Michigan State University Libraries
Special Collections Division
Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection
"New Cataloging and Indexing Daily Log June 2015"

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Note: This file lists unsorted daily additions and corrections to the Reading Room Index. -- Questions or concerns to Randy Scott, please: comics@msu.edu


Bagabondo / Inoue Takehiko ; gensaku Yoshikawa Eiji = Vagabond
   / by Inoue Takehiko. -- Tôkyô : Kôdansha, 1999- . -- ill. ;
   18 cm. -- (Môningu KC) -- Based on the book titled Miyamoto
   Musashi written by Yoshikawa Eiji. -- Historical adventure
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1, 18. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33
   I55B3 1999
Inoue, Takehiko.
Yoshikawa, Eiji, 1892-1962.
Miyamoto, Musashi, 1584-1645
Spain's Zodiac Mindwarp / stories and art by Spain Rodriguez
   and S. Clay Wilson. -- El Sobrante, CA : Hippy Comix, 2002.
   -- 48 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Adults only." -- "#1". --
   Underground genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.R625Z6 2002
Der Comic : Geschichte, Stile, Künstler / Klaus Schikowski. --
   Stuttgart : Reclam, 2014. -- 292 pa. : ill. ; 22 cm. --
   Includes bibliographical references, glossary and index. --
   Contents: Der Comic: ein Medium zwischen Tradition und
   Moderne ; Das Ende eines Massenmediums ; Das goldene
   Jahrhundert oder das Ende einer Ära ; Was ist ein Comic? ;
   Der Comic im 20. Jahrhundert ; Comics in den USA ; "The
   sunday page and the Funnies" : Comic-Strips in der
   Wochenendbeilage ; Der Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts : die
   Pioniertage des Comic-Strips ; Von Slumberland nach
   Coconino County : Kunst im Comic-Strip ; Familiencomics und
   der Funny : Fortsetzung folgt ; Die 1930er und 40er Jahre :
   das große Abenteuer ; Das Comic-Heft : die Entwicklung des
   Comic Book in den USA ; Die Welt der sprechenden Tiere :
   Funny animals ; Die Welt und Walt Disney ; Die Krise : die
   EC Comics und der Comics Code ; Der "sophisticated Strip" :
   Comic-Strips nach 1945 in den USA ; Der Superheld : Eine
   amerikanische Erfindung ; Die 1940er Jahre : "The Golden
   Age" ; Die 1950er und 60er Jahre : eine zweite Chance für
   Helden : "The Silver Age" ; Von den 1970ern bis in die 90er
   Jahre : vom "Bronze" bis zum "Modem Age" : der realistische
   Superheld ; Postmoderne Superhelden : die "Brit Invasion"
   und Vertigo ; Der frankobelgische Comic ; Hergé und der
   frankobelgische Comic ; Das goldene Zeitalter des
   frankobelgischen Comics : die Magazine Spirou und Tintin ;
   Das Magazin Pilote und die Veränderungen der 1960er Jahre ;
   Jedem se in eigenes Magazin : die Revolution bei Pilote ;
   Deutschland, deine Comics ; Comics in Deutschland vor 1945
   ; Deutsche Comics in Zeitungen und Zeitschriften ; Das
   Comic-Heft in Deutschland ; Comics in der DDR ; Von Pardon
   bis Zack : die Magazine der 1970er Jahre ; Manga :
   Japanische Comics ; Osamu Tezuka : der "Gott des Manga" ;
   Manga für Mädchen und Jungen : Shojo und Shonen ; Gekiga :
   Ernsthafte Bildgeschichten ; Die Entdeckung des Manga in
   der westlichen Welt ; Underground Comix ; Die Anfänge des
   autobiographischen Erzählens und Avantgarde-Comics ; Die
   Graphic Novel ; 1978 : Will Eisner und die Graphic Novel ;
   Holzschnitte und andere Comics : Proto-Graphic Novels und
   frühe Comic-Romane -- Der Weg zu Maus -- Graphic Novel und
   Mainstream -- Der Comic-Roman und die Bande Dessinee für
   Erwachsene ; Autorencomics aus Deutschland ; Der Übergang
   zur Moderne : die Independent Revolution der "Alternative
   Comics" und der "Association" ; Die Entwicklung des
   "Alternative Comic" in Nordamerika ; Die Künstlergruppe
   "L'Association" und die Freiheit der Formate ;
   Europäisch-asiatische Begegnungen ; Der Comic im 21.
   Jahrhundert ; Der globale Comic ; Die Zukunft der Helden
   von gestern ; Das Geschäft mit der Nostalgie ; Der
   frankobelgische Comic der Gegenwart ; Die neuen Genres --
   Das Comic-Heft und die Superhelden heute -- Die Graphic
   Novel heute -- Ein Land namens Erinnerung : Graphic Novel
   und Autobiographie ; Erzählen ohne Grenzen : die
   Comic-Reportage ; Der deutsche Roman und andere
   Hochschulcomics ; Freie Formen ; Digitale Comics und
   Webcomics ; Die Vergangenheit ist die Zukunft. -- Call no.:
   PN6710.S33C6 2014
Astounding Villain House / by Shannon Wheeler. -- Milwaukie,
   OR : Dark Horse Comics, 2013. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm.
   -- (Dark Horse Originals) -- "October 2013." -- "Collects
   the Villain House stories that originally appeared in
   issues #21 through #24 of Dark Horse Presents, vol. 2." --
   Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.8.D34A8 2013
Crush / script, Jason Hall ; art, Sean Murphy. -- Milwaukie,
   Oregon : Dark Horse Comics, Inc., 2003-2004. -- col. ill. ;
   26 cm. -- (Rocket Comics) -- Complete in 4 nos. -- Horror
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 4. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.D34C77
Dead Man's Run. -- Culver City, CA : Aspen MLT Inc.,
   2011-2013. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 0 (Nov.
   2011) - no. 6 (July 2013), per Grand Comics Database. --
   Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 5-6 (2013). -- Call no.:
Dog T.A.G.S. : Trained Animal Gun Squadron. -- Spartanburg,
   S.C. : Bugged-Out Comics, Inc., 1993. -- Published no. 1
   (June 1993) only. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Superhero and funny
   animal genres. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.:
Django / by Josh Gorchov. -- Greenbrae, CA : Xero Comics,
   1993. -- 8 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. -- "Deluxe ashcan edition
   August 1993." -- "#1 (of 4)." -- Other title: Django : the
   Beginning. -- Fantasy genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.X4D53
Dödens Nyheter. -- Stockholm : Petter Zennström, 1980. -- 32
   p. : all ill. ; 30 cm. -- Horror genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.S93 Z4D6 1980
Zennström, Petter, 1945-
Dödens Nyheter. nr. 4/80 / av Ivar Södergren. -- Vallentuna :
   Henrik Mathiesen, 1980. -- 20 p. : all ill. ; 21 x 26 cm.
   -- Horror and funny animal genres. -- Call no.: PN6790.S93
   S6D6 1980
Batman : the Monster Men. -- New York : DC Comics, 2006. --
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Cover title: Batman & the Monster
   Men. -- Complete in 6 nos. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: no. 1-6. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.D3B339 2006
Wingding Orgy : Hot Tails Extreme / story and art by Toshiki
   Yui ; edited by Ezra Mark. -- Seattle, WA : Eros Comics,
   1997. -- ill. ; 24 cm. -- (Mangerotica) -- "First published
   in Japan by Tatsumi Shuppan in the Toshiki Yui art book
   'Significant'; Original Japanese title: Wingding Party." --
   "Adults only". -- Complete in 5 nos. -- Erotic genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-5. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 Y75W513 1997
Yui, Toshiki.
John Carter of Mars : a Princess of Mars. -- New York : Marvel
   Worldwide, Inc., 2011-2012. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   (Marvel Limited Series) -- Complete in 5 nos. -- Science
   fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-5. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.8.M3J6 2011
Batman : Year 100 / by Paul Pope with Jose Villarrubia. -- New
   York : DC Comics, 2006. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete
   in 4 nos. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-4. --
   Call no.: PN6728.7.D3B353 2006
The Mighty Thor. -- New York : Marvel Worldwide, 2011-2012. --
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (June 2011) - no. 22
   (Dec. 2012). -- An issue 12.1 is dated June 2012. --
   Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-12; 12.1; 13-22. --
   Call no.: PN6728.8.M3M5
The Adventures of Dôlo Rômy in the Underground City of Women /
   Karen Platt. -- Minneapolis, MN : Dôlo Blue Graphics, 1989.
   -- 36 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- Cover title: Dôlo Rômy. --
   "Adults only." -- "Illustrations, text and cover artwork
   are ©1989 by Karen M. Platt. -- Fantasy genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.P524A75 1989
Dommer Dredd. -- Fredrikstad : Atlantic Forlag AS., 1984- . --
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Cover title: Eagle Comics presenterer
   Dommer Dredd. -- Judge Dredd, in Norwegian. -- Science
   fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: nr. 1. -- Call no.:
Hvordan Samle på Donald Duck & Co. / Pål Jensen. -- Ski : Pål
   Jensen, 1976. -- 28 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- Handbook for
   collecting Norwegian Donald Duck comic books. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.N64 D6H9 1976
Drake of the 99 Dragons : Demon Box / artwork, Johan Egerkrans
   ; story and script, Stefan Ljungqvist. -- Stockholm, Sweden
   : Idol FX AB, 2003- . -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- To be
   complete in 3 nos. -- In English. -- Horror genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6790.S93 E35D7 2003
Mars Attacks Judge Dredd. -- San Diego, CA : IDW Publishing,
   2014. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Originally published
   as Mars Attacks Judge Dredd issues #1-4." -- Science
   fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.M3775J8 2014
Au Royaume d'Astap / texte et dessins de Godard. -- Paris: Le
   Vaisseau d'Argent Éditeur, 1981. -- 48 p. : col. ill. ; 30
   cm. -- (Une Aventure de Norbert et Kari) -- Adventure story
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6747.G55A8 1981
Blueberry und der europäische Western-Comic. -- Berlin :
   Mosaik Steinchen für Steinchen Verlag GmbH, 2003. -- 96 p.
   : col. ill. ; 31 cm. -- (Zack Dossier ; 1) -- Includes
   bibliography (Comicographien): p. 83-93. -- Call no.:
   PN6748.B56Z5 2003
Rocket Blues : Matjes oder Bismarck / Szenario & Text, Mamei &
   Ivo Kircheis ; Zeichnungen, Ivo Kircheis. -- Dresden :
   Beatcomix, 2010. -- 54 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. -- "Erdbewohner
   Laszlo Lommatzsch verlässt infolge eines Verkehrsunfalls
   sein Raum-Zeit-Kontinuum und erwacht nach sechsmonatigem
   Koma auf der 'Libelle,' dem Raumschiff des seltsame Mister
   Rocket. Ob und wie Laszlo zur Erde zurückkehren kann, und
   was ein Fischbrötchen damit zu tun hat, schildert dieses
   Roadmovie in Comicform (wobei mit Road hauptsächlich die
   Milchstrasse gemeint ist)." -- Alternative genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6757.K53R6 2010
Achille Talon et le Quadrumane Optimiste / Greg ; complice,
   Vicq. -- Paris : Dargaud, 2013. -- 47 p. : col. ill. ; 26
   cm. -- "Première édition en 1976." -- Call no.:
   PN6748.A25Q3 2013
Vicq, 1936-1987.
L'Incurable Nicotine / Yann, Bodart. -- Paris : L'Echo des
   Savanes ; Albin Michel, 1991. -- 53 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm.
   -- (Nicotine Goudron ; 2) -- Call no.: PN6747.B574N502 1991
Docteur Cymes : la Vanne de Trop... / dessins, Duvigan ;
   scénario, Michel Cymes et Sébastian Mao ; couleurs, Lunven.
   -- Charnay-lès-Mâcon : Bamboo Édition, 2014. -- 46 p. :
   col. ill. ; 30 cm. -- Broad humor about a physician. --
   Call no.: PN6747.W28D6 2014
Duvigan (Boris Du Vigan), 1968-
Witchblade. Volume 4 / written by Ron Marz ; featuring an
   introduction by Marc Bernardin. -- Los Angeles : Top Cow
   Productions, 2008. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   "Originally published in single magazine form as Witchblade
   101-109." -- Art by Adriana Melo, Mariah Benes, Stjephan
   Sejic, Rodolfo Migliari and Samri Basri. -- Summary (from
   SkyRiver0: Sara Pezzini, bearer of the Witchblade for a
   long time, discovers she is pregnant and hands off the
   gauntlet to Dani Baptiste, who soon learns what it means to
   be the balance between the forces of Light and Dark. --
   Superheroine and horror genres. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W478W504 2008
The Raging Tide, or, The Black Doll's Imbroglio / by Edward
   Gorey. -- New York : Beaufort Books, 1987. -- 60 p. : ill.
   ; 18 x 22 cm. -- "A Peter Weed book." -- Call no.:
   PS3513.O614R3 1987
Witchblade. Volume 5 / written by Ron Marz with Ian Edginton
   (issues #113-114) ; art by Stjepan Sejic, et al. ;
   featuring an introduction by Robert Kirkman. -- Los Angeles
   : Top Cow Productions, 2008. -- 224 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm.
   -- "Originally published in single magazine form as First
   born #1-3 and Witchblade #110-115."  -- "Sara Pezzini
   prepares to give birth to her first child, but the forces
   of Light and Dark both covet the offspring of the former
   Witchblade bearer! Sara no longer possesses the mystical
   gauntlet after realizing the danger it would attract to her
   unborn child, and chose instead to pass it to a new bearer,
   Danielle Baptiste, who is still learning how to control
   it." -- Superheroine and horror genres. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W478W505 2008
Witchblade. Volume 6 / written by Ron Marz ; art by Stjepan
   Sejic ; featuring an introduction by Brandon Peterson. --
   Los Angeles, Calif. : Top Cow Productions, 2008. -- 157 p.
   : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Originally published in single
   magazine form as Witchblade #116-120." -- Superheroine and
   horror genres. -- Call no.: PN6728.W478W506 2008
Witchblade. volume 7 / written by Ron Marz ; featuring an
   introduction by Rabbi Geoffrey Dennis. -- Los Angeles : Top
   Cow Productions, Inc., 2009. -- 173 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm.
   -- "Originally published in single magazine form as Broken
   Trinity: Prelude, Witchblade 121-124, Witchblade 125 Augury
   and Witchblade Annual issue #1." -- Art by Stjepan Sejic,
   Marco Castiello, Eric Basaldua, and Rick Basaldua --
   Superheroine and horror genres. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W478W507 2009
Witchblade. volume 8 / writer, Ron Marz ; artist, Stjepan
   Sejic ; featuring an introduction by Jim Starlin. -- Los
   Angeles : Top Cow Productions, Inc., 2009. -- 172 p. : col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Originally published in single magazine
   form as Witchblade #125-130." -- Superheroine and horror
   genres. -- Call no.: PN6728.W478W508 2009
Witchblade : Redemption. Volume 1 / written by Ron Marz ; art
   by Stjepan Sejic ; letters by Troy Peteri ; featuring an
   introduction by Todd McFarlane. -- Los Angeles : Top Cow
   Productions, 2010. -- 171 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   "Originally published in single magazine form as Witchblade
   131-136." -- Summary (from SkyRiver): New York City Police
   Detective Sara Pezzini, once more the sole bearer of the
   Witchblade, must learn to control the supernatural weapon
   and her own darker side while conducting an investigation
   of missing children and dealing with cyborg assassin
   Aphrodite IV. -- Superheroine and horror genres. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.W478R35 2010
Sejic, Stjepan, 1981-
Witchblade : Redemption. Volume 2 / written by Ron Marz &
   Saurav Mohapatra ; art by Stjepan Sejic, Michael Gaydos ;
   letters by Troy Peteri ; featuring an introduction by Erik
   Larsen. -- Los Angeles : Top Cow Productions, 2011. -- 137
   p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Collects: Witchblade 137-141. --
   Summary (from SkyRiver): Witchblade bearer Sara Pezzini and
   her partner Gleason handle cases involving a girl possessed
   by a demon and a pair of siblings who can draw demons to
   life, while Sara tries to cope with her sister Julie's
   murder and the kidnapping of her daughter Hope. --
   Superheroine and horror genres. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W478R3502 2011
Witchblade. Redemption. Volume 3 / written by Ron Marz, Filip
   Sablik, and Matthew Dow Smith ; art by Matthew Dow Smith,
   et al. -- Los Angeles : Top Cow Productions, 2011. -- 145
   p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Originally published in single
   magazine form as Witchblade 142-145 & Witchblade Annual
   #2." -- Superheroine and horror genres. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W478R3503 2011
Witchblade : Rebirth. Volume 1 / writer, Tim Seeley ;
   penciller, Diego Bernard ; inker, Fred Benes with Alisson
   Rodrigues ; colorist, Arif Prianto of IFS ; letterer, Troy
   Peteri. -- Los Angeles : Top Cow Productions, Inc., 2012.
   -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Summary (from SkyRiver):
   Sara Pezzini has relocated from New York to Chicago and
   struggles to adapt to being a private detective. Pezzini
   quickly discovers that a change of scenery and occupation
   hasn't changed one thing: the Witchblade is still a magnet
   for the supernatural. -- "Originally published in single
   magazine form as Witchblade 151-155." -- Superheroine and
   horror genres. -- Call no.: PN6728.W478R34 2012
Witchblade : Rebirth. Volume 2 / writer, Tim Seeley ;
   penciller, Diego Bernard ; inker, Fred Benes with Alisson
   Rodrigues. -- Los Angeles : Top Cow Productions, Inc.,
   2012. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Originally published
   in single magazine form as Witchblade 156-160." --
   Superheroine and horror genres. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W478R3402 2012
Witchblade : Rebirth. Volume 3 / Tim Seeley. Diego Bernard. --
   Los Angeles : Top Cow Productions, Inc., 2013. -- 1 v. :
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Originally published in single
   magazine form as Witchblade 161-165 & Witchblade: Due
   Process." -- Superheroine and horror genres. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W478R3403 2013
Witchblade : Rebirth. Volume 4 / writer, Tim Seeley ; artist,
   Diego Bernard. -- Los Angeles : Top Cow Productions, Inc.,
   2013. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Originally published
   in single magazine form as Witchblade 166-169." --
   Superheroine and horror genres. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W478R3404 2013
Eternal Warrior Special. -- New York : Valiant, 1996. -- col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published v. 1 (Febr. 1996) only. --
   Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.:
Eternal Warrior : Fist and Steel. -- New York : Valiant, 1996.
   -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 2 nos. -- Superhero
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-2. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.6.V6E802 1996
Green Lantern : Wanted, Hal Jordan / Geoff Johns, writer ;
   Ivan Reis, penciller ; Oclair Albert, inker ; Moose
   Baumann, colorist. -- New York : DC Comics, 2007. -- 1 v. :
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Originally published in magazine
   form as Green Lantern 14-20." -- Summary (from SkyRiver):
   While rescuing Cowgirl from a group of rebel Chechens, Hal
   Jordan, a.k.a. the Green Lantern, finds himself accused of
   murder, and must clear his name despite opposition from the
   Global Guardians. -- Contents: Wanted: Hal Jordan ; Mystery
   of the Star Sapphire / Daniel Acuña, art and color. --
   Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.G74W27 2007
Green Lantern : Revenge of the Green Lanterns / all stories
   written by Geoff Johns ; pencilled by Carlos Pacheco, Ethan
   Van Sciver, and Ivan Reis ; inked by Jesus Merino, et al. ;
   colored by Moose Baumann ; lettered by Rob Leigh. -- New
   York : DC Comics, 2006. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   "Originally published in single magazine form as Green
   Lantern 7-13." -- Summary (from SkyRiver): After being
   possessed by an alien entity and killing many Green
   Lanterns, Hal Jordan is rebuilding his life, but the Green
   Lanterns that Jordan thought that he killed may still be
   alive, so he travels into enemy territory to find them. --
   Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.G74R43 2006
Green Lantern : No Fear / Geoff Johns, writer; Darwyn Cook,
   and others, pencillers ; Darwyn Cooke, and others, inkers ;
   Jared K. Fletcher/Rob Leigh, letterers ; Moose Baumann/Dave
   Stewart/Nathan Eyring, colorists. -- New York : DC Comics,
   2006.  -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Originally
   published in single magazine form as Green Lantern 1-6,
   Green Lantern Secret Files and Origins 2005." -- Summary
   (from pubisher via SkyRiver): "Hal Jordan is back from the
   dead -- now watch as he reestablishes his life as a pilot.
   Standing in his way, though, is one of the deadly Manhunter
   androids followed by the Shark." -- Superhero genre. --
   Call no.: PN6728.G74N6 2006
Blood and Rage / Peter Milligan, writer ; Ed Benes, penciller
   ; Rob Hunter, inker. -- New York : DC Comics, 2012. -- 1 v.
   : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Red Lanterns ; v. 1) -- (The New
   52) -- "Originally published in single magazine form in Red
   Lanterns 1-7." -- Summary (from SkyRiver): Atrocitus and
   his Red Lantern Corps return in their own series, battling
   against injustice in the most bloody ways imaginable. --
   Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.G74B57 2012
The Magdalena. Volume 1 / written by, Ron Marz ; pencils,
   Nelson Blake II & David Marquez ; inks by Sal Regla & David
   Marquez ; colors by Dave McCaig ; letters by Troy Peteri ;
   cover art, Ryan Sook. -- Los Angeles : Top Cow Productions,
   Inc., 2011. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Collects:
   Magdalena, vol. 3 #1-6. -- Summary (from SkyRiver):
   Patience, a Magdalena who is the official protector of the
   Catholic Church, is unsure she can resist the call to
   destroy the Anti-Christ after she goes out on her own
   because of the hypocrisy of her masters. -- Superheroine
   and horror genres. -- Call no.: PN6728.M345M3 2011
The New Mutants Forever / writer, Chris Claremont ; penciler,
   Al Rio. -- New York : Marvel Worldwide, 2011. -- 1 v. :
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Contains material originally
   published in magazine form as New Mutants Forever #1-5 and
   New Mutants #53-54." -- Summary (from SkyRiver): When
   Magneto, the headmaster of the New Mutants, joins the
   Hellfire Club, they must join forces with the Black Queen
   to face a deadly threat. -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.N387F6 2011
The Last Daughter of Krypton / Michael Green & Mike Johnson,
   writers ; Mahmud Asrar, artist. -- New York : DC Comics,
   2012. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (The New 52!) --
   (Supergirl ; v. 1) -- "Originally published in single
   magazine form in Supergirl 1-7." -- Summary (from
   SkyRiver): After crash landing on Earth, Kara Zor-El of
   Krypton awakens with no knowledge of where she is or how
   she came to be there. Surrounded by hostile strangers
   speaking in an alien language, Kara is utterly lost and cut
   off from everyone she's ever known. Kara sets off to
   recover her ship and go home. -- Superheroine genre. --
   Call no.: PN6728.S78L3 2012
Out of the Past / Michael Alan Nelson, Scott Lobdell, writers
   ; Diogenes Neves, Marc Deering, Paulo Siqueira, Mike
   Hawthorne, Kenneth Rocafort, artists ; Mahmud Asrar with
   Dan Brown, collection cover artists. -- New York : DC
   Comics, 2014. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (The New 52!)
   -- (Supergirl ; v. 4) -- Summary (from publisher via
   SkyRiver): "In the aftermath of H'el on Earth, Supergirl's
   world has been shattered in every way possible. Kara Zor-El
   searches the stars for a new home, but in doing so,
   encounters one of Superman's deadliest enemies in his New
   52 debut: Cyborg Superman! New writer Michael Alan Nelson
   takes over the Girl of Steel in Supergirl vol. 4,
   collecting issues #21-26." -- Superheroine genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.S78 O8 2014
Uncanny X-Men : Rise and Vall of the Shi'ar Empire / writer,
   Ed Brubaker ; pencilers, Billy Tan & Clayton Henry ;
   inkers, Danny Miki with Allen Martinez & Mark Morales ;
   colorists, Frank D'Armata with Wil Quintana ; letterers,
   VC's Joe Caramagna & Chris Eliopoulos. -- New York : Marvel
   Comics, 2008. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Contains
   material originally published in magazine form as Uncanny
   X-Men #475-486." -- Summary (from SkyRiver): Vulcan seeks
   revenge on the Shi'ar Empire, but the X-Men, including
   Polaris, Havok, Darwin, and Professor Xavier, step in to
   stop his rampage through the galaxy. -- Superhero genre. --
   Call no.: PN6728.X2R49 2008
Uncanny X-men : Breaking Point / written by Kieron Gillen;
   illustrated by Carlos Pacheco, Terry Dodson and Ibraim
   Roberson. -- New York : Marvel Worldwide, Inc., 2011. -- 1
   v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Collecting Uncanny X-Men #534.1
   and #535-539. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): While Magneto
   makes a new home for himself off the coast of one the
   United State's largest cities, a warship from the
   militaristic alien Breakworld sets a course toward Earth
   with a mission that will greatly affect the lives of
   Colossus and Kitty Pryde.. -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.X2B67 2011
Uncanny X-Men by Kieron Gillen. Vol. 3 / writer Kieron Gillen.
   -- New York : Marvel Worldwide, 2012. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ;
   26 cm. -- "Contains material originally published in
   magazine form as Uncanny X-Men #11-14." -- Summary (from
   SkyRiver): The X- Men, lead by Cyclops, take on the Earth's
   mightiest heroes (the Avengers) ; Colossus goes up against
   the Red Hulk; and Hope is on the run for her life. --
   Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.X2G503 2012
Uncanny X-Men by Kieron Gillen. Vol. 2 / writer, Kieron Gillen
   ; pencils, Greg Land, Carlos Pacheco, with Paco Diaz ;
   inks, Jay Leisten, Cam Smith. -- New York : Marvel
   Worldwide, 2012. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Contains
   material originally published in magazine form as Uncanny
   X-Men #5-10." -- Summary (from SkyRiver): When a small
   Montana town is transformed into an energy source capable
   of destroying the planet, the X-Men's Extinction Team
   investigates, while Psylocke, a member of the team, is the
   only person who knows the transformation's cause. --
   Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.X2G502 2012
Uncanny X-Men by Kieron Gillen Vol. 4 / writer, Kieron Gillen
   ; artist, Daniel Acuña, and others ; colors, Jason Keith,
   and others ; penciler, Carlos Pacheco. -- New York : Marvel
   Enterprises, 2013. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   "Contains material originally published in magazine form as
   Uncanny X-men #15-20." -- "Even gods may fall! Five
   X-Men--Cyclops, Emma Frost, Namor, Colossus and Magik--have
   been imbued with the cosmic Phoenix Force, becoming living
   avatars of destruction and creation. They have transformed
   Earth into a Utopia--but deep underground, Hell awaits. Mr.
