Michigan State University Libraries
Special Collections Division
Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection
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Douce, Francis, Sir.
Index entry (p. 426) in History of the Comic Strip, v. 1 /
by David Kunzle (Berkeley, Calif. : University of
California Press, 1973) Call no.: PN6710f.K85v.1
Douce Collection.
Index entry (p. 272, 291) in History of the Comic Strip, v.
1 / by David Kunzle (Berkeley, Calif. : University of
California Press, 1973) Call no.: PN6710f.K85v.1
"Douce Nuit."
Les Pires Noël. -- Paris : Guy Delcourt Productions, 1989.
-- 53 p. : col. ill. ; 19 x 25 cm. -- CONTENTS: "Douce
Nuit" / Makyo-François Boucq ; "Joyeux Noël Monsieur le
Comte" / Dodo et Ben Radis ; "Au Sana au plus Haut des
Cieux" / Tronchet ; "Un Noël Hivernal" / Schlingo-Chaland ;
"Mic et Hoc, Héros de l'Impossible dans Mon Beau Troène" /
Kafka-Boilet ; "Le Jour du Pardon" / Tronchet-Olivier
Vatine ; "Le Noël d'Angèle Lumière" /
Dupuy-Berberian-Claude Legris. -- Single panel cartoons
throughout by Philippe Geluck.
1. Christmas--Comic books, strips, etc. 2. French comics.
I. Guy Delcourt Productions. II. [Each creator] III. ["Each
story title"]. Call no.: PN6071.C6 P5 1989
Doucet, Julie, 1965-
"The Artists Talk Back : Cartoonists Placing Work in our
Top 100 List Their Favorite Comics and Cartoonists" p.
109-113 in The Comics Journal, no. 210 (Feb. 1999). --
(Beyond the Grid) -- Presenting lists are: Joe Sacco, Jim
Woodring, Don Simpson, Seth, R. Crumb, Carol Tyler, Julie
Doucet, Jaime Hernandez, Jules Feiffer, Gilbert Hernandez,
Jack Jackson. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.210
Doucet, Julie, 1965-
"Clean Up Time" / Julie Doucet. p. 64 in Legal Action
Comics. v. 1 (New York : Dirty Danny Legal Defense Fund,
2001). -- Call no.: PN6726.L44 2001
Doucet, Julie, 1965-
Contribution (p. 446-449) to Comix 2000 (Paris :
L'Association, 1999). -- Call no.: PN6720.C6 1999
Doucet, Julie, 1965-
Leve ta Jambe mon Poisson est Mort! = Lift Your Leg My Fish
is Dead! / by Julie Doucet. -- Montreal : Drawn and
Quarterly Publications, 1993. -- 94 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
1. Feminism--Comic books, strips, etc. 2. Canadian comics.
3. Women's comics. I. Doucet, Julie. II. Lift Your Leg My
Fish is Dead! III. Drawn and Quarterly Publications. Call
no.: PN6733.D6L4 1933
Doucet, Julie, 1965-
The Madam Paul Affair / by Julie Doucet. -- Montreal,
Quebec : Drawn & Quarterly, 2000. -- 40 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
-- Autobiographical. -- Call no.: PN6733.D6M3 2000
Doucet, Julie, 1965-
My New York Diary / by Julie Doucet. -- Montreal, Quebec :
Drawn & Quarterly, 1999. -- 85 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. --
Contents: "The First Time" ; "Julie in Junior College" ;
"My New York Diary" -- Autobiographical comics. -- Call
no.: PN6733.D6M9 1999
Doucet, Julie, 1965-
The Narrative Corpse : a chain-story by 69 artists! /
edited by Art Spiegelman and R. Sikoryak. -- Richmond, VA :
Raw Books ; Gates of Heck, 1995. -- 19 p. : ill. ; 42 x 23
cm. -- Panels by Max Andersson, Peter Bagge, Lynda Barry,
Mark Beyer, Chester Brown, M.K. Brown, Charles Burns, Max
Cabanes, Daniel Clowes, Paul Corio, R. Crumb, Georganne
Deen, Kim Deitch, Julie Doucet, Pascal Doury, Debbie
Drechsler, Will Eisner, Mary Fleener, Drew Friedman, Scott
Gillis, Justin Green, Bill Griffith, Matt Groening, Gilbert
Hernandez, Jaime Hernandez, Kamagurka & Herr Seele, Ben
Katchor, Kaz, Aline Kominsky-Crumb, Krystine Kryttre, Mark
Landman, Carol Lay, Gary Leib, Jacques Loustal, Jason
Lutes, Jay Lynch, Mariscal, Lorenzo Mattotti, David
Mazzucchelli, Scott McCloud, Richard McGuire, Ever Meulen,
José Muñoz, Thomas Ott, Gary Panter, J. Pirinen, Jayr
Pulga, Bruno Richard, Jonathon Rosen, Joe Sacco, Richard
Sala, David Sandlin, Savage Pencil, Gilbert Shelton, R.
Sikoryak, Spain, Art Spiegelman, Carol Swain, Joost Swarte,
Carol Tyler, Typex, Mort Walker, Chris Ware, G. Wasco,
Willem, S. Clay Wilson, Jim Woodring and Mark Zingarelli.
-- Call no.: folio PN6727.N37 1995
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Interviews.
Dangerous Drawings : interviews with graphix & comix
artists / edited by Andrea Juno. -- New York : Juno Books,
1997. -- 223 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- Contents: Art Spiegelman
; Chris Ware ; Julie Doucet ; Eli Langer ; Emiko Shimoda ;
Dan Clowes ; G.B. Jones ; Chester Brown ; Phoebe Gloeckner
; Aline Kominsky-Crumb ; Diane Noomin ; Matt Reid ; Keith
Mayerson ; Ted Rall. -- Includes index. -- Subject:
Alternative comics. -- Call no.: PN6725.D245 1997
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Interviews.
"Julie Doucet's Secretions" p. 98-105 in The Comics
Journal, no. 141 (Apr. 1991) -- Interview and translation
from French by Andrew Dagilis. -- Running title: Julie
Doucet Interview.
1. Doucet, Julie--Interviews. 2. Canadian comics--History
and criticism. 3. Dirty Plotte. I. Dagilis, Andrew. II.
Julie Doucet Interview. Call no.: PN6700.C62no.141
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Miscellanea.
