Michigan State University Libraries
Special Collections Division
Reading Room Index to the Comic Art Collection
"New Cataloging and Indexing Daily Log January 2005"

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Note: This file lists unsorted daily additions and corrections to the Reading Room Index. -- Questions or concerns to Randy Scott, please: comics@msu.edu

Le Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées, no. 29 (Nov. 1981)
   CONTENTS: "The Comic Collector in London" p. 4-6 -- "Les
   Grandes Aventures" p. 7-11 -- "Vingt Ans Après" p. 13-14 --
   "Le Journal de Paddy" p. 15-16 -- "Bob et Bobette" p. 17-18
   -- "Histoires d'Animaux" p. 20-21 -- "Actualité Américaine"
   p. 22-23 -- "L'Écho du BDM" p. 24-25 -- "Le Coin des
   Affaires" (reader ads) p. 26-27 -- "Saviez-vous que..."
   (misc.) p. 28-28 -- "D'un Strip à l'Autre" p. 30-31 -- "Du
   7e au 9e Art et Réciproquement" p. 32 -- "Norbert Moutier :
   Catalogue des Petits Formats de 1949 à Nos Jours" (review)
   p. 32 -- "In the Pocket" p. 33 -- "Du Côté d'à Présent" p.
   34 -- "Notes de Lecture" (misc.) p. 35 -- Call no.:
Cartoons by Evo. -- Merebank, Natal : Tomango Ltd., . -- ill.
   ; 18 x 25 cm. -- Cartoons about World War II by South
   African cartoonist Charles Evenden. -- LIBRARY HAS:
   1941-1942 issues. -- Call no.: D745.2.E9
Àddu Kalpe / Manel Njaay. -- Dakar : Imprimerie Tandian, 1998.
   -- 36 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. -- Author statement from p. 36:
   Dessins et texte de Manel Ndiaye. -- In Wolof and French.
   -- Call no.: PN6790.S43 N5A3 1998
Sailor Moon Super S. 1 / by Naoko Takeuchi. -- Los Angeles,
   Calif.? : Mixx Entertainment, 1999. -- 182 p. : ill. ; 18
   cm. -- (Pocket Mixx) -- English version of a 1995 Japanese
   comic book. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 T3256S37 1999
Sailor Moon. 2 / Naoko Takeuchi. -- Los Angeles, CA. : Mixx
   Entertainment, 1998. -- 184 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Pocket
   Mixx) -- English version of a 1992 Japanese comic book. --
   Call no.: PN6790.J33 T3256S352 1998
Sailor Moon. 4 / Naoko Takeuchi. -- Los Angeles, CA : Mixx
   Entertainment, 1999. -- 189 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Pocket
   Mixx) -- English translation of a 1992 Japanese comic book.
   -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 T3256S354 1999
Sailor Moon. 7 / by Naoko Takeuchi ; translated by Anita
   Sengupta. -- Los Angeles, CA. : Mixx Entertainment, 2000.
   -- 173 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Chix Comix) -- Contents:
   "Neverending" ; "Eternity One, Prediction." -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 T3256S357 2000
Sailor Moon. 8 / by Naoko Takeuchi. -- Los Angeles : Tokyopop,
   2000. -- 208 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Chix Comix) --
   Contents: "Ripples" ; "Two New Scouts" ; "Sailor Uranus &
   Sailor Neptune" ; "Sailor Pluto". -- Call no.: PN6790.J33
   T3256S358 2000
Sailor Moon. 9 / by Naoko Takeuchi. -- Los Angeles : Tokyopop,
   2001. -- 199 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Chix Comix) --
   Contents: "Three Scouts" ; "Transformation, Super Sailor
   Moon" ; "Infinita Labyrinth 1" ; "Infinita Labyrinth 2." --
   "This volume contains the Sailor Moon installments from
   Sailor Moon Chix Comix no. 26 through No. 29 in their
   entirety." -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 T3256S359 2001
Sailor Moon 10 / by Naoko Takeuchi. -- Los Angeles, Calif. :
   Tokyopop, 2001. -- 152 p. : ill. ; 17 cm. -- Contents:
   "Eternity 20, Infinite" ; "Rini's Picture Diary." -- "First
   published in Japan 1995 by Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo". --
   "Sailor Moon Chix Comix No. 30 through No. 32 in their
   entirety". -- Translator: Anita Sengupta. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 T3256S36 2001
Sailor Moon 11 / by Naoko Takeuchi. -- Los Angeles : Tokyopop,
   2001. -- 172 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Tokyopop Manga) --
   Contents: "Princess Kaguya's Lover" ; "Casablanca Memory."
   -- "First published in Japan 1995 by Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo".
   -- "Sailor Moon Chix Comix No. 33 through No. 35 in their
   entirety". -- Translator: Anita Sengupta. -- Summary (from
   OCLC): When Luna encounters a young astronomer named
   Kakeru, who has recently sighted a comet heading towards
   Earth, Sailor Moon soon discovers that the comet heralds
   the return of Princess Snow Kaguya, and Sailor Moon, along
   with Luna and the Sailor Scouts, must stop Princess Snow
   Kaguya from ruling the Solar System. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 T3256S361 2001
"The Comic Collector in London" / par Dominique Petifaux. p.
   4-6 in Le Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées, no. 29 (Nov.
   1981). -- Report on comics shops and collecting in London.
   -- Call no.: PN6745.C66no.29
"Les Grandes Aventures" / par Pierre Guérin. p. 7-11 in Le
   Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées, no. 29 (Nov. 1981). --
   Article on the weekly French comics periodical Les Grandes
   Aventures (1940-1942), detailing the features that appeared
   therein. -- Continues a series begun in issues 26-27, and
   to be continued. -- Call no.: PN6745.C66no.29
"Vingt Ans Après" / par Pierre Strinati. p. 13-14 in Le
   Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées, no. 29 (Nov. 1981). --
   Strinati recalls and contextualizes an article he published
   in the magazine Fiction, no. 92 (July 1961) that was
   influential in the onset of organized comics collecting:
   "Bandes Dessinées et Science-Fiction, L'Âge d'Or en France
   (1934-1940)". -- Call no.: PN6745.C66no.29
"Le Journal de Paddy" / par Dany Evrard et Michel Roland. p.
   15-16 in Le Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées, no. 29
   (Nov. 1981). -- Describes and indexes a short-run French
   comics magazine (1955). -- Call no.: PN6745.C66no.29
"Bob et Bobette ; un Journal Dargaud avant Tintin" / par Jean
   Fourié. p. 17-18 in Le Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées,
   no. 29 (Nov. 1981). -- Describes a 5-issue series from
   1945. -- Call no.: PN6745.C66no.29
"Histoires d'Animaux" / par Dominique Petifaux. p. 20-21 in Le
   Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées, no. 29 (Nov. 1981). --
   Article on animal stories, with bibliographies of Chat
   Noir, Gedeon, and Babar. -- Call no.: PN6745.C66no.29
"Actualité Américaine" / par Guy Delcourt. p. 22-23 in Le
   Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées, no. 29 (Nov. 1981). --
   News of current U.S. comics. -- Call no.: PN6745.C66no.29
"L'Écho du BDM" p. 24-25 in Le Collectionneur de Bandes
   Dessinées, no. 29 (Nov. 1981). -- Miscellanea about comics.
   -- Call no.: PN6745.C66no.29
"Le Coin des Affaires" p. 26-27 in Le Collectionneur de Bandes
   Dessinées, no. 29 (Nov. 1981). -- Readers' ads. -- Call
   no.: PN6745.C66no.29
"Saviez-vous que..." / par M. Patinax. p. 28-28 in Le
   Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées, no. 29 (Nov. 1981). --
   Miscellanea about comics. -- Call no.: PN6745.C66no.29
"D'un Strip à l'Autre" / par Jean-Claude Glasser. p. 30-31 in
   Le Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées, no. 29 (Nov. 1981).
   -- Brief essay on the relationship of comics to other
   entertainment media, particularly in the U.S. -- Call no.:
"Du 7e au 9e Art et Réciproquement" / par Michel Denni. p. 32
   in Le Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées, no. 29 (Nov.
   1981). -- Notes about comics found in film and television.
   -- Call no.: PN6745.C66no.29
"Norbert Moutier : Catalogue des Petits Formats de 1949 à Nos
   Jours" / Jean Fourié. p. 32 in Le Collectionneur de Bandes
   Dessinées, no. 29 (Nov. 1981). -- Reviews a self-published
   bibliography. -- Call no.: PN6745.C66no.29
"In the Pocket" / par Jacques Bisceglia. p. 33 in Le
   Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées, no. 29 (Nov. 1981). --
   Discusses new French-language comics. -- Call no.:
"Du Côté d'à Présent" / par Michel Béra. p. 34 in Le
   Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées, no. 29 (Nov. 1981). --
   Report on a comics convention in Paris. -- Call no.:
"Notes de Lecture" / par Claude Guillot. p. 35 in Le
   Collectionneur de Bandes Dessinées, no. 29 (Nov. 1981). --
   Miscellanea about comics. -- Call no.: PN6745.C66no.29
Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 199 (Dec. 6, 1960)
   CONTENTS: "Petite Chèque"* (Cri-Cri Reporter) p. 1, 3-4 --
   "Les Dents de Lait en Or" (Nano et Nanette) p. 2 -- "Ping
   Pong Net"* (Dicky l'Astucieux) p. 4 -- "Les Cristaux
   Magiques (4)" text p. 5, 13 -- "On ne peut plus se Reposer
   Tranquille?"* (La Fille du Proscrit) p. 6-7 -- "Des
   Costumes"* (Nano et Nanette) p. 9 -- "La Princesse fut Mise
   à l'Épreuve"* (Gaie Princesse) p. 10-11 -- "Démon Rouge"*
   (Solitaire) p. 14-17 -- "David Reprit sa Vie de Collégien"*
   (David Copperfield) p. 18-20 -- "Je ne peux plus Supporter
   ce Bruit!"* (Nicotine) p. 21 -- "Les Chaussures"* (Riri) p.
   23-24 -- "Kiki Comprit que sa Nouvelle Vie ne serait pas
   bien Gaie"* (Kiki) p. 25 -- "Nano et Nanette Club" p. 26 --
   "Comment Construire une Mangeoire pour les Oiseaux?"
   (Smokie) p. 28 -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.199
All the Dirt! / Rick Detorie. -- New York : Nantier Beall
   Minoustchine, 2001. -- 128 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- (One Big
   Happy) -- Call no.: PN6728 .O49A7 2001
Nice Costs Extra! / Rick Detorie. -- New York : Nantier Beall
   Minoustchine, 1999. -- 128 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- (One Big
   Happy) -- Call no.: PN6728 .O49N5 1999
The Return of Pogo / Walt Kelly. -- New York : Simon and
   Schuster, 1965. -- 192 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- Funny animal
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.P57R4 1965
Curves Ahead / by Greg Evans ; foreword by Lynn Johnston. --
   Kansas City : Andrews McMeel, 2003. -- 128 p. : ill. ; 23
   cm. -- (Luann) -- Teen humor genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.L8C8 2003
I'm Not Always Confused, I Just Look That Way / Greg Evans. --
   New York : TOR, 1993. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Luann) --
   (A Tom Doherty Associates Book) -- Teen humor genre. --
   Call no.: PN6728.L8 I5 1993
So Many Malls, So Little Money! / Greg Evans. -- New York :
   TOR, 1990. -- 128 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Luann) -- (A Tom
   Doherty Associates Book) -- Teen humor genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.L8S6 1990
If Confusion Were a Class, I'd Get an "A" / Greg Evans. -- New
   York : TOR, 1995. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Luann) -- (A
   Tom Doherty Associates Book) -- Teen humor genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.L8 I4 1995
La Machine / by Peter O'Donnell and Jim Holdaway. -- Las
   Vegas, NV : Pioneer Comics, 1989. -- 106 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
   -- (The official Modesty Blaise Collection ; bk. 1) -- Spy
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6738.M6M3 1989
Persepolis 2 : the Story of a Return / Marjane Satrapi. -- New
   York : Pantheon Books, 2004. -- 187 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. --
   Sequel to: Persepolis. -- Autobiographical. -- Call no.:
   PN6747.S325P4213 2004
Penny / by Harry Haenigsen. -- New York : Simon and Schuster,
   1953. -- 158 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. -- Teen humor genre. --
   Call no.: PN6728.P43JH3 1953
Bruna. -- Sao Paulo : Editora Abril, 1984- . -- ill. ; 28 cm.
   -- Began with ano 1, no. 1 (10/04/84). -- "Desaconselhavel
   para menors de 16 anos". -- Fotonovelas. -- LIBRARY HAS:
   no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6790.B74B7
Googiewaumer Comics. -- Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh,
   1969. -- 32 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. -- Underground genre. --
   Contents: "Flex-o-No : Kisso" 1 p. ; "Schazam"* (The
   Adventures of Super Ghurb) 2 p. ; "Narmer the Charmer"*
   (The Adventures of Super Ghurb) 2 p. ; "Super Ghurb vs.
   Metsys" (The Adventures of Super Ghurb) 2 p. ; "Boy Wonder"
   (Flash E Nurp) 1 p. ; "Zango : America Wake Up" 1 p. ;
   "Bango : America Make Up" 1 p. ; "The Adventures of Flash E
   Nurp, Corporation Wonder" (Flash E Nurp) 1 p. ; "Another
   Victory over Organized Cookery"* (The Adventures of Super
   Ghurb) 2 p. ; "Sucko" 1 p. ; "Licko : America Eats" 1 p. ;
   "How Can America Resist?"* (The Adventures of Super Ghurb)
   2 p. ; "1970 Vipermatic Hippopotamus"* (The Adventures of
   Super Ghurb) 2 p. ; "Dr. E. Pod"* (The Adventures of Super
   Ghurb) 2 p. ; "I Wish No Part in This Nonsense"* (The
   Adventures of Super Ghurb) 1 p. ; "The Continuing Saga of
   Flash E Nurp" (Flash E Nurp) 1 p. ; "Now Pretend I'm Your
   Doctor"* (The Adventures of Super Ghurb) 1 p. ; "Super
   Ghurb vs. Wheelienaughts in the Land of Nupsley" (The
   Adventures of Super Ghurb) 8 p. ; "Buy Buy : Good Buy,
   America" 1 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"Flex-o-No : Kisso" 1 p. in Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee,
   Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh, 1969).  -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"Schazam"* (The Adventures of Super Ghurb) / written by Hgup
   Nalla Lednew ; drawn by Wendel Allan Pugh. 2 p. in
   Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh,
   1969). -- "To be extended." -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G6
"Narmer the Charmer"* (The Adventures of Super Ghurb) /
   written by Hgup Nalla Lednew ; drawn by Wendel Allan Pugh.
   2 p. in Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan
   Pugh, 1969).  -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"Super Ghurb vs. Metsys" (The Adventures of Super Ghurb) 2 p.
   in Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan
   Pugh, 1969). -- "To be continued."  -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"Boy Wonder" (Flash E Nurp) / by F. Sand Jones. 1 p. in
   Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh,
   1969).  -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"Zango : America Wake Up" / Wendel Allan Pugh. 1 p. in
   Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh,
   1969).  -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"Bango : America Make Up" 1 p. in Googiewaumer Comics
   (Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh, 1969).  -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"The Adventures of Flash E Nurp, Corporation Wonder" (Flash E
   Nurp) / by F. Sand Jones. 1 p. in Googiewaumer Comics
   (Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh, 1969).  -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"Another Victory over Organized Cookery"* (The Adventures of
   Super Ghurb) / written by Hgup Nalla Lednew ; drawn by
   Wendel Allan Pugh. 2 p. in Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee,
   Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh, 1969).  -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"Sucko" / Wendel Allan Pugh. 1 p. in Googiewaumer Comics
   (Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh, 1969).  -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"Licko : America Eats" / Wendel Allan Pugh. 1 p. in
   Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh,
   1969).  -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"How Can America Resist?"* (The Adventures of Super Ghurb) /
   Hgup Nalla Lednew. 2 p. in Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee,
   Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh, 1969). -- "To be continued." --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"1970 Vipermatic Hippopotamus"* (The Adventures of Super
   Ghurb) / writer, Lednew ; artist, Pugh. 2 p. in
   Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh,
   1969). -- "A continuation of Metsys vs. Super Ghurb." --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"Dr. E. Pod"* (The Adventures of Super Ghurb) / artist, Wendel
   Allan Pugh ; writer, Hgup Nalla Lednew. 2 p. in
   Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh,
   1969). -- "To be continued." -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G6
"I Wish No Part in This Nonsense"* (The Adventures of Super
   Ghurb) / artist, Wendel Allan Pugh ; writer, Hgup Nalla
   Lednew. 1 p. in Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee, Wis. :
   Wendel Allan Pugh, 1969).  -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"The Continuing Saga of Flash E Nurp" (Flash E Nurp) 1 p. in
   Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh,
   1969).  -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"Now Pretend I'm Your Doctor"* (The Adventures of Super Ghurb)
   1 p. in Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan
   Pugh, 1969). -- "To be continued." -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"Super Ghurb vs. Wheelienaughts in the Land of Nupsley" (The
   Adventures of Super Ghurb) / Hgup Nalla Lednew. 8 p. in
   Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh,
   1969).  -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"Buy Buy : Good Buy, America" / Wendel Allan Pugh. 1 p. in
   Googiewaumer Comics (Milwaukee, Wis. : Wendel Allan Pugh,
   1969).  -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G6 1989
"Petite Chèque"* (Cri-Cri Reporter) p. 1, 3-4 in Le Journal de
   Nano et Nanette, no. 199 (Dec. 6, 1960). -- "Résumé: Polo
   et Cri-Cri son invités par le chef du gang international
   des voleurs d'oeuvres d'art qui tient à les féliciter pour
   la capture des bandits. Ne soupçonnant pas un piège, nos
   deux amis se rendent à l'invitation. Polo en profite pour
   prendre une photo de leur hôte qui entre dans une grande
   fureur, craignant d'être démasqué." -- Plates numbered
   49-50. -- "A suivre." -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.199
"Les Dents de Lait en Or" (Nano et Nanette) p. 2 in Le Journal
   de Nano et Nanette, no. 199 (Dec. 6, 1960). -- Captioned
   photographs. -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.199
"Ping Pong Net"* (Dicky l'Astucieux) p. 4 in Le Journal de
   Nano et Nanette, no. 199 (Dec. 6, 1960). -- Silent 1-tier
   strip about mice. -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.199
"Les Cristaux Magiques (4)" / un conte de Jean Irasque. text
   p. 5, 13 in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 199 (Dec. 6,
   1960). -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.199
"On ne peut plus se Reposer Tranquille?"* (La Fille du
   Proscrit) p. 6-7 in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 199
   (Dec. 6, 1960). -- "Résumé: Faussement accusé d'être un
   bandit, le père d'Amy Lyndon avait dû s'enfuir. L'ayant
   découvert, malade, dans la lande, sa fille l'avait ramené
   chez eux pour le soigner. Mais un villageois, Silas,
   espérant toucher un récompense, avait dénoncé Lyndon à la
   police qui vint perquisitionner." -- Plates numbered 33-34.
   -- "A suivre." -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.199
"Des Costumes"* (Nano et Nanette) / Rod Ruth. p. 9 in Le
   Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 199 (Dec. 6, 1960). --
   "Résumé: Grâce à de vieux films de cowboys qu'il avait
   tournés il y a plus de vingt ans le cousin Herman est
   devenu célèbre et a été engagé par la télévision. Il
   devient l'idole de tous les amis des jumeaux." -- "A
   suivre." -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.199
"La Princesse fut Mise à l'Épreuve"* (Gaie Princesse) p. 10-11
   in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 199 (Dec. 6, 1960).
   -- "Résumé: A fin de pouvoir côtoyer les jeunes de son âge,
   la princesse Lola, nièce de Ricardo, régent du royaume de
   San Sereno, s'était déguisée et avait trouvé une
   mystérieuse pétition rédigée par des jeunes gens. S'étant
   enfuie à l'arrivée de la police, la jeune fille était bien
   décidée à retrouver les auteurs de la lettre et à leur
   demander des explications." -- In thise pisode a sign has
   accidentally not been translated from English. -- "A
   suivre." -- Second plate numbered "8". -- Call no.:
"Démon Rouge"* (Solitaire) p. 14-17 in Le Journal de Nano et
   Nanette, no. 199 (Dec. 6, 1960). -- "Résumé: Mandy Morgan,
   vivant chez son oncle Matt, avait adopté et élevé un
   poulain sauvage qu'elle avait surnommé 'Solitaire'. Son
   oncle, s'étant marié, décide de vendre le cheval et
   d'envoyer la jeune fille dans un orphelinat. Pour ne pas
   être séparée de son protégé, Mandy part avec lui dans la
   grande prairie du Wyoming." -- Plates numbered 31-34. -- "A
   suivre." -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.199
"David Reprit sa Vie de Collégien"* (David Copperfield) /
   Cerón Nuñez. p. 18-20 in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no.
   199 (Dec. 6, 1960). -- "Résumé: Ne pouvant plus supporter
   les brutalités de son beau-père, M. Murdstone, David s'est
   enfui et s'est réfugié chez sa tante Bessy qui décide de se
   charger de son éducation, malgré l'opposition de M.
   Murdstone." -- Plates numbered 19-21. -- "A suivre" -- Call
   no.: PN6748.J63no.199
"Je ne peux plus Supporter ce Bruit!"* (Nicotine) p. 21 in Le
   Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 199 (Dec. 6, 1960). -- Call
   no.: PN6748.J63no.199
"Les Chaussures"* (Riri) / par Martial. p. 23-24 in Le Journal
   de Nano et Nanette, no. 199 (Dec. 6, 1960). -- Plates
   numbered 42A-42B. -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.199
"Kiki Comprit que sa Nouvelle Vie ne serait pas bien Gaie"*
   (Kiki) p. 25in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 199 (Dec.
   6, 1960). -- "Résumé: M. Buquette, marchand d'animaux,
   possédait un jeune singe intelligent, Kiki, qui faisait la
   joie de tous les passants. Un jour, un homme, joueur
   d'orgue, se présenta pour l'acheter." -- "A suivre." --
   Plated numbered "2". -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.199
"Nano et Nanette Club" p. 26 in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette,
   no. 199 (Dec. 6, 1960). -- Names and photos of readers. --
   Call no.: PN6748.J63no.199
"Comment Construire une Mangeoire pour les Oiseaux?" (Smokie)
   p. 28 in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 199 (Dec. 6,
   1960). -- Back cover fact feature, in which Smokie (Smokey
   Bear) tells how to make a bird feeder. -- Call no.:
Pow-Wow. -- North Augusta, SC : Harpers, 1986- . -- ill. ; 28
   cm. -- Began with no. 1 (Fall 1986) -- Other title:
   Straight Arrow Pow-Wow. -- Periodical about Straight Arrow,
   and western comics. -- LIBRARY HAS: 1-11, 13-14, 16-18,
   20-28, 32-35 (1986-1995). -- Call no.: PN6725.P63
Semantic Lace. -- Flint, MI : Arrow Manga, 2000- . -- ill. ;
   26 cm. -- Began with v. 1, no. 1 (June 2000). -- Cover
   title: Sherard Jackson's Semantic Lace. -- Vol. 1, no. 1,
   is also "#1 of 4". -- Science fiction genre. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: v. 1, no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.A7715S4
Angry Youth Comics, v. 2, no. 1 (Dec. 2000)
   CONTENTS: "The Whorehouse of Dr. Moreau" (Loady McGee,
   Sinus O'Gynus) 29 p. -- "Pukins" (gag cartoons) 3 p. --
   Call no.: PN6728.6.F3A55v.2no.1
Avataars : Covenant of the Shield, no. 1 (Sept. 2000)
   CONTENTS: "The Realms of Earth" 22 p. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.7.M3A86 2000 no.1
Charm School : Magical Witch Girl Bunny, no. 1 (Apr. 2000)
   CONTENTS: "The Wrecking Faerie" 21 p. -- "Dr. Vanessa
   Leather, Monster Maker" 2 p. -- Call no.:
Charm School : Magical Witch Girl Bunny, no. 2 (July 2000)
   CONTENTS: "The Wrecking Faerie" 24 p. -- Call no.:
Picsou Magazine, no. 1 (1972)
   COMICS CONTENTS: "Oncle Picsou contre Tonton Soupic"
   (Picsou) p. 3-31 -- "Incroyable Mais Vrai!" p. 32 -- "La
   Tremblotte Chronique" (Gontran) p. 35-46 -- "Géo Trouvetou
   ou Géo Brisetou?" (Géo Trouvetou) p. 51-57 -- "Prof.
   Dewlap's School for Dogs"* (Pluto) p. 60-61, 65 -- "La
   Fiesta de Pepitt City" (Mickey) p. 67-78 -- "Pouce! Je
   Pèse" (Picsou) 1 p. -- "La Vigne Picratos!" (Picsou) p.
   91-114 -- Call no.: PN6748.P47no.1
Sentry, no. 1 (Sept. 2000)
   CONTENTS: "The Suit" (The Sentry) 22 p. -- "Stan's
   Scintillating Sentry Scoop" 1 p. text -- Call no.:
   PN6728.7.M3S4 2000 no.1
Angry Youth Comix. -- Seattle, WA : Fantagraphics Books, . --
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Alternative genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 2,
   no. 1 (2000). -- Call no.: PN6728.6.F3A55
"The Whorehouse of Dr. Moreau" (Loady McGee, Sinus O'Gynus) /
   by Johnny Ryan. 29 p. in Angry Youth Comics, v. 2, no. 1
   (Dec. 2000). -- Call no.: PN6728.6.F3A55v.2no.1
"Pukins" 3 p. in Angry Youth Comics, v. 2, no. 1 (Dec. 2000).
   -- Gag cartoons by Johnny Ryan. -- Call no.:
Avataars : Covenant of the Shield. -- New York : Marvel
   Comics, 2000. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 3 nos.
   -- Fantasy genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.7.M3A86 2000
"The Realms of Earth" / Len Kaminski, writer ; oscar Jiminez,
   penciler ; Eduardo Alpuente, inker ; Paul Tutrone, letters
   ; Joe Rosas, colors ; Tom Brevoort, editor. 22 p. in
   Avataars : Covenant of the Shield, no. 1 (Sept. 2000). --
   Call no.: PN6728.7.M3A86 2000 no.1
Charm School : Magical Witch Girl Bunny. -- San Jose, CA :
   Slave Labor Graphics, 2000- . -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Began
   with no. 1 (Apr. 2000). -- By Elizabeth Watasin. -- Funny
   horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-2 (2000). -- Call no.:
"The Wrecking Faerie" / by Elizabeth. 21 p. in Charm School :
   Magical Witch Girl Bunny, no. 1 (Apr. 2000). -- By
   Elizabeth Watasin. -- Begins: "Where have all the monsters
   gone?" -- Call no.: PN6728.7.S55C47no.1
"Dr. Vanessa Leather, Monster Maker" / Elizabeth. 2 p. in
   Charm School : Magical Witch Girl Bunny, no. 1 (Apr. 2000).
   -- By Elizabeth Watasin. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.S55C47no.1
"The Wrecking Faerie" / by Elizabeth. 24 p. in Charm School :
   Magical Witch Girl Bunny, no. 2 (July 2000). -- By
   Elizabeth Watasin. -- Begins: "The Enchanted Forest..." --
   Call no.: PN6728.7.S55C47no.2
Cosmic Slam / art, Bernard Chang, Ted Robledo ; story, Kevin
   McCarthy ; color, Chris Sotomayor, Cesar J. Rodriguez ;
   letters, Idea & Design Works. -- Ultimate Sports
   Entertainment, 1999 -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "#1".
   -- Science fiction story featuring baseball stars Mark
   McGwire, Dave Justice, Sammy Sosa, and Jeff Bagwell as
   characters.. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.U45C6 1999
Demented : Scorpion Child / Jaime Antonio, story/art. -- DMF
   Comics, 2000- . -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- To be complete in
   5 nos. -- Science fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. --
   Call no.: PN6728.7.D15D4 2000
Doll Parts. -- Dover, NJ : Sirius Entertainment, 2000- . --
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Began with v. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 2000). --
   Alternative genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1, no. 1. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.7.S5D6
Fastball Express. -- Ultimate Sports Entertainment, 1999. --
   32 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "#1". -- Science fiction
   story with a baseball theme. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.U45F3
The Remarkable Worlds of Professor Phineas B. Fuddle / writer,
   Boaz Yakin ; artist, Erez Yakin ; letterer, Comicraft ;
   colorist and separator, Angus McKie. -- New York : DC
   Comics/Paradox Press, 2000. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- "When
   Victorian London's most brilliant but mad inventor,
   Professor Phineas B. Fuddle, builds a time-travel machine
   in order to share his scientific knowledge with the great
   civilizations of antiquity, he has only the best
   intentions: to save humanity from its own self-destructive
   ways by bolstering its past." -- Complete in 4 books. --
   Science fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: bk. 1-2. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.7.D3R43 2000
Sentry. -- New York : Marvel Comics, 2000-2001. -- col. ill. ;
   26 cm. -- (Marvel Knights) -- Complete in 5 nos. --
   Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.7.M3S4 2000
"The Suit" (The Sentry) / Paul Jenkins, story ; Jae Lee, art ;
   Jose Villarrubia, colors ; Richard Starkings &
   Comicraft/Wes Abbott, letters. 22 p. in Sentry, no. 1
   (Sept. 2000). -- Call no.: PN6728.7.M3S4 2000 no.1
"Stan's Scintillating Sentry Scoop" 1 p. text in Sentry, no. 1
   (Sept. 2000). -- Joe Quesada interviews Stan Lee about the
   origin of the character The Sentry. -- "To be continued in
   The Sentry #2". -- Call no.: PN6728.7.M3S4 2000 no.1
Star Trek, Deep Space Nine : N-Vector. -- La Jolla, CA. :
   WildStorm Productions, 2000. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published
   no. 1 (Aug. 2000) - no. 4 (Nov. 2000). -- Science fiction
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.W5S75
"Oncle Picsou contre Tonton Soupic" (Picsou) p. 3-31 in Picsou
   Magazine, no. 1 (1972). -- Oncle Picsou is Uncle Scrooge in
   French. -- Call no.: PN6748.P47no.1
"Incroyable Mais Vrai!" p. 32 in Picsou Magazine, no. 1
   (1972). -- Call no.: PN6748.P47no.1
"La Tremblotte Chronique" (Gontran) p. 35-46 in Picsou
   Magazine, no. 1 (1972). -- Gontran Bonheur is Gladstone
   Gander in French. -- Call no.: PN6748.P47no.1
"Géo Trouvetou ou Géo Brisetou?" (Géo Trouvetou) p. 51-57 in
   Picsou Magazine, no. 1 (1972). -- Géo Trouvetou is Gyro
   Gearloose in French. -- Call no.: PN6748.P47no.1
"Prof. Dewlap's School for Dogs"* (Pluto) p. 60-61, 65 in
   Picsou Magazine, no. 1 (1972). -- (My Picsou is Rich) --
   Two pages of comics in English, with a glossary on p. 65.
