "servers"
What Kinda Cactus Izzat? : a who's who of strange plants of
   the southwest American desert / by Reg Manning ; cartoons
   by the author. -- Phoenix, Ariz. : Reganson Cartoon Books,
   1963. -- 107 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
   1. Cactus. 2. Botany--Southwest, New. I. Manning, Reg,
   1905- Call no.: QK495.C11M25 1963
"What Letter?"* (Funky Winkerbean, July 29, 1997) / Batiuk. --
   Key words: Jan Darling, meeting, tied up, bondage,
   television studios. -- Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "Letters"
"What Lurks Beneath Satan's Hill?" (Dracula) / Marv Wolfman,
   writer ; Gene Colan and Tom Palmer, illustrators. 17 p. in
   Tomb of Dracula, no. 62 (Jan. 1978). -- Call no.:
"What Lurks in the Mountain?" 5 p. in Creatures on the Loose,
   no. 18 (July 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.3.M3T6no.18
"What Lurks Within?" (Dr. Droom) 5 p. in Amazing Adventures,
   no. 4 (Sept. 1961). -- Call no.: PN6728.3.M3A4no.4
"What Made Jimmy Run" / Gary Groth. p. 5-6 in The Comics
   Journal, no. 117 (Sept. 1987). -- Editorial concerning Jim
   Shooter and the Comics Buyer's Guide. -- Data from Pete
   Coogan. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.117
"What Made You Think You Could Write Off Your Entire Salary as
   a Bad Investment?"* (Frank & Ernest, Feb. 3, 1998) /
   Thaves. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "audits"
"What Makes a Dog" p. 55-60 in A Treasury of Dogs (New York :
   Dell, 1956). -- A page each on: Life span, tails, faces,
   ears, movement, and anatomy. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.D4T727
"What Makes a Girl Fascinating?"
   "Glamorize Yourself" 2 p. text in Glamorous Romances, no.
   90 (Oct. 1956). -- Subheadings: "What Makes a Girl
   Fascinating?" ; "Is It Proper? A Quiz on Etiquette" ; "The
   Way of Love" (poem). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.A2F62no.90
"What Makes a Marine" 9 p. in Soldier and Marine Comics, no.
   11 (Dec. 1954). -- Call no.: PN6728.2.C47S6no.11
"What Makes Archie Run" (Archie) / Bill Vigoda. 10 p. in
   Archie Comics, no. 11 (Nov./Dec. 1944). -- Call no.:
   PN6728.1.A7A7m no.11
"What Makes It Old Fashioned?"* (Blondie, Mar. 23, 1984) /
   Young & Gersher. -- Summary: The diner's soup today is
   old-fashioned split-pea soup. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
   "pea soup"
What Makes Musicians So Sarcastic? / by Charles M. Schulz. --
   New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976. -- ca. 200 p.
   : ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Peanuts Parade ; 10) -- Cartoons from
   Peanuts Every Sunday, and It's a Dog's Life, Charlie Brown.
   1. Funny kid comics. I. Schulz, Charles M. II. Series. Call
   no.: PN6728.P4W448 1976
"What Makes Them So Special? Have They Done Letterman?"*
   (Doonesbury, Apr. 7, 1990) / G.B. Trudeau. -- Summary: The
   census taker is trying to count the homeless, and Elmont
   wants to know about the helpless, the rootless, the
   toothless, the young, and the restless. -- Call no.: PN6726
   f.B55 "census"
"What Makes You So Sure These are Genetically Modified?"
   (Speed Bump, July 6, 2004) / Coverly. -- Summary: A man in
   a grocery store has an apple with a UPC on it. -- Call no.:
   PN6726 f.B55 "bar codes"
What Makes You Think You're Happy? / by Charles M. Schulz. --
   New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976. -- ca. 200 p.
   : ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Peanuts Parade ; 5) -- Cartoons from
   Snoopy, and You're Out Of Your Mind, Charlie Brown.
   1. Funny kid comics. I. Schulz, Charles M. II. Series. Call
   no.: PN6728.P4W4485 1976
"What May Seem Like Gossip to You, Ma'am, is Hard News to Us"
   (That's Life, July 3, 2004) / M. Twohy. -- Summary: TV
   reporters are at the door. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
What? Me? A Racist?  -- Luxembourg : European Commission,
   Office for Official Publications of the European
   Communities, 1998. -- 31 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. -- Includes
   bibliographical references (p. 31). -- Genre: Educational.