"Comics, Transgression and Cultural Argument" p. 32 in The
Comics Journal, no. 208 (Nov. 1998). -- (News Watch) --
Describes presentations at the Fourth International Comics
and Animation Festival (Sept. 24-27, 1998): Alvise Mattozzi
("A Socio-Semiotic Analysis of the Underground Comix") ;
Libbie McQuillan ("Tradition and Transgression : The
Laughter of Claire Brétecher") ; Heather Sinclair ("Julie
Doucet's Dirty Plotte : Reflections of a Fan, a Female, and
a Fellow Artist") -- Call no.: PN6700.C 62no.208
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Miscellanea.
Contributor note and bibliography in Comix 2000 (Paris :
L'Association, 1999). -- Birth year given as 1965. -- Call
no.: PN6720.C6 1999
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Miscellanea.
Contributors' note (p. 212) in XXX Strip Burger (Ljubljana,
Slovenia : Forum Ljubljana, 1999). -- Call no.: PN6720.S752
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Miscellanea.
"Doucet Book Delayed" p. 29 in The Comics Journal, no. 161
(Aug. 1993) -- (Newswatch) -- Julie Doucet's Lève Ta Jambe
Mon Poisson Est Mort! considered too obscene to print by
two Canadian printers. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.161
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Miscellanea.
Entry (v. 3, p. 797) in Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de
Héros et Auteurs de BD, by Henri Filippini (Grenoble :
Glénat, 2000). -- Call no.: PN6707.F5 1998 v.3
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Miscellanea.
Entry (p. 157) in Das grosse Comic-Lexikon, by Marcel Feige
(Berlin: Lexikon Imprint Verlag, 2001). -- Call no.:
PN6707.F48 2001
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 98, 230, 232) in Adult Comics : an
Introduction / by Roger Sabin (London : Routledge, 1993).
Call no.: PN6710.S23 1993
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 147, 151) to A Century of Women
Cartoonists, by Trina Robbins (Northampton, Mass. : Kitchen
Sink Press, 1993). Call no.: NC1426.R63 1993
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 196, 211, 213) in Comics, Comix & Graphic
Novels, by Roger Sabin (London : Phaidon, 1996). Call no.:
PN6710.S24 1996
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 25, 54-73, 113, 136, 147, 168, 170, 182,
220) in Dangerous Drawings, ed. by Andrea Juno (New York :
Juno Books, 1997). -- Call no.: PN6725.D245 1997
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 118, 120-121) in From Girls to Grrrlz : a
history of [female] comics from teens to zines, by Trina
Robbins (San Francisco : Chronicle Books, 1999). -- Call
no.: PN6725.R58 1999
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Miscellanea.
"Julie Doucet" p. 60 in The Comics Journal, no. 162 (Oct.
1993) -- Brief sketch and art sample in "The
Autobiographical Cartoonist Survey." -- Call no.:
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Miscellanea.
"The Old School" / by Robert Boyd. p. 30-33 in The Comics
Journal, no. 183 (Jan. 1996) -- (Objective Opinions :
Minimalism) -- Reviews works by minicomics creators Steve
Willis, Rick Geary, Julie Doucet, Brad Johnson. -- Call
no.: PN6700.C72no.183
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Miscellanea.
"Plotte Driven : Lève Ta Jambe, Mon Poisson Est Mort!" / a
review by Anne Rubenstein" p. 54 in The Comics Journal, no.
166 (Feb. 1994) -- (Comics Library) -- Reviews the Julie
Doucet collection. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.166
Doucet, Julie, 1965- --Miscellanea.
Tours : Drawn & Quarterly, Hateball, Sim : Chester Brown,
Joe Matt, Mary Fleener, Lloyd Dangle, Julie Doucet, Dave
Sim, Peter Bagge & Dan Clowes. p. 23 in The Comics Journal,
no. 158 (Apr. 1993). -- Promotional book-signing
apppearances. -- (Newswatch) -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.158
Doucet, Lawrence.
The Authorized Guide to Dick Tracy Collectibles / William
Crouch, Jr., & Lawrence Doucet. -- Radnor, Pa. :
Wallace-Homestead, 1990. -- 162 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 26
cm. -- Includes bibliographical references (p. 152-154).
1. Dick Tracy--Collectibles. 2. Detective and mystery comic
books, strips, etc.--Collectibles. I. Crouch, Bill, 1945-
II. Doucet, Lawrence. Call no.: PN6725.C74A8 1990
"Doucet Book Delayed" p. 29 in The Comics Journal, no. 161
(Aug. 1993) -- (Newswatch) -- Julie Doucet's Lève Ta Jambe
Mon Poisson Est Mort! considered too obscene to print by
two Canadian printers. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.161
Iona Douche-Bag Presents Tillie in Foul Ball. -- Between
1930 and 1950. -- 8 p. : ill. ; 14 cm. -- A "Tijuana
bible." -- Photocopy, 2 p. per leaf.
1. Erotic comic books, strips, etc. 2. Career girl comics.
I. Tillie in Foul Ball. II. Foul Ball. k. Douche-Bags. k.
Tijuana Bibles. Call no.: PN6728.15.T48 1930za
Entry (v. 2, p. 232) in Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de
Héros et Auteurs de BD, by Henri Filippini (Grenoble :
Glénat, 1998). -- Call no.: PN6707.F5 1998 v.2
Index entry (p. 26) in Panel by Panel : A History of
Australian Comics, by John Ryan (Stanmore, NSW : Cassell
Australia, 1979). -- Index by John Melloy. -- Call no.:
"You're Scaring Me"* (Helen, Queen of the Internet, Nov.
15, 2000) / by Peter Zale. -- Summary: Doug has upgraded
his look to be dynamic and modern for the web clients. --
Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "modernizing"
"Quirky New Cartoons Take Years to Reach TV" / by Mike
Hughes. Article in The Lansing State Journal, Aug. 11,
1991, on the introduction of three new animated series:
Doug, Rugrats, and The Ren & Stimpy Show. -- Call no.:
NC1765.S39 1991
"Doug Allen/Gary Leib Sketchbook" p. 97-101 in The Comics
Journal, no. 148 (Feb. 1992)
1. Allen, Doug--Notebooks, sketchbooks, etc. 2. Leib,
Gary--Notebooks, sketchbooks, etc. Call no.:
Doug Allen Interview.
"Idiot of the Savant-Garde : Doug Allen" / interview by
John Kelly. p. 78-88 in The Comics Journal, no. 156 (Feb.