   -- Call no.: PN6748.P47no.1
"La Fiesta de Pepitt City" (Mickey) p. 67-78 in Picsou
   Magazine, no. 1 (1972). -- Mickey Mouse in French. -- Call
   no.: PN6748.P47no.1
"Pouce! Je Pèse" (Picsou) 1 p. in Picsou Magazine, no. 1
   (1972). -- Call no.: PN6748.P47no.1
"La Vigne Picratos!" (Picsou) p. 91-114 in Picsou Magazine,
   no. 1 (1972). -- Call no.: PN6748.P47no.1
Guano Comix. -- Berkeley, Calif. : Print Mint, 1972. -- 40 p.
   : ill. ; 25 cm. -- Underground genre. -- This is "no. 4"
   (no. 1-3 were college humor magazines, cf. Kennedy, J.
   Official Underground and Newave Comix Price Guide). --
   Partial contents: "Nixon, Agnew"* 1 p. ; "Startled by the
   Gift" 2 p. ; "Everydays and Welcome Home" 6 p. ; "Deja Vu"
   6 p. ; "National Fern Coloring Contest" 1 p. ; "Not for
   Certain" 2 p. ; "Well, Why Not?" 2 p. ; "Yowkers!" (Daffie
   Duck) 6 p. ; "Inner Spring" 3 p. ; "Rima" 1 p. ; "Aum" 1 p.
   ; "How Martha Taught Marge the Secret of a Whiter Wash!" 1
   p. ; "I Dreamed I Saw King Kong Watching King Kong Meets
   Godzilla!" 4 p. ; "Back Into the Future" 1 p. ; "The
   Reluctant Carrot Meets the Babylonian Raisins" 1 p. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.45.P7G8 1972
"Nixon, Agnew"* / Marum. 1 p. in Guano Comix (Berkeley, Calif.
   : Print Mint, 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G8 1972
"Startled by the Gift" / R. Sharp. 2 p. in Guano Comix
   (Berkeley, Calif. : Print Mint, 1972). -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.P7G8 1972
"Everydays and Welcome Home" 6 p. in Guano Comix (Berkeley,
   Calif. : Print Mint, 1972). -- A possible artist's
   signature possibly reads "dmS" in the third panel from the
   end. Jay Kennedy, in The Official Underground and Newave
   Comix Price Guide, interprets it as "Daw." -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.P7G8 1972
"Deja Vu" / Woody. 6 p. in Guano Comix (Berkeley, Calif. :
   Print Mint, 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G8 1972
"National Fern Coloring Contest" 1 p. in Guano Comix
   (Berkeley, Calif. : Print Mint, 1972). -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.P7G8 1972
"Not for Certain" / Woody. 2 p. in Guano Comix (Berkeley,
   Calif. : Print Mint, 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G8
"Well, Why Not?" 2 p. in Guano Comix (Berkeley, Calif. : Print
   Mint, 1972). -- Single 2 p. centerfold drawing, ending with
   a striding mouse in lower right. -- Signature appears in
   left margin, possibly "dmS". Jay Kennedy, in The Official
   Underground and Newave Comix Price Guide, interprets it as
   "Daw." Another untitled drawing in this issue (p. 35) shows
   a running mouse in the lower right. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.P7G8 1972
"Yowkers!" (Daffie Duck) / Woody. 6 p. in Guano Comix
   (Berkeley, Calif. : Print Mint, 1972). -- Call no.:
   PN6728.45.P7G8 1972
"Inner Spring" / Tucker. 3 p. in Guano Comix (Berkeley, Calif.
   : Print Mint, 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G8 1972
"Rima" / DRT. 1 p. in Guano Comix (Berkeley, Calif. : Print
   Mint, 1972). -- Full-page drawing of a woman riding a
   fantastic beast. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G8 1972
"Aum" / R. Sharp. 1 p. in Guano Comix (Berkeley, Calif. :
   Print Mint, 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G8 1972
"How Martha Taught Marge the Secret of a Whiter Wash!" /
   Woody. 1 p. in Guano Comix (Berkeley, Calif. : Print Mint,
   1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G8 1972
"I Dreamed I Saw King Kong Watching King Kong Meets Godzilla!"
   / Par Losee. 4 p. in Guano Comix (Berkeley, Calif. : Print
   Mint, 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G8 1972
"Back Into the Future" / FSF. 1 p. in Guano Comix (Berkeley,
   Calif. : Print Mint, 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G8
"The Reluctant Carrot Meets the Babylonian Raisins" / S.
   David. 1 p. in Guano Comix (Berkeley, Calif. : Print Mint,
   1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7G8 1972
Insect Fear, no. 1 (1970)
   CONTENTS: "Great Moments in Chicken History" 1 p. -- "Mazor
   Storn" 2 p. -- "A Dirty Yuk" 3 p. -- "Dope & Its Relation
   to Consciousness" 6 p. -- "Fire Plug Funnies" 1 p. --
   "Chong Bo!" 4 p. -- "Insect Paranoia" 1 p. -- "Fta Pookat
   Fnors Snorf Klakgnor Ankt" 1 p. -- "Ice Cube of Blood" 6 p.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.1
Métal Hurlant, no. 2 (2o trimestre 1975)
   CONTENTS: "Gail" p. 6-13 -- "Chronique par Moebius" p.
   14-15 -- "Jules L'Éclair" p. 17 -- "Harzak" p. 19-26 --
   "Jules L'Éclair" p. 27 -- "Les Armées du Conquérant" p.
   28-41 -- "L'Eau Mes Talus Relants" (Le Grand Roman
   Feuilleton à Suivre ; 1) p. 40-41, 65 -- "Going Home" p.
   43-50 -- "Les Confessions d'un Lecteur Fou" text p. 51-54
   -- "Aaarrrzzz" p. 55-59 -- "A Toute Berzingue" text p. 59
   -- "Une Aventure de Major Grubert" p. 60-63 -- "Le Lac des
   Cygnes" text p. 60-63 -- "Jules L'Éclair" p. 66 -- Call
   no.: PN6748.M4no.2
Dragon Ball Z / story and art by Akira Toriyama ; English
   adaptation by Gerard Jones. -- San Francisco : Viz Comics,
   2000- . -- ill. ; 21 cm. -- The original story behind the
   hit show Dragon Ball Z! -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-4. -- Call
   no.: PN6790.J33 T6D734 2000
Seeds of Chaos / art, Hiroyuki Utatane ; story, Yo Morimoto ;
   translation, Dana Lewis and Adam Warren ; lettering and
   touch-up, Pat Duke and Amador Cisneros. -- Milwaukie, OR :
   Dark Horse Comics, 2002. -- 240 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. --
   (Seraphic Feather ; v. 2) -- "This volume collects Seraphic
   Feather stories from issues ten through eighteen of the
   Dark Horse comic-book series Super Manga Blast!" -- Science
   fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 U8S4213 2002
Target Zone / art and story, Hiroyuki Utatane and Toshiya
   Takeda ; translation, Dana Lewis and Adam Warren ;
   lettering and touch-up, Pat Duke. -- Milwaukie, OR : Dark
   Horse Comics, 2003. -- 242 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. -- (Seraphic
   Feather ; v. 3) -- "This volume collects Seraphic Feather
   stories from issues nineteen through twenty-five of the
   Dark Horse comic-book series Super Manga Blast!" -- Science
   fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 U8S4313 2003
Dark Angel / art and story, Hiroyuki Utatane and Toshiya
   Takeda ; translation, Dana Lewis and Adam Warren ;
   lettering and touch-up, Digital Chameleon, Jason Hvam and
   Sno Cone Studios. -- Milwaukie, OR : Dark Horse Comics,
   2003. -- 234 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. -- (Seraphic Feather ; v.
   4) -- "This volume collects Seraphic Feather stories from
   issues nineteen through twenty-five of the Dark Horse
   comic-book series Super Manga Blast!" -- Science fiction
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 U8S4413 2003
I Want to be the Queen Bee! / by Moyoco Anno. -- San
   Francisco, CA : Viz, LLC, 2003. -- 200 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
   -- (Flowers and Bees ; 1) -- (Viz Graphic Novel) -- Call
   no.: PN6790.J33 A48F513 2003
Flowers & Bees. 2 / by Moyoco Anno. -- San Francisco, CA :
   Viz, LLC, 2004. -- 216 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. -- (Viz Graphic
   Novel) -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 A48F5213 2004
Flowers & Bees. 3 / by Moyoco Anno. -- San Francisco, CA :
   Viz, LLC, 2004. -- 197 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. -- (Viz Graphic
   Novel) -- Rated M for mature. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33
   A48F5313 2004
Entrances / story & art by Haruhiko Mikimoto ; translation,
   Kaori Inoue ; English adaptation, Annette Roman. -- San
   Francisco, Calif. : Viz Communications, 2001. -- 178 p. :
   ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Marionette Generation ; v. 1) --
   (Animerica Extra Graphic Novel) -- "This volume contains
   the the 'Marionette Generation' installments from Animerica
   extra vol. 3, no. 3 through vol. 3, no. 10 in their
   entirety." -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 M4M3513 2001
Manipulations / story & art by Haruhiko Mikimoto ;
   translation, Kaori Inoue ; English adaptation, Annette
   Roman. -- San Francisco, Calif. : Viz Communications, 2002.
   -- 157 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Marionette Generation ; v. 3)
   -- (Animerica Extra Graphic Novel) -- "This volume contains
   the 'Marionette Generation' installments from Animerica
   extra vol. 4, no. 7 through vol. 4, no. 12 in their
   entirety." -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 M4M35313 2002
Improvisations / story & art by Haruhiko Mikimoto ;
   translation, Kaori Inoue ; English adaptation, Annette
   Roman -- San Francisco, CA : Viz, LLC, 2003. -- 139 p. :
   ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Marionette Generation ; v. 4) -- (Viz
   Graphic Novel) -- (Animerica Extra Graphic Novel) -- Call
   no.: PN6790.J33 M4M35413 2003
Finale / story & art by Haruhiko Mikimoto ; translation, Kaori
   Inoue ; English adaptation, Annette Roman. -- San
   Francisco, CA : Viz, LLC, 2004. -- 143 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
   -- (Marionette Generation ; v. 5) -- (Viz Graphic Novel) --
   (Animerica Extra Graphic Novel) -- Call no.: PN6790.J33
   M4M35513 2003
Pulling Strings / story & art by Haruhiko Mikimoto ;
   translation, Kaori Inoue ; English adaptation, Annette
   Roman. -- San Francisco, Calif. : Viz Communications, 2002.
   -- 132 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Viz Graphic Novel) --
   (Animerica Extra Graphic Novel) -- (Marionette Generation ;
   v. 2) -- "This volume contains the the Marionette
   Generation installments from Animerica Extra vol. 3, no. 11
   through vol. 4, no. 6 in their entirety." -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 M4M35213 2002
"Gail" / Philippe Druillet. p. 6-13 in Métal Hurlant, no. 2
   (2o trimestre 1975). -- Call no.: PN6748.M4no.2
"Chronique par Moebius" text p. 14-15 in Métal Hurlant, no. 2
   (2o trimestre 1975). -- Contents page title: "La Chronique
   de Moebius". -- Hand-lettered text. -- Call no.:
"Jules L'Éclair" / scénario, Dionnet ; dessin, Mandryka. p. 17
   in Métal Hurlant, no. 2 (2o trimestre 1975). -- "Resumé des
   chapitres précédents: Après avoir vaincu l'Empereur Mung,
   Jules L'Eclair a decidé de s'acheter une maison. Un
   représentant de l 'immobilière Véga l'emmène visiter un
   planétoïde..." -- Call no.: PN6748.M4no.2
"Harzak" / Moebius. p. 19-26 in Métal Hurlant, no. 2 (2o
   trimestre 1975). -- Story without words. -- Call no.:
"Le Secret du Représentant" (Jules L'Éclair) / scénario,
   Dionnet ; dessin, Mandryka. p. 27 in Métal Hurlant, no. 2
   (2o trimestre 1975). -- Title from end of previous episode.
   -- "Resumé des chapitres précédents: Jules L'Éclair s'est
   rendu sur un planétoïde mis en vente par l'immobilière
   Véga. Comme il hésite encore à l'acquérir, le représentant
   lui promet une surprise..." -- Call no.: PN6748.M4no.2
"Les Armées du Conquérant" / J.P. Dionnet et Gal. p. 28-41 in
   Métal Hurlant, no. 2 (2o trimestre 1975). -- Begins: "En ce
   temps là les armées du conquérant partirent pour envahir le
   monde." -- Call no.: PN6748.M4no.2
"L'Eau Mes Talus Relants" (Le Grand Roman Feuilleton à Suivre
   ; 1) / Moebius. text p. 40-41, 65 in Métal Hurlant, no. 2
   (2o trimestre 1975). -- "A suivre." -- Call no.:
"Going Home" / Richard V. Corben. p. 43-50 in Métal Hurlant,
   no. 2 (2o trimestre 1975). -- Call no.: PN6748.M4no.2
"Les Confessions d'un Lecteur Fou" / J.P. Dionnet. text p.
   51-54 in Métal Hurlant, no. 2 (2o trimestre 1975). -- Call
   no.: PN6748.M4no.2
"Aaarrrzzz" / Philippe Druillet. p. 55-57 in Métal Hurlant,
   no. 2 (2o trimestre 1975). -- Call no.: PN6748.M4no.2
"A Toute Berzingue" / Grat-Grat. text p. 59 in Métal Hurlant,
   no. 2 (2o trimestre 1975). -- Brief news of science fiction
   and fanzine publishing. -- Call no.: PN6748.M4no.2
"Une Aventure de Major Grubert"/ par Moebius.  p. 60-63 in
   Métal Hurlant, no. 2 (2o trimestre 1975). -- Begins: "Ach!
   Perdus sur cette planète inconnue sans vivres, sans eau..."
   -- Call no.: PN6748.M4no.2
"Le Lac des Cygnes" / Philippe Druillet. text p. 60-63 in
   Métal Hurlant, no. 2 (2o trimestre 1975). -- Call no.:
"Un Bruit dans la Nuit" (Jules L'Éclair) / scénario, Dionnet ;
   dessin, Mandryka. p. 66 in Métal Hurlant, no. 2 (2o
   trimestre 1975). -- Title from end of previous episode. --
   "Resumé des chapitres précédents: Jules L'Éclair vient
   d'acheter un planetoïde, il s'inquiète et se demande s'il
   ne s'est pas fait rouler. Il va se coucher..." -- Call no.:
"Great Moments in Chicken History" / Gilbert Shelton. 1 p. in
   Insect Fear, no. 1 (1970). -- Full-page drawing: Colonel
   Sanders is caught by big chickens in an alley. -- Call no.:
"Mazor Storn" 2 p. in Insect Fear, no. 1 (1970). -- By Rory
   Hayes, cf. Kennedy. The Official Underground and Newave
   Comix Price Guide. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.1
"A Dirty Yuk" / J. Green. 3 p. in Insect Fear, no. 1 (1970).
   -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.1
"Dope & Its Relation to Consciousness" / Baby Jerry. 6 p. in
   Insect Fear, no. 1 (1970). -- Copyright by O.Z. Studios. --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.1
"Fire Plug Funnies" / Alan Shenker. 1 p. in Insect Fear, no. 1
   (1970). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.1
"Chong Bo!" / Kim Deitch. 4 p. in Insect Fear, no. 1 (1970).
   -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.1
"Insect Paranoia" 1 p. in Insect Fear, no. 1 (1970). -- By S.
   Clay Wilson. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.1
"Fta Pookat Fnors Snorf Klakgnor Ankt" / Art Spiegelman. 1 p.
   in Insect Fear, no. 1 (1970). -- Call no.:
"Ice Cube of Blood" / Spain. 6 p. in Insect Fear, no. 1
   (1970). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.1
Richie Rich Gems, no. 19 (Aug. 1977)
   CONTENTS: "Don't Show Off Your Wealth!" (Richie Rich) 5 p.
   -- "The Skating Costume"* (Mrs. Rich) 1 p. -- "Main
   Attraction" (Richie Rich) 5 p. -- "To Waste, Think Big!"
   (Reggie) 5 p. -- "Diamonds are Delicious" (Richie Rich) 2
   p. text -- "A Weird Sit-uation" (Little Dot) 5 p. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.4.H3R575no.19
Richie Rich Profits, no. 24 (Aug. 1978)
   CONTENTS: "Police Come Back!" (Richie Rich) 5 p. --
   "Birthday Wrist Watch"* (Richie Rich) 1 p. -- "Rehearsing
   Richly" (Richie Rich) 5 p. -- "Weighty Matter" (Reggie) 5
   p. -- "Weight Loss"* (Mrs. Rich) 2 p. -- "Lightening the
   Load" (Reggie) 5 p. -- "Richie Rich Big Money Game" 1 p.
   advertising -- Call no.: PN6728.4.H3R595no.24
Sabrina the Teenage Witch, no. 24 (Feb. 1975)
   CONTENTS: "True to Type" (Sabrina) 5 p. -- "Wide Ride"
   (Aunt Hilda) 1 p. -- "Passing Fancy" (Sabrina) 1 p. --
   "Hound's Tale" (Sabrina) 6 p. -- "Pisces" (Astro Logic) 2
   p. -- "Odd Prod" (Sabrina) 1/2 p. -- "Witch Hitch"
   (Sabrina) 1/2 p. -- "Chore Score" (Sabrina) 1/2 p. -- "Brew
   Rue" (Sabrina) 1/2 p. -- "Research Riot" (Sabrina) 1 p. --
   "Foot Fault" (Sabrina) 5 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.4.A7S3no.24
Tom and Jerry, no. 230 (June 1966)
   CONTENTS: "Magic Flutes" (Droopy) 1 p. -- "A Lot in
   Florida"* (Tom and Jerry) 10 p. -- "Away for a Day"
   (Professor Putter) 4 p. -- "Where's Charlie?" 1 p. text --
   "Croquet"* (Droopy) 1 p. -- "You and Cheerios Really Make
   Sweet Music Together, Bullwinkle!"* (Rocky and Bullwinkle)
   1 p. advertising -- "Short Cut Across the Golf Course"*
   (Jerry and Tuffy) 2 p. -- "Police Hunt Petnapper!"* (Tom
   and Jerry) 10 p. -- "Banana Boat"* (Jerry and Tuffy) 2 p.
   -- "The Swing"* (Droopy) 1 p. -- "Playing Catch"* (Droopy)
   1 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.D4 O85no.230
Young Love, no. 115 (Apr./May 1975)
   CONTENTS: "The Mummy" (Batman) 1 p. advertising -- "Go Out
   With Other Girls!" 8 p. -- "The Guy Who Could Warm Me Up!"
   3 p. -- "Marc on the Man's Side!" 1 p. text -- "I Bought a
   Boy!" 7 p. -- "And I Thought This Weekend was Going to be a
   Bummer!" 1 p. advertising -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3Y6no.115
"The Mummy" (Batman) 1 p. in Young Love, no. 115 (Apr./May
   1975). -- Advertising strip for Hostess Twinkies. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.3.N3Y6no.115
"Go Out With Other Girls!" 8 p. in Young Love, no. 115
   (Apr./May 1975). -- Begins: "Mike was my property! He ahd
   been mine since we were young kids, but now our love was
   threatened. I had to win him back! How I regretted that
   stupid mistake when I told him not to wait, to..." -- Call
   no.: PN6728.3.N3Y6no.115
"The Guy Who Could Warm Me Up!" 3 p. in Young Love, no. 115
   (Apr./May 1975). -- Begins: "You talk about an energy
   crisis! I would have given anything, even myself, to..." --
   Call no.: PN6728.3.N3Y6no.115
"Marc on the Man's Side!" 1 p. text in Young Love, no. 115
   (Apr./May 1975). -- Advice column/letters page. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.3.N3Y6no.115
"I Bought a Boy!" 7 p. in Young Love, no. 115 (Apr./May 1975).
   -- Begins: "At least I though I could buy a boy. I knew I
   wasn't buying his love, but still, I couldn't help hoping!
   My name is Rita Benson, age, high school senior, and this
   is my true story." -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3Y6no.115
"And I Thought This Weekend was Going to be a Bummer!" 1 p. in
   Young Love, no. 115 (Apr./May 1975). -- Advertising strip
   for Pursettes tampons. -- Call no.: PN6728.3.N3Y6no.115
"Magic Flutes" (Droopy) 1 p. in Tom and Jerry, no. 230 (June
   1966). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.D4 O85no.230
"A Lot in Florida"* (Tom and Jerry) 10 p. in Tom and Jerry,
   no. 230 (June 1966). -- "Reprinted by popular demand." --
   Call no.: PN6728.1.D4 O85no.230
"Away for a Day" (Professor Putter) 4 p. in Tom and Jerry, no.
   230 (June 1966). -- The Professor is an inventor. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.1.D4 O85no.230
"Where's Charlie?" 1 p. text in Tom and Jerry, no. 230 (June
   1966). -- Characters are a duck named Little Quacker, and
   Charlie Coyote. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.D4 O85no.230
"Croquet"* (Droopy) 1 p. in Tom and Jerry, no. 230 (June
   1966). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.D4 O85no.230
"You and Cheerios Really Make Sweet Music Together,
   Bullwinkle!"* (Rocky and Bullwinkle) 1 p. in Tom and Jerry,
   no. 230 (June 1966). -- Advertising strip for Cheerios
   breakfast cereal. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.D4 O85no.230
"Short Cut Across the Golf Course"* (Jerry and Tuffy) 2 p. in
   Tom and Jerry, no. 230 (June 1966). -- Call no.:
   PN6728.1.D4 O85no.230
"Police Hunt Petnapper!"* (Tom and Jerry) 10 p. in Tom and
   Jerry, no. 230 (June 1966). -- "Reprinted by popular
   demand." -- Call no.: PN6728.1.D4 O85no.230
"Banana Boat"* (Jerry and Tuffy) 2 p. in Tom and Jerry, no.
   230 (June 1966). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.D4 O85no.230
"The Swing"* (Droopy) 1 p. in Tom and Jerry, no. 230 (June
   1966). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.D4 O85no.230
"Playing Catch"* (Droopy) 1 p. in Tom and Jerry, no. 230 (June
   1966). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.D4 O85no.230
"True to Type" (Sabrina) 5 p. in Sabrina the Teenage Witch,
   no. 24 (Feb. 1975). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.A7S3no.24
"Wide Ride" (Aunt Hilda) 1 p. in Sabrina the Teenage Witch,
   no. 24 (Feb. 1975). -- Summary: Aunt Hilda tries a
   surfboard instead of her broom. -- Call no.:
"Passing Fancy" (Sabrina) 1 p. in Sabrina the Teenage Witch,
   no. 24 (Feb. 1975). -- Football story. -- Call no.:
"Hound's Tale" (Sabrina) 6 p. in Sabrina the Teenage Witch,
   no. 24 (Feb. 1975). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.A7S3no.24
"Pisces" (Astro Logic) 2 p. in Sabrina the Teenage Witch, no.
   24 (Feb. 1975). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.A7S3no.24
"Odd Prod" (Sabrina) 1/2 p. in Sabrina the Teenage Witch, no.
   24 (Feb. 1975). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.A7S3no.24
"Witch Hitch" (Sabrina) 1/2 p. in Sabrina the Teenage Witch,
   no. 24 (Feb. 1975). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.A7S3no.24
"Chore Score" (Sabrina) 1/2 p. in Sabrina the Teenage Witch,
   no. 24 (Feb. 1975). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.A7S3no.24
"Brew Rue" (Sabrina) 1/2 p. in Sabrina the Teenage Witch, no.
   24 (Feb. 1975). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.A7S3no.24
"Research Riot" (Sabrina) 1 p. in Sabrina the Teenage Witch,
   no. 24 (Feb. 1975). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.A7S3no.24
"Foot Fault" (Sabrina) 5 p. in Sabrina the Teenage Witch, no.
   24 (Feb. 1975). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.A7S3no.24
"Police Come Back!" (Richie Rich) 5 p. in Richie Rich Profits,
   no. 24 (Aug. 1978). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.H3R595no.24
"Birthday Wrist Watch"* (Richie Rich) 1 p. in Richie Rich
   Profits, no. 24 (Aug. 1978). -- Call no.:
"Rehearsing Richly" (Richie Rich) 5 p. in Richie Rich Profits,
   no. 24 (Aug. 1978). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.H3R595no.24
"Weighty Matter" (Richie's Mean Cousin Reggie) 5 p. in Richie
   Rich Profits, no. 24 (Aug. 1978). -- Continued by:
   "Lightening the Load." -- Call no.: PN6728.4.H3R595no.24
"Weight Loss"* (Richie's Mom Mrs. Rich) 2 p. in Richie Rich
   Profits, no. 24 (Aug. 1978). -- Call no.:
"Lightening the Load" (Richie's Mean Cousin Reggie) 5 p. in
   Richie Rich Profits, no. 24 (Aug. 1978). -- (Weighty Matter
   ; part 2) -- Call no.: PN6728.4.H3R595no.24
"Richie Rich Big Money Game" 1 p. in Richie Rich Profits, no.
   24 (Aug. 1978). -- Advertising strip for a board game. --
   Call no.: PN6728.4.H3R595no.24
Nunca se ha Arriado esta Bandera ante el Enemigo, o, Arturo
   Prat is not Dead / Rodrigo Salinas Marambio. -- Santiago de
   Chile : Nueva Grafica Chilena, 2000. -- 28 p. : ill. ; 21
   cm. -- Alternative genre. -- Call no.: PN6790.C473 S3N8
Comic Strip Classics. -- United States Postal Service, 1995.
   -- 1 sheet : col. ill. ; 20 cm. -- Postage stamps featuring
   The Yellow Kid, Katzenjammer Kids, Little Nemo in
   Slumberland, Bringing Up Father, Krazy Kat, Rube Goldberg's
   Inventions, Toonerville Folks, Gasoline Alley, Barney
   Google, Little Orphan Annie, Thimble Theatre starring
   Popeye, Blondie, Dick Tracy, Alley Oop, Nancy, Flash
   Gordon, Li'l Abner, Terry and the Pirates, Prince Valiant,
   and Brenda Starr Reporter, with annotations on the verso of
   each stamp. -- Call no.: PN6714.C6333 1995
"Don't Show Off Your Wealth!" (Richie Rich) 5 p. in Richie
   Rich Gems, no. 19 (Aug. 1977). -- Call no.:
"The Skating Costume"* (Mrs. Rich) 1 p. in Richie Rich Gems,
   no. 19 (Aug. 1977). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.H3R575no.19
"Main Attraction" (Richie Rich) 5 p. in Richie Rich Gems, no.
   19 (Aug. 1977). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.H3R575no.19
"To Waste, Think Big!" (Richie's Mean Cousin Reggie) 5 p. in
   Richie Rich Gems, no. 19 (Aug. 1977). -- Call no.:
"Diamonds are Delicious" (Richie Rich) 2 p. text in Richie
   Rich Gems, no. 19 (Aug. 1977). -- Call no.:
"A Weird Sit-uation" (Little Dot) 5 p. in Richie Rich Gems,
   no. 19 (Aug. 1977). -- Call no.: PN6728.4.H3R575no.19
Meet Sailor Venus : Love. -- Los Angeles : Mixx Entertainment,
   2000. -- 93 p. : col. ill. ; 19 cm. -- (Sailor Moon Scout
   Guide) -- By Naoko Takeuchi; first published in Japan by
   Kodansha. -- "Mixx special editions." -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 T3256M4 2000
Alpha Centurion Special. -- New York : DC Comics, 1996. -- 37
   p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "No. 1, 1996". -- "Blazing from
   the pages of Superman." -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.6.D3A446 1996
Mikage / story and art by Yû Watase ; English adaptation, Gary
   Leach ; translation, Lillian Olsen. -- San Francisco, CA :
   Viz, LLC, 2003. -- 191 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Ceres,
   Celestial Legend ; v. 5) -- (Viz Graphic Novel) -- "This
   volume contains the Ceres, Celestial Legend, installments
   from Part 5, issue 1 in addition to material previously
   unreleased in English." -- "First published by Shogakukan,
   Inc. in Japan as: Ayashi no Ceres." -- Horror genre. --
   Summary: "Grandfather Mikage is the head of the extended
   Mikage family as well as the leader of the multinational
   conglomerate, Mikage International. His family has
   maintained great power and wealth under his strict rule,
   creating a regime founded on a belief in supernatural magic
   and ritual murder. Grandfather Mikage has selected his
   grandson, Aki, to lead the family into the future. But, his
   chosen successor may have more in store for the family than
   Grandpa bargained for..." -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 W3C405
Maya / story and art by Yû Watase ; English adaptation, Gary
   Leach ; translation, Lillian Olsen. -- San Francisco, CA :
   Viz, LLC, 2004. -- 187 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Ceres,
   Celestial Legend ; v. 7) -- (Viz Graphic Novel) -- "First
   published by Shogakukan, Inc. in Japan as: Ayashi no
   Ceres." -- Horror genre. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 W3C407
Marmalade Boy / by Wataru Yoshizumi. -- Los Angeles :
   Tokyopop, 2002- . -- ill. ; 19 cm. -- Teen humor genre. --
   Summary: "All Miki Koishikawa wanted was an ordinary
   family, and that's exactly what she had. Then one fateful
   day her parents met the Matsuuras, and turned Miki's world
   upside-down. Now she lives in a house with four parents and
   her new stepbrother, Yuu, who is a total jerk. Make that a
   totally cute jerk. It's bad enough being brought into her
   parents' strange soap opera, but Miki will star in a soap
   of her own when she ends up torn between her long-time
   crush, Ginta, and her new stepbrother." -- LIBRARY HAS: v.
