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"New Cataloging and Indexing Daily Log August 2017"
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----------------------------------------------------- **** NEW CATALOGING, INDEXING AND CORRECTIONS FOR AUGUST 1, 2017 ----------------------------------------------------- The Complete Dickie Dare / by Milton Caniff ; edited and with an introduction by Rick Marschall. -- Agoura, CA : Fantagraphics Books, 1986. -- 147 p. : ill. ; 22 x 28 cm. -- (The Nemo Bookshelf) -- Collects strips dated July 31, 1933 to Dec. 31, 1934. -- Strips dated Dec. 3 to Dec. 31, 1934, are signed by Coulton Waugh. -- Adventure story genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.D53C3 1986 RESEND TO ELABORATE CATALOGING ----------------------------------------------------- **** NEW CATALOGING, INDEXING AND CORRECTIONS FOR AUGUST 3-5, 2017 ----------------------------------------------------- Action Comics, no. 172 (Sept. 1952) CONTENTS: "Buzzy's Rules of Water Safety!" (Buzzy) 1 p. public service -- "Lois Lane, Witch!" (Superman) 12 p. -- "Glass Blower"* 1/2 p. advertising -- "Survival in the Snow!" (Congo Bill) 6 p. -- "This Looks Like a Swell Ship!"* (Shorty) 1/2 p. -- "Quick Quiz" 1 p. -- "The Eye of Space!" (Tommy Tomorrow of the Space Planeteers) 6 p. -- "That Kid and His Drum!"* (Little Pete) 1/2 p. -- "Golly! Look at Jim Star Go!"* (Sue) 1 p. -- "The Man in the Mask" 2 p. text -- "The Killer Horse of Hollow Hills!" (Vigilante) 8 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.172 ----------------------------------------------------- Action Comics, no. 176 (Jan. 1953) CONTENTS: "Muscles for Money" (Superman) 12 p. -- "Superboy Discovers a New Kind of Junior Sport!" (Superboy) 1 p. public service -- "The Man-Eater of Mandalao!" (Congo Bill) 6 p. -- "If You Make This Jump, You Win The Event, Pud"* 1/2 p. advertising -- "Out of Order"* (Varsity Vic) 1 p. -- "The End of the Planeteers!" (Tommy Tomorrow) 6 p. -- "Coins of Destiny" 2 p. text -- "Free Speech, Free For All!" (Buzzy) 1 p. public service -- "The Impossible Legend" (Vigilante) 8 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.176 ----------------------------------------------------- Action Comics, no. 177 (Feb. 1953) CONTENTS: "The Holiday Spirit" (Superboy) 1 p. public service -- "Anti-Superman Weapon" (Superman) 12 p. -- "Missing His Family"* (Varsity Vic) 1/2 p. -- "I Rode with the Outlaw Cameleers" (Congo Bill) 6 p. -- "Shoveling the Driveway"* 1/2 p. advertising -- "New Hat"* (Jerry the Jitterbug) 1 p. -- "The Children from Space" (Tommy Tomorrow) 6 p. -- "Peril at the South Pole" 2 p. text -- "Scrambled Eggs Again"* (Private Pete) 1/2 p. -- "Five Bandannas for Vigilante" (Vigilante) 8 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.177 ----------------------------------------------------- Showcase, no. 10 (Sept./Oct. 1957) CONTENTS: "The Jilting of Superman" (Lois Lane) 8 p. -- "Danger, Prejudice at Work!" 1 p. public service -- "Keep the Ten Dollars"* (Lem 'n' Lime) 1/2 p. -- "The Sightless Lois Lane" (Lois Lane) 8 p. -- "Winter Vacation"* (Peg) 1 p. -- "How Brave Is A Girl" 1 p. text -- "The Forbidden Box from Krypton" (Lois Lane) 8 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S47no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- Superboy, no. 56 (Apr. 1957) CONTENTS: "The Secret of Fort Smallville" (Superboy) 10 p. -- "Buzzy Learns About Careers in Nursing" (Buzzy) 1 p. public service -- "Clark Kent, Vandal" (Superboy) 6 p. -- "Football Team Tryouts"* (Shorty) 1 p. -- "Sit Up and Beg"* (Lionel and His Lions) 1 p. -- "My Business is Dynamite" 1 p. text -- "A Job for Super-Dog" (Superboy) 8 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S77no.56 ----------------------------------------------------- Superboy, no. 59 (Sept. 1957) CONTENTS: "Superboy's Underground Exile" (Superboy) 8 p. -- "India Eraser Man"* (Hy Wire) 1/2 p. -- "Superboy Meets Amazing Man" (Superboy) 8 p. -- "Danger, Prejudice at Work" 1 p. public service -- "So You Want To Be A Detective?" 1 p. text -- "The Super-Dreams of Superbaby" (Superboy) 8 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S77no.59 ----------------------------------------------------- Superman, no. 123 (Aug. 1958) CONTENTS: "The Girl of Steel!" (The Three Magic Wishes, part 1) 10 p. -- "Tracking"* (Bullseye Billy) 1/2 p. -- "The Lost Super-Powers" (The Three Magic Wishes, part 2) 6 p. -- "Wanted: a Pal!" 1 p. public service -- "Superman's Return to Krypton" (The Three Magic Wishes, part 3) 10 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.123 ----------------------------------------------------- Superman, no. 131 (Aug. 1959) CONTENTS: "The Menace of Mr. Mxyzptlk!" (Superman) 9 p. -- "Crystal Ball"* (Jerry the Jitterbug) 1/2 p. -- "Superman's Future Wife!" (Superman) 8 p. -- "Silence, No Talking"* (Peg) 1 p. -- "Metropolis Mailbag" 1 p. text -- "The Unknown Super-Deeds" (Superman : an Untold Story) 8 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.131 ----------------------------------------------------- Superman, no. 132 (Oct. 1959) CONTENTS: "Krypton Lives On!" (Superman : Superman's Other Life, part 1) 10 p. -- "It's Fun to Learn!" 1 p. public service -- "Painting the Fire House"* (Ollie) 1 p. -- "Futuro, Super-Hero of Krypton" (Superman : Superman's Other Life, part 2) 8 p. -- "Metropolis Mailbag" 1 p. text -- "The Superman of Two Worlds!" (Superman : Superman's Other Life, part 3) 7 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.132 ----------------------------------------------------- Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane, no. 30 (Jan. 1962) CONTENTS: "When Superman Abandoned Lois Lane!" (Lois Lane) 8 p. -- "The Secret of the Happy Pig!" (Peter Porkchops) 1 p. public service -- "First Taxi Ride"* (Profesor Eureka) 1/2 p. -- "Superman's Secret Family!" part 1 (Lois Lane) 8 p. -- "Campaign Parade"* (Varsity Vic) 2 p. -- "Letters to Lois" 1 p. text -- "The Robot Paradise" (Lois Lane : Superman's Secret Family, part 2) 8 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S78no.30 ----------------------------------------------------- Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane, no. 63 (Feb. 1966) CONTENTS: "The Satanic Schemes of S.K.U.L.!" (Lois Lane) 25 p. -- "The Invisible Handicap!" 