Michigan State University Libraries
Special Collections Division
Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection
"Claude" to "Clavier"
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Andrew Alsop's Ambition / by Claude ; introduction by David
Trottle Muncy. -- New York : Clarkson N. Potter, 1960. -- 1
v. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- Story is told in a combination of
pictures and words. -- Call no.: PN6162.S54 1960
"Boney and Claude" 10 p. in Not Brand Echh, no. 9 (Aug.
1968). -- Call no.: PN6728.3.M3N6no.9
Index entry (p. 142, ill. 145) in Comic Art in America, by
Stephen D. Becker (New York : Simon and Schuster, 1959).
Call no.: NC1420.B4
Index entry (p. 42) in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of
Cartoon Animals, by Jeff Rovin (New York : Prentice Hall,
1991). -- Call no.: NC1766.U5R6 1991
"It Happened in Macy's" (Zippy, July 28, 1997) / Griffy. --
Summary: Claude and Griffy are shopping for men's clothes
in the Bob Newhart Zone. -- Key words: Sport coats,
acetate, linen, silk, dacron, collars, epaulets,
herringbone, 1970s, polyester, leisure suits. -- Call no.:
PN6726f.B55 "Newhart"
Claude Guylouis.
Entry (p. 143) in Dictionnaire Mondial de la Bande
Dessinée, by Patrick Gaumer, Claude Moliterni (Paris :
Larousse, 1997). Call no.: PN6707.G39 1997
Claude-Henri (Claude-Henri Juillard), 1915-1990--Miscellanea.
Entry (v. 1, p. 679) in Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de
Héros et Auteurs de BD, by Henri Filippini (Grenoble :
Glénat, 1998). -- Call no.: PN6707.F5 1998 v.1
Claude-Henri (Claude-Henri Juillard), 1915-1990--Miscellanea.
Entry (p. 143) in Dictionnaire Mondial de la Bande
Dessinée, by Patrick Gaumer, Claude Moliterni (Paris :
Larousse, 1997). Call no.: PN6707.G39 1997
Claude-Henri (Claude-Henri Juillard), 1915-1990--Miscellanea.
Entry (p. 379-380) in Dictionnaire Thématique de Héros de
BD, by Henri Filippini (Grenoble : Glénat, 1992). -- Call
no.: PN6707.F5 1992
Claude, P.
Index entry (p. 61) in Frémion, Yves. Le Guide de la Bédé
Francophone (Paris : Syros Alternatives, 1990) -- Call no.:
PN6745.F69 1990
Claude and Cuthbert.
Entry (p. 49) in Encyclopedia of Comic Characters, by Denis
Gifford (Harlow : Longman, 1987). -- Call no.: PN6707.G5
Claude Boisvert. -- Ottawa : Department of Forestry and Rural
Management, 1968. -- 16 p. : ill. ; 18 x 26 cm. -- Cover
and strips signed: Wilson. -- "Cat. no. Fo 25-568F". --
Published in English as: Bill Northwood. -- Topic:
Forestry. -- Genre: Educational. -- Call no.:
PN6728.25.C29B514 1968
Claude Boisvert. English.
Bill Northwood. -- Ottawa : Department of Forestry and
Rural Development, 1968. -- 16 p. : ill. ; 18 x 26 cm. --
Cover and strips signed: Wilson. -- "Cat. no. Fo 25-568".
-- Published in French as: Claude Boisvert. -- Topic:
Forestry. -- Genre: Educational. -- Call no.:
PN6728.25.C29B5 1968
Claude Cat.
Index entry (p. S2, 128, 216) in The Illustrated
Encyclopedia of Cartoon Animals, by Jeff Rovin (New York :
Prentice Hall, 1991). -- Call no.: NC1766.U5R6 1991
Claude Christ's Prehistoria. tome 1 & 2. -- Luxembourg : An
imprint of Clod under exclusive license from Blood Mood
Comix, 2005. -- 105 p. : chiefly ill. ; 30 cm. -- Contents:
Evolution ; Inventions. -- Mainly stories without words,
with occasional text in French or English. -- Prehistoric
humor genre. -- Call no.: PN6747.C4742P7 2005
Claude Duval.
Entry (p. 49) in Encyclopedia of Comic Characters, by Denis
Gifford (Harlow : Longman, 1987). -- Call no.: PN6707.G5
Claude, Enseigne de Vaisseau.
Entry (v. 2, p. 406) in Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de
Héros et Auteurs de BD, by Henri Filippini (Grenoble :
Glénat, 1998). -- Call no.: PN6707.F5 1998 v.2
"Claude Funston" / Bill Griffith. 1 p. in Short Order Comix,
no. 1 (1973) and in Comix Book, no. 3 (1975). -- Summary: A
toad does a handstand and gives the Black Power salute. --
Call no.: PN6728.45.H4S47no.1
Claude Funston.
"Plug-Un-Plug" (Claude Funston) / Billy Griffith. 8 p. in
Young Lust, no. 6 (1980). -- Mainly a series of
individually titled 2-tier strips: "The Barfly" ; "3 Teens"
; "Marge" ; "Wild Mouse" ; "True Confession" ; "Surprise
Package" ; "Tons o Fun" ; "Solo Act" ; "Mounting Sheep" ;
"Wet Dream" ; "Twister" ; "Romeo" ; "Suzy and Claude 4
Ever" ; "Countdown." -- Call no.: PN6728.45.C6Y6no.6
Claude Haeffely.