   1. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 Y725M3 2002
Aya / story and art by Yû Watase ; English adaptation, Gary
   Leach ; translation, Lillian Olsen. -- San Francisco, CA :
   Viz Communications, 2003. -- 27 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. -- (Viz
   Graphic Novel) -- (Ceres, Celestial Legend ; v. 1) -- "This
   volume contains the Ceres, Celestial Legend installments
   from Part 1, issue 1 through Part 1, issue 6 in their
   entirety." -- "First published by Shogakukan, Inc. in Japan
   as "Ayashi no Ceres." -- Horror genre. -- Summary: "Aya and
   her twin brother Aki thought they were going to a
   celebration of their sixteenth birthday at their
   grandfather's home, but the funeral-like atmosphere tips
   them off that something's not right. Their 'birthday
   present' turns out to be a mummified hand, the power of
   which forces an awakening within Aya, and painful wounds
   all over Aki's body. Grandfather Mikage announces that Aki
   will be the heir to the Mikage fortune, and Aya must die!
   But Aya has allies in the athletic cook and martial artist
   Yûhi, and the attractive, mysterious Tôya. But can even two
   handsome and resourceful guys save Aya when it's her own
   power that is out of control?" -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 W3C4
Yûhi / story and art by Yû Watase ; English adaptation, Gary
   Leach ; translation, Lillian Olsen. -- San Francisco, CA :
   Viz Communications, 2002. -- 183 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. --
   (Ceres, Celestial Legend ; v. 2) -- (Viz Graphic Novel) --
   "This volume contains the Ceres, Celestial Legend,
   installments from Part 2, issue 1 through Part 2, issue 6
   in their entirety." -- Horror genre. -- Summary: "Yûhi is a
   relatively popular young guy at his school, but his life is
   interrupted by the ominous premonition of his beautiful
   sister-in-law, Suzumi. Off goes Yûhi to rescue the spunky
   high-school coed Aya Mikage, who is under a death sentence
   by her own family! The rescue goes well, but soon Suzumi
   relegates Yûhi to protecting the high-spirited young girl.
   Little does Yûhi guess that two personalities dwell within
   Aya's body, herself and the legendary celestial maiden,
   Ceres! Although Yûhi complains about Aya all the time, why
   does he get so jealous when the handsome mystery-man Tôya
   is around? It counldn't be that he actually has feelings
   for Aya, could it?" -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 W3C402 2002
Suzumi / story and art by Yû Watase ; English adaptation, Gary
   Leach ; translation, Lillian Olsen. -- San Francisco, CA :
   Viz Communications, 2003. -- 182 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. --
   (Ceres, Celestial Legend ; v. 3) -- "This volume contains
   the Ceres, Celestial Legend, installments from Part 3,
   issue 1 through Part 3, issue 4 in their entirety." --
   "First published by Shogakukan, Inc. in Japan as: Ayashi no
   Ceres." -- Horror and fantasy genres. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 W3C403 2003
Chidori / story and art by Yû Watase ; English adaptation,
   Gary Leach ; translation, Lillian Olsen. -- San Francisco,
   CA : Viz, LLC, 2003. -- 181 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. -- (Ceres,
   Celestial Legend ; v. 4) -- (Viz Graphic Novel) -- "This
   volume contains the Ceres, celestial legend, installments
   from Part 4, issue 1 through Part 4, issue 4 in their
   entirety." -- "First published by Shogakukan, Inc. in Japan
   as: Ayashi no Ceres." -- Horror and fantasy genres. --
   Summary: "Chidori Kuruma wants to help her sickly younger
   brother fulfill his dream of flying. In order to do so she
   travels to Tokyo to enlist the aide of Ceres.
   Unfortunately, Chidori and her brother have a strange
   connection to the Mikage Family and the nefarious
   C-Project. There's much more to Chidori than meets the eye,
   her hyper-cheerful shôjo exterior belies inner turmoil and
   dark secrets that even Chidori isn't aware of." -- Call
   no.: PN6790.J33 W3C404 2003
Cannon God Exaxxion / story and art by Kenichi Sonoda. --
   Milwaukie, OR : Dark Horse Comics, 2002- . -- ill. ; 21 cm.
   -- Science fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-3. -- Call
   no.: PN6790.J33 S6C3 2002
Excel Saga / story and art by Rikdo Koshi. -- San Francisco,
   CA : Viz, LLC, 2003- . -- ill. ; 19 cm. -- (Viz Graphic
   Novel) -- Science fiction genre. -- Summary (from OCLC): In
   an underground base far below the city, the organization of
   ACROSS secretly plots to conquer the world... the problem
   is ACROSS only consists of two members. Japanese teenager
   Excel is ACROSS's sole operative, fiercely devoted to her
   overlord Ilpalazzo's vision of global domination.
   Ilpalazzo, though, is more interested in rock music and
   video games. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-6. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 K657E9 2003
Santo, el Enmascarado de Plata. -- Edición completa
   recopilada. -- Chapultepec Morales : José G. Cruz, . --
   ill. ; 25 cm. -- Done in a combination of fotonovela and
   cartoon styles. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: t. 43,
   48, 52, 60-61 (1958-1959). -- Call no.: PN6790.M44S332
Kat Boxing Especial. -- Santiago de Chile : Dedalos, 2000?- .
   -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Comics "a lo Bruce Lee". -- Funny
   animal and kung fu genres. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call
   no.: PN6790.C474K32
Nation of Snitches / by Jon Hammer. -- New York : Piranha
   Press, 1990. -- 48 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Comic about
   crime stoppers programs. -- Call no.: PN6727.H28N3 1990
Nightmark. -- Rockland, ME : Alpha Productions, 1991- . --
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Horror and detective genres. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.A4N5
Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 200 (Dec. 13, 1960)
   CONTENTS: "Crise de Politesse"* (Nano et Nanette) p. 1 --
   "La Main Noire" (Nano et Nanette) p. 2 -- "N'Écoutant que
   sa Conscience, Maigrichon se Précipite vers la Voiture"*
   (Cri-Cri Reporter) p. 3-4 -- "La Petite Ithurria" text p.
   5, 21 -- "C'est la Complice de ce Voleur!"* (La Fille du
   Proscrit) p. 6-9 -- "Une Lourde Main s'Abattit sur l'Épaule
   de la Princesse"* (Gaie Princesse) p. 10-13 -- "Elle ne
   Pourra pas Aller Plus Loin!"* (Solitaire) p. 14-15 --
   "Indigestion"* (Nicotine) p. 16 -- "Sur tout les Gosses,
   n'allez pas leur Raconter que j'ai 76 Ans!"* (Nano et
   Nanette) p. 17 -- "David Termina ses Études"* (David
   Copperfield) p. 18-20 -- "Sombre Dimanche!"* (Fan-Fan et
   Ses Amis) p. 22-23 -- "C'est une Chaîne mon Petit"* (Kiki)
   p. 25 -- "Nano et Nanette Club" p. 26 -- Call no.:
Starhead Presents, no. 1 (1986)
   CONTENTS: "Morty the Dog in the Shadow of the Rainbow" 16
   p. -- Call no.: PN6728.55.S7S75no.1
Washable Jones and the Shmoos, no. 1 (June 1953)
   CONTENTS: "Shmoos and Saddles" (Super Shmoo) 10 p. --
   "Black Eye"* (Little Miriam) 1 p. -- "The Terrible
   Termites!" (Washable Jones and the Shmoos) 9 p. -- "Philo
   and the Flying Carpet" 3 p. text -- "A Job for Leroy"*
   (Sheriff O'Shay) 1 p. -- "Shmooms fo' Rent" 8 p. -- "Hey
   Skinny! Yer Ribs are Showing!" 1 p. advertising -- Call
   no.: PN6728.2.T56W3no.1
The Fantastic Foursome. -- New York : Democratic Leadership
   Comics, . -- col. ill. ; 27 cm. -- Political spoofs in
   parody superhero style. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 4 (1992). --
   Call no.: PN6728.6.D42F3
Meet Luann / by Greg Evans. -- New York : Berkley Books, 1986.
   -- 123 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Pacer Books for Young Adults)
   -- Introduction by Charles M. Schulz. -- Teen humor genre.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.L8M4 1986
Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD. -- New York : Marvel Comics,
   1989-1993. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Sept.
   1989) - no. 47 (May 1993). -- Each issue also called v. 2.
   -- Spy and superhero genres.-- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-47. --
   Call no.: PN6728.5.M3N47
New Kids on the Block. -- Santa Monica, Calif. : Harvey Comics
   Entertainment, 1990-1991. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   Published no. 1 (Dec. 1990) - no. 8 (Dec. 1991), cf.
   Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide. -- Teen humor genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 4 (1991). -- Call no.: PN6728.6.H3N37
Scooby-Doo! and the Mummy's Curse / written by James Gelsey.
   -- New York : Scholastic, 1998.  -- 56 p. : col. ill. ; 20
   cm. -- (Little Apple) -- (Scooby-Doo Mysteries ; no. 2) --
   At head of title: Cartoon Network. -- Summary: "Scooby-Doo
   and the gang are watching the filming of a new movie, The
   Sands of Ciaro. A real mummy's tomb, with jewels and
   treasures, is on the set. When creepy things start
   happening, the director thinks the mummy's tomb is cursed."
   -- Call no.: PS3557.E423M8 1998
Climbing Tales of Terror / by Tami Knight. -- Birmingham, Ala.
   : Menasha Ridge Press, 1990. -- 130 p. : ill. ; 14 x 22 cm.
   -- Cartoons and some strips about rock climbing, snow and
   ice climbing, and mountaineering. -- Call no.:
   PN6727.K594C55 1990
Knight, Tami, 1959-
Le Zonard des Etoiles / Tramber et Jano. -- Paris : Humanoïdes
   Associés, 1987. -- 40 p. : col. ill. ; 29 cm. --
   (Collection Humour) -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6747.T66Z3 1987
Sailor Moon Stars / by Naoko Takeuchi. -- Los Angeles :
   Tokyopop, 2001- . -- ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Tokyopop Manga) --
   LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-3. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 T3256S38 2001
Meet Sailor Mars : Fire. -- Los Angeles : Mixx Entertainment,
   1999. -- 93 p. : col. ill. ; 19 cm. -- (Sailor Moon Scout
   Guide) -- Original Japanese version by Naoko Takeuchi;
   first published in Japan by Kodansha. -- "Mixx special
   editions." -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 T3256M39 1999
Alien Nation / story and art by Hitoshi Okuda ; English
   adaptation, Fred Burke ; translation, Lillian Olsen. -- San
   Francisco, CA : Viz, LLC, 2003. -- 176 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
   -- (The All-New Tenchi Muyô ; v. 1) -- (Viz Graphic Novel)
   -- "This volume contains the first five issues of 'The
   All-New Tenchi Muyô!' monthly comic series." -- Originally
   published: Tokyo : Kadokawa Shoten, 2001. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 O57A5 2003
Dark Washu / story and art by Hitoshi Okuda ; English
   adaptation, Fred Burke ; translation, Lillian Olsen. -- San
   Francisco, CA : Viz, LLC, 2003. -- 190 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
   -- (The All-New Tenchi Muyô ; v. 3) -- (Viz Graphic Novel)
   -- Originally published in Japan in 2001 by Kadokawa
   Shoten. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 O57A53 2003
Tenchi Muyô! : Sasami Stories / story and art by Hitoshi Okuda
   ; English adaptation: Shuko Shikata & Fred Burke ;
   translation: Lillian Olsen. -- San Francisco, CA : Viz,
   LLC, 2002. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 19 cm. -- (Viz Graphic Novel)
   -- "This volume contains selected material first seen in
   'No Need for Tenchi', volumes 3, 8 & 12, along with
   previous unpublished material." -- Call no.: PN6790.J33
   O57S3 2002
Simpsons Comics Presents the Best of the Simpsons. -- London :
   Titan Magazines, . -- ill. ; 22 cm. -- Displays "Bongo
   Comics Group" logo. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 11 (2004). -- Call
   no.: PN6738.S483B4
Moose. -- Farmington, ME : Donald V. Cook, 1981- . -- ill. ;
   22 cm. -- Began with no. 1 (June 1981) -- New wave comix.
   --  "#1 Maine humor magazine." -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. --
   Call no.: PN6728.55.M58M6
Simpsons Comics. -- London : Titan Magazines, . -- col. ill. ;
   30 cm. -- Displays "Bongo Comics Group" logo. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: no. 93 (2004). -- Call no.: PN6738.S483
Starhead Presents. -- Seattle, Wash. : Starhead Comix, 1986- .
   -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- New wave genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.55.S7S75
"Morty the Dog in the Shadow of the Rainbow" / art and story
   by Steve Willis. 16 p. in Starhead Presents, no. 1 (1986).
   -- Call no.: PN6728.55.S7S75no.1
Mortal Kombat : Battlewave. -- Calabasas, CA : Malibu Comics
   Entertainment, 1995. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no.
   1 (Feb. 1995) - no. 6 (July 1995). -- Science fiction
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 6. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.M25M59
Mortal Kombat. -- Calabasas, CA : Malibu Comics Entertainment,
   1994. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (July 1994)
   - no. 6 (Dec. 1994), cf. Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide.
   -- Cover title: Mortal Kombat : Blood & Thunder. -- Fantasy
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-5. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.M25M6
Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition. -- Calabasas, CA : Malibu
   Comics Entertainment, Inc., 1994-1995. -- col. ill. ; 26
   cm. -- Published no. 1 (Dec. 1994) - no. 2 (Aug. 1995). --
   Second issue is called "Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition II
   #1". -- Fantasy genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 2. -- Call no.:
Mort the Dead Teenager / script, Larry Hama ; art, letters,
   colors, Gary Hallgren. -- New York : Marvel Comics,
   1993-1994. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 4 nos. --
   Funny horror and teen humor genres. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
   1-2. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.M3M64 1993
"Crise de Politesse"* (Nano et Nanette) / Rod Ruth. p. 1 in Le
   Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 200 (Dec. 13, 1960). --
   Call no.: PN6748.J63no.200
"La Main Noire" (Nano et Nanette) p. 2 in Le Journal de Nano
   et Nanette, no. 200 (Dec. 13, 1960). -- Captioned
   photographs. -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.200
"N'Écoutant que sa Conscience, Maigrichon se Précipite vers la
   Voiture"* (Cri-Cri Reporter) p. 3-4 in Le Journal de Nano
   et Nanette, no. 200 (Dec. 13, 1960). -- "Résumé: Polo et
   Cri-Cri se sont rendus à l'invitation faite par le chef du
   gang international des voleurs d'oeuvres d'art qui tient à
   les féliciter pour la capture des auteurs du vol des
   tableaux du Louvre et en même temps leur tendre un piège.
   Polo prend le mécène en photo, ce qui a pour effet de le
   faire entrer dans une colère noire." -- Plates numbered
   51-52. -- "A suivre." -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.200
"La Petite Ithurria" / un conte de Jean Irasque. text p. 5, 21
   in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 200 (Dec. 13, 1960).
   -- "A suivre." -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.200
"C'est la Complice de ce Voleur!"* (La Fille du Proscrit) p.
   6-9 in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 200 (Dec. 13,
   1960). -- "Résumé: Le père d'Amy Lyndon, faussement accusé
   d'être un brigand, avait dû s'enfuir de chez lui. Malade,
   il avait été caché une nuit par sa fille, tandis que les
   policiers le recherchaient. Après son départ, Amy avait
   trouvé une feuille de papier qui permettait de croire que
   son père allait attaquer la diligence de Portsmouth.
   Catastrophée par cette nouvelle, elle courut vers l'endroit
   où devait passer la voiture." -- Plates numbered 35-38 --
   "A suivre." -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.200
"Une Lourde Main s'Abattit sur l'Épaule de la Princesse"*
   (Gaie Princesse) p. 10-13 in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette,
   no. 200 (Dec. 13, 1960). -- "Résumé: Afin de pouvoir
   côtoyer les jeunes de son âge, la princesse Lola, nièce de
   Ricardo, régent du royaume de San Sereno, s'était déguisée.
   La gouvernante de celle-ci, la comtesse Francesca, ignorait
   que la jeune fille avait dû accepter de cirer les
   chaussures des passants afin d'être admise par les jeunes
   gens qu'elle désirait fréquenter." -- Plates numbered 9-12.
   -- "A suivre." -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.200
"Elle ne Pourra pas Aller Plus Loin!"* (Solitaire) p. 14-15 in
   Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 200 (Dec. 13, 1960). --
   "Résumé: Mandy Morgan s'est sauvée de chez son oncle Matt
   qui voulait la mettre dans un orphelinat et la séparer de
   'Solitaire', le poulain qu'elle avait adopté et élevé.
   Faussement accusée de vol par sa tante, la jeune fille est
   poursuivie par le sheriff." -- Plates numbered 35-36. -- "A
   suivre." -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.200
"Indigestion"* (Nicotine) p. 16 in Le Journal de Nano et
   Nanette, no. 200 (Dec. 13, 1960). -- Call no.:
"Surtout les Gosses, n'allez pas leur Raconter que j'ai 76
   Ans!"* (Nano et Nanette) / Rod Ruth. p. 17 in Le Journal de
   Nano et Nanette, no. 200 (Dec. 13, 1960). -- "Résumé: Ses
   vieux films de cow-boys, tournés il y a plus de vingt ans,
   ont rendu célèbre le cousin Herman. Il devient l'idole de
   tous les amis des jumeaux et organise des rodéos pour ses
   jeunes admirateurs." -- Plate no. 8. -- "A suivre." -- Call
   no.: PN6748.J63no.200
"David Termina ses Études"* (David Copperfield) / Ceron Nuñez.
   p. 18-20 in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 200 (Dec.
   13, 1960). -- "Résumé: Fuyant les brutalités de son
   beau-père, M. Murdstone, David est allé se réfugier chez sa
   tante Bessy qui consent à s'occuper de son éducation. Au
   contact de sa tante, le geune garçon commence à revivre des
   jours heureux." -- Plates numbered 22-24. -- "A suivre." --
   Call no.: PN6748.J63no.200
"Sombre Dimanche!"* (Fan-Fan et Ses Amis) / Marin. p. 22-23 in
   Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 200 (Dec. 13, 1960). --
   Plates numbered 158-159. -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.200
"C'est une Chaîne mon Petit"* (Kiki) p. 25 in Le Journal de
   Nano et Nanette, no. 200 (Dec. 13, 1960). -- "Résumé: M.
   Buquette, marchand d'animaux, a vendu un petit singe, Kiki,
   à un joueur d'orgue qui veut se servir du petit animal pour
   attirer les passants." -- Plate no. 3. -- "A suivre." --
   Call no.: PN6748.J63no.200
"Nano et Nanette Club" p. 26 in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette,
   no. 200 (Dec. 13, 1960). -- Names and photos of readers. --
   Call no.: PN6748.J63no.200
Wolvertunes [sound recording]. -- Long Beach, CA : The 3-D
   Zone ; Sympathy for the Record Industry, 1992. -- 1 sound
   disc (7 in.) : 33 1/3 rpm. -- Liner notes: "Wolverton lived
   his whole life in Vancouver, Washington and in the late
   1940's hosted a number of local radio shows in which he
   staged some outlandish 'intro's' and 'outros' to music as
   well as ridiculous quasi-interviews and skits. This record
   ... represents the first time that Basil Wolverton has ever
   been committed to vinyl." -- "SFTRI/3 DZ 150". -- Call no.:
   PN6727.W57W6 1992
Walt Disney's Donald Duck in Dangerous Disguise / written and
   drawn by Carl Barks. -- Burbank, Calif. : Walt Disney
   Publications, 199-? -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. -- (Disney
   Comics Album Series ; 3) -- Originally published in 1950.
   -- Funny animal genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.D63D3 1990z
Walt Disney's Donald Duck and Gyro Gearloose. -- Burbank,
   Calif. : Walt Disney Publications, 199-? -- 1 v. : col.
   ill. ; 28 cm. -- (Disney Comics Album Series ; 1) -- Funny
   animal genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.D63G9 1900z
Washable Jones and the Shmoos. -- New York : Toby Press, 1953.
   -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (June 1953) only.
   -- Title from indicia. -- Cover title: Washable Jones and
   the Shmoo. -- Fantasy genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.2.T56W3
"Shmoos and Saddles" (Super Shmoo) 10 p. in Washable Jones and
   the Shmoos, no. 1 (June 1953). -- Call no.:
"Black Eye"* (Little Miriam) / Art Helfant. 1 p. in Washable
   Jones and the Shmoos, no. 1 (June 1953). -- Call no.:
"The Terrible Termites!" (Washable Jones and the Shmoos) 9 p.
   in Washable Jones and the Shmoos, no. 1 (June 1953). --
   Call no.: PN6728.2.T56W3no.1
"Philo and the Flying Carpet" / by Toby Marshall. 3 p. text in
   Washable Jones and the Shmoos, no. 1 (June 1953). --
   Illustration by Mel Lazarus. Call no.: PN6728.2.T56W3no.1
"A Job for Leroy"* (Sheriff O'Shay) / by Mel Lazarus. 1 p. in
   Washable Jones and the Shmoos, no. 1 (June 1953). -- Call
   no.: PN6728.2.T56W3no.1
"Shmooms fo' Rent" 8 p. in Washable Jones and the Shmoos, no.
   1 (June 1953). -- Call no.: PN6728.2.T56W3no.1
"Hey Skinny! Yer Ribs are Showing!" 1 p. in Washable Jones and
   the Shmoos, no. 1 (June 1953). -- Charles Atlas
   advertisement partially in comic strip form. -- Call no.:
Fist of the North Star / story by Buronson ; art by Tetsuo
   Hara ; translation, Fred Burke & Satoru Fujii. -- San
   Francisco, CA : Viz Communications, 1995. -- 366 p. : ill.
   ; 21 cm. -- (Viz Graphic Novel) -- Translation of: Hokuto
   no ken. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 H35H6013 1995
Night of the Jackal / story by Buronson ; art by Tetsuo Hara ;
   English adaptation, Fred Burke & Lilien Olsen. -- San
   Francisco, CA : Viz Communications, 1997. -- 231 p. : ill.
   ; 21 cm. -- (Fist of the North Star) -- (Viz Graphic Novel)
   -- "This volume contains Fist of the North Star part two #1
   through #8 in their entirety." -- "First published as
   Hokuto no ken by Shueisha, Inc. in Japan." -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 H35H6213 1997
Misery / by Suzanne Heller. -- New York : P.S. Eriksson, 1965.
   -- 1 v. : ill. ; 13 x 19 cm. -- Cartoons about childhood.
   -- Call no.: NC1479.H39M5 1965
Help Is On The Way! : Comic Books and Superheroes in Special
   Collections : a display in the exhibit gallery, Smathers
   Library (East), George A. Smathers Libraries, University of
   Florida, October 25 - December 17, 2004. -- Gainesville? :
   University of Florida Libraries?, 2004. -- Call no.:
   PN6705.U5H4 2004 -- 24 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. -- Includes
   bibliographical references (p. 24). -- Call no.:
   PN6705.U5H4 2004
The Horse's Mouth / Joyce Cary. -- New York : Grosset &
   Dunlap, 1957. -- 289 p. ; 21 cm. -- (Universal Library) --
   Cover illustration signed: B. Krigstein. -- Call no.:
   PR6005.A77H6 1957
Cary, Joyce, 1888-1957.
Everquest : the Ruins of Kunark / written by Brad McQuaid and
   Jim Lee ; layouts Jim Lee ; finishes Dan Norton ; plot by
   Jeff Butler, Brad McQuaid & the Everquest team ; pin-up
   gallery Whilce Portacio, Alé Garza, Richard Friend, Kevin
   Hampton ; colors by Guy Major ; letters by Bill O'Neil ;
   edited by Aaron Watanabe. -- La Jolla, Calif. : WildStorm
   Productions, 2002. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Fantasy
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.M292E9 2002
Paradise Kiss / Ai Yazawa. -- Los Angeles, Calif. : Tokyopop,
   2002- . -- ill. ; 19 cm. -- Romance genre. -- LIBRARY HAS:
   v. 1-5. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 Y34P3 2002
Senninha e Sua Turma. -- São Paulo : Editora Abril, . -- col.
   ill. ; 19 cm. -- Funny kid genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 97
   (1999). -- Call no.: PN6790.B74S37
"You Poke th' Horse with th Pole"* (Out Our Way, May 5, 1949)
   / J.R. Williams. -- (Born Thirty Years Too Soon) --
   Summary: Boys on top of a covered bridge plan to drop a
   catfish through the roof and down the neck of a dozing
   buggy driver, then make a getaway. -- Call no.: PN6726
   f.B55 "covered bridges"
"The Highlight of the Trip"* (Dunagin's People, July 28, 1995)
   / Dunagin. -- Summary: They've been through a bridge of
   Madison County, and lost the top of their motor home. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "covered bridges"
"I'd Never Trot a High Steppin' Horse Through That Thing!"*
   (Out Our Way, May 10, 1962) / J.R. Williams. -- (Born Fifty
   Years Too Soon) -- Summary: Boys on the riverbank see the
   four legs of a horse sticking through the bottom of a
   bridge. -- Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "covered bridges"
Please Save My Earth / story and art by Saki Hiwatari ;
   English adaptation by Fred Burke ; translator, Lillian
   Olsen. -- San Francisco, CA : Viz, LLC, 2003- . -- Shôjo
   ed. -- ill. ; 19 cm. -- (Viz Graphic Novel) -- Fantasy
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-4. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33
   H575P5513 2003
Chobits / Clamp. -- Los Angeles : Tokyopop, 2002- . -- ill. ;
   19 cm. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-8. -- Science fiction genre. --
   Call no.: PN6790.J33 C55C47 2002
Paul Bunyan / W. B. Laughead. -- Toronto, Ont. : Jack Lake
   Productions, 2003. -- 32 p. : col. ill. ; 25 cm. --
   (Classics Illustrated Junior ; no. 519) -- First edition
   published in Oct. 1955. -- Contents: "Paul Bunyan" / art by
   Mike Sekowsky and Frank Giacoia. p. 1-28 ; "The Donkey and
   the Little Dog" (Aesop's Fables) / Mike Sekowsky. p. 29-30
   ; "Little Boy Blue" / Alex A. Blum. p. 31 ; "Where Go the
   Boats?" / Robert Louis Stevenson ; Alex A. Blum. p. 32. --
   Call no.: PN6734.C55P3 2003
Laughead, William B., 1882-1958.
"Paul Bunyan" / art by Mike Sekowsky and Frank Giacoia. p.
   1-28 in Paul Bunyan (Classics Illustrated Junior ; no. 519)
   -- Call no.: PN6734.C55P3 2003
"The Donkey and the Little Dog" (Aesop's Fables) / Mike
   Sekowsky. p. 29-30 in Paul Bunyan (Classics Illustrated
   Junior ; no. 519) -- Call no.: PN6734.C55P3 2003
"Little Boy Blue" / Alex A. Blum. p. 31 in Paul Bunyan
   (Classics Illustrated Junior ; no. 519) -- Call no.:
   PN6734.C55P3 2003
"Where Go the Boats?" / Robert Louis Stevenson ; Alex A. Blum.
   p. 32 in Paul Bunyan (Classics Illustrated Junior ; no.
   519) -- Call no.: PN6734.C55P3 2003
Porridge Pursuit / story by Kenji Watanabe ; art by Musashi.
   -- 2004. -- 10 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. -- (Kenji Watanabe's
   Eldrad's Adventures) -- Fantasy genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 W25E55 2004
Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future. -- Racine, Wis.
   : Western Publishing Company, 1987. -- 32 p. : ill. ; 28
   cm. -- (A Golden Book) -- Activity book. -- "Full-color
   stickers for activities inside!" -- Call no.: GV1218.C3C6
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [sound recording]. -- Newark,
   NJ : Peter Pan Records, 198? -- 1 sound disc (45 rpm) + 1
   paperback (24 p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm.) -- Non-Disney
   version. -- Call no.: PN1997.5.S55P4 1980z
National Comics. -- New York : DC Comics, 1999. -- col. ill. ;
   26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (May 1999) only. -- "The Justice
   Society returns!" -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
   1. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.D3N3
Origins of Chinese Food Culture / illustrated by Fu Chunjiang
   ; translated by Qiu Yao Hong. -- Singapore : Asiapac Books,
   2003. -- (Asiapac Comic Series) -- Translated from the
   Chinese. Original title on colophon in Chinese characters,
   romanized: Zhonghua chi de gu shi. -- Call no.: GT2853.C6
   O75 2003
   17, 2005
Adventure Comics, no. 301 (Oct. 1962)
   CONTENTS: "Nature's Prize Pupil!" 1 p. fact feature -- "Lex
   Luthor and Clark Kent, Cell-Mates!" (Superboy) 12 p. --
   "Homer" 1/2 p. -- "Smallville Mailsack" (letters) 1 p. --
   "The Secret Origin of Bouncing Boy!" (Tales of the Legion
   of Super-Heroes) 13 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A3no.301
Insect Fear, no. 2 (Mar. 1970)
   CONTENTS: "Spider Joy" 1 p. -- "Auto Suggestion" 8 p. --
   "Blood-Murders!" 3 p. -- "Insect Angst" 2 p. -- "The Dream
   of Buxom Vampires" 3 p. -- "Feeding Time" 6 p. --
   "Presenting The Old Codger" 7 p. -- "The Wrath of Mazor
   Storn" 4 p. -- "Ada" 1 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 I5no.2
Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 12 (Feb. 3, 1948)
   CONTENTS: "It Was That Rankin Fellow"* (Chuck White) p. 3-8
   -- "Feast of Candlemas" p. 9 -- "The Silent Saint" p. 10-12
   -- "St. Dorothy and the Rose Tree" p. 13-14 -- "How to Make
   a Miniature Parachute" p. 15 -- "The Smithsonian
   Institution" p. 16-17 -- "Fun Page" (jokes) p. 18-19 --
   "Fountain Pen"* (Pierre) p. 20 -- "You Can't Fool the Doc
   on Fiddles!" (Dr. Daniels) p. 21-26 -- "Gulliver's Travels"
   p. 27-31 -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.12
"Nature's Prize Pupil!" 1 p. fact feature in Adventure Comics,
   no. 301 (Oct. 1962). -- Summary: Fact feature about bats,
   Water Ouzels and frogs, and how "man" can do what they can
   do. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A3no.301
"Lex Luthor and Clark Kent, Cell-Mates!" (Superboy) 12 p. in
   Adventure Comics, no. 301 (Oct. 1962). -- Call no.:
"Homer" / Henry Boltinoff. 1/2 p. in Adventure Comics, no. 301
   (Oct. 1962). -- Begins: "Ah, the mailman! Bills, bills,
   nothing but bills!" -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A3no.301
"Smallville Mailsack" 1 p. in Adventure Comics, no. 301 (Oct.