   Sinister, mutant geneticist and longtime X-Men foe, has
   created an entire city and populated it with his own
   clones. The Phoenix Five set out to exterminate Sinister,
   but even the Phoenix Force's power can't prevent them from
   walking into a trap. As Cyclops and his team investigate
   Sinister London, they have no idea they'll soon be facing
   weaponized X-Men clones, forgotten faces from their past
   and--for the first time since they bonded with the
   Phoenix--the very real threat of total defeat and death."
   -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.X2G504 2013
X-Men : Age of X. -- New York : Marvel Worldwide, Inc., 2012.
   -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Contains material
   originally published in magazine form as Age of X-Alpha,
   X-Men Legacy #245-247, New Mutants #22-24 and Age of X
   Universe #1-2. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): The X-Men find
   themselves in a world where mutants have been hunted to
   near extinction and the few who remain are in hiding. --
   Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.X2A35 2011
X-Men : Pixie Strikes Back / by Kathryn Immonen ; artist, Sara
   Pichelli ; colors, Christina Strain ; letters, Dave Sharpe.
   -- New York : Marvel Worldwide, Inc., 2010. -- 1 v. : col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Contains material originally published in
   magazine form as X-Men: Pixie Strikes Back #1-4." --
   Summary (from SkyRiver): Pixie is horrified when her mother
   arrives on Utopia demanding to see Pixie, but when the
   surprise visit reveals Pixie's father is one of the most
   dangerous villains ever, Pixie relies on her friends to
   defeat him before he learns he has a daughter. --
   Superheroine genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.X2P53 2010

Eternal Warriors : Blackworks. -- New York : Acclaim Comics,
   1998. -- 46 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Cover title: Eternal
   Warriors : Black Works. -- "Vol. 1 (March 1998)." --
   Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.V6 E84B55 1998
ICE. -- Pelham, AL : 12 Gauge Comics, LLC., 2011-2012. -- col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Detective genre, about border patrol
   agents. -- Complete in 4 nos. -- ICE stands for Immigration
   and Customs Enforcement. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-4. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.8.T86 I32 2011
Jungle Jive / created, written, illustrated by John C.
   Narcomey, Jr. ; Daryl Auclair, editor/producer. -- Corona,
   CA : High Tower Comics, 2008. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published
   issue 1 (Nov. 2008) only. -- Cover designated "#1 Feb." --
   Funny animal genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.:
Sandra Chang's Akemi. -- Fayetteville, NC : Brainstorm Comics,
   Inc., 1997. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published #1 (July
   1997) only. -- Science fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
   1. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.B67S3
Eito = 8 / Atsushi Kamijo. -- Tôkyô : Shogakukan, 2001- . --
   ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Big Spirits Comics) -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1,
   3 (2001-2003). -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 K28E5 2001
Kamijo, Atsushi.
Andrea-D. -- United States : Praxis Comics, 2008. -- ill. ; 26
   cm. -- Published #1 (Jan. 2008) - #3 (May 2008), per Grand
   Comics Database. -- Adventure story genre. -- LIBRARY HAS:
   no. 2. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.P7A5
Angel Spotlight : Connor. -- San Diego, CA : IDW Publishing,
   2006. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "August 2006." --
   Horror genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.7 .I15 A54C6 2006
Angel Spotlight : Illyria. -- San Diego, CA : IDW Publishing,
   2006. -- 20 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "April 2006." --
   Horror genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.7 .I15A54 I4 2006
Angel : Illyria : Haunted. -- San Diego, CA : IDW Publishing,
   2010-2011. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 4 nos. --
   Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6728.8
   .I2A48 2010
Walt Disney Imagineering : a Behind the Dreams Look at Making
   the Magic Real / by the Imagineers ; foreword by Michael D.
   Eisner. -- New York : Hyperion, 1996. -- 190 p. : ill.
   (some col.) ; 34 cm. -- "A welcome book." -- Includes
   fold-out pages to reveal other illustrations and a
   inter-departmental mail envelope. -- About the Disney
   amusement parks. -- Call no.: GV1851.W35 1996
Angel : the Curse Cover Gallery. -- San Diego, CA : IDW
   Publishing, 2006. -- 32 p. : all col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   "June 2006." -- Horror genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.7
   .I15A562 2006
The Auteur / written by Rick Spears ; illustrated by James
   Callahan ; colored by Luigi Anderson. -- Portland, OR : Oni
   Press, 2014. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 5 nos. --
   Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 2, 5. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.8 .O5A85 2014
Axe Cop : the American Choppers / story by Malachai Nicolle ;
   pencils, inks, and lettering by Ethan Nicolle. --
   Milwaukie, OR : Dark Horse Comics, Inc., 2014. -- col. ill.
   ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 3 nos. -- Superhero genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 3. -- Call no.: PN6728.8.D34A92 2014
The Best of Dork Storm. #1. -- Madison, WI : Dork Storm Press,
   2003. -- 31 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Free Comic Book Day ;
   2003) -- "May 2003." -- Contents: Dork Tower ; Nodwick ;
   PS238 -- Snapdragons. -- Fantasy and superhero genres. --
   Call no.: PN6728.7.D6B42 2003
Paul Chadwick's The World Below / story and pencil art, Paul
   Chadwick ; inks, Ron Randall. -- Milwaukie, Or. : Dark
   Horse Books, 2007. -- 190 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- Summary
   (from SkyRiver): Fifteen years ago, from a hole in the
   ground in rural Washington, a tiny flying machine emerged
   and Charles Hoy found it. From all appearances, this small
   vehicle wasn't built with any existing human technology and
   Hoy made a fortune selling that technology to the first
   eager customer. Now with his fortunes dwindling and his
   curiosity piqued with more than a decade of questioning,
   Hoy has hired a team of adventurers to enter this vast,
   underground realm in hopes of bringing back even greater
   discoveries. But while the team expects the unexpected and
   is prepared for danger, nothing they can imagine will
   prepare them for The World Below. -- Science fiction genre.
   -- Call no.: PN6727.C42W6 2007
In With the Out Crowd / by Jimmy Gownley. -- Harrisburg, Pa. :
   Renaissance Press, 2002. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Jimmy
   Gownley's Amelia Rules!) -- "Collecting issues 1-5 of the
   Amelia Rules! comic book series." -- Funny kid genre. --
   Call no.: PN6727.G655 I5 2002
Werewolves on the Moon Versus Vampires / story Dave Land, Matt
   Fillbach, Shawn Fillbach ; art & letters, Matt Fillbach,
   Shawn Fillbach. -- Milwaukie, Or. : Dark Horse Books, 2010.
   -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Summary (from SkyRiver):
   Three werewolf friends leave Earth and travel to the moon
   in a quest to become Kings of the Moon. Unfortunately, Moon
   Patrol captain Maggie Pilgrim has other plans, as does the
   hive of vampires living on the dark side. -- Science
   fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.F475W4 2010
Pantha / Mark Millar, Mark Texeira, Steven Grant and others.
   -- Runnemede, N.J. : Dynamite Entertainment, 2012. -- 1 v.
   : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Vampirella Masters Series ; vol.
   7) -- Horror genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.V27P3 2012
Kolchak Tales : Monsters Among Us! / edited by Dave Ulanski.
   -- Calumet City, IL : Moonstone, 2009. -- 1 v. : col. ill.
   ; 26 cm. -- Originally presented as: Kolchak Tales : Night
   Stalker of the Living Dead #1, 2, & 3 (by Christopher Mills
   and Tim Hamilton); and Kolchak Tales : The Frankenstein
   Agenda #1, 2 & 3 (by David Michelinie and Don Hudson). --
   Horror genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.K63M6 2009
Mills, Christopher, 1972-
The Rise & Fall of Carl Kolchak / all stories written by Dave
   Ulanski. -- Calumet City, IL : Moonstone, 2009. -- 1 v. :
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Kolchak : Tales of the Night Stalker
   ; v. 1) -- Various artists. -- Horror genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.K63R5 2009
Meltdown : the Definitive Collection / written by David B.
   Schwartz ; artwork and lettering by Sean Wang. -- Berkeley,
   Calif. : Image Comics, Inc., 2007. -- 150 p. : col. ill. ;
   26 cm. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): The Flare is dying. His
   own super-powers are eating him alive, melting him down
   from within. He's breading down, both physically and
   emotionally, and he's got desperate choices to make. During
   his final days, The Flare must struggle with his volatile
   life and the questionable decisions he's made along the
   way, hoping to correct his many failures and find a final
   redemption before time runs out. See the final moments that
   prove what a hero could and should be. -- Superhero genre.
   -- Call no.: PN6727.W2843M4 2007
Schwartz, David B., 1954-
Visitations, Untouchable / writers, J. Michael Straczynski,
   Fiona Avery ; artists, Gary Frank, et al. -- Berkeley,
   Calif. : Image Comics, 2007. -- 203 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm.
   -- (Rising Stars ; v. 5) -- "Collects the Rising Stars:
   Untouchable miniseries and the previously out-of-print
   Rising Stars: Visitations." -- Superhero genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.R54V5 2007
Sam and Twitch : the Brian Michael Bendis collection. Vol. 2 /
   writer, Brian Michael Bendis ; artists, Alex Maleev,
   Clayton Crain and Alberto Ponticelli. -- Berkeley, Calif. :
   Image Comics, 2007. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "This
   neonoir crime series centers on the lives of New York City
   detectives Sam Burke and Twitch Williams and their
   adventures in the back alleys, deep nooks and dark crannies
   book. -- Detective genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.S24B7 2007
Seven Soldiers of Victory : volume three / written by Grant
   Morrison ; featuring the art of Frazer Irving, et al. --
   New York : DC Comics, 2006. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   Originally published in single magazine form in Seven
   Soldiers: Klarion the Witchboy #4, Seven Soldiers: Mister
   Miracle #1-2, Seven Soldiers: Zatanna #4, Seven Soldiers:
   Bulleteer #1-2, and Seven Soldiers, Frankenstein #1. --
   Third of four volumes. -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.S394S403 2006

Ghostface. volume 1 / created, written and illustrated by John
   G. Narcomey Jr. ; graphic design and production manager,
   Neil Tolman. -- Corona, CA : High Tower Comics, Inc., 2010.
   -- 1 v. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Other title: Ghostface : Violent
   Tools. -- "In the midst of prohibition America lies a city
   steeped in mystery, and chaos. Welcome to Nameless City, a
   diesel punk hybrid of vintage America. Follow the ethereal
   poltergeist vigilante Ghostface as he makes himself known
   throughout the back alleys, docks and speakeasies of this
   city gone mad. Welcome to Ghostface: Violent Tools volume
   1." -- Detective genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.N34G47 2010
Matantei Roki = The Mythical Detective Loki / Sakura
   Kinoshita. -- Tôkyô : Enix, 1999-2003. -- ill. ; 18 cm. --
   (Gangan Komikkusu) -- Complete in 7 vols. -- Fantasy and
   detective genres. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 5 (2001). -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 K449M3 1999
Kinoshita, Sakura.
It's Wits Wits Time Again. -- Johannesburg, South Africa,
   1969. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 27 cm. -- At head of title: "A
   frantic edition." -- At foot of title: "Wits's Zorbo." -- A
   compilation of jokes, comics and cartoons prepared by
   students at the University of the Witswatersrand
   (Johannesburg, South Africa) to raise money for charity. --
   Primarily in English; a few items in Afrikaans. -- Call
   no.: PN6790.S64W5 1969
Wits Wits.
Evil Ernie : New Year's Evil. -- Toluca Lake, CA : Chaos!
   Comics, 1993. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "#0
   (December 1993)" in indicia ; numbered "0 (of 0)" on cover.
   -- Horror genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.C47E879 1993
Brainstorm / story, Jeffrey Morris, Kieran Morris & Ian Moore
   ; writers, Jeffrey Morris & Ira Livingston IV ;
   penciler/inker, Dennis Calero. -- United States : Future
   Dude, 2014- . -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1.
   -- To be complete in 6 nos. -- Science fiction genre. --
   Call no.: PN6728.8.F83B7 2014
Exit 6. -- Boulder, CO : Plastic Spoon Press, 1998-1999. --
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published #1 (Aug. 1998) - #3 (Jan. 1999),
   per Grand Comics Database. -- Story and art by Sean
   Tiffany. -- Fantasy genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.6.P545E9
Exit 6 : issue 2 preview / story and art by Sean Tiffany. --
   Boulder, CO : Plastic Spoon Press, 1998. -- 24 p. : ill. ;
   26 cm. -- "San Diego special." -- "August 1998." -- Fantasy
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.P545E902 1998
Exit 6 : issue 3 preview / story and art by Sean Tiffany. --
   Boulder, CO : Plastic Spoon Press, 1998. -- 24 p. : ill. ;
   26 cm. -- "San Diego special." -- "August 1998." -- Fantasy
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.P545E903 1998
Forever Evil : A.R.G.U.S. -- New York : DC Comics, 2013-2014.
   -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (The New 52) -- Complete in 6 nos.
   -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 3, 5-6. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.8.D3F6 2013
George Pal's Puppetoons. -- Greenwich, Conn. : Fawcett
   Publications, 1945-1950. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Began
   with no. 1 (Dec. 1945); ceased with no. 19 (1950). Cf.
   Official Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide. -- Funny kid
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 18 coverless (1947). -- Call
   no.: PN6728.1.F3G43
Walt Disney Presents Uncle Scrooge in The Many Faces of Magica
   de Spell. -- Prescott, Ariz. : Gladstone, 1990? -- 1 v. :
   col. ill. ; 28 cm. -- (Gladstone Comic Album Special ; no.
   6) -- Funny animal genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.U5M3 1990
Glass. -- Stamford, CT : Mike Raub, . -- ill. ; 28 cm. -- For
   APA 5. -- Periodical about comics. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 25
   (1983). -- Call no.: PN6725.R342G55
Viva la Monkeysuit. -- New York : Monkeysuit Press, 2001. --
   174 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Monkeysuit ; v. 3) --
   Alternative genre. -- Call no.: PN6726.M5895V5 2001
How About Never, Is Never Good For You? : My Life in Cartoons
   / Bob Mankoff. -- New York : Henry Holt and Company, 2014.
   -- 285 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Summary (from publisher via
   SkyRiver): "Memoir in cartoons by the longtime cartoon
   editor of The New Yorker. People tell Bob Mankoff that as
   the cartoon editor of The New Yorker he has the best job in
   the world. Never one to beat around the bush, he explains
   to us, in the opening of this singular, delightfully
   eccentric book, that because he is also a cartoonist at the
   magazine he actually has two of the best jobs in the
   world." -- Call no.: NC1429.M274A2 2014
Idyll / Amber Albrecht. -- Montreal : Drawn & Quarterly, 2012.
   -- 1 v. : all col. ill. ; 21 cm. -- Story without words,
   fantasy genre. -- Call no.: PN6733.A452 I3 2012
Albrecht, Amber, 1981-
Going to Ground / Barbara Kesel, writer ; Dave Lanphear and
   Troy Peteri, letterer. -- Traveler edition. --Oldsmar, Fla.
   : CrossGeneration Comics, 2003. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 21
   cm. -- (Meridian ; 2) -- "Originally published in single
   magazine form as Meridian Vol. 1, Issues #8-#14." -- "The
   fate of the world rests in the hands of a girl. Sephie's
   tougher than she looks. The young Minister of Meridian, one
   of the many islands floating among the clouds of Demetria,
   took her father's place as ruler of their city-state upon
   his sudden death. In the midst of that tragedy, a
   mysterious force imprinted strange marks of power upon both
   Sephie and her ambitious uncle Ilahn. Sephie's power is the
   spark of life itself. Ilahn's delivers destruction. As
   Ilahn sought control of Meridian, Sephie apparently fell to
   her death from a floating skyship. With her gone, the way
   seemed clear for Ilahn's conquest of Meridian. But Sephie
   didn't die. From her bleak enslavement on the blighted
   surface of Demetria, Sephie will find greater strength
   within herself than she ever thought possible, and she will
   gather an army to win back her home in the clouds." --
   Fantasy genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.M409G6 2003
Miss Remarkable & Her Career / Joanna Rubin Dranger ;
   translated by Maura Tavares. -- New York : Penguin Books,
   2003. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 20 cm. -- Translation of: Fröken
   Märkvärdig & Karriären. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): Miss
   Remarkable is having a hard time finding her way. Starting
   out with goals that are impossibly high, she despairs that
   nothing she does is ever good enough. Hilarious, touching,
   at times all too true, this international bestseller
   follows one woman's tortured journey to self- acceptance --
   Women's genre. -- Call no.: PN6790.S93 R8F713 2003
Rubin Dranger, Joanna, 1970-
The Homeless Channel / Matt Silady -- San Francisco :
   AiT/Planet Lar, 2007. -- 161 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- "When
   Darcy Shaw starts a 24-hour cable network called the
   Homeless Channel, she thinks she's got everything figured
   out. But confronted with an unexpected romance, a sibling
   out on the streets, and corporate sponsors who think they
   know what's best for her network, Darcy begins to wonder if
   she can really save the world by putting it on TV." --
   Alternative genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.S5453H6 2007
Tribeca Sunset : a Story of 9-11 / Henrik Rehr. -- New York :
   IBooks, 2005. -- 118 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Summary (from
   SkyRiver): What started as a normal day for Henrik Rehr
   turned into a day of fear and desperation when the World
   Trade Center was attacked on September 11, 2001. Separated
   from his wife and older child by the confusion and fear
   that wracked the city, Henrik with his youngest
   toddler-son, began the excruciating task of ensuring the
   safety of his loved ones, while dealing with the evacuation
   process. -- Autobiographical genre. -- Call no.: PN6790.D33
   R37T7 2005
September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001.
Courtney Crumrin's Monstrous Holiday / by Ted Naifeh; edited
   by Jill Beaton & James Lucas Jones. -- Portland, OR : Oni
   Press, Inc., 2009. -- 118 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Courtney
   Crumrin ; v. 4) -- Summary (from publisher via SkyRiver):
   "Courtney and Uncle Aloysius go on a European holiday and
   though it's supposed to be a vacation, the supernatural is
   drawn to Courtney like a moth to a flaming candelabra!
   While Aloysius meets up with some old friends, Courtney
   makes some new ones: uniting lovers separated by the full
   moon, and exciting the interest of a pale young man. But
   will it be puppy love or unending thrall? This volume
   collects 'Courtney Crumrin & the Fire-Thief's Tale' and
   'Courtney Crumrin & the Prince of Nowhere'" -- Fantasy and
   horror genres. -- Call no.: PN6727.N3C63 2009
Champs / by Weissman. -- Seattle, WA : Fantagraphics Books,
   1999. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 19 cm. -- "A new 'Yikes' book." --
   Alternative and funny kid genres. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.W37C45 1999
Weissman, Steven, 1968-
Confessions of a Blabbermouth / written by Mike Carey & Louise
   Carey ; illustrated by Aaron Alexovich. -- New York : DC
   Comics, 2007. -- 152 p. : ill. ; 20 cm -- (Minx) -- Summary
   (from SkyRiver): Tasha Flanigan loves to talk, especially
   on her blog, and when her mom brings home a creepy
   boyfriend and his daughter, Tasha can't help but talk about
   them. -- Alternative genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.A347C6 2007
Captain Swing and the Electrical Pirates of Cindery Island /
   written by Warren Ellis ; illustrated by Raulo Caceres ;
   with colors by Digikore. -- Rantoul, Ill. : Avatar Press,
   2011. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "In the London of
   1830, newly-minted copper Charlie Gravel keeps seeing
   things he's not supposed to: a crooked Bow Street Runner
   with a flintlock revolver, high-flying vessels that are not
   supposed to fly, and the violent Scientific Phantasmagoria
   popularly known as Spring-Heeled Jack. With the coming of
   Captain Swing and his Electrical Pirates, history shall
   never be the same!" -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6777.C23C3 2011
Caceres, Raulo, 1976-
Little Ike. -- New York : St. John Publishihng Company, 1953.
   -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 2 (June 1953) - no.
   4 (Oct. 1953). -- Continues: Little Joe. -- Funny kid
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 2. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.S3L48
The Civil Rights Movement and Vietnam : 1960-1976. -- Irvine,
   CA : Saddleback Educational Pub., 2009. -- 54 p. : col.
   ill. ; 23 cm. -- (Saddleback's Graphic American History) --
   Summary (from SkyRiver): Comic highlights significant
   events in United States history between 1960 and 1976,
   including the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, and
   the moon landing. -- Historical genre. -- Call no.:
   E839.C58 2009
World War II & the Cold War : 1940-1960. -- Irvine, CA :
   Saddleback Educational Pub., 2009. -- 54 p. : col. ill. ;
   23 cm. -- (Saddleback's Graphic American History) --
   Summary (from SkyRiver): Describes in comics format the
   circumstances leading up to American participation in World
   War II, the major events of the war, and life in the United
   States during wartime. -- Historical genre. -- Call no.:
   D743.7.W673 2009
Radical Republicans / John Perritano. -- St. Catharines, Ont.
   : Crabtree Pub. Co., 2009. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   (Graphic America) -- Includes index. -- Summary (from
   SkyRiver): With malice toward none ; and charity for all--
   those were the words of reconciliation that Abraham Lincoln
   preached as he tried to reunite a nation at the end of the
   American Civil War. -- Contents: "Malice toward none" ;
   Presidential Reconstruction begins ; Radical Republicans
   take control ; Race riots ; Congressional Reconstruction ;
   Congress impeaches the president ; Trial in the Senate ;
   The right to vote ; The Freedmen's Bureau ; Carpetbaggers ;
   The end of Reconstruction. -- Historical genre. -- Call
   no.: E668.P45 2009
Martin Luther King Jr. and the March on Washington / by Gary
   Jeffrey ; illustrated by Nick Spender. -- New York : Gareth
   Stevens Publishing, 2013. -- 24 p. : col. ill. ; 24 cm. --
   (A Graphic History of the Civil Rights Movement) --
   Includes index and glossary. -- Summary (from SkyRiver):
   This book describes the 1963 march on the capital to demand
   the civil rights bill be strengthened and passed by
   Congress and Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speech "I Have a
   Dream." -- Historical genre. -- Call no.: E185.97.K5J434
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (1963 : Washington, D.C.)
The Little Rock Nine and the Fight for Equal Education / by
   Gary Jeffrey ; illustrated by Nana Li. -- New York : Gareth
   Stevens Publishing, 2013. -- 24 p. : col. ill. ; 24 cm. --
   (A Graphic History of the Civil Rights Movement) --
   Includes index. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): Retells in
   comics format the story of the brave African American
   students who faced violent opposition when they integrated
   Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in September,
   1957. -- Historical genre. -- Call no.: LC214.23.L56J44
Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott / by Gary Jeffrey ;
   illustrated by Nick Spender. -- New York : Gareth Stevens
   Publishing, 2013. -- 24 p. : col. ill.; 24 cm. -- (A
   Graphic History of the Civil Rights Movement) -- Historical
   genre. -- Call no.: F334.M753P38475 2013
Parks, Rosa, 1913-2005
Malcolm X and the Fight for African American Unity / Gary
   Jeffrey ; illustrated by Emanuele Boccanfuso. -- New York :
   Gareth Stevens Publishing, 2013. -- 24 p. : col. ill. ; 24
   cm. -- (A Graphic History of the Civil Rights Movement) --
   Includes index. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): Describes the
   work of Malcolm X and his mission to restore a sense of
   identity and history to African Americans. -- Historical
   genre. -- Call no.: BP223.Z8L5747 2013
Medgar Evers and the NAACP / by Gary Jeffrey ; illustrated by
   Nick Spender. -- New York : Gareth Stevens Publishing,
   2013. -- 24 p. : col. ill. ; 24 cm. -- (A Graphic History
   of the Civil Rights Movement) -- Includes index. -- Summary
   (from SkyRiver): Biography of an African American from
   Jackson, Mississippi, who worked to change the laws and
   fought for civil rights for all African Americans. --
   Biographical genre. -- Call no.: F349.J13J44 2013
Evers, Medgar Wiley, 1925-1963.
Mandela for Beginners / Tony Pinchuck. -- Cambridge, England :
   Icon Books, 1994. -- 175 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- Biographical
   genre. -- Call no.: DT1949.M35P5 1994
The Cuban Missile Crisis / by Gary Jeffrey & illustrated by
   Terry Riley. -- St. Catharines, ON : Crabtree Publishing
   Company, 2014. -- 48 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Graphic
   Modern History : Cold War Conflicts) -- Includes index. --
   Historical genre. -- Call no.: E841.J44 2014
Paul Revere's Ride / by Xavier Niz ; illustrated by Brian
   Bascle. -- Mankato, Minn. : Capstone Press, 2006. -- 32 p.
   : col. ill. ; 23 cm. -- (Graphic Library. Graphic History)
   -- Includes bibliographical references (p. 30-31) and
   index. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): Recounts the story of
   Paul Revere's historic ride from Boston to Lexington, and
   then to Concord, Massachusetts, in April 1775, to warn
   colonists of approaching British troops. -- Historical
   genre. -- Call no.: F69.R43N59 2006
Benjamin Franklin : an American Genius / by Kay Melchisedech
   Olson ; illustrated by Barabara Schulz and Gordon Purcell.
   -- Mankato, Minn : Capstone Press, 2006. -- 32 p. : col.
   ill. ; 23 cm. -- (Graphic Library. Graphic Biographies) --
   Includes bibliographical references (p. 30-31) and index.
   -- Contents: Printer ; Inventor ; Patriot ; Statesman. --
   Biographical genre. -- Call no.: E302.6.F8 O465 2006
FDR and the New Deal for Beginners / Paul Buhle ; comics by
   Sabrina Jones ; afterword by Harvey Pekar. -- Danbury,
   Conn. : For Beginners, 2010. -- 146 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. --
   (A For Beginners Documentary Comic Book) -- Chiefly text
   with some comics sequences. -- Includes bibliographical
   references (p. 144). -- Historical genre. -- Call no.:
   E806.B85 2010
Li'l Rascal Twins. -- Derby, Conn. : Charlton Comics Group,
   1957-1960. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Continues: Nature Boy.
   -- Published no. 6 (1957) - no. 18 (Jan. 1960), cf.
   Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide. -- Funny kid genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 6. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.C47D3
Book of Hours : a Wordless Novel Told in 99 Wood Engravings /
   George A. Walker. -- Erin, Ont. : Porcupine's Quill, 2010.