Index entry (p. 47) in La bande dessinée au Québec / Mira
Falardeau (Montréal : Boréal, 1994). -- Call no.:
PN6731.F34 1994
Claude Hopper (July 21, 1973)
"School Sports"* (Claude Hopper) 1 p. in The Dandy, no.
1652 (July 21, 1973). -- Claude has very long feet. -- Call
no.: PN6738.D3no.1652
Claude Lefranq Editeur.
L'Archer Vert / d'après Edgar Wallace ; adaptation et
scénario, André-Paul Duchâteau ; dessin, Peter Li ;
coloriage, Catherine Lamquet. -- Bruxelles : Claude Lefranq
Editeur, 1995. -- 47 p. : col. ill. ; 30 cm. -- (Collection
BDétectives ; 30) -- "Collection BDétectives présentée par
Le Masque"; "Série Edgar Wallace"--t.p. verso. --
"BDétectives Lefranq"--front cover. -- "Le Masque présente
BDétectives Edgar Wallace"--back cover. -- -- Call no.:
PN6747.D75A7 1995
Claude 'n Di Di.
"Bottoms Up!" (Claude 'n Di Di) / Bill Griffith and Diane
Noomin. 1 p. in Young Lust, no. 4 (1974). -- Call no.:
Claude Weaver of the R.C.A.F.
"Thrill Hunter : Claude Weaver of the R.C.A.F" 4 p. in True
Comics, no. 34 (Apr. 1944)
1. Weaver, Claude--Comic books, strips, etc. I. Claude
Weaver of the R.C.A.F. k. R.C.A.F. k. Royal Canadian Air
Force. Call no.: PN6728.1.P3T7no.34
"I Told Her Snails Have Feelings"* (Tar Pit, Nov. 4, 1993)
/ Steve Dickenson. -- Summary: Claudette was angry and
called Caravaggio a snail, but his friend stuck up for him.
-- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "snails"
Claudette, Docteur.
Docteur Claudette (645). p. 15 in European Newspaper Comic
Strips : a survey of 79 strips collected from various
European papers dated August 16 to September 10, 1968
(collection assembled in the Michigan State University
Comic Art Collection). This strip taken from La Dernière
Heure (Brussels) (Aug. 17, 1968). -- Call no.: folio
PN6720.E8 1998
"Claudette Coal-Bin in Bigger Yet" p. 62-66 in The Tijuana
Bibles, v. 2 (Seattle, Wash. : Eros Comix, 1997). -- A
Tijuana bible reprint. -- Call no.: PN6726.T5 1996v.2
"Claudette Coal-Bin in Bigger Yet" p. 103 in Tijuana Bibles,
Art and Wit in America's Forbidden Funnies, 1930s-1950s /
Bob Adelman (New York : Simon & Schuster, 1997). -- A
Tijuana bible reprint. -- Call no.: PN6726.T49 1997
"Auro's Voyage To Earth"* (Auro) / art: Joe Doolin. 6 p. in
Planet Comics, no. 52 (Jan. 1948). -- Villain is Goz;
appearance of Claudia; introduction of the President of
Earth. -- Data from Lou Mougin via the Grand Comics
Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F5P55m no.52
"The Blindness Formula"* (Auro) / art: August Froelich. 7
p. in Planet Comics, no. 43 (July 1946). -- Appearances of
Dorna and Claudia; introduction of Jerry. -- Data from Lou
Mougin via the Grand Comics Database Project. -- Call no.:
PN6728.1.F5P55m no.43
"Goz Is Coming" (Auro) / art: Joe Doolin. 6 p. in Planet
Comics, no. 53 (Mar. 1948). -- Appearance of Claudia
(catfight with Dorna); villain Goz dies; D-Battalion
introduced and dies. -- Data from Lou Mougin via the Grand
Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F5P55m no.53
"It Was Perfect"* (Luann, Oct. 7, 2000) / by Greg Evans. --
Summary: Luann talks to her diary, about Aaron's new
cowgirl friend Claudia, Stuart's bravery citation, and the
uncomfortable meeting of Aaron and Stuart. -- Call no.:
PN6726 f.B55 "cowgirls"
"Last Stand On Jupiter"* (Auro) / art: August Froelich? 7
p. in Planet Comics, no. 44 (Sept. 1946). -- Appearances of
Dorna, Claudia; villains Jago (introduced and dies), and
Underworlders (die). -- Data from Lou Mougin via the Grand
Comics Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F5P55m no.44
"The Revival of Auro"* (Auro) / art: August Froelich. 5 p.
in Planet Comics, no. 41 (Mar. 1946). -- Introduction of
the new Auro (old Auro's body with the mind & spirit of
Chester Edson; introduction of Dorna, who appears in all
subsequent stories; villains introduced are Rogo, Claudia,
and Nelson. -- Data from Lou Mougin via the Grand Comics
Database Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F5P55m no.41
"The Shadow Creatures"* (Auro) / art: August Froelich? 6 p.
in Planet Comics, no. 45 (Nov. 1946). -- Appearances of
Claudia and Dorna; villains are Zago (introduced),
Underworlders, and Shadow Creatures (introduced and die).