   -- Call no.: D1056.W47 1998
What, Me Comic-Con International? -- San Diego, CA : Comic-Con
   International, 2002. -- 159 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- Contents
   (from OCLC): President's message ; Acknowledgments ; Dick
   Ayers ; Ray Bradbury ; Tim Holter Bruckner ; Mike Carey ;
   Howard Chaykin ; Max Allen Collins ; Peter David ; Spike
   Decker ; Roman Dirge ; Chuck Dixon ; Dave Dorman ; Will
   Eisner ; Al Feldstein ; Devin Grayson ; Los Bros Hernandez
   ; Mario Hernandez ; Frank Jacobs ; Jason ; Chip Kidd ; Bob
   Lubbers ; Jason Lutes ; Craig McCracken ; Scott McDaniel ;
   Todd McFarlane ; Tony Millionaire ; Irv Novick ; Kevin
   Nowlan ; Bob Oksner ; Whilce Portacio ; John Romita, Jr. ;
   Julius Schwartz ; Lew Sayre Schwartz ; Eric Shanower ; Hal
   Sherman ; Gene Simmons ; J. Michael Straczynski ; Herb
   Trimpe ; George Woodbridge ; William Woolfolk ; 2001 Eisner
   Award winners ; 2002 Eisner Award winners ; Will Eisner
   Comic Industry Awards Hall of Fame ; Inkpot Award winners ;
   Star wars ; Star wars gallery ; Charles Biro and the crime
   comics craze ; Crime comics gallery ; Kurtzman's war ; War
   comics gallery ; Archie gallery ; Love & rockets gallery ;
   Tarzan gallery ; Spidey's swings in the media ; On Thor's
   40 years of valor ; Spider-man, Hulk, Thor gallery ; How
   Mad came to be ; Mad Gallery ; Multiple celebrations
   gallery ; In memoriam. -- Indicia title: Comic-Con
   International : San Diego souvenir book. -- Call no.:
   PN6702.S3 2002
What, Me Incumbent? : a third collection of political cartoons
   from the Christian Science Monitor / by Jeff Danziger. --
   Boston : Christian Science Pub. Co., 1992. -- 1 v. : ill. ;
   18 x 26 cm. -- Call no.: E881.D33 1992
What, Me Pregnant? / by Lynn Johnston. -- Kansas City, Mo. :
   Andrews and McMeel, 1991. -- 128 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- A
   For Better or For Worse collection.
   1. Family--Comic books, strips, etc. 2. Pregnancy--Comic
   books, strips, etc. 3. Canadian comics. I. Johnston, Lynn
   Franks, 1947- II. For Better or For Worse. III. Andrews and
   McMeel. Call no.: PN6734.F6W47 1991
What Men Should Know About Contraception. -- South Deerfield,
   MA : Channing L. Bete, Co., 1992. -- 15 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
   -- (A Scriptographic Booklet) -- Call no.: RG136.2.W47 1992
"What Might Happen Tomorrow in World War II?" / art: Gene
   Fawcette. 4 p. in Wings Comics, no. 2 (Oct. 1940). -- A
   "what if?" story; villain Karl Von Richten is introduced.
   -- Data from Lou Mougin via The Grand Comics Database
   Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F5W5m no.2
"What Mind?"* (Beetle Bailey, June 23, 1990) / Mort Walker. p.
   113 in Battered Husbands (Redondo Beach, CA : H. Gregory
   Associates, 1991). -- Summary: General Halftrack thinks in
   amazement that his wife can read his mind; she responds
   aloud. -- Call no.: PN6231.H8G75 1991
What Next, Andy Capp? / by Smythe. -- Greenwich, Conn. :
   Fawcett, 1965. -- 128 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. -- (A Fawcett Gold
   Medal Book ; R2661)
   I. Smythe, Reggie. II. Andy Capp. a. British comics. Call
   no.: PN6738.A5S7
What Next, Charlie Brown? / Charles M. Schulz. -- Greenwich,
   Conn. : Fawcett, 1959. -- 1 v. : ill. -- Selected cartoons
   from You're Out of Your Mind, Charlie Brown, v. 2.
   1. Funny kid comics. I. Schulz, Charles M. II. Peanuts.
   III. You're Out of Your Mind, Charlie Brown. Call no.:
   PN6728.P4W45 1959
What! No Spinach? : a Popeye Story / by Edward Knapp ;
   pictures by Manny Campana. -- New York : Golden Press,
   1981. -- 12 p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm. -- (A Little Golden
   Sniff It Book) -- Summary: All the food at Popeye and Olive
   Oyl's picnic, which is threatened by Bluto and a load of
   old fish, may be smelled by the reader. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.T5K58 1981
What, No Spinach?--Miscellanea.
   Index entry (p. 71) to The Fleischer Story / by Leslie
   Cabarga (New York : Nostalgia Press, 1976) -- Data from Don
   Markstein. Call no.: NC1766.U52F593
"What Not to Say" / by Goupil and Walter. p. 19 in Heavy
   Metal, v. 27, no. 4 (Sept. 2003). -- Follows a companion
   page: "What to Say During Sex." -- Call no.:
"What Not to Say During Sex #2" / by Goupil and Walter. p. 23
   in Heavy Metal, v. 27, no. 5 (Nov. 2003). -- Call no.:
What Now / Patrick McDonnell. -- Kansas City, MO : Andrews
   McMeel Publishing, 2002. -- 127 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. --
   (Mutts ; 7) -- Call no.: PN6728.M88W47 2002
What Now?
   "Little Clerk, What Now?" (Manhunter) / Pierce Rice,
   pencils ; Howard Ferguson, letters. 9 p. in Adventure
   Comics, no. 90 (Feb. 1944). -- Superhero genre. -- Data
   from Bob Cherry, Gene Reed, Lou Mougin, et al., via Grand
   Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A3m no.90
What Now, Charlie Brown? / Charles M. Schulz. -- Greenwich,
   Conn. : Fawcett, 1972. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 18 cm. -- Selected
   cartoons from The Unsinkable Charlie Brown, v. 1.