   -- 189 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- (Graphic Novels ; 4) --
   Includes bibliographical references. -- Summary (from
   SkyRiver): In the Book of Hours, award-winning wood
   engraver George A. Walker creates a modern-day, secular
   devotional that captures in narrative imagery what is too
   devastating for words: the individual moments of innocence
   and routine life that ended with the onslaught of 9/11. --
   Alternative genre, story without words. -- Call no.:
   NE1113.5.W35B66 2010
Walker, George A., 1960-
USNA : the United States of North America / words by David
   Longworth, Harry Kalensky, and Allan Stanleigh ; pictures
   and design by Dave Casey ; with foreword by Will Ferguson.
   -- Vancouver, BC : USNA Publications, 2012. -- 211 p. :
   ill. ; 23 cm. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): A time in the
   future when our two great countries, Canada and the United
   States, have amalgamated. Within the U.S.N.A. and
   especially in parts of the former country of Canada, there
   is a growing discontent. It's not a fight to return to the
   days when Canada and the United States were separate
   countries. It's about a return to ideals, when the policies
   of the government represented the best interests of the
   people, not the best interests of those who govern. The
   rebels are planning the return of their leader, the exiled
   ex-prime minister of Canada, Samuel Stern. To combat this
   threat, a new organization has been created by the
   administration of USNA. It's a covert homeland security
   force; the Strategic Home Alliance Defense Organization
   (S.H.A.D.O.). Operating on the fringes of the law, their
   mission is simple: locate and eliminate any rebel activity
   using deadly force if necessary. USNA: The United States of
   North America is the story of the people's fight against
   tyranny. It takes place in our own back yard. -- Science
   fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6733.C345U2 2012
Shmobots / written by Adam Rifkin ; art by Les Toil ; cover
   art by Brian Clarke ; lettered by Johnny Lowe. -- Los
   Angeles : Boom! Studios, 2008. -- 117 p. : col. ill. ; 23
   cm. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): When the government starts
   a project to create a race of worker robots, a low bidder
   contract produces an army of lazy, stupid robots instead.
   Dubbed shmobots, this new slacker subculture is determined
   to stay out of society, even when a shmobot serial killer
   is on the loose. -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.T565S47 2008
Super Heroes Storybook Collection. -- New York : Marvel Press,
   2013. -- 299 p. : col. ill. ; 25 cm. -- Cover title: Marvel
   Super Heroes Storybook Collection. -- Summary (from
   SkyRiver): A collection of twenty-one origins tales shares
   the personal stories of how some Marvel superheroes gained
   their powers and engaged in famous battles. -- Contents:
   Hulk ; Iron Man ; Spider-Man ; Professor X ; Dr. Strange ;
   Black Widow ; Ant-Man ; Captain America ; Daredevil ; Wasp
   ; The original X-Men ; Wolverine ; Fantastic Four ; Thor ;
   She-Hulk ; Hawkeye ; Spider-Woman ; Silver Surfer ; All-new
   X-Men ; The Aveners. -- Superhero fiction. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.M378S8 2013
Heroes of the Comics / Drew Friedman ; foreword by Al Jaffee.
   -- Seattle, Washington : Fantagraphics Books, 2014. -- 1 v.
   : col. ill. ; 31 cm. -- Includes bibliographical
   references. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): Friedman features
   portraits of the pioneering legends of American comic
   books. Each drawing is accompanied by a one-page synopsis
   of their life and work. -- Contents: Max Gaines ; Malcolm
   Wheeler Nicholson ; Harry "A" Chesler ; Sheldon Mayer ;
   Creig Flessel ; Jerry Iger ; Will Eisner ; Jerry Siegel &
   Joe Shuster ; Bob Kane ; Bill Finger ; Martin Goodman ; Joe
   Simon ; Jack Kirby ; Stan Lee ; Bill Everett ; Carl Burgos
   ; Jerry Robinson ; George Roussos ; John Goldwater ; Bob
   Montana ; Lev Gleason ; Charles Biro ; C.C. Beck ; William
   Moulton Marston ; Irwin Hasen ; Mort Meskin ; Syd Shores ;
   Lou Fine ; Alex Schomburg ; Carmine Infantino ; Reed
   Crandall ; Bob Powell ; Mac Raboy ; Dick Sprang ; Wayne
   Boring ; L.B. Cole ; Dick Briefer ; Basil Wolverton ; Jack
   Cole ; Dan Barry ; Alfred Harvey ; George Carlson ; Walt
   Kelly ; Carl Barks ; John Stanley ; Woody Gelman ; Otto
   Messmer ; Gil Kane ; Gardner Fox ; Boody Rogers ; Matt
   Baker ; Lily Renée ; Al Hollingsworth ; Al Jaffee ; Dave
   Berg ; Graham Ingels ; Johnny Craig ; Al Feldstein ;
   William M. Gaines ; Harvey Kurtzman ; Will Elder ; John
   Severin ; Wally Wood ; Joe Orlando ; Jack Davis ; George
   Evans ; Marie Severin ; Jack Kamen ; Frank Frazetta ; Jack
   Oleck ; Ramona Fraden ; Al Hartley ; Jesse Marsh ; Steve
   Ditko ; Ogden Whitney ; Joe Kubert ; Howard Nostrand ; Mort
   Drucker ; Russ Heath ; Alex Toth ; Bernard Krigstein ; Al
   Williamson ; Fredric Wertham. -- Call no.: PN6725.F718H4
Democrazy : SA's Twenty-Year Trip / Zapiro ; text by Mike
   Wills. -- Auckland Park, South Africa : Jacana, 2014. --
   247 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. -- Published in
   association with Zaprock Productions. -- "Records the
   extraordinary South African journey over the past two
   decades since the landmark election of 1994 through the
   eyes of the nation's best-loved (and, by some politicians,
   most-loathed) cartoonist." -- Call no.: DT1975.Z369 2014
The X-Files. Season 10. Volume 3 / written by Joe Harris ; art
   by Matthew Dow Smith ; colors by Jordie Bellaire ; letters
   by Robbie Robbins, Neil Uyetake, Chris Mowry. -- San Diego
   : IDW Publishing, 2014. -- 122 p. : col. ill. ; 27 cm. --
   "Originally published in The X-Files: season 10, issues
   #11-15." -- Detective and science fiction genres. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.X14S403 2014

Garasu no Kamen / Miuchi Suzue. -- Tôkyô : Hakusensha, 1976- .
   -- ill. ; 19 cm. -- (Hana to Yume Comics) -- Summary (from
   SkyRiver): Kitajima Maya is an ordinary school girl who
   seems to have nothing to recommend her. Her only interest
   is in seeing dramas. Being just a fan of plays, she does
   not recognize her talent as an actress, until she meets
   with Tsukikage Chigusa. Tsukikage was a legendary actress
   for her performande in "Kurenai Tennyo", but retired from
   the theatrical world after a disastrous accident at her
   stage. Since then, she has searched for an actress whom she
   thinks is talented enough to play "Kurenai Tennyo" and she
   has found two candidates in two actresses: Kitajima Maya
   and Himekawa Ayumi, who is the only daughter of Himekawa
   Utako, an actress and formerly Tsukikage's apprentice. --
   Girls' and romance genres. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 43-44, 47
   (2009-2011). -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 M433G3 1976
Miuchi, Suzue, 1951-
Cartoon Flophouse. -- United States : Original Syndicate
   Press, 2002- . -- ill. ; 27 cm. -- "Written and drawn by
   Michael Aushenker." -- Alternative genre. -- LIBRARY HAS:
   v. 1. -- Call no.: PN6727.A86C6
Burn the Orphanage : Reign of Terror / Sina Grace, co-writer,
   artist ; Daniel Freedman, co-writer. -- Berkeley, CA :
   Image Comics, Inc., 2014. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete
   in 5 nos. -- Science fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 2.
   -- PN6728.8 .I5B832 2014
The Cape : Legacy Edition / written by Jason Ciaramella ;
   based on the short story 'The Cape' by Joe Hill ; art by
   Zach Howard. -- San Diego, CA : IDW Publishing, 2011. -- 48
   p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "June 2011." -- "This special
   Legacy Edition reprint of the Eisner-nominated one-shot
   also contains Joe Hill's original prose story from which
   this was adapted." -- Horror genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.8
   .I2C29 2011
Chaos! -- Mt. Laurel, NJ : Dynamite Entertainment, 2014- . --
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 3-4
   (2014). -- Call no.: PN6728.8.D9C47
Colder. -- Milwaukie, Oregon : Dark Horse Comics, Inc.,
   2012-2013. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 2 (2012). -- col. ill. ; 26
   cm. -- Published #1 (Nov. 2012) - #5 (Mar. 2013), per Grand
   Comics Database. -- Horror genre. -- Call no.:
Captain Crafty. vol. 1 #2-1/2. -- Excelsior Springs, MO :
   Hi-Jinx Comics, 1998. -- 16 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   Cover title: Crafty #2 1/2. -- "April 1998." -- Superhero
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.H47C3 1998
Criminal Macabre : No Peace for Dead Men / story, Steve Niles
   ; art, Christopher Mitten. -- Milwaukie, Oregon : Dark
   Horse Comics, Inc., 2011. -- 36 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   "September 2011." -- Horror genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.8.D34C733 2011
Dr. Robot Special / created, written, and drawn by Bernie E.
   Mireault. -- Milwaukie, Oregon : Dark Horse Comics, Inc.,
   2000. -- 32 p.  : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Dark Horse
   Maverick) -- Numbered "1" on cover. -- Science fiction
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.D34D6 2000
Dream Wolves. -- London Night Studios, 1993-1994. -- ill. ; 26
   cm. -- Complete in 4 nos. -- First issue unnumbered. --
   Cover title of first issue: Daniel Presedo's Dream wolves.
   -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-2. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.6.L57D7 1993
Deja Vu. -- San Antonio, Texas : Radio Comix, 2000-2001. --
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Cover title: Richard Moore's Deja Vu. --
   Complete in 2 nos. -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.7.R3D4 2000
You'll Get A Bang Out Of This, Beetle Bailey / by Mort Walker.
   -- New York : Jove Books, 1989. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 18 cm. --
   (Jove Cartoons) -- Funny military genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.B4Y58 1989
World of Warcraft : Ashbringer / writer, Micky Neilson ;
   artists, Ludo Lullabi and Tony Washington ; letterer, Wes
   Abbott. -- La Jolla, CA : Wildstorm, 2009. -- 130 p. : col.
   ill. ; 27 cm. -- Originally published in single magazine
   form as World of Warcraft. Ashbringer, #1-4. -- Summary
   (from SkyRiver): The second graphic novel based on the
   world's most popular massively multiplayer videogame tells
   the saga of the Missing King of Stormwind. Upon learning he
   is in fact the lost ruler of Stormwind, Lo'Gosh returns to
   reclaim his throne with his comrades in arms Valeera, and
   Broll. But all is not as it seems in the eastern kingdom,
   especially if one informed dwarf has anything to say about
   it. -- Fantasy genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.W645A8 2009
Cassandra Complex / Peter Milligan, writer ; Davide
   Gianfelice, artist ; Patricia Mulvihill, colorist ; Clem
   Robins, letterer; Davide Furno, original series covers. --
   New York : DC Comics, 2010. -- 138 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm.
   -- (Greek Street ; 2) -- (Vertigo) -- "Originally published
   in single magazine form as Greek Street 6-11." --
   "Suggested for mature readers." -- "Do you believe in
   oracles? On the sordid stretch of London known as Greek
   Street, the beautiful bodies come and go but the old dance
   never ends. Even as the players change, the timeless
   stories still barrel toward their bloody climaxes, and dark
   prophecies don't just foretell the future, they create it.
   Behind the girls, gangs and glamour lurks a doom that's
   hard to predict but impossible to avoid. Within its grasp,
   a man running from sights he can never unsee is caught up
   in an odyssey of sex and slaughter; a cop on the trail of a
   monster gets lost in a labyrinth of lies ; a lord's awful
   appetites consume the only people he truly loves; and a
   girl who can glimpse things to come envisions a bloody
   house of death." -- Horror genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6767.G495G702 2010
Gianfelice, Davide, 1977-
Hellboy Junior / featuring Mike Mignola, Bill Wray, Stephen
   DeStefano, Dave Cooper, Hilary Barta, Pat McEown, Glenn
   Barr, Kevin Nowlan, Dave Stewart, and John Costanza ;
   editor, Scott Allie with Matt Dryer ; designer, Amy
   Arendis. -- Milwaukie, OR : Dark Horse Books, 2004. -- 1 v.
   : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Contents:    Maggots, maggots
   everywhere! ; The devil don't smoke ; Huge retarded duck ;
   Hellboy Jr.'s magical mushroom ; Squid of man ; The house
   of candy pain ; Sparky Bear ; Somnambo the sleeping giant!
   ; Wheezy the sick little witch ; Hellboy Jr. vs Hitler ;
   Hellboy Jr. gets a car. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): Several
   adventures of Hellboy, who would grow up to be the
   paranormal investigator from Hell, as a diaper-clad
   youngster. Includes a sketchbook section. -- Funny horror
   and funny kid genres. -- Call no.: PN6728.H4483J8 2004
52. Volume one / Geoff Johns, et al. ; pencils, Eddy Barrows,
   et al. ; inks, Marlo Alquiza, et al. ; letters, Phil
   Balsman, et al. -- New York, : DC Comics, 2007. -- 295 p. :
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Originally published in single
   magazine form in 52 #1-13. -- Summary (from SkyRiver):
   Continues the story after the cataclysmic events in
   "Infinite Crisis," in which the inhabitants of the DC
   Universe are left for one year without Superman, Batman,
   and Wonder Woman. -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.F445F5 2007
Star Wars. Episode II : Attack of the clones / based on the
   story by George Lucas and screenplay by George Lucas and
   Jonathan Hales ; script, Henry Gilroy ; pencils, Jan
   Duursema ; inks, Ray Kryssing ; ; letters, Steve Dutro ;
   cover art, Drew Struzan. -- Milwaukie, OR : Dark Horse
   Comics, 2002. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "This book
   collects issues 1 through 4 of the Dark Horse comic book
   series Star Wars episode II, Attack of the Clones." --
   Summary (from SkyRiver): Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi
   discovers an army of clones as he and his apprentice,
   Anakin Skywalker, work to protect Senator Amidala from the
   separatist faction that continues to threaten the Republic.
   -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.S75A8 2002
The Incredibles : City of Incredibles / writers, Mark Waid and
   Landry Walker ; art by Marcio Takara and Ramanda Kamarga ;
   colors, Andrew Dalhouse ; letters, Troy Peteri. -- Los
   Angeles, CA : Boom! Kids, 2009. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 23
   cm. -- At head of title: Disney/Pixar. -- "Baby Jack-Jack
   has a cold and everyone is at risk! With each sneeze, the
   denizens of Metrovill are infected with-- Jack-Jack's
   powers! With the city being overun with Jack-Jack empowered
   villains, can The Incredibles find a cure for Jack-Jack and
   return the city to normal? Or will there soon be a city of
   Incredibles?" -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728
   .I4708C5 2009
The Boy Ninja / original story by Masashi Kishimoto ; adapted
   by Tracey West ; illustrations, Masashi Kishimoto. -- San
   Francisco, CA : VIZ Media, 2008. -- 75 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
   -- (Naruto ; 1) -- (Vizkids Chapter Books) -- Summary (from
   SkyRiver): While training to be a ninja, jokester Naruto
   fails his final exam, but when a crisis occurs in the ninja
   village, he realizes that he has what it takes to become a
   ninja. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 K495B6 2008
Kishimoto, Masashi, 1974-
Do You Seek Here Often? -- Nashville, Tennessee : Brodman &
   Holman Publishers, 1999. -- 155 p. : ill. ; 15 cm. -- (The
   Best Cartoons from Leadership Journal ; volume 2) --
   Cartoons about church life. -- Call no.: NC1763.C5L402 1999
Out of the Deep Woods / Jeff Lemire, story & art ; Jose
   Villarrubia, colors ; Pat Brosseau, letters. -- New York :
   DC Comics, 2010. -- 123 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   (Vertigo) -- (Sweet Tooth ; 1) -- "Originally published in
   single magazine form as Sweet Tooth 1-5." -- Summary (from
   SkyRiver): A plague has killed almost everyone and is
   killing more every day, and the only ones immune to it are
   a group of hybrid animal-children. After his father's
   death, Gus, a nine-year-old boy-deer, desperately accepts
   the help offered by a big man who says he will take Gus to
   the Preserve, a safe place for the hybrid children. --
   Science fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6733.L44S9 2010
Billy the Kid's Old Timey Oddities and the Ghastly Fiend of
   London / writer Eric Powell ; artist Kyle Hotz ;
   introduction by Brian Azzarello. -- Milwaukie, Or. : Dark
   Horse Books, 2011. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Horror
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.H665B5 2011
Ghostwalk / Scott Beatty ; illustrated by Eduardo Ferigato ;
   colored by Vinicius Andrade ; lettered by Simon Bowland ;
   created by Lee Falk. -- Runnemede, N.J. : Dynamite
   Entertainment, 2011. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (The
   Last Phantom ; v. 1) -- Originally published in The Last
   Phantom, #1-6. -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.P47G47 2011
The Passenger / Christian Perrissin ; Boro Pavlovic. --
   Hollywood, CA : Humanoids Publishing ; New York : DC
   Comics, 2005. -- 143 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (El Niño ;
   book 1) -- Collects in translation the first two El Niño
   albums, La Passagère du Capricorne, and Rio Guayas, plus
   part of the third album, L'Archipel des Badjos. --
   Adventure story genre. -- Call no.: PN6747.P33N50113 2005
Gettysburg : the Graphic History of America's Most Famous
   Battle and the Turning Point of the Civil War / Wayne
   Vansant. -- Minneapolis : MBI Pub. Company LLC and Zenith
   Press, 2013. -- 95 p. : col. ill. ; 23 cm. -- Summary (from
   SkyRiver): The Battle of Gettysburg is one of the most
   famous battles in American history, and is widely
   recognized as the turning point of the Civil War. A
   landmark event in United States history, it accounted for
   the most casualties of any battle during the war and
   spelled the beginning of the end for the Confederacy. In
   this powerful graphic history, Wayne Vansant describes the
   period leading up to the Battle of Gettysburg, as well all
   of the major military events on July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd,
   including the famous fight for Little Round Top and the
   death march known as Pickett's Charge. He paints portraits
   of each army's leaders, among them Robert E. Lee, James
   Longstreet, George Meade, and the then little-known Joshua
   Chamberlain. Vansant concludes a few months later at the
   dedication of the Soldier's National Cemetery in November
   1863, when Abraham Lincoln delivered one of the most famous
   speeches of all time: the Gettysburg Address. -- Historical
   genre. -- Call no.: E475.53.V26 2013
Schröder, oder, Beethoven, du bist der grösste! : ein
   Peanuts-Buch / von Charles M. Schulz. -- Ravensburg : Otto
   Maier Verlag, 1962. -- 140 p. : ill. ; 14 cm. --
   (Ravensburger Taschenbücher ; 8005) -- This is Band 5 of a
   series of Peanuts translations published by Otto Maier
   Verlag. -- Funny kid genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.P4B4415
Sergio Aragonés Boogeyman / by Sergio Aragonés and Mark
   Evanier ; letterer Stan Sakai ; cover colorist Tom Luth. --
   Milwaukie, OR : Dark Horse Comics, 1999. -- 111 p. : ill. ;
   23 cm. -- "This book collects issues one through four of
   the Dark Horse comic-book series Sergio Aragonés
   Boogeyman." -- Funny horror genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.A722B6 1999
The Adventures of Venus / by Gilbert Hernandez. -- Seattle, WA
   : Fantagraphics Books, 2012. -- 93 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. --
   "Portions of this graphic novel appeared in Measles #2-8.
   This edition contains a new 24-page story." -- Summary
   (from amazon.com via SkyRiver): "A rare foray into all-ages
   work, 'The Adventures of Venus' was Gilbert Hernandez's
   contribution to the kids' anthology Measles which he edited
   in 1999 and 2000. This super-affordable little hardcover
   collects all the previously uncollected 'Venus' stories
   from Measles in which Luba's niece creates and collects
   comic books, walks through a scary forest, plays soccer,
   schemes to get the cute boy she likes, laments the
   snowless-less of a California Christmas, catches measles,
   and travels to a distant planet (OK, the last one may be a
   dream)." -- Girls' genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.H4A65 2012
Thunder Horse / Emmanuel Guibert ; Marc Boutavant. -- New York
   : Papercutz, 2013. -- 124 p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Ariol
   ; 2) -- Translation from French of Le Chevalier Cheval. --
   Summary (from SkyRiver): Idolizing his favorite comic hero,
   the Knightly Horse, young donkey Ariol aspires to grow up
   to be a guardian of the stars and endures a series of
   uproarious misadventures that pit his ambitions against the
   realities of youth. -- Funny animal genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6747.B66A70213 2013
Zed : a Cosmic Tale / Michel Gagne. -- Berkeley, Calif. :
   Image Comics, 2012. -- 280 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Summary
   (from SkyRiver): When a cute little alien named ZED
   demonstrates his invention to the Hierarchy of the Galaxy,
   something goes wrong--terribly wrong! Before long, ZED's
   universe is thrown into complete turmoil and our little
   hero must face nearly insurmountable odds trying to survive
   and save the very fate of his home world. -- Science
   fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6733.G3Z4 2012
Darklyte / pencils, plot, separations, special effects, Pat
   Lee ; writer, Adrian Tsang ; inks, Alvin Lee ; ink assists,
   Arnold Tsang ; background assists, Omar Dogan, Jeff Woo. --
   Orange, CA : Image Comics, 2001. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26
   cm. -- (Warlands ; 1) -- Fantasy genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6734.W29D3 2001

Dead Dinosaurio / created, written and illustrated by Javier
   Hernandez. -- Whittier, CA : Los Comex, 2012. -- 28 p. :
   ill. ; 27 cm. -- Contents    Part 1. Day of the Dead
   Dinosaurio ; part 2. The Prehistory of Dead Dinosaurio ;
   part 3. Guest artist cave drawings. -- Prehistoric
   adventure genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.H412D4 2012
Osadabon. -- Tôkyô : Kadokawa, 2002. -- 96 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
   -- Interview and art of Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, co-founder of
   Gainax Studio and manga artist of Neon Genesis
   Evangelion/Shinseki Evangelion. -- Supplemental volume to
   monthly Shonen Ace, Dec. 2002. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33S25
   O8 2002
Sadamoto, Yoshiyuki, 1962-
Wagon Train / by Emily Broun ; pictures by Frank Bolle. -- New
   York : Simon and Schuster, 1958. -- 22 p. : col. ill. ; 21
   cm. -- (Little Golden Books ; 326) -- Based on the
   television program. -- Call no.: PS3503.R7597W33 1958
Broun, Emily, 1894-1971.
Gingerbread / story and colors by Carla Rodríguez ;
   illustrations and colors by Rosa Colón. -- San Juan : Soda
   Pop Comics, 2011. -- 8 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Fairy
   tale comic, alternative genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.8.S6G5
The Devilers / written by Joshua Hale Fialkov ; illustrated by
   Matt Triano. -- Mt. Laurel, NJ : Dynamite Entertainment,
   2014- . -- To be complete in 7 nos., per Grand Comics
   Database. -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 2. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.8.D9D43 2014
Final Girl. -- San Antonio, Texas : Antarctic Press, 2007. --
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Apr. 2007) - no. 5
   (Sept. 2007). -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 2-3. --
   Call no.: PN6728.7.A5F5
Gene Pool / story, Marv Wolfman and Len Wein ; pencils, Mark
   Nicholas. -- San Diego, CA : IDW Publishing, 2003. -- 48 p.
   : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "When Dr. Truman Chase set out to
   save humanity by physically altering human genetics so that
   the next generation of chldren could survive the toxic
   world they would inhabit, he couldn't know he was creating
   a unique category of humans, the Gene Pool, with awesome
   powers and abilities." -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.N43G4 2003
The Lost Lions / Edward Gorey. -- New York : Fantod Press,
   1973. -- 32 p. : ill. ; 13 x 16 cm.) -- (Fantod ; 4) --
   Call no.: PS3513 .O614L6
The Gift. -- United States : Raven Gregory, 2003-2004. -- col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published issue 1 (Mar. 2003) - issue 7
   (Aug. 2004), per Grand Comics Database. -- "Created and
   written by Raven Gregory ; pencils, Tyler Kirkham ; inks,
   Marco Galli." -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 6
   (2004). -- Call no.: PN6728.7.G74G5
Glee the Happy Goth / by Jamie Cosey and Franco. -- Cross
   River, NY : Blindwolf Comics, 2000. -- 16 p. : ill. ; 26
   cm. -- Funny kid genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.B554G55 2000
Glénat Catalogue. -- Grenoble : Glénat, . -- col. ill. ; 15
   cm. -- Catalog includes comics and other publications. --
   LIBRARY HAS: 1993/1994. -- Call no.: PN6745.G55
Editions Glénat--Catalogs.
Les Éditions Glénat Présentent La Collection Grafica. --
   Grenoble : Éditions Glénat, 1993. -- 44 p. : col. ill. ; 15
   cm. -- Catalog of the album series Collection Grafica. --
   Call no.: PN6745.G55G7 1993
Glénat Présente 1993-1994 : Zenda. -- Grenoble : Éditions
   Glénat, 1993. -- 20 p. : col. ill. ; 15 cm. -- Catalog of
   the album series Collection Zenda. -- Call no.:
   PN6745.G55Z4 1993
Glénat Présente 1993-1994 : Comics USA. -- Grenoble : Éditions
   Glénat, 1993. -- 20 p. : col. ill. ; 15 cm. -- Catalog of
   the album series Comics USA. -- Call no.: PN6745.G55C6 1993
American History, Fresh Squeezed! : 41
   Thirst-for-Knowledge-Quenching Poems / by Carol Diggory
   Shields ; illustrations by Richard Thompson. -- Brooklyn,
   N.Y. : Handprint Books, 2002. -- 80 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. --
   (BrainJuice) -- Includes index. -- Summary (from SkyRiver):
   A collection of poems on such important events in the
   history of the United States as the Pilgrims' landing in
   Massachusetts, the Louisiana Purchase, the Civil War,
   Seward's Folly, the San Francisco earthquake, and more. --
   Call no.: PS3569.H48328A824 2002
The Battle of Blood and Ink : a Fable of the Flying City /
   Jared Axelrod and Steve Walker. -- New York : Tor, 2012. --
   144 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. -- "A Tom Doherty Associates book."
   -- Summary (from publisher via SkyRiver): "If you're
   visiting the flying city of Amperstam without the latest
   printing of The Lurker's Guide, you might as well be lost.