-- Data from Lou Mougin via the Grand Comics Database
Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.F5P55m no.45
The Blank in the Comics strip collection includes a file of
one or more daily comic strips related to this keyword or
topic. Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Bonnie & Claudia / art & story by Fattori ; translated by
Georgina Ranuzzi. -- San Francisco, CA : Last Gasp, 1998.
-- 62 p. : col. ill. ; 30 cm. -- "Priaprism Press." --
"Adults only." -- Erotic. -- Call no.: PN6767.F3B613 1998
Claudia Bruncken.
Entry (v. 1, p. 37) in Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de Héros
et Auteurs de BD, by Henri Filippini (Grenoble : Glénat,
1998). -- Call no.: PN6707.F5 1998 v.1
Claudia Rossini.
Index entry (p. 135) in A History of Komiks of the
Philippines and Other Countries, by Cynthia Roxas & Joaquin
Arevalo Jr. (Islas Filipinas Pub. Co., 1985). -- Call no.:
PN6790.P47R6 1985
Index entry (p. 186) in Histoire de la Bande Dessinée /
Gérard Blanchard. Nouv. éd. (Verviers : Marabout, 1974).
Call no.: PN6710.B58 1974
Claudio, Jason E.
The Adventure Continues : Cartooning Portfolio Magazine. --
New York : Visual Arts Press, 2001. -- 45 p. : ill. (some
col.) ; 28 cm. -- (Portfolio ; 22) -- Portfolio from the
Illustration and Cartooning Department, School of Visual
Arts. -- Artists represented: Sebastian Deregibus, Kensuke
Okabayashi, Matthew Manning, Jason E. Claudio, Robert
Donnelly, Mike Patrissy, Matt Roscetti, Christian F.
Montalvo, Stephen Q. Halker, Jonathan Roscetti, Vanessa
Satone, Steve Uy, James Jean, Will Grant. -- Call no.:
PN6726.P58022 2001
Claudio, Rina.
Index entry (p. 135) in A History of Komiks of the
Philippines and Other Countries, by Cynthia Roxas & Joaquin
Arevalo Jr. (Islas Filipinas Pub. Co., 1985). -- Call no.:
PN6790.P47R6 1985
"Claudio Aboy" (Gallery) p. 5-8 and cover in Heavy Metal, v.
23, no. 9 (Sept. 1999). -- Artist born in Argentina in
1959, mainly advertising and fantasy illustration. -- Call
no.: PN6728.H43v.23no.9
Claudio Cueco : 1980-1983 / Daniel Torres. -- Barcelona :
Norma Editorial, 1994. -- 77 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. --
(Colección Daniel Torres ; no. 2) -- Detective genre. --
Call no.: PN6777.T6C55 1994
Claudio Cueco.
"Cartón Mojado" (Claudio Cueco) / guión y dibujos, Daniel
Torres. p. 43-50 in Cairo, no. 74 (Summer 1991). -- Call
no.: PN6778.C33no.74
Claudius (Silvius Petrus Claudius Ceccon)
Index entry (p. 158) in The World Encyclopedia of Cartoons,
ed. by Maurice Horn (Detroit : Gale Research, 1980).
Call no.: NC1325.W67 1980
Claudius, Emperor of Rome, 10 B.C.-54 A.D.
The Conquerors / Jean Dufaux, script ; Phillippe Delaby,
art. -- New York : IBooks, 2005. -- 96 p. : col. ill. ; 26
cm. -- (Swords of Rome ; v. 1) -- "For mature readers." --
Originally published in French in two volumes, 1 and 2 of
the series "Murena". The original titles were 1. La Pourpre
et l'Or (1997), and 2. De Sable et de Sang (1999). -- About
the emperors Claudius and Nero. -- Historical genre. --
Call no.: PN6747.D3554M8013 2005
Claudius Vigne.
Entry (v. 3, p. 56) in Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de Héros
et Auteurs de BD, by Henri Filippini (Grenoble : Glénat,
2000). -- Call no.: PN6707.F5 1998 v.3
Claudy (Claude-François Bordelet), 1920- --Miscellanea.
Entry (p. 380) in Dictionnaire Thématique de Héros de BD,
by Henri Filippini (Grenoble : Glénat, 1992). -- Call no.:
PN6707.F5 1992
Claudy, Carl H.
Entry (p. 32) in The Who's Who of American Comic Books, by
Jerry Bails & Hames Ware (Detroit, Mich. : J. Bails,
1973-1976). -- Call no.: PN6725.B3v.1
Claudy, Carl H.
Index entry (p. 110) in Over 50 Years of American Comic
Books, by Ron Goulart (Lincolnwood, Ill. : Mallard Press,
1991). -- Call no.: PN6725.G636 1991
Claudy, Carl H.
Index entry (p. 137) in Ron Goulart's Great History of
Comic Books (Chicago : Contemporary Books, 1986). Call no.:
PN6725.G635 1986
Clauman, Alexa.
"Los Dioses Existen" / con Alexa Clauman, M. T. Barutti,
Iris P. ; guión y realiz.: Páris-Cricri. p. 74 in El
Víbora, no. 58 (1984). -- Wordless photo-strip. Call no.:
Claus (Claus D. Scholz).
De Judasgraal / Willy Vandersteen ; tekst, Martin Lodewijk
; tekeningen, Claus ; inkleuring en belettering, Studio
Leonardo. -- Antwerpen-Belgium : Standaard Uitgeverij,
2006. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. -- (De Rode Ridder ;
209) -- Fantasy genre. -- Call no.: PN6790.N43 V3R6209 2006
Claus (Claus D. Scholz).