   1. Funny kid comics. I. Schulz, Charles M. II. Peanuts.
   III. The Unsinkable Charlie Brown. Call no.: PN6728.P4W46
"What of the Helicopter?" / art: Gene Fawcette. 4 p. in Wings
   Comics, no. 3 (Nov. 1940). -- A "What if?" story; the
   helicopter was not perfected for war use at this time --
   Data from Lou Mougin via The Grand Comics Database Project.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F5W5m no.3
"What on Earth is a Terrorist Cookbook, Sylvia?"* (Mary Worth,
   Oct. 17, 2000) / Saunders and Giella. -- Summary: Brad has
   moved on from picket signs and bullhorns to bombs. -- Call
   no.: PN6726 f.B55 "cookbooks"
"What Other Name is Imbued with Such Sterling Qualities as
   'Kudzu'"* (Kudzu, Apr. 2, 1983) / Marlette. -- Summary: His
   mom lists the virtues of the kudzu vine, but he thinks it
   sounds like crabgrass. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "crab
"What Planet Are You From?"* (Cathy, July 27, 1997) /
   Guisewite. -- Summary: Irving has downsized Cathy out of a
   job, and now wants her to do a performance review of his
   hatchet skills. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "hatchets"
"What Position to Take" / by Goupil and Walter. p. 34 in Heavy
   Metal, v. 27, no. 5 (Nov. 2003). -- About the Kama Sutra.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.27no.5

What Price ...

What Price, Comics? : Some Simple Truths : an Opinion / by
   Robert L. Beerbohm. -- Fremont, Nebraska : R.L. Beerbohm,
   1994. -- 20 p. ; 28 cm. -- Draft dated 10/15/94. -- About
   the distribution of comics. -- Call no.: PN6725.B373W47
"What Price, Freedom?" p. 4-22 in Tejano Exile / by Jaxon (San
   Francisco, CA : Last Gasp, 1980). -- Call no.:
"What Price Friendship!" (An Archie Story) 2 p. text in Archie
   Comics, no. 19 (Mar./Apr. 1946). -- Call no.:
"What Price Friendship" (Jerry & Mort) / story, B. James ;
   art, B. James ; lettering, Larry E. Harris. 4 p. in Tales
   of Jerry, no. 10 (1992). -- "To be continued." -- Call no.:
"What Price Love" (Vampirella) / Bill DuBay ; José González.
   12 p. in Vampirella, no. 25 (June 1973). -- Data from Jerry
   Sinkovec. -- Call no.: PN6728.3.W3V3no.25
"What Price Role Models? : Alpha Flight #106, The Desert
   Peach" / a review by Rob Rodi. p. 23-259 in The Comics
   Journal, no. 152 (Aug. 1992) -- (Comics Library)
   k. Alpha Flight, no. 106--Reviews. k. The Desert
   Peach--Reviews. k. Gay men in comic books, strips, etc. I.
   Rodi, Rob. II. Comics Library. Call no.: PN6700.C62no.152
"What Price Victory?" (Gullivar Jones) 10 p. in Creatures on
   the Loose, no. 20 (Nov. 1972). -- Call no.:
"What Really Happened to Comet Kohoutek" 1 p. in Net Profit /
   by Michael J. Becker and Shelby Sampson (Ecomix, 1974). --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.E25N4
What Right? : Graphic Interpretations Against Censorship /
   edited by Robin Fisher. -- Vancouver : Arsenal Pulp Press,
   2002. -- 175 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. -- Call no.: PN6720.W42
What Robert E. Howard REALLY Meant.
   "Conan the Existential: What Robert E. Howard REALLY Meant"
   / Charles Hoffman. p. 77-80 in Ariel, no. 1 (Autumn 1976)
   I. Howard, Robert Ervin, 1906-1936. 2. Conan the Barbarian.
   I. Hoffman, Charles. II. What Robert E. Howard REALLY
   Meant. Call no.: PS648.F3A75no.1
"What Seeks the Awesome Threesome?" (Aquaman) 23 p. in
   Aquaman, no. 36 (Dec. 1967). -- Aqualad and Mera appear. --
   Call no.: PN6728.3.N3A7no.36
"What Superman Means to Me" / story by Harvey Pekar ; art by
   Gary Dumm ; with a cameo appearance by Robert Crumb. p.
   27-29 in Snarf, no. 12 (June 1989). -- Call no.:
What The--?! -- New York : Marvel Comics, 1988- . -- col. ill.
   ; 26 cm. -- Began with no. 1 (Aug. 1988). -- Genre:
   Superhero. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1, 5, 7-25 (1988-1993). --
   Call no.: PN6728.5.M3W49
What The--. Swedish.
   Giganternas kramp! / översättning Lars Andreasson ;
   textning Siw Lidman. -- Stockholm : RSR Epix AB, 1991. --
   48 p. : col. ill. ; 29 cm. -- (Parodi) -- Other title:
   Gigant kramp! -- What the--, in Swedish. -- Genre: Parody.