1993). -- Running title: Doug Allen Interview. -- Call no.:
Doug Grant, Secret Agent (Oct. 1952)
"Forest of Terror" (Doug Grant, Secret Agent) 6 p. in Spy
Cases, no. 13 (Oct. 1952). -- Call no.: PN6728.2.M3S63no.13
Doug Grant, Secret Agent (Oct. 1952)
"The Kidnaping of General Syin" (Doug Grant, Secret Agent)
7 p. in Spy Cases, no. 13 (Oct. 1952). -- Call no.:
Doug Grant, Secret Agent (Oct. 1952)
"Revenge" (Doug Grant, Secret Agent) 5 p. in Spy Cases, no.
13 (Oct. 1952). -- Call no.: PN6728.2.M3S63no.13
Doug James : les Aventures / Gordon et Robert. -- Édition GR,
198-? -- 22 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. -- "Dessin, Gordon Collins ;
Robert, texte", per attached note. -- Probably Canadian. --
Spy genre. -- Call no.: PN6733.C62D6 1980z
Doug Makes the Team / story by Nancy Krulik ; illustrated by
Matthew C. Peters, Jeffrey Nodelman, Vinh Truong, Brian
Donnelly, Miriam Katin. -- New York : Disney Press, 1998.
-- 30 p. : col. ill. ; 21 x 26 cm. -- (Disney's Doug) --
"Original characters for 'The Funnies' developed by Jim
Jinkins and Joe Aaron." -- Summary: Doug tries out for the
soccer team. He becomes the mascot. But when Patti sprains
her ankle, he goes in and wins the game. -- Children's book
based on an animated television series. -- Call no.:
PS3561.R8D58 1998
Doug Marlette : clipping file. -- 1 portfolio ; 25 x 38 cm. --
Collected at Michigan State University in the Russel B. Nye
Popular Culture Collection's Popular Culture Vertical File
(PCVF). -- Includes material on Marlette's comic strip,
Kudzu. -- Call no.: PCVF COMICS "Marlette, Doug"
"Doug Marlette Wins Pulitzer" p. 18 (Comics Journal #122 June
1. Marlette, Doug. 2. Awards. 3. Pulitzer Prize. Call no.:
Doug Moench interview (20 p.) in David Anthony Kraft's Comics
Interview no. 10-11. SUBJECTS: Aztec Ace, Moon Knight, Six
from Sirius, Weirdworld, Red Sonja, etc.
1. Moench, Doug--Interviews. 2. Aztec Ace. 3. Moon Knight.
4. Six from Sirius. 5. Weirdworld. 6. Red Sonja. 7. Comic
book writers--Interviews. Call no.: PN6725.D28no.10-11.
"Doug Moench Leaves Marvel over MOKF Flap" p. 16 in The Comics
Journal, no. 76 (Oct. 1982) -- Data from Pete Coogan. --
Call no.: PN6700.C62no.76
"Doug Moench's Memories : Chatting with Chicago Son and
Prolific Marvel Scripter" / conducted by Jon B. Cooke ;
transcribed by Sam Gafford. p. 34-48 in Comic Book Artist,
no. 7 (Feb. 2000). -- (CBA Interview) -- Call no.:
Doug Murray interview (12 p.) in David Anthony Kraft's Comics
Interview no. 53. SUBJECTS: The 'Nam, War, The Merc, Savage
1. Murray, Doug--Interviews. 2. The 'Nam. 3. War. 4. The
Merc. 5. Savage Tales. 6. Comic book writers--Interviews.
Call no.: PN6725.D28no.53.
Doug Potter's Denizens of Deep City [picture] -- 1989. -- 1
poster : col. ill. ; 43 x 28 cm.
1. Posters. I. Potter, Doug. II. Denizens of Deep City.
Call no.: PN6727.P565D4 1989
Doug Potter's Denizens of Deep City.
Denizens of Deep City. -- No. 1 (Dec. 1988)- . --
Princeton, WI : Kitchen Sink Press, 1988- . -- ill. ; 26
cm. -- Title from indicia. -- Cover title: Doug Potter's
Denizens of Deep City. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-5, 7.
1. City and town life--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Doug
Potter's Denizens of Deep City. Call no.: PN6728.5.K5D4
Doug Wheeler's Aesop's Desecrated Morals.
Aesop's Desecrated Morals. -- Magnecom, an imprint of Rip
Off Press, 1993- . -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Classics Desecrated
Special) -- Cover title: Doug Wheeler's Aesop's Desecrated
Morals. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1.
1. Fables--Comic books, strips, etc. 2. Funny animal
comics. I. Wheeler, Doug. II. Doug Wheeler's Aesop's
Desecrated Morals. III. Desecrated Morals. IV. Series. V.
Magnecom. VI. Rip Off Press. k. Morals. Call no.:
Doug Wright's Family. -- Toronto : Canadian Homes Readers'
Service, 1971. -- 94 p. : ill. ; 12 x 18 cm. -- "Featured
in the Canadian Magazine and Star Weekly." -- Wordless
comic strips, each one page (2 tiers) in length. -- Call
no.: PN6733.W7D6 1971
Dougan, Michael, 1958-
I Can't Tell You Anything / by Michael Dougan. -- New York
: Penguin, 1993. -- 215 p. : ill. ; 19 x 21 cm. -- Some of
the stories in this book first appeared in the L.A. Weekly,
Baltimore City Paper, New York Press, Dallas Observer,
Houston Press, Drawn & Quarterly, and The Rocket.
I. Dougan, Michael, 1958- II. Penguin Books. Call no.:
PN6727.D595I2 1993
Dougan, Michael, 1958- --Miscellanea.
"I Can't Tell You Anything : A New Book by Michael Dougan"
/ a preview by Robert Boyd. p. 51 in The Comics Journal,
no. 155 (Jan. 1993)
k. Dougan, Michael--Miscellanea. I. Boyd, Robert. Call no.:
Dougan, Michael, 1958- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 68) in Dangerous Drawings, ed. by Andrea
Juno (New York : Juno Books, 1997). -- Call no.:
PN6725.D245 1997
Dougan, Michael, 1958- --Miscellanea.
"Michael Dougan" p. 60-61 in The Comics Journal, no. 162
(Oct. 1993) -- Brief sketch and art sample in "The
Autobiographical Cartoonist Survey."
1. Dougan, Michael. Call no.: PN6700.C62no.162
Dougan, Michael, 1958- --Miscellanea.