Het Zwaard van de Maagd / Willy Vandersteen ; tekst, Martin
Lodewijk ; tekeningen, Claus ; inkleuring en belettering,
Studio Leonardo. -- Antwerpen-Belgium : Standaard
Uitgeverij, 2006. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. -- (De Rode
Ridder ; 210) -- Fantasy genre. -- Call no.: PN6790.N43
V3R621 2006
Claus, Uta.
Die Endgültige Weihnachtsgeschichte / Uta Claus ; Rolf
Kutschera. -- Frankfurt am Main : Eichborn, 1987. -- 70 p.
: ill. ; 31 cm. -- Illustrated Christmas storybook. -- Call
no.: PT2663.L3E5 1987
Claus & Simon en Hollywood / guión y bocetos, Santiago Arcas ;
dibujo y tinta, Daniel Acuña ; rotulación, Luis Andrés. --
Barcelona, Spain : Ediciones La Cúpula, 1998. -- 33 p. :
ill. ; 24 cm. -- (Brut Comix) -- "Solo para adultos". --
Takes place in a fictionalized motion picture industry. --
Call no.: PN6777.A68C55 1998
"Clause and Effect" / Dick Foreman. p. 27 in AARGH!
(Northampton, England : Mad Love, 1988). -- Title from
contents page. -- Benefit comic for Organisation for
Lesbian and Gay Action. -- Call no.: PN6736.A2 1988
"Clause for Concern" / Kevin O'Neil, Davie Gibbons, letterer.
p. 41 in AARGH! (Northampton, England : Mad Love, 1988). --
Benefit comic for Organisation for Lesbian and Gay Action.
-- Call no.: PN6736.A2 1988
"Clause 28" / Alexei Sayle, Oscar Zarate. p. 15 in AARGH!
(Northampton, England : Mad Love, 1988). -- Benefit comic
for Organisation for Lesbian and Gay Action. -- Call no.:
PN6736.A2 1988
Clausen, Bob.
"Dear Uncle Creepy" p. 4 in Creepy, no. 3 (1965). --
Letters to the editor from Dave Bibby, Burt Wolder, Bob
Clausen, Dick Cushing, Chuck Koshiol, William Hickey, Gary
Girolimon, Scott Wyatt, Guy Rocha, Kim Pugh, Gary Curtis,
Sam Morrell, Karen Gilliland, Tim Duffin, Scott Williams,
Bob Ruiz, and Alfred Amarawte. -- Call no.:
Clausen, Egon.
Mysteriet på Mønsterskolen / Egon Clausen. -- København :
Hanegal, 1973. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 24 cm. -- Genre: Detective.
-- Call no.: PN6790.D33 C55D4 1973
Clausen, Krystal.
"Through Desert Plains" (Wildflower) / story & art, Billy
Martinez ; lettering, colors & production, MindWinder
Studios (Mickey Clausen & Krystal Clausen). p. 58-61 in
Heavy Metal, v. 25, no. 1 (Mar. 2001). -- Call no.:
Clausen, Mickey Allen, 1955-
"Dear Diary" (Wildflower) / Billy Martinez, story & art ;
Mickey Clausen, colors & letters. p. 67-72 in Heavy Metal,
v. 27, no. 3 (July 2003). -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.27no.3
Clausen, Mickey Allen, 1955-
"Through Desert Plains" (Wildflower) / story & art, Billy
Martinez ; lettering, colors & production, MindWinder
Studios (Mickey Clausen & Krystal Clausen). p. 58-61 in
Heavy Metal, v. 25, no. 1 (Mar. 2001). -- Call no.:
Clausen, Mickey Allen, 1955- --Miscellanea.
Entry (p. 43) in Comic-Book Superstars, by Don & Maggie
Thompson (Iola, Wis. : Krause Publications, 1993). -- Call
no.: PN6707.C65 1993
The Blank in the Comics strip collection includes a file of
one or more daily comic strips related to this keyword or
topic. Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
"Insanity Clause" / Geoff Ryman, Grahame Baker, Dave
Gibbons, letterer. p. 12-14 in AARGH! (Northampton, England
: Mad Love, 1988). -- Benefit comic for Organisation for
Lesbian and Gay Action. -- Call no.: PN6736.A2 1988
"The Sandy Clause" (Archie) 6 p. in Everything's Archie,
no. 52 (Oct. 1976). -- Summary: Reggie dumps dirty beach
sand on Archie's front lawn, and Archie finds valuables in
it. -- Call no.: PN6728.3.A7E9no.52
"Should We Write Judge Ito or Something?"* (Thatch, July 1,
1995) / J. Shesol. -- Summary: The landlord is difficult,
and one clause of the lease says 'The tenants shall stay
the Hell off my back.' -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
"Claustrofobia" (Jim Bowie) 5 p. in Daniel Boone, no. 18
(Sept. 1958). -- Call no.: PN6790.M44D27no.18
The Blank in the Comics strip collection includes a file of
one or more daily comic strips related to this keyword or
topic. Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
"Your New Roommate"* (Dilbert, July 31, 1997) / Scott
Adams. -- Summary: Space constraints mean sharing cubicles,
and sharing with the copy machine is claustrophobic.