   -- Call no.: PN6790.S93G5 1991
"What the Black Panther Means to Me" / by Edward J. Saunders
   Jr. p. 21 in The Jack Kirby Collector, no. 9 (Feb. 1996)
   1. Black Panther. 2. Black characters in comic books,
   strips, etc. I. Saunders, Edward J. Call no.:
"What the Cartoonists are Doing" p. 108-109 in Cartoons
   Magazine, v. 5, no. 1 (Jan. 1914). -- Items on Harry
   Tuthill, Jimmie Swinnerton, J. Stewart Blacton, Terry
   Gilkinson, and Walter E. Stark. -- Call no.:
"What the Cartoonists are Doing" p. 566-576 in Cartoons
   Magazine, v. 11, no. 4 (Apr. 1917). -- Items about Luther
   Bradley, Lute Pease, Clifford Berryman, Frank Garnier,
   Billy Ireland, George W. Rehse, Touraine, Carey Orr, Ted
   Brown, Rosenberg of the Chicagoer Abendpost, Irving
   Politzer, Lawrence (Tarry) Semon, Dick Boyle, Norman Gale,
   Milton Gross, Robert M. Brinkerhoff, H.T. Webster, Ray
   Rohn, Charlie Saxton, John T. McCutcheon, Herbert W.
   MacKinney, and about Hindi Punch. -- Call no.:
What the Comic Strips Reveal about Cold War America,
   The Comics Stripped : What the Comic Strips Reveal about
   Cold War America, 1950-1955 / by Anthony A. Harkins. -- 173
   leaves : ill. ; 29 cm. -- Thesis (M.A.)--University of
   Wisconsin--Madison, 1992. -- Includes bibliographical
   references. -- Call no.: PN6725.H315C6 1992
"What the Copyright Law Says" p. 12 in The Comics Journal, no.
   130 (July 1989). -- About the work-for-hire system. -- Data
   from Pete Coogan. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.130
"What The Direct Sales Market Has Wrought: Part One:
   Conventions And Awards" p. 6-7 (Comics Journal #84
   September 1983) (Editorial)
   1. Direct distribution of comics. 2. Publication and
   distribution of comics. 3. Awards. 4. Conventions and
   congresses. I. Groth, Gary. Call no.: PN6700.C62no.84
"What The Direct Sales Market Has Wrought: Part Two: The
   Comics Renaissance" p. 8-11 (Comics Journal #85 October
   1983) (Editorial)
   1. Direct distribution of comics. 2. Publication and
   distribution of comics. I. Groth, Gary. Call no.:
"What the Doctor Ordered" (Archie's Pal Jughead) 2 p. in
   Archie's Pal Jughead, no. 22 (Feb. 1954). -- Jughead orders
   a sundae with everything. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.A7A75no.22
What the Expectant Father May Expect.
   Stork Bites Man : What the Expectant Father May Expect /
   text by Louis Pollock ; pictures by Carl Rose. -- Cleveland
   : World Publishing Co., 1945. -- 123 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. --
   (Forum Books) -- Call no.: HQ756.P6 1945
What the F... -- Birmingham : Jatinder S. Ghataora, 1984- . --
   ill. ; 21 cm. -- Began with no. 1 (May 1984). -- British
   fanzine about comics. -- Cover title (no. 1): Not the Con
   Book. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6735.W47
What the Fifties Were Really Like.
   "Dessert" (What the Fifties Were Really Like) / Spain. 4 p.
   in Young Lust, no. 5 (1977). -- Call no.:
"What the Flatiron has to do with the Game of Monopoly"*
   (Willy 'n Ethel, Nov. 14, 1988) / Joe Martin. -- Summary:
   Willy's thinking about things he doesn't understand. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "Monopoly"
What the Heck is a Friend / by Johnny Hart. -- Cleveland
   U.S.A. : American Greetings Corp., 1967. -- 20 p. : ill. ;
   16 cm. -- Includes B.C. strip reprints. -- Call no.:
   BF575.F66H3 1967
"What the Heck is She Doing in There"* (Fluff, July, 31, 1997)
   / Nina Paley. -- Summary: The new covered litterbox brings
   a new set of problems. -- Key word: Waiting, magazines. --
   Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "Magazines"
"What the Heck's the Older Generation Coming To?"* (Conchy,
   July 27, 1972) / by James Childress. p. 1 of The Menomonee
   Falls Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: Conchy
   wonders about world leaders and why they started World War
   III. -- Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"What the Law Says" p. 10 in The Comics Journal, no. 139 (Dec.
   1990) -- About censorship. -- Data from Pete Coogan. --
   Call no.: PN6700.C62no.139
"What the Well-Dressed Spider-Man Will Wear" 2 p. in Amazing
   Spider-Man Special, no. 4 (Nov. 1967). -- Call no.:
"What the World's Coming To!" / R. Crumb. 1 p. in Weirdo, no.
   2 (Summer 1981). -- Full-page drawing. -- People are lined
   up to use a machine called an "IBM Think Tank." -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.L3W4no.2
"What Therapy Can't Solve, the Properly Timed Dog Biscuit
   Can"* (Cathy, Aug. 21, 1999) / Guisewite. -- Summary:
   Electra is acting cold and distant, but Cathy's mother
   knows how to proceed. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "dog
What They Did to Princess Paragon / Robert Rodi. -- New York :
   Dutton, 1994. -- 281 p. ; 23 cm. -- Jacket illustration by
   Mary Wilshire. -- Novel about comic books, kidnapping, and
   gay men. -- Call no.: PS3568 .O34854W43 1994
What They Did to Princess Paragon--Reviews.