   This one-sheet is written, edited, and printed by Ashe, a
   girl raised on the streets of the flying city, and is
   dedicated to revealing its hidden treasures and deepest
   secrets, including many that the overcontrolling government
   doesn't want anyone to know. The stakes are raised when
   Ashe accidentally uncovers the horror of exactly how
   Amperstam travels among the skies and garners the attention
   of those who would rather that secret be kept in the hands
   of the city's powerful leaders. Soon Ashe is on the run
   from thugs and assassins, faced with the choice of
   imperiling her life just to keep publishing, or giving in
   to the suggestion of a rich patron that she trade in her
   voice and identity for a quiet, comfortable life. It's a
   war of confusion for Ashe, but one thing is very clear:
   just because you live in a flying city, you can't always
   keep your head in the clouds." -- Science fiction genre. --
   Call no.: PN6727.W2777B3 2012
Walker, Steve, 1978-
Distance Mover / Patrick Kyle. -- Toronto : Koyama Press,
   2014. -- 1 v. : ill. (some col.) ; 21 cm. -- Summary (from
   amazon.com via SkyRiver): "Mr. Earth can move incredible
   distances in his improbable Distance Mover, a wondrous
   vehicle that reflects the fantastic world it traverses. He,
   and his young art-star protégée Mendel, explore
   culture-rich crystalline cities, challenge the mighty
   Council of the Misters, try to overcome the all-conquering
   Ooze, and much more!" -- Science fiction genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6733.K9D5 2014
Dragonslippers : This is What an Abusive Relationship Looks
   Like / by Rosalind B. Penfold. -- New York : Black
   Cat/Grove Press, 2005. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): Memoir
   in graphic format of an abusive relationship and its
   psychological component. -- Autobiographical genre. -- Call
   no.: HV6626.2.P46 2005
Captain America : First Vengeance / Fred Van Lente, writer ;
   Luke Ross, [and others], artists ; Richard Isanove,
   Sotocolor, Veronica Gandini, color artists ; VC's Clayton
   Cowles, letterer. -- New York : Marvel Worldwide, Inc.,
   2011. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Based on the hit
   movie." -- "Contains material originally published in
   magazine form as Captain America : First Vengeance #1-4 and
   Captain America Spotlight." -- Superhero genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.C26F53 2011
Marijuana, Time for a Closer Look / by Curtis L. Janeczek ;
   illustrated by Ann L. Schreck ; foreword by Robert L.
   DuPont. -- Columbus, Ohio : Healthstar Publications, 1980.
   -- 136 p. : col. ill. ; 23 cm. -- Bibliography: pages
   101-102. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): Discusses the use of
   marihuana and the effect it may have on mental and physical
   health. -- Illustrations are in comics format. -- Call no.:
   HV5822.M3J35 1980
Sam Zabel and the Magic Pen / Dylan Horrocks. -- Seattle,
   Washington : Fantagraphics Books, 2014. -- 221 p. : col.
   ill. ; 27 cm. -- "Cartoonist Sam Zabel hasn't drawn a comic
   in years. Stuck in a nightmare of creative block and
   despair, Sam spends his days writing superhero stories for
   a large American comics publisher and staring at a blank
   piece of paper, unable to draw a single line. Then one day
   he finds a mysterious old comic book set on Mars and is
   suddenly thrown headlong into a wild, fantastic journey
   through centuries of comics, stories, and imaginary worlds.
   Accompanied by a young webcomic creator named Alice and an
   enigmatic schoolgirl with rocket boots and a bag full of
   comics, Sam goes in search of the Magic Pen, encountering s
   ex-crazed aliens, medieval monks, pirates, pixies and of
   course cartoonists. Funny, erotic, and thoughtful, Sam
   Zabel and the Magic Pen explores the pleasures, dangers,
   and moral consequences of fantasy." -- Fantasy and
   alternative genres. -- Call no.: PN6790.N463S3 2014
Bohemians : a Graphic History / edited by Paul Buhle and David
   Berger with Luisa Cetti ; introduction by Paul Buhle. --
   Brooklyn, NY : Verso, 2014. -- 228 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. --
   Includes bibliographical references (pages 227-228). --
   Summary (from publisher via SkyRiver): "The
   nineteenth-century countercultures that came to define the
   bohemian lifestyle spanned both sides of the Atlantic,
   ranging from Walt Whitman to Josephine Baker, and from
   Gertrude Stein to Thelonius Monk. Bohemians is the graphic
   history of this movement and its illustrious figures,
   recovering the utopian ideas behind millennial communities,
   and covering the rise of Greenwich Village, the multiracial
   and radical jazz world, and West Coast and Midwest
   bohemians, among other scenes. Drawn by an all-star cast of
   comics artists, including rising figures like Sabrina
   Jones, Lance Tooks, and Summer McClinton, alongside
   established artists like Peter Kuper and Spain Rodriguez,
   Bohemians is a broad and entertaining account of the rebel
   impulse in American cultural history." -- Historical genre.
   -- Call no.: PN56.B63B64 2014
Berger, David, 1944-
Wave / Suzy Lee. -- San Francisco, Calif. : Chronicle Books,
   2008. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 19 x 32 cm. -- Summary (from
   SkyRiver): A wordless picture book that shows a little
   girl's first experiences at the beach, as she goes from
   being afraid of the roaring waves to playing on the shore
   while gulls soar overhead. -- Story without words. -- Call
   no.: PN6790.K63 L464W3 2008
Lee, Suzy, 1974-
Hard Looks : Adapted Stories / Andrew Vachss. -- Milwaukie, OR
   : Dark Horse Comics, 1996. -- 240 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. --
   Contents: Placebo ; Hostage ; The unwritten law ; Family
   resemblance ; Warlord ; Dead game ; A flash of white ;
   Stone magic ; Born bad ; Exit ; Cain ; Dumping ground ;
   Lynch law ; Drive by ; Anytime I want ; White alligator ;
   Treatment ; Joyride ; Replay ; Man to man. -- Various
   artists. -- Detective genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.V25H32
Megahurtz. -- Fullerton, CA : Image Comics, 1997. -- ill. ; 26
   cm. -- Published no. 1 (Aug. 1997) - no. 3 (Oct. 1997), cf.
   Official Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide. -- Science
   fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-3. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.6 .I45M43
The Men in Black / creator-writer, Lowell Cunningham ; artist,
   Sandy Carruthers ; lettering, Diane Valentino ; cover
   painting, Max Fellwalker. -- Newbury Park, CA : Aircel
   Comics, 1990-1991. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Genres: Horror,
   science fiction. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-3; v. 2, no. 1-3 --
   Call no.: PN6728.6.A36M4 1990

Stardust : Being a Romance Within the Realms of Faerie / story
   by Neil Gaiman ; pictures by Charles Vess. -- New York : DC
   Comics, 1998. -- 223 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm. --
   (Vertigo) --  Fantasy fiction. -- Call no.: PR6057.A3S75
Sucka Free! : the Art of Ray-Anthony Height, 2007. -- United
   States : Ray-Anthony Height, 2007. -- 24 p. : all ill. ; 22
   cm. -- Sketchbook. -- "Wizard World Los Angeles exclusive."
   -- Call no.: PN6727.H3708S8 2007
Yômi Henjô Yawa / Okano Reiko. -- Tôkyô : Sukora, 1998- . --
   ill. ; 20 cm. -- Complete in 4 vols. -- Historical genre,
   about China in the 3rd century A.D. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1.
   -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 O493Y6 1998
Okano, Reiko, 1960-
Freddy's Dead : the Final Nightmare. vol. 1, no. 3-D. --
   Wheeling, WV : Innovative Corporation, 1992. -- 32 p. :
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Other title: Freddy's Dead : 3-D #1.
   -- Horror and three dimensional genres. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.6 .I5F72 1992
Good and Evil / writer, Michael Pearl ; pencils, Danny
   Bulanadi ; inks, Danny Bulanadi. -- Pleasantville, TN : No
   Greater Joy Ministries, 2006?- . -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   To be complete in 13 pts. -- Religious genre, Bible
   stories. -- LIBRARY HAS: p t. 3 (2007). -- Call no.:
   PN6728.7.N56G6 2006
Gore. -- Napoli, Italy : CG Studio, 2010- . -- col. ill. ; 26
   cm. -- Began with #1 (Nov.r 2010), per Grand Comics
   Database. -- In English. -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS:
   no. 4 (2011). -- Call no.: PN6768.G64
The Goblin. -- New York : Warren Pub. Co., 1982. -- ill. ; 28
   cm. -- Published no. 1 (June 1982) - no. 3 (Nov. 1982), per
   Grand Comics Database. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS:
   no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6728.5.W32G6
Gobs. -- United States : Christopher Melchert, . -- ill. ;
   22-28 cm. -- A comics-oriented apazine. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
   3, 17 (1973-1976). -- Call no.: PN6725.M415G6
Golem. -- México, D.F. : Esfera Editores, . -- ill. ; 32 cm.
   -- Cover title: La Sombra del golem. -- Alternative genre.
   -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 2 (1992?). -- Call no.: PN6790.M44G6
The Impossible Hit / by Takao Saito. -- Tokyo, Japan : Lead
   Publishing Co., 1989. -- 44 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Golgo 13
   Graphic Novel Series ; no. 1) -- Spy genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 S3G60113 1989
Saitô, Takao, 1936-
Hopper the Border / by Takao Saito. -- Tokyo, Japan : Lead
   Publishing Co., Ltd., 1990. -- 45 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm.
   -- (Golgo 13 Graphic Novel Series ; no. 2) -- Spy genre. --
   Call no.: PN6790.J33 S3G60213 1990
A Goofy Movie : Trace & Color. -- Racine, Wisconsin : Western
   Publishing Company, Inc., 1995. -- ca. 60 p. : chiefly ill.
   ; 26 cm. -- (A Golden Book ; 2433) -- "Includes tracing
   tissue." -- Funny animal genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.G6C6
The Doll's House / written by Neil Gaiman ; introduction by
   Clive Barker ; with Chris Bachalo, Mike Zulli & Steve
   Parkhouse ; illustrated by Mike Dringenberg & Malcolm Jones
   III ; colored by Zylonol ; lettered by Todd Klein and John
   Costanza. -- New York : DC Comics, 2012. -- 1 v. : col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- (The Sandman ; v. 2) -- "Originally
   published in single magazine form as The Sandman 9-16." --
   "The second of twelve volumes collecting the complete run
   of The Sandman." -- "Fully recolored edition." -- Summary
   (from SkyRiver): In the dream world of the Sandman, Rose
   Walker encounters many bizarre things in the doll's house,
   including a serial killer convention, long-lost relatives,
   and herself. -- Horror genre. -- Call no.: PN6737.G3S3 2012
Astonishing X-Men : Ghost Box / writer, Warren Ellis ;
   pencils, Simone Bianchi ; ink washes, Simone Bianchi &
   Andrea Sivestri. -- New York : Marvel Publishing, Inc.,
   2009. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 27 cm. -- Summary (from
   SKyRiver): Messiah CompleX pulled the X-Men team together,
   Divided We Stand tore them apart. Now the X-Men are back to
   business with a new look, a new base of operations, and a
   mystery to solve that will take them into previously
   uncharted territory and test them to their core! --
   "Contains material originally published in magazine form as
   Astonishing X-Men #25-30 and Astonishing X-Men: Ghost Boxes
   #1-2." -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.X2G47 2009
The Court of Owls / Scott Snyder, writer ; Greg Capullo,
   penciller ; Jonathan Glapion, inker. -- New York : DC
   Comics, 2012. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Batman ; v.
   1) -- (The New 52) -- Originally published in single
   magazine form: Batman 1-7. -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.B37C635 2012
Best of the Best / writer, Brian Reed ; penciler, Roberto De
   La Torre. -- New York : Marvel Publishing, Inc., 2006. -- 1
   v. : col. ill. ; 27 cm. -- (Ms. Marvel ; v. 1) -- "Marvel
   premiere edition." -- Contains material originally
   published in magazine form as Ms. Marvel #1-5 and
   Giant-sized Ms. Marvel #1. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): To
   be truly worthy of the name, Ms. Marvel, Carol Danvers will
   have to settle a score with the evil Brood, prevent the
   destruction of Earth at the hands of an invading alien and
   fight off a mad magician from another reality out for
   revenge. -- Superheroine genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.M83B4
Avengers : Revelations / writers, Jim Starlin, Rick Remender,
   Frank Barbiere, Kathryn Immonen. -- New York : Marvel
   Worldwide, Inc., 2015. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   (Marvel Now) -- "Contains material originally published in
   magazine form as Tha nos annual #1, Uncanny Avengers annual
   #1, New Avengers annual #1 and Avengers annual #1." --
   Summary (from SkyRiver): Learn how a devastating defeat in
   Thanos' past will soon redefine the Marvel Universe, as the
   Mad Titan faces Mephisto, his future self, the Avengers and
   more! Then, can the Uncanny Avengers survive the wrath of
   an unleashed Spirit of Vengeance, and the all-new,
   all-creepy Avengers of the Supernatural? Meanwhile, when
   Doctor Strange is called upon to fulfill an old debt to an
   enclave of Himalayan technomonks, even the good doctor may
   be beyond his limits! -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.A9R39 2015
Hide/Fear / Simon Spurrier ; artist, Rock-He Kim. -- New York
   : Marvel Worldwide, Inc., 2015. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26
   cm. -- (X-Force ; 2) -- "Contains material originally
   published in magazine form as X-Force #7-10 and X-Men
   Legacy #300." -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.X18H5
Kim, Rock-He.
The Walking Dead Chronicles : the Official Companion Book /
   Paul Ruditis ; foreword by Frank Darabont ; introduction by
   Robert Kirkman. -- New York : Abrams, 2011. -- 198 p. :
   ill. (some col.) ; 28 cm. -- Contents: World-building in
   comics ; From page to screen ; Breathing life into the dead
   ; Populating the world of The walking dead ; Adapting the
   visual style of The walking dead ; Land of the dead ;
   Postmortem ; Bring out your dead. -- Summary (from
   SkyRiver): A guide to the television program provides
   information on the making of its first season, discussing
   adapting it from the comic book, the characters, and the
   cast and crew, and gives episode summaries. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W3C47 2011
Good for the Soul / written by Garth Ennis ; illustrated by
   Darick Robertson ; lettered by Simon Bowland ; colored by
   Tony Aviña. -- Runnemede, NJ : Dynamite Entertainment,
   2008. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (The Boys ; v. 3) --
   "The third collection of The Boys (issues 15 through 22)."
   -- Summary (from SkyRiver): The Boys (Billy Butcher, Wee
   Hughie, Mother's Milk, The Frenchman and The Female) are a
   CIA-backed team dedicated to preventing superheroes from
   abusing their power. In this third volume of their
   adventures, each has an agenda. Frenchie and the Female are
   mixing it up with the Mafia, Mother's Milk goes to see his
   mom, Annie January wants a word with God, and Butcher has
   yet another ghastly tryst with CIA Director Rayner.
   Meanwhile, the Legend offers to tell Hughie everything he
   wants to know about The Boys: all Hughie has to do is take
   a walk with the dead. -- Spy and superhero genres. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.B658G6 2008
Saga. Book one / Brian K. Vaughan, writer ; Fiona Staples,
   artist ; Fonografiks, lettering design ; Eric Stephenson,
   coordinator. -- Berkeley : Image Comics, 2014. -- 504 p. :
   col. ill. ; 29 cm. -- "Originally published in single
   magazine form as Saga #1-18." -- Summary (from amazon.com
   via SkyRiver): "Saga is the story of Hazel, a child born to
   star-crossed parents from opposite sides of a never-ending
   galactic war. Now, Hazel's fugitive family must risk
   everything to find a peaceful future in a harsh universe
   that values destruction over creation." -- Science fiction
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.S204S3 2014
Saga. -- Berkeley, CA : Image Comics, Inc., 2012- . -- col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Began with #1 (March 2012). -- Science
   fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1, 19-27 (2012-2015). --
   Call no.: PN6728.8 .I5S26
Les Mohamed / Jérôme Ruillier ; d'après le livre Mémoires
   d'Immigrés de Yamina Benguigui. -- Paris : Sarbacane, 2011.
   -- 285 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. -- Examines the lives of three
   generations of North African immigrants in France. -- Call
   no.: DC34.5.N67B4552 2011
Lost Raven / Darren G. Davis, writer ; Renato Arlem & Sean
   Murphy, pencilers. -- United States : BlueWater Comics, ca.
   2005. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Numbered "1" on
   spine. -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.A727L6
Negative Burn : Winter Special 2005 / edited by Joe Pruett. --
   Berkely, CA : Image Comics, 2005. -- 93 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
   -- "An Image/Desperado publication." -- Alternative genre.
   -- Call no.: PN6726.N38W5 2005
Planet Racers : a Graphic Novel / by Jim Lawson and Peter
   Laird. -- Haydenville, MA : Zeramayo Studios LLP,
   1997-2000. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 3 books. --
   Contents: bk. 1. Life cycle ; bk. 2. Off-season ; bk. 3.
   Janus rising. -- Science fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: bk.
   2. -- Call no.: PN6727.L255P55 1997
Omega Team / created by Ryan Schifrin ; written by Larry Hama
   ; pencils & inks by Adam Archer (#0, 2-4) & Tim Seeley
   (#1). -- Chicago, IL : Devil's Due Publishing, 2009. -- 1
   v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Spooks ; v. 2) -- Collecting
   issues 0-4 of the miniseries Spooks: Omega Team. -- Horror
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.A723S632 2009
Sacrifice / art and story by Drew Rausch ; written by Jocelyn
   Gajeway. -- San Diego, CA : Ape Entertainment, 2009. --
   Call no.: PN6727.R29S3 2009 -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   (Sullengrey ; 2) -- "Return to Autumn's Grove, a town where
   the dead don't stay buried, a scheming club promoter
   attempts to change the status quo, innocent girl scouts
   sell things far more disturbing than cookies, a landlord
   has trouble letting go of past sins, and being afraid could
   very well be the death of you." -- Horror genre.
Borrowed Magic / Dave Roman, writer ; John Green, artist. --
   San Francisco : Ait/Planetlar, 2002. -- 152 p. : ill. ; 26
   cm. -- (Jax Epoch and the Quicken Forbidden ; 1) --
   Originally published in comic book form as Quicken
   forbidden #'s 1-5. -- "What if, when Alice came back from
   Wonderland, Wonderland came back with her? That is the
   situation sixteen-year-old Jax Epoch faces when she falls
   through an interdimensional portal and steals some magic
   armor and a book older than time. Join Jax as she confronts
   her evil twin, gets dumped by her boyfriend, flies on a
   dragon through the streets of New York City, befriends a
   robot and awakes an unstoppable force of destruction known
   only as the Quicken." -- Fantasy genre. -- Call no:
   PN6727.G708Q5 1 998
Quicken Forbidden. v. 1 / by Dave Roman and John Green. --
   Virginia Beach, VA : Cryptic Press, 1998. -- 151 p. : ill.
   ; 26 cm. -- Originally published in comic book form as
   Quicken Forbidden #'s 1-5. -- Fantasy genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.G708Q5 1998
Blackshirt / story, Adi Tantimedh ; art, Diego Olmos ;
   letters, Nate Pride ; original Blackshirt created by Bruce
   Graeme. -- Calumet, IL : Moonstone, 2004. -- 1 v. : ill. ;
   26 cm. -- Detective genre. -- Call no.: PN6777 .O56B55 2004
Graeme, Bruce, 1900-
Doctor Atlantis. volume 1 / created by Ian Ally-Seals & Carl
   Mefferd. -- Hartford, CT : Rare Earth Comics, 2012. -- 1 v.
   : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Fantasy genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.M414D6 2012
Cyberforce : Assault with a Deadly Woman / Marc Silvestri,
   penciler/creator/co-plotter ; Eric Silvestri,
   writer/co-plotter ; Scott Williams, et al., inkers ; Joe
   Chiodo, Brian Haberlin, colors. -- Anaheim, Calif. : Image
   Comics, 1995. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Collected
   edition." -- Superheroine genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.C88A75

Scooby-Doo! Spooky Space-Out. -- Thornleigh, NSW : Otter Press
   Pty Ltd., 2013. -- 126 p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm. -- "14 out
   of this world stories." -- Funny horror and science fiction
   genres. -- Call no.: PN1992.77.S35S633 2013
Kuro Tsubaki / Kawasou Masumi. -- Tôkyô : Hakusensha, 2000- .
   -- ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Hana to Yume Comics) -- Girls' genre.
   -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 2-4 (2001-2003). -- Call no.: PN6790.J33
   K3894K8 2000
Kawasou, Masumi.
Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame / adapted from the film
   by Gina Ingoglia. -- New York : Disney Press, 1996. -- 75
   p. : col. ill. ; 20 cm. -- "Quasimodo longs to join the
   world beyond his gloomy bell tower, far from the influence
   of his evil guardian, Frollo. On the morning of the
   Festival of Fools, the lonely hunchback gets his chance.
   With the help of his comical gargoyle friends, Hugo,
   Victor, and Laverne, Quasimodo joins the crowd in the
   streets of Paris below. There he meets and falls in love
   with a beautiful gypsy girl named Esmeralda and is crowned
   King of Fools. But the celebration ends when Frollo learns
   of Quasimodo's escape from the cathedral and of his
   friendship with Esmeralda. Can Quasimodo find the courage
   to face Frollo's wrath once more, even to save Esmeralda?"
   -- Call no.: PN1997.H97 I54 1996b
The Gothic Scrolls. #1 / created, written, and illustrated by
   David Hernandez. -- Boca Raton, FL : Dadez Arts., Inc.,
   1997. -- Limited edition. -- 16 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   "August 1997." -- "Limited premier issue." -- Fantasy
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.D353G59 1997
The Green Vomit. -- Univ. City, Mo. : Bob Gale, 196?-1968. --
   col. ill. ; 28 cm. -- Ceased with no. 2 1/2 (Fall 1968). --
   A ditto stripzine.  -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
   2.5. -- Call no.: PN6728.35.G32G7
Gale, Bob, 1951-
The Great Outdoors Fun Book. -- United States : US Army Corps
   of Engineers, 1990s? -- 32 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- Comci book
   about family outdoor recreation. -- Call no.: GV182.8.G7
Griffith Observatory : the Classic Strips from 1977-1980 :
   with 16 previously uncollected pages / by Bill Griffith. --
   Seattle, WA : Fantagraphics Books, 1993. -- 48 p. : ill. ;
   28 cm. -- Underground genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.G745G7
Groo the Wanderer. -- Barcelona : Editorial Planeta-De
   Agostini, 1991- . -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Cover title:
   Sergio Aragonés Groo the Wanderer. -- Translations of Groo
   the Wanderer stories from English to Spanish. -- Fantasy
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6778.G74
Groovy Gravy. -- Annerley, QLD : Ponsonby Press, . -- ill. ;
   26 cm. -- Alternative genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 3.5
   (1993). -- Call no.: PN6790.A84G74
Ground Xero. -- Greenbrae, CA : Xero Comics, 1994- . -- Began
   with no. 1 (Oct. 1994). -- Publisher newsletter. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6714.X4G7
Dan Dunn, Secret Operative 48 and the Crime Master / by Norman
   Marsh. -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman Pub. Co., 1937. -- 424 p.
   : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Big Little Book ; 1171) -- "Based
   on the famous newspaper strip." -- Spy genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W47D242 1937
Pilot Pete and His Dive-Bomber / story by Gaylord Du Bois ;
   illustrated by Robert L. Jenney. -- Racine, Wi., The
   Whitman Publishing Company, 1941. -- 424 p. : ill. ; 12 cm.
   -- (The Better Little Book ; 1466) -- Military aviation
   adventure story genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.W47P48 1941
Stan Kent, Varsity Man / by William Heyliger ; illustrated by
   Louis G. Schroeder. -- Akron, Ohio : The Saalfield
   Publishing Company, 1936. -- (Saalfield Sports Books ; no.
   1123) -- "Published in co-operation with the Boy Scouts of
   America." -- "A Rocky Point story." -- Football prose
   fiction, outer format resembles a Big Little Book. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.S12S73 1936
Heyliger, William, 1884-1955.
Lions and Tigers with Clyde Beatty / with pictures from the
   Carl Laemmle production "The Big Cage" based on the story
   "The Big Cage" by Edward Anthony. -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman
   Publishing Company, 1934. -- 154 p. : ill. ; 14 cm. -- (The
   Big Little Book ; 653) -- About an animal trainer. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.W47L413 1934
Beatty, Clyde, 1903-1965.
Anthony, Edward, 1895-1971.
Terry and the Pirates Shipwrecked on a Desert Island / by
   Milton Caniff. -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman Pub. Co., 1938. --
   424 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Big Little Book ; 1412) --
   Adventure story genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.W47T368 1938
Just Kids and Deep-Sea Dan / by Ad Carter. -- Akron, Ohio :
   Saalfield Publishing, 1940. -- 392 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. --
   "Adapted from the famous newspaper comic strip." -- "1184."
   -- "A King Features Syndicate Release." -- Adventure story
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.S12J8 1940
Three Ladies Beside the Sea / Rhoda Levine ; drawings by
   Edward Gorey. -- New York, Atheneum, 1963. -- 34 p. : ill.
   (part col.) ; 19 x 22 cm. -- In verse. -- Call no.: PS3513
Union Pacific / retold by Eleanor Packer from the Paramount
   motion picture. -- Racine, WI : Whitman Publishing Company,
   1939. -- 236 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Better Little Book
   ; 1411) -- Illustrated with stills from the film on each
   recto. -- Western genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.W47U53 1939
Andy Panda and the Pirate Ghosts / by Walter Lantz. -- Racine,
   Wisconsin : Whitman Publishing Company, 1949. -- 286 p. :
   ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Better Little Book ; 1459) -- "From
   the famous motion picture cartoon. -- Funny animal genre.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.W47A57 1949
Peggy Brown and the Runaway Auto Trailer / by Kathryn
   Heisenfelt ; illustrated by Henry E. Vallely. -- Racine,
   Wis. : Whitman, 1937. -- 286 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Big
   Little Book ; 1427) -- Detective genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W47P39 1937
Erik Noble and the Forty-Niners / by Lloyd E. Smith ;
   illustrated by B. McNaughton. -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman
   Publishing Co., 1934. -- 378 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Big
   Little Book ; 772) -- Historical genre, about the
   California gold rush. -- Call no.: PN6728.W47E7 1934
Buck Rogers 25th Century A.D. vs. the Fiend of Space / by Phil
   Nowlan and Dick Calkins. -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman, 1940.
   -- 424 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Better Little Book ;
   1409) -- "Based on the famous newspaper strip." -- Science
   fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.W47B825 1940
Jazz / illustrated by Tamotsu Takamure ; story by Sakae Maeda.