"Swipe File" p. 5 in The Comics Journal, no. 203 (Apr.
1998). -- Al Feldstein and Michael Dougan. -- Call no.:
Dougan, Scott.
"The Time Capsule" 1 p. text in Kamandi, the Last Boy on
Earth, no. 47 (Nov. 1976). -- Letters not separately
captioned from Steve Scheibner, Tony Basham, and Scott
Dougan. -- Call no.: PN6728.4.N3K25no.47
The Blank in the Comics strip collection includes a file of
one or more daily comic strips related to this keyword or
topic. Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
"Eddie Saves the Dough" 2 p. text in Captain America
Comics, no. 70 (Jan. 1949). -- Data from Lou Mougin and
Tony R. Rose via Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call
no.: Film 15791r.190
"Heart of Pizza"* (Dilly, Oct. 12, 1957) / Alfred James,
Mel Casson. -- Summary: A pizza cook throws his dough in
the form of a heart; Dilly throws him a kiss and he drops
the dough on his head. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "pizza"
"I Putt for IOUs"* (Shoe, Aug. 25, 2000) / MacNelly
Productions. -- Summary: The Professor muses about the
saying, 'Drive for show, putt for dough.' -- Call no.:
PN6726 f.B55 "golf"
"The Shmoe with the Dough!" (Nellie the Nurse) 7 p. in
Millie the Model Comics, no. 24 (Sept. 1950). -- Call no.:
"Sometimes the Dough Rises Too Fast"* (Richie Rich) 1 p. in
Richie Rich Jackpots, no. 15 (Feb. 1975) -- Summary: A cake
explodes in Pierre the bakers oven; then Richie gets his
allowance and his safe explodes. -- Call no.:
"Still No Dough" (Joe Palooka, Dec. 27, 1939) / by Ham
Fisher. -- Summary: Knobby's telegrams asking for money get
only one response, and that one asks to be repaid a $100
golf debt. -- Call no.: PN6728.J57F6 1939 v.1
"Yankee Doodle Doughboy" / Rudy Palais, art. 4 p. in Action
Comics, no. 143 (Apr. 1950) -- Data from Jon Ingersoll, Bob
Klein and Brian Mowbray of Grand Comics Database.
I. Palais, Rudy. k. Doughboys. Call no.: Film 15791, reel
"Doughboys' General : Omar Bradley" 5 p. in True Comics, no.
38 (Aug. 1944)
1. Bradley, Omar--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Omar
Bradley. k. Generals. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.38
"Doughboy's Holiday" p. 51-56 in True Comics, no. 18 (Nov.
1942) -- "Two American soldiers on leave recently had an
experience they will remember as long as they live!"
(spending the weekend at the White House with FDR)
1. Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano),
1882-1945--Comic books, strips, etc. k. Holidays. k.
Leaves. k. White House. k. Soldiers. Call no.:
Dougherty, Don.
Index entry (p. 136, 155, 179) in Animals, Animals, Animals
: a collection of great animal cartoons (New York : Harper
& Row, 1979) -- Call no.: NC1426.A5 1979
Dougherty, George.
Index entry (p. 115, 147, 156-157, 171, 178) in The Mad
World of William M. Gaines, by Frank Jacobs (Secaucus, N.J.
: L. Stuart, 1972). -- Call no.: PN4874.G28J3
Dougherty, Joe.
Index entry (p. 212) in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of
Cartoon Animals, by Jeff Rovin (New York : Prentice Hall,
1991). -- Call no.: NC1766.U5R6 1991
Dougherty, Robert.
"Cosmic Comics, Featuring Cosmo Orlando and All His
Friends" / Robert Dougherty. 3 p. in Yellow Dog Comics, no.
15 (v. 2, no. 3) (1969). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7Y4no.15
"Seeing Stars" (Pvt. Doughfoot) / Vic Martin. 1 p. in G.I.
Joe, no. 30 (Apr. 1954)
I. Martin, Vic. II. Pvt. Doughfoot. k. Stars. k. Doughfoot.
Call no.: PN6728.2.Z5G2no.30
Doughnut and Rusty--Miscellanea.
Entry (p. 71) in Encyclopedia of Comic Characters, by Denis
Gifford (Harlow : Longman, 1987). -- Call no.: PN6707.G5
Doughnut Corporation of America.
Fred Allen's Collection of Funniest Donut Cartoons. --
Doughnut Corp. of America, 1946. -- 31 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
-- Promotional booklet for Schafer's Peter Pan Bakeries,
Inc.; includes comics, cartoons, recipes, games, and
history of Doughnuts.
1. Doughnuts--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Allen, Fred,
1894-1956. II. Donut Cartoons. III. Doughnut Corporation of
America. Call no.: PN6231.D69A54 1946
"Dollars to Doughnuts" (Archie) 8 p. in Archie Comics, no.
32 (May/June 1948). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.A7A7m no.32
Fred Allen's Collection of Funniest Donut Cartoons. --
Doughnut Corp. of America, 1946. -- 31 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
-- Promotional booklet for Schafer's Peter Pan Bakeries,
Inc.; includes comics, cartoons, recipes, games, and
history of doughnuts.
1. Doughnuts--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Allen, Fred,
1894-1956. II. Donut Cartoons. III. Doughnut Corporation of
America. Call no.: PN6231.D69A54 1946
"I Hated Doughnuts!"* (Marvin, July 31, 1998) / Armstrong.
-- Summary: Bitsy used to want to be a police dog, but
didn't have what it took. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "police
"I Was Hoping It Was A Doughnut"* (Geech, May 26, 1977) /
Bittle. -- Summary: Artie has trouble identifying his
breakfast grapefruit. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Who Needs Donuts? / story & pictures by Mark Alan Stamaty.
-- New York : Dial Press, 1973. -- 40 p. : ill. ; 24 x 26
1. Doughnuts--Fiction. I. Stamaty, Mark Alan. II. Dial
Press. Call no.: PN6727.S65W47 1973
"Skeeter the Doughty!" (Tailspin Tommy, Dec. 18, 1931) / by
Glenn Chaffin and Hal Forrest. -- Summary: Skeeter has the
navy wig-wag Tommy not to land, and asks for a suit of
whites and a rope ladder. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Doughty, Cecil Langley, 1913-1985--Miscellanea.
Entry (p. 51) in Dictionary of British Comic Artists,
Writers, and Editors, by Alan Clark (London : The British
Library, 1998). -- Call no.: PN6735.C513 1998
Doughty, Cecil Langley, 1913-1985--Miscellanea.