   "Et Tu, Diana? : What They Did to Princess Paragon" /
   review by Donald L. Fleischer. p. 136-137 in Hogan's Alley,
   v. 1, no. 3 (1996). -- Reviews the novel by Robert Rodi. --
   Call no.: PN6700.H6v.1no.3
"What They Did to the Dog-Catcher in Hogan's Alley" (Hogan's
   Alley, Sept. 20, 1896) / R.F. Outcault. p. 36 in The Comic
   Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Call no.:
   PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"What They Say About Chinese Girls?" p. 182-185 in Dirty
   Little Sex Cartoons (Los Angeles, Calif. : Argyle Books,
   1972). -- A Tijuana Bible reprint.
   k. Chinese Girls. k. Tijuana Bibles. Call no.: PN6726.D43
What They Say About Chinese Girls?
   "A Sailor Find's out if It's True What They Say About
   Chinese Girls" p. 42-43 in Sex in Comics, v. 3 / by D.H.
   Gilmore (San Diego, Calif. : Greenleaf Classics, 1971) -- A
   Tijuana Bible reprint. -- Reprinted elsewhere as "What They
   Say About Chinese Girls?"
   k. Chinese Girls. I. What They Say About Chinese Girls? k.
   Tijuana Bibles. Call no.: PN6714.G5 1971 v.3
"What They Say About Her Now" / Camper. p. 21 in Gay Comix,
   no. 14 (Winter 1991) -- Vignettes of women remembered. --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.K5G3no.14
"What!! They Went with the 'Young Elvis' Design?"* (Farley,
   Jan. 15, 1993) / Phil Frank. -- Summary: Farley visits
   Bruce, who's in a wheelchair at the clinic, and brings him
   a sheet of Elvis stamps as a present. -- Call no.: PN6726
   f.B55 "wheelchairs"
"What This Country Needs is a Return to Spiritual Values" (Mr.
   Natural) 1 p. in Zap Comics, no. 6 (1973). -- By R. Crumb.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7Z3no.6
"What This Country Needs is Fewer Lawns and More Amber Waves
   of Grain"* (Pickles, May 9, 1997) / by Brian Crane. --
   Summary: Earl doesn't think planting oats in the front yard
   is ridiculous. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "lawns"
"What Time Is It?"* (Shorty) 1 p. in Action Comics, no. 282
   (Nov. 1961). -- Begins: "Young man, would you help me out?"
   -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.282
"What Time Is It? : Telling Time Through the Ages" 1 p. in
   Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 1, no. 5 (May 7, 1946).
   -- History of clocks. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.1no.5
"What to Call the Post-Bronze Age?" / Kevin McSheffrey. p.
   78-79 in Comic Book Marketplace, v. 2, no. 72 (Oct. 1999).
   -- (Marketplace Mail) -- Letter on pulps, paperbacks, and
   men's magazines with interesting covers, and asking for
   more coverage of Marvel. -- Call no.: PN6714.C632v.2no.72
"What to Do After the Apocalypse!" (Deathlok) / Rich Buckler,
   story and art ; Keith Pollard, inker. 9 p. in Astonishing
   Tales, no. 36 (July 1976) -- Call no.: PN6728.4.M3A8no.36
"What to Say During Sex" / by Goupil and Walter. p. 18 in
   Heavy Metal, v. 27, no. 4 (Sept. 2003). -- Followed by a
   companion page: "What Not to Say." -- Call no.:
What United Methodists Should Know about the Lord's Supper. --
   South Deerfield, MA : Channing L. Bete Co., 1993. -- 15 p.
   : ill. ; 21 cm. -- (A Scriptographic Booklet)
   1. Lord's Supper--Comic books, strips, etc. 2. Methodist
   Church--Comic books, strips, etc. 3. United Methodist
   Church (U.S.)--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Series. II.
   Channing L. Bete Co. Call no.: BX8338.A3W47 1993
What Was Bugging Ol' Pharaoh? / Charles M. Schulz. --
   Anderson, Ind. : Warner Press, 1964. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 15
   1. Christianity--Comic books, strips, etc. 2. Teen humor
   comics. I. Schulz, Charles M. Call no.: NC1429.S438W47
What Was Gargantus?
   "What? What? What Was Gargantus!" 7 p. in Creatures on the
   Loose, no. 17 (May 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.3.M3T6no.17
"What Was It?" 2 p. in Forbidden Worlds, no. 1 (1991). -- Call
   no.: PN6734.F63no.1
"What Was Once Baseball's Dullest Moment Becomes Its Most
   Entertaining"* (Tank McNamara, July 10, 2004) / Millar &
   Hinds. -- Summary: Celebrity pitchers are being brought in
   to do intentional walks. Bill Clinton is expected. -- Call
   no.: PN6726 f.B55 "celebrities"
"What Was So Special about Helen of Troy as to Start a Ten
   Years' War?"* (Alley Oop, July 14, 1955) / V.T. Hamlin. --
   Summary: Helen and Ooola are instantly at odds. -- Call
   no.: folio PN6728.A43F6 1937v.10
"What Was That Number Two Again?"* (Beetle Bailey, Oct. 4,
   1990) / Mort Walker. p. 62 in Battered Husbands (Redondo
   Beach, CA : H. Gregory Associates, 1991). -- Summary: Mrs.