   -- Gardena, CA : Digital Manga Publishing, 2003-2005. --
   ill. ; 21 cm. -- (June) -- Complete in 4 volumes. -- "Yaoi
   manga." -- Romance genre, with gay men. -- LIBRARY HAS: v.
   1. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 T31473J313 2005
Takamure, Tamotsu.
Maeda, Sakae.
Flash Gordon and the Tyrant of Mongo / by Alex Raymond ; based
   on the famous newspaper strip. -- Racine, Wi. : The Whitman
   Pub. Co., 1941. -- 424 p. : ill ; 12 cm. -- (The Better
   Little Book ; 1484) -- With flip animation corners. --
   Science fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.W47F54 1941
Buck Rogers in the City of Floating Globes / written by Phil
   Nowlan ; illustrated by Lt. Dick Calkins. -- Racine,
   Wisconsin : Whitman Publishing Company, 1935. -- 254 p. :
   ill. ; 11 cm. -- (The Big Little Book) -- Cocomalt
   advertising. -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W47B805 1935
Flash Gordon in the Ice World of Mongo / by Alex Raymond. --
   Racine, Wis. : Whitman Publishing Company, 1942. -- 424 p.
   : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Better Little Book ; 1443) --
   "Based on the famous newspaper strip."-- Includes flip
   animation corners. -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W47F544 1942
Flash Gordon and the Power Men of Mongo / based on newspaper
   strip by Alex Raymond. -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman Publishing
   Company, 1943. -- 346 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Better
   Little Book ; 1469) -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W47F536 1943
Flash Gordon and the Red Sword Invaders : based on the famous
   newspaper strip / by Alex Raymond. -- Racine, Wis. :
   Whitman Pub. Co., 1945. -- 346 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The
   Better Little Book ; 1479) --Science fiction genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.W47F538 1945
Flash Gordon and the Witch Queen of Mongo / by Alex Raymond.
   -- Racine, WI : The Whitman Pub. Co., 1936. -- 424 p. :
   ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Big Little Books ; 1190) -- "Based on
   the famous adventure strip." -- Science fiction genre. --
   Call no.: PN6728.W47F542 1936
Flash Gordon in the Jungles of Mongo / based on newspaper
   strip by Alex Raymond. -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman Publishing
   Company, 1947. -- 346 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Better
   Little Book ; 1424) -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W47F546 1947
Flash Gordon in the Water World of Mongo / by Alex Raymond. --
   Racine, WI : Whitman Pub. Co., 1937. -- 424 p. : ill. ; 12
   cm. -- (The Big little book ; 1407) -- "Based on the famous
   adventure strip. -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W47F548 1937
Canteen Kate. -- New York : St. John Pub. Co., 1952. -- col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (June 1952) - no. 3 (Nov.
   1952). -- Funny military genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 3. --
   Call no.: PN6728.2.S3C3
Bart Simpson. -- Thomleigh, NSW, Australia : Otter Press, . --
   col. ill. ; 24 cm. -- Bongo Comics logo on cover. -- Funny
   kid genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 53 (2013). -- Call no.:
Takeko-san no Koibito / Mochizuki Reiko. -- Tôkyô : Kodansha,
   1990s. -- ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Kodansya Comics Kiss = Kôdansha
   Komikkusu Kisu) -- Complete in 12 vols. -- Romance genre.
   -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 11 (1995). -- Call no.: PN6790.J33
   M5693T3 1990z
Mochizuki, Reiko.
Humbug. -- New York : Humbug Publishing Co., 1957-1958. --
   ill. ; 28 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Aug. 1957) - no. 10 (Oct.
   1958). -- Harvey Kurtzman, editor. -- Parody genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-10. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.H8H8
Astro City : Dark Age. -- La Jolla, CA : WildStorm
   Productions, 2005. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Book one." --
   Complete in 4 nos. -- Cover title: Astro City : the Dark
   Age. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-4. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.7.W5A76 2005
Astro City : Dark Age. -- La Jolla, CA : WildStorm
   Productions, 2005. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Book two". --
   Complete in 4 nos. -- Cover title: Astro City : the Dark
   Age. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-4. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.7.W5A762 2005
Ultimate Human. -- New York : Marvel Publishing, 2008. -- col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 4 nos. -- Superhero genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-4. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.M3U42 2008
Ms Mystic. -- New York : Continuity Publishing, 1993-1994. --
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Oct. 1993) - no. 4
   (Jan. 1994), cf. Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide. --
   Superheroine genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-4. -- Call no.:
John Carter : the World of Mars. -- New York : Marvel
   Worldwide, Inc., 2011-2012. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   (Marvel Limited Series) -- Cover title: John Carter : World
   of Mars. -- "The official prequel to Disney's highly
   anticipated film John Carter." -- Complete in 4 nos. --
   Science fiction. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-4. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.8.M3J58 2011
Ground Zero. -- Westlake, CA : Eternity Comics, 1991.  -- ill.
   ; 26 cm. -- Published #1 (Oct. 1991) - #2 (Nov. 1991). --
   Science fiction genre.-- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-2. -- Call no.:
Growing Older But Not Up. -- St. Louis, MO : Randy Linder, .
   -- 28 cm. -- (Zapped Bandit Publication) -- An apazine for
   CAPA-alpha. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 20 (1987). -- Call no.:
Grrrl Squad. -- Battle Creek, Mich. : Amazing Aaron
   Productions, 1999- . -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Began with no. 1
   (Mar. 1999). -- Superheroine genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.6.A434G7
The Guardian. -- Bristol, CT : Spectrum Comics, 1984. -- col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Mar. 1984) - no. 2 (June
   1984). -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 2. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.55.S63G8
Guest of Honor : Harlan Ellison. -- Downers Grove, IL :
   Chicago Comicon, 1994. -- 24 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. -- "10,000
   free copies distributed at the Chicago Comicon, July 1994."
   -- Tributes by J. Michael Straczynski, Stan Lee, Robert
   Weinberg, Robert Bloch, Edward Bryant, Martin Nodell, Peter
   David, Neil Gaiman, Maggie Thompson, Julius Schwartz, Marv
   Wolfman, Ray Bradbury, Bob Schreck, and Susan Ellison. --
   Call no.: PN6727.E39Z5 1994
Chicago Comicon (19th : 1994)
The Guide : the Overstreet Comic Book Price Update. --
   Timonium, Md : Gemstone Publishing, 1997- . -- ill. ; 26
   cm. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1, no. 1. -- Call no.: Z1000.C55G8
Gulf Peace Team : the Story so Far / researched, written and
   drawn by Dave Thorpe and Aidan Potts. -- London : The Gulf
   Peace Team, 1991. -- 8 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- Other title:
   The Story of the Gulf Peace Team. -- About pacifism and the
   Persian Gulf War. -- Call no.: DS79.72.T47 1991
Thorpe, Dave, 1954-
Persian Gulf War, 1991.
Gun Dog Comics. -- Starkville, MS : Gun Dog Comics, Publishing
   Division, 1996. -- 32 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- "One-shot
   special #1." -- "#1, January 1996." -- Contents: "Rule of
   Thumb" / written & illustrated by Eric Yonge. -- Science
   fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.G8G8 1996
Guns of the Dragon / by Tim Truman. -- New York : DC Comics,
   1998-1999. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 4 nos. --
   Characters featured on covers: Enemy Ace, Bat Lash, Biff
   Bradley, Vandal Savage, Miss Fear, Kung. -- Adventure story
   genre. -- LIBR ARY HAS: no. 1-4. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.6.D3G78 1998
Guns of Shar-Pei. -- Plymouth, MI : Caliber Press, 1991- . --
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- To be complete in 3 nos. -- Fantasy and
   funny animal genres. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.6.C3G8 1991
Inspector Wade and the Feathered Serpent / adapted from novels
   by Edgar Wallace. -- Akron, Ohio : The Saalfield Publishing
   Company, 1940. -- 392 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- "A King
   Features Syndicate release." -- "1194". -- Detective genre.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.S12 I5 1940
Ella Cinders and the Mysterious House / by Bill Conselman and
   Charlie Plumb. -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman Pub. Co., 1934. --
   424 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Big Little Book ; 1106) --
   Detective genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.W47E4 1934
G Men on the Job / by Dick Blair ; illustrated by Milt
   Youngren. -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman Publishing Company,
   1935. -- 424 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Big Little Book ;
   1168) -- Detective genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.W47G16 1935
Buck Rogers in the City Below the Sea / by H. Dick Calkins and
   Phil. Nowlan. -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman Publishing Company,
   1934. -- 314 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Big Little Book ;
   765) -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.W47.B804
Buck Rogers in the Twenty-Fifth Century A.D. / by Lt. Dick
   Calkins and Phil Nowlan. -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman
   Publishing Co., 1933. -- 200 p. : ill. ; 11 cm. -- (The Big
   Little Book) -- Cover title: Buck Rogers 25th Century A.D
   -- Advertisements for Cocomalt. -- Science fiction genre..
   -- Call no.: PN6728.W47B807 1933b
Buck Rogers in the Twenty-Fifth century A. D. / by Dick
   Calkins and Phil Nowlan. -- Racine, Wisconsin : Whitman
   Publishing Company, 1933. -- 314 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The
   Big Little Book ; 742) -- Cover title: Buck Rogers 25th
   Century A.D. -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W47B807 1933
Buck Rogers on the Moons of Saturn / written by Phil Nowlan ;
   Illustrated by Lt. Dick Calkins. -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman
   Publishing Company, 1934. -- 314 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The
   Big Little Book ; 1143) -- Science fiction genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.W47B812 1934
Wonder Book of Rubber. -- Akron : B. F. Goodrich, 1967? -- 32
   p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- A comic book describing the
   history and production of natural and artificial rubber. --
   Chronology on page 30 ends with the year 1967. --
   Educational genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.25.G6W6 1967
Buck Rogers on the Moons of Saturn / written by Phil Nowlan ;
   illustrated by Lt. Dick Calkins. -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman
   Publishing Company, 1934. -- 274 p. : ill. ; 11 cm. -- (The
   Big Little Book) -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W47B812 1934b
Flash Gordon and the Perils of Mongo / by Alex Raymond. --
   Racine, Wis. : Whitman Publishing Company. 1940. -- 424 p.
   : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Better Little Book ; 1423) --
   "Based on the famous newspaper strip." -- Science fiction
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.W47F535 1940
Flash Gordon and the Fiery Desert of Mongo / by Alex Raymond.
   -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman Publishing Company, 1948. -- 286
   p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Better Little Book ; 1447) --
   "Based on the famous newspaper strip." -- Science fiction
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.W47F534 1948
Flash Gordon and the Tournaments of Mongo / by Alex Raymond.
   -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman Publishing Co., 1935. -- 425 p. :
   ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The Big Little Book ; 1171) -- Science
   fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.W47F539 1935
Flash Gordon in the Forest Kingdom of Mongo / by Alex Raymond.
   -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman Publishing Company, 1938. -- 424
   p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (      The Better Little Book ; 1492)
   --"Based on the famous adventure strip." -- Science fiction
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.W47F543 1938
Flash Gordon on the Planet Mongo / by Alex Raymond. -- Racine,
   Wi. : Whitman Publishing Company, 1934. -- 314 p. : ill. ;
   12 cm. -- (The Big Little Book ; 1110) -- Science fiction
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.W47F549 1934
Flash Gordon and the Ape Men of Mor / by Alex Raymond. -- New
   York : Dell Publishing Company, 1942. -- 192 p. : ill. ; 14
   cm. -- (A Fast-Action Story) -- "Based on the famous
   newspaper strip." -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.F55A63 1942
Flash Gordon vs the Emperor of Mongo / by Alex Raymond. -- New
   York : Dell Publishing Company, 1936. -- 240 p. : ill. ; 13
   cm. -- (A Fast-Action Story) -- Science fiction genre. --
   Call no.: PN6728.F55V4 1936
Tales of Demon Dick and Bunker Bill / by Spencer. -- Racine,
   Wis. : Whitman Pub. Co., 1934. -- 77 p. : ill. ; 13 x 27
   cm. -- Comics with caption text in verse. -- Western genre.
   -- Call no.: PN6727.S598T3 1934
Spencer, Dick.
The Erotic Drawings of Anton Kannemeyer / with an essay by
   Antijie Krog. -- Cape Town : Stevenson, 2014. -- 102 p. :
   col. ill. ; 24 cm. -- Call no.: PN6790.S63 K3E7 2014
Der Slipper / Hykade-Lickleder. -- Nürnberg : Alpha-Comic
   Verlag, 1992. -- 47 p. : col. ill. ; 30 cm. -- (U-Comix
   Präsentiert) -- Alternative genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6757.H9S63 1993
Hykade, Andreas, 1968-
Lickleder, Martin.
Auf den Spuren des Bongo / Jano ; Übers.: Messa Jokke und Paul
   Hugues Loth. -- Kiel : Semmel Verlach, 1992. -- 50 p. :
   col. ill. ; 29 cm. -- (Ein Abenteuer mit Kebla) --
   Translation from French of Sur la Piste du Bongo. --
   Adventure story and funny a nimal genres. -- Call no.:
   PN6747.J3S815 1992
The Los Comex Codex / by Javier Hernandez. -- Whittier, CA :
   Los Comex, 2013. -- 136 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- Contents:
   Cracking the codex ; Weapon Tex-Mex versus El Muerto ;
   Man-swamp ; Manga Muerto: a day at the beach ; The coma ;
   Dead Dinosaurio ; Epilogue ; Biography & acknowledgements ;
   In memoriam. -- Fantasy and alternative genres. -- Call
   no.: PN6727.H412L6 2013
L'Épervier Bleu : Territoires Interdits / Sirius. -- Belgium :
   Dupuis, 1986. -- 144 p. : col. ill. ; 30 cm. -- Contents:
   Dossier épervier bleu ; La vallée interdite ; Point zéro ;
   La planète silencieuse. -- Collects stories in the series
   L'Épervier Bleu as first published in 3 albums in 1954, and
   prepublished in Spirou 649 to 769 (1950-1953). -- Adventure
   story genre. -- Call no.: PN6790.N43 S48E6306 1986
What a Guy! : What's the Latest? / Bill Hoest. -- New York :
   TOR, 1990. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 18 cm. -- "A Tom Doherty
   Associates book." -- Rich kid genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W455W47 1990
FIX 090
DCU : Legacies. -- New York, N.Y. : DC Comics, 2010-2011. --
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 10 numbers. -- Presents
   the 75-year history of the DC universe. -- Superhero genre.
   -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-10. -- Call no.: PN6728.8.D3D225 2010
Ascension. -- Fullerton, CA : Image Comics, 1997-2000. -- col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published Oct. 1997- no. 22 (Mar. 2000).
   -- An issue number 0 (=vol. 1,0") is dated June 1997. --
   Top Cow logo. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 0-22.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.6 .I45A75
Mortadelo y Filemón : Deportes de Espanto / F. Ibáñez. --
   Barcelona : Ediciones B, 1998. -- 46 p. : col. ill. ; 30
   cm. -- (Magos del Humor) -- Call no.: PN6777 .I2M608 1998
Simpsons Comics. -- Thomleigh, NSW, Australia : Otter Press, .
   -- col. ill. ; 24 cm. -- Bongo Comics logo on cover. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 181 (2013). -- Call no.: PN6790.A84S5
Ns' Aoi = Nâsu Aoi = Nurse Aoi / Koshino Ryô. -- Tôkyô :
   Kodansha, 2007- . -- ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Môningu KC) --
   Medical drama. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 28 (2010) -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 K6227N8 2007
Koshino, Ryô.
The Argonauts. -- Newbury Park, CA : Eternity Comics,
   1988-1989. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (July 1988)
   - no. 4 (June 1989), per Grand Comics Database. -- Science
   fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-4. -- Call no.:
Batman, Legends of the Dark Knight. -- New York : DC Comics,
   1992-2007. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 37 (Sept.
   1992) - no. 214 (Mar. 2007). -- An issue 0 (zero) is dated
   Oct. 1994. -- Continues: Legends of the Dark Knight. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 0; 37-214. -- Call no.: PN6728.5.D3L367
Guts, the Magazine with Intestinal Fortitude. -- LA, Calif. :
   Rob & Jeff Gluckson, 1967- . -- Began with no. 1 (Aug.
   1967). -- A fanzine about comics. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1, 4
   (1967-1968). -- Call no.: PN6725.G83
Gutter-Rat. -- Plymouth, Mi : Gauntlet Comics, 1993. -- ill.
   (red & black) ; 26 cm. -- Published v. 1, no. 1 only. --
   Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1, no. 1. -- Call no.:
Gyre : Traditions & Interruptions / words, Martin Shipp ;
   pictures, Marc Laming. -- London : Abaculus, 1998. -- 8 p.
   : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Illustrated prose. -- Call no.:
   PN6738.G9T7 1998
Laming, Marc, 1968-
HVE 2010 Preview. -- Berkeley, CA : Image Comics, Inc., 2010.
   -- 20 p. : ill. ; 2010. -- Cover title: HVE 2011 preview.
   -- Other titles: Top Cow and Heroes and Villains 2011
   Preview ; Heroes and Villains Entertainment Preview. --
   "July 2010." -- "Featuring Epoch, Son of Merlin, and
   Netherworld." -- "San Diego ComicCon International." --
   Mainly text. -- Numbered "1" on cover. -- Fantasy genre. --
   Call no.: PN6728.8 .I5H2 2010
Hoax Hunters : Case Files. -- Berkeley, CA : Image Comics,
   Inc., 2013. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published #1 (June
   2013) only. -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.8 .I5H572
Heroic 5. -- United States? : First Strike Comics, 2012- . --
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Began with issue 0 (July 2012). --
   Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 0. -- Call no.:
Hit-Monkey. -- New York : Marvel Worldwide, Inc., 2010. --
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Marvel Limited Series) -- Complete
   in 3 nos. -- Funny animal genre, about an assassin. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 3. -- Call no.: PN6728.8.M3H532 2010
Harvest. -- Berkeley, Calif. : Image Comics, Inc., 2012-2013.
   -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 5 nos. -- Horror
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 4-5. -- Call no.: PN6728.8
   .I5H34 2012
Mélange Funeste / Edward Gorey. -- New York : Gotham Book
   Mart, 1981. -- 16 leaves : all ill. ; 17 cm. -- Leaves cut
   in three horizontal sections to allow reader to construct
   various composite illustrations. -- "Limited to five
   hundred and twenty-six copies. Five hundred copies numbered
   1-500 are for sale. All copies are signed by the artist."
   -- Call no.: PS3513 .O614M4 1981
Terreur sur le Kansas / scénario, Jean-Michel Charlier ;
   dessins, Colin Wilson ; couleurs, Janet Gale. -- Belgium :
   Editions Dupuis, 1992. -- 48 p. : col. ill. ; 30 cm. -- (La
   Jeunesse de Blueberry ; 2) -- (Repérages Dupuis) -- Western
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6747.C44T4 1992
Globe Trotters / par Roba. -- Marcinelle-Charleroi, Belgium :
   Dupuis, 1982. -- 46 p. : col. ill. ; 30 cm. -- (Boule et
   Bill ; 19) -- Funny kid and funny animal genres. -- Call
   no.: PN6747.R59B6019 1982
Pandora's Eyes / Milo Manara, art ; Vincenzo Cerami, script ;
   Hicham Benkirane, translator ; Bob Silva, US edition editor
   ; Jerry Frissen, graphic designer. -- Hollywood, CA :
   Humanoids, 2010. -- 62 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- "Moments after
   completing anger-management therapy, the beautiful
   18-year-old Pandora is kidnapped and sedated. Pandora wakes
   up to find herself in the crime-ridden alleys of a
   Kurdistan town. As she struggles to survive, Pandora
   discovers a dark element from her mysterious past that will
   change her life forever." -- Adventure story genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6767.M36P2613 2010
Cerami, Vincenzo, 1940-2013.
La Déesse aux Yeux de Jade / Dieter ; Plessix ; couleurs de
   Isabelle Rabarot. -- Toulouse : Editions Milan, 1988. -- 46
   p. : col. ill. ; 30 cm. -- Adventure story genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6747.P547D4 1988
L'Épervier Bleu / F. Walthéry. -- Belgium : Dupuis, 2014. --
   48 p. : col. ill. ; 30 cm. -- (Natacha ; 22) -- Adventure
   story genre. -- Call no.: PN6747.W3N322 2014
Captain Marvel and the Return of the Scorpion. -- Greenwich,
   Conn. : Fawcett Publications, Inc., 1941. -- 192 p. : ill.
   ; 14 cm. -- (Dime Action Book) -- Cover title: Capt. Marvel
   : Return of the Scorpion. -- "Based on the famous character
   from Whiz Comics." -- Text with full-page pictures on each
   recto. -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.C3R4 1941
Buck Rogers and the Depth Men of Jupiter / written by Phil
   Nowlan ; drawn by Dick Calkins. -- Racine, Wis. : Whitman
   Publishing Company, 1935. -- 422 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. -- (The
   Big Little Book ; 1169) -- Science fiction genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.W47B803 1935
Buck Rogers 25th Century A.D. and the Overturned World /
   written by Phil Nowlan ; illustrated by LT Dick Calkins ;
   based on the famous newspaper strip. -- Racine, Wis. :
   Whitman Publishing Company, 1941. -- 424 p. : ill. ; 12 cm.
   -- (The Big Little Book ; 1474) -- Includes flip animation
   corners. -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W47B816 1941
$19.95 / story and colors by Carla Rodríguez ; illustrations
   and colors by Rosa Colón. -- San Juan : Soda Pop Comics,
   2007. -- 8 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Girls' and
   alternative genres. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.S59N5 2007
Buck Rogers 25th Century A.D. and the Planetoid Plot / written
   by Phil Nolan ; drawn by Lt. Dick Calkins. -- Racine, Wis.:
   Whitman Publishing Co., 1936. -- 424 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. --
   (The Big Little Book ; 1197) -- Spine title: Buck Rogers
   and the Planetoid Plot. -- Science fiction genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.W47B818 1936
Buck Rogers 25th Century A.D. and the Doom Comet / written by
   Phil Nolan ; drawn by Lt. Dick Calkins. -- Racine, Wis. :
   Whitman Publishing Co., 1935. -- 414 p. : ill. ; 12 cm. --
   (The Big Little Book ; 1178) -- Spine title: Buck Rogers
   and the Doom Comet. -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W47B814 1935
Is This Tomorrow : America under Communism! -- St. Paul, Minn.
   : Catechetical Guild Educational Society, 1947. -- 48 p. :
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Library also holds a black and white
   photocopy, with color copies of variant covers. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.25.C3 I75 1947
Bay City Jive. -- La Jolla, CA : WildStorm Productions, 2001.
   -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 3 nos. -- Takes place
   in San Francisco in the 1970s. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-3. --
   Call no.: PN6728.7 .I5B34
Beast Boy. -- New York : DC Comics, 2000. -- col. ill. ; 26
   cm. -- Complete in 4 nos. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: no. 1-4. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.D3B38 2000
Astro City : Dark Age. -- La Jolla, CA : WildStorm
   Productions, 2009. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Book three."
   -- Complete in 4 nos. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS:
   no. 1-4. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.W5A763 2009
Avengers Prime. -- New York : Marvel Worldwide, 2010-2011. --
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Marvel Limited Series) -- Complete
   in 5 numbers. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-5.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.8.M3A95 2010
The Hood : Blood from Stones / writer, Brian K. Vaughan ;
   pencils, Kyle Hotz ; inks, Eric Powell ; colors, Brian
   Haberlin ; letters, Randy Gentile & Dave Sharpe. -- New
   York : Marvel Publishing, Inc., 2007. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ;
   27 cm. -- "Contains material originally published in
   magazine form as The Hood #1-6." -- "Explicit content." --
   Summary (from SkyRiver): Short on cash, short on talent,
   and short on prospects, Parker Robbins makes his living on
   two-bit heists and petty robbery. With a pregnant
   girlfriend and an invalid mother, his future seems grim
   until he finds an enchanted cloak with seemingly unlimited
   powers. Armed with powers of invisibility and flight, he
   swipes a cache of rare diamonds, but discovers that the
   cloak's powers have strings attached. Now both sides of the
   law are gunning for him: the FBI want to recover the
   diamonds, and the other criminals want to stake their
   claim. -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.H665H6 2007
Body Bags : Father's Day / story and art: Jason Pearson ;
   inking assist: Jason Martin ; lettering Ken Bruzenak ;
   colors, Jason Pearson, Lovern Kindzierski, Dan Brown. --
   Milwaukie, OR : Dark Horse Comics, 1997. -- 1 v. : col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- "This book collects issues one through
   four of the Dark Horse comic-book series Body Bags." --
   Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.P393B6 1997
Pearson, Jason, 1969-
Theories of Violence / story and art. Jason Pearson. --
   Berkeley, CA : Image Comics, Inc., 2012. -- 1 v. : col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Body Bags ; v. 2) -- Logo of 12-Gauge
   Comics. -- "Collects the sold out & hard to find stories:
   One shot ; Hit da switches ; World destroyer ; Well, it's
   about time!" -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.P393T47 2012
Funny Thing Happened Today / story and art, Gabriel Dunston.
   -- United States : Gabriel Dunston, 2011. -- 120 p. : ill.
   ; 23 cm. -- Autobiographical genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.D84F8 2011
Mandinko. -- Milano : GEIS, 1975. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 18 cm. --
   (Collana Tabù ; n. 25) -- "Fumetti per adulti." -- Call
   no.: PN6768.T26M3 1975
Space Detective. -- New York : I.W. Enterprises, 1958. -- col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (1958) and no. 8 (1958),
   per Grand Comics Database. -- Science fiction genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 8. -- Call no.: PN6728.2 .I2S64
Murder Tales. -- New York : World Famous Periodicals,
   1970-1971. -- ill. ; 28 cm. -- Published no. 10 (Nov.
   1970)- no. 11 (Jan. 1971). -- Detective genre. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: no. 11. -- Call no.: PN6728.4.W63M8
Monsters to Laugh with. -- New York : Non-Pareil Pub. Corp.,
   1964-1965. -- ill. ; 28 cm. -- Published no. 1 - no. 3. --
   Continued by: Monsters Unlimited. -- Stills from horror
   films to which humorous word balloons are added. -- "By
   Stan Lee." -- Funny horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-3.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.3.M3M6
Robin Hood's Frontier Days. -- St. Louis, Missouri : The Brown
   Shoe Company, 1956. -- 16 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Shoe
   store giveaway. -- "B.S.C.B.#1" on first page probably
   translates: Brown Shoe Comic Book #1. -- Contents: "One
   Second to Doom" (The Lawmen) 6 p. ; "Desperate Decision"
   (The Lawmen) 6 p. --; "Wyatt Earp" ; "Bat Masterson" ; "X.