   1962). -- Letters to the editor from Ricky Dunkelberger,
   Allen Pilcher, Wendell Evans, Jim L., and Laura Schorr. --
   Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A3no.301
"The Secret Origin of Bouncing Boy!" (Tales of the Legion of
   Super-Heroes) 13 p. in Adventure Comics, no. 301 (Oct.
   1962). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.N3A3no.301
Adventures of Aaron. -- Fullerton, CA : Image Comics, 1997. --
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Mar. 1997) - no. 3 (Sept.
   1997). -- By Aaron Warner. -- According to Overstreet an
   issue numbered 100 comes between issues 2 and 3. --
   Alternative genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 2-3. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.6 .I45A23
The Adventures of Barry Ween, Boy Genius / by Judd Winick. --
   Fullerton, CA : Image Comics, 1999. -- ill. ; 26 cm. --
   Complete in 3 nos. -- Contents: "Time Lord" ; "Growing
   Pains" ; "School Days." -- Funny kid genre. -- LIBRARY HAS:
   no. 3. -- Call no.: PN6728.6 .I45A24 1999
Adventures of Aaron. -- Kalamazoo, MI : Chiasmus, . -- ill. ;
   26 cm. -- By Aaron Warner. -- Alternative genre. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: no. 2 (1995). -- Call no.: PN6728.6.C48A3
Aetos the Eagle : Children of the Graves. -- Orphan
   Underground Comics, . -- ill. ; 22 cm. -- Story and art by
   Dan Parsons. -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 2 (1995).
   -- Call no.: PN6728.6 .O7A4
AF Comix. -- Hamburg : Schöngeist, 1973. -- ill. ; 21 cm. --
   Published Nr. 0 - Nr. 2/3 (1973), cf. Allgemeiner Deutscher
   Comic Preiskatalog 1998. -- Underground genre. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: Nr. 2/3. -- Call no.: PN6758.A2
Agent X9 Index. del 1 / Bengt Dahlqvist & Janne Lundström. --
   1974. -- 11 leaves ; 30 cm. -- (Index/Seriemedia ; nr. 3)
   -- Lists appearances of features Garth, Kapten Easy, Jeff
   Hawke, Secret Agent Corrigan, Secret Agent X9, and Rip
   Kirby in the Swedish comics periodical Agent X9. -- Call
   no.: PN6790.S94 A35D3 1974
Alexis. -- Seattle, WA : Eros Comix, . -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Art
   & story by Adam Kelly. -- Science fiction and erotic
   genres. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 2, no. 5 (1996). -- Call no.:
Alfred J. Kwak-Super-Auswahlband. -- Berlin : Condor-Interpart
   Verlag, 1992- . -- col. ill. ; 28 cm. -- Cover title:
   Alfred J. Kwak Super-Comic-Sonderheft. -- Funny animal
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: Nr. 1. -- Call no.: PN6758.A42S8
Alley Cat. -- Fullerton, CA : Image Comics, 1999-2000. -- col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (July 1999) - no. 6 (Mar.
   2000), cf. Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide. -- Cover
   title: Alley Baggett is Alley Cat. -- Horror genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6728.6 .I45A45
Timely Comics Presents All Winners Comics. -- New York :
   Marvel Comics, 1999. -- 48 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   Reprints All winners comics, no. 19 (Fall 1946) with new
   apparatus. -- An indicia title on page 3 of cover reads:
   Timely Presents: All-Winners. -- Superhero genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.6.M3T5 1999
"Spider Joy" / S. Clay Wilson. 1 p. in Insect Fear, no. 2
   (Mar. 1970). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 I5no.2
"Auto Suggestion" / Kim Deitch. 8 p. in Insect Fear, no. 2
   (Mar. 1970). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 I5no.2
"Blood-Murders!" / by Roger Brand. 3 p. in Insect Fear, no. 2
   (Mar. 1970). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 I5no.2
"Insect Angst" / S. Clay Wilson. 2 p. in Insect Fear, no. 2
   (Mar. 1970). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 I5no.2
"The Dream of Buxom Vampires" / J. Green. 3 p. in Insect Fear,
   no. 2 (Mar. 1970). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 I5no.2
"Feeding Time" / Spain. 6 p. in Insect Fear, no. 2 (Mar.
   1970). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 I5no.2
"Presenting The Old Codger" 7 p. in Insect Fear, no. 2 (Mar.
   1970). -- "Another searing episode torn from that
   unpublished masterpiece Tampico Tales." -- By Jim Osborne,
   cf. Kennedy, J. The Official Underground and Newave Comix
   Price Guide. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 I5no.2
"The Wrath of Mazor Storn" / R. Hayes. 4 p. in Insect Fear,
   no. 2 (Mar. 1970). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 I5no.2
"Ada" 1 p. in Insect Fear, no. 2 (Mar. 1970). -- "Some girls
   never experience Insect Fear." -- Back cover. -- By Willie
   Mendes, cf. Kennedy, J. The Official Underground and Newave
   Comix Price Guide. -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7 I5no.2
"My Real Estate Agent Called This a Starter Home"* (Hagar the
   Horrible, Apr. 20, 1993) / Chris Brown. -- Summary: Lucky
   Eddie asks Tyrone the troll why he lives under a bridge. --
   Call no.: PN6726 f.B55 "bridges"
"It Was That Rankin Fellow"* (Chuck White) p. 3-8 in Treasure
   Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 12 (Feb. 3, 1948). --
   Begins: "Chuck's father has been injured and Chuck has
   rushed home from New York to the hospital. Chuck's father
   tells him of the accident." -- Call no.:
"Feast of Candlemas" p. 9 in Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v.
   3, no. 12 (Feb. 3, 1948). -- February 2. -- Call no.:
"The Silent Saint" p. 10-12 in Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts,
   v. 3, no. 12 (Feb. 3, 1948). -- Begins: "After more than
   one hundred years, Sister Catherine Labouré was formally
   declared a saint of the church in July of 1947." -- Call
   no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.12
"St. Dorothy and the Rose Tree" p. 13-14 in Treasure Chest of
   Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 12 (Feb. 3, 1948). -- Begins: "On
   February 6 we celebrate the feast of St. Dorothy, virgin
   and martyr, who braved death to win paradise." -- Call no.:
"How to Make a Miniature Parachute" p. 15 in Treasure Chest of
   Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 12 (Feb. 3, 1948). -- Activity page.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.12
"The Smithsonian Institution : Uncle Sam's Storehouse of
   Science at Washington, D.C." p. 16-17 in Treasure Chest of
   Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 12 (Feb. 3, 1948). -- Call no.:
"Fun Page" p. 18-19 in Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3,
   no. 12 (Feb. 3, 1948). -- Jokes. -- Call no.:
"Fountain Pen"* (Pierre) p. 20 in Treasure Chest of Fun &
   Facts, v. 3, no. 12 (Feb. 3, 1948). -- Silent strip. --
   Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.12
"You Can't Fool the Doc on Fiddles!" (Dr. Daniels) p. 21-26 in
   Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 12 (Feb. 3, 1948).
   -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.12
"Gulliver's Travels" p. 27-31 in Treasure Chest of Fun &
   Facts, v. 3, no. 12 (Feb. 3, 1948). -- To be continued. --
   Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.12
Almanaque de Fotonovelas. -- São Paulo : Abril Jovem, -- ill.
   ; 28 cm. -- Romance genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 627, 632,
   640 (1990-1991). -- Call no.: PN6790.B74A417
9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5
   (Jan. 2000)
   CONTENTS: "Éditorial" p. 5 -- "Un Matin d'Équinoxe sur la
   Ligne de l'Équateur" p. 6-7 -- "Dossier : un Bilan des
   Années 90" p. 10-87 -- "Moebius : Images d'un Passeur" p.
   90-99 -- "Masse : des Récits pour des Lanternes" p. 100-107
   -- "Masse qui Casse se Surpasse" p. 108-111 -- "La Vie du
   Musée" p. 114-121 -- "Dans les Autres Musées" p. 122-125 --
   "Comptes Rendus" (reviews) p.  126-149 -- "English
   Summaries" p.  150-151 -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
An Informal Gathering / by Pat Oliphant. -- New York : Simon
   and Schuster, 1978. -- 192 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. -- Editorial
   cartoons. -- Call no.: NC1429 .O4 I5 1978
Koichi Ohata's Complete M.D. Geist. -- New York : CPM Comics,
   2002? -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Contents: "M.D.
   Geist: Ground Zero" / story: Koichi Ohata with Tim Eldred
   and John Ott ; script and art: Tim Eldred ; colors and
   letters: Bruce Lewis ;  "M.D. Geist" / original story:
   Koichi Ohata ; adaptation, colors and letters: John Ott ;
   art: Tim Eldred and Koichi Ohata. -- Science fiction genre.
   -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 O42M2 2002
Champions Deluxe : the Super Role-Playing Game / game design,
   George MacDonald and Steve Peterson. -- Charlottesville, VA
   : Iron Crown Enterprises, 1995. -- 4.2 ed. -- 384 p. : ill.
   ; 29 cm. -- (Hero Games) -- "Stock #451." -- Includes
   index. -- Contents: Rulesbook ; Sourcebook ; Campaign book.
   -- Software lacking. -- Superhero miscellanea. -- Call no.:
   GV1469.62.C43M33 1995
Villains Unlimited / written by Kevin Long & Kevin Siembieda ;
   editors, Alex Marciniszyn, Thomas Bartold, James A. Osten ;
   interior art, Kevin Long, Kevin Siembieda, Michael
   Gustovich. -- Taylor, MI. : Palladium Books, 1992. -- 224
   p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- "Cat. no. 501." -- At head of title:
   "Palladium Books presents a sourcebook for Heroes
   Unlimited." -- Superhero miscellanea. -- Call no.:
   GV1469.62.H4L6 1992
Raiders of the Lost Bark / illustrated by Carl G. Moore. --
   Kansas City, MO : Hallmark Cards, Inc., 1991. -- 71 p. :
   ill. ; 14 x 21 cm. -- "A collection of canine cartoons." --
   Dog cartoons. -- Call no.: NC1429.M723R3 1991
50 : the Age of Wheezin' / illustrated by Kevin Ahern. --
   Kansas City, MO : Hallmark Cards, Inc., 1995. -- 72 p. :
   ill. ; 14 x 21 cm. -- (A Shoebox Greetings Book) -- Humor,
   with some cartoons, about aging. -- Call no.: PN6231.A43A4
Nightrealm Presents Nathan Impaler, Monster-Hunter. --
   Ontario, Canada : Night Realm Publishing, 1990- . -- ill. ;
   26 cm. -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.:
Nomadic Dreams. no. 1 / co-creators, artwork, story,
   lettering, colors, editing, etc.: Ed Oshima & Michael
   London. -- San Diego, Calif. : Spire Studios, 1993. -- 30
   p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "#1 January 1994". -- Science
   fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.S635N6 1993
Nog, Protector of the Pyramides / Turtel Onli. -- Chicago,
   Ill. : Turtel Onli Studios, 1981. -- 19 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
   -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6727 .O547N6 1981
Twilight X / by Joseph Wight. -- San Antonio, Tex. : Antarctic
   Press, 2003. -- ill. ; 16 cm. -- Vol. 1 "collects Twilight
   X episodes 1-5, parts 1 & 2 and Twilight X: interlude #1-6
   first published in 1991 by Antarctic Press." -- Other
   title: Twilight X Pocket Manga. -- Adventure story genre.
   -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1. -- Call no.: PN6727.W46T9 2003
"Éditorial" / Thierry Groensteen. p. 5 in 9e Art : les Cahiers
   du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). -- Call
   no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Un Matin d'Équinoxe sur la Ligne de l'Équateur : Réponse à
   Fabrice Bousteau" / André-Marc Delocque-Fourcaud. p. 6-7 in
   9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5
   (Jan. 2000). -- English summary (from p. 150): "Reply to
   Fabrice Bousteau. One year ago, Fabrice Bousteau, chief
   editor of the monthly Beaux-Arts Magazine, introduced a
   dossier on comics explaining that comics were obviously not
   art. André-Marc Delocque-Fourcaud, the director of our
   journal, replies and comments on the fact that some
   scholars will never understand what comics are really
   about." -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Dossier : Un Bilan des Années 90" p. 10-87 in 9e Art : les
   Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000).
   -- Contents: "Les Années 90, Tentative de Récapitulation"
   p. 10-17 ; "Ces Mangas que l'on n'Attendait pas" p. 18-21 ;
   "L'Irrésistible Ascension de l'Édition Indépendante" p.
   22-31 ; "Trois Éditeurs sur la Sellette" p. 32-37 ; "Maison
   Delcourt" p. 38-41 ; "En Avant la Jeunesse" p. 42-47 ; "Dix
   Ans de Ventes à Drouot" p. 48-53 ; "Jean Van Hamme,
   Autopsie d'un Succès" p. 54-59 ; "Et si l'Apocalypse
   n'avait pas Lieu?" p. 60-69 ; "Alternative Nation" p. 70-73
   ; "Renaissance : Le Daily Strip Américain dans les Années
   90" p. 74-83 ; "L'Underground dans les Daily Strips" p.
   84-85 ; "Dix Ans de Procès" p. 86-87 -- Call no.: folio
"Les Années 90, Tentative de Récapitulation" / Thierry
   Groensteen. p. 10-17 in 9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la
   Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). -- (Dossier : Un Bilan
   des Années 90). -- Begins: "Trois phénomènes ont, à
   l'intérieur du marché francophone, dominé l'évolution de la
   bande dessinée dans la décennie qui vient de s'achever: la
   découvert, et presqu'aussitôt l'importation massive, de la
   bande dessinée asiatique (principalement des mangas
   japonais); l'apparition et la montée en puissance d'une
   bande dessinée alternative, défendue par des petites
   structures éditoriales indépendantes; enfin le flirt,
   encore timide, avec le multimédia, le'expérimentation
   progressive des diverses voies qu'internet et les nouveaux
   supports de haute technologie offrent au Neuvième Art." --
   English summary (from p. 150): "The Nineties, a Tentative
   Review. Thierry Groensteen proposes an overview of the
   nineties, paying special attention to the concept of
   'graphic novel', the rift between large and small
   publishers, and the resistance of the French-language
   market in face of competition from comics and especially
   mangas. He proposes Edmond Baudoin as an author who best
   typifies the main trends of this last decade." -- Call no.:
   folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Ces Mangas que l'on n'Attendait pas" / Jean-Paul Jennequin.
   p. 18-21 in 9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande
   Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). -- (Dossier : Un Bilan des
   Années 90). -- Begins: "Les années 90 ont été celles de la
   découverte d'un nouveau continent de la bande dessinée: le
   manga. Pour la première fois, une BD non occidentale
   arrivait dans nos librairies, à la joie des adolescents et
   au grand dam de la press, prompte à parler 'd'invasion',
   comme le premier politicien d'extrême-droite venu. Le manga
   bouleverse nos habitudes de lecture, et pas seulement parce
   qu'il se lit de droite à gauche." -- English summary (from
   p. 150): "The Unexpected Mangas. Did the publisher Jacques
   Glénat know that by translating Akira into French in 1990,
   he would provoke a flooding of the French language market?
   For comic art lovers, the belated and sudden discovery of
   another way of making comics will go down in history as one
   of the major events of the end of the century. Jean-Paul
   Jennequin remembers the circumstances of this and weighs
   the consequences. He discusses the selection publishers
   have made from the material that was available, and the
   specific rapport that mangas establish with the reader." --
   Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"L'Irrésistible Ascension de l'Édition Indépendante" /
   Jean-Philippe Martin. p. 22-31 in 9e Art : les Cahiers du
   Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). -- (Dossier
   : Un Bilan des Années 90). -- Begins: "Présents pour la
   première fois sur un même stand au Salon du Livre de Paris
   in 1999, une vingtaine de petits éditeurs francophones,
   comptant parmi les plus actifs comme Amok, Cornélius, Ego
   comme X, Fréon et bien sûr l'Association, venaient prouver
   du haut de leurs 500 ouvrages publiés en l'espace de 10
   ans, qu'au-delà des plus folles espérances, un véritable
   renouveau de la bande dessinée de création avait trouvé à
   s'incarner. Un dossier tirant le bilan des années 1990
   exigeait que l'on revînt sur la montée en puissance de ce
   que l'on désigne souvent comme 'l'édition indépendante'
   (qu'il serait peut-être plus juste d'appeler, tout
   simplement, 'les petits éditeurs').  -- English summary
   (from p. 150): "The Irresistible Ascension of the
   Independent Publishers. Amok, the Association, La Cinquième
   couche, Cornélius, Ego comme X, Fréon, the Requins marteau,
   6 Pieds sou Terre: these are some of the main independent
   publishers that have emerged during the last decade. Small
   organizations, often founded and run by creators, they
   maintain an uncompromising conception of creation and
   produce objects that are distinct from the traditional
   album. Their rise has been steady, as Jean-Philippe Martin
   shows. He predicts they will influence the future of comics
   in general." -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Trois Éditeurs sur la Sellette" / propos recueillis par
   Thierry Groensteen et Jean-Pierre Mercier. p. 32-37 in 9e
   Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5
   (Jan. 2000). -- (Dossier : Un Bilan des Années 90). --
   Interview format. -- Begins: "Pour débattre des évolutions
   du marché de la bande dessinée, nous avons réuni trois
   éditeurs de profils très différents mais qui ont tous trois
   marqué la décennie de leur empreinte. Guy Delcourt, qui a
   fêté les dix ans d'existence de sa maison en 1996, est
   l'éditeur dont la montée en puissance a été la plus
   spectaculaire au cours de cette période. Son chiffre
   d'affaires s'établit, pour la dernière année de référence
   (juillet 98 à juin 99), à 30 millions de francs. Jean-Louis
   Gauthey a fondé fin 1991 les Éditions Cornelius, une petite
   structure (CA: près de 1 MF en 1999) qu'il continue
   d'animer avec son associé Bernard Granger. Jacques
   Binsztok, enfin, engagé au Seuil comme responsable du
   secteur jeunesse, est l'éditeur par lequel cette maison à
   vocation généraliste a élargi son catalogue à la bande
   dessinée." -- English summary (from p. 150): "Three
   Publishers in the Hot Seat. Guy Delcourt (of Delcourt
   publishing house), Jacques Binsztok (of Le Seuil) and
   Jean-Lous Gauthey (of Cornélius) discuss the present state
   of the comics market in France." -- Call no.: folio
"Maison Delcourt : Établissement Fondé en 1986" / Laurent
   Gerbier. p. 38-41 in 9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la
   Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). -- (Dossier : Un Bilan
   des Années 90). -- Begins: "Malgré les nouveautés qui ont
   marqué l'édition de bande dessinée française durant cette
   dernière décennie, une constante demeure, fondamentale: en
   France, l'édition fonctionne autour d'individus. Ce n'est
   pas seulement valable en bande dessinée: de Minuit à
   Gallimard, de P.O.L. à L'Éclat, 'gros' et 'petits' ont tous
   à leur manière entretenu ce rapport singulier entre la
   machinerie proprement industrielle de l'édition (et de
   multiples professions qu'elle cordonne) et une figure
   unique qui lui donne son nome, la dirige et la représente."
   -- English summary (from p. 150): "Delcourt, Founded in
   1986. Of all comics publishers, Delcourt has undergone the
   most rapid growth in recent years. The firm is today at a
   crossroads in its existence. Can one man continue to impose
   his style on such a superabundant catalogue? Laurent
   Gerbier takes stock of this success story." -- Call no.:
   folio PN6700.N44no.5
"En Avant la Jeunesse" / Jean-Pierre Mercier. p. 42-47 in 9e
   Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5
   (Jan. 2000). -- (Dossier : Un Bilan des Années 90). --
   Begins: "Si l'on peut schématiquement désigner les années
   80 en France comme celles du triomphe éditorial de la bande
   dessinée pour adultes, il est raisonnable de dire que la
   décennie 90 aura été, entre autres, celle d'un retour à une
   bande dessinée spécifiquement enfantine, marquée par un
   diversification et une modernasation des stratégies
   éditoriales." -- English summary (from p. 150): "Onward,
   Youth! After having been left to one side these last twenty
   years, children's comics are at last going through a phase
   of significant and promising renewal. Jean-Pierre Mercier
   reviews the efforts that various publisher have made in
   this field and describes the new trends." -- Call no.:
   folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Dix Ans de Ventes à Drouot" / Laurent Mélikian.  p. 48-53 in
   9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5
   (Jan. 2000). -- (Dossier : Un Bilan des Années 90). --
   Begins: "Record battu, le 16 octobre 1999, à l'Hôtel
   Drouot: une double planche original provenant du Sceptre
   d'Ottokar a été adjugée pour 570,000 francs par le
   commissaire-priseur maître Néret-Minet. Depuis plus d'une
   décennie, les ventes en salles accompagnent l'activité du
   9ème art et occupent une influence prépondérante sur le
   marché de la collection de BD." -- English summary (from p.
   151): "Ten Years of Sales at Drouot. There are more and
   more public auctions where one can buy original drawings,
   old editions and derived objects. What is the structure of
   this market? Have prices begun to rocket? Do these sales
   have an effect on creation? Laurent Mélikian investigates
   by questioning auctioneers, experts, gallery owners and
   museums." -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Jean Van Hamme, Autopsie d'un Succès" / Bruno Canard. p.
   54-59 in 9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande
   Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). -- (Dossier : Un Bilan des
   Années 90). -- Begins: "Jean Van Hamme est surnommé
   'Monsieur 10%' car, en nombre d'exemplaires, il signe dix
   pour cent des albums vendus. Il est un des rares scénarists
   dont le nome est systématiquement mis en avant sur le plan
   commercial avant celue des dessinateurs. Les réactions sur
   l'œuvre de Van Hamme son diverses. Il y a bien sûr les
   jalousies plus où moins exprimées devant ces mises en place
   vertigineuses. Il y a les rejets en bloc, sans
   discernement, par les défenseurs d'une bande dessinée de
   création, qui font du scénariste belge un bouc émissaire de
   la bande dessinée classique. Et il y a ceux qui s'inclinent
   devant la réussite commerciale, et qui en concluent au
   succès littéraire. Puisqe l'œuvre est plébiscitée par le
   public, c'est qu'elle doit être de qualité." -- English
   summary (from p. 151): "Jean Van Hamme, an Autopsy of
   Success. The Belgian Jean Van Hamme is a scriptwriter whose
   fame surpasses that of the artists he works with. He signs
   about 10 percent of all albums sold in France. Yet, there
   are less positive sides to his work. It is macho,
   imprisoned in conventional schemas and full of rather
   systematic borrowings from other works. Bruno Canard
   investigates the case for and against." -- Call no.: folio
"Et si l'Apocalypse n'avait pas Lieu? : Les Scénarios
   Évolutifs dans les Nouveaux Comic Books de Super-Héros" /
   Abraham Kawa ; traduit de l'angalis par Jean-Pierre
   Mercier. p. 60-69 in 9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la
   Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). -- (Dossier : Un Bilan
   des Années 90) -- (10 Ans de Comics) -- Includes
   bibliographial references. -- Begins: "Des séries telles
   que Miracleman, Justice League of America, Kingdom Come ou
   encore Les Invisibles ont investi les super-héros d'une
   nouvelle fonction messianique, en résonance avec les
   craintes millénaristes et les théories de l'évolutionnisme.
   Le comic book semble s'être donné pour mission de conjurer
   ou d'apprivoiser le futur." -- English summary (from p.
   151): "What if the Apocalypse Never Happens? Among recent
   super-hero comics, series such as Miracleman, Kingdom Come
   and The Invisibles found their scripts on millenium
   anxieties and evolutionist theories.  Abraham Kawa goes
   looking for the new messianic heros." -- Call no.: folio
"Alternative Nation" / Erwin Dejasse. p. 70-73 in 9e Art : les
   Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000).
   -- (Dossier : Un Bilan des Années 90) -- (10 Ans de Comics)
   -- Begins: "Alors que les éditeurs D.C. et Marvel, géants
   de la bande dessinée mainstream, constatent une érosion
   spectaculaire de leur lectorat, la bande dessinée
   alternative s'affirme plus que jamais avec autorité sur le
   continent nord-américain." -- English summary (from p.
   151): "Alternative Nation. Whereas publishers such as DC
   and Marvel, the giants of mainstream comics, are undergoing
   a dramatic decrease in readership, independent comics are
   steadily strengthening their influence in North America.
   Erwin Dejasse browses through the new creations on the
   other side of the Atlantic." -- Call no.: folio
"Renaissance : Le Daily Strip Américain dans les Années 90" /
   Harry Morgan. p. 74-83 in 9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de
   la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). -- (Dossier : Un
   Bilan des Années 90) -- (10 Ans de Comics) -- English
   summary (from p. 151): "Renaissance: the Daily American
   Strip in the 90s. Contrary to common opinion, the daily
   strip is not in a period of decline but is undergoing a
   veritable rebirth, in parallel to the preoccupations of our
   times. Harry Morgan defends this point of view, while
   introducing us to a number of series that are unknown in
   France." -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"L'Underground dans les Daily Strips" / Harry Morgan. p. 84-85
   in 9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no.
   5 (Jan. 2000). -- (Dossier : Un Bilan des Années 90) -- (10
   Ans de Comics) -- Summary: Brief article on Zippy (by Bill
   Griffith) and his presence in mainstream newspaper comics
   pages. -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Dix Ans de Procès" / Bernard Joubert. p. 86-87 in 9e Art :
   les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan.
   2000). -- (Dossier : Un Bilan des Années 90). -- Begins:
   "À l'occasion de son cinquantenaire, nous avons
   louguement traité, dans notre précédent numéro, de la loi
   du 16 juillet 1949. Mais elle n'est pas la seule qui soit
   chargée de veiller à la bonne moralité de la bande
   dessinée, comme le rappelle ce tour d'horizon judiciare des
   dix dernières années." -- English summary (from p. 151):
   "Ten Years of Lawsuits. Bernard Joubert gives a rapid
   overview of lawsuits involving comics in the last decade.
   He shows that censorship has more than one card up its
   sleeve." -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Moebius : Images d'un Passeur" / Pierre Stercks. p. 90-99 in
   9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5
   (Jan. 2000). -- Begins: "Inspirateur de tout le cinéma
   moderne de science-fiction, dessinateur caméléon qui a
   pertinemment intitulé son autobiographie Histoire de mon
   double, fondateur de Métal Hurlant il y a tout juste 25
   ans, le père de Blueberry et de John Difool méritait la
   grande rétrospective qui lui consacre le Musée de la bande
   dessinée du 26 janvier au 3 septembre 2000. Pierre Sterckx
   interoge pour 9e Art l'art du dessinateur le plus influent
   de cette fin de siècle." -- English summary (from p. 151):
   Moebius: Transmigratory Images. The vast retrospective
   mounted at the Comics Museum of Angoulême is the occasion
   for Pierre Sterckx to pay tribute to Moebius who is without
   a doubt the most influential comic strip artist of the end
   of this century. Sterckx proposes a penetrating analysis of
   Moebius's art in relation to surfaces, mysticism and
   catastrophy theory." -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Masse : des Récits pour des Lanternes" / Pierre
   Fresnault-Deruelle. p. 100-107 in 9e Art : les Cahiers du
   Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). -- Begins:
   "Auteur de trois courts métrages d'animation puis, entre
   1976 et 1987, de dix albums de BD, le grenoblois Francis
   Masse s'est ensuite mis en congé du 9e art. Resté méconnu
   du grand public et boudé par la presse (son nom
   n'apparaissait dans acun des palmarès publiés en janvier
   1998 à l'occasion du 25e Festival d'Angoulême), il n'en est
   pas moins tenu par Art Spiegelman et quelques autres, dont
   nous sommes, pour un artiste génial qu'il serait urgent de
   rééditer." -- English summary (from p. 151): "Masse: the
   Humorist. Though it is ten years since he has produced any
   comics, Francis Masse remains one of the most important
   authors of modern times. Pierre Fresnault-Deruelle re-reads
   the work of this great satirist, who turns science upside
   down, manipulates the spoken word with unparalleled vigour
   and constructs the backdrops to his stories like a true
   scenographer." -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Masse qui Casse se Surpasse" / Thierry Groensteen. p. 108-111
   in 9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no.
   5 (Jan. 2000). -- Begins: "Les histoires de Masse
   disséminées dans la plupart des magazines BD de la
   'nouvelle presse' des années 1970 ont été réunies naguère
   dans deux indespensables volumes anthologiques sous le
   titure Encyclopédie de Masse (Les Humanoïdes Associés,
   1982). Le récit en sept planches intitulé 'Noces d'or dans
   les Quarantièmes Rugissants,' auquel je voudrais
   m'intéresser ici (initialement paru dans Métal Hurlant, no.