Call no.: PN6726f.B55 "Sharing"
"La Clausura de la Exposición" / Juan de Hix. p. 9 in Bang!
no. 6 (1971). -- Call no.: PN6700.B35no.6
Claval, Bernard, 1923-
Au Secours / Amnesty International ; Bilal, et al. ; textes
de présentation de Jean-Luc Fromental ; préface de Bernard
Clavel. -- Paris : Albin Michel, 1994. -- 63 p. : ill.
(some col.) ; 33 cm. -- -- "13 grand dessinateurs contre le
silence et l'oubli".
1. Political prisoners--Comic books, strips, etc. 2.
Detention of persons--Comic books, strips, etc. 3. Human
rights--Comic books, strips, etc. 4. French comics. I.
Bilal, Enki. II. Fromental, Jean-Luc. III. Claval, Bernard,
1923- IV. Amnesty International V. Albin Michel. Call no.:
JC571.A52 1994
La Terre de Toutes les Promesses / Clavaud, Deschamps. --
Bruxelles : Ansaldi, 1987. -- 48 p. : col. ill. ; 30 cm. --
(Kanata ; 2) -- About Canada. -- Call no.: PN6747.C475T4
Clave, Antoni.
Index entry (p. 174, 214, 218) in Encyclopédie des bandes
dessinées / ed. Marjorie Alessandrini. Nouv. ed. (Paris :
A. Michel, 1986) Call no.: PN6707.E5 1986
Clavé, Antoni.
Index entry (p. 116, 152) in Historia del Comic Español,
1875-1939, by Antonio Martín (Barcelona : Editorial Gustavo
Gili, 1978) -- Call no.: PN6775.M37 1978
Clave, Antonio.
Index entry (p. 425, 504) in Historia de los Comics / J.
Toutain, J. Coma (Barcelona : Toutain, 1982-1984?) -- Call
no.: PN6710.H5 1982a
Clavé, Ernesto.
"La Evolución del Guion/Notas" / por V. Clarós y E. Clavé.
p. 11-13 in Bang! no. 11 (1974). -- (Dossier Guiones y
Guionistas ; 1) -- Call no.: PN6700.B35no.11
Clavé, Ernesto.
"Luis Montiel" / Ernesto Clavé. p. 68 in Bang! no. 13
(1977). -- (1.001 Miradas a la Cultura de Masas). -- Item
on Spanish comics editor, who died July 16, 1976. -- Call
no.: PN6700.B35no.13
Clavé, Florenci, 1936-1999.
"Hercule Paulo and the Queen of Babylon" / by Clavé and
Retíf. p. 10-15 in Pleasurable Passages (East Rockaway, NY
: Diva Graphix, 1997?) -- Call no.: PN6720.P55 1997
Clavé, Florenci, 1936-1999.
"Huit Jours Parmi les Paysans" / de nos envoyés spéciaux
Barré et Clavé. p. 19-22 in Pilote, no. 123 (Août 1984). --
A panel-and caption investigation of country life. -- Call
no.: PN6748.P53no.123
Clavé, Florenci, 1936-1999.
"L'Île des Pins" / scénario, Bouquillard ; dessin, Clavé.
p. 67-80 in Charlie Mensuel, no. 13 (Avr. 1983). -- "A
suivre." -- Call no.: PN6748.C472no.13
Clavé, Florenci, 1936-1999.
"Les Innocents d'El Oro" / par Vidal et Clavé. p. 72-86 in
Pilote, no. 42 (Nov. 1977). -- Summary of previous
installment: "Au début d siècle, a Mexique. Une compagnie
nord-américaine construit un barrage à El Oro. Cette
construction, qui s'est overt sur la mort d'un innocent
paysan, doit entraîner la disparition du village. Un
mystérieux indien prend la tête de la résistance et de
nombreux attentats se produisent avec, semble-t-il, la
complicité de quelqu'un demeurant sur le chantier. Ecœuré,
Law Breaker, un photographe qui a suivi tous ces
événements, souhaite quitter El Oro." -- Plates numbered
[33]-46. -- Final installment. -- Call no.: PN6748.P53no.42
Clavé, Florenci, 1936-1999.
Mémoires d'Outrefois / Clavé, Godard. -- Grenoble : Glénat,
1987. -- 47 p. : col. ill. ; 30 cm. -- (Collection Circus
Aventure) -- (Dossiers de l'Archange ; 1) -- Detective and
mystery genre. -- Call no.: PN6747.C477M4 1987
Clavé, Florenci, 1936-1999.
"M. Paulo, Professor of Seduction" / by Louis Retíf and
Florenci Clavé. p. 27-30 in Naughty but Nice (East
Rockaway, NY : Diva Graphix, 199-?). -- Call no.:
PN6720.N34 1990z
Clavé, Florenci, 1936-1999.
La Mort en Différé / Clavé, Godard. -- Grenoble : Glénat,
1989. -- 48 p. : col. ill. ; 30 cm. -- (Collection Circus
Aventure) -- (Dossiers de l'Archange ; 2) -- Genre:
Detective. -- Call no.: PN6747.C477M6 1989
Clavé, Florenci, 1936-1999.
"Panic Under the Clothesline" / by Clavé and Louis Rétif.
p. 78-82 in Heavy Metal, v. 17, no. 4 (Sept. 1993) -- Call
no.: PN6728.H43v.17no.4
Clavé, Florenci, 1936-1999.