   Beideler" ; "Bill Tilghman": 1 p. illustrated text each. --
   Western genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.25.B7R6 1956
Santiago. -- New York : Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1956. -- 32
   p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "No. 723" in the Four Color
   series. -- Based on the motion picture. -- Story involves
   gun runners and a revolution in Cuba. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.2.D4S28 1956
Guida al Fumetto Italiano : Autori, Personaggi, Storie / Marco
   Prandi, Paolo Ferrari ; introduzione, Luca Raffaelli. --
   Bologna : Odoya, 2014. -- 478 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Odoya
   Library ; 158) -- Includes bibliographical references (p.
   [449]-451) and index. -- A book about Italian comics. --
   Call no.: PN6765.P68 2014
The World and Warren's Cartoons / Walter Consuelo Langsam. --
   Hicksville, N.Y. : Exposition Press, 1977. -- 302 p. : ill.
   ; 24 cm. -- (An Exposition-Banner Book) -- Includes a
   selection of L. D. Warren's editorial cartoons originally
   published in the Cincinnati enquirer. -- Call no.: D840.L28
Langsam, Walter Consuelo, 1906-
Warren, Leonard Deakyne, 1906-1992.
Le Siècle des Lumières en Bande Dessinée : de Poudre et de
   Dentelles / sous la direction de Paul Chopelin et Tristan
   Martine. -- Paris : Éditions Karthala, 2014. -- 341 p. :
   ill. ; 22 cm. -- (Collection Esprit BD) -- Includes
   bibliographical references. -- A book about historical
   comics and the Enlightenment. -- Call no.: PN6714.S52 2014
Superchicks : a Guide to TV's Wonder Woman and Isis / Billie
   Rae Bates. -- United States? : BRBglobal, 2012. -- 312 p. :
   ill. ; 23 cm. -- "Book 4 in the BRBTV fact book series." --
   Call no.: PN6728.W62 Z5B3 2012
Anime : a History / Jonathan Clements. -- London : BFI book
   published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. -- 250 p. : ill.
   (some col.) ; 25 cm. -- Includes bibliographical references
   and index. -- A book about Japanese animation. -- Call no.:
   NC1766.J3C53 2013
Clements, Jonathan, 1971-
Auf der Flucht : die Welt als Superhelden-Comic und Heftroman
   / Hagen Bonn. -- Bonn : Pahl-Rugenstein, 2011. -- 151 p. ;
   20 cm. -- Includes bibliographical references (pages
   148-151). -- A book about superheroes. -- Call no.:
   PN56.5.H45B66 2011
Battle-Armor. -- Newbury Park, CA : Eternity Comics,
   1988-1989. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Oct. 1988)
   - no. 3 (June 1989), per Grand Comics Database. -- Science
   fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-3. -- Call no.:
Simpsons Comics Get Some Fancy Book Learnin'. -- Thornleigh,
   NSW, Australia : Otter Press Pty Ltd, 2013. -- 142 p. :
   col. ill. ; 21 cm. -- "Collects Simpsons Comics 62, 70, 76,
   126 and 148." -- Contents: Greek to me ; Aesop's fables ;
   Pandora Jr. ; Humpty dumped ; Hans across America ; 1001
   Arabian nuts ; Bard boiled ; Bible stories. -- Summary
   (from SkyRiver): Features the Simpsons family in classic
   literature including Greek mythology, Bible stories,
   Shakespeare and fairy tales. -- Call no.: PN6790.A84 S5G4
Shima Shima / Yamazaki Sayaka. -- Tôkyô : Kodansha, 2008- .
   -- ill. ; 19 cm. -- (Môningu KC) -- Complete in 12 vols. --
   Romance genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 10 (2010).-- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 Y18S47 2008
Yamazaki, Sayaka.
Hot Shots : Avengers. -- New York : Marvel Comics, 1995. -- 4
   sheets : col. ill. ; fold. to 26 cm. -- "October 1995." --
   Posters. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.M3H64 1995
Hotspur / Idee, Ostrander-Truman ; Texter, John Ostrander ;
   Zeichner, Karl Waller ; Übersetzer, Georg Tempel ;
   Letterer, Karl-Heinz Kneissl. -- Ludwigshafen : NC-Comics,
   1988. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- To have been complete in 3
   numbers, of which only Nr. 1 was published. -- Fantasy
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: Nr. 1. -- Call no.: PN6758.H64 1988
House of Mystery. 1 : Millennium Edition. -- New York : DC
   Comics, 2000. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm -- (DC Comics
   Millennium Editions) -- (Vertigo) -- "Originally published
   as House of Mystery 1 Dec. 1951 - Jan. 1952." -- "The debut
   of DC's premier horror comic." -- Contents: "I Fell in Love
   with a Witch!" / pencils by Curt Swan, inks by Ray Burnley
   ; "Man or Monster?" / art by Bob Brown ; "The Ghost of
   Paris!" / art by Bob Brown ; "The Curse of Seabury Manor" ;
   "There Are No Such Things as Ghosts"* (Casey the Cop) /
   story and art by Henry Boltinoff ; "Wanda Was a Werewolf!"
   / art by John Prentice ; "Superstitious Lover!" / art by
   Morris Waldinger. -- Horror genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.7.D3H578 2000
"I Fell in Love with a Witch!" / pencils by Curt Swan, inks by
   Ray Burnley. 8 p. in House of Mystery, no. 1 (Dec./Jan.
   1951/1952) ; reprinted in House of Mystery 1 : Millennium
   Edition (New York : DC Comics, 2000). -- Begins: "She was
   beautiful! But her beauty was like that of a storm-lashed
   sea, for in it was the power to destroy!" -- Call no.: Film
   15791r.298. Call no.: PN6728.7.D3H578 2000
"Man or Monster?" / art by Bob Brown. 8 p. in House of
   Mystery, no. 1 (Dec./Jan. 1951/1952) ; reprinted in House
   of Mystery 1 : Millennium Edition (New York : DC Comics,
   2000). -- First caption: "IN this streamlined 20th Century
   of wonder drugs, jet plans, and the atom, can such things
   happen? Can fiction become dread fact? Can a decent,
   law-abiding doctor turn demon?" -- Call no.: Film
   15791r.298. Call no.: PN6728.7.D3H578 2000
"The Ghost of Paris!" / art by Bob Brown. 1 p. in House of
   Mystery, no. 1 (Dec./Jan. 1951/1952) ; reprinted in House
   of Mystery 1 : Millennium Edition (New York : DC Comics,
   2000). -- About a haunting in Paris, Missouri. -- Call no.:
   Film 15791r.298. Call no.: PN6728.7.D3H578 2000
"The Curse of Seabury Manor" 4 p. in House of Mystery, no. 1
   (Dec./Jan. 1951/1952) ; reprinted in House of Mystery 1 :
   Millennium Edition (New York : DC Comics, 2000). -- Begins:
   "Seabury Manor! Forbidding relic of the past, where, for
   100 years, three corpses lay buried under a damp cellar, in
   silent testimony to the murderous heart of its original and
   only inhabitant, Silas Seabury!" -- Call no.: Film
   15791r.298. Call no.: PN6728.7.D3H578 2000
"There Are No Such Things as Ghosts"* (Casey the Cop) / story
   and art by Henry Boltinoff. in House of Mystery, no. 1
   (Dec./Jan. 1951/1952) ; reprinted in House of Mystery 1 :
   Millennium Edition (New York : DC Comics, 2000). -- Begins:
   "I don't believe that story Al. There are no such things as
   ghosts." -- Set in an amusement park house of horrors. --
   Call no.: Film 15791r.298. Call no.: PN6728.7.D3H578 2000
"Wanda Was a Werewolf!" / art by John Prentice. 8 p. in House
   of Mystery, no. 1 (Dec./Jan. 1951/1952) ; reprinted in
   House of Mystery 1 : Millennium Edition (New York : DC
   Comics, 2000). -- Begins: "There is a saying that every man
   has one tale of unforgettable terror within his soul." --
   Call no.: Film 15791r.298. Call no.: PN6728.7.D3H578 2000
"Superstitious Lover!" / art by Morris Waldinger. 1 p. in
   House of Mystery, no. 1 (Dec./Jan. 1951/1952) ; reprinted
   in House of Mystery 1 : Millennium Edition (New York : DC
   Comics, 2000). -- Begins: "An Ozark story, which goes back
   to colonial days, tells of a young man, who, as he rode
   away from his sweetheart's house at midnight, heard her
   call out, 'I'll be with you all the way home!'" -- Call
   no.: Film 15791r.298. Call no.: PN6728.7.D3H578 2000
How to Find God in Ordinary Household Objects / by C.
   Malkasian. -- United States : Robot Publishing Co., 1991.
   -- 30 p. : ill. ; 14 cm. -- "A practical guide for the
   armchair bodhissattva." -- New wave genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.M313H6 1991
How to Improve Your Tennis / consultant: Harry "Cap" Leighton.
   -- Chicago : Athletic Institute, 1960s? -- 83 p. : ill. ;
   22 cm. -- "Unit five," p. 53-71, includes cartooned
   sequences drawn by Betty Daggett. -- Call no.: GV990.A85
How to Play Forward (Defensive) / by David Keon. -- Canada :
   Coca-Cola Ltd., 1966. -- 31 p. : col. ill. ; 89 x 126 mm.
   -- "Produced for your local bottler of Coca-Cola by Ganes
   Productions Limited." -- Educational genre, about hockey.
   -- Call no.: PN6734.H64 1966
Keon, David, 1940-
Hurt Me! : Drawings / by Ulana. -- Portland, OR : Primal
   Groove Press, 1995. -- 12 p. : all ill. ; 19 cm. -- Preface
   signed: Ulana Zahajkewycz. -- New wave genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.55.P713H8 1995
Huvudbladet. -- Stockholm : Huvudbladet, . -- ill. ; 40 cm. --
   An underground newspaper with comics or cartoons on most
   pages. -- Underground genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: nr. 2 (1972).
   -- Call no.: PN6790.S94H84
Dick Boss : 12 Stories / Zeichnungen von Nicolas Mahler ; mit
   Texten von Tilman Rammstedt, et al. -- Wien : Luftschacht,
   2010. -- 224 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. -- Detective genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6757.M28D5 2010
Rammstedt, Tilman, 1975-
Hey, Mister : After School Special / by Pete Sickman-Garner.
   -- Marietta, GA : Top Shelf Productions, 1998. -- 95 p. :
   ill. ; 21 cm. -- Cover subtitle: Afterschool Special. --
   Alternative genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.S496H42 1998
Shades of Blue. Volume 1 : the Collected Edition / James S.
   Harris, Rachel Nacion, Cal Slayton, Greg Grucel. --
   Haverhill, Ma. : Digital Webbing, 2003. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 26
   cm. -- "This volume collects issues #1 through #5 of Shades
   of Blue vol. 1 previously published by Amp Comics." --
   Contents: The definition of 'Amok' and other time-killing
   activities ; Silence. -- Superheroine annd teen humor
   genres. -- Call no.: PN6728.S3946S47 2003
Greybeard's Ghost / created and written by Mike Bullock ; art
   by Michael Metcalf. -- New Castle, PA : Hermes Press, 2011.
   -- 128 p. : col. ill. ; 23 cm. -- (Lions, Tigers, and Bears
   ; v. 3) -- Summary (from SkyRiver): Features all new
   adventures of Joey, Courtney, Ares, Venus, Pallo and
   Minerva as a graphic novel. -- Funny animal and fantasy
   genres. -- Call no.: PN6737.L34L53 2011
Memories Lost : the Art of Hoang Nguyen. -- Bayside, NY :
   Brandstudio Press : Liquidbrush Productions, 2007. -- 48 p.
   : chiefly col. ill. ; 32 cm. -- Call no.: PN6727.N427M4
Nguyen, Hoang.
The Hookah Girl and Other True Stories : Growing up Christian
   Palestinian in America / Marguerite Dabaie. -- Brooklyn,
   New York? : Marguerite Dabaie, 2007- . -- ill. ; 22 cm. --
   "This book made possible through the School of Visual Arts
   Alumni Scholarship Award and the Shakespeare and Co.
   Scholarship Award." -- Summary (from SkyRiver): A comics
   memoir about growing up in California as a Christian
   Palestinian. In volume 1, Marguerite shares memories about
   rolling grape leaves, her family's history, and the
   cultural appropriation of the kaffiyeh as a fashion object.
   There is a glossary at the end. -- Autobiographical genre.
   -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-2. -- Call no.: PN6727.D15H6 2007
A Jurassic Kinda Life / Stephen Lindsay ; Rob Croonenborghs.
   -- United States? : 215 Ink, 2008? -- 64 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
   -- (Jesus Hates Zombies ; vol. 1) -- Funny horror genre. --
   Call no.: PN6727.L497J8 2008
Lindsay, Stephen, 1977-
HunterPrey : Welcome to Hell's Gate / written by KJM ; art by
   Ezequiel Pineda. -- Marietta, OH : Broken Icon Comics,
   2012. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 25 cm. -- Horror genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.A73 P5H8 2012
Mendenhall, K. J.
Piñeda, Ezequiel.
The Killing Dream / writer, Marjorie Liu ; art, Will Conrad,
   et al. ; color art, John Rauch ; letters, VC's Cory Petit &
   Chris Eliopoulos. -- New York : Marvel Worldwide, Inc.,
   2011. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (X-23 ; v. 1) --
   "Contains material originally published in magazine form as
   X-23: #1-6 and All-New Wolverine Saga." -- Summary (from
   SkyRiver): X-23, a female clone of Wolverine, deals with
   feeling alienated from the other X-men, her dark past with
   the X-Force, and a sinister mutant who seems able to turn
   her nightmares into reality. -- Superheroine genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.X33K5 2011
Don't Look Back / writer, Marjorie, Liu ; artists, Sana Takeda
   (issues #17-19) and Phil Noto (issues #20-21) ; letters,
   VC's Cory Petit. -- New York : Marvel Worldwide, Inc.,
   2012. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (X-23 ; v. 3) --
   Summary (from SkyRiver): An offer to join Wolverine
   collides with an offer from the FF, and X-23 is forced to
   decide if she wants to continue her life as an assassin or
   take a break and see what it's like to be a regular
   teenager! -- Superheroine genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.X33D6
Tuesday Moon / by Todd Webb. -- United States? : Kids Love
   Comics, 2007. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 15 cm. -- Funny kid and
   fantasy genres. -- Call no.: PN6727.W344T8 2007
Marvel Romance Redux : Another Kind of Love / writers, Jeff
   Parker, et al. ; artists, John Buscema, et al. -- New York
   : Marvel, 2007. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Contains
   material originally published in magazine form as Marvel
   romance redux: But he said he loved me!, I should have been
   a blonde, Love is a four-letter word, Restraining orders
   are for other girls and Guys & dolls." -- Romance and
   parody genres. -- Call no.: PN6726.M315M33 2007
Abyss / script, Kevin Rubio ; pencils and covers, Lucas
   Marangon ; inks, Nick Schley ; colors, Andrew Dalhouse ;
   letters, Troy Peteri. -- Calgary, Alberta, Canada : Red 5
   Comics, 2008. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm.-- "This volume
   collects Abyss #1 through #4 of the comic-book series
   originally printed by Red 5 Comics." -- Superhero genre. --
   Call no.: PN6727.M332A78 2008
Rubio, Kevin, 1967-
The Highwaymen / writers, Marc Bernardin & Adam Freeman ;
   artist, Lee Garbett ; colorist, Jonny Rench ; letterer, Rob
   Leigh ; collected edition and original series covers by
   Brian Stelfreeze. -- La Jolla, CA : Wildstorm, 2008. -- 108
   p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Originally published in single
   magazine form as The Highwaymen #1-5." -- Summary (from
   SkyRIver): Two men. One drives, the other shoots. In their
   prime, they were the Highwaymen; a special breed of
   couriers capable of ferrying anything, anywhere, anytime.
   But that was long ago. Now, Mr. Monroe and Mr. McQueen are
   a little worse for wear, almost obsolete, until they are
   called out of retirement and must cross the river of bad
   blood between them to deliver some very dangerous cargo for
   a dead President. If only they knew what is was and why
   everyone else wants to kill them for it. -- Spy genre. --
   Call no.: PN6727.G2556H5 2008
Snake Woman. v. 3 / script, Zeb Wells ; art, Vivek Shinde ;
   cover art, Michael Gaydos. -- New York : Virgin Comics
   L.L.C., 2008. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Director's
   cut." -- Created by Shekhar Kapur. -- Horror and
   superheroine genres. -- Call no.: PN6727.G33S553 2008
The Unusual Suspects / written by Dan Wickline. -- Los Angeles
   : Top Cow Productions ; Berkeley, CA : Image Comics, 2007.
   -- 95 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Cover title: Dan Wickline's The
   Unusual Suspects. -- Various artists. -- "The Hero
   Inititiatve." -- "Benefiting comic creators in need." --
   Fantasy genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.W449U5 2007
Stepping Out / Brian Clopper, writer-artist. -- Urbana, IL :
   Avatar Press, 1999. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Marshall,
   Godling of War ; v. 1) -- "Volume one contains books one,
   two and three." -- Fantasy genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.C565S75 1999
Dodge's Bullets / created & written by Jay Faerber ;
   illustrated by James K. Francis ; additional inks by Brent
   McKee ; lettered/designed by Ray Dillon. -- Orange, CA :
   Image Comics, 2004. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Vol. 1." --
   Detective genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.F664 D6 2004
Solar, Man of the Atom : Alpha and Omega / conceived by Bob
   Layton & Jim Shooter ; written by Jim Shooter ; pencil
   artist/storyteller, Barry Windsor-Smith ; inked by Bob
   Layton. -- New York : Valiant, 1994. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ;
   26 cm. -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.D575A45 1994
Black Ops / story, Shon C. Bury & Dan Norton ; pencils, Dan
   Norton ; inks, Sandra Hope ; ink assist, Chris Elarmo. --
   Fullerton, California : Image Comics, Inc., 1996. -- 1 v. :
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Superhero genre. -- Indicia title:
   Black Ops Trade Paperback. -- Call no.: PN6727.N662B55 1996
Barbarian Comics, no. 4 (1975)
   CONTENTS: "Tolak of the Northlands" 14 p. -- "Inn of the
   Wolf" 8 p. -- "To Steal a Goddess" 10 p. -- "Backed to the
   Mast" 2 p. -- "An Autumn Evening" ; "Satyr's Night" ;
   "Behold the Crimson Sky" 19 p. -- "Wrong Exit" 7 p. -- "The
   Troth of Thanatos" 6 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.C27B3no.4
Blackest Night : Batman. -- New York : DC Comics, 2009. --
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 3 nos. -- Superhero
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-3. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.7.D3B5427 2009
Un Médico Novato / Sento ; guión y dibujos, Sento Llobell ;
   color, Elena Uriel. -- Madrid : Sinsentido, 2013. -- 149 p.
   : ill. ; 24 cm. -- "Inspirado en las memorias del doctor
   Pablo Uriel." -- "Un médico novato es la obra ganadora del
   VI edición del Premio Internacional Fnac-Sinsentido de
   novela gráfica 2013." -- Historical genre, about a
   physician and the civil war of 1936-1939 in Spain. -- Call
   no.: PN6777.S46M4 2013
Sento (Sento Llobell), 1953-
Major Zombie : the Blood Trail / Lefty, with Faezal Tan. --
   Penang, Malaysia : Gilamon Comics, 2011. -- Lefty is Kam
   Song Yew. -- Superhero and horror genres. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.M353 L42M3 2011
Tan, Faezal.
Lefty (Kam Song Yew).
Rompe, Paga / Montt ; prólogo, Juan Villoro. -- Buenos Aires :
   Ediciones de la Flor, 2013.-- 126 p. : col. ill. ; 15 x 22
   cm. -- Call no.: PN6790.C473M65 2013
Villoro, Juan, 1956-
Montt, Alberto.
Nippon-ichi no Otoko no Tamashî. -- Tôkyô : Shogakukan, 1998-
   . --  ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Yangu Sandê Komikkusu) -- Girls'
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 K43N5
Kikuni, Masahiko, 1958-
Brainbanx / Elaine Lee ; Temujin. -- New York : DC Comics,
   1997. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Helix) -- Complete in 6
   nos. -- Science fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-6. --
   Call no.: PN6728.6.D3 B66 1997
C.H.I.X. -- Fullerton, CA : Image Comics, Inc., 1998. -- 40 p.
   : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "#1 January 1998." -- Superheroine
   and parody genres. -- Call no.: PN6728.6 .I45C4795 1998
Otherworld. -- New York : DC Comics, 2005. -- col. ill. ; 26
   cm. -- Published no. 1 (May 2005) - no. 7 (Nov. 2005). --
   (Vertigo) -- Cover title: Other World. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
   1-7. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.D3 O77
Comic Book Buyer's Club. -- Randallstown, MD : Creative
   Advertising Services, 1996- . -- ill. ; 28 cm. -- Began
   with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1996). -- "Cool discount comics by
   mail." -- A sale catalog of current comic books, in which
   "most of our products come from independent publishers." --
   LIBRARY HAS: v. 1, no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6714.C5507
All-Star Superman. -- New York : DC Comics, 2006-2008. -- col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Jan. 2006) - no. 12 (Oct.
   2008). -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-12. --
   Call no.: PN6728.7.D3A4
Hyde-25. -- New York : Harris Publications, Inc., 1995. -- 32
   p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "#0, April". -- Horror genre. --
   Call no.: PN6728.6.H29H9 1996
Parade (with Fireworks) / by Michael Cavallaro. -- Berkeley,
   Calif. : Image Comics, 2007. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   (Shadowline) -- Complete in 2 nos. -- Summary (from Lou
   Mazzella via Grand Comic-Book Database): In 1923 Paolo
   returns to Italy after spending some time in the United
   States. During that year, on the feast of the Epiphany,
   Paolo's brother and cousin confront a group of fascists and
   are shot. -- "Based on a true story." -- Historical genre.
   -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-2. -- Call no.: PN6728.7 .I5P28 2007
Hydro-chloric Squirt Gun. -- Kenosha, Wi. : Hatchet Boy
   Cartoon Co., . -- ill. ; 22 cm. -- New wave genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 2 (1994). -- Call no.: PN6728.55.H343H9
Hyena. -- Northampton, MA : Tundra Publishing Ltd., 1992-1993.
   -- ill. ; 28 cm. -- Published no. 1 (July 1992) - no. 4. --
   No. 4 published by Kitchen Sink Press. -- Alternative
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1, 4. -- Call no.:
Born / Garth Ennis, writer ; Darick Robertson, penciler ; Tom
   Palmer, inker. -- New York : Marvel Comics, 2003. -- col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Max Comics) -- Complete in 4 nos. --
   "Parental advisory, explicit content." -- War genre, set in
   the Vietnam War. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-4. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.7.M3B64 2003
Planetary Brigade. -- Los Angeles, CA : Boom! Studios, 2006.
   -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Feb. 2006) - no.
   2 (Mar. 2006). -- Cover title: Giffen and DeMatteis'
   Planetary Brigade. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
   1-2. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.B62P55
Impaler. -- Berkeley, CA : Image Comics, Inc., 2009-2010. --
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 5 nos. -- Top Cow
   Productions logo on cover. -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS:
   no. 5. -- Call no.: PN6728.7 .I5 I472 2009
The Illegitimates / created by Taran Killam ; written by Marc
   Andreyko and Taran Killam ; pencils by Kevin Sharpe ; Inks
   by Diana Greenhalgh. -- San Diego, CA : IDW Publishing,
   2013-2014. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 2. --
   Complete in 6 nos. -- Summary (from publisher via
   SkyRiver): "Jack Steele: World renowned agent of Olympus,
   super-spy, debonair, lover of ladies, man-slut. While
   facing off with his arch-nemesis, Viktor Dannikor, Steele
   faces his biggest defeat, but who will take his place?
   Olympus scrambles to find not one, but five newbie agents
   to fill the void, and unbeknownst to them, they share a
   common thread. Can these five strangers embrace their fates
   and come together to save the world? They are The
   Illegitimates. And if you called them bastards, you'd be
   absolutely right!" -- Spy genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.8 .I2
   I35 2013
In-Betweena. -- New Brunswick, NJ : Bill-Dale Marcinko, . --
   ill. ; 22 cm. -- "The newsletter between issues of AFTA."
   -- Fanzine that includes comics fandom. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
   2 (1979). -- Call no.: E169.12.A34 I5
A Reinvenção dos Quadrinhos / Álvaro de Moya ; Will Eisner,
   foreword. -- São Paulo : Criativo, 2012. -- 95 p. : ill. ;
   23 cm. -- "Copy desk e revisão, Gonçalo Júnior, René
   Ferri." -- Front cover has illustrations of Milton Caniff,
   Al Capp, Hal Foster, Alex Raymond, and Will Eisner. --
   Includes bibliographical references. -- A book about
   comics. -- Call no.: PN6790.B7M65 2012
Moya, Alvaro de.
Last Train to Deadsville / story by Steve Niles ; art by
   Kelley Jones ; colors by Michelle Madsen ; letters by Nate
   Piekos for Blambot. -- Milwaukie, Or. : Dark Horse Books,
   2005. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- (A Cal McDonald Mystery)
   -- Horror genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.J62L3 2005
Le Avventure di Tom Sawier. -- Milano : GEIS, 1974. -- 1 v. :
   ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Collana Tabù ; n. 8) -- "Fumetti per
   adulti". -- Erotic genre, version of Tom Sawyer. -- Call
   no.: PN6768.T26A9 1974
Hellcyon / story and art, Lucas Marangon ; lettering, Michael
   David Thomas. -- Milwaukie, OR : Dark Horse Books, 2012. --
   101 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "This volume collects issue
   one through three and the previously unpublished issue four
   of the Dark Horse comic-book series Hellcyon." -- Science
   fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.M332H4 2012
Cracked Monster Party. -- NY, NY : Globe Communications Corp.,
   1988-2000. -- ill. ; 27 cm. -- Published no. 1 (July 1988)
   - no. 46 (Spring 2000), per Grand Comics Database. --
   Parody genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1, 6, 10(1988-1990) --
   Call no.: PN6728.5.G55C7
Crazy, Man, Crazy. -- Derby, Conn. : Humor Magazines, Inc.,
   1955-1956. -- ill. ; 28 cm. -- Published v. 2, no. 1 (Dec.
   1995) - v. 2, no. 2 (June 1956), per Grand Comics Database.
   -- Parody genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 2, no. 2. -- Call no.:
Pluto. -- Poughkeepsie, New York : Western Publishing Company,
   1973. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Walt Disney
   Showcase ; no. 13) -- Code on first page: "90258-302, W.D.
   Showcase #13-7212," cover dates this issues February 1973.