   Halftrack is blue, and asks if Amos loves her better than
   his career, or gin, or his pals, or golf. -- Call no.:
   PN6231.H8G74 1991
"What was the Strange Power of Simon Drudd!" 5 p. in Fear, no.
   1 (Nov. 1970)
   I. The Strange Power of Simon Drudd. k. Power. k. Simon
   Drudd. k. Drudd, Simon. Call no.: PN6728.4.M3F4no.1
"What Was Wrong with the Old Flavor?"* (Rose is Rose, Dec. 6,
   2004) / Wimmer. -- Summary: A salesperson in a grocery
   store tries to sell a new improved flavor of juice. -- Call
   no.: PN6726 f.B55 "flavor"
"What Was X, the Thing that Lived!" 18 p. in Fear, no. 2 (Jan.
   1971) ; reprinted from Tales to Astonish, no. 20 (June
   I. X, the Thing that Lived. II. The Thing that Lived. k.
   Living. Call no.: PN6728.4.M3F4no.2
"What We Don't Got is a Lobster Who's Willing to Die in the
   Pot"* (Sam and Silo, Feb. 23, 1983) / by Jerry Dumas and
   Mort Walker. -- Summary: Sam and Silo are trying to cook,
   and the lobster has grabbed the cookbook. -- Call no.:
   PN6726 f.B55 "cooking"
"What We Need is a Supertree!"* (Eek and Meek, Mar. 30, 1972)
   / Schneider. -- Summary: Meek complains that trees are
   losing the battle to superhighways. -- The charcters are
   mice. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "highways"
What Went Wrong.
   "The Image Story, part 3 : What Went Wrong" / Michael Dean.
   p. 7-11 in The Comics Journal, no. 225 (July 2000). --
   (Newswatch) -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.225
What We're Coming To.
   Index entry (p. 148) to Cartoon Cavalcade / ed. by Thomas
   Craven (Chicago : Consolidated Book Publishers, 1945). Call
   no.: NC1426.C7 1945
"What Were His Exact Words?"* (Beetle Bailey, Apr. 3, 1993) /
   Mort Walker. -- Summary: Beetle thinks the General lost his
   false teeth. -- Key word: Articulation. -- Call no.:
   PN6726f.B55 "false teeth"
"What Were They Thinking?" / An Ohio Collector. p. 73 in Comic
   Book Marketplace, v. 2, no. 48 (June 1997) -- (Marketplace
   Mail) -- Letter to the editor. -- Call no.:
"What Were We Thinking" / Greg Cwiklik. p. 2 in The Comics
   Journal, no. 221 (Mar. 2000). -- (Blood & Thunder) --
   Letter about articles on Batman in issue 219, and the
   interview with Grant Morrison in issue 218. -- Call no.:
What Were You in a Previous Life? / by Adam Green. -- New York
   : Thunder's Mouth Press, 1993. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 21 cm. --
   Call no.: PN6727.G692W47 1993
What Were You in a Previous Life?--Reviews.
   "The Comics Journal Hit List" p. 112-113 in The Comics
   Journal, no. 162 (Oct. 1993) -- Brief reviews of I Like
   Comics, Sexy Stories from World Religions #2, Girlhero @1,
   The Complete Dirty Laundry Comics, What Were You in a
   Previous Life?, and Young Lust #8. -- Call no.:
"What? What? What Was Gargantus!" 7 p. in Creatures on the
   Loose, no. 17 (May 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.3.M3T6no.17
"What Will Be the Fate of the Chinese Republic?" p. 10-12 in
   Cartoons Magazine, v. 5, no. 1 (Jan. 1914). -- Illustrated
   with cartoons by Fitzpatrick and Barnett. -- Running title:
   The Chinese Republic. -- Call no.: NC1300.C37v.5no.1
"What Will Your 1970 Be Worth in 1975?" / Gilbert Shelton. 1
   p. in Slow Death Funnies, no. 1 (Apr. 1970). -- Single
   panel. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.L3S55no.1
What Women and Men Should Know about Date Rape. -- South
   Deerfield, MA : C.L. Bete Co., 1986. -- 15 p. : ill. ; 21
   cm. -- (A Scriptographic Booklet)
   1. Acquaintance rape--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Date
   Rape. II. Series. Call no.: HV6561.W47 1986
What works.
   The Blank in the Comics strip collection includes a file of
   one or more daily comic strips related to this keyword or
   topic. Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
"What 'Would-Be' Politicians Do On Slow News Days" (Rm A313,
   May 18, 1990) / by G. Remlik. -- Summary: Student
   politician Simcox tackles economic discrimination with an
   issue about number two pencils for students. -- Date on
   strip is indistinct; year taken from internal evidence. --
   "G. Remlik" is Joshua Kilmer. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
"What Would Make Swampland and Cold, North-Country Wilderness
   Valuable in the Future?"* (Dick Tracy, Apr. 24, 1990) /
   Dick Locher, Max Collins. -- Summary: Dick Tracy makes a
   connection between the real estate market and the
   greenhouse effect. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "greenhouse
"What Would the Widow's Benefits be, Say, Six Months from
   Now?" (Herman, copyright 1979) / by Unger. p. 88 in
   Battered Husbands (Redondo Beach, CA : H. Gregory
   Associates, 1991). -- Summary: She's talking to an
   insurance salesman, and her husband is overhearing. -- Call
   no.: PN6231.H8G75 1991

What Would You Do?