Entry (v. 1, p. 694) in Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de
Héros et Auteurs de BD, by Henri Filippini (Grenoble :
Glénat, 1998). -- Call no.: PN6707.F5 1998 v.1
Douglas, Allen, 1949-
Arab Comic Strips : Politics of an Emerging Mass Culture /
Allen Douglas and Fedwa Malti-Douglas. -- Bloomington :
Indiana University Press, 1994. -- 275 p. : ill. (some
col.) ; 27 cm. -- Includes bibliographical references (p.
148-154) and index.
1. Arab comics--History and criticism. 2. Political aspects
of comics. I. Douglas, Allen, 1949- II. Malti-Douglas,
Fedwa. III. Politics of an Emerging Mass Culture. IV.
Indiana University Press. Call no.: PN6790.A65D68 1994
Douglas, Allen, 1949-
L'Idéologie par la Bande : Héros Politiques de France et
d'Egypte au Miroir de la BD / Allan Douglas, Fedwa
Malti-Douglas. -- Le Caire : Centre d'études et de
documentation économique, juridique et sociale, 1987. --
131 p., 28 p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. --
Dossier (Markaz al-Dir¯as¯at wa-al-Wath¯a'iq
al-Iqtis¯ad¯iyah wa-al-Q¯an¯un¯iyah wa-al-Ijtim¯a`¯iyah
(Cairo, Egypt)) ; 1986, no. 4 -- Bibliography: p. 127-131.
-- Political aspects of both Egyptian and French comics,
with focus on Ramses II, presidents Nasser and De Gaulle,
and Mickey Mouse. -- Call no.: PN6790.E34D6 1987
Douglas, Allen, 1949-
"Islamic Classics Illustrated : Regendering Medieval
Philosophy in a Modern Tunisian Strip" / Allen Douglas,
Fedwa Malti-Douglas. p. 98-106 in International Journal of
Comic Art, v. 1, no. 2 (Fall 1999). -- Reprinted with
slight modification from the authors' Arab Comic Strips:
Politics of an Emerging Mass Culture (Indiana University
Press, 1994), p. 138-143. -- Includes bibliographical
references. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.1no.2
Douglas, Allen, 1949-
"Tardi and Daeninckx : Comic Strips, Detective Novels, and
World War I" / Allen Douglas, Fedwa Malti-Douglas. p.
134-146 in International Journal of Comic Art, v. 5, no. 1
(Spring 2003). -- Article on the work of Jacques Tardi and
Didier Daeninckx. -- Illustrated ; includes bibliographical
references. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.5no.1
Douglas, Allen, 1949- --Miscellanea.
"Arab Comic Strips : Politics of an Emerging Mass Culture,
by Allen Douglas and Fedwa Malti-Douglas" / reviewed by
Sabra J. Webber. p. 39-41 in Inks, v. 3, no. 3 (Nov. 1996)
k. Arab Comic Strips--Reviews. k. Douglas, Allen. k.
Malti-Douglas, Fedwa. I. Webber, Sabra J. Call no.:
PN6700.I45v.3, no.3
Douglas, Allen, 1949- --Miscellanea.
"The World of Arab Comics" p. 30 in The Comics Journal, no.
208 (Nov. 1998). -- (News Watch) -- Describes a
presentation at the Fourth International Comics and
Animation Festival (Sept. 24-27, 1998): Allen Douglas and
Fedwa Malti-Douglas ("Between Children's Literature and
Adult Politics") -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.208
Douglas, B.C.
Index entry (p. 190) in The Funnies, 100 Years of American
Comic Strips, by Ron Goulart (Holbrook, Mass. : Adams
Publishing, 1995). -- Call no.: PN6725.G62 1995
Douglas, C. N.--Miscellanea.
Entry (p. 309) in The Who's Who of American Comic Books, by
Jerry Bails & Hames Ware (Detroit, Mich. : J. Bails,
1973-1976). -- Call no.: PN6725.B3v.4
Douglas, Clint.
"From Beyond Boot Hill" / by Clint Douglas. 2 p. text in
Four Favorites, no. 13 (Feb. 1944). -- Call no.: Film
Douglas, Clint.
"Hemp Hellion" / by Clint Douglas. 2 p. text in Four
Favorites, no. 4 (Mar. 1942). -- Call no.:
Douglas, Dr.
"Avengers of the Jungle" (Tiger Girl) / by Allan O'Hara ;
art: Robert Webb. 12 p. in Fight Comics, no. 74 (May 1951).
-- Title from cover. -- Villains Stoney Shane, Hall,
Martin, Gorundi all introduced and all die; also introduced
are Dr. Douglas and Kent. -- Data from Gene Reed via Grand
Comic Book Database. -- Call no.: Film 15791 r.277
Douglas, Evan.
Entry (p. 5) in The Who's Who of American Comic Books :
1978 Yearbook / by Jerry Bails (Detroit, Mich. : J. Bails,
1979-1980). -- Call no.: PN6725.B3 1978
Douglas, John.
Index entry (p. 52) in All in Color for a Dime, edited by
Dick Lupoff & Don Thompson (Iola, WI : Krause Publications,
1997). -- Call no.: NC1426.A43 1997
Douglas, Kent.
Index entry (p. 66) in The Comic-Book Book, ed. by Don
Thompson & Dick Lupoff (Krause Publications, 1998). -- Call
no.: PN6725.T5 1998
Douglas, Kent.
"Introducing the Skull Squad"* (Skull Squad) / art: Arthur
Peddy. 7 p. in Wings Comics, no. 1 (Sept. 1940). --
Introduction and origin of The Skull Squad (Jock MacGregor,
Jimmy Jones, and Kent Douglas); villains are The Nazis. --
Data from Lou Mougin via The Grand Comics Database Project.
-- Call no.: PN6728.1.F5W5m no.1
Douglas, Kent.
"Von Tootorf's Revenge"* (Skull Squad) / by Ace Atkins ;
art: Art Peddy. 7 p. in Wings Comics, no. 26 (Oct. 1942).
-- The Skull Squad consists of "three R.A.F. aces: Jimmy
Jones, American, Sandy MacGregor, Scotsman and Kent
Douglas, Englishman." -- Data from Lou Mougin via The Grand
Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: Film 15791r.309
Douglas, Kirk.