1 p. public service -- "Letters to Lois" 1 p. text -- "Meet TV's Lois Lane" 1 p. text -- "A Submarine Instead"* (Cap's Hobby Center) 1/2 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S78no.63 ----------------------------------------------------- Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 10 (Feb. 1956) CONTENTS: "Jimmy Olsen's Martian Pal" (Jimmy Olsen) 8 p. -- "Do You Know How To Be A Good Baby-Sitter?" (Buzzy) 1 p. public service -- "Jimmy Olsen's Forgotten Adventure" (Jimmy Olsen) 8 p. -- "Last Week They Fired Ninety Shots"* (Little Pete) 1 p. -- "That Record'll Repeat Itself Forever"* (Fearless Fosdick) 1 tier advertising -- "Pedigree Dog"* (Shorty) 1 p. -- "How To Be A Weather Expert" 2 p. text -- "Jungle Jimmy Olsen!" (Jimmy Olsen) 8 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen, no. 13 (June 1956) CONTENTS: "The Six Jimmy Olsens" (Jimmy Olsen) 8 p. -- "Arithmetic Homework"* (Little Pete) 1 p. -- "The Stolen Superman Signal" (Jimmy Olsen) 8 p. -- "Jack the Giant-Wrecker" 2 p. text -- "The Mumps"* (Jerry the Jitterbug) 1 p. -- "Jimmy Olsen's Super Illusions" (Jimmy Olsen) 8 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.13 ----------------------------------------------------- Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 16 (Oct. 1956) CONTENTS: "The Three Lives of Jimmy Olsen" (Jimmy Olsen) 8 p. -- "How to Spend a Summer Week" (Binky) 1 p. public service -- "The Boy of Steel" (Jummy Olsen) 8 p. -- "A Birthday Present for Pierre" 1 p. text -- "She Hurried Up and Went Out!"* (Varsity Vic) 1 p. -- "The Super Liar of Metropolis" (Jimmy Olsen) 6 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.16 ----------------------------------------------------- "Buzzy's Rules of Water Safety!" (Buzzy) / script, Jack Schiff ; art, Win Mortimer ; letters, Ira Schnapp. 1 p. public service in Detective Comics, no. 176 (Oct. 1951) ; in Action Comics, no. 172 (Sept. 1952) ; and in Detective Comics, no. 187 (Sept. 1952) ; and in World's Finest Comics, no 128 (Sept. 1962). -- Tips about swimming and boating. -- "Published as a public service in cooperation with leading national social welfare and youth-serving organizations." -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Klein, Mike Tiefenbacher, et al. via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: film 15791r.294. Call no.: film 15791r.270. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.172. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3W7no.128 COMBINE RECORDS ----------------------------------------------------- "Lois Lane, Witch!" (Superman) / Al Plastino, art. 12 p. in Action Comics, no. 172 (Sept. 1952). -- Begins: "Do you believe in good and bad luck symbols, in four-leaf clovers and black cats and unlucky thirteen?" -- Summary: Lois goes to Clark Kent's apartment to retrieve his dirty shirts, and accidentally picks up a pretty "talisman" that came to Earth with the rocket that brought the baby Superman. The pretty item is a product of Kryptonian super-science, made to destroy iron meteorites and thus protect the baby on his journey. Lois turns it on, and becomes a jinx when things made of iron crumble wherever she goes. Lois tries to use her bad luck for good against an unpleasant capitalist, a gambling racketeer, and a "shady" used car dealer. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.172 ----------------------------------------------------- "Glass Blower!"* / Ray T. 1/2 p. in Sensation Comics, no. 108 (Mar./Apr. 1952) and in Action Comics, no. 172 (Sept. 1972). -- Advertising strip for Fleer's Dubble Bubble Gum. -- Begins: "Golly, he's good!" -- Summary: A glass blower trains on bubble gum. -- Call no.: Film 15791 r.111. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.172 ----------------------------------------------------- "Survival in the Snow!" (Congo Bill) / Ed Smalle, pencils. 6 p. in Action Comics, no. 172 (Sept. 1952). -- Summary: Bill pursues a pair of jewel thieves (Collins and Maxwell) through the Alaskan Arctic. -- Data from Bob Klein, Jon Ingersoll, et al. via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.172 ----------------------------------------------------- "This Looks Like a Swell Ship!"* (Shorty) / Henry Boltinoff. 1/2 p. in Action Comics, no. 172 (Sept. 1952). -- Incipit title. -- Summary: Shorty wonders how they keep the ship so clean. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.172 ----------------------------------------------------- "Quick Quiz" 1 p. in Action Comics, no. 172 (Sept. 1952). -- Illustrated facts in question and answer form, about the term "cold shoulder," vanilla beans, bobolinks, and hurricanes. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.172 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Eye of Space!" (Tommy Tomorrow of the Space Planeteers) / Jim Mooney, art. 6 p. in Action Comics, no. 172 (Sept. 1952). -- Begins: "From unknown outer space it came, a monstrous visitant of mysterious menace that brought panic to the worlds of tomorrow. It did not destroy, it did not even speak, it only looked, but its gaze held dread doom." -- Data from Bob Klein, Jon Ingersoll, et al. via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.172 ----------------------------------------------------- "That Kid and His Drum!"* (Little Pete) / Henry Boltinoff. 1/2 p. in Action Comics, no. 172 (Sept. 1952). -- Begins: "Bam bam." -- Summary: A man buys Pete's drum to get some peace and quiet, but Pete uses the money to buy a bigger drum. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.172 ----------------------------------------------------- "Golly! Look at Jim Star Go!"* (Sue) 1 p. in Action Comics, no. 172 (Sept. 1952). -- Summary: Jim has great energy as an athlete, but as a dance date he can only sleep. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.172 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Man in the Mask" / B. Fairbanks. 2 p. text in Action Comics, no. 172 (Sept. 1952). -- "He's the sorcerer, the Indian medicine man, the African witch doctor, or the Mardi Gras Celebrant." -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.172 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Killer Horse of Hollow Hills!" (Vigilante) / Bob Brown, art. 8 p. in Action Comics, no. 172 (Sept. 1952). -- Begins: "The valiant Vigilante had taken the gamble and pledged himself to 24 hours in the saddle. So it was that western outlaws hooted and howled in glee as they rough-rode over law and order, knowing full well the daring rider of the purple sage was helpless astride the Killer Horse of Hollow Hills." -- Data from Bob Klein, Jon Ingersoll, et al. via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.172 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Girl of Steel!" (The Three Magic Wishes, part 1) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Dick Sprang ; inks, Stan Kaye. 10 p. in Superman, no. 123 (Aug. 1958) ; reprinted (with some editing, as "The First Supergirl") in Superman Annual, no. 6 (Winter 1962/1963). -- Collective title for this three-part story from p. 10 if part 1. -- "At last, a female partner for the man of steel, who can perform mighty super-feats!" -- Summary (from GCD): Jimmy Olsen is granted three wishes by an Indian totem, the first wish being for a super-girl with powers equal to Superman to be his companion. When she feels like she's always in the way, Super-Girl sacrifices herself to save Superman. -- Data from Bob Hughes, Dwayne Best, Pat Lang, et. al via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.123 ----------------------------------------------------- "Tracking"* (Bullseye Billy) 1/2 p. in Superman, no. 123 (Aug. 1958). -- Begins: "You're some sheriff!" -- Summary: Billy tracks a rabbit across the desert. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.123 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Lost Super-Powers" (The Three Magic Wishes, part 2) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Dick Sprang ; inks, Stan Kaye. 6 p. in Superman, no. 123 (Aug. 1958). -- "See what happens when Superman loses every one of his extraordinary super powers." -- Summary (from GCD): Criminals steal the magic Indian totem and use the second wish to remove Superman's powers. -- Data from Bob Hughes, Dwayne Best, Pat Lang, et. al via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.123 ----------------------------------------------------- "Wanted: a Pal!" / Jack Schiff, script ; Lou Cameron, art ; Ira Schnapp, letters. 1 p. in Adventure Comics, no. 251 (Aug. 1958) ; Superman, no. 123 (Aug. 1958) ; and in Wonder Woman, no. 100 (Aug. 1958). -- Public service page about close friends, in cooperation with the National Social Welfare Assembly. -- Data from Bob Cherry, Gene Reed, Lou Mougin, et al., via Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: Film 15791r.40. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.123. PN6728.1.N3W6no.100 ADD SUPERMAN ITERATION ----------------------------------------------------- "Superman's Return to Krypton" (The Three Magic Wishes, part 3) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Dick Sprang ; inks, Stan Kaye. 10 p. in Superman, no. 123 (Aug. 1958) ; reprinted (as "Krypton's First Superman!") in Superman Annual, no. 8 (Winter 1963/1964). -- "A strange fate brings the man of steel face-to-face with his parents on Krypton before the world exploded." -- Summary (from GCD): Superman time travels back to Krypton and meets his parents for the first time, and arranges their betrothal. -- Data from Bob Hughes, Dwayne Best, Pat Lang, et. al via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.123 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Satanic Schemes of S.K.U.L.!" (Lois Lane) / K. Schaffenberger ; script, Leo Dorfman. 25 p. in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane, no. 63 (Feb. 1966). -- Summary (from GCD): Lois discovers that the replacement for Perry White, Van Benson, is a member of S.K.U.L. (Superman Killers' Underground League). -- The S.K.U.L. gang has chunks of Kryptonite. -- Dialogue begins: "Just as the flames destroy these waxen images of Superman and his friends, so shall we destroy them in reality!" -- Part 2 is titled "Lois Teams Up With Lana." -- To be concluded next issue. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, Mike Nielsen, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S78no.63 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Invisible Handicap!" / Jack Schiff, script ; Sheldon Moldoff, pencils. 1 p. Detective Comics, no. 348 (Feb. 1965) and in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane, no. 63 (Feb. 1966). -- The "handicap" is brain damage. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, et al., of Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3D4no.348. Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S78no.63 ADD ITERATION ----------------------------------------------------- "Letters to Lois" 1 p. text in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane, no. 63 (Feb. 1966). -- Letters to the editor from Jackie Rowan, Clarke Milligan, Kevin Byrnes, Ellen Knapp, Betsy McCullen, Maureen Perry, Donna Hale, Heather Upson, and Robert Kassell. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S78no.63 ----------------------------------------------------- "Meet TV's Lois Lane" 1 p. text in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane, no. 63 (Feb. 1966). -- Begins: "Noel Neill wanted to be a newspaper woman ever since she was old enough to hold a pencil in her hand." -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S78no.63 ----------------------------------------------------- "A Submarine Instead"* (Cap's Hobby Center) / Henry Boltinoff. 1/2 p. in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane, no. 63 (Feb. 1966). -- Begins: "I want a model racing car!" -- Summary: The customer changes his mind because it's raining. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S78no.63 ----------------------------------------------------- "When Superman Abandoned Lois Lane!" (Lois Lane) / art, Kurt Schaffenberger. 8 p. in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane, no. 30 (Jan. 1962). -- Summary (from GCD): With the help of Krypto and Aquaman, Superman tries to teach Lois not to be so reckless, but it doesn't work. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, Mike Nielsen, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S78no.30 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Secret of the Happy Pig!" (Peter Porkchops) 1 p. in Mystery in Space, no. 43 (Apr./May 1958) and in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane, no. 30 (Jan. 1962). -- "Published as a public service in cooperation with the National Social Welfare Assembly." -- Funny animal genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3M94no.43. Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S78no.30 ADD ITERATION ----------------------------------------------------- "First Taxi Ride"* (Profesor Eureka) / Henry Boltinoff. 1/2 p. in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane, no. 30 (Jan. 1962) ; reprinted from Action Comics, no. 223 (Dec. 1956). -- Begins: "To the Hotel Westmore, driver!" -- Data from Arthur Lortie, Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S78no.30 ----------------------------------------------------- "Superman's Secret Family!" part 1 (Lois Lane) / script, Jerry Siegel ; art, Kurt Schaffenberger. 8 p. in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane, no. 30 (Jan. 1962) ; reprinted in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane, no. 112 (Aug. 1971). -- Summary (from GCD): Using a super-telescope, Lois sees Superman fly to a distant planet where he appears to be hiding a mermaid wife and son. -- Data from Martin O'Hearn, Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S78no.30 ----------------------------------------------------- "Campaign Parade"* (Varsity Vic) / Henry Boltinoff. 2 p. in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane, no. 30 (Jan. 1962) ; reprinted from Batman, no. 81 (Feb. 1954). -- Summary (from GCD): Vic is running for student body president and needs to come up with some cheap publicity. -- Begins: "Vic, this fellow Bill as signs up all over the town!" -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, Mike Nielsen, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S78no.30 ----------------------------------------------------- "Letters to Lois" 1 p. text in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane, no. 30 (Jan. 1962). -- Letters to the editor from Larraine Lertura, E. Nelson Bridwell, Gene Friedman, Tom Simcock, Marcia Haley, Paul Seydor and Pamela Harris. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S78no.30 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Robot Paradise" (Lois Lane : Superman's Secret Family, part 2) 8 p. / script, Jerry Siegel ; art, Kurt Schaffenberger. 8 p. in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane, no. 30 (Jan. 1962) ; reprinted in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane, no. 112 (Aug. 1971). -- Summary (from GCD): Lois and Superman learn the truth about the super-family: defective Superman robot X-3 build a robot mermaid wife and son on the faraway planet because he wanted a life like Superman's. -- Data from Martin O'Hearn, Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S78no.30 ----------------------------------------------------- "Krypton Lives On!" (Superman : Superman's Other Life, part 1) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Wayne Boring ; inks, Stan Kaye. 10 p. in Superman, no. 132 (Oct. 1959) ; reprinted in Superman Annual, no. 5 (Summer 1962). -- Cover blurb: "What would Superman's life have been if Krypton had not exploded? This amazing history lets you grow up on the planet Krytpon with Superman from childhood to manhood!" -- "Meet Robo, his robot playmate!" -- Data from Bob Hughes, Dwayne Best, Pat Lang, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.132 ----------------------------------------------------- "It's Fun to Learn!" 1 p. in Strange Adventures, no. 109 (Oct. 1959) and in Superman, no. 132 (Oct. 1959). -- Summary: Two boys clearing a field for a ball field learn about levers and fulcrums. -- Public service page in cooperation with the National Social Welfare Assembly. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.132 ADD ITERATION ----------------------------------------------------- "Painting the Fire House"* (Ollie) / Henry Boltinoff. 1 p. in Superman, no. 132 (Oct. 1959). -- Begins: "You can start painting the fire house now, Ollie!" -- Summary: Ollie's "wet paint" sign on the firepole keeps the firemen from answering an alarm. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.132 ----------------------------------------------------- "Futuro, Super-Hero of Krypton" (Superman : Superman's Other Life, part 2) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Wayne Boring ; inks, Stan Kaye. 8 p. in Superman, no. 132 (Oct. 1959) ; reprinted in Superman Annual, no. 5 (Summer 1962). -- "Meet Zal-El, his brother"--cover. -- Data from Bob Hughes, Dwayne Best, Pat Lang, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.132 ----------------------------------------------------- "Metropolis Mailbag" 1 p. text in Superman, no. 132 (Oct. 1959). -- Letters to the editor from Bernard Smith, Glenn Dougherty, Steven Frank, Bruce Harris, Ed Manners, Jack Kilburn, Cliff Martin, Richard Cooper, Charles Dellinger, and Ben Perkins. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.132 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Superman of Two Worlds!" (Superman : Superman's Other Life, part 3) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Wayne Boring ; inks, Stan Kaye. 7 p. in Superman, no. 132 (Oct. 1959) ; reprinted in Superman Annual, no. 5 (Summer 1962). -- "Amazing indeed is the final double role that Kal-El plays, in Superman's unfulfilled life on his native world." -- "Meet Futuro, his super-hero"--cover. -- Data from Bob Hughes, Dwayne Best, Pat Lang, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.132 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Menace of Mr. Mxyzptlk!" (Superman) / script, Jerry Coleman ; art, Al Plastino. 9 p. in Superman, no. 131 (Aug. 1959) ; reprinted in Superman, no. 206 (May 1968). -- Summary (from GCD): Mr. Mxyzptlk returns and this time he has an alarm in his hat to warn him when he is about to say his name backwards. -- Data from Bob Hughes, Dwayne Best, Pat Lang, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.131 ----------------------------------------------------- "Crystal Ball"* (Jerry the Jitterbug) / Henry Boltinoff. 1/2 p. in Superman, no. 131 (Aug. 1959). -- Begins: "Pardon me, mister, you dropped your wallet!" -- Data from Bob Hughes, Dwayne Best, Pat Lang, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.131 ----------------------------------------------------- "Superman's Future Wife!" (Superman) / script, Robert Bernstein ; art, Kurt Schaffenberger. 8 p. in Superman, no. 131 (Aug. 1959) ; reprinted in Lois Lane Annual, no. 1 (Summer 1962). -- Summary (from GCD): In an enchanted cottage, Lois Lane has visions of the future and learns that Superman will marry and father twins, but doesn't learn who Superman will marry. -- Data from Bob Hughes, Dwayne Best, Pat Lang, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.131 ----------------------------------------------------- "Silence, No Talking"* (Peg) 1 p. in Superman, no. 131 (Aug. 1959). -- Summary: Peg takes a blow-hard athlete who can't stop talking about himself into the library to shut him up. -- Begins: "Glad I ran into you, Peg." -- By Henry Boltinoff. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.131 ----------------------------------------------------- "Metropolis Mailbag" 1 p. text in Superman, no. 131 (Aug. 1959). -- Letters to the editor from Frank North, William Darby, Gerald Schroeder, Joseph P. Butler, Muriel Gravina, Bill Dickerson, Mary Lou Sims, and Steven Adams. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.131 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Unknown Super-Deeds" (Superman : an Untold Story) / script, Otto Binder ; art, Al Plastino. 8 p. in Superman, no. 131 (Aug. 1959) ; reprinted in World's Finest Comics, no. 146 (Dec. 1964). -- Summary (from GCD): Bored one Summer afternoon, Superboy performs three seemingly insignificant super-feats, not knowing he has done them for three people who one day will be important to him. -- Data from Bob Bailey, Bob Hughes, Dwayne Best, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S8no.131 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Six Jimmy Olsens" (Jimmy Olsen) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Curt Swan ;inks, Ray Burnley. 8 p. in Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen, no. 13 (June 1956). -- Summary (from GCD): Jimmy answers a classified ad in the paper and finds five other kids name Jimmy Olsen and a mysterious chest full of treasure. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Allen Ross, Mike Nielsen, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.13 ----------------------------------------------------- "Arithmetic Homework"* (Little Pete) / Henry Boltinoff. 1 p. in Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen, no. 13 (June 1956). -- Begins: "Pete, you got all your arithmetic homework correct!" -- Summary: Pete's dad did the homework. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.13 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Stolen Superman Signal" (Jimmy Olsen) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Curt Swan ;inks, Ray Burnley. 