Tire-toi, Mec / Chester Himes, adaptation et dessin,
Florenci Clavé. -- Grenoble : Glénat, 1985. -- 70 p. : ill.
; 30 cm. -- (Collection BD Noire) -- Adaptation of: Run,
Man Run. -- Call no.: PN6747.C45T5 1985
Clavé, Florenci, 1936-1999--Miscellanea.
Entry (v. 3, p. 786) in Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de
Héros et Auteurs de BD, by Henri Filippini (Grenoble :
Glénat, 2000). -- Call no.: PN6707.F5 1998 v.3
Clavé, Florenci, 1936-1999--Miscellanea.
Entry (p. 143-144) in Dictionnaire Mondial de la Bande
Dessinée, by Patrick Gaumer, Claude Moliterni (Paris :
Larousse, 1997). Call no.: PN6707.G39 1997
Clavé, Florenci, 1936-1999--Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 106, 107) in La Bande Dessinée en 10 Leçons
/ Henri Filippini, Michel Bourgeois. (Paris : Hachette,
1976). Call no.: PN6710.F5
Clavé, Florenci, 1936-1999--Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 174, 218) in Encyclopédie des bandes
dessinées / ed. Marjorie Alessandrini. Nouv. ed. (Paris :
A. Michel, 1986) Call no.: PN6707.E5 1986
Clavé, Florenci, 1936-1999--Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 1013, 1032, 1035) in Historia de los Comics
/ J. Toutain, J. Coma (Barcelona : Toutain, 1982-1984?) --
Call no.: PN6710.H5 1982a
Clavé, Florenci, 1936-1999--Miscellanea.
"Tire-moi, Mec" / Luc Dellisse. p. 64 in Les Cahiers de la
Bande Dessinée, no. 63 (May/June 1985). -- (Le Crible :
Notes de Lecture) -- Brief review of the Chester Himes &
Florenci Clavé album. -- Call no.: PN6745.S37no.63
"La Clave de la Muerte" (T-Man) 7 p. in Acción Policíaca, no.
23 (Oct. 1953). -- Call no.: PN6790.M44A3no.23
"La Clave Musical" (Doll Man) 7 p. in Doll Man, no. 44 (June
1956). -- Though the character is called Doll Man in the
story, he wears a blue cape with a plain red shirt and red
cowl. -- Call no.: PN6790.M44D58no.44
Clavel, D. --Miscellanea.
"Bavard" p. 13 in Les Cahiers de la Bande Dessinée, no. 88
(Mar. 1990). -- (Critiques) -- Brief review of the album:
La Saison des Loups (D. Clavel/Malik/Lefranq). -- Call no.:
Clavel, Olivia, 1955-
Matcho Girl : Les Aventures de Télé / Olivia Clavel. --
Alençon? : Le Dernier terrain vague, 1980. -- 69 p. : ill.
; 30 cm. -- Lesbian characters. -- Genre: Women's. -- Call
no.: PN6747.C4775M3 1980
Clavel, Olivia, 1955-
"Quelques Animaux de la Ville" (Les Aventures de Téle) /
Olivia Clavel. p. 89-90 in Spécial Animaux (Métal Hurlant ;
no. 81 bis) -- (Paris : Humanoïdes Associés, 1982). -- Call
no.: PN6748.M4A47 1982
Clavel, Olivia, 1955-
"Vacances à Métro-Plage : Underground Sunlight" / Olivia
Telé Clavel. p. 72-73 in Spécial Amour d'Été : Métal
Hurlant, no. 88 bis. (Paris : Humanoïdes Associés, 1984) --
Call no.: PN6748.M4A45 1984
Clavel, Olivia, 1955-
"Where is the Eifel Tower?" (Télé) / Olivia Clavel. p.
20-21 in Wimmen's Comix, no. 15 (1989). -- "Little Girls"
issue. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.L3W5no.15
Clavel, Olivia, 1955- --Miscellanea.
Entry (v. 3, p. 786) in Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de
Héros et Auteurs de BD, by Henri Filippini (Grenoble :
Glénat, 2000). -- Call no.: PN6707.F5 1998 v.3
Clavel, Olivia, 1955- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 32, 183, 216) in Encyclopédie des bandes
dessinées / ed. Marjorie Alessandrini. Nouv. ed. (Paris :
A. Michel, 1986) Call no.: PN6707.E5 1986
Clavel, Olivia, 1955- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 127, 131) in Frémion, Yves. Le Guide de la
Bédé Francophone (Paris : Syros Alternatives, 1990) -- Call
no.: PN6745.F69 1990
Clavel, Olivia, 1955- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 1032) in Historia de los Comics / J.
Toutain, J. Coma (Barcelona : Toutain, 1982-1984?) -- Call
no.: PN6710.H5 1982a
Clavel, Olivia, 1955- --Miscellanea.
"Les Livres de Bazooka : Je n'ai pas Ouvert un Bouquin
depuis Trois Ans" / propos recueillis par Francis Lambert.
p. 20-25 in À Suivre, no. 5 (Juin 1978). -- Interview with
Kiki Picasso, speaking for the Bazooka group. Includes
photographs of Lulu Larsen, Olivia Clavel, Loulou Picasso,
Bernard Vidal, and Kiki Picasso, plus 4 pages of sample
art. -- Call no.: PN6748.A2no.5
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"Blue Terror" / script, Zha ; art, Nicole Claveloux. p.