   -- Funny animal genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.4.G56W36no.13
Tweety and Sylvester. -- New York : Dell Publishing Co.,
   1952-1962. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 406 (June
   1952) - no. 37 (June/Aug. 1962), cf. Overstreet Comic Book
   Price Guide. -- Early issues numbered in Four Color series;
   numbering proceeds as follows: no. 406, 489, 524, 4-37. --
   Funny animal genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 489; 524; 4, 6,
   8-23, 25-27, 30-31, 33-34 36-37. -- Call no.:
Paul the Samurai Bonanzai. -- Quincy, MA : New England Comics
   Press, 1996. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 - no. 2,
   per Grand Comics Database. -- Indicia title: Paul the
   Samurai Bonanza. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.P33B6
The Architect / by Mike Baron & Andie Tong. -- Round Rock,
   Tex. : Big Head Press, 2007. -- 69, 6 p. : col. ill. ; 26
   cm. -- Horror genre. -- Call no.: PN6790.A83 T6A85 2007
Wolverine / written by Barry Lyga. -- New York : Marvel
   Worldwide, Inc., 2013. -- 127 p. : col. ill. ; 20 cm. --
   Indicia title: Wolverine Young Readers Novel. -- "Hi. My
   name is Eric Mattias and I have the world's suckiest mutant
   power. If you don't believe me, just read this book and
   you'll find out for sure. I live at Xavier's School for
   Gifted Students, which is like home base for the mutants of
   the world. You've probably seen mutants on TV and learned
   about them in school, and you probably wish that you could
   go to school with a bunch of people who have awesome
   powers. Because you probably think you would get to hang
   out with the X-Men and fight evil mutants and do stuff like
   that, but guess what? You would be wrong! Instead, I have
   to go to school and I play on my computer and I'm alone a
   lot because, like I said before, I have a sucky mutant
   power. So anyway, this book is sort of about my life as a
   mutant and it's about my worst day ever. And Wolverine's
   worst day ever, too." -- Superhero fiction. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.W56L9 2013
Barbarian Comics. -- San Jose, Calif. : California Comics,
   1972-1975. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1-4. --
   Underground and fantasy genres. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-4. --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.C27B3
"Tolak of the Northlands" / story, Eric Vinicoff ; art Steven
   Whitecloud. 14 p. in Barbarian Comics, no. 4 (1975). --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.C27B3no.4
"Inn of the Wolf" / story and art by Anthony Jamison. 8 p. in
   Barbarian Comics, no. 4 (1975). -- Contents page credit:
   James McQuade. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.C27B3no.4
"To Steal a Goddess" / by Trina. 10 p. in Barbarian Comics,
   no. 4 (1975). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.C27B3no.4
"Backed to the Mast" / Jack Jaxon. 2 p. in Barbarian Comics,
   no. 4 (1975). -- Centerspread poster, enlargement of the
   color oil painting from the cover. -- Contents page title:
   "Back to the Mast." -- Call no.: PN6728.45.C27B3no.4
"An Autumn Evening" ; "Satyr's Night" ; "Behold the Crimson
   Sky" / Will Meugniot.  19 p. in Barbarian Comics, no. 4
   (1975). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.C27B3no.4
"Wrong Exit" / Mike Whelan. 7 p. in Barbarian Comics, no. 4
   (1975). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.C27B3no.4
"The Troth of Thanatos" / Anthony Jamison. 6 p. in Barbarian
   Comics, no. 4 (1975). -- "A tale of Ull, the Viking
   Raider." -- Contents page credit: James McQuade. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.C27B3no.4
The Whale / Aidan Koch. -- Brooklyn, N.Y. : Gaze Books, 2010.
   -- 1 v. : ill. ; 18 cm. -- Alternative genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.K5985 W47 2010
Iron Bound / by Brendan Leach. -- Brooklyn, NY : Secret Acres,
   2013. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 19 cm. -- Summary (from amazon.com
   via SkyRiver): Iron Bound is a gritty, authentic account of
   street gangs and life in the margins of Newark, New
   Jersey's Ironbound district, at the start of the 60's. With
   all the elements of a noir mystery and a crime drama, it's
   Leach's insight into human nature and his ability to evoke
   place and moment that elevates the narrative to a complex
   examination of the tenuous relationships of people mired in
   conflict and fear. -- Alternative genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.L37 I7 2013
An Age of License / by Lucy Knisley. -- Seattle, WA :
   Fantagraphics Books, 2014. -- 189 pages : ill. (some col.)
   ; 20 cm. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): Cartoonist Lucy
   Knisley got an opportunity that most only dream of: a
   travel-expenses-paid trip to Europe and Scandinavia, thanks
   to a book tour. An Age of License is Knisley's comics
   travel memoir recounting her adventures. It's punctuated by
   whimsical visual devices; peppered with the cats she meets
   along the way; and, of course, features her hallmark
   drawings and descriptions of food that will make your mouth
   water. But it's not all kittens and raclette crêpes:
   Knisley's experiences are colored by anxieties,
   introspective self-inquiries, and quotidian revelations
   about traveling alone in un familiar countries, and about
   her life and career. -- Autobiographical genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6727.K596A74 2014
Andre the Giant : Life and Legend / Box Brown. --  New York :
   First Second, 2014. -- 240 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. -- Includes
   bibliographical references (pages 239-240). -- Summary
   (from SkyRiver): Drawing from historical records about
   Andre's life as well as a wealth of anecdotes from his
   colleagues in the wrestling world, including Hulk Hogan,
   and his film co-stars (Billy Crystal, Robin Wright, Mandy
   Patinkin, etc), Brown has created in Andre the Giant, the
   first substantive biography of one of the twentieth
   century's most recognizable figures. -- Biographical genre.
   -- Call no.: PN6727.B677A75 2014
Andre, the Giant, 1946-1993.
The Bunker. Volume 1 / written by Joshua Hale Fialkov ;
   illustrated, colored, and lettered by Joe Infurnari. --
   Portland, OR : Oni Press, 2014. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26
   cm. -- "This volume collects issues 1-4 of the Oni Press
   series The Bunker." -- Summary (from SkyRiver): On their
   way to bury a time capsule, five friends, Grady, Heidi,
   Natasha, Daniel, and Billy, uncover a metal bunker buried
   deep in the woods. Inside, they find letters addressed to
   each of them from their future selves. Told they will
   destroy the world in the very near future, the friends find
   themselves, over the next few days, growing further and
   further apart. Though they've been warned against making
   the wrong choices, how do they know what the rights ones
   are? Can the future really be changed or will an even
   darker fate engulf the world? -- Science fiction genre. --
   Call no.: PN6727 .I615B8 2014
Infomaniacs / Matthew Thurber. -- Brooklyn : PictureBox, 2013.
   -- 192 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. -- Alternative genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6727.T482 I5 2013
Capital in Manga! / by Karl Marx; narrated and illustrated by
   Variety Art Works; translated by Guy Yasko ; cover by
   Victor Serra. -- Ottawa : Red Quill Books, 2012. -- 191 p.
   : ill. ; 25 cm. -- Previously published in Japanese as:
   Manga de Dokuha: Das Kapital. -- "Based on the classic text
   by Karl Marx." -- Call no.: HB501.M358 2012
Golden Age Western Comics / edited by Steven Brower ; foreword
   by Christopher Irving. -- Brooklyn, NY : PowerHouse Books,
   2012.-- 144 p. : col. ill. ; 27 cm. -- Restored, full-color
   complete scans of over 40 Western stories created between
   1948 and 1956. -- Western genre. -- Call no.: PN6726.G586
"Texas Tim, Ranger" / script: Richard E. Hughes. p. 9-16 in
   Golden Age Western Comics (Brooklyn, NY : PowerHouse Books,
   2012) ; reprinted from Blazing West, 1948 series. -- Call
   no.: PN6726.G586 2012
"The King's Ransom" (Lash Larue). p. 17-24 in Golden Age
   Western Comics (Brooklyn, NY : PowerHouse Books, 2012) ;
   reprinted from Lash Larue Western #56 (July 1955). -- Call
   no.: PN6726.G586 2012
"Magic Arrow Rides the Pony Express" / pencils: S.B. Rosen. p.
   25-31 in Golden Age Western Comics (Brooklyn, NY :
   PowerHouse Books, 2012) ; reprinted from Indian Fighter,
   1950 series. -- Call no.: PN6726.G586 2012
"Tom Mix and the Desert Maelstrom "(Tom Mix). p. 32-38 in
   Golden Age Western Comics (Brooklyn, NY : PowerHouse Books,
   2012) ; reprinted from Tom Mix Western #15, circa 1949). --
   Call no.: PN6726.G586 2012
"Jesse James" / pencil & inks: William M. Allison. p. 39-42 in
   Golden Age Western Comics (Brooklyn, NY : PowerHouse Books,
   2012) ; reprinted from Cowboy Western Comics #39 (June
   1955) . -- Call no.: PN6726.G586 2012
"Peril Shadows the Forest Trail" (Dan'l Boone) / pencils &
   inks: Joe Certa. p. 43- 50 in Golden Age Western Comics
   (Brooklyn, NY : PowerHouse Books, 2012) ; reprinted from
   Dan'l Boone, no. 4 (Dec. 1955). -- Call no.: PN6726.G586
"Buffalo Belle" / script: Richard E. Hughes. p. 51-58 in
   Golden Age Western Comics (Brooklyn, NY : PowerHouse Books,
   2012) ; reprinted from Blazing West, 1949 series. -- Call
   no.: PN6726.G586 2012
"The Bantam Buckaroo" (Little Lobo) / pencils & inks: Leonard
   Starr. p. 59-67 in Golden Age Western Comics (Brooklyn, NY
   : PowerHouse Books, 2012) ; reprinted from Blazing West,
   1948 series. -- Call no.: PN6726.G586 2012
"Tenderfoot" p. 68-75 in Golden Age Western Comics (Brooklyn,
   NY : PowerHouse Books, 2012) ; reprinted from Blazing West,
   1948 series. -- Call no.: PN6726.G586 2012
"Soldier in the Making" (Little Eagle) / pencils & inks: Manny
   Stallman. p. 76-82 in Golden Age Western Comics (Brooklyn,
   NY : PowerHouse Books, 2012) ; reprinted from Indian
   Fighter, 1950 series. -- Call no.: PN6726.G586 2012
"Terror at Taos" (Kit Carson) / pencils & inks: Jerry (Gerald)
   McCann. p. 83-89 in Golden Age Western Comics (Brooklyn, NY
   : PowerHouse Books, 2012) ; reprinted from Kit Carson #6
   (Mar. 1955) ; where it was a reprint from Fighting Indians
   of the Wild West!, 1952 series. -- Call no.: PN6726.G586
"Young Falcon and the Swindlers" (Young Falcon). p. 90-93 in
   Golden Age Western Comics (Brooklyn, NY : PowerHouse Books,
   2012) ; reprinted from Gabby Hayes Western, no. 17 (Apr.
   1950). -- Call no.: PN6726.G586 2012
"Annie Oakley" / pencils & inks: Jerry Maxwell (Iger). p.
   94-97 in Golden Age Western Comics (Brooklyn, NY :
   PowerHouse Books, 2012) ; reprinted from Cowboy Western
   Comics, no. 38 (April-May 1952). -- Call no.: PN6726.G586
"Golden Treachery" (Flying Eagle). p. 98-101 in Golden Age
   Western Comics (Brooklyn, NY : PowerHouse Books, 2012) ;
   reprinted from Death Valley, no. 9 (Oct. 1955). -- Call
   no.: PN6726.G586 2012
"Cry for Revenge" (Golden Arrow) / pencils: Dick Giordano,
   inks: Vince Alascia. p. 102-107 in Golden Age Western
   Comics (Brooklyn, NY : PowerHouse Books, 2012) ; reprinted
   from Cowboy Western, no. 49 (May-June 1954). -- Call no.:
   PN6726.G586 2012
"Chief Black Hawk and His Dogs of War!"/ pencils & inks: Harry
   Larsen. p. 108-113 in Golden Age Western Comics (Brooklyn,
   NY : PowerHouse Books, 2012) ; reprinted from Kit Carson,
   no. 6 (Mar. 1955) ; where it was reprinted from Fighting
   Indians of the Wild West!, 1952 series. -- Call no.:
   PN6726.G586 2012
"Triple Test" / pencils: Dick Giordano, inks: Vince Alascia.
   p. 114-121 in Golden Age Western Comics (Brooklyn, NY :
   PowerHouse Books, 2012) ; reprinted from Cowboy Western,
   no. 49 (May-June 1954). -- Call no.: PN6726.G586 2012
"The Big Game Hunt" (Gabby Hayes). p. 122-129 in Golden Age
   Western Comics (Brooklyn, NY : PowerHouse Books, 2012) ;
   reprinted from Gabby Hayes Western, no. 17 (Apr. 1950). --
   Call no.: PN6726.G586 2012
"Breakout in Rondo Prison" (Range Busters) / pencils: Dick
   Giordano, inks: Vince Alascia. p. 130-137 in Golden Age
   Western Comics (Brooklyn, NY : PowerHouse Books, 2012) ;
   reprinted from Range Busters, no. 10 (Sept. 1955). -- Call
   no.: PN6726.G586 2012
"For Talon's Nest" (Masked Raider) / pencils: Mike Sekowsky.
   p. 138-144 in Golden Age Western Comics (Brooklyn, NY :
   PowerHouse Books, 2012) ; reprinted from Masked Raider, no.
   2 (Aug. 1955). -- Call no.: PN6726.G586 2012
Commies from Mars, no. 1 (Mar. 1973)
   CONTENTS: "Adolf Hitler Funnies" 3 p. -- "Dr. Sven's Tales
   of Terror" 2 p. -- "Busy Signal" 5 p. -- "Law 'n' Ordure"
   (The Doodlebugs) 5 p. -- "Sticky Stuff"* (Barefootz) 1 p.
   -- "The Rev. Jerimiah Moses" 1 p. -- "Tussy Comes Back"
   (Barefootz) 9 p. -- "A Piece on the Beach" 4 p. -- "Where
   It Hurts" 1 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.L3C6no.1
Hit the Road, v. 1, no. 1 (1971)
   CONTENTS: "I.O. Flesh" 1 p. -- "Good Travelin' Vibes" 4 p.
   -- "Rules of Thumb" 5 p. -- "Dog Eat Dog" 2 p. -- "Chicken
   Soup" 3 p. -- "Bonus Cut Out" 3 p. -- "Everybody's Pa-Pa"*
   (I.O. Flesh) 7 p. -- "Tall Tales of the Trails" 8 p. --
   "Hitchiker of the Year" 1 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7
The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You Comix, no. 1 (Spring 1969)
   CONTENTS: "Rebelution" 12 p. -- "Eyez" 7 p. -- "Who is
   Carol" 4 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7K5no.1
Middle Class Fantasies, no. 2 (1976)
   CONTENTS: "The Return of the Frogman" 13 p. -- "The Legend"
   6 p. -- "Chicken Noodle Goes West" 5 p. -- "Cantua Creek" 6
   p. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.C35M5no.2
Mother's Oats Comix, no. 3 (1977)
   CONTENTS: "Earth Came To Us!"* (Nerds)" 1 p. -- "20,000
   Kilos Beneath the Sea!" (Dealer McDope) 8 p. -- "The Line"
   7 p. -- "Goose" 4 p. -- "Inimitable Aluminum" 5 p. --
   "Marihuana Imagery : an Illustrated Experiment" 10 p. --
   "Tales of Unmitigated Foolishness!" (Stupid Stories) 1 p.
   -- "Freeway Burger" 2 p. -- "Deep Trouble" (Dealer McDope)
   5 p. -- "Chickens" 3 p. -- "The Worst Part is Having to Eat
   at Denny's"* (The Nerds) 1 p. -- "Apartment"* (The Nerds) 1
   p. -- "Doing It In The Park" 1 p. -- "Another Literary
   Blemish" (Stupid Stories) 1 p. -- "Ode to the Sixties" 1 p.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5M63no.3
Rubber Duck [Tales], no. 2 (1972)
   CONTENTS: "Hi Ho Platinum, Awaaaaaaaayyyyy" 10 p. --
   "Shishka-Bob the Wunda Hoss" 10 p. -- "Shit List" 15 p. --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.P7R8no. 2
Subvert Comics, no. 2 (1972)
   CONTENTS: "Trashman" 28 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5S8no.2
Tales of Toad, no. 3 (1973)
   CONTENTS: "You're Pathetic" (Teddy Nadler) 1 p. -- "A
   Fool's Paradise" (Zippy the Pedigreed Pinhead) 8 p. -- "On
   the Boardwalk with 'Quick-Sketch' Skitch Fleming" 1 p. --
   "Hoppy's Dude Ranch Disaster" 6 p. -- "Drawings in Ink
   While-U-Wait" 2 p. -- "The Toadettes and Claude Funston" 4
   p. -- "Mr. Toad's Rise to Fame" 11 p. -- "Maybe Mr. the
   Toad Would Be More Popular If He..." 1 p. "Mr. Toad and the
   Great Underground Comic Book Crisis" 1 p. -- Call no.:
Teen Age Trash, no. 1 (1972)
   CONTENTS: "Dope" 2 p. -- "True Tales with Beezelbub
   Anybody" 3 p. -- "I Just Get Tired and Nod Out"* (Week-End
   Funnies) 1 p. -- "Nonconformist Funnies" 1 p. -- "What's
   On?" (Week-End Funnies, part two) 1 p. -- "Hitchin' Rides"
   1 p. -- "Goofus MaRufus and His Crazy Pals" 2 p. --
   "Women's Lib Comix" 1 tier -- "Teen-Age Funnies" 1 p. --
   "Fantasy Funnies" 1 p. -- "Drugged-Up Funnies" 1 p. --
   "Adam & Eve are All Fucked Up" 2 p. -- "One Drink o' Wine"*
   (Lost in the Ozone Agin!) 1 tier -- "Saturday Nite Comics"
   2 tiers -- "A Close Call" (Goofus MaRufus and Burnt-Out
   Bertha) 2 p. -- "Boone's Farm Comix" 2 tiers -- "One Hit o'
   Speed"* (Lost in the Ozone Agin!) 1/2 p. -- "Goofball
   Funnies!" 2 tiers -- "Cousin Cisco Smoot"* (Snappy Sammy
   Smoot) 1 p. -- "Worm Funnies" 5 p. -- "Acid Funnies" 2 p.
   -- "Stoned-Out Funnies" 1 tier -- "Worm Funnies" 1 tier --
   "California Comix" 1 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
Uncle Sham, no. 1 (1970)
   CONTENTS: "Hey Kids, Lets Get Sick with Spiri & Dick" 9 p.
   -- "Now Kids, it's Billy Bicyleseat Time" 5 p. -- "A Quick
   Sickie" 1 p. -- "Where Do We Come From? : Where Are We
   Going?" 2 p. -- "The Maim Game" 11 p. -- "Our Tale Unfolds"
   4 p. -- "Charle Chuckles Manson Stud Farm and Artificial
   Insemination Center" 1 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7U4no.1
Weird Trips, no. 1 (Mar. 1974)
   CONTENTS: "Violence and Vegetation in West Massachussets"
   text p. 1-5 -- "How I Beat the Draft" text p. 6-9 -- "An
   Alien Walks Earth. I Know. I Carry His Baby" text p. 10-13
   -- "Honey's Sweet Revenge" (Honey Miles) p. 14-20 --
   "Smoking Uncle Sam's Dope" text p. 21-23 -- "Raped in the
   Rain" text p. 24-26 -- "Dentists Discover World Inside Your
   Head" text p. 27-31 -- "Pig Love : The Confessions of a
   Police Groupie" text p. 32-33 -- Call no.:
Weirdom Comix, no. 15 (Mar. 1972)
   CONTENTS: "Monsters Rule" 1 p. -- "The Adventures of
   Arthur" 4 p. -- "Monsters Rule, no. 2" 1 p. -- "Once Upon a
   Planet" 6 p. -- "Monsters Rule, no. 3" 1 p. -- "Stoned Wolf
   & the 3 Pigs" 3 p. -- "Monsters Rule, no. 4" 1 p. -- "The
   Principal Just Hanged Himself"* (The Weirder Side of
   Weirdom) 1 p. -- "Monsters Rule, no. 5" 1 p. -- "The Same
   Old Story" 3 p. -- "Monsters Rule, no. 6" 1 p. -- "What
   Could Be Worse?" 3 p. -- "Monsters Rule, no. 7" 1 p. -- "He
   Walks on Water"* (The Weirder Side of Weirdom) 2 p. --
   "Monsters Rule, no. 8" 1 p. -- Call no.:
Zippy Stories, no. 2 (1978)
   CONTENTS: "A Nation of Pinheads" (Zippy) 29 p. -- "Hoppy's
   Creed" (Hoppy) 1 p. -- "Tugboat Annie Meets Alan Watts"
   (Griffith Observatory) 1 p. -- "7 Days Without T.V."
   (Griffith Observatory) 1 p. -- "The Deltomaniacs" (Griffith
   Observatory) 1 p. -- "Going with the Flow" (Griffith
   Observatory) 1 p. -- "Comic Book Reality" (Griffith
   Observatory) 1 p. -- "Where's the Party?" (Griffith
   Observatory) 1 p. -- "Claude College" (Claude Funston,
   Esq.) 1 p. -- "Enlightenment" (Toadette) 1 p. --
   "Nostalgia" (Toadette Traits) 1 p. -- "Origins of Zippy" 2
   p. -- "Condoning the Coneheads" (Zippy) 1 p. -- "Babble
   Without a Cause" (Zippy) 1 p. -- "The Continental Bop"
   (Zippy) 1 p. -- "An Artistic Bent" (Zippy) 1 p. --
   "Studebaker Lust" (Zippy) 1 p. -- "Hollywood Calling"
   (Zippy) 1 p. -- "Uncustomary Behavior" (Zippy) 1 p. --
   "Commuting with Nature" (Zippy) 1 p. -- Call no.:
"Adolf Hitler Funnies" / Steve Stiles. 3 p. in Commies from
   Mars, no. 1 (Mar. 1973). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.L3C6no.1
"Dr. Sven's Tales of Terror" / Grisly. 2 p. in Commies from
   Mars, no. 1 (Mar. 1973). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.L3C6no.1
"Busy Signal" / Grisly. 5 p. in Commies from Mars, no. 1 (Mar.
   1973). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.L3C6no.1
"Law 'n' Ordure" (The Doodlebugs) / Bill Crawford. 5 p. in
   Commies from Mars, no. 1 (Mar. 1973). -- Also features
   Rufus the radical reptile. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.L3C6no.1
"Sticky Stuff"* (Barefootz) / by Howard Cruse. 1 p. in Commies
   from Mars, no. 1 (Mar. 1973). -- Call no.:
"The Rev. Jerimiah Moses" / Grass Green. 1 p. in Commies from
   Mars, no. 1 (Mar. 1973). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.L3C6no.1
"Tussy Comes Back" (Barefootz) / by Howard Cruse. 9 p. in
   Commies from Mars, no. 1 (Mar. 1973). -- Call no.:
"A Piece on the Beach" / Grisly. 4 p. in Commies from Mars,
   no. 1 (Mar. 1973). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.L3C6no.1
"Where It Hurts" / by S.L. Griffin. 1 p. in Commies from Mars,
   no. 1 (Mar. 1973). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.L3C6no.1
Garbage Comix : a Collector's Item. -- Detroit, MI : Krus
   McDonald, 1973. -- 32 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- "Adults only".
   -- "#1". -- Contents: "Meet the Staff" 1 p. ; "Once Upon a
   Time There Was A Fairy Tale Land Called Fuh" 7 p. ; "Nasty
   Fish" 4 p. ; "Stone" 3 p. ; "Freddy the Fetus" 1 p. ;
   "Great White Fatha"* 1 p. ; "Fido Learns Manners" 1 p. ;
   "LSD Blues" (Berwin the Hipster) 4 p. ; "The Shyster
   Mysters" (Hero Hurby) 5 p. ; "Lawn Order" 3 p. ; "Ferd was
   a Disgrace at the Beach"* 1 p. ; "What Kind of Comic Book
   is This?"* 1 p. -- Underground genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.K7G3 1973
"Meet the Staff" / Gary McDonald. 1 p. in Garbage Comix
   (Detroit, MI : Krus McDonald, 1973). -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.K7G3 1973
"Once Upon a Time There Was A Fairy Tale Land Called Fuh" /
   story, K. Combee ; art, Y. Krus. 7 p. in Garbage Comix
   (Detroit, MI : Krus McDonald, 1973). -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.K7G3 1973
"Nasty Fish" / by Gary McDonald. 4 p. in Garbage Comix
   (Detroit, MI : Krus McDonald, 1973). -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.K7G3 1973
"Stone" / art T. Yuri Krus. 3 p. in Garbage Comix (Detroit, MI
   : Krus McDonald, 1973). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.K7G3 1973
"Freddy the Fetus" / by Gary McDonald. 1 p. in Garbage Comix
   (Detroit, MI : Krus McDonald, 1973). -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.K7G3 1973
"Great White Fatha"* / YK (Yuri Krus). 1 p. in Garbage Comix
   (Detroit, MI : Krus McDonald, 1973). -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.K7G3 1973
"Fido Learns Manners" / Gary McDonald. 1 p. in Garbage Comix
   (Detroit, MI : Krus McDonald, 1973). -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.K7G3 1973
"LSD Blues" (Berwin the Hipster) / Gary McDonald.4 p. in
   Garbage Comix (Detroit, MI : Krus McDonald, 1973). -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.K7G3 1973
"The Shyster Mysters" (Hero Hurby) / story lines, K. Combee ;
   art, Y. Krus. 5 p. in Garbage Comix (Detroit, MI : Krus
   McDonald, 1973). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.K7G3 1973
"Lawn Order" / Gary McDonald. 3 p. in Garbage Comix (Detroit,
   MI : Krus McDonald, 1973). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.K7G3 1973
"Ferd was a Disgrace at the Beach"* / Gary McDonald. 1 p. in
   Garbage Comix (Detroit, MI : Krus McDonald, 1973). -- Mock
   advertisement for Charles Witless' Free Sex Change Kit. --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.K7G3 1973
"What Kind of Comic Book is This?"* / G. McDonald. 1 p. in
   Garbage Comix (Detroit, MI : Krus McDonald, 1973). -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.K7G3 1973
Hit the Road : a Comic For & About Hitchiking. -- Berkeley,
   Calif. : Print Mint, 1971? -- ill. ; 25 cm. -- Began and
   ceased with vol. 1, no. 1. -- By Pat Ryan and Russ
   Rosander. -- "Adults only." -- Underground genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: v. 1, no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 H53
Ryan, Pat, 1941-
"I.O. Flesh" / Russ. 1 p. in Hit the Road, v. 1, no. 1 (1971).