8 p. in Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen, no. 13 (June 1956). -- Summary (from GCD): Trailing Jimmy as he collects charitable donations, "Labs" Logan figures out that Jimmy summons Superman with his wristwatch. Labs changes the signal's frequency so that Superman doesn't come to Jimmy's rescue. When Labs changes the signal back to lure Superman into a Kryptonite trap, Jimmy uses it to broadcast Morse code to warn Superman, who nabs the crook. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Allen Ross, Mike Nielsen, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.13 ----------------------------------------------------- "Jack the Giant-Wrecker" / Joe Maxwell. 2 p. text in Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen, no. 13 (June 1956). -- "What does an ex-pilot do? This one got a job, running machines into the ground." -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.13 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Mumps"* (Jerry the Jitterbug) / Henry Boltinoff. 1 p. in Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen, no. 13 (June 1956). -- Begins: "Touchdown! Look at Jerry Go."" -- Summary: Jerry starts a rumor that he has the mumps, so nobody will come near him on the football field. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Allen Ross, Mike Nielsen, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.13 ----------------------------------------------------- "Jimmy Olsen's Super Illusions" (Jimmy Olsen) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Curt Swan ;inks, Ray Burnley. 8 p. in Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen, no. 13 (June 1956). -- Summary (from GCD): Using a camera that can take pictures in the dark, Jimmy accidentally snaps a picture of Clark changing into Superman. Superman uses trickery to convince Jimmy the photo is a fake. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Allen Ross, Mike Nielsen, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.13 ----------------------------------------------------- "Superboy's Underground Exile" (Superboy) / script, Otto Binder ; art, Al Plastino. 8 p. in Superboy, no. 59 (Sept. 1957) ; reprinted in Adventure Comics, no. 335 (Aug. 1965). -- Summary: Superboy observes an underground atomic bomb test, and then seems to be contaminated by radiation. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, Jim Van Dore, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S77no.59 ----------------------------------------------------- "India Eraser Man"* (Hy Wire) / Henry Boltinoff. 1/2 p. in Superboy, no. 59 (Sept. 1957). -- Summary: The India Rubber Man is put out because the Strong Man keeps using him to correct mistakes in his letter writing. -- Begins: "I'll go over and see how the sideshow is doing!" -- Circus setting. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, Jim Van Dore, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S77no.59 ----------------------------------------------------- "Superboy Meets Amazing Man" (Superboy) / script, Jerry Coleman ; art, John Sikela. 8 p. in Superboy, no. 59 (Sept. 1957). -- First caption begins: "Do you sometimes feel jealous that your home town doesn't boast a citizen with Superboy's incredible abilities?" -- Appearance of Lex Luthor. -- Data from Martin O'Hearn, Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S77no.59 ----------------------------------------------------- "Danger, Prejudice at Work" / Jack Schiff, script ; Ruben Moreira, art ; Ira Schnapp, letters. 1 p. in Adventure Comics, no. 240 (Sept. 1957) ; in Showcase, no. 10 (Sept./Oct. 1957) ; and in Superboy, no. 59 (Sept. 1957). -- "A public service in cooperation with the National Social Welfare Assembly." -- Data from Bob Cherry, Gene Reed, Lou Mougin, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: Film 15791r.16. Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S47no.10. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S77no.59 ADD ITERATIONS ----------------------------------------------------- "So You Want To Be A Detective?" 1 p. text in Superboy, no. 59 (Sept. 1957). -- Begins: "In the glamorous days of Sherlock Holmes, the main ability necessary to make a good detective was the keenness to make the proper deductions after spotting the visible clues." -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S77no.59 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Super-Dreams of Superbaby" (Superboy) / art, John Sikela. 8 p. in Superboy, no. 59 (Sept. 1957). -- First caption: "Every child loves to hear bedtime stories, and every child loves to lie awake afterward, imagining himself as some fantastic hero: Jack the giant-killer, Hercules, or Paul Bunyan. As a super-tot, Clark Kent was no exception, but unlike other children, his fantasies had a strange and baffling result." -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, Jim Van Dore, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S77no.59 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Jilting of Superman" (Lois Lane) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Wayne Boring ; inks, Stan Kaye. 8 p. in Showcase, no. 10 (Sept./Oct. 1957). -- Summary (from GCD): Lois tries to make Superman jealous by pretending to be married to someone else. -- Dialogue begins: "Thanks for being the Best Man, Superman. I'm Mrs. Lois Lester now. Well, aren't you going to kiss the bride?" -- Data from Gene Reed, Donald Dale Milne, Clayton Emery, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S47no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- "Keep the Ten Dollars"* (Lem 'n' Lime) / Henry Boltinoff. 1/2 p. in Showcase, no. 10 (Sept./Oct. 1957) ; reprinted in The Adventures of Bob Hope, no. 90 (Dec./Jan. 1964/1965). -- Begins: "I had the most wonderful dream last night, Lem!" -- Summary: In Lime's dream, Lem loaned him ten dollars, and Lem is feeling generous. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, Jim Van Dore, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S47no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Sightless Lois Lane" (Lois Lane) / script, Jerry Coleman ; pencils, Wayne Boring ; inks, Stan Kaye. 8 p. in Showcase, no. 10 (Sept./Oct. 1957). -- Summary (from GCD): Lois is blinded by a "nuclear energy" experiment. -- Appearance of a seeing eye dog named Deadline. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, Jim Van Dore, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S47no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- "Winter Vacation"* (Peg) / Henry Boltinoff. 1 p. in Showcase, no. 10 (Sept./Oct. 1957) ; reprinted from World's Finest Comics, no. 63 (Mar./Apr. 1953). -- Begins: "How would you girls like a winter vacation with me?" -- Summary: Peg wants Florida, or Havana, but Dad has reservations for the train going north into the snow. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, Jim Van Dore, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S47no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- "How Brave Is A Girl" 1 p. text in Showcase, no. 10 (Sept./Oct. 1957). -- Begins: "For centuries, women were called 'the weaker sex.' Even such warriors as Cleopatra, who single-handedly raised and led a huge army; Queen Zenobia, who defied the vast power of the Roman Empire; and Empress Irene of Constantinople, who rode at the head of her troops, were considered the exceptions, rather than the rule." -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S47no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Forbidden Box from Krypton" (Lois Lane) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Wayne Boring ; inks, Stan Kaye. 8 p. in Showcase, no. 10 (Sept./Oct. 1957). -- Summary (from GCD): Lois discovers a box of Kryptonian artifacts that give her super powers. -- First caption begins: "A pair of gloves, a set of goggles, and a cape. These are the strange objects found in a mysterious box, one day, by Lois Lane. But stranger still are the startling happenings that occur when the girl reporter dons the garments." -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, Jim Van Dore, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S47no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Secret of Fort Smallville" (Superboy) / script, Otto Binder ; art, John Sikela. 10 p. in Superboy, no. 56 (Apr. 1957). -- First caption begins: "Come and see the thrilling battle of Fort Smallville, reenacted before your eyes at a historical exhibit. And in addition to warpath thrills, you will also see Clark Kent play the role of an Indian brave." -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, Jim Van Dore, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S77no.56 ----------------------------------------------------- "Buzzy Learns About Careers in Nursing" (Buzzy) / script, Jack Schiff ; art, Ruben Moreira. 1 p. in Superboy, no. 56 (Apr. 1957) and in Wonder Woman, no. 89 (Apr. 1957). -- Public service page, in cooperation with the National Social Welfare Assembly. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, Jim Van Dore, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S77no.56. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3W6no.89 ADD ITERATION ----------------------------------------------------- "Clark Kent, Vandal" (Superboy) / script, Jerry Coleman ; art, John Sikela. 6 p. in Superboy, no. 56 (Apr. 1957). -- First caption begins: "Anyone who commits vandalism is a public nuisance, for defacing public or private property is malicious mischief that no one can condone, least of all Superboy. But if that's the case, why does Clark Kent, who is secretly the Boy of Steel, start performing the very deeds he deplores in others?" -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, Jim Van Dore, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S77no.56 ----------------------------------------------------- "Football Team Tryouts"* (Shorty) / Henry Boltinoff. 1 p. in Adventure Comics, no. 154 (July 1950) ; and Superboy, no. 56 (Apr. 1957). -- Begins: "Golly, what a way to save money!" -- Data from Bob Cherry, Gene Reed, Lou Mougin, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A3m no.154. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S77no.56 ADD ITERATION ----------------------------------------------------- "Sit Up and Beg"* (Lionel and His Lions) / Henry Boltinoff. 1 p. in Superboy, no. 56 (Apr. 1957). -- Begins: "Jump over there! Up! Now sit up and beg!" -- Summary: Lionel has an encyclopedia salesman sitting up and begging. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, Jim Van Dore, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S77no.56 ----------------------------------------------------- "My Business is Dynamite" 1 p. text in Superboy, no. 56 (Apr. 1957). -- "Two runaway buggies, loaded with nitroglycerin, were headed for wholesale destruction. How could one man stop them?" -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S77no.56 ----------------------------------------------------- "A Job for Super-Dog" (Superboy) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Curt Swan. 8 p. in Superboy, no. 56 (Apr. 1957) ; reprinted in Adventure Comics, no. 330 (Mar. 1965). -- Summary (from GCD): Krypto decides he's only going to save dogs from now on. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Bob Hughes, Jim Van Dore, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3S77no.56 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Three Lives of Jimmy Olsen" (Jimmy Olsen) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Curt Swan ; inks, Ray Burnley. 8 p. in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 16 (Oct. 1956). -- Summary (from GCD): Swami Rama (Con Conners) shows Jimmy his past lives with his reincarnation machine, but it is all a ruse to steal radium kept at the Daily Planet for distribution to hospitals. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Allen Ross, Mike Nielsen, et al., via the Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.16 ----------------------------------------------------- "How to Spend a Summer Week" (Binky) / Jack Schiff, script ; Win Mortimer, art. 1 p. in Mystery in Space, no. 15 (Aug./Sept. 1953) ; in Wonder Woman, no. 85 (Oct. 1956); in Gang Busters, no. 54 (Oct.-Nov. 1956) ; in Action Comics, no. 183 (Aug. 1953) ; in Star Spangled War Stories, no. 12 (Aug. 1953) ; in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 16 (Oct. 1956) ; and in Jackie Gleason and the Honeymooners, no. 3 (Oct./Nov. 1956). -- Public service page on finding fun things to do in the Summer, in cooperation with the National Social Welfare Assembly. -- Teen humor genre. -- Data from Mike Tiefenbacher, Bob Hughes, Clayton Emery and Mike Nielsen via Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: Film 15791r.272. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3W6no.85. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3G3no.54. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.183. Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S75no.12. Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.16. Call no.: PN6728.2.N3J3no.3 ADD JIMMY OLSEN ITERATION ----------------------------------------------------- "The Boy of Steel" (Jummy Olsen) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Curt Swan ; inks, Ray Burnley. 8 p. in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 16 (Oct. 1956). -- Summary (from GCD): Jimmy Olsen believes that he has gained invulnerability by eating space berries, but actually it's the result of proximity to a nuclear bomb test. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Allen Ross, Mike Nielsen, et al., via the Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.16 ----------------------------------------------------- "A Birthday Present for Pierre" 1 p. text in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 16 (Oct. 1956). -- Begins: "The enemy was confident that the Allies would not dare to land and try to rout them from their well-entrenched positions on the Normandy coast." -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.16 ----------------------------------------------------- "She Hurried Up and Went Out!"