Feature of hypothetical situations, in True Comics
"What Would You Do?" 2 p. in True Comics and Adventure
   Stories, no. 1 (1965)
   1. Hurricanes--Comic books, strips, etc. Call no.:
What Would You Do? (Summer 1945)
   "Spy in the Wine Business"* (What Would You Do?) / by Lewis
   Wolfe. 2 p. in True Comics, no. 44 (Summer 1945) --
   SUMMARY: A wine business is a cover-up for spying, but how
   to prove it? -- "This feature is based on events that have
   happened, or could happen."
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Wine business.
   k. Cover-ups. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.44
What Would You Do? (Fall 1945)
   "Lost Legionnaire"* (What Would You Do?) / by Lewis Wolfe.
   2 p. in True Comics, no. 45 (Fall 1945) -- SUMMARY: A
   French Legionnaire in the desert loses sight of his fort.
   How to get back?
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. French
   Legionnaires. k. Forts. k. Deserts. Call no.:
What Would You Do? (Winter 1945)
   "Delaying the Fleet"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis
   Wolfe. 2 p. in True Comics, no. 46 (Winter 1945) --
   SUMMARY: A Japanese fleet is coming to a Chinese coastal
   port that is undefended. How to delay the fleet for two
   days while reinforcements come?
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Japanese Fleets.
   k. Chinese Ports. k. Reinforcements. Call no.:
What Would You Do? (Mar. 1946)
   "Defense at a Witchcraft Trial"* (What Would You Do?) / by
   Louis Wolfe. 2 p. in True Comics, no. 47 (Mar. 1946) --
   SUMMARY: At a 17th century New England witchcraft trial, an
   accused woman's defender has to prove a little girl is
   1. Trials (Witchcraft)--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Wolfe,
   Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. New England. k.
   Witchcraft. k. Lying. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.47
What Would You Do? (Apr. 1946)
   "The Sacred Donkey"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis Wolfe.
   2 p. in True Comics, no. 48 (Apr. 1946) -- SUMMARY: An Arab
   sheik has all the suspects in a robbery pull the tail of
   his sacred donkey, but the donkey doesn't bray. How to find
   the thief?
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Arab Sheiks. k.
   Sheiks. k. Suspects. k. Robbery. k. Tails. k. Donkeys. k.
   Thieves. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.48
What Would You Do? (May/June 1946)
   "Buffalo Stampede"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis Wolfe.
   2 p. in True Comics, no. 49 (May/June 1946) -- SUMMARY: A
   lone prairie schooner is threatened by a stampede of
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Prairie
   Schooners. k. Stampedes. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.49
What Would You Do? (July 1946)
   "Tugboat over Niagara Falls"* (What Would You Do?) / by
   Louis Wolfe. 2 p. in True Comics, no. 50 (July 1946) --
   SUMMARY: A tugboat loses a scow with four men just above
   Niagara Falls. How to save the men?
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Scows. k.
   Niagara Falls. k. Waterfalls. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.50
What Would You Do? (Aug. 1946)
   "Deep-Sea Diver"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis Wolfe. 2
   p. in True Comics, no. 51 (Aug. 1946) -- SUMMARY: You're a
   deep-sea diver and you're sinking into the ocean bottom
   next to a sunken submarine, and your communications line
   has fouled.
   I. Wolfe, Louis. I. What Would You Do? k. Divers. k.
   Sinking. k. Ocean Bottom. k. Submarines. k. Communication
   Lines. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.51
What Would You Do? (Sept. 1946)
   "The Mountie and the Wolves"* (What Would You Do?) / by
   Louis Wolfe. 2 p. in True Comics, no. 52 (Sept. 1946) --
   SUMMARY: A Mountie is surrounded by wolves, and has only a
   box of flints and a piece of meat with which to defend
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Wolves. k.
   Flints. k. Meat. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.52
What Would You Do? (Oct. 1946)
   "Surrounded Frontier Fort"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis
   Wolfe. 2 p. in True Comics, no. 53 (Oct. 1946) ; reprinted
   in Children's Digest, no. 103 (Dec. 1960). -- Call no.:
   PN6728.1.P3T7no.53. Call no.: AP201.C46no.103
What Would You Do? (Nov. 1946)
   "Wrong-Way Touchdown"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis
   Wolfe. 2 p. in True Comics, no. 54 (Nov. 1946)
   1. Football--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Wolfe, Louis. II.
   What Would You Do? k. Touchdowns. Call no.:
What Would You Do? (Dec. 1946)
   "King Cobra"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis Wolfe. 1 1/2
   p. in True Comics, no. 55 (Dec. 1946) -- SUMMARY: A cobra
   gets loose and the zoo curator has to recapture it.
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Cobras. k. Zoos.
   k. Curators. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.55
What Would You Do? (Jan. 1947)
   "Lumber Camp Murder"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis
   Wolfe. 2 p. in True Comics, no. 56 (Jan. 1947)
   I. Wolfe, Louis. I. What Would You Do? k. Murder. Call no.:
What Would You Do? (Feb. 1947 )
   "Thunderstorm"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis Wolfe. 2 p.
   in True Comics, no. 57 (Feb. 1947) -- Caught in a bus full
   of kindergartners during a thunderstorm.