   9 (sept. 1976), y figurait en bonne place. Sous plus d'un
   aspect, il peut être rapproché d'une histoire postérieure,
   L'art-attentat (À Suivre, no. 109, février 1987), qui n'a
   pas, elle, été reprise en album." -- English summary
   (from p. 151): "Masse: the Polemecist. To complete this
   study of Masse's esthetics, Thierry Groensteen looks at two
   short stories that deal with the urbanistic style of town
   planners and the vagaries of modern art respectively. By
   observing the similarities between the two narratives, he
   dissects the tools of a formidably controversial
   humourist." -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"La Vie du Musée" p. 114-121 in 9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée
   de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). -- News about
   acquisitions and exhibitions in 1999 at the Centre National
   de la Bande Dessinée et de l'Image (CNBDI) at Angouléme,
   France. -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Dans les Autres Musées" p. 122-125 in 9e Art : les Cahiers du
   Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). -- Brief
   news items about the Karikature & Cartoon Museum (Basel) ;
   the International Museum of Cartoon Art (Boca Raton) ; the
   Centre for the Study of Cartoons and Caricature (Kent) ;
   the Karikatür ve Mizah Müzei (Istanbul) ; the Centre
   Nazionale del Fumetto (Turin) ; The Library of Congress
   (Washington) ; the Words and Pictures Museum (Northampton)
   ; the Cartoon Art Trust (London) ; and the Wilhelm-Busch
   Museum (Hannover). -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Comptes Rendus" p. 126-149 in 9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée
   de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). -- Reviews. --
   Contents: "La Tentation du Septiéme Art" p. 126-127 ;
   "Comix 2000, un Livre Intelligent" p. 128-131 ; "Nouvelle
   Dissection du 9e Art" p. 132-133 ; "Écritures Blanches, en
   Noir et Blanc" p. 134-135 ; "Donjon, les 3 Âges de
   l'Héroïsme" p. 136-137 ; "Des Rats et des Femmes" p.
   138-139 ; "Un Drame Éclaté" p. 140 ; "Autour de Saturne" p.
   141 ; "Un Cauchemar Blanc" p. 142 ; "L'Enfer Algérien" p.
   143 ; "Un Très Très Gros Bateau" p. 144 ; "Amer Japan" p.
   145 ; "Enfants du Siècle" p. 146 ; "Cizo chez les Pictos"
   p. 147 ; "Sur les Sentiers d'Urbicande" p. 148-149. -- Call
   no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"La Tentation du Septiéme Art" / Astrid Deroost. p. 126-127 in
   9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5
   (Jan. 2000). -- (Comptes Rendus) -- Reviews two new
   animation series being worked on by comics artists:
   "Xcalibur" (Philippe Druillet) and "Belphégor" (Frédéric
   Bézian). -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Comix 2000, un Livre Intelligent" / Vincent Bernière. p.
   128-131 in 9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande
   Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). -- (Comptes Rendus) -- Review
   of the anthology volume Comix 2000. -- Call no.: folio
"Nouvelle Dissection du 9e Art" p. 132-133 in 9e Art : les
   Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000).
   -- (Comptes Rendus) -- Thierry Groensteen talks with
   Laurent Gerbier about Groensteen's new book, Système de la
   Bande Dessinée. -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Écritures Blanches, en Noir et Blanc" / Jean-Philippe Martin.
   p. 134-135 in 9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande
   Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). -- (Comptes Rendus) -- Reviews
   L'Absente (Pierre Duba) and Le Journal d'un Loser (Lionel
   Tran & Ambre). -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Donjon, les 3 Âges de l'Héroïsme" / Laurent Gerbier. p.
   136-137 in 9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande
   Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). -- (Comptes Rendus) -- Reviews
   volumes of the series Donjon, by Lewis Trondheim, Joann
   Sfar, & Christophe Blain. -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Des Rats et des Femmes" / Gilles Ciment. p. 138-139 in 9e Art
   : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan.
   2000). -- (Comptes Rendus) -- Reviews Daddy's Girl (Debbie
   Drechsler) and L'Histoire d'un Vilain Rat (=The Tale of One
   Bad Rat) (Bryan Talbot). -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Un Drame Éclaté" / Jean-Claude Glasser. p. 140 in 9e Art :
   les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan.
   2000). -- (Comptes Rendus) -- Review of Gemma Bovery (Posy
   Simmonds). -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Autour de Saturne" / Dominique Hérody. p. 141 in 9e Art : les
   Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000).
   -- (Comptes Rendus) -- Review of Pourquoi Je Déteste
   Saturne (=Why I Hate Saturn) (Kyle Baker). -- Call no.:
   folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Un Cauchemar Blanc" / Evariste Blanchet. p. 142 in 9e Art :
   les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan.
   2000). -- (Comptes Rendus) -- Review of Transperceneige
   (later titled L'Échappée) (Jean-Marc Rochette & Lob) ; and
   "L'Arpenteur" (Rochette & Benjamin Legrand) -- Call no.:
   folio PN6700.N44no.5
"L'Enfer Algérien" / Philippe Videlier. p. 143 in 9e Art : les
   Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000).
   -- (Comptes Rendus) -- Review of Azrayen' (Lax & Giroud).
   -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Un Très Très Gros Bateau" / Dominique Hérody. p. 144 in 9e
   Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5
   (Jan. 2000). -- (Comptes Rendus) -- Review of Le Réducteur
   de Vitesse (Christophe Blain). -- Call no.: folio
"Amer Japan" / Erwin Dejasse. p. 145 in 9e Art : les Cahiers
   du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan. 2000). --
   (Comptes Rendus) -- Review of Frères du Japon (Taiyo
   Matsumoto). -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Enfants du Siècle" / Jean-Paul Jennequin. p. 146 in 9e Art :
   les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan.
   2000). -- (Comptes Rendus) -- Review of Ethel et Ernest
   (Raymond Briggs). -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Cizo chez les Pictos" / Thierry Groensteen. p. 147 in 9e Art
   : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no. 5 (Jan.
   2000). -- (Comptes Rendus) -- Brief article on the artist
   Cizo. -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
"Sur les Sentiers d'Urbicande" / Vincent Baudoux. p. 148-149
   in 9e Art : les Cahiers du Musée de la Bande Dessinée, no.
   5 (Jan. 2000). -- (Comptes Rendus) -- Review of a website
   (www.Urbicande.be) based on the work of François Schuiten
   and Benoît Peeters. -- Call no.: folio PN6700.N44no.5
Cartoonist Profiles, no. 143 (Sept. 2004)
   CONTENTS: "It's a Magic World" (Bill Kresse) p. 8-17 -- "PS
   Magazine" p. 18-35 -- "Meet Bill Crowley" p. 36-45 -- "Phil
   Ortiz and the Simpsons" p. 46-56 -- "News & Notes" p. 57-58
   -- Call no.: NC1300.C35no.143
Creepy, no. 55 (Aug. 1973) [incomplete]
   CONTENTS: "Brain Trust!" p. 4-9 -- "Welcome Stranger" p.
   10-16 -- "Act Three!" p. 17-24 -- "Thundering Terror!" p.
   25-30 -- [pages lacking] -- "Prelude to Armageddon" p.
   47-58 -- "The Law and Disorder" p. 68-73 -- Call no.:
Insect Fear, no. 3 (Winter 1972)
   CONTENTS: "Insomnia Angst" 4 p. -- "The Martyrdom of St.
   Steven of Lawrence" 1 p. -- "The Midnight Monster" 4 p. --
   "Born Again" 5 p. -- "She Crawls On Her Belly Like a
   Reptile" 7 p. -- "Plate Job" 3 p. -- "Cellar Dwellers" 7 p.
   -- "Sappho's Daughter" 1 p. -- "Gobs of Worms" 1 p. --
   "Orville Willis Tastes the Revenge of the Dismal Swamp
   Terapins" back cover -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.3
Monster Menace, no. 3 (Feb. 1994)
   CONTENTS: "I Live Again!" 5 p. -- "The Stooge" 3 p. --
   "Monster Menace" (letters) 1 p. -- "Zzutak, the Thing that
   Shouldn't Exist!" 13 p. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.M3M55no.3
Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 13 (Feb. 17, 1948)
   CONTENTS: "I'm in a Hurry Today"* (Chuck White) p. 3-8 --
   "The Devotion of the Forty Hours" p. 9 -- "Michelangelo,
   Artist of the Vatican" p. 10-12 -- "The Season of Lent" p.
   13-14 -- "How to Make a Miniature Mississippi River
   Showboat" p. 15 -- "Prayer Before a Crucifix" p. 16-17 --
   "Fun Page" (jokes) p. 18-19 -- "Tough Steak"* (JoJo) p. 20
   -- "Dr. Daniels Runs into Adventure on the Columbia Gem"
   (Dr. Daniels) p. 21-26 -- "Gulliver's Travels" p. 27-31 --
   Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.13
Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 14 (Mar. 2, 1948)
   CONTENTS: "It is Wonderful, but a Little Tiring!"* (Chuck
   White) p. 3-8 -- "The Feast Day of St. Thomas Aquinas" p. 9
   -- "Mother Seton, Lovely Lady of Old New York" p. 10-12 --
   "The Sundays of Lent" p. 13-14 -- "Flying Models" p. 15 --
   "Palomar Observatory" p. 16-17 -- "Fun Page" (jokes) p.
   18-19 -- "Chickens in the Garden"* (Pierre) p. 20 -- "The
   Doctor Upsets a Few Well-Laid Plans" (Dr. Daniels) p. 21-26
   -- "The Adventures of Robin Hood" p. 27-31 -- Call no.:
Almanaque 1984. -- Barcelona : Toutain Editor, . -- ill. (some
   col.) ; 28 cm. -- "El comic de la fantasia y la ciencia
   ficción para adultos." -- Annual. -- LIBRARY HAS: 1980-1984
   issues. -- Call no.: PN6778.M53A4
Alpen Panorama. -- Paris ; Genève : Alpen Publishers, 1990- .
   -- col. ill. ; 29 cm. -- Began with Jan.-Fév.-Mars 1990. --
   Other title: Alpen Publishers Panorama. -- "Toutes les
   nouveautés." -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.:
Alpha Flight. -- New York : Marvel Comics, 1997-1999. -- col.
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Aug. 1997) - no. 20 (Mar.
   1999), cf. Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide. -- Each issue
   also called: v. 2. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
   14 (1998). -- Call no.: PN6728.6.M3A3715
Amazing Adventures. -- New York : Marvel Comics Group,
   1979-1981. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Dec.
   1979) - no. 14 (Jan. 1981). -- Each issue also called "vol.
   2". -- Reprints X-Men stories. -- Superhero genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-14 -- Call no.: PN6728.4.M3A52
Para Ti, Amor : una Luz en su Camino. -- México, D.F. :
   Ediciones Latino Americanas, . -- ill. ; 26 cm. --
   (Colección Verdaderos Romances) -- Romance genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 63, 72, 82, 85 (1961). -- Call no.:
Monster Menace. -- New York : Marvel Comics, 1993-1994. --
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Dec. 1993) - no. 4
   (Mar. 1994). -- Reprints of pre-superhero Atlas horror
   comics. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 3 (1994). -- Call no.:
"I Live Again!" / S. Ditko. 5 p. in Monster Menace, no. 3
   (Feb. 1994) ; reprinted from Tales to Astonish, no. 8 (Mar.
   1960). -- Begins: "My creator thinks me destroyed, but..."
   -- Data from Bob Heer via Grand Comics Database Project. --
   Call no.: PN6728.6.M3M55no.3
"The Stooge" / Martin Rose. 3 p. in Monster Menace, no. 3
   (Feb. 1994) ; reprinted from Uncanny Tales, no. 6
   (Mar./Apr. 1953). -- Begins: "Being married to a side show
   fat lady is no fun, especially when circus people call
   you..." -- Data from Bob Heer via Grand Comics Database
   Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.M3M55no.3
"Monster Menace" 1 p. in Monster Menace, no. 3 (Feb. 1994). --
   Letters to the editor from Joey Marchese, Michael T.
   Gilbert, Steven Smith, Sean Hartter, and Pierce Askegren,
   and a drawing by Steve Ditko. -- Call no.:
"Zzutak, the Thing that Shouldn't Exist!" / Jack Kirby,
   pencils ; Steve Ditko, inks. 13 p. in Monster Menace, no. 3
   (Feb. 1994) ; reprinted from Strange Tales, no. 88 (Sept.
   1961). -- Data from Bob Heer via Grand Comics Database
   Project. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.M3M55no.3
Las Aventuras de El Halcón, el Luchador Justiciero. -- Toluca
   : Organización Editorial de Publicaciones e Impresiones,
   1975- . -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Began with: año 1, no. 1
   (Agosto 30 de 1975). -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS:
   no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6790.M44A84
The Rare and Extraordinary History of Holy Russia, with over
   500 illustrations / by Gustave Doré ; translated by Daniel
   Weissbort ; introduction by Richard Pipes. -- New York :
   Library Press, 1971. -- 207 p. : ill. ; 31 cm. --
   Translation of: Histoire pittoresque, dramatique et
   caricaturale de la Sainte Russie. -- Call no.: DK42.D6913
Los Amores Intimos de Pedro Infante. -- México, D.F. :
   Publicaciones Ortega Colunga, . -- ill. ; 24 cm. --
   Adventure story genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 69 (1966). --
   Call no.: PN6790.M44A436
Strangers in Paradise. -- Houston, TX : Abstract Studio, 1994-
   . -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Sept. 1994) -
   no. 14 (July 1996); v. 3, no. 1 (Oct. 1996)-  -- Other
   title: Terry Moore's Strangers in Paradise. -- LIBRARY HAS:
   v. 3, no. 33-34 (2000). -- Call no.: PN6728.6.A233S75
Single Series. -- New York : United Feature Comic Group,
   1938-1942. -- col. ill. ; 27 cm. -- Published no. 1 (1938)
   - no. 28 (1942), cf. Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide. --
   Distinctive title, no. 9: Strange as it Seems. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: no. 9 (1939). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.U5S5
Strange Embrace / story and art by David Hine. -- London :
   Tundra Publishing UK, 1993- . -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. --
   Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: book 1. -- Call no.:
   PN6738.S7639 1993
"It's a Magic World" / Bill Kresse. p. 8-17 in Cartoonist
   Profiles, no. 143 (Sept. 2004). -- Kresse writes about his
   cartooning career, with work samples and a photograph of
   the artist and his wife. -- Call no.: NC1300.C35no.143
"PS Magazine : 50 Pounds of Potatoes in a 25-Pound Sack" / by
   Joe Kubert ; with the help of Pete Carlsson. -- Describes
   producing the "preventive maintenance monthly" magazine for
   the U.S. Army. -- p. 18-35 in Cartoonist Profiles, no. 143
   (Sept. 2004). -- Call no.: NC1300.C35no.143
"Meet Bill Crowley : Artist, Illustrator, and 'Sketchy
   Character'" p. 36-45 in Cartoonist Profiles, no. 143 (Sept.
   2004). -- Crowley writes about his career, with samples and
   a photograph of the artist.. -- Call no.: NC1300.C35no.143
"Phil Ortiz and the Simpsons : Bleeding Yellow Blood" p. 46-56
   in Cartoonist Profiles, no. 143 (Sept. 2004). -- Ortiz
   writes about his cartooning career, with samples and a
   photograph of the artist. -- Call no.: NC1300.C35no.143
"News & Notes" / by R.C. Harvey. p. 57-58 in Cartoonist
   Profiles, no. 143 (Sept. 2004). -- Miscellanea about
   comics, with sections on For Better or For Worse, The
   Phantom, syndication of comic strips, and political
   cartoons online. -- Call no.: NC1300.C35no.143
"Brain Trust!" / story, Archie Goodwin ; art, Angelo Torres.
   p. 4-9 in Creepy, no. 55 (Aug. 1973). -- "Everybody knew
   Charley Holcomb as the town character. You'd be one too, if
   you had an extra body lurking around. Talk about being
   beside yourself!" -- Call no.: PN6728.3.W3C7no.55
"Welcome Stranger" / story, Archie Goodwin ; art, Al
   Williamson. p. 10-16 in Creepy, no. 55 (Aug. 1973). -- "Two
   movie makers find out what their horror films are all about
   when they find themselves stranded in a scene from their
   own films." -- Call no.: PN6728.3.W3C7no.55
"Act Three!" / story and art, Johnny Craig. p. 17-24 in
   Creepy, no. 55 (Aug. 1973). -- "Her Hollywood honeymoon was
   over with the first full moon. Her hubby hadn't bothered to
   tell her that they always brought out the beast in him." --
   Call no.: PN6728.3.W3C7no.55
"Thundering Terror!" / story, Clark Dimond and Terry Bisson ;
   art, John Severin. p. 25-30 in Creepy, no. 55 (Aug. 1973).
   --- "Johnny was the last of the great buffalo hunters but
   his luck ran out when he came up against the last of the
   great buffalos." -- Call no.: PN6728.3.W3C7no.55
"Prelude to Armageddon" / story by Nick Cuti and Wally Wood ;
   art, Wally Wood. p. 47-58 in Creepy, no. 55 (Aug. 1973). --
   "You think you have romance troubles? When the messenger of
   the gods falls for a pretty face, a world is born." -- Call
   no.: PN6728.3.W3C7no.55
"The Law and Disorder" / story, Dennis P. Junot ; art, Luis
   Garcia. p. 68-73 in Creepy, no. 55 (Aug. 1973). -- "The
   students were rioting and the campus was about to explode.
   Here's a story that'll really blow your mind (along with
   everyone else's)." -- Call no.: PN6728.3.W3C7no.55
Creepy. -- New York : Warren Publishing Co., 1964- . -- ill. ;
   28 cm. -- Genre: Horror. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-11, 13-17,
   25, 32-35, 37, 40-52, 54, 58-59, 62-63, 69, 73, 75-80,
   83-87, 90, 92-95, 99-100, 105-107, 112, 114, 119, 132, 137,
   144, 146 (1964-1985). -- Call no.: PN6728.3.W3C7
"Insomnia Angst" / S. Clay Wilson. 4 p. in Insect Fear, no. 3
   (Winter 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.3
"The Martyrdom of St. Steven of Lawrence" 1 p. in Insect Fear,
   no. 3 (Winter 1972). -- By Justin Green, cf. Kennedy, J.
   The Official Underground and Newave Comix Price Guide. --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.3
"The Midnight Monster" / R. Hayes. 4 p. in Insect Fear, no. 3
   (Winter 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.3
"Born Again" / Kim Deitch. 5 p. in Insect Fear, no. 3 (Winter
   1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.3
"She Crawls On Her Belly Like a Reptile" / Roger Brand. 7 p.
   in Insect Fear, no. 3 (Winter 1972). -- Call no.:
"Plate Job" / Spain. 3 p. in Insect Fear, no. 3 (Winter 1972).
   -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.3
"Cellar Dwellers" / art & script, C. Dallas. 7 p. in Insect
   Fear, no. 3 (Winter 1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.3
"Sappho's Daughter : a Tale of Maggotry" / Larry Todd. 1 p. in
   Insect Fear, no. 3 (Winter 1972). -- Call no.:
"Gobs of Worms" / Jaxon. 1 p. in Insect Fear, no. 3 (Winter
   1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7I5no.3
"Orville Willis Tastes the Revenge of the Dismal Swamp
   Terapins" / Schenkman. back cover of Insect Fear, no.  3
   (Winter 1972). -- Single full-page drawing. -- Call no.:
"I'm in a Hurry Today"* (Chuck White) p. 3-8 in Treasure Chest
   of Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 13 (Feb. 17, 1948). -- Begins:
   Chuck's father is home from the hospital and after school
   Chuck hurries homeward." -- "To be continued." -- Call no.:
"The Devotion of the Forty Hours" p. 9 in Treasure Chest of
   Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 13 (Feb. 17, 1948). -- Call no.:
"Michelangelo, Artist of the Vatican" p. 10-12 in Treasure
   Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 13 (Feb. 17, 1948). -- Call
   no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.13
"The Season of Lent" p. 13-14 in Treasure Chest of Fun &
   Facts, v. 3, no. 13 (Feb. 17, 1948). -- Call no.:
"How to Make a Miniature Mississippi River Showboat" p. 15 in
   Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 13 (Feb. 17,
   1948). -- Activity page. -- Call no.:
"Prayer Before a Crucifix" p. 16-17 in Treasure Chest of Fun &
   Facts, v. 3, no. 13 (Feb. 17, 1948). -- Call no.:
"Fun Page" p. 18-19 in Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3,
   no. 13 (Feb. 17, 1948). -- Jokes. -- Call no.:
"Tough Steak"* (JoJo) p. 20 in Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts,
   v. 3, no. 13 (Feb. 17, 1948). -- Silent strip. -- Call no.:
"Dr. Daniels Runs into Adventure on the Columbia Gem" (Dr.
   Daniels) p. 21-26 in Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3,
   no. 13 (Feb. 17, 1948). -- The Columbia Gem is an ocean
   liner arriving from Arabia. -- Detective genre. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.13
"Gulliver's Travels" p. 27-31 in Treasure Chest of Fun &
   Facts, v. 3, no. 13 (Feb. 17, 1948). -- Final episode. --
   Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.13
"It is Wonderful, but a Little Tiring!"* (Chuck White) p. 3-8
   in Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 14 (Mar. 2,
   1948). -- Begins: "Joe Kelly has taken his first steps
   without the support of his canes." -- "To be continued." --
   Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.14
"The Feast Day of St. Thomas Aquinas" p. 9 in Treasure Chest
   of Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 14 (Mar. 2, 1948). -- "On March
   7, we celebrate the feast of the great patron of Catholic
   schools." -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.14
"Mother Seton, Lovely Lady of Old New York" p. 10-12 in
   Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 14 (Mar. 2, 1948).
   -- Begins: "Mother Seton, foundress of the American Sisters
   of Charity, pioneer of Catholic education and Catholic
   charity in America." -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.14
Seton, Elizabeth Ann, Saint, 1774-1821.
"The Sundays of Lent" p. 13-14 in Treasure Chest of Fun &
   Facts, v. 3, no. 14 (Mar. 2, 1948). -- "Part II." -- Call
   no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.14
"Flying Models" p. 15 in Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3,
   no. 14 (Mar. 2, 1948). -- Activity page. -- Instructions
   for making a paper helicopter ("The Flying Windmill") and a
   paper airplane ("The Flying Bat"). -- Call no.:
"Palomar Observatory : Giant Eye of the World" p. 16-17 in
   Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 14 (Mar. 2, 1948).
   -- Illustrated facts. -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.14
"Fun Page" p. 18-19 in Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3,
   no. 14 (Mar. 2, 1948). -- Jokes. -- Call no.:
"Chickens in the Garden"* (Pierre) p. 20 in Treasure Chest of
   Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 14 (Mar. 2, 1948). -- Silent strip.
   -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.14
"The Doctor Upsets a Few Well-Laid Plans" (Dr. Daniels) p.
   21-26 in Treasure Chest of Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 14 (Mar.
   2, 1948). -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.14
"The Adventures of Robin Hood" p. 27-31 in Treasure Chest of
   Fun & Facts, v. 3, no. 14 (Mar. 2, 1948). -- "To be
   continued." -- Call no.: PN6728.1.P43T7v.3no.14
Richie Rich Holiday Digest. -- New York : Harvey Publications,
   1980-1988. -- col. ill. ; 17 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Jan.
   1980) - no. 4 (Mar. 1988), cf. Overstreet Comic Book Price
   Guide. -- (Harvey Digest Mags) -- Other title: Richie Rich
   Holiday Digest Magazine. -- Genre: Rich kid. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: no. 1-4. -- Call no.: PN6728.H385R48
Wolverine : Inner Fury / D.G. Chichester, writer ; Bill
   Sienkiewicz, artist ; Michael Heisler, letterer ; Sherilyn
   Van Vanlenburgh, colorist. -- New York : Marvel Comics,
   1992. -- 1 v. : col. ill. ; 25 cm. -- Superhero genre. --
   Call no.: PN6727.S573W6 1992
Midnight Tales, no. 14 (Sept. 1975) [incomplete]
   CONTENTS: "The Time Machine" (The Midnight Philosopher) 5
   p. -- "Know Thyself" 6 p. -- "Midnight Mails" (letters) 1
   p. -- [pages lacking] -- "Criminal Offense" 6 p. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.4.C47M5no.14
Vault of Evil, no. 21 (Sept. 1975)
   CONTENTS: "The Victims of Vonntor!" 5 p. -- "Nothing" 4 p.
   -- "Man on the Scaffold!" 5 p. -- "The Rescue" 4 p. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.4.M3V3no.21
Treasure Island / Robert Louis Stevenson ; adapted by Pat
   Boyette. -- New York : Scholastic Inc., 1996. -- 43 p. :
   col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- (Classics Illustrated) -- Originally
   published: New York : Berkley/First Pub., 1991. -- Summary:
   Story of an island aswarm with a crew of murderous pirates
   in greedy pursuit of buried riches. -- Adventure story
   genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.B6285T7 1996
"The Time Machine" (The Midnight Philosopher) / story & art,
   Wayne Howard. 5 p. in Midnight Tales, no. 14 (Sept. 1975).
   -- Framing sequence. -- Call no.: PN6728.4.C47M5no.14
"Know Thyself" / script, Nicola Cuti ; art, Joe Staton. 6 p.
   in Midnight Tales, no. 14 (Sept. 1975). -- Call no.:
"Midnight Mails" 1 p. in Midnight Tales, no. 14 (Sept. 1975).
   -- Letters to the editor from Jeff Cooper, Bud Brainard,
   Martha Kennedy, and Mac Barkclay. -- Call no.:
"Criminal Offense" / story & art, Wayne Howard. 6 p. in
   Midnight Tales, no. 14 (Sept. 1975). -- Call no.:
"The Victims of Vonntor!" 5 p. in Vault of Evil, no. 21 (Sept.
   1975). --- "Originally presented in Uncanny Tales #37." --
   Call no.: PN6728.4.M3V3no.21
"Nothing" 4 p. in Vault of Evil, no. 21 (Sept. 1975). --
   "Originally presented in Mystic #6." -- Call no.:
"Man on the Scaffold!" / script, Stan Lee ; art, Steve Ditko ;
   lettering, Art Simek. 5 p. in Vault of Evil, no. 21 (Sept.
   1975). -- "Originally presented in Tales of Suspense #28."
   -- Call no.: PN6728.4.M3V3no.21
"The Rescue" / Forgione & Abel. 4 p. in Vault of Evil, no. 21
   (Sept. 1975). -- "Originally presented in Uncanny Tales
   #37." -- Call no.: PN6728.4.M3V3no.21
Girl Got Game / by Shizuru Seino ; translator, Aya Matsunaga ;
   English adaptation, Kelly Sue DeConnick. -- Los Angeles :
   Tokyopop Press, 2003- . -- ill. ; 19 cm. -- "Originally
   published as "Power!" -- First published in Japan by
   Kodansha, Ltd., Tokyo, 2000. -- Summary (from OCLC): Kyo
   Aizawa is a teenage girl who just wants to live a normal
   teenage life, but her father, who used to be a basketball
   player and wanted to make it to the NBA, is now determined
   to live his dreams through his daughter. She finds out that
   her father registered her as a boy and cooked up a scheme
   so that she would play on the boys basketball team and
   become the basketball player he always wanted to be. --
   LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-3. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 S345G5 2003
Clover / by Clamp. -- Los Angeles : Tokyopop, 2001- . -- ill.
   (some col.) ; 21 cm. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-4. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 C55C57 2001
Planetes / by Makoto Yukimura. -- Los Angeles, Calif. :
   Tokyopop, Inc., 2003- . -- ill. ; 19 cm. -- Science fiction
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-2 (2003-2004). -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 Y79P55 2003
El Aguila Descalza. -- México, D.F. : Editorial Meridiano,
   1968- . -- col. ill. ; 25 cm. -- Began with no. 1 (28 de
   Febrero de 1968). -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
   1. -- Call no.: PN6790.M44A3755
Brujerias. -- Portales, D.F. : Editormex Mexicana, 1965- . --
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Beban with no. 1 (18 de agosto de 1965).
   -- Horror genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.:
La Tormenta. -- México, D.F. : Publicaciones Educativas,
   Instructivas, S.A., 1968- . -- ill. ; 25 cm. -- Began with
   no. 1 (Enero 23 de 1968). -- Historical genre. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.: PN6790.M44T67
Radius, el Hombre Increible. -- Portales, D.F. : Editormex
   Mexicana, 1965- . -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Began with no. 1 (4
   de agosto de 1965). -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
   1 (1965). -- Call no.: PN6790.M44R25
El Comodín. -- México, D.F. : Editormex Mexicana, 1970- . --
   col. ill. ; 25 cm. -- Began with no. 1 (22 de Junio de
   1970). -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call
   no.: PN6790.M44C5654
Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 201 (Dec. 20, 1960)
   CONTENTS: "Je te Laisse Remonter la Luge!"* (Nano et
   Nanette) p. 1 -- "Un Drôle de Père Noël" (Nano et Nanette)
   p. 2 -- "Je Veux Mon Appareil!"* (Cri-Cri Reporter) p. 3-5
   -- "Amy Fixait les Deux Femmes au Sourire Faux"* (La Fille
   du Proscrit) p. 6-7 -- "Billy l'Intrépide Peut Tout Faire"*
   (Nano et Nanette) p. 8 -- "La Petite Ithurria" text p. 9,
   21 -- "Comment êtes-vous habilée? D'où venez-vous?"* (Gaie
   Princesse) p. 10-11 --"Bibi et Lolo, les Joyeux Oursons" p.
   12-13 -- "Rod Hunter, le Hors-la-loi!"* (Solitaire) p.
   14-17 -- "Je vous Présente ma Fille Dora"* (David
   Copperfield) p. 18-20 -- "Guillaume Tell"* (Doudou) p. 22
   -- "Ration de Lait"* (Riri) p. 23-24 -- "Plus il sera
   Maigre, plus j'aurai d'Argent"* (Kiki) p. 25 -- "Nano et
   Nanette Club" p. 26 -- "Les Poissons Bizarres" (Smokie) p.
   28 -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.201
"Je te Laisse Remonter la Luge!"* (Nano et Nanette) p. 1 in Le
   Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 201 (Dec. 20, 1960). --
   Summary: Nano has trouble sharing. -- Call no.:
"Un Drôle de Père Noël" (Nano et Nanette) p. 2 in Le Journal
   de Nano et Nanette, no. 201 (Dec. 20, 1960). -- Captioned
   photographs. -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.201
"Je Veux Mon Appareil!"* (Cri-Cri Reporter) p. 3-5 in Le
   Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 201 (Dec. 20, 1960). --
   "Résumé: "S'étant rendu à l'invitation faite par le chef du
   gang international des voleurs de tableaux, Polo a pris sa
   photo, ce qui a eu pour effet de mettre le mécène dans une
   violente colère, craignant d'être reconnu. A leur sortie,
   Cri-Cri et Polo se font reconduire par le chauffeur du
   'chef' et s'aperçoivent qu'ils sont tombés dans un piège."