"Dan Barry" 55 p. in David Anthony Kraft's Comics
Interview, no. 81-84 (1990). -- Topics include: Flash
Gordon, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan, Spider-Man. --
Interviewers are Rick Norwood and David Anthony Kraft. --
Pt. 1, issue 81, p. 24-37: "The Golden Age of Comics" ; pt.
2, issue 82, p. 47-57: "Of Mickey Spillane, Morts Meskin &
Weisinger, and More" ; pt. 3, issue 83, p. 34-52: "Of
Frazetta, Stans Lee & Drake, and More" ; pt. 4, issue 84,
p. 40-54: "From the Shah of Iran to Kirk Douglas." -- Call
no.: PN6725.D28no.81-84
Douglas, Mike.
Charles Schulz talks about his career and about the
character Charlie Brown [sound recording] / with Mike
Douglas and Cher. -- 1 sound tape reel (10 min.) : 7 1/2
ips, mono. ; 7 in., 1/4 in tape. -- Broadcast on the Mike
Douglas Show, August 8, 1979.
1. Peanuts. 2. Funny kid comics--History and criticism. I.
Schulz, Charles M. II. Douglas, Mike. III. Cher, 1946- a.
Voice Library. Call no.: Voice Library, M3145,bd.1
Douglas, Phil.
"Goddess of the Seven Moons" (The Seekers) / art, John
Burns ; story, Phil Douglas. p. 35-40 in Comic Media, v. 2,
no. 3 (=whole no. 10) (Sept. 1973). -- Reprints strips
numbered T246-T268.-- Call no.: PN6700.C595no.10
Douglas, Phil.
"Goddess of the Seven Moons (cont.)" (The Seekers) / by
J.M. Burns & P. Douglas. p. 9-12 in Comic Media, v. 2, no.
4 (=whole no. 11) (Dec. 1973). -- Reprints strips numbered
T270 to T284. -- Call no.: PN6700.C595no.11
Douglas, Phil--Interviews.
"The Men Behind The Seekers" p. 31-34 in Comic Media, v. 2,
no. 3 (=whole no. 10) (Sept. 1973). -- John Burns & Phillip
Douglas interviewed by Keith MacKenzie. -- Call no.:
Douglas, Stephen.
"Marie Lapitista, Hostage"* (Man o' Metal) / created by
Stephen Douglas. 6 p. in Reg'lar Fellers Heroic Comics, no.
9 (Nov. 1941). -- Takes place in a small South American
country called Bogadero. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F27R4no.9
Douglas, Stephen A., 1907-1967--Miscellanea.
Entry (p. 40) in The National Cartoonists Society Album
1965, ed. by Mort Walker (New York : NCS, 1965). -- Call
no.: NC1300.N3 1965
Douglas, Stephen A., 1907-1967--Miscellanea.
Entry (p. 328) in The National Cartoonists Society Album
1996 ed., edited by Bill Janocha (New York : NCS, 1996). --
Call no.: NC1300.N3 1996
Douglas, Stephen A., 1907-1967--Miscellanea.
Entry (p. 45) in The Who's Who of American Comic Books, by
Jerry Bails & Hames Ware (Detroit, Mich. : J. Bails,
1973-1976). -- Call no.: PN6725.B3v.1
Douglas, Stephen A., 1907-1967--Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 110-111, 125, 278, 289) in The Encyclopedia
of American Comics, ed. by Ron Goulart (New York : Facts on
File, 1990). Call no.: PN6725.E64 1990
Douglas, Stephen A., 1907-1967--Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 185, 190) in A History of American Graphic
Humor, v. 1 (1747-1865), by William Murrell (New York :
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1933). -- Call no.:
Douglas, Stephen A., 1907-1967--Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 20, 24, 152) in Over 50 Years of American
Comic Books, by Ron Goulart (Lincolnwood, Ill. : Mallard
Press, 1991). -- Call no.: PN6725.G636 1991
Douglas, Stephen A., 1907-1967--Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 6, 8, 11) in Ron Goulart's Great History of
Comic Books (Chicago : Contemporary Books, 1986). Call no.:
PN6725.G635 1986
Douglas, Steve.
Index entry (p. 231) in All in Color for a Dime, edited by
Dick Lupoff & Don Thompson (Iola, WI : Krause Publications,
1997). -- Call no.: NC1426.A43 1997
Douglas, T.
"Incoming Telemetry" p. 4-5, 25 in 1994 Magazine, no. 11
(Feb. 1980). -- Letters from Neil Barry, Joel Tulia, Louise
Montpelier, Grace Sweet, Sharon Barrow, James Herron,
Rogerson Macay, Herron Ealing, Tara Rivera, Michele
Berrien, Ronald Jacobs, Francis George, Lindsay Hammond,
George Chambireno, Joan Pescara, Joseph R. Williams, Dale
Evanier, Roscoe Lands, David E. Brennan and T. Douglas. --
Call no.: PN6728.4.W33N5no.11
Douglas, William O.
"Young Man from Yakima!" (William O. Douglas) 6 p. in Real
Life Comics, no. 42 (Nov. 1947). -- "Up the rungs of the
ladder of success William O. Douglas fought his way with
speed and skill and spirit! He climbed to the very peak of
his profession, the U.S. Supreme Court, to become the
youngest justice in 125 years!" -- Call no.:
"The Douglas A-20A, the Mitsubishi Karigane, the Kawasaki 97"
(Wing Tips) / Gene Fawcette. 1 p. in Wings Comics, no. 26
(Oct. 1942). -- Call no.: Film 15791r.309
Douglas Communications Corp.
Index entry (p. 312) in A History of Underground Comics /
by Mark James Estren. 3rd ed. (Berkeley, Calif. : Ronin,
1993). Call no.: PN6725.E75 1993
Douglas DC-3 Transport Plane.
"The Story of the Lopsided Plane and Its Escape from the
Japs" 4 p. in True Comics, no. 80 (Dec. 1949) -- Reprinted
from p. 52-55 in Real Heroes, no. 9 (Feb./Mar. 1943) --
SUMMARY: A downed DC-3 gets a DC-2 emergency replacement
I. The Lopsided Plane. k. World War, 1939-1945--Pacific
Area. k. Douglas DC-3 Transport Plane. k. Airplanes. k.
Escapes. k. DC-3. k. Wings. k. Japanese Military. Call no.:
Film 15791 r.298 Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.80
Douglas Danifer--Miscellanea.