33-40 in Heavy Metal, no. 8 (Nov. 1977). -- Call no.:
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
Brise et Rose / George Sand ; illustré par Nicole
Claveloux. -- Paris : Editions des femmes, 1977. -- 27 p. :
col. ill. ; 35 cm. -- Abridged adaptation of Ce que disent
les fleurs, first published in Contes d'une grand-mère. --
Original title "Rose e Brezza".
I. Sand, George, 1804-1876. II. Claveloux, Nicole. III.
Contes d'une grand-mère. IV. Ce que disent les fleurs. V.
Rose e brezza. VI. Editions des femmes. Call no.:
PQ2401.C33 1977
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"De L'Aube à Minuit à Travers la Plaine" / Nicole
Claveloux. p. 36-38 in Métal Hurlant, no. 19 (July 1977).
-- (Paradis 9) -- Call no.: PN6748.M4no.19
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
Go, Go, Go, Grabote! / Nicole Claveloux. -- Harlin Quist,
1973. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 19 cm. -- Call no.:
PN6747.C48G613 1973
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"The Green Hand" / script: Zha ; art: Nicole Claveloux. p.
45-52 in Heavy Metal, no. 5 (Aug. 1977). -- Call no.:
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"I'm in Love with an Economist!" / scénario, Elizabeth
Salomon ; illustrated by Nicole Claveloux. p. 80-83 in
Heavy Metal, v. 8, no. 8 (Nov. 1984). -- Call no.:
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"Le Langage des Chats" / Nicole Claveloux. p. 48-49 in
Spécial Lovecraft (Métal Hurlant ; no. 33 bis) (Paris :
Humanoïdes Associés, 1978); translated as "The Language of
Cats," p. 62-63 in Heavy Metal, v. 3, no. 6 (Oct. 1979). --
Call no.: PN6748.M4L6 1978
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"The Language of Cats" / by Nicole Claveloux. p. 62-63 in
Heavy Metal, v. 3, no. 6 (Oct. 1979). -- Translation of "Le
Langage des Chats," p. 48-49 in Spécial Lovecraft (Métal
Hurlant ; no. 33 bis). -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.3no.6
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"The Little Vegetable who Dreamed of Being a Panther" / by
Nicole Claveloux. p. 59-64 in Heavy Metal, v. 6, no. 9
(Dec. 1982). -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.6no.9
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"The Mauve Sideshow" / script: Zha ; art: Nicole Claveloux.
p. 57-64 in Heavy Metal, no. 9 (Dec. 1977). -- Call no.:
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"Night Grass" / art: Nicole Claveloux ; script: Zha. p.
46-53 in Heavy Metal, no. 6 (Sept. 1977). -- Call no.:
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"Prince Charming and a Very Patient Young Lady" / by Nicole
Claveloux ; colors, Bruce Patterson. p. 33-37 in Heavy
Metal, v. 6, no. 1 (Apr. 1982). -- Call no.:
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
Private Eye Grabote / by Nicole Claveloux. -- New York :
Harlin Quist, 1975. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 19 cm. -- Call
no.: PN6747.C48P713 1975
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
Rosa e Brezza / George Sand ; Nicole Claveloux. -- Milano :
Edizioni dalla Parte delle Bambine, 1977. -- 30 p. : col.
ill. ; 35 cm. -- Abridged adaptation translated to Italian
of Ce que disent les fleurs, first published in Contes
d'une grand-mère. -- Call no.: PQ2401.C3316 1977
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"Salad Bark #1" / by Nicole Claveloux. p. 13 in Heavy
Metal, v. 5, no. 12 (Mar. 1982). -- Call no.:
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"Sans Family" / by Nicole Claveloux. p. 34-41 in Heavy
Metal, v. 4, no. 8 (Nov. 1980); reprinted in The Best of
Heavy Metal, no. 2 (New York : HM Communications, 1986), p.
35-42. -- A kind of fantasy about taxidermy, cannibalism,
bad mayonnaise, etc. -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.4no.8. Call
no.: PN6728.H43B4 1986
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
Spegelns Ansikte : kvinnoserier från Frankrike och Italien
/ av Cecilia, Cestac, Claveloux, Clodine, Fèvre, Garaude,
Garnot, Keleck, Le Rochais, Montellier ; svensk text,
Ann-Katrin Berglund ; textning, Johan Andreasson. --
Stockholm : Medusa, 1982. -- 64 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. --
Collected from Ah! Nana, no. 1-9 (1978-1978); foreword by
Horst Schröder. -- Genre: Women's. -- Call no.: PN6720.S55
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"The Story of the Flaxen-Haired Princess, the Beautiful
Doe, and the Big Ol' Kittycat" / by Nicole Claveloux. p.
51-58 in Heavy Metal, v. 6, no. 5 (Aug. 1982). -- Call no.:
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"Throughout the Livelong Day, Across the Open Spaces"*
(Paradise 9) / Nicole Claveloux. p. 62-64 in Heavy Metal,
v. 1, no. 13 (Apr. 1978). -- Call no.: PN6728.H43v.1no.13
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"White Night" / story by Zha ; art by Nicole Claveloux. p.
78-85 in Heavy Metal, no. 7 (Oct. 1977); reprinted (p.