* (Varsity Vic) / Henry Boltinoff. 1 p. in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 16 (Oct. 1956). -- Summary: Timmy knows his big sister was expecting Vic. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.16 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Super Liar of Metropolis" (Jimmy Olsen) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Curt Swan ; inks, Ray Burnley. 6 p. in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 16 (Oct. 1956). -- First caption begins: "You all know how truth serum compels criminals to speak the truth. But quite the opposite happens one day to cub reporter Jimmy Olsen when he tries to protect Superman's secret identity. But Jimmy hardly knows what he is letting himself infor when he takes an amazing lie serum." -- A lie detector story. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Allen Ross, Mike Nielsen, et al., via the Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.16 ----------------------------------------------------- "Jimmy Olsen's Martian Pal" (Jimmy Olsen) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Curt Swan, inks, Ray Burnley. 8 p. in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 10 (Feb. 1956). -- Summary (from GCD): Jimmy appears to be getting signals from Mars on his HAM radio set. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Allen Ross, Mike Nielsen, et al., via the Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- "Do You Know How To Be A Good Baby-Sitter?" (Buzzy) / script, Jack Schiff ; art, Win Mortimer. 1 p. public service in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 10 (Feb. 1956) ; and in Wonder Woman, no. 80 (Feb. 1956). -- Public service page in cooperation with the National Social Welfare Assembly. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Allen Ross, Mike Nielsen, et al., via the Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.10. Call no.: PN6728.1.N3W6no.80 ADD AN ITERATION ----------------------------------------------------- "Jimmy Olsen's Forgotten Adventure" (Jimmy Olsen) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Curt Swan, inks, Ray Burnley. 8 p. in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 10 (Feb. 1956) -- Summary (from GCD): Jimmy disguises himself as Dick Hunter, elevator boy, then gets amnesia and forgets who he reallyis. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Allen Ross, Mike Nielsen, et al., via the Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- "Last Week They Fired Ninety Shots"* (Little Pete) / Henry Boltinoff. 1 p. in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 10 (Feb. 1956) ; reprinted from Superman, no. 67 (Nov./Dec. 1950). -- Begins: "Wow, wasn't it a swell picture?" -- Summary: Pete evaluates movies by counting gunshots. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Allen Ross, Mike Nielsen, et al., via the Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- "That Record'll Repeat Itself Forever"* (Fearless Fosdick) / by Al Capp. 1 tier in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 10 (Feb. 1956). -- Advertising strip for Wildroot Cream-Oil Hair Tonic. -- Incipit title. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- "Pedigree Dog"* (Shorty) / Henry Boltinoff. 1 p. in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 10 (Feb. 1956). -- Begins: "I saw that dog out hunting with you." -- Summary: "If this dog could talk, he wouldn't speak to either of us." -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Allen Ross, Mike Nielsen, et al., via the Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- "How To Be A Weather Expert" / John Maxon. 2 p. text in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 10 (Feb. 1956). -- "Here's a number of ways to predict whether tomorrow will be stormy or sunny." -- Cover title: "How to Predict the Weather!" -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- "Jungle Jimmy Olsen!" (Jimmy Olsen) / script, Otto Binder ; pencils, Curt Swan, inks, Ray Burnley. 8 p. in Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, no. 10 (Feb. 1956). -- Summary (from GCD): Clark Kent and Jimmy go to the Yucatan searching for a mysterious jungle boy. Jimmy shirks his guard duty, lets the camp be destroyed by monkeys, and has to wear a leopard skin because his clothes were destroyed. To teach him a lesson, Clark turns him over to other explorers and claims he's the genuine jungle boy. -- Data from Bill Wormstedt, Allen Ross, Mike Nielsen, et al., via the Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.N3S8no.10 ----------------------------------------------------- "Muscles for Money" (Superman) / art, Al Plastino. 12 p. in Action Comics, no. 176 (Jan. 1953). -- First caption begins: "What's this? Superman charging a price for teh use of his super powers? But how is this possible? Hasn't Superman always aided the needy and helpless without charge?" -- Data from Bob Klein, Jon Ingersoll, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.176 ----------------------------------------------------- "Superboy Discovers a New Kind of Junior Sport!" (Superboy) 1 p. in Action Comics, no. 176 (Jan. 1953). -- A public service page about air rifle clubs, affiliated with the National Rifle Association. The contact given is the Junior Safety Institute in Chicago. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.176 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Man-Eater of Mandalao!" (Congo Bill) / script, Jack Miller ; art, Ed Smalle. 6 p. in Action Comics, no. 176 (Jan. 1953) ; reprinted in Tarzan, no. 234 (Dec./Jan. 1974/1975). -- First caption begins: "Deep in the steaming interior of an Indian jungle, Congo Bill suddenly finds himself in everlasting debt to a tiger who has saved his life." -- Summary (from GCD): Bill captures a pair of ivory smugglers with the help of a once-tamed tiger named Mingo. -- Data from Bob Klein, Jon Ingersoll, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.176 ----------------------------------------------------- "If You Make This Jump, You Win The Event, Pud"* / Ray T. 1/2 p. in Action Comics, no. 176 (Jan. 1953). -- Advertising strip for Fleer's Dubble Bubble Gum. -- Incipit title. -- Summary: A big bubble makes Pud lighter so he can win the high jump event. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.176 ----------------------------------------------------- "Out of Order"* (Varsity Vic) / Henry Boltinoff. 1 p. in Action Comics, no. 176 (Jan. 1953). -- Begins: "I just remembered, I've got to call Don!" -- Summary: Vic can't find a pay phone that is working. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.176 ----------------------------------------------------- "The End of the Planeteers!" (Tommy Tomorrow) / art, Jim Mooney. 