   -- Silent strip in which a hitchhiker does not get a ride.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 H53v.1no.1
"Good Travelin' Vibes" / Pat Ryan. 4 p. in Hit the Road, v. 1,
   no. 1 (1971). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 H53v.1no.1
"Rules of Thumb" / Pat Ryan. 5 p. in Hit the Road, v. 1, no. 1
   (1971). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 H53v.1no.1
"Dog Eat Dog" / Pat Ryan. 2 p. in Hit the Road, v. 1, no. 1
   (1971). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 H53v.1no.1
"Chicken Soup" / Russ3 p. in Hit the Road, v. 1, no. 1 (1971).
   -- "A little hitchikin' philosophy." -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.P7 H53v.1no.1
"Bonus Cut Out" / Pat Ryan. 3 p. in Hit the Road, v. 1, no. 1
   (1971). -- A large hand with its thumb up for hitchhiking.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 H53v.1no.1
"Everybody's Pa-Pa"* (I.O. Flesh) / Russ. 7 p. in Hit the
   Road, v. 1, no. 1 (1971). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7
"Tall Tales of the Trails" / Pat Ryan. 8 p. in Hit the Road,
   v. 1, no. 1 (1971). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 H53v.1no.1
"Hitchiker of the Year" 1 p. in Hit the Road, v. 1, no. 1
   (1971). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 H53v.1no.1
The Kingdom of Heaven is Within You Comix. -- Berkeley : Print
   Mint, 1969. -- ill. ; 25 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Spring
   1969) only. -- By John Thompson. -- Underground genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7K5
"Rebelution" / John Thompson. 12 p. in The Kingdom of Heaven
   is Within You Comix, no. 1 (Spring 1969). -- Call no.:
"Eyez" / John Thompson. 7 p. in The Kingdom of Heaven is
   Within You Comix, no. 1 (Spring 1969). -- Call no.:
"Who is Carol" / John Thompson. 4 p. in The Kingdom of Heaven
   is Within You Comix, no. 1 (Spring 1969). -- Call no.:
Middle Class Fantasies. -- San Francisco, CA : Cartoonists
   Co-op Press, 1973-1976. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- By Jerry Lane.
   -- No. 2 published by Industrial Realities. -- Underground
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-2. -- Call no.:
"The Return of the Frogman" / Jerry Lane. 13 p. in Middle
   Class Fantasies, no. 2 (1976). -- Printed discontinuously
   in 3 parts. -- Part 2 titled: "The Castle of the
   Pyrenees"-- Call no.: PN6728.45.C35M5no.2
"The Legend" / Jerry Lane. 6 p. in Middle Class Fantasies, no.
   2 (1976). -- First caption: "June, 1965. This is the story
   of the toughest kid on our senior class." -- Call no.:
"Chicken Noodle Goes West" / Jerry Lane. 5 p. in Middle Class
   Fantasies, no. 2 (1976). -- Funny animal western story. --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.C35M5no.2
"Cantua Creek" / by Jerry Lane. 6 p. in Middle Class
   Fantasies, no. 2 (1976). -- Daily strip format. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.C35M5no.2
"Earth Came To Us!"* (Nerds)" / Sheridan and Shelton. 1 p. in
   Mother's Oats Comix, no. 3 (1977). -- Begins: "Hey Pop,
   where did we come from?" -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5M63no.3
"20,000 Kilos Beneath the Sea!" (Dealer McDope) / Dave
   Sheridan. 8 p. in Mother's Oats Comix, no. 3 (1977). --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.R5M63no.3
"The Line" / F. Schrier. 7 p. in Mother's Oats Comix, no. 3
   (1977). -- With Clyde Hasselroad. -- Call no.:
"Goose" / Dave Sheridan. 4 p. in Mother's Oats Comix, no. 3
   (1977). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5M63no.3
"Inimitable Aluminum" / F. Schrier. 5 p. in Mother's Oats
   Comix, no. 3 (1977). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5M63no.3
 "Marihuana Imagery : an Illustrated Experiment" / by ROn
   Siegel and Dave Sheridan. 10 p. in Mother's Oats Comix, no.
   3 (1977). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5M63no.3
"Tales of Unmitigated Foolishness!" (Stupid Stories) / F.
   Schrier. 1 p. in Mother's Oats Comix, no. 3 (1977). -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.R5M63no.3
"Freeway Burger" / by Fred Schrier. 2 p. in Mother's Oats
   Comix, no. 3 (1977). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5M63no.3
"Deep Trouble" (Dealer McDope) 5 p. in Mother's Oats Comix,
   no. 3 (1977). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5M63no.3
"Chickens" / by F. Schrier. 3 p. in Mother's Oats Comix, no. 3
   (1977). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5M63no.3
"The Worst Part is Having to Eat at Denny's"* (The Nerds)/
   Sheridan & Shelton. 1 p. in Mother's Oats Comix, no. 3
   (1977). -- Begins: "Whaddya say Anthrax, let's go down to
   the subway again and inject people with novocaine!" -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.R5M63no.3
"Apartment"* (The Nerds) / Sheridan & Shelton. 1 p. in
   Mother's Oats Comix, no. 3 (1977). -- Begins" Boy, you sure
   can pick 'em! This dump is b-a-r-e!" -- Call no.:
"Doing It In The Park" / A. Blink. 1 p. in Mother's Oats
   Comix, no. 3 (1977). -- Wordless strip. -- "A. Blink" is B.
   Kilban, per Kennedy. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5M63no.3
"Another Literary Blemish" (Stupid Stories) / F. Schrier. 1 p.
   in Mother's Oats Comix, no. 3 (1977). -- With Clyde
   Hassleroad. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5M63no.3
"Ode to the Sixties" / F. Schrier. 1 p. in Mother's Oats
   Comix, no. 3 (1977). -- Back cover. -- Call no.:
Rubber Duck Tales. -- Berkeley : Print Mint, 1971-1972. --
   ill. ; 25 cm. -- PUblished no. 1 - no. 2. -- No. 2 titled:
   Rubber Duck. -- "For adult hoods only." -- Underground
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-2. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7R8
"Hi Ho Platinum, Awaaaaaaaayyyyy" / Landeros. 10 p. in Rubber
   Duck, no. 2 (1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7R8no. 2
"Shishka-Bob the Wunda Hoss" / by Robbie Landeros. 10 p. in
   Rubber Duck, no. 2 (1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7R8no. 2
"Shit List" / story & art, Michael J. 15 p. in Rubber Duck,
   no. 2 (1972). -- Michael J. is Michael J. Becker, per
   Kennedy. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7R8no. 2
Subvert Comics. -- San Francisco, Calif. : Rip Off Press,
   1970-1976. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Ceased with no. 3 (1976). --
   By Spain. -- Underground genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-3. --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.R5S8
"Trashman" / Spain. 28 p. in Subvert Comics, no. 2 (1972). --
   Begins: "As the surley day becomes night and its denizens
   go forth into her arms" -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5S8no.2
Blackest Night : Titans. -- New York : DC Comics, 2009. --
   col. ill. ; 28 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Oct. 2009) - no. 3
   (Dec. 2009). -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-3.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.7.D3B5429 2009
Tales of Toad. -- Berkeley, Calif. : Print Mint, 1970-1973. --
   ill. ; 25 cm. -- By Bill Griffith. -- Published no. 1 - no.
   3. -- No. 3 published by Cartoonist Co-op Press, San
   Francisco. -- Funny animal underground comic. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: no. 1-3. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7T35
"You're Pathetic" (Teddy Nadler) 1 p. in Tales of Toad, no. 3
   (1973). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7T35no.3
"A Fool's Paradise" (Zippy the Pedigreed Pinhead) / Griffy. 8
   p. in Tales of Toad, no. 3 (1973). -- Call no.:
"On the Boardwalk with 'Quick-Sketch' Skitch Fleming" / by
   Bill Griffith. 1 p. in Tales of Toad, no. 3 (1973). -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.P7T35no.3
"Hoppy's Dude Ranch Disaster" / Bill Griffith. 6 p. in Tales
   of Toad, no. 3 (1973). -- Features a long-haired Hopalong
   Cassidy. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7T35no.3
"Drawings in Ink While-U-Wait" / Bill Griffith. 2 p. in Tales
   of Toad, no. 3 (1973). -- A sketchbook center spread. --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.P7T35no.3
"The Toadettes and Claude Funston" / Bill Griffith. 4 p. in
   Tales of Toad, no. 3 (1973). -- Claude's first line: "Okay,
   no, you fellers! Ah cain't be waterin' ya all day." -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.P7T35no.3
"Mr. Toad's Rise to Fame" / Griffy. 11 p. in Tales of Toad,
   no. 3 (1973). -- First caption: "The ample amphibian wraps
   up another matinee performance at the 'Pleasure Palace' in
   Mineola, Long Island, to polite applause. A teenager in the
   fourth row has just tossed a melting bon-bon and Mr. Toad's
   left knee" -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7T35no.3
"Maybe Mr. the Toad Would Be More Popular If He..." 1 p. in
   Tales of Toad, no. 3 (1973). -- Call no.:
"Mr. Toad and the Great Underground Comic Book Crisis" 1 p. in
   Tales of Toad, no. 3 (1973). -- Advertising strip for
   underground comix in general. -- Call no.:
Teen Age Trash. -- Chicago, Ill. : Adam's Apple Distributing
   Co., 1972. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published vol. 1, no.
   1 only. -- Title might be read: Teenage Trash. -- By
   Michael Krueger and others. -- Underground genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4
"Dope" / Mike Krueger. 2 p in Teen Age Trash, no. 1 (1972). --
   Begins: "Hello, I'm a concerned parent, just as I'm sure
   you are!" -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"True Tales with Beezelbub Anybody" / Michael Krueger. 3 p. in
   Teen Age Trash, no. 1 (1972). -- Call no.:
"I Just Get Tired and Nod Out"* (Week-End Funnies) / Mike
   Krueger. 1 p. in Teen Age Trash, no. 1 (1972). -- Call no.:
"Nonconformist Funnies" / Michael Krueger. 1 p. in Teen Age
   Trash, no. 1 (1972). -- Summary: A joint is passed, and on
   guy turns it town. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"What's On?" (Week-End Funnies, part two) / Michael Krueger. 1
   p. in Teen Age Trash, no. 1 (1972). -- Call no.:
"Hitchin' Rides" / Mike Krueger. 1 p. in Teen Age Trash, no. 1
   (1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"Goofus MaRufus and His Crazy Pals" / Michael Krueger. 2 p. in
   Teen Age Trash, no. 1 (1972). -- Call no.:
"Women's Lib Comix" 1 tier in Teen Age Trash, no. 1 (1972). --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"Teen-Age Funnies" / Michael Krueger. 1 p. in Teen Age Trash,
   no. 1 (1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"Fantasy Funnies" / Michael Krueger. 1 p. in Teen Age Trash,
   no. 1 (1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"Drugged-Up Funnies" / Michael Krueger. 1 p. in Teen Age
   Trash, no. 1 (1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"Adam & Eve are All Fucked Up" / Scott Becker. 2 p. in Teen
   Age Trash, no. 1 (1972). -- A 2-page center spread drawing.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"One Drink o' Wine"* (Lost in the Ozone Agin!) / Michael
   Krueger. 1 tier in Teen Age Trash, no. 1 (1972). -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"Saturday Nite Comics" 2 tiers in Teen Age Trash, no. 1
   (1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"A Close Call" (Goofus MaRufus and Burnt-Out Bertha) / Michael
   Krueger. 2 p. in Teen Age Trash, no. 1 (1972). -- Call no.:
"Boone's Farm Comix" / M. K. 2 tiers in Teen Age Trash, no. 1
   (1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"One Hit o' Speed"* (Lost in the Ozone Agin!) / Michael
   Krueger. 1/2 p. in Teen Age Trash, no. 1 (1972). -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"Goofball Funnies!" / penned by the String-Bean Weirdo. 2
   tiers in Teen Age Trash, no. 1 (1972). -- Call no.:
"Cousin Cisco Smoot"* (Snappy Sammy Smoot) / Skip Williamson.
   1 p. in Teen Age Trash, no. 1 (1972). -- Call no.:
"Worm Funnies" / Michael Krueger. 5 p. in Teen Age Trash, no.
   1 (1972). -- A splash page and eight short strips. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"Acid Funnies" / Mike Krueger. 2 p. in Teen Age Trash, no. 1
   (1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"Stoned-Out Funnies" / M. Krueger. 1 tier in Teen Age Trash,
   no. 1 (1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"Worm Funnies" / Michael Krueger. 1 tier in Teen Age Trash,
   no. 1 (1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
"California Comix" / Mike Krueger. 1 p. in Teen Age Trash, no.
   1 (1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.A3T4no.1
Trivial Annoyances / by Dany Frolich. -- New Orleans, LA : Big
   Muddy Comics Refinery, 1972. -- 32 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. --
   Without interior story titles. -- Underground and fantasy
   genres. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.B53T7 1972
Uncle Sham. -- San Francisco : Yahoo ; Berkeley : Print Mint,
   1970-1971. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 - no. 2. --
   Underground genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-2. -- Call no.:
"Hey Kids, Lets Get Sick with Spiri & Dick" / Geiser. 9 p. in
   Uncle Sham, no. 1 (1970). -- "Spiri Duck and Dicky Mouse
   visit the Land of Bilk and Money." -- Call no.:
"Now Kids, it's Billy Bicyleseat Time" / Geiser. 5 p. in Uncle
   Sham, no. 1 (1970). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7U4no.1
"A Quick Sickie" / Geiser. 1 p. in Uncle Sham, no. 1 (1970).
   -- Story without words, horrror genre. -- Call no.:
"Where Do We Come From? : Where Are We Going?" / Geiser. 2 p.
   in Uncle Sham, no. 1 (1970). -- Call no.:
"The Maim Game" / Geiser. 11 p. in Uncle Sham, no. 1 (1970).
   -- Begins: "I'm your host Fred Denture on the Maim Game. A
   thrilling hour of assholic antics of gigantic proportions
   supplied by our idiot audience. Brought to you by sex
   hygiene spray and mouth wash." -- Call no.:
"Our Tale Unfolds" / Geiser. 4 p. in Uncle Sham, no. 1 (1970).
   -- "A modern-day horror story. Beware it's true." -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.P7U4no.1
"Charle Chuckles Manson Stud Farm and Artificial Insemination
   Center" / Geiser. 1 p. in Uncle Sham, no. 1 (1970). -- Mock
   advertisement. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7U4no.1
Weird Trips. -- Princeton, Wis. : Kitchen Sink Enterprises,
   1974-1978. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Mar. 1974)
   - no. 2. -- Other title: Weird Trips Magazine. --
   Underground and horror genres. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-2. --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.K5W4
"Violence and Vegetation in West Massachussets" / by R.D.
   Rosen and Mike Baron. text p. 1-5 in Weird Trips Magazine,
   no. 1 (Mar. 1974). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.K5W4no.1
"How I Beat the Draft" / by Douglas Moench. text p. 6-9 in
   Weird Trips Magazine, no. 1 (Mar. 1974). -- Call no.:
"An Alien Walks Earth. I Know. I Carry His Baby" / name
   withheld by request. text p. 10-13 in Weird Trips Magazine,
   no. 1 (Mar. 1974). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.K5W4no.1
"Honey's Sweet Revenge" (Honey Miles) / by Evert Geradts. p.
   14-20 in Weird Trips Magazine, no. 1 (Mar. 1974). -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.K5W4no.1
"Smoking Uncle Sam's Dope" / name withheld by request. text p.
   21-23 in Weird Trips Magazine, no. 1 (Mar. 1974). -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.K5W4no.1
"Raped in the Rain" / by Mike Olshan. text p. 24-26 in Weird
   Trips Magazine, no. 1 (Mar. 1974). -- Call no.:
"Dentists Discover World Inside Your Head" / by Kalvin S.
   Ottengin. text p. 27-31 in Weird Trips Magazine, no. 1
   (Mar. 1974). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.K5W4no.1
"Pig Love : The Confessions of a Police Groupie" / by Mercedes
   Figg. text p. 32-33 in Weird Trips Magazine, no. 1 (Mar.
   1974). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.K5W4no.1
Weirdom Comix. -- San Jose, Calif. : Weirdom Publications,
   1971-1972. -- Continues: Weirdom Illustrated. -- ill. ; 26
   cm. -- Published no. 14 (July 1971) - no. 15 (Mar. 1972).
   -- Underground genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 14-15. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.W4W4
"Monsters Rule" / RC (Richard Corben). 8 p. in Weirdom Comix,
   no. 15 (Mar. 1972). -- Eight 1-page episodes spaced
   throughout the magazine. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.W4W4no.15
"The Adventures of Arthur" / John Williams ("J. Arthur Wms").
   4 p. in Weirdom Comix, no. 15 (Mar. 1972). -- Call no.:
"Once Upon a Planet" 6 p. in Weirdom Comix, no. 15 (Mar.
   1972). -- By Martin RUssel, per Kennedy. -- Call no.:
"Stoned Wolf & the 3 Pigs" / From Tim Boxell. 3 p. in Weirdom
   Comix, no. 15 (Mar. 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.W4W4no.15
"The Principal Just Hanged Himself"* (The Weirder Side of
   Weirdom) / CR (Chuck Rogers)  1 p. in Weirdom Comix, no. 15
   (Mar. 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.W4W4no.15
"The Same Old Story" 3 p. in Weirdom Comix, no. 15 (Mar.
   1972). -- By John Williams, per Kenney. -- Call no.:
"What Could Be Worse?" / Figaloush. 3 p. in Weirdom Comix, no.
   15 (Mar. 1972). -- Kennedy suggests "Figaloush" may be the
   Jerry Firitilli listed in the issue credits on page 1. --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.W4W4no.15
"He Walks on Water"* (The Weirder Side of Weirdom) / story,
   John Coronado ; art, Rudi Franke. 2 p. in Weirdom Comix,
   no. 15 (Mar. 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.W4W4no.15
Zippy Stories. -- San Francisco, Calif. : Rip Off Press,
   1977-1978. -- illustrations ; 21 cm. -- Published no. 1-2.
   -- By Bill Griffith. -- Underground genre. -- LIBRARY HAS:
   no. 2. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5Z5
"A Nation of Pinheads" (Zippy) 29 p. in Zippy Stories, no. 2
   (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5Z5no.2
"Hoppy's Creed" (Hoppy) 1 p. in Zippy Stories, no. 2 (1978) /
   by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5Z5no.2
"Tugboat Annie Meets Alan Watts" (Griffith Observatory) 1 p.
   in Zippy Stories, no. 2 (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.R5Z5no.2
"But, Sarge!" (Griffith Observatory) 1 p. in Zippy Stories,
   no. 2 (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.:
"7 Days Without T.V." (Griffith Observatory) 1 p. in Zippy
   Stories, no. 2 (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.:
"The Deltomaniacs" (Griffith Observatory) 1 p. in Zippy
   Stories, no. 2 (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.:
"Going with the Flow" (Griffith Observatory) 1 p. in Zippy
   Stories, no. 2 (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.:
"Comic Book Reality" (Griffith Observatory) 1 p. in Zippy
   Stories, no. 2 (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.:
"Where's the Party?" (Griffith Observatory) 1 p. in Zippy
   Stories, no. 2 (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.:
"Claude College" (Claude Funston, Esq.) 1 p. in Zippy Stories,
   no. 2 (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.:
"Enlightenment" (Toadette) 1 p. in Zippy Stories, no. 2 (1978)
   / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5Z5no.2
"Nostalgia" (Toadette Traits) 1 p. in Zippy Stories, no. 2
   (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5Z5no.2
"Origins of Zippy" 2 p. in Zippy Stories, no. 2 (1978) / by
   Bill Griffith. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5Z5no.2
"Condoning the Coneheads" (Zippy) 1 p. in Zippy Stories, no. 2
   (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5Z5no.2
"Babble Without a Cause" (Zippy) 1 p. in Zippy Stories, no. 2
   (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5Z5no.2
"The Continental Bop" (Zippy) 1 p. in Zippy Stories, no. 2
   (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5Z5no.2
"An Artistic Bent" (Zippy) 1 p. in Zippy Stories, no. 2 (1978)
   / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5Z5no.2
"Studebaker Lust" (Zippy) 1 p. in Zippy Stories, no. 2 (1978)
   / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5Z5no.2
"Hollywood Calling" (Zippy) 1 p. in Zippy Stories, no. 2
   (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5Z5no.2
"Uncustomary Behavior" (Zippy) 1 p. in Zippy Stories, no. 2
   (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5Z5no.2
"Commuting with Nature" (Zippy) 1 p. in Zippy Stories, no. 2
   (1978) / by Bill Griffith. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.R5Z5no.2
The Plowshare / written by Doug Flaherty ; illustration by
   Daniel Wheeler. -- Neenah, WI : Wolf Angel Press, 2015. --
   24 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Horror genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.W427P55 2015
Walt Disney's Man in Space : Satellites. -- New York : Dell
   Publishing Co., Inc., 1958. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm.
   -- "No. 954" in the Four Color series. -- "Explorer!
   Vanguard! Sputnik! What are they, and why have they been
   rocketed into space? This is their story." -- Educational
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.D4M242 1958
Adventures of Mighty Mouse. -- New York : St. John, 1952-1955.
   -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 2 (Jan. 1952) - no.
   18 (May 1955), cf. Official Overstreet Comic Book Price
   Guide. -- Continues: Paul Terry's Mighty Mouse Adventures.
   -- Superhero and funny animal genres. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
   5, 7-8 (1952-1953). -- Call no.: PN6728.2.S3M5
FIX 780 AND 866
Paul Terry's Mighty Mouse Adventures. -- New York : St. John
   Pub. Co., 1951. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1
   (Nov. 1951) only. -- Continued by: Adventures of Mighty
   Mouse. -- Funny animal and superhero genres. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6728.2.S3M5
Joi Reika / Tsuguri Mai ; Minegishi Nobuaki. -- Tôkyô : Leed,
   2000- . -- ill. ; 18 cm. -- Complete in 9 vols. -- Romance
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 8 (2001). -- Call no.: PN6790.J33
   T7215J6 2000
Tsurugina, Mai.
Minegishi, Nobuaki.
Blood and Thunder. -- Australia : Blood and Thunder, . -- ill.
   ; 27 cm. -- Alternative comics anthology. -- LIBRARY HAS:
   no. 2 (2012). -- Call no.: PN6790.A82B55
The Wrenchies / Farel Dalrymple. -- New York : First Second,
   2014. -- 302 p. : col. ill. ; 22 cm. -- Summary (from
   publisher via SkyRiver): "Sherwood and Orson should never
   have gone into that cave. That day, a door was opened from
   our world into a dark and profane realm...and earth's
   destiny was changed forever. In this demented future,
   whatever life remains on earth is oppressed by the evil
   shadowsmen. Only a gang of ruthless and powerful children
   called the Wrenchies can hope to stand against them. When
   Hollis, a lonely boy from our world, is magically given
   access to the future world of the Wrenchies, he finally
   finds a place he belongs. But it is not an easy world to
   live in, and Hollis's quest is bigger than he ever dreamed
   of." -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.D2W7
Faceless / Bruce Sutherland. -- Cape Town : Zebra Press, 2011.
   -- 255 p. : col. ill. ; 19 cm. -- Summary (from SkyRiver):
   From kinky sex and dysfunctional families to misogyny,
   adultery, and warring couples, nothing and no one is sacred
   in Bruce Sutherland's contentious comics. -- Alternative
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6790.S63 S8F3 2011
Pictures of You / Damon Hurd and Tatiana Gill. -- Gainesville,
   FL Alternative Comics, 2007. -- 78 p. : ill. ; 23 cm --
   Summary (from SkyRiver): Two teenagers experience
   unrequited love with best friends and neighbors. A prequel
   to an earlier graphic novel, Kinship. -- Alternative genre.
   -- Call no.: PN6727.G5534P5 2007
H Day / Renée French. -- Brooklyn : PictureBox, 2010. -- 1 v.
   : ill. ; 19 cm. -- Summary (from SkyRiver): Illustrates the
   author's struggle with migraine headaches and her battle
   with Argentine ant infestation through her drawings. --
   Autobiographical genre, story without words. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.F745H2 2010
Baby Bjornstrand / Renee French. -- Toronto, Ontario, Canada :
   Koyama Press, 2014. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 21 cm. -- Summary
   (from publisher via SkyRiver): "Baby Bjornstrand tells the
   tale of Mickey, Marcel and Cyril and their misadventures
   with an undeniably adorable, and mysteriously menacing
   monster. A wasteland becomes fertile ground for fantasy as
   the book's graphite grotesqueries are brought to life by
   French's adroit hand; her elegant shading seemingly
   wringing her wondrous worlds out of the page itself." --
   Fantasy genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.F745B28 2014
New Moon / written by Nunzio Defilippis & Christina Weir ;
   illustrated by Christopher Mitten ; colored by Bill
   Crabtree ; lettered by Douglas E. Sherwood ; edited by
   James Lucas Jones ; designed by Keith Wood. -- Portland,
   Or. : Oni Press, 2013. -- 118 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   (Bad Medicine ; v. 1) -- Contents: Unseen ; Killing moon.
   -- "Pulled out of exile from a dark corner of the world,
   renowned-surgeon-turned-fringe-medicine-eccentric Doctor
   Randal Horne must return to New York City to investigate a
   tragic research lab accident that's left one man dead, and
   inexplicably headless. Now with the help of a distrusting
   NYPD detective and a skeptical team from the Center for
   Disease Control, Horne must diagnose this strange case and
   others as the line between science and science fiction
   grows blurrier by the moment." -- Science fiction and
   detective genres. -- Call no.: PN6727.M5317N4 2013
Heartless : Comics / by Nina Bunjevac. -- Greenwich, N.S. :
   Conundrum Press, 2012. -- 127 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24
   cm. -- Alternative genre. -- Call no.: PN6733.B8H42 2012
Doctors / Dash Shaw. -- Seattle, Washington : Fantagraphics
   Books, 2014. -- 95 p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm. -- "What if,
   just before everything fades, permanently, to black, you
   unconsciously create the afterlife you want, or feel you
   deserve? Wouldn't that be better than reality, and no less
   meaningful than life itself? The Charon is a medical device
   that gains entrance into this afterlife, by taking the form
   of a memory from a patient's consciousness, and using it to
   revive his or her life." -- Science fiction genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6727.S4715D6 2014
Good Riddance : an Illustrated Memoir of Divorce / Cynthia
   Copeland ; colors by Frank M. Young. -- New York : Abrams
   ComicArts, 2013. -- 221 p. : col. ill. ; 23 cm. --
   Autobiographical genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.C648G6 2013
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