   -- Plates numbered 53-55 -- "A suivre." -- Call no.:
"Amy Fixait les Deux Femmes au Sourire Faux"* (La Fille du
   Proscrit) p. 6-7 in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 201
   (Dec. 20, 1960). -- "Résumé: Le père d'Amy Lyndon,
   faussement accusé d'être un bandit, avait dû s'enfuir de
   chez lui. Accusée d'être sa complice, la jeune fille avait
   déclaré à la police que le brigand était un inconnu se
   faisant passer pour son père. Menacée d'être jetée en
   prison, Amy devait être confiée à deux parentes, sa tante
   Henriette et sa cousine Charlotte, quie en profiteraient
   pour s'approprier ses biens." -- Plates numbered 39-40. --
   "A suivre." -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.201
"Billy l'Intrépide Peut Tout Faire"* (Nano et Nanette) p. 8 in
   Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 201 (Dec. 20, 1960). --
   "Résumé: Ses vieux films de cow-boys, tournés il y a plus
   de vingt ans, ont rendu célèbre le cousin Herman. Il
   devient l'idole de tous les amis des jumeaux et organise
   des rodéos pour ses petits amis." -- Call no.:
"La Petite Ithurria, chapitre 2" / un cont de Jean Irasque.
   text p. 9, 21 in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 201
   (Dec. 20, 1960). -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.201
"Comment êtes-vous habilée? D'où venez-vous?"* (Gaie
   Princesse) p. 10-11 in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no.
   201 (Dec. 20, 1960). -- "Résumé: La comtesse Francesca,
   gouvernante de la princesse Lola, nièce de Ricardo, régent
   du royaume de San Sereno, ne se doutait pas que la jeune
   fille se déguisait afin de pouvoir fréquenter les jeunes
   gens de son âge. Ayant déchiré un affiche interdisant aux
   petits cireurs de chaussures d'exercer leur profession, la
   princesse Lola est arrêtée. Mise en présence du chef de la
   police, elle est relâchée, après avoir demandé au
   représentant de l'order de garder le secret sur son
   déguisement." -- Plates numbered 13-14. -- "A suivre." --
   Call no.: PN6748.J63no.201
"Bibi et Lolo, les Joyeux Oursons" p. 12-13 in Le Journal de
   Nano et Nanette, no. 201 (Dec. 20, 1960). -- Panel and
   caption funny animal feature. -- Begins: "Un jour, se
   promenant avec leur ami Charlie, Bibi et Lolo trouvèrent
   une longue corde." -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.201
"Rod Hunter, le Hors-la-loi!"* (Solitaire) p. 14-17 in Le
   Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 201 (Dec. 20, 1960). --
   "Résumé: Mandy Morgan s'est enfuie de chez son oncle qui
   était méchant pour elle. Faussement accusée de vole, elle
   est poursuivie par le sheriff; montée sur 'Solitaire', un
   poulain qu'elle avait adopté et élevé, elle n'a pas hésité
   à s'engager dans une région désertique du Wyoming." --
   Plates numbered 37-40. -- "A suivre." -- Call no.:
"Je vous Présente ma Fille Dora"* (David Copperfield) / Cerón
   Nuñez. p. 18-20 in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 201
   (Dec. 20, 1960). -- "Résumé: A la mort de sa mère et devant
   les brutalités de son beau-père, M. Murdstone, David
   Copperfield s'est enfui de chez lui et s'est réfugié chez
   sa tante Bessy qui décide de le garder et de se charger de
   son éducation, malgré l'intervention de M. Murdstone.
   Celle-ci confie son neveu à l'un de ses amis, M. Wickfield,
   notaire." -- Plates numbered 25-27. -- "A suivre." -- Call
   no.: PN6748.J63no.201
"Guillaume Tell"* (Doudou) / S. Brio. p. 22 in Le Journal de
   Nano et Nanette, no. 201 (Dec. 20, 1960). -- Funny animal
   feature. -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.201
"Ration de Lait"* (Riri) / par Martial. p. 23-24 in Le Journal
   de Nano et Nanette, no. 201 (Dec. 20, 1960). -- Call no.:
"Plus il sera Maigre, plus j'aurai d'Argent"* (Kiki) p. 25 in
   Le Journal de Nano et Nanette, no. 201 (Dec. 20, 1960). --
   "Résumé: Kiki, jeune petit singe, a été vendu à un joueur
   d'orgue qui veut s'en servir afin d'attirer les passants.
   Le petit animal, devant les sérvices de son nouveau maître,
   songe à s'enfuir."-- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.201
"Nano et Nanette Club" p. 26 in Le Journal de Nano et Nanette,
   no. 201 (Dec. 20, 1960). -- Names of clubm members
   (readers). -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.201
"Les Poissons Bizarres" (Smokie) p. 28 in Le Journal de Nano
   et Nanette, no. 201 (Dec. 20, 1960). -- Back cover fact
   feature, in which Smokie (Smokey Bear) tells about odd
   fish. -- Call no.: PN6748.J63no.201
The Hun Book of Jocks! : Coaches, Teams & Athletic Supporters!
   -- Portland, Or. : The Hun, 2001. -- 41 p. : all ill. ; 28
   cm. -- "Notes": p. 40-41. -- Contents: I. Private
   "interviews" with the coach! ; II. Hazing, initiations &
   rites of passage! ; III. Jock auctions! ; IV. Other public
   exhibitions! -- Gay erotic art. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.55.H795H78 2001
Gohr, a Tale of the New Age / by The Hun. -- Portland, OR :
   The Hun, 1999- . -- ill. ; 28 cm. -- Contents: 1. The saga
   begins ; 2. The saga continues ; The saga pumps on. -- Gay
   erotic fantasy comics. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-3. -- Call
   no.: PN6728.55.H795G6 1999
Virola y Piolita. -- col. ill. ; 29 cm. -- Coverless issues of
   a color comics magazine on newsprint, in Spanish, undated
   and probably from Mexico. -- Feature titles include: Virola
   y Piolita ; La Sombra ; El Caballero Rojo ; El doctor Azor
   ; Los bandidos de Rio Frio ; Nereida, la Hija del Mar. --
   LIBRARY HAS: 16 issues. -- Call no.: PN6790.M42V5
Comic-Con International : San Diego Souvenir Book. -- San
   Diego, CA : Comic-Con International, 2004. -- 168 p. : ill.
   ; 28 cm. -- Cover title: Comic-Con International, San Diego
   2004. -- Call no.: PN6702.S3 2004
San Diego Comic-Con (35th : 2004)
Pierangelo Boog : a Collection of Illustrations / introduction
   by Christoph Roos. -- El Cajon, Calif. : Blackthorne
   Publishing, 1985. -- 1 v. : chiefly ill. ; 28 cm. -- Spine
   title: The Art of Pierangelo Boog. -- Call no.:
   NC1659.B66A4 1985
Boog, Pierangelo, 1957-
Add On! -- Racine, Wis. : Western Publishing Company, 1988. --
   48 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- (Learn with Mickey) -- Summary: A
   workbook for basic number facts, grade 1, featuring Walt
   Disney funny animal characters: "Follow Mickey, Donald, and
   their friends on a trip downtown where they find many
   opportunities to add and subtract." -- Call no.: QA115.A3
Mujeres Célebres. -- México, D.F. : Organización Editorial
   Novaro, . -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Biographical comis,
   about women. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 128, 136, 139 (1971-1972).
   -- Call no.: PN6790.M44M775
Quadreca. -- São Paulo : Com Arte, . -- ill. ; 22-26 cm. --
   Alternative genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 5-13 (1979-2002). --
   Call no.: PN6790.B74Q3
Cardcaptor Sakura : Master of the Clow / by Clamp. -- Los
   Angeles : Tokyopop, 2002-2003. -- ill. ; 19 cm. -- First
   printed in Japan in 1998- as Cardcaptor Sakura V. 7- by
   Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo. -- Translator, Anita Sengupta ;
   English adaptation, Jake Forbes (v. 1), Carol Fox (v. 2-3)
   ; retouch and lettering, Fawn Lau (v. 1-2), Jackie Medal
   (v. 3). -- Summary (from OCLC): Ten-year-old Sakura creates
   a new kind of magic with her Clow Cards. -- Complete in 6
   vols. -- Fantasy genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-6. -- Call
   no.: PN6790.J33 C55C33 2002
Saint Tail / by Megumi Tachikawa ; translator, Anita Sengupta
   -- Los Angeles : TokyoPop Manga, 2001-2002. -- ill. ; 17
   cm. -- Complete in 7 vols. -- "By day, Meimi Hanoka is an
   ordinary Catholic schoolgirl, struggling with boys and
   homework. But by night, she pulls off fantastic heists as
   the mysterious thief Saint Tail! With the guidance of her
   best friend, Seira, a nun-in-training, Saint Tail steals
   back treasures that are unjustly taken from the innocent.
   She is pursued by Asuka Jr.,  the son of a famous
   detective, who is determined to be the one to catch the
   thief." -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-3. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33
   T25S3 2001
Miracle Girls / by Nami Akimoto. -- Los Angeles : Tokyopop,
   2001-c2003. -- ill. ; 17 cm. -- Complete in 9 vols. --
   "Identical twins Toni and Mika have a secret, they psychic
   powers! They can communicate with each other
   telepathically, and when they're together, they can
   teleport. When tom-boy Toni switches places with brainy
   Mika, comic and romantic mishaps ensue. Mika's creepy
   science teacher, Mr. K, is onto their secret and follows
   them around with a camera trying to get proof." -- LIBRARY
   HAS: v. 1-3. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 A37M5 2001
Peach Girl / by Miwa Ueda. -- Los Angeles : Tokyopop, 2001- .
   -- ill. ; 17 cm. -- "Momo is a high school student with a
   huge problem: she is constantly misunderstood. She tans too
   easily and, as a result, most people think she's either a
   bubble-headed beach bunny or a slut." -- LIBRARY HAS: v.
   1-3. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 U35P4 2001
Confidential Confessions / by Reiko Momochi. -- Los Angeles,
   CA : Tokyopop, 2003- . -- ill. ; 19 cm. -- From back cover
   of v. 1: "Confidential Confessions explores the lives of
   two lost teenagers looking for answers to life's biggest
   questions. Manatsu hates her mom, her friends, and her
   meaningless existence. he's so depressed, in fact, that she
   decides to end her life and brazenly cuts her wrists right
   in front of her mother. When her suicide attempt is
   unsuccessful, Manatsu soon meets a classmate who's as into
   cutting as she is and, together, they plan their joint
   suicide. But, in the end, nothing goes according to plan,
   and when one friend dies, the other comes to some
   earth-shattering revelations about life, death, and the
   true legacy of suicide. Yoshioka is a teen prostitute and
   runaway who doesn't believe in love. Everything changes
   when she meets a street performer named Ryo who loves her
   for who she truly is. But when she turns one last trick to
   pay the bills, she risks losing everything. Will their love
   conquer all?" -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-4. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 M57C6 2003
Angelic Layer / Clamp. -- Los Angeles : Tokyopop, 2002-2003.
   -- ill. (some col.) ; 19 cm. -- Complete in 5 vols. --
   Science fiction genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-5. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 C55A55 2003
Hellsing / Kohta Hirano ; translation, Duane Johnson ;
   lettering, Wilbert Lacuna. -- Milwaukie, OR : Dark Horse
   Manga, 2003- . -- ill. ; 19 cm -- Horror genre.. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: v. 1-2. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 H56H4 2003
Cardcaptor Sakura / by Clamp. -- Los Angeles, Calif. :
   Tokyopop, 2000- . -- ill. ; 18 cm. -- (Chix Comix Pocket
   Edition) -- Complete in 6 vols. -- Fantasy genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-6. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 C55C32 2000
Show Time / story and art: Makoto Kobayashi ; translation:
   Dana Lewis, Lea Hernandez & Toren Smith ; lettering and
   retouch: Digital Chameleon. -- Milwaukie, Ore. : Dark Horse
   Manga, 2003. -- 86 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- (What's Michael? ;
   v. 1) -- "This volume collects What's Michael? issues 23
   through 27 and 29 through 31 of the Dark Horse comic-book
   series Super Manga Blast." -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 K6S47
Michael's Album / written and illustrated: Makoto Kobayashi ;
   English translation: Dana Lewis and Toren Smith ; lettering
   and art retouching: L. Lois Buhalis. -- Milwaukie, Ore. :
   Dark Horse Comics, 1997. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 23 cm. -- (What's
   Michael? ; v. 1) -- Funny animal genre. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 K6M47 2002
The Return of Lum, Urusei Yatsura : For Better or Curse /
   story & art by Rumiko Takahashi ; English adaptation,
   Gerard Jones ; translator, Mari Morimoto. -- San Francisco,
   CA : Viz Communications, 1998. -- 197 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. --
   (Viz Graphic Novel) -- "This volume contains The return of
   Lum, Urusei Yatsura part three #2 through The return of
   Lum, Urusei Yatsura part three #6 in their entirety." --
   Call no.: PN6790.J33 T3L83213 1998
Hot Gimmick / Miki Aihara ; English adaptation by Pookie Rolf.
   -- San Francisco, CA. : Viz, 2003- . -- ill. ; 19 cm. --
   (Viz Graphic Novel) -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-5. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 A335H6 2003
Santo, el Enmascarado de Plata. -- José G. Cruz, . -- ill. ;
   19 cm. -- Done in a combination of fotonovela and cartoon
   styles. -- "Propio para adultos". -- "Publicación diaria"
   -- "Una revista atomica!" -- Other title: Ediciones José G.
   Cruz presentan Santo, el Enmascarado de Plata. -- Superhero
   genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1605, 1607-1610, 1617, 1631
   (1959). -- Call no.: PN6790.M44S333
Star Trek Voyager : Avalon Rising / written by Janine Ellen
   Young and Doselle Young ; art by David Roach. -- La Jolla,
   CA. : WildStorm Productions, 2000. -- 1 v. : ill. ; 26 cm.
   -- Science fiction genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.R545S75 2000
The Menomonee Falls Guardian. -- Menomonee Falls, Wis. :
   Street Enterprises, 1973-1976. -- ill. ; 42 cm. --
   Published no. 1 (June 28, 1973) - no. 146 (Aug. 1976). --
   Collects humor genre newspaper strips. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
   1-144, 146. -- Call no.: PN6726.M582
Fruits Basket / Natsuki Takaya. -- Los Angeles : Tokyopop,
   2004- . -- ill. ; 19 cm. -- Translation of: Furûtsu
   basuketto. -- Romance and fantasy genres. --  LIBRARY HAS:
   v. 1-3. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33 T318F813 2004
Angel Fire. -- Rego Park, NY : Crusade Comics, . -- ill. ; 26
   cm. -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 3 (1997). --
   Call no.: PN6728.6.C67A5
Applied Cartooning. Division 1-12 / C.L. Bartholomew and
   Joseph Almars, editors. -- Minneapolis : Federal School of
   Applied Cartooning, 1917-1920. -- ill. ; 28 cm. --
   Published by the Art Instruction, Inc. under its earlier
   name: Federal School of Applied Cartooning. -- LIBRARY HAS:
   3-4. -- Call no.: NC1320.A78
Bartholomew, Charles Lewis, 1869-1949.
Almars, Joseph, 1884-1948.
Animal Mystic : Klor / created, written & illustrated by Dark
   One. -- Dover, NJ : Sirius Entertainment, 2000. -- 69 p. :
   ill. ; 26 cm. -- Other title: Klor Trade Paperback. --
   Fantasy genre. -- Call no.: PN6727.D247K55 2000
Angryman. -- Plymouth, MI : Iconografix, . -- ill. ; 26 cm. --
   "Mature audiences." -- Superhero genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
   3 (1993). -- Call no.: PN6728.6.C3A5
Tabu. -- Odense, Danmark : Forlaget Balder & Brage, 1977- .
   --- ill. ; 21 cm. -- First issue issued with, inverted,
   another fanzine: Anghur, nr. 1. -- LIBRARY HAS: nr. 1. --
   Call no.: PN6790.D34T8
Angel Girl : Before the Wings #1. -- El Jobean, FL : Adam
   Post, 1997. -- 24 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Erotic and fantasy
   genres. -- Call no.: PN6728.6.P64 A5 1997
Snow Drop / by Choi Kyung-ah ; English adaptation by Sarah
   Dyer. -- Los Angeles : Tokyopop, 2004- . -- ill. ; 19 cm.
   -- Originally published in Korea in 1999 by Daiwon C.I.
   Inc. -- Romance genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-3. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.K63 C49S5 2004
The Aromatic Bitters / by Erica Sakurazawa ; translator, Yuki
   N. Johnson ; English adaptation, Lori Millican. -- Los
   Angeles, Calif. : Tokyopop, 2004. -- 166 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
   -- Translation of: Aromachic Bitâzu. -- "First published in
   Japan, by Shodensha Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan." --
   "Explicit content: parental advisory." -- Romance genre. --
   Call no.: PN6790.J33 S325A713 2004
Between the Sheets / by Erica Sakurazawa. -- Los Angeles,
   Calif. : Tokyopop, 2003. -- 198 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. --
   Translation of: Shîtsu no Sukima. -- "Translator, Yukiko
   Nakamura ; English adaptation, Lori Millican." -- "First
   published in Japan in 2001 by Shodensha Publishing Co.,
   Ltd., Tokyo, Japan." -- "Minako likes her best friend Saki
   because she is free, wild and uninhibited. Over time, her
   feelings for Saki slowly evolve way beyond friendship." --
   Romance genre, lesbian characters. -- Call no.: PN6790.J33
   S325S4713 2003
Anomaly, no. 1 (1969)
   CONTENTS: "His Brother's Keeper" 7 p. -- "The Voice in the
   Garden" 1 p. text -- "Profile: Archie Goodwin" 5 p. text --
   "The Homecoming" (Survivors of the Suicide World, episode
   1) 7 p. text -- Call no.: Call no.: PN6728.45.B8A5no.1
Cheval Noir, no. 12 (Oct. 1990)
   CONTENTS: "The Roach Killer, part 3" p. 3-11 -- "Post
   Apocalypse" p. 12 -- "Of Dreams, Star-Gazing, and Certain
   Other Things About Which Decency Requires Discretion" (The
   Tower, part 4) p. 13-31 -- "Convention" p. 32 -- "Address
   to a Leech" (The Eyeball Kid, episode 5) p. 32-41 -- "The
   Story of Aimee McPherson" p. 42-44 -- "Prevue" (coming
   attractions) p. 45-49 -- "Delirius, chapter 6" p. 51-64 --
   Call no.: PN6720.C47no.12
The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001)
   CONTENTS: "Blood and Thunder" (letters) p. 3 -- "Newswatch"
   p. 5-24 -- "Viva la Comix" p. 26-27 -- "Reviews" p. 29-40
   -- "Hit List" p. 42-43 -- "Why Online Animation Should Not
   Be Tomorrow's Television" p. 44-45 -- "Lone Star Comix
   Online" p. 46-47 -- "Format Wars : What Cartoonists Can
   Learn from Other Media in the Digital Age" p. 48-50 --
   "Steve Conley's Astounding Cyberspace Thrills" (interview)
   p. 51-58 -- "Hear Him Roar" (Rick Veitch interview) p.
   59-63 -- "Scott McCloud, Still Thinking" (interview) p.
   64-79 -- "A Silly Litttle Coat Hanger for Fart Jokes"
   (Tristan A. Farnon interview) p. 80-89 -- "Mark Martin:
   Burnin' Rubber" (interview) p. 90-91 -- "Spain : Kicking
   and Screaming" (interview) p. 92 -- "Peter Bagge Sucks"
   (Interview) p. 93-94 -- "Renée French" (interview) p. 94-95
   -- "History of Comics Fandom, part 3" p. 97-100 -- "The
   State of the Art Drawing of the Comic Strip" (Comicopia) p.
   101-106 -- "The Postcredal Epoch and the Death of Truth"
   (Endtimes) p. 110-113 -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
Junkwaffel, no. 1 (1971)
   CONTENTS: "Tubs" 4 p. -- "Machines" 21 p. -- "BMH" 3 p. --
   "Up in the Steeple" 3 p. -- "Sea, Gull & Mouse" 1 p. --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.P7J8no.1
Junkwaffel, no. 2 (1972)
   CONTENTS: "Tubs" 4 p. -- "Thirteenth Semester Begins"*
   (Cheech Wizard in His Student Days) 1 p. -- "The Rudolf" 5
   p. -- "Cobalt 60" 10 p. -- "God's Divine Option"* (Cheech
   Wizard in His Student Days) 3 p. -- "War Lizard" 9 p. --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.P7J8no.2
Pathways to Fantasy. -- San Diego, CA : Pacific Comics, 1984.
   -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1 (July 1984) only.
   -- Fantasy genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1. -- Call no.:
Telegraph Wire. -- Berkeley, Calif. : Comics and Comix, . --
   ill. ; 28 cm. -- Ceased with no. 24 (Dec./Jan. 1985). --
   Periodical about comics. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 4-19, 21-24
   (1982-1985). -- Call no.: PN6714.T4
Blue Zone. -- Homewood, Ill. : Ken Tesar, . -- ill. ; 28 cm.
   -- Amateur superhero comics. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 4 (1989).
   -- Call no.: PN6728.55.T42B55
Titan Comics. -- Richardson, Tex. : Titan Publications, . --
   Amateur superhero comics, with articles about comics. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 4 (197-?). -- Call no.: PN6728.35.T5T5
Fandom Times. -- Nunica, Mich. : Kevin Collier, 1984-1985. --
   ill. ; 28 cm. -- Published no. 1 (Jan. 1984) - no. 10
   (Spring 1985). -- "The newszine about small press comics."
   -- No. 3-no. 10 published by Fandom Times Organization. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 9-10 (1985). -- Call no.: PN6700.F285
Collier, Kevin Scott, 1957-
"His Brother's Keeper" / Robert L. Kline. 7 p. in Anomaly, no.
   1 (1969). -- Call no.: Call no.: PN6728.45.B8A5no.1
"The Voice in the Garden" / by Harlan Ellison. 1 p. text in
   Anomaly, no. 1 (1969). -- Call no.: Call no.:
"Profile: Archie Goodwin" / by Jerry Weist. 5 p. text in
   Anomaly, no. 1 (1969). -- An interview with Goodwin, and
   samples of Goodwin's cartooning. -- Call no.: Call no.:
"The Homecoming" (Survivors of the Suicide World, episode 1) /
   by J.S. Strnad ; illustrated by Greg Phillips. 7 p. text in
   Anomaly, no. 1 (1969). -- Call no.: Call no.:
Anomaly. -- San Jose, Calif. : Bud Plant, 1969-1972. -- ill. ;
   26-28 cm. -- Published no. 1 - no. 4 -- First issue
   published by Jan Steven Strnad. -- Fantasy genre at first,
   final issue is an underground comic. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1,
   4 (1972). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.B8A5
"Blood and Thunder" p. 3 in The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr.
   2001). -- Letter to the editor from Lee Kirby. -- Call no.:
"All My Favorite Illustrators Are Dead" / Lee Kirby. p. 3 in
   The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). -- (Blood and
   Thunder) -- Letter to the editor. -- Call no.:
"Newswatch" p. 5-24 in The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr.
   2001). -- Contents: "If This Be My Destiny : the Stan Lee
   Story Reaches Chapter 11" p. 5-13 ; "Ten Reasons Why the
   2001 CBLDF Benefit Cruise Ran Aground" p. 14-17 ; "Mickey
   on the Block : Museum Sells Original Art from First Mickey
   Mouse Cartoon to Pay Rent" p. 18 ; "Report from APE 2001"
   p. 19-21 ; "Harveys 2001" p. 22-23 ; "Fred Lasswell Dies at
   84" p. 24 -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
"If This Be My Destiny : the Stan Lee Story Reaches Chapter
   11" / by Michael Dean. p. 5-13 in The Comics Journal, no.
   232 (Apr. 2001). -- (Newswatch) -- Begins: "Stan Lee Media,
   only a few months ago a shining star in the Internet
   firmament, filed for protection under Chapter 11 bankruptcy
   proceedings Feb. 16." -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
"Ten Reasons Why the 2001 CBLDF Benefit Cruise Ran Aground" /
   by Michael Dean. p. 14-17 in The Comics Journal, no. 232
   (Apr. 2001). -- (Newswatch) -- Begins: "For a benefit event
   event of its type, last year's Making Waves Cruise on
   behalf of the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund was universally
   regarded as a great triumph." -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
"Mickey on the Block : Museum Sells Original Art from First
   Mickey Mouse Cartoon to Pay Rent"/ by Michael Rhode.  p. 18
   in The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). -- (Newswatch)
   -- Begins: "The International Museum of Comic Art has
   announced that it is auctioning off artwork from its
   collection to pay its mortgage." -- Call no.:
"Report from APE 2001" / by Austin English. p. 19-21 in The
   Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). -- (Newswatch) --
   Begins: "LowJinx creator Kurt Wolfgang outlined the
   differences between the Alternative Press Expo and The
   Small Press Expo by saying, 'If there were such a thing as
   the 'The American Association of Alternative Comics,' SPX
   would be their official event, and APE would be the really
   cool fundraiser flea market.'" -- Call no.:
"Harveys 2001 : Madmen and Millionaires Join Usual Suspects
   Chris Ware, Dan Clowes and Alan Moore" / by Gil Jordan. p.
   22-23 in The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). --
   (Newswatch) -- Lists  the Harvey Award nominees for 2001.
   -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
"Fred Lasswell Dies at 84" / by Greg Stump. p. 24 in The
   Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). -- (Newswatch) --
   Lasswell died March 4, 2001. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
"Viva la Comix" p. 26-27 in The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr.
   2001). -- Includes a swipe file (Jack Cole and David
   Collier), and miscellanea about Joe Sacco, Sam Henderson,
   et al. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
"Reviews" p. 29-40 in The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001).
   -- Contents: "Zot! Online by Scott McCloud" p. 29 ; "The
   Comic in the Age of Digital Reproduction" p. 30-31 ;
   "McCloud Cuckoo-Land" p. 32-40 -- Call no.:
"Zot! Online by Scott McCloud" / by David Groenewegen. p. 29
   in The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). -- (Reviews) --
   Review of www.comicbookresources.com -- Call no.:
"The Comic in the Age of Digital Reproduction" / by Anne
   Elizabeth Moore.p. 30-31 in The Comics Journal, no. 232
   (Apr. 2001). -- (Reviews) -- Review of Comics.com,
   Artcomic.com and cOiNTEL.de -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
"McCloud Cuckoo-Land" / by Gary Groth. p. 32-40 in The Comics
   Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). -- (Reviews) -- Review essay
   on Scott McCloud's Reinventing Comics. -- Call no.:
"Hit List" p. 42-43 in The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr.
   2001). -- Brief reviews of webcomics by Sam Brown, Jason
   Shiga, Gary Leib, Andrew Nord, Ben Jones, Ron Regé Jr.,
   Eric Pigor, and Ethan Persoff. -- Reviewers are Sarah
   Kavage, Bill Randall, Matt Silvie, Bruce Gray, Anne
   Elizabeth Moore, and Brad Angell. -- Call no.:
"Why Online Animation Should Not Be Tomorrow's Television" /
   by Mark Fearing. p. 44-45 in The Comics Journal, no. 232
   (Apr. 2001). -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
"Lone Star Comix Online" / by Larry Rodman. p. 46-47 in The
   Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). -- Call no.:
"Format Wars : What Cartoonists Can Learn from Other Media in
   the Digital Age" / by Dirk Deppey. p. 48-50 in The Comics
   Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). -- Compares music, video  and
   open source programming online to cartooning online. --
   Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
"Steve Conley's Astounding Cyberspace Thrills" / by Michael
   Dean. p. 51-58 in The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001).
   -- Interview with creator of www.astoundingcpacethrills.com
   webcomic. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
"Hear Him Roar : Rick Veitch on Toon Culture, Living Ideas and
   Immersive Interactive Virtual Reality" / by Michael Dean.
   p. 59-63 in The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). --
   Interview, "host-editor" of comicon.com -- Call no.:
"Scott McCloud, Still Thinking" / by Charles Hatfield. p.
   64-79 in The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). --
   Interview "about the theory and practice of McCloud's
   online comics and prospects for the future potential of
   true digital comics." -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
"A Silly Litttle Coat Hanger for Fart Jokes : Talkin' Comics
   with Leisuretown.com's Tristan A Farnon" / by Jordan
   Crane." p. 80-89 in The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr.
   2001). -- Interview. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
"Mark Martin: Burnin' Rubber" / by Matt Silvie. p. 90-91 in
   The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). -- Interview about
   his webcomics. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
"Spain : Kicking and Screaming" / by Gary Groth. p. 92 in The
   Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). -- Interview about his
   webcomics. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
"Peter Bagge Sucks" / by Gary Groth. p. 93-94 in The Comics
   Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). -- Interview about his
   webcomics. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
"Renée French : Between Oh-So-Sweet and Oh-My-God" / by Anne
   Elizabeth Moore. p. 94-95 in The Comics Journal, no. 232
   (Apr. 2001). -- Interview about her webcomics. -- Call no.:
"History of Comics Fandom, part 3" / by Ted White. p. 97-100
   in The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). -- Call no.:
"The State of the Art Drawing of the Comic Strip : a Hopeful
   Interim Report" / by R.C. Harvey. p. 101-106 in The Comics
   Journal, no. 232 (Apr. 2001). -- (Comicopia) -- Call no.:
"The Postcredal Epoch and the Death of Truth" / by Kenneth
   Smith. p. 110-113 in The Comics Journal, no. 232 (Apr.
   2001). -- (EndTimes) -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.232
San Diego Comic-Con Comics. -- Milwaukie, OR : Dark Horse
   Comics, 1992-1995. -- ill. ; 26 cm. -- Published no. 1
   (1992) - no. 4 (1995). -- Promotional comic for the San
   Diego Comic-Con. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 4. -- Call no.:
Wildstorm Thunderbook. -- La Jolla, Calif. : WildStorm
   Productions, 2000. -- 64 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- "#1".