22-29) in The Best of Heavy Metal, 1977-1979 (New York : HM
Communications, 1982). -- Call no.: PN6728.H43no.7. Call
no.: PN6728.H43B4 1982
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940-
"Zabeth on Astrochnouff" / by Nicole Claveloux. p. 72-74 in
Heavy Metal, v. 9, no. 5 (Aug. 1985). -- Call no.:
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940- --Miscellanea.
Entry (v. 1, p. 679) in Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de
Héros et Auteurs de BD, by Henri Filippini (Grenoble :
Glénat, 1998). -- Call no.: PN6707.F5 1998 v.1
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940- --Miscellanea.
Entry in The Who's Who of American Comic Books : 1977
Yearbook / by Jerry Bails (Detroit, Mich. : J. Bails,
1977-1978). -- Call no.: PN6725.B3 1977
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940- --Miscellanea.
Entry (p. 4) in The Who's Who of American Comic Books :
1978 Yearbook / by Jerry Bails (Detroit, Mich. : J. Bails,
1979-1980). -- Call no.: PN6725.B3 1978
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 91) in La bande dessinée au Québec / Mira
Falardeau (Montréal : Boréal, 1994). -- Call no.:
PN6731.F34 1994
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 280f) in Comics, vom Massenblatt ins
multimediale Abenteuer, by Andreas C. Knigge (Reinbeck bei
Hamburg : Rowohlt, 1996). -- Call no.: PN6710.K53 1996
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 62, 216, 218) in Encyclopédie des bandes
dessinées / ed. Marjorie Alessandrini. Nouv. ed. (Paris :
A. Michel, 1986) Call no.: PN6707.E5 1986
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 130) in Frémion, Yves. Le Guide de la Bédé
Francophone (Paris : Syros Alternatives, 1990) -- Call no.:
PN6745.F69 1990
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 1033, 1176) in Historia de los Comics / J.
Toutain, J. Coma (Barcelona : Toutain, 1982-1984?) -- Call
no.: PN6710.H5 1982a
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 190) to Understanding Comics, by Scott
McCloud (New York : HarperCollins, 1994) Call no.:
PN6710.M39 1994
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940- --Miscellanea.
Index entry (p. 94, 98) in Women and the Comics / by T.
Robbins and Catherine Yronwode (Eclipse Books, 1985). Call
no.: PN6710.R6 1985
Claveloux, Nicole, 1940- --Miscellanea.
"Tout est Bon dans le Bébé" / Luc Dellisse. p. 67 in Les
Cahiers de la Bande Dessinée, no. 64 (July/Aug. 1985). --
(Le Crible : Notes de Lecture) -- Brief review of the
Nicole Claveloux album. -- Call no.: PN6745.S37no.64
Claver, Peter, 1580-
"St. Peter Claver" 6 p. in Catholic Comics, v. 1, no. 11
(May 1947). -- Summary: Claver (1580-) was a missionary to
slaves, and was declared a saint in 1868. He was proclaimed
"patron of all Negro missions of the world" in 1890. --
Call no.: PN6728.1.C3C3v.1no.11
Claverie, Jean, 1946-
Little Lou / by Jean Claverie. -- Mankato, MN : Creative
Education, 1990. -- 48 p. : col. ill. ; 29 cm. -- Summary:
As a result of spending a lot of his time in a neighborhood
bar where he likes the piano music, talented young musician
Lou has an exciting brush with organized crime. -- 12 pages
are in comic book style and format. -- Call no.:
PQ2663.L327L5 1990
Claves de Delito.
"El Piso Delator" (Claves del Delito) 1 p. in Grandes
Detectives, no. 4 (Oct. 1956). -- Call no.:
Claves Latinoamericanas.
La Rueda del Infortunio / Rogelio Naranjo. -- México, D.F.
: UVyD, Comisión Cultural : Claves Latinoamericanas, 1987.
-- 158 p. : chiefly ill. ; 22 cm. -- Cartoons about Mexican
politics and government. -- Call no.: F1236.N36 1987
Claves Latinoamericanas.
Sobras Escogidas / Rafael Barajas, 'El Fisgón'. -- México,
D.F. : Comisión Cultural de la UVyD : Claves
Latinoamericanas, 1986. -- 138 p. : ill. ; 16 x 23 cm. --
Comics and cartoons. -- Call no.: PN6790.M43 B3S6 1986
Entry (p. 326) in Aliens, Robots, and Spaceships / Jeff
Rovin (New York : Facts on File, 1995). -- Call no.:
PN3433.8.R68 1995
"He Just Has a Band-Aid Above His Clavichord"* (Crankshaft,
May 10, 2006) / by Tom Batiuk and Chuck Ayers. -- Summary:
Ralph's thyroid biopsy went okay. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55
Clavier, Christian.
Asterix & Obelix Take on Caesar [videorecording] / starring
Gérard Depardieu, Christian Clavier, Robert Benigni ; dir.
by Claude Zidi. -- Pathé, 2001. -- 1 dvd-video (106 min) :
kleur, geluid, dolby-surround. -- Summary: De Gallische
vrienden Asterix en Obelix vechten tegen het leger van
Julius Caesar in het jaar 50 voor Christus. -- Videoversie
van de gelijknamige speelfilm. -- Frankrijk, Duitsland,
Italië : Katharina Renn Productions [etc.], cop. 1999. --
Naar de stripverhalen van Albert Uderzo en René Goscinny.
-- Engels gesproken, niet ondertiteld. -- Call no.:
PN6747.U3F5 2001
On down the list
This segment last edited June 16, 2008