Entry (v. 1, p. 386) in Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de
Héros et Auteurs de BD, by Henri Filippini (Grenoble :
Glénat, 1998). -- Call no.: PN6707.F5 1998 v.1
Douglas Dunkerk ; 1
Sharkville / text, Midant ; dessins, Lesueur. -- Paris :
Dargaud, 1992. -- 60 p. : col. ill. ; 32 cm. -- (Douglas
Dunkerk ; 1) -- Call no.: PN6747.M5S47 1992
Douglas Dunkerk ; 2
Soulage-moi, Endors-toi / scénario, Midant ; dessins,
Lesueur. -- Paris : Dargaud, 1993. -- 56 p. : col. ill. ;
32 cm. -- (Douglas Dunkerk ; 2) -- Call no.: PN6747.M5S6
Douglas Dunkerk--Miscellanea.
Entry (v. 2, p. 419) in Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de
Héros et Auteurs de BD, by Henri Filippini (Grenoble :
Glénat, 1998). -- Call no.: PN6707.F5 1998 v.2
Douglas Jerrold's Shilling Magazine.
Index entry (p. 309) in History of the Comic Strip, v. 2 /
by David Kunzle (Berkeley, Calif. : University of
California Press, 1990) Call no.: PN6710f.K85v.2
Douglas Kenney dies. p. 15 (Comics Journal #59 October 1980)
-- Data from Pete Coogan.
k. Kenney, Douglas. k. Deaths. Call no.: PN6700.C62no.59
Douglas Recording Corporation.
"Presenting the Douglas Line" / Vaughn Bodé. p. 12 in
Evergreen Review, no. 63 (Feb. 1969). -- Ad strip for LP
albums from Douglas Recording Corporation. -- Call no.:
folio AP2.E884no.63
Douglas Sanford interview (6 p.) in David Anthony Kraft's
Comics Interview no. 16. SUBJECTS: Sales, pornography in
1. Sanford, Douglas--Interviews. 2. Pornography in comics.
3. Publication and distribution of comics. Call no.:
Douglas TBD-1 "Devastator"
"Meet a Brace of TB's" (Wing Tips) / Fawcette. 1 p. in
Wings Comics, no. 30 (Feb. 1943). -- Describes two torpedo
bombers: the Douglas TBD-1 "Devastator" and the Grumman
TBF-1 "Avenger." -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F5W5no.30
Douglass, Frederick, 1817?-1895.
"By Any Chance, Are You Referring to the Black Peanuts
Character?"* (The Boondocks, Feb. 10, 2000) / Aaron
McGruder. -- Summary: Huey's teacher, Mr. Petto, introduces
Black History Month by saying they'll study Harriet Tubman
and Franklin Douglass. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "Peanuts"
Douglass, Frederick, 1817?-1895.
Frederick Douglass. -- New York : Fitzgerald, 1969-1970. --
2 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Golden Legacy ; no. 7-8)
1. Douglass, Frederick, 1817?-1895--Comic books, strips,
etc. I. Series. Call no.: PN6728.3.F5G6v.7-8
Doug's Big Comeback / created by Jim Jinkins ; adapted by
Nancy E. Krulik ; illustrated by Peter List, Cheng-li Chan,
Tony Curanaj, Chris Dechert, Brian Donnelly, Ray Feldman,
Chris Palesty, Matt Peters, and Jonathan Royce. -- New York
: Disney Press, 1997. -- 58 p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm. --
(Disney Chapters) -- "Jumbo Pictures." -- Summary: Doug has
always been the target of Roger's taunts, until lately he
learned to put down Roger, and everyone is laughing. But
now Doug just can't stop being Mr. Funny Guy at the expense
of his friends' feelings, until he realizes the comeback
remark isn't always as funny as it seems. -- Call no.:
PS3561.R8D6 1997
Doug's 1st Movie--Reviews.
"Bland Doug's 1st Movie Should Be His Last" / by John
Monaghan. p. 14D in Detroit Free Press, Mar. 26, 1999. --
Review of Doug's 1st Movie. -- Call no.: NC1765.S39 1999
The Blank in the Comics strip collection includes a file of
one or more daily comic strips related to this keyword or
topic. Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Dour, Specs.
Entry (p. 58-59) in The Great Superman Book, by Michael
Fleisher (New York : Warner Books, 1978). -- Call no.:
Doury, Pascal.
The Narrative Corpse : a chain-story by 69 artists! /
edited by Art Spiegelman and R. Sikoryak. -- Richmond, VA :
Raw Books ; Gates of Heck, 1995. -- 19 p. : ill. ; 42 x 23
cm. -- Panels by Max Andersson, Peter Bagge, Lynda Barry,
Mark Beyer, Chester Brown, M.K. Brown, Charles Burns, Max
Cabanes, Daniel Clowes, Paul Corio, R. Crumb, Georganne
Deen, Kim Deitch, Julie Doucet, Pascal Doury, Debbie
Drechsler, Will Eisner, Mary Fleener, Drew Friedman, Scott
Gillis, Justin Green, Bill Griffith, Matt Groening, Gilbert
Hernandez, Jaime Hernandez, Kamagurka & Herr Seele, Ben
Katchor, Kaz, Aline Kominsky-Crumb, Krystine Kryttre, Mark
Landman, Carol Lay, Gary Leib, Jacques Loustal, Jason
Lutes, Jay Lynch, Mariscal, Lorenzo Mattotti, David
Mazzucchelli, Scott McCloud, Richard McGuire, Ever Meulen,
José Muñoz, Thomas Ott, Gary Panter, J. Pirinen, Jayr
Pulga, Bruno Richard, Jonathon Rosen, Joe Sacco, Richard
Sala, David Sandlin, Savage Pencil, Gilbert Shelton, R.
Sikoryak, Spain, Art Spiegelman, Carol Swain, Joost Swarte,
Carol Tyler, Typex, Mort Walker, Chris Ware, G. Wasco,
Willem, S. Clay Wilson, Jim Woodring and Mark Zingarelli.
-- Call no.: folio PN6727.N37 1995
Doury, Pascal.
"Paul" / Pascal Doury. p. 87-114 in Raw, v. 2, no. 1
(1989). -- Full-page panels with captions. -- Call no.:
folio PN6728.R27v.2no.1
Doury, Pascal--Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 183, 188) in Comics, Comix & Graphic
Novels, by Roger Sabin (London : Phaidon, 1996). Call no.:
PN6710.S24 1996
Doury, Pascal--Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 83) in Encyclopédie des bandes dessinées /
ed. Marjorie Alessandrini. Nouv. ed. (Paris : A. Michel,
1986) Call no.: PN6707.E5 1986
Os Dous Amigos na Cidade dos Monstros Marinhos.