   -- Superhero genre. -- Call no.: PN6728.7.W5W5 2000
Wildcats : Ladytron / written by Joe Casey ; penciled by Eric
   Canete with Jason Johnson ; inked by Mark Irwin, Mark
   McKenna, Arthur Nichols, Luke Rizzo, Joe Rubinstein, and
   Juan Vlasco. -- La Jolla, CA : WildStorm Productions, 2000.
   -- 48 p. : col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Superheroine genre. --
   Call no.: PN6728.7.W5W47 2000
Attaboy, Mr Fla. -- Chicago, IL : TKA Komiks, 1988. -- 8 p. :
   ill. ; 11 cm. -- By T. Kevin Atherton. -- A new wave mini
   comic. -- Call no.: PN6728.55.T49A75 1988
"Tubs" / by Vaughn Bodé. 4 p. in Junkwaffel, no. 1 (1971). --
   "Continued next issue." -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7J8no.1
"Machines" / by Vaughn Fredric Bodé. 21 p. in Junkwaffel, no.
   1 (1971). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7J8no.1
"BMH" 3 p. in Junkwaffel, no. 1 (1971). -- By Vaughn Bodé. --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.P7J8no.1
"Up in the Steeple : a Comedy in 3 Pages" / by Vaughn F. Bodé.
   3 p. in Junkwaffel, no. 1 (1971). -- Call no.:
"Sea, Gull & Mouse" / by Vaughn Bodé. 1 p. in Junkwaffel, no.
   1 (1971). -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7J8no.1
"The Roach Killer, part 3" / by Jacques Tardi and Benjamin
   Legrand ; lettering by Monisha Sheth. p. 3-11 in Cheval
   Noir, no. 12 (Oct. 1990). -- "To be continued." -- Call
   no.: PN6720.C47no.12
"Post Apocalypse" / by Phil Elliott. p. 12 in Cheval Noir, no.
   12 (Oct. 1990). -- Call no.: PN6720.C47no.12
"Of Dreams, Star-Gazing, and Certain Other Things About Which
   Decency Requires Discretion" (The Tower, part 4) / by
   Schuiten & Peeters ; lettering by Rachael Rodrigo. p. 13-31
   in Cheval Noir, no. 12 (Oct. 1990). -- "To be continued."
   -- Call no.: PN6720.C47no.12
"Convention" / by Brian Bolland. p. 32 in Cheval Noir, no. 12
   (Oct. 1990). -- Call no.: PN6720.C47no.12
"Address to a Leech" (The Eyeball Kid, episode 5) / by Eddie
   Campbell & Ed Hillyer. p. 32-41 in Cheval Noir, no. 12
   (Oct. 1990). -- Art signed: Ilya. -- "To be continued." --
   Call no.: PN6720.C47no.12
"The Story of Aimee McPherson : Traditional Ballad" /
   illustrated by by Rick Geary. p. 42-44 in Cheval Noir, no.
   12 (Oct. 1990). -- Call no.: PN6720.C47no.12
Mcpherson Aimee Semple, 1890-1944.
"Prevue" p. 45-49 in Cheval Noir, no. 12 (Oct. 1990). --
   Coming attractions. -- Call no.: PN6720.C47no.12
"Delirius : the Further Adventures of Lone Sloane, chapter 6"
   / by Philippe Druillet & Jacques Lob ; lettering by Kurt
   Hathaway. p. 51-64 in Cheval Noir, no. 12 (Oct. 1990). --
   Final chapter. -- Call no.: PN6720.C47no.12
"Tubs" / by Vaughn Bodé. 4 p. in Junkwaffel, no. 2 (1972). --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.P7J8no.2
"Thirteenth Semester Begins"* (Cheech Wizard in His Student
   Days) / by Vaughn Bodé. 1 p. in Junkwaffel, no. 2 (1972).
   -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7J8no.2
"The Rudolf" / Vaughn Bodé. 5 p. in Junkwaffel, no. 2 (1972).
   -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7J8no.2
"Cobalt 60" / by Vaughn Bodé. 10 p. in Junkwaffel, no. 2
   (1972). -- Begins: "In the late afternoon, a light breeze
   comes down over the high mountains and endless canyons." --
   Call no.: PN6728.45.P7J8no.2
"God's Divine Option"* (Cheech Wizard in His Student Days) /
   by Vaughn Bodé. 3 p. in Junkwaffel, no. 2 (1972). --
   Summary: Cheech Wizard creates life, and plans to sell him
   as a professor, but then its brain blows out so he plans to
   market him as either a coach or a football. -- Call no.:
"War Lizard" / Vaughn Bodé. 9 p. in Junkwaffel, no. 2 (1972).
   -- Call no.: PN6728.45.P7J8no.2
Kare Kano : His and Her Circumstances / by Masami Tsuda ;
   translator, Jack Niida ; English adaptation, Darcy Lockman.
   -- Los Angeles, Calif. : Tokyopop, 2003- . -- ill. ; 19 cm.
   -- "First published in Japan in 1996 by Hakusensha, Inc.
   Tokyo." -- Translation of: Kareshi Kanojo no Jijô. --
   Romance genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: v. 1-9. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.J33 T724K3 2003
International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004)
   CONTENTS: "My Life as a Cartoon Character" (Patch Adams) p.
   1-29 -- "Notes on the Early Decades of Italian Comic Art"
   p. 30-77 -- "Guido Crepax : A Memorial Tribute" p. 78-89 --
   "Private Vice and Public Virtue : Political Cartoons as
   'Opprobrious Discourse' Against Grover Cleveland During the
   1884 Presidential Campaign" p. 90-117 -- "The Bush-Blair
   Duo Before 2003 Iraqi War : Cartoons from London
   Newspapers" p. 118-137 -- "Globalizing Comic Books from
   Below : How Manga Came to America" p. 138-171 -- "Der
   Fuehrer's Animation" p. 172-181 -- "Holocaust Avengers :
   From 'The Master Race' to Magneto" p. 182-194 -- "The Cold
   War and Belgian Comics (1945-1991)" p. 195-204 -- "What
   Your Children are Reading" p. 205-221 -- "The Cartoonist as
   Iconoclast : Flaubertian Irony and Media Parody in Pierre
   La Police's Comics" p. 222-237 -- "XXIst Century Graphic
   Novels : a Voyage with Edmond Baudoin" p. 238-253 -- "The
   Maestro of Belleville : Benoît Charest" p. 254-265 --
   "Memories that Don't Weaken : Seth and Walter Benjamin" p.
   266-272 -- "An Interview with Dan Mitsui, Dartmouth
   College's Graphic Novelist" p. 273-284 -- "Follow My Nose :
   Self-Caricature in the Cartoons of the Yiddish Press" p.
   285-303 -- "Supercrip : Disability and the Marvel Silver
   Age Superhero" p. 304-324 -- "300 and Two : Frank Miller
   and Daniel Ford Interpret Herodotus's Thermopylae Myth" p.
   325-349 -- "We Have All Been Sentenced : Language as Means
   of Control in Grant Morrison's Invisibles" p. 350-363 --
   "There'll Be Others Converging : Fighting American, the
   Other, and 'Governing' Bodies" p. 364-375 -- "A Master
   Animator : Yasuji Mori's Works for Children" p. 376-391 --
   "Growing Up Japanese Reading Manga" p. 392-403 -- "Sluts
   for a Story : Narrative and Comics in Patricia Seaman's New
   Motor Queen City" p. 404-414 -- "Chop Suey : Cartoons about
   the Japanese Occupation and National Education in
   Singapore" p. 415-430 -- "Allies Cartoon Humor in World War
   II : A Comparison of 'Willie and Joe' and 'Bluey and
   Curley'" p. 431-444 -- "The Deranged Episode : Ironic
   Dissimulation in the Domestic Scenes of Edward Gorey's
   Short Stories" p. 445-455 -- "The Printed Word" (new books
   listed) p. 456-457 -- "Book Reviews" p. 458-463 --
   "Exhibition Reviews" p. 464-471 -- "Critical Closure" p.
   472-476 -- "Portfolio" p. 477-483, 490 -- Call no.:
"My Life as a Cartoon Character" / Patch Adams. p. 1-29 in
   International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- Includes illustrations. -- Call no.:
"Notes on the Early Decades of Italian Comic Art" / Fabio
   Gadducci. p. 30-77 in International Journal of Comic Art,
   v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- Covers the 1840s through 1930s.
   -- Includes bibliographical references and illustrations.
   -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"Guido Crepax : A Memorial Tribute" / Maurice Horn. p. 78-89
   in International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- Includes bibliographical references and
   illustrations. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"Private Vice and Public Virtue : Political Cartoons as
   'Opprobrious Discourse' Against Grover Cleveland During the
   1884 Presidential Campaign" / Harlen Makemson. p. 90-117 in
   International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- Includes bibliographical references and
   illustrations. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"The Bush-Blair Duo Before 2003 Iraqi War : Cartoons from
   London Newspapers" / Karon Reinboth Speckman. p. 118-137 in
   International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- Includes bibliographical references and
   illustrations. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"Globalizing Comic Books from Below : How Manga Came to
   America" / Leonard Rifas. p. 138-171 in International
   Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- Summary:
   Article about the first U.S. publication of Keiji
   Nakazawa's Gen of Hiroshima, by EduComics. -- Includes
   bibliographical endnotes and illustrations. -- Call no.:
"Der Fuehrer's Animation : Animation and Propaganda in the
   German Reich" / Matthias Schneider ; translated by Annette
   Gentz. p. 172-181 in International Journal of Comic Art, v.
   6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- Includes bibliographical
   references and illustrations. -- Call no.:
"Holocaust Avengers : From 'The Master Race' to Magneto" /
   Kathrin Bower. p. 182-194 in International Journal of Comic
   Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- Includes bibliographical
   references and illustrations. -- Call no.:
"The Cold War and Belgian Comics (1945-1991)" / Pascal
   Lefèvre. p. 195-204 in International Journal of Comic Art,
   v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- Includes bibliographical
   references and illustrations. -- Call no.:
"What Your Children are Reading" / Joel E. Vessels. p. 205-221
   in International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- Article on comics and cultural context of comics
   in France before World War II. -- Includes bibliographical
   references and illustrations. -- Call no.:
"The Cartoonist as Iconoclast : Flaubertian Irony and Media
   Parody in Pierre La Police's Comics" / Fabrice Leroy ;
   Livio Belloï. p. 222-237 in International Journal of Comic
   Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- Includes bibliographical
   references and illustrations. -- Call no.:
"XXIst Century Graphic Novels : a Voyage with Edmond Baudoin"
   / Dominique Le Duc. p. 238-253 in International Journal of
   Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- Includes
   bibliographical references and illustrations. -- Call no.:
"The Maestro of Belleville : Benoît Charest" / Marc
   Weidenbaum. p. 254-265 in International Journal of Comic
   Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- Article about French
   animated film Triplettes de Belleville, which is almost
   without dialogue. Includes interview with composer Benoît
   Charest. -- Includes illustrations. -- Call no.:
"Memories that Don't Weaken : Seth and Walter Benjamin" /
   Barbara Postema. p. 266-272 in International Journal of
   Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- About Seth's comic,
   It's a Good Life If You Don't Weaken. -- Includes
   bibliographical references and illustrations. -- Call no.:
"An Interview with Dan Mitsui, Dartmouth College's Graphic
   Novelist" / David Ehrlich. p. 273-284 in International
   Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- Includes
   illustrations. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"Follow My Nose : Self-Caricature in the Cartoons of the
   Yiddish Press" / Edward Portnoy. p. 285-303 in
   International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- Includes bibliographical references and
   illustrations. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"Supercrip : Disability and the Marvel Silver Age Superhero" /
   José Alaniz. p. 304-324 in International Journal of Comic
   Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- Includes bibliographical
   references and illustrations. -- Call no.:
"300 and Two : Frank Miller and Daniel Ford Interpret
   Herodotus's Thermopylae Myth" / Tim Blackmore. p. 325-349
   in International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- Article about the comic book 300 (Frank Miller)
   and the novel Go Tell the Spartans (Incident at Muc Wa)
   (Daniel Ford). -- Includes bibliographical references and
   illustrations. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"We Have All Been Sentenced : Language as Means of Control in
   Grant Morrison's Invisibles" / Stephen Rauch. p. 350-363 in
   International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- Includes bibliographical references and
   illustrations. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"There'll Be Others Converging : Fighting American, the Other,
   and 'Governing' Bodies" / James Bucky Carter. p. 364-375 in
   International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- Article about Joe Simon and Jack Kirby's
   "Fighting American" comics series. -- Includes
   bibliographical references and illustrations. -- Call no.:
"A Master Animator : Yasuji Mori's Works for Children" / Masao
   Yokota. p. 376-391 in International Journal of Comic Art,
   v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- Includes bibliographical
   references and illustrations. -- Call no.:
Mori, Yasuji, 1925-
"Growing Up Japanese Reading Manga" / Kinko Ito. p. 392-403 in
   International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- Includes bibliographical references. -- Call no.:
"Sluts for a Story : Narrative and Comics in Patricia Seaman's
   New Motor Queen City" / Vivian Zenari. p. 404-414 in
   International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- Includes bibliographical references and
   illustrations. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"Chop Suey : Cartoons about the Japanese Occupation and
   National Education in Singapore" / Lim Cheng Tju. p.
   415-430 in International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2
   (Fall 2004). -- Chop Suey is a work of cartoons by Liu
   Kang. -- Includes bibliographical references and
   illustrations. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
Liu, Kang, 1911-
"Allies Cartoon Humor in World War II : A Comparison of
   'Willie and Joe' and 'Bluey and Curley'" / Carmen Moran. p.
   431-444 in International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2
   (Fall 2004). -- Compares cartoons of the American Bill
   Mauldin and the Australian Alex Guerney. -- Includes
   bibliographical references and illustrations. -- Call no.:
"The Deranged Episode : Ironic Dissimulation in the Domestic
   Scenes of Edward Gorey's Short Stories" / Mark T. Rusch. p.
   445-455 in International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2
   (Fall 2004). -- Includes bibliographical references. --
   Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"The Printed Word" / John A. Lent. p. 456-457 in International
   Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- Lists new
   books received by the editor -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"Book Reviews" p. 458-463 in International Journal of Comic
   Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- Contents: "Superman on the
   Couch" p. 458-460 ; "It Was A Dark And Silly Night" p.
   461-463 -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"Superman on the Couch" / A. David Lewis. p. 458-460 in
   International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- (Book Reviews) -- Review of the book written by
   Danny Fingeroth. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"It Was A Dark And Silly Night" / Ana Merino. p. 461-463 in
   International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- (Book Reviews) -- Review of the book edited by
   Art Spiegelman and Françoise Mouly, in their series Little
   Lit. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"Exhibition Reviews" p. 464-471 in International Journal of
   Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- Contents: "James
   Pyman : Wilf, a Life in Pictures" p. 464-466 ; "Bazooka
   Retrospective, 1975-80" p. 466-468 ; "Humor's Edge :
   Cartoons by Ann Telnaes" p. 469 ; "The Comix : Cartoons as
   Art" p. 470-471 -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"James Pyman : Wilf, a Life in Pictures" / Ivy Garlitz. p.
   464-466 in International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2
   (Fall 2004). -- (Exhibition Reviews) -- Reviews an
   exhibition held at the Norwich Gallery, Norwich, U.K., in
   April and May 2004. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"Bazooka Retrospective, 1975-80" / Roger Sabin. p. 466-468 in
   International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- (Exhibition Reviews) -- Reviews an exhibition
   held at the Périscopages Festival in Rennes, France, May
   and June 2004. -- The Bazooka Group's comics are here
   called "punk comics." -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"Humor's Edge : Cartoons by Ann Telnaes" / Michael Rhode. p.
   469 in International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2
   (Fall 2004). -- (Exhibition Reviews) -- Reviews an
   exhibition at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.,
   June - Sept. 2004, curated by Harry Katz and Martha
   Kennedy. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"The Comix : Cartoons as Art" / Stephen Rauch. p. 470-471 in
   International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall
   2004). -- (Exhibition Reviews) -- Reviews an exhibition
   held in the City Hall of Philadelphia, Penn., June - Sept.
   2004, curated by Cavin Jones. -- Call no.:
"Critical Closure" / compiled by Gene Kannenberg, Jr. p.
   472-476 in International Journal of Comic Art, v. 6, no. 2
   (Fall 2004). -- News of upcoming conferences, etc. -- Call
   no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
"Portfolio" p. 477-483, 490 in International Journal of Comic
   Art, v. 6, no. 2 (Fall 2004). -- Cartoons by Lat, Ding
   Cong, Nikahang Kowsar, Suresh Sawant, Huseyin Çakmak, Jorge
   Neves, Lauzán, Winfried Besslich, Den Coy Miel,, and Wang
   Fuyang. -- Call no.: PN6700.I54v.6no.2
The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001)
   CONTENTS: "Blood and Thunder" (letters) p. 3-4 --
   "Newswatch" p. 6-19 -- "Viva la Comix!" p. 24-25
   --"Reviews" p. 27-35 -- "Goethe and The Little Asshole : an
   Overview of German Comics" p. 37-39 -- "Long-Distance
   Cartooning : Turkey's Salih Memecan" p. 40-41 -- "Survival
   is Name of Game for Cuban Cartoonists" p. 41-42 -- "Man Hua
   : Cartoons and Comics in China Before 1949" p. 43-45 --
   "Peanuts? No, Linus : Sparky and the Damned Intellectuals"
   p. 45 -- "Iran, a Country Teeming with Cartoonists" p.
   46-48 -- "The Rock-and-a-Hard-Place Options of Cartooning
   in Southern Africa" p. 49-51 -- "The Velvet Gloves are Off
   : A Boring Interview with Ghost World's Daniel Clowes" p.
   52-77 -- "Waxing Politic with Seth Tobocman" (interview) p.
   78-102 -- "The Graphic Novel, Will Eisner, and Other
   Pioneers" (Comicopia) p. 103-106 -- "The History of Fandom,
   part 4" p. 107-109 -- "Anke Feuchtenberger" (Euro Comics
   for Beginners) p. 110-113 -- "An International View :
   Tripwire, and Just Comics and More" (Meet the Comics Press)
   p. 114-115 -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"We Interrupt This Program"* (Conchy, July 24, 1972) / by
   James Childress. p. 1 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no.
   1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: The announcement is that
   World War III has broken out, but the announcement is soon
   corrected to say the missiles are all headed for orbit
   around the planet Pluto. -- Call no.: oversize
"Bludgeoning Would Probably Take Forever"* (Conchy, July 25,
   1972) / by James Childress. p. 1 of The Menomonee Falls
   Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: World War III
   is postponed until the missiles get back from Pluto. --
   Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"Middle America Rides Again"* (Conchy, July 26, 1972) / by
   James Childress. p. 1 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no.
   1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: TV viewers have a choice
   between news about World War III and Green Acres. -- Call
   no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"What the Heck's the Older Generation Coming To?"* (Conchy,
   July 27, 1972) / by James Childress. p. 1 of The Menomonee
   Falls Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: Conchy
   wonders about world leaders and why they started World War
   III. -- Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"When You're the Prime Ingredient of a Oyster Stew, You Don't
   Sweat the Small Stuff"* (Conchy, July 28, 1972) / by James
   Childress. p. 1 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 1
   (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: An oyster is not worried about
   World War III. -- Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"World War III Has Been Cancelled"* (Conchy, July 29, 1972) /
   by James Childress. p. 1 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian,
   no. 1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: They've lost the
   missiles. -- Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"This Town Needs a New Look"* (Tumbleweeds, June 11, 1973) /
   by Tom K. Ryan. p. 2 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 1
   (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: Judge Frump thinks Grimy Gulch
   is a disgrace. -- Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"Each Citizen Will Submit Names, and I Shall Vote on for the
   One I Like!"* (Tumbleweeds, June 12, 1973) / by Tom K.
   Ryan. p. 2 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 1 (June 28,
   1973). -- Summary: Judge Frump wants a new name for the
   town, chosen in the democratic way. -- Call no.: oversize
"Tax Shelter"* (Tumbleweeds, June 13, 1973) / by Tom K. Ryan.
   p. 2 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 1 (June 28,
   1973). -- Summary: Ace has a suggestion for a name for the
   town that will attract the affluent. -- Call no.: oversize
"Garden of Memories"* (Tumbleweeds, June 14, 1973) / by Tom K.
   Ryan. p. 2 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 1 (June 28,
   1973). -- Summary: The undertaker, Claude Clay, has a
   suggestion for a new town name. -- Call no.: oversize
"Niagara Falls"* (Tumbleweeds, June 15, 1973) / by Tom K.
   Ryan. p. 2 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 1 (June 28,
   1973). -- Summary: Hildegard thinks her idea for a new town
   name would save money on their honeymoon trip. -- Call no.:
   oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"I've Narrowed It Down To Three"* (Tumbleweeds, June 16, 1973)
   / by Tom K. Ryan. p. 2 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no.
   1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: Judge Frump has considered
   the suggestions, and Grimy Gulch's new name will be
   Frumpville, Frumpsburg, or Frumpton. -- Call no.: oversize
"Tumbleweeds is Winner in Old Town of Losers" / by Beth
   Slocum. p. 4-6, 11 in The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 1
   (June 28, 1973) ; reprinted from the Milwaukee Journal. --
   Summary: Article on the comic strip Tumbleweeds, quoting
   creator Tom Ryan, with a photograph of Ryan. -- Call no.:
   oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"This is Great Transportation"* (Sally Bananas, June 11, 1973)
   / by C. Barsotti. p. 5 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no.
   1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: Sally rides a magic flying
   horse. -- Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"It's Your Vivid Childish Imagination"* (Sally Bananas, June
   12, 1973) / by C. Barsotti. p. 5 of The Menomonee Falls
   Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: The magic
   flying horse doesn't know where they're going. -- Call no.:
   oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"Other Kids Have Imaginary Playmates"* (Sally Bananas, June
   13, 1973) / by C. Barsotti. p. 5 of The Menomonee Falls
   Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: Sally seems to
   have landed in a looney bin. -- Call no.: oversize
"A Built-In Chamber of Commerce"* (Sally Bananas, June 14,
   1973) / by C. Barsotti. p. 5 of The Menomonee Falls
   Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: Sally says
   she's in a weird place, and the place objects. -- Call no.:
   oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"I'm the Country of Gallimaufry"* (Sally Bananas, June 15,
   1973) / by C. Barsotti. p. 5 of The Menomonee Falls
   Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: Sally talks to
   the country. -- Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"I Remember the Centuries I Spent as an Apprentice Barnyard"*
   (Sally Bananas, June 16, 1973) / by C. Barsotti. p. 5 of
   The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). --
   Summary: Gallimaufry hasn't always been a country. -- Call
   no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"Star Reporter" (Thimble Theatre Starring Popeye, July 10,
   1933) / by Segar. p. 7 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no.
   1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: Begins a new story, "the
   adventures of Popeye and Wimpy on a great metropolitan
   newspaper." -- Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"Have You an Education?" (Thimble Theatre Starring Popeye,
   July 11, 1933) / by Segar. p. 7 of The Menomonee Falls
   Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: Popeye buys
   part of the newspaper, fires the star reporter because he
   wants to be the star reporter. -- Call no.: oversize
"Newspaper Work is Very Fascinating, Don't You Think, Isn't
   It?"*  (Thimble Theatre Starring Popeye, July 12, 1933) /
   by Segar. p. 7 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 1 (June
   28, 1973). -- Summary: Popeye as star reporter, and Wimpy
   as photographer, head out to find some news. -- Call no.:
   oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"Ahoy, Wimpy, Get a Pitcher of Him Fallin'* (Thimble Theatre
   Starring Popeye, July 13, 1933) / by Segar. p. 7 of The
   Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). --
   Summary: Popeye knocks a man down to create some news for
   the newspaper. -- Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"How Do Ya Spell Moonyzipple?"* (Thimble Theatre Starring
   Popeye, July 14, 1933) / by Segar. p. 7 of The Menomonee
   Falls Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: Popeye
   tries to write up his news story about an unconscious man
   found near the municipal building. -- Call no.: oversize
"This is the Heavyweight Champ of Europe!"* (Thimble Theatre
   Starring Popeye, July 15, 1933) / by Segar. p. 7 of The
   Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). --
   Summary: Editor Sizzlegood recognizes the man Popeye
   knocked down to create news. -- Call no.: oversize
"High Fence of Wall Board"* (The Squirrel Cage, Nov. 28, 1937)
   / Gene Ahern. p. 14 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 1
   (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: The Little Hitch-Hiker is
   undeterred by the new fence, and draws himself a train. --
   Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"A Snow-Storm Has Started" (The Squirrel Cage, Dec. 12, 1937)
   / Gene Ahern. p. 14 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 1
   (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: The Little Hitch-Hiker builds
   a snowman to hitchhike in his place. -- Call no.: oversize
"Lord of the Fiery Dragon" (Romeo Brown, S38) / by Peter
   O'Donnell & Jim Holdaway. p. 15 of The Menomonee Falls
   Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: Begins a new
   story, "in the office of Max Fingle, theatrical tycoon." --
   Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"Miss Peach, Legs, Please!"* (Romeo Brown, S39) / by Peter
   O'Donnell & Jim Holdaway. p. 15 of The Menomonee Falls
   Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: Max Fingle
   demonstrates that Romeo Brown is easily distracted. -- Call
   no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"I Got Some Trouble That Don't Involve Any Dames!"* (Romeo
   Brown, S40) / by Peter O'Donnell & Jim Holdaway. p. 15 of
   The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). --
   Summary: Miss Peach agrees this is a job for Romeo Brown.
   -- Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"We Know Nothing about any Jade, or the Fiery Dragon"* (Romeo
   Brown, S41) / by Peter O'Donnell & Jim Holdaway. p. 15 of
   The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). --
   Summary: Tin Ling, a "fifth-rate Chinese illusionist," is
   in trouble and Romeo Brown gets the case. -- Call no.:
   oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"The Show Must Go On!"* (Romeo Brown, S42) / by Peter
   O'Donnell & Jim Holdaway. p. 15 of The Menomonee Falls
   Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: Tin Ling's
   troubles have to be settled. -- Call no.: oversize
"Miss North Pole, 1959"* (Romeo Brown, S43) / by Peter
   O'Donnell & Jim Holdaway. p. 15 of The Menomonee Falls
   Guardian, no. 1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: Fingle sends
   Miss Peach along to check out Tin Ling's act. -- Call no.:
   oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"The Return of Jornie Bignose" (Jornie Bignose, June 10, 1973)
   / Tiefenbacher. p. 16 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no.
   1 (June 28, 1973). -- Summary: The characters speculate on
   the nature of something called Human Beings. -- Call no.:
   oversize PN6726.M582no.1
"Blood and Thunder" p. 3-4 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May
   2001). -- Letters to the editor from Seth, Bill Griffith,
   Mark Martin, Kenn Thomas, John Barber, and internet notes
   from Chris Ekman, Tom Spurgeon, Josh Farkas, Mitchell
   Duvall, Zack Soto, John Roberson, and Tom Beland. -- Call
   no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Really Flawed Accuracy" / Seth. p. 3 in The Comics Journal,
   no. 233 (May 2001). -- (Blood and Thunder) -- Letter to the
   editor, with response by R.C. Harvey. -- Call no.:
"Reinventing Scott McCloud" / Bill Griffith. p. 3 in The
   Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). -- (Blood and Thunder)
   -- Letter to the editor with a strip, "Reinventing Zippy."
   -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Everybody Likes Cake!" / Mark Martin. p. 3 in The Comics
   Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). -- (Blood and Thunder) --
   Letter to the editor correcting his interview. -- Call no.:
"In Groth's Defense" / Kenn Thomas. p. 3 in The Comics
   Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). -- (Blood and Thunder) --
   Letter to the editor. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"The Internet Issue (TCJ #232)" / John Barber, p. 3-4 in The
   Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). -- (Blood and Thunder)
   -- Letter to the editor on webcomics. -- Call no.:
"Newswatch" p. 6-19 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001).
   -- Contents: "Who Killed Stan Lee Media? Peter Paul Tells
   His Side of the Story" p. 6-9 ; "B.C. Inspires 2001 A.D.
   Controversy" p. 10-12 ; "Obscenity Conviction of Italian
   Comics Publisher Overturned" p. 13 ; "Starwatcher
   Stalemate" p. 14-15 ; "Animation Giant William Hanna Dead
   at 90" p. 16 ; "Ed 'Big Daddy' Roth" Throws a Rod at 69" p.
   17 ; "Mischa Richter, Cartoonist and Painter, Dies at 90"
   p. 18 ; "Pioneering Comics Retailer John Barrett Dies at
   50" p. 18 ; "Diverse Eisner Nominations Announced" p. 19 --
   Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Who Killed Stan Lee Media? Peter Paul Tells His Side of the
   Story" / by Michael Dean. p. 6-9 in The Comics Journal, no.
   233 (May 2001). -- (Newswatch) -- Call no.:
"B.C. Inspires 2001 A.D. Controversy" / by Tom Spurgeon. p.
   10-12 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). --
   (Newswatch) -- About the B.C. strip for Easter 2001, which
   combines Christian and Jewish symbols. -- Call no.:
"Obscenity Conviction of Italian Comics Publisher Overturned"
   / by Michael Dean. p. 13 in The Comics Journal, no. 233
   (May 2001). -- (Newswatch) -- Begins: "After being
   sentenced to a month in jail and a 2,000,000-lire fine for
   publishing Miguel Martin's disturbing graphic album,
   Psychopathia Sexualis, in Italy, Edizione Topolin owner
   Jorge Vacca was exonerated in March by the Italian Superme
   Court." -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Starwatcher Stalemate : Lawsuits between Moebius and
   Lofficier Span Two Continents" / by Michael Dean. p. 14-15
   in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). -- (Newswatch)
   -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Animation Giant William Hanna Dead at 90" / by Greg Stump. p.
   16 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). --
   (Newswatch) -- Hanna was born July 14, 1910 and died March
   23, 2001. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Ed 'Big Daddy' Roth" Throws a Rod at 69" / by Larry Reid. p.