6 p. in Action Comics, no. 176 (Jan. 1953). -- Summary: A fake teleporation device, called Master-Radio, threatens to make all space ships, and the Planeteers, obsolete. -- Data from Bob Klein, Jon Ingersoll, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.176 ----------------------------------------------------- "Coins of Destiny" 2 p. text in Action Comics, no. 176 (Jan. 1953). -- "If you're looking for a mint of money, start in your attic or basement." -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.176 ----------------------------------------------------- "Free Speech, Free For All!" (Buzzy) / script, Jack Schiff ; art, Win Mortimer. 1 p. in Action Comics, no. 176 (Jan. 1953) ; and in Wonder Woman, no. 115 (July 1960). -- Public service page on fairness in political campaigning. "In cooperation with leading national social welfare and youth-serving organizations" (1953) ; "In cooperation with the National Social Welfare Assembly" (1960). -- Other title: "Buzzy Says Free Speech, Free for All!" -- Data from Bob Klein, Jon Ingersoll, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.176 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Impossible Legend" (Vigilante) / script, Dick Wood ; art, Bob Brown. 8 p. in Action Comics, no. 176 (Jan. 1953) ; reprinted in Action Comics, no. 403 (Aug. 1971). -- Summary (from GCD): Vigilante proves an old legend by capturing criminals, two while deaf, two while he cannot speak and a final two when he cannot see. -- Data from Bob Klein, Jon Ingersoll, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.176 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Holiday Spirit" (Superboy) / script, Jack Schiff ; art, Win Mortimer. 1 p. in Action Comics, no. 177 (Feb. 1953). -- Public service page about holidays (Christmas and Hanukkah), family, and telling stories. -- "In cooperation with leading national social welfare and youth-serving organizations. -- Data from Bob Klein, Jon Ingersoll, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.177 ----------------------------------------------------- "Anti-Superman Weapon" (Superman) / art, Al Plastino. 12 p. in Action Comics, no. 177 (Feb. 1953). -- First caption begins: "From murky archives, where they were hidden by a defeated enemy, come plans for fantastic secret weapons that were to have conquered the Earth. But now, instead of military aggression, they become blueprints for machines of crime. Here is a startling battle between these products of some of the world's keenest scientific minds and Superman." -- Data from Bob Klein, Jon Ingersoll, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.177 ----------------------------------------------------- "Missing His Family"* (Varsity Vic) / Henry Boltinoff. 1/2 p. in Action Comics, no. 177 (Feb. 1953). -- Begins: "Pardon me, you look like a decent sort of a chap." -- Summary: A man asks Vic for a dollar so he can rejoin his family, which has gone into a movie theater. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.177 ----------------------------------------------------- "I Rode with the Outlaw Cameleers" (Congo Bill) / script, Jack Miller ; art, Ed Smalle. 6 p. in Action Comics, no. 177 (Feb. 1953). -- Summary (from GCD): Bill captures a group of caravan raiders, using kittens to frighten their camels. -- First caption begins: "Sudden death struck swiftly on the steaming sands of the Libyan desert, as Culgara, bandit king of the cameleers, made every passing caravan his target." -- Congo Bill has darkened his skin to infiltrate the raiders, and is working for the Egyptian Desert Police. -- Data from Bob Klein, Jon Ingersoll, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.177 ----------------------------------------------------- "Shoveling the Driveway"* / Ray T. 1/2 p. advertising in Action Comics, no. 177 (Feb. 1953). -- Advertising strip for Fleer's Dubble Bubble Gum. -- Begins: "Poor Pud. He's got to shovel the driveway before he can go sleddin'" -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.177 ----------------------------------------------------- "New Hat"* (Jerry the Jitterbug) / Henry Boltinoff. 1 p. in Action Comics, no. 177 (Feb. 1953). -- Begins: Everybody's going to the costume ball." -- Summary: Jerry mistakes his date's mother's new hat for a party costume, calling it a "funny hat." -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.177 ----------------------------------------------------- "The Children from Space" (Tommy Tomorrow) / art, Jim Mooney. 6 p. in Action Comics, no. 177 (Feb. 1953). -- First caption begins: "Colonel Tommy Tomorrow of the Planeteers always has a soft spot in his heart for children. But there are all kinds of youngsters, and the mischief-making kind can be a headache to a lawman of space." -- Data from Bob Klein, Jon Ingersoll, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.177 ----------------------------------------------------- "Peril at the South Pole" 2 p. text in Action Comics, no. 177 (Feb. 1953). -- "Would he fall or freeze to death, this G.I. wondered, until fate furnished an unexpected answer." -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.177 ----------------------------------------------------- "Scrambled Eggs Again"* (Private Pete) / Henry Boltinoff. 1/2 p. in Action Comics, no. 177 (Feb. 1953). -- Begins: "Pete, run over and pick up three cases of eggs." -- Summary: Pete wants boiled eggs, but the road back to camp is bouncy, meaning they have to have their eggs scrambled again. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.177 ----------------------------------------------------- "Five Bandannas for Vigilante" (Vigilante) / art, Bob Brown. 8 p. in Action Comics, no. 177 (Feb. 1953). -- Begins: "The bandanna is the cowboy's trademark, but to the valiant Vigilante, it is often his right hand. For this silken bit of cloth has often meant the difference between life and death to the gallant masked lawman, and Santa Fé owlhoots soon learn the bandanna can be mightier than the six-shooter." -- Superhero and western genres. -- Data from Bob Klein, Jon Ingersoll, et al., via Grand Comics Database. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A2no.177 ----------------------------------------------------- **** NEW CATALOGING, INDEXING AND CORRECTIONS FOR AUGUST 15-23, 2017 ----------------------------------------------------- Low & Terry / David Low & Horace Thorogood ; foreword by W. W. Jacobs. -- London : Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1934. -- 250 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. -- Reproduced by arrangement with the "Evening Standard". -- Call no.: PN6175.L6 1934 Low, David, 1891-1963. ----------------------------------------------------- Pack Up Your Troubles : 25 Years of Northern Ireland Cartoons / Martyn Turner. -- Belfast : The Blackstaff Press, 1995. -- 118 p. : ill. ; 20 x 21 cm. -- "In association with Irish Times Books." -- Call no.: DA990.U46T87 1995 -----------------------------------------------------Back to the A to Z index screen