Index entry (p. 1207, 1209) in Historia de los Comics / J.
Toutain, J. Coma (Barcelona : Toutain, 1982-1984?) -- Call
no.: PN6710.H5 1982a
"Man the Boats" (Freckles and His Friends, May 2, 1946) /
by Blosser. -- Summary: Hilda tells Lard to go back to
woman-hating, and Hilda's dad douses lard with a pitcher of
water. -- Call no.: PN6728.F675F6 1939 v.2
"Perfume Shop"* (Nellie the Nurse) / by Stan Lee. 4 p. in
Millie the Model Comics, no. 20 (Oct. 1949). -- Summary:
Nellie forgets her purse, so she annoys the perfume
salesman until he douses her with perfume. -- Begins: Oh
dear, I've got a date with Snazzy tonight and I'm all out
of perfume. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.M3M5no.20
Doust, Len A.
A Manual on Caricature and Cartoon Drawing / by L.A. Doust
; with thirty illustrations by the author. -- London : F.
Warne, 1932. -- 84 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. -- Call no.:
NC1320.D6 1932
Le Doute et l'Oubli--Reviews.
"Symbolique" p. 9 in Les Cahiers de la Bande Dessinée, no.
89 (June 1990). -- Brief review of: Gilles de Chin: Le
Doute et l'Oubli (Ptiluc) -- (Critiques d'Albums) -- Call
no.: PN6745.S37no.89
Douthat, Strat.
"On the Old Comics Scene, the Cost Isn't Even Funny" / by
Strat Douthat. Associated Press item in the State Journal
(Lansing, Mich.), June 23, 1980. -- Describes the business
of comics retailers Greg and Kathleen Miller in Huntington,
West Virginia. -- Call no.: PN6710.S35 1980
Douthit, Katherine.
"All Bi, Myself" / Katherine Douthit. p. 37 in Anything
that Moves, no. 15 (Fall 1997). -- (The Lighter Side of Bi)
-- Call no.: HQ75.A5no.15
Douty, Esther M.--Miscellanea.
Entry (p. 309) in The Who's Who of American Comic Books, by
Jerry Bails & Hames Ware (Detroit, Mich. : J. Bails,
1973-1976). -- Call no.: PN6725.B3v.4
Douwe Dabbert.
Het Monster van het Mistmeer / Piet Wojn, Thom Roep. --
Haarlem : Oberon, 1979. -- 45 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. --
(Douwe Dabbert) -- "Verhalen uit het weekblad Donald Duck".
1. Dutch comics. 2. Fantasy comics. I. Wojn, Piet. II.
Roep, Thom. III. Series. IV. Oberon. Call no.:
PN6790.N43W6M3 1979
Douwe Dabbert.
De Verwende Prinses / Piet Wojn, Thom Roep. -- Haarlem :
Oberon, 1977. -- 46 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. -- (Douwe
Dabbert) -- "Verhalen uit het weekblad Donald Duck".
1. Dutch comics. 2. Fantasy comics. I. Wojn, Piet. II.
Roep, Thom. III. Series. IV. Oberon. Call no.:
PN6790.N43W6V4 1977
Douwe Dabbert. Danish.
Eventyret om Gammelpot og den forkælede prinsesse / skrevet
af Thom Roep ; tegnet af Piet Wijn ; dansk tekst af Tonny
Lützer. -- Bagsværd : Interpresse, 1988. -- 46 p. : col.
ill. ; 30 cm. -- (Gammelpot ; 1) -- "Originaltitel: Douwe
Dabbert 1: 'De verwende prinses'". -- Genre: Fantasy. --
Call no.: PN6790.N43R6 V419 1988
Douwe Dabbert. Danish.
Eventyret om Gammelpot og hemmeligheden om den skjulte dal
/ skrevet af Thom Roep ; tegnet af Piet Wijn ; dansk tekst
af Tonny Lützer. -- Bagsværd : Interpresse, 1988. -- 48 p.
: col. ill. ; 30 cm. -- (Gammelpot ; 2) -- Originaltitel:
Douwe Dabbert 2 : 'Het verborgen dierenrije'". -- Genre:
Fantasy. -- Call no.: PN6790.N43R6 H419 1988
Douwe Dabbert. Danish.
Eventyret om Gammelpot og roverne fra Dalby samt fem andre
eventyr / skrevet af Thom Roep ; tegnet af Piet Wijn ;
oversat af Edith Mansson ; tekstet af Hanne Julie Johansen.
-- Bagsværd : Interpresse, 1988. -- 47 p. : col. ill. ; 30
cm. -- (Gammelpot ; 14) -- "Originaltitel: Douwe Dabbert
14: 'Op het spoor van kwade zaken'". -- Genre: Fantasy. --
Call no.: PN6790.N43R6 O619 1988
Les 12 Travaux d'Astérix. English.
René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo present The Twelve Tasks of
Asterix / based on the cartoon film created by Studio
Idefix. -- Montreal : Dargaud Canada, 1981. -- 56 p. : col.
ill. ; 29 cm. -- Les 12 Travaux d'Astérix. -- Call no.:
PN6747.U3D613 1981
Les 12 Travaux d'Astérix. German.
"12 Prüfungen für Asterix" / René Goscinny & Albert Uderzo
; Übersetzung: René Lehner ; Lettering: Rainer Clodius. p.
20-26 in Comixene, Nr. 24 (Mai/Juni 1979). -- Begins a
translated version of Les 12 Travaux d'Astérix in daily
newspaper strip format. -- Call no.: PN6755.C65no.24
Les 12 Travaux d'Astérix. German.
"12 Prüfungen für Asterix" (2. Teil) / René Goscinny &
Albert Uderzo ; Übersetzung, René Lehner ; Lettering,
Rainer Clodius. p. 47-50 in Comixene, Nr. 25 (July/Aug.
1979). -- Call no.: PN6755.C65no.25
Douzou, Olivier, 1963-
Contribution (p. 450-452) to Comix 2000 (Paris :
L'Association, 1999). -- Call no.: PN6720.C6 1999
Douzou, Olivier, 1963- --Miscellanea.
Contributor note and bibliography in Comix 2000 (Paris :
L'Association, 1999). -- Call no.: PN6720.C6 1999
On down the list
This segment last edited November 23, 2003