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Kindergartners.
   k. School busses. k. Busses. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.57
What Would You Do? (Mar. 1947)
   "Cattle Stampede"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis Wolfe. 2
   p. in True Comics, no. 58 (Mar. 1947) -- Cattle are
   stampeding toward a cliff.
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Stampedes. k.
   Cliffs. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.58
What Would You Do? (Apr. 1947)
   "Hut or Igloo?"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis Wolfe. 2
   p. in True Comics, no. 59 (Apr. 1947)
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Igloos. Call
   no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.59
What Would You Do? (May 1947)
   "Lost Diamond"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis Wolfe. 2 p.
   in True Comics, no. 60 (May 1947) -- A jeweler loses a
   diamond when somebody screams outside his store.
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Diamonds. k
   Jewelers. k. Screams. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.60
What Would You Do? (June 1947)
   "The Spy's Umbrella"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis
   Wolfe. 2 p. in True Comics, no. 61 (June 1947)
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Umbrellas. Call
   no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.61
What Would You Do? (July 1947)
   "Fire Threatens Farmhouse"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis
   Wolfe. 1 1/2 p. in True Comics, no. 62 (July 1947) --
   SUMMARY: Indians are trying to burn out a pioneer family.
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Farmhouses. k.
   Indians. k. Pioneers. Call no.: PN6728.1.P2T7no.62
What Would You Do? (Sept. 1947)
   "Riding the Hurricane"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis
   Wolfe. 2 p. in True Comics, no. 64 (Sept. 1947)
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Hurricanes. Call
   no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.64
What Would You Do? (Nov. 1947)
   "Check Forger"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis Wolfe. 1 p.
   in True Comics, no. 66 (Nov. 1947) -- The suspect says he
   can't write a word.
   I. Wolfe, Louis. I. What Would You Do? k. Forgery. k.
   Writing. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.66
What Would You Do? (Dec. 1947)
   "Tanker Ablaze"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis Wolfe. 1
   p. in True Comics, no. 67 (Dec. 1947) -- A fireman is
   overboard, about to be engulfed by the blazing oil.
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Firemen. k.
   Blazing Oil. k. Oil. k. Overboard. Call no.:
What Would You Do? (Jan. 1948)
   "Kidnapped Millionaire"* (What Would You Do?) / by Louis
   Wolfe. 2 p. in True Comics, no. 68 (Jan. 1948)
   I. Wolfe, Louis. II. What Would You Do? k. Millionaires.
   Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.68
What Would You Do?
   "Major Hoople in What Would You Do?" p. 85-89 in The
   Tijuana Bibles : America's Forgotten Comic Strips, v. 4
   (Seattle, WA : Eros Comix, 1999). -- Call no.: PN6726.T5
What Would You Do?
   "Oliver Crappe Presents Major Hoople in What Would You Do?"
   p. 87-88 in Sex in Comics, v. 2 / by D.H. Gilmore (San
   Diego, Calif. : Greenleaf Classics, 1971) -- A Tijuana
   Bible reprint.
   I. Major Hoople in What Would You Do? II. What Would You
   Do? III. Our Boarding House. k. Tijuana Bibles. Call no.:
   PN6714.G5 1971 v.2
"What Would You Like to Believe Against All Evidence to the
   Contrary?"* (Sylvia, Jan. 4, 1993) / by Nicole Hollander.
   -- Summary: Items about guardian angels, women in the
   priesthood, and Bob Packwood. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
"What Would You Like To Do When We Retire That Would Be Really
   Fun?"* (For Better or For Worse, Aug. 2, 2003) / by Lynn
   Johnston. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "fun"
"What You Can Do To Aid in the National Defense" p. 38-39 in
   True Comics, no. 6 (Nov. 1941) -- Text. -- Call no.:
"What You Need 2 Apples a Day to Get Rid Of"* (B.C., Nov. 9,
   2000) / by Johnny Hart. -- (Wiley's Dictionary) -- Call
   no.: PN6726 f.B55 "paradox"
What You Should Know About Flu. -- South Deerfield, MA :
   Channing L. Bete, 1990. -- 15 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- (A
   Scriptographic Booklet) -- Cartoon-illustrated pamphlet
   about influenza.-- Call no.: RC150.W47 1990
What You Should Know About Genital Warts. -- South Deerfield,
   Ma. : Channing L. Bete, 1991. -- 15 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. --
   (A Scriptographic Booklet) -- Call no.: RC168.P15W47 1991
What You Should Know About Infection Control. -- South
   Deerfield, MA : Channing L. Bete, 1987. -- 15 p. : ill. ;
   21 cm. -- (A Scriptographic Booklet) -- Cartoon-illustrated
   pamphlet about nosocomial infections and hospital
   sanitation. -- Call no.: RA969.W47 1987
What You Should Know about Physical Health in Later Years. --
   South Deerfield, Ma. : Channing L. Bete, 1980. -- 15 p. :
   ill. ; 20 cm. -- (A Scriptographic Booklet) -- Cartoon
   illustrated educational pamphlet about health and older
   people. -- Call no.: RA564.8.W47 1980
"What Your Children are Reading" / Joel E. Vessels. p. 205-221
   in International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- Article on comics and cultural context of comics
   in France before World War II. -- Includes bibliographical
   references and illustrations. -- Call no.:
On down the list

This segment last edited April 22, 2006