   17 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). --
   (Newswatch) -- Roth died April 4, 2001. -- Call no.:
"Mischa Richter, Cartoonist and Painter, Dies at 90" / by Greg
   Stump. p. 18 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). --
   (Newswatch) -- Richter was born in 1910 and died March 23,
   2001. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Pioneering Comics Retailer John Barrett Dies at 50" / by
   Michelle Nolan. p. 18 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May
   2001). -- (Newswatch) -- Barrett, a founder of Comics and
   Comix, died March 14, 2001. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Diverse Eisner Nominations Announced" / by Matt Silvie. p. 19
   in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). -- (Newswatch)
   -- Lists the nominations for the 2000 Eisner Awards. --
   Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Viva la Comix!" p. 24-25 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May
   2001). -- Miscellanea about Ghost World, Dan Clowes, Kevin
   Smith, Kenneth Smith, etc. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Reviews" p. 27-35 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001).
   -- Contents: "Guido Crepax : German Editions of Italian
   Pornography" p. 27 ; "Norwegian Mjau Mjau : Surmounting the
   Language Barrier" p. 28 ; "Umezu Kazuo : Japanese Overtures
   to Madness and Death" p. 28-32 ; "Adult Manga : May I See
   Some ID?" p. 32-33 ; "World Comics : Finland Provides
   Cartoons for the World" p. 33 ; "A Different World : an
   Overview of Bonelli Comics, part 1" p. 33-35 ;
   "Mini-Reviews" p. 35 -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Guido Crepax : German Editions of Italian Pornography" / by
   David Miller. p. 27 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May
   2001). -- (Reviews) -- Reviews Taschen reprints of Justine,
   The Story of O, Emmanuelle, Bianca, and Venus in Furs, all
   by Guido Crepax. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Norwegian Mjau Mjau : Surmounting the Language Barrier" / by
   David A. Beronä. p. 28 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May
   2001). -- (Reviews) -- Reviews issues of the comic book
   Mjau Mjau, by Jason Jippi Vorlag. -- Call no.:
"Umezu Kazuo : Japanese Overtures to Madness and Death" / by
   Ng Suat Tong. p. 28-32 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May
   2001). -- (Reviews) -- Reviews comics by Umezu Kazuo,
   including The Floating Classroom. -- Call no.:
"Adult Manga : May I See Some ID?"/ by Bill Randall. p. 32-33
   in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). -- (Reviews) --
   reviews the book Adult Manga (Sharon Kinsella). -- Call
   no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"World Comics : Finland Provides Cartoons for the World" / by
   Leonard Rifas. p. 33 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May
   2001). -- (Reviews) -- Begins: "World Comics, a committee
   organization founded in Finland in 1997, is a contact and
   action network for people who want to promote the use of
   comics as a means for social change." -- Call no.:
"A Different World : an Overview of Bonelli Comics, part 1" /
   by Stefano Priarone. p. 33-35 in The Comics Journal, no.
   233 (May 2001). -- (Reviews) -- Begins a history of the
   Italian comics publisher. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Mini-Reviews" p. 35 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May
   2001). -- (Reviews) -- One-word reviews of: Kichkanni ;
   Rare Zombie Comix ; The Launchpad ; Crude #0-6 ; Feathered
   Friends #3. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Goethe and The Little Asshole : an Overview of German Comics"
   / by Jochen Garcke. p. 37-39 in The Comics Journal, no. 233
   (May 2001). -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Long-Distance Cartooning : Turkey's Salih Memecan" / by John
   A. Lent. p. 40-41 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May
   2001). -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Survival is Name of Game for Cuban Cartoonists" / by John A.
   Lent. p. 41-42 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001).
   -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Man Hua : Cartoons and Comics in China Before 1949" / by
   Hongying Liu-Lengyei. p. 43-45 in The Comics Journal, no.
   233 (May 2001). -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Peanuts? No, Linus : Sparky and the Damned Intellectuals" /
   p. 45 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). -- Article
   on the Italian comics magazine Linus (1965- ) which printed
   Schulz's Peanuts in translation, among other things. --
   Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"Iran, a Country Teeming with Cartoonists" / by John A. Lent.
   p. 46-48 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). -- Call
   no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"The Rock-and-a-Hard-Place Options of Cartooning in Southern
   Africa" / by John A. Lent. p. 49-51 in The Comics Journal,
   no. 233 (May 2001). -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"The Velvet Gloves are Off : A Boring Interview with Ghost
   World's Daniel Clowes" / by Matt Silvie. p. 52-77 in The
   Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). -- Call no.:
"Waxing Politic with Seth Tobocman" / by Kentin Worcester. p.
   78-102 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). --
   Interview with Tobocman, on World War 3 Illustrated, and
   other topics.-- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"The Graphic Novel, Will Eisner, and Other Pioneers" / by R.C.
   Harvey. p. 103-106 in The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May
   2001). -- (Comicopia) -- Essay on what a "graphic novel"
   might be, saying the term was coined in 1964 by Richard
   Kyle. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"The History of Fandom, part 4" / by Ted White. p. 107-109 in
   The Comics Journal, no. 233 (May 2001). -- Call no.:
"Anke Feuchtenberger : Too Bizarre and Beautiful for Batman" /
   by Bart Beaty. p. 110-113 in The Comics Journal, no. 233
   (May 2001). -- (Euro Comics for Beginners) --
   Feuchtenberger is a German comics artist. -- Call no.:
"An International View : Tripwire, and Just Comics and More" /
   by Rich Kreiner. p. 114-115 in The Comics Journal, no. 233
   (May 2001). -- (Meet the Comics Press) -- Reviews the
   British fanzine Tripwire, and the West Indian/Florida
   fanzine Just Comics and More. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.233
"The Quality of Television Can Be Improved by Removing the
   Plug from the Wall Socket"* (Winthrop, Mar. 15, 1976) / by
   Dick Cavalli. p. 3 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 146
   (Aug. 1976). -- Summary: Nasty is a bit of a radical. --
   Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.146
"She Believes in Softening the Blow as Much as Possible"*
   (Winthrop, Mar. 16, 1976) / by Dick Cavalli. p. 9 of The
   Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976). -- Summary:
   Mrs. Hubbel, the teacher, put jokes and pictures on the
   envelope she sent home to his father. -- Call no.: oversize
"Somebody's Always Taking the Romance Out Of Life"* (Winthrop,
   Mar. 18, 1976) / by Dick Cavalli. p. 11 of The Menomonee
   Falls Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976). -- Summary: His Masked
   Marvel costume, a bag over his head, is not convincing. --
   Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.146
"To Build a New Slum in Boon Dock Would be a Disgrace!"* (Boon
   Dock, June 7, 1976?) / George Breisacher. p. 9 of The
   Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976). -- Summary:
   Rudy doesn't want to live in a slum. -- Call no.: oversize
"A Lap That Doesn't Get Up and Walk Away from You"* (Boon
   Dock, Mar. 22, 1976) / George Breisacher. p. 9 of The
   Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976). -- Summary:
   The advantage of sitting in a tree. -- Call no.: oversize
"Sometimes I Think Pollish Jokes will Never End"* (Boon Dock,
   Mar. 23, 1976) / George Breisacher. p. 9 of The Menomonee
   Falls Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976). -- Summary: It seems
   to be election day in Boon Dock. -- Call no.: oversize
"I Got Jumped by a Wild Rock"* (Boon Dock, Mar. 24, 1976) /
   George Breisacher. p. 9 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian,
   no. 146 (Aug. 1976). -- Summary: A large pet rock has
   landed on our hero. -- Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.146
"He Only Jumps on People He Likes"* (Boon Dock, Mar. 25, 1976)
   / George Breisacher. p. 9 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian,
   no. 146 (Aug. 1976). -- Summary: The rock holding him down
   is Rosies pet rock, Jeremiah. -- Call no.: oversize
"What Are You Doing Under My Pet Rock, Dear?"* (Boon Dock,
   Mar. 26, 1976) / George Breisacher. p. 9 of The Menomonee
   Falls Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976). -- Summary: Maybe
   other things that live underneath rocks don't like it
   either. -- Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.146
"Poor Turtle!"* (Boon Dock, Mar. 27, 1976) / George
   Breisacher. p. 9 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 146
   (Aug. 1976). -- Summary: He looks like a turtle with his
   head sticking out from under the pet rock. -- Call no.:
   oversize PN6726.M582no.146
"I Knew You Wouldn't Like My Room"* (Gasoline Alley, Mar. 22,
   1976) / by Dick Moores. p. 11 of The Menomonee Falls
   Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976). -- Summary: Clovia is moving
   out. -- Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.146
"We Just Want You To Be Happy, Clovia"* (Gasoline Alley, Mar.
   23, 1976) / by Dick Moores. p. 11 of The Menomonee Falls
   Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976). -- Summary: There's a line
   for the bathroom outside Clovia's new room. -- Call no.:
   oversize PN6726.M582no.146
"There Isn't a Lock in the Building that Works"* (Gasoline
   Alley, Mar. 24, 1976) / by Dick Moores. p. 11 of The
   Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976). -- Summary:
   Clovia's lost her key, and Slim says not to worry. -- Call
   no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.146
"One Kook Who had This Room Hung His Stuff Outside the Window
   in Bags"* (Gasoline Alley, Mar. 25, 1976) / by Dick Moores.
   p. 11 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976).
   -- Summary: Clovia seems to have too much stuff for her
   room. -- Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.146
"It's Not Like I'm Moving to the End of the World, Mom"*
   (Gasoline Alley, Mar. 26, 1976) / by Dick Moores. p. 11 of
   The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976). --
   Summary: Clovia says goodbye to her parents. -- Call no.:
   oversize PN6726.M582no.146
"I'll Put My Sewing Machine Here and My Desk Over There"*
   (Gasoline Alley, Mar. 27, 1976) / by Dick Moores. p. 11 of
   The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976). --
   Summary: Nina stares into Clovia's empty room. -- Call no.:
   oversize PN6726.M582no.146
"The Jury is Back" (Mickey Mouse, May 7, 1932) / by Walt
   Disney. p. 10 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 146
   (Aug. 1976). -- Summary: "Horace Horsecollar's sensational
   trial is nearly over." -- Call no.: oversize
"An Expectant Hush Descends over the Courtroom"* (Mickey
   Mouse, May 9, 1932) / by Walt Disney. p. 10 of The
   Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976). -- Summary:
   Horace is guilty, Clarabelle faints, and a lynch mob drags
   Horace from the courtroom. -- Call no.: oversize
"Mickey Makes One Last Gallant Effort to Save His Pal,
   Horace"* (Mickey Mouse, May 10, 1932) / by Walt Disney. p.
   10 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976). --
   Summary: Mickey parachutes from an airplane with proof of
   Horace's innocence. -- Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.146
"Crashing into the Courtroom with but Seconds to Spare..."*
   (Mickey Mouse, May 11, 1932) / by Walt Disney. p. 10 of The
   Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976). -- Summary:
   Mickey lands his parachute in the courtroom, with the
   orphanage money and the real robbers. -- Call no.: oversize
"I Hereby Reverse the Jury's Decision"* (Mickey Mouse, May 12,
   1932) / by Walt Disney. p. 10 of The Menomonee Falls
   Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976). -- Summary: Horace throws
   his ball and chain into the air in jubilation, and hits
   himself on the head. -- Call no.: oversize
"I Hope You Don't Hold it Against Us Just 'Cause We Was Gonna
   Lynch You!"* (Mickey Mouse, May 13, 1932) / by Walt Disney.
   p. 10 of The Menomonee Falls Guardian, no. 146 (Aug. 1976).
   -- Summary: The jury says they knew Horace Horsecollar was
   innocent all the time, though they found him guilty. --
   Call no.: oversize PN6726.M582no.146
"Headlines and Harlem" / by Brumsic Brandon, Jr. p. 331-338 in
   Freedomways, v. 14, no. 4 (1974) -- Political cartoons
   about African Americans. -- Call no.: F185.5.F7v.14no.3
   29, 2005
The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001)
   CONTENTS: "Blood and Thunder" (letters) p. 3 -- "Newswatch"
   p. 5-19 -- "Viva la Comix" p. 20-21 -- "Reviews" p. 24-52
   -- "Thoughts on Carl Barks's 100th Birthday" p. 53-55 --
   "Bob Fingerman's Chutzpah" (Scattershots) p. 57-59 -- "Six
   Guys" (group interview with Bill Griffith, Kim Deitch,
   Seth, Charles Burns and Joe Sacco) p. 60-76 -- "Kiss and
   Tell" p. 78-90 -- "The Graphic Novel, Will Eisner, and
   Other Pioneers, part 2" (Comicopia) p. 92-97 -- "Charlton
   Spotlight and the Charlton Issues of Comic Book Artist"
   (Meet the Comics Press) p. 98-99 -- "When It Rains, it
   Pours" (Minimalism) p. 100-104 -- "Danijel Zezelj's
   Concealed Identity" (Euro Comics for Beginners) p. 105 --
   "The History of Comics Fandom, part 5" p. 107-110 --
   "Slavish New World : Ego's Olympian Games" (End Times) p.
   112-115 -- "Hit List" (reviews) p. 118-119 -- Call no.:
"Blood and Thunder" p. 3 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June
   2001). -- Letter to the editor from John Barber. -- Call
   no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"A Letter from a Journal-Reading Wacko" / John Barber. p. 3 in
   The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). -- (Blood and
   Thunder) -- Letter to the editor on webcomics. The same
   letter, edited in a slightly different way, was published
   with the heading "The Internet Issue (TCJ #232)" in The
   Comics Journal, no. 233. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Newswatch" p. 5-19 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June
   2001). -- Contents: "New York World Puts Kaz Out to Pasture
   ; Alternative Weeklies Overcome by New Blood Lust" p. 5-9 ;
   "In the Company of Sim" p. 10-11 ; "The Case of the
   Disappearing Gorilla" p. 12-14 ; "Crumb Art Stolen" p. 15 ;
   "Wizard Ripped as Pittsburgh Comicon Gains Prominence" p.
   16-17 ; "Henry Boltinoff Dies at 87" p. 18 ; "Marvel Drops
   Comics Code, Changes Book Distributor" p. 19 ; "Accusations
   Against Peter Paul Retracted ; Stan Lee Media Secures
   Interim Financing" p. 19 -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"New York World Puts Kaz Out to Pasture ; Alternative Weeklies
   Overcome by New Blood Lust" / by Michael Dean. p. 5-9 in
   The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). -- (Newswatch) --
   Article about Kaz, Carol Lay, and cartooning in alternative
   weeklies in general. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"In the Company of Sim" / by Michael Dean and Staff. p. 10-11
   in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). -- (Newswatch)
   -- Article on Dave Sim. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"The Case of the Disappearing Gorilla : the Banana Trust
   Explains How Not to Start a Comics Line" / by Michael Dean.
   p. 12-14 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). --
   (Newswatch) -- Begins: "After roughly a year of
   anticipatory hype and a year of faltering output, Gorilla
   Comics is gone. Gorilla spokesperson Kurt Busiek announced
   in April that, as of May 1, the Banana Trust partners would
   shut down their website, which as far as anyone could tell
   was all that remained of Gorilla." -- Call no.:
"Crumb Art Stolen" / by Matt Silvie. p. 15 in The Comics
   Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). -- (Newswatch) -- Art stolen
   from the Paul Morris Gallery. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Wizard Ripped as Pittsburgh Comicon Gains Prominence" / by
   Matt Silvie. p. 16-17 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June
   2001). -- (Newswatch) -- Includes a list of the 2001 Harvey
   Awards presented at the Pittsburgh Comicon. -- Call no.:
"Henry Boltinoff Dies at 87" / by Greg Stump. p. 18 in The
   Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). -- (Newswatch) --
   Boltinoff died Apr. 26, 2001. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Marvel Drops Comics Code, Changes Book Distributor" / by
   Michael Dean. p. 19 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June
   2001). -- (Newswatch) -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Accusations Against Peter Paul Retracted ; Stan Lee Media
   Secures Interim Financing" / Michael Dean. p. 19 in The
   Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). -- (Newswatch) -- Call
   no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Viva la Comix" p. 20-21 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June
   2001). -- Miscellanea about Ghost World, Superman, Dave Sim
   and Gerhard, Joe Sacco, and a swipe file involving Mike
   Deodato, and Andru & Esposito. -- Call no.:
"Reviews" p. 24-52 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001).
   -- Contents: "A Letter to Chris Ware on Jimmy Corrigan, the
   Smartest Kid on Earth" p. 24-25 ; "Renée French's Awkward
   Adolescence : The Soap Lady" p. 26 ; "Peter Kuper's
   Deafening Silence : Speechless" p. 27-28 ; "Inventing
   Comics : Scott McCloud Defines the Form in Understanding
   Comics" p. 29-39 ; "Economy and Value in The House on the
   Borderland" p. 40-41 ; "Michael Chabon Redraws History :
   The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay" p. 43-46 ;
   "Marcel Guldemond, Underrated Gem" p. 47-48 ; "McCloud
   Cuckoo-Land : Un-Reinventing Comics, part 2" p. 49-52 --
   Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"A Letter to Chris Ware on Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on
   Earth" / by Christopher Brayshaw. p. 24-25 in The Comics
   Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). -- (Reviews) -- Call no.:
"Renée French's Awkward Adolescence : The Soap Lady" / by
   Sarah Kagvage. p. 26 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June
   2001). -- (Reviews) -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Peter Kuper's Deafening Silence : Speechless" / by Kent
   Worcester. p. 27-28 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June
   2001). -- (Reviews) -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Inventing Comics : Scott McCloud Defines the Form in
   Understanding Comics" / by Dylan Horrocks. p. 29-39 in The
   Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). -- (Reviews) -- Call
   no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Economy and Value in The House on the Borderland" / by Ng
   Suat Tong. p. 40-41 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June
   2001). -- (Reviews) -- Review of Richard Corben and Simon
   Revelstoke's comics free adaptation of the story by William
   Hope Hodgson. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Michael Chabon Redraws History : The Amazing Adventures of
   Kavalier & Clay" / by Gregory Cwiklik. p. 43-46 in The
   Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). -- (Reviews) -- Call
   no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Marcel Guldemond, Underrated Gem" / by Ng Suat Tong. p. 47-48
   in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). -- (Reviews) --
   Reviews the comics of Marcel Guldemond. Call no.:
"McCloud Cuckoo-Land : Un-Reinventing Comics, part 2" / by
   Gary Groth. p. 49-52 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June
   2001). -- (Reviews) -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Thoughts on Carl Barks's 100th Birthday" / by Michael
   Barrier. p. 53-55 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June
   2001). -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Bob Fingerman's Chutzpah" / by Robert Ediston Sandiford. p.
   57-59 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). --
   (Scattershots) -- Article on the work of Bob Fingerman. --
   Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Six Guys : Just Six Guys in a Hotel Room : The Industry's
   Most Influential Creators Talk Art and Craft with Gary
   Groth"  p. 60-76 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June
   2001). -- Group interview with Bill Griffith, Kim Deitch,
   Seth, Charles Burns and Joe Sacco. -- Call no.:
"Kiss and Tell : Living with Chris, Dan, Gilbert, and Adrian :
   Marnie Ware, Erika Clowes, Carol Kovinick-Hernandez and
   Wendy Jung Tell All" / by Charles Brownstein. p. 78-90 in
   The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). -- Group interview
   with the "significant others" of Chris Ware, Dan Clowes,
   Gilbert Hernandez, and Adrian Tomine, done during a
   fund-raising cruise for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.
   -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"The Graphic Novel, Will Eisner, and Other Pioneers, part 2" /
   by R.C. Harvey. p. 92-97 in The Comics Journal, no. 234
   (June 2001). -- (Comicopia) -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Charlton Spotlight and the Charlton Issues of Comic Book
   Artist" / by Rich Kreiner. p. 98-99 in The Comics Journal,
   no. 234 (June 2001). -- (Meet the Comics Press) -- Reviews
   the new Charlton Spotlight (2000- ), Comic Book Artist, no.
   9 and 12. -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"When It Rains, it Pours" / by Tom Spurgeon. p. 100-104 in The
   Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). -- (Minimalism) --
   Brief reviews of minicomix: Angry Youth Comix #11 (Johnny
   Ryan) ; Doot Doot Garden (Craig Thompson) ; Hear Say (Greg
   Cook) ; Heartbreakers Minidigest 2000 (Anina Bennet & Paul
   Guinan) ; Monster 2000 ; My Naked, Naked Friends (Steve
   Lieber) ; Shouldn't You Be Working #3 (Johnny Ryan) ;
   Surfin' (Eric Reynolds) ; Geeks in Disguise #10 (Daniel
   Langsdale) ; Jumbo Jape (Sean Bieri) ; Love is Like the
   Sun, & Memories are Made of This (Garret Izumi) ;
   Passengers Side, & Ishkabibble (Vincent Stall) ; Please
   Don't Sue Me Comics (Ken Wheaton) ; Randy and the Christmas
   Pimple (John Kerschbaum) ; Supermonster #12 (Kevin
   Huizenga). -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Danijel Zezelj's Concealed Identity" / by Bart Beaty. p. 105
   in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). -- (Euro Comics
   for Beginners) -- Mainly a review of Air Mexico. -- Zezelj
   is a Croatian comics artist, living in Seattle. -- Call
   no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"The History of Comics Fandom, part 5" / by Ted White. p.
   107-110 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). -- Call
   no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Slavish New World : Ego's Olympian Games" / by Kenneth Smith.
   p. 112-115 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June 2001). --
   (End Times) -- Call no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"Hit List" p. 118-119 in The Comics Journal, no. 234 (June
   2001). -- Brief review recommendations of: Hey Mister: Dial
   M for Mister (Pete Sickman-Garner) ; AK Press 2001 Catalog
   ; The Book of Leviathan (Peter Blegvad) ; Sof'Boy and
   Friends: Econom Combo #1 & 2 (Archer Prewitt) ; New
   Observations, Spring 2000 (Justin Melkmann, ed.) ; and
   one-word reviews of Damn You Frida Kahlo ; Smiley Shadow #8
   ; Peoples ; The Real Fat Freddy Freedom Fighter Adventure
   Series #1 ; Wild Chirp #5 ; Timberdoodle ; Milkbaby ;
   Buttnuggets ; Runoff #1 ; and Shades of Blue #1. -- Call
   no.: PN6700.C62no.234
"My, What a Little Table"* (Krazy Kat, 1917) / by Herriman. p.
   100 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995).
   -- About a Ouija Board. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"The Whole Universe is Full of Kats"* (Krazy Kat, 1917) / by
   Herriman. p. 101 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Summary: Ignatz tries to hide from Krazy
   in his 'aero-submarine,' a vehicle that is both an airplan
   and a submarine. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Sadness Rides the Welkin"* (Krazy Kat, Jan. 28, 1940) / by
   Herriman. p. 102 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Summary: Krazy sings the blues. -- Call
   no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"A Bucket of Moon-light"* (Krazy Kat, Apr. 14, 1940) / by
   Herriman. p. 103 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Summary: Ignatz tries to brighten Krazy's
   dark mood. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Off the Hook"* (Krazy Kat, Sept. 8, 1940) / by Herriman. p.
   104 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995).
   -- Summary: Offisa Pup leaves Ignatz's telephone off the
   hook to as surveillance, and Ignatz deceives him with a
   phonograph. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Every Day is Some One's Birthday"* (Krazy Kat, July 13, 1941)
   / by Herriman. p. 105 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen
   Sink Press, 1995). -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Bobby Make-Believe Imagines He Makes a Quick Trip to Earth"
   (Bobby Make-Believe, 1918) / Frank King. p. 106 in The
   Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary:
   Bobby falls from a star, dives into the Milky Way to avoid
   a comet, and breaks his fall with greased lightning. --
   Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"First Attempt at Camouflage"* (Baron Bean, 1918) / George
   Herriman. p. 107 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Summary: Grimes goes by the Baron
   disguised as a packing box.  -- Strip numbered "A8". --
   Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"I Wonder Was He Spoofing Me"* (Baron Bean, 1918) / George
   Herriman. p. 107 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Summary: Grimes in disguise introduces
   himself, and still Baron Bean doesn't seem to recognize
   him. -- Strip numbered "A9". -- Call no.: PN6726.C595
"Have You Not Noticed Many Strangers Around?"* (Baron Bean,
   1918) / George Herriman. p. 107 in The Comic Strip Century
   (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: The Baron finds it
   hard to believe that Grimes is fooling him with his
   disguises. -- Strip numbered "A10". -- Call no.:
   PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"That Nubian Youth May Be No Other Than Grimes"* (Baron Bean,
   1918) / George Herriman. p. 107 in The Comic Strip Century
   (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: A young black man
   walks by (Baron Bean calls him a "child of the jungle"). --
   Strip numbered "A11". -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"A Camouflage Dime"* (Baron Bean, 1918) / George Herriman. p.
   107 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995).
   -- Summary: Baron Bean steals a dime from a blind man's cup
   to buy a book on camouflage. -- Strip numbered "A13". --
   Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Mutt Adopts an Orphan" (Mutt and Jeff, Jan. 5, 1919) / by Bud
   Fisher. p. 108 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"A Merry Christmas, but Not for Jeff" (Mutt and Jeff, Dec. 21,
   1924) / by Bud Fisher. p. 109 in The Comic Strip Century
   (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Call no.: PN6726.C595
"All I Can Ever Be To You Is A Sister"* (Now Listen Mabel,
   Dec. 8, 1919) / George Herriman. p. 110 in The Comic Strip
   Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: Hearing
   those words from Mabel, Jimmy wants to end it all but is
   persuaded by Sam to wait until after payday. -- Call no.:
   PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"That Extra Dose You've Got In Your Black Bottle, Jimmie, What
   Kind of a Price Will You Make Me On It?"* (Now Listen
   Mabel, Dec. 9, 1919) / George Herriman. p. 110 in The Comic
   Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: Mabel
   has turned Sam down as well, and Sam wants to share
   Jimmie's "crokim acid." -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"My Half of That Bottle is on the Bottom"* (Now Listen Mabel,
   Dec. 10, 1919) / George Herriman. p. 110 in The Comic Strip
   Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: Jimmie and
   Sam discuss their upcoming suicide, and who will drink the
   first half of the bottle of poison. -- Call no.:
   PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Here, Sam, is a Whole Bottle All To Yourself"* (Now Listen
   Mabel, Dec. 11, 1919) / George Herriman. p. 110 in The
   Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary:
   The boss comes up with another bottle of "krokem acid" so
   Sam and Jimmie can stop arguing about who drinks which half
   of their bottle. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Does Your Boss Know You're Going to Leave Him?" (Now Listen
   Mabel, Dec. 12, 1919) / George Herriman. p. 110 in The
   Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary:
   Sam and Jimmie say goodbye to Mabel before "cashing in." --
   Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"She Said For You Boys to Drink Hearty"* (Now Listen Mabel,
   Dec. 13, 1919) / George Herriman. p. 110 in The Comic Strip
   Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: Sam and
   Jimmie try to call Mabel on the phone before they drink the
   poison, but Mabel just gives them a message. -- Call no.:
   PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"This Valentine Day I'm Going to Get Even with Everybody
   That's Been Bad to Me!"* (Mama's Angel Child, 1919) / Penny
   Ross. p. 111 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- summary: The Angel Child, whose name is
   Esther Starring, sends "funny valentines" to everybody, and
   then regrets it. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Farewell Doc Yak" (The Gumps, 1919) / Sidney Smith. p. 112 in
   The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). --
   Summary: Doc Yak sells his car, "Old 348," to go away with
   his adopted son Yutch and "start life all over again." --
   Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Jiggs Drives a Tank"* (Bringing Up Father, 1921) / George
   McManus. p. 115 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Summary: Maggie and Jiggs visit a World
   War I battlefield in France with a General De Bility. --
   Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Would You Like to See the Bridge of Sighs?"* (Bringing Up
   Father, 1921) / George McManus. p. 116 in The Comic Strip
   Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: Jiggs and
   Dinty play cards on a gondola in Venice. -- Call no.:
   PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"The Contractor Certainly Didn't Use a Plumb Line"* (Bringing
   Up Father, May 22, 1921) / George McManus. p. 117 in The
   Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary:
   Jiggs encounters the Leaning Tower of Pisa. -- Call no.:
   PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Poor Gyp! But it May Be More Like 'Poor Pa'" (Just Boy, July
   1, 1922) / A.C. Fera. p. 120 in The Comic Strip Century
   (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Call no.: PN6726.C595
"Red Flannels"* (Stumble Inn, Oct. 30, 1922) / George
   Herriman. p. 121 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Summary: Mr. Wilkins forgets his red
   flannels when he checks out, and when he returns Mr.
   Stumble is already trying them on. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595
"Squeaky Shoes"* (Stumble Inn, Oct. 31, 1922) / George
   Herriman. p. 121 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Summary: Joe Beamish tries to sneak by
   into the chair in the lobby. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595
"You Forgot to Put In the Gasoline"* (The Gumps, 1923) /
   Sidney Smith & Arthur F. Bielan. p. 122 in The Comic Strip
   Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: Andy Gump
   pays $15 to get towed to Hoopston in the car by a horse. --
   Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"The Widow Zander's Nightmare"* (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney
   Smith. p. 123 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Summary: Introduces "Carlos, the arch
   villian[!]" and "Carlotta, catspaw for Carlos." -- First in
   a sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"If I Need a Pet I'll Get Myself a Tarantula or a Tiger"* (The
   Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 123 in The Comic Strip
   Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: Carlos
   gives Carlotta a Siberian blood-hound, and she doesn't like
   it. -- Second in a sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595
"Here's My Insignia of Office"* (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney
   Smith. p. 123 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Summary: Andy gets out his gun and says
   he's going to force Carlos to return widow Zander's note.
   -- Third in a sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Henceforth We Meet as Strangers"* (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney
   Smith. p. 123 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Summary: Carlos collects an installment on
   the widow Zander's note, and is so ungracious about it that
   she says after this she'll mail him the payments. -- Fourth
   in a sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"The Chief Sent Word He Is Going To Be Here Tonight"* (The
   Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 124 in The Comic Strip
   Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: Carlos gets
   his gang of criminals together. -- Fifth in a sequence. --
   Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Overcome by Visions of Unutterable Horror She Swooned Away
   into Merciful Unconsciousness"* (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney
   Smith. p. 124 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Summary: Carlos's gang kidnaps the fair
   widow Zander. -- Sixth in a sequence. -- Call no.:
   PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"I'll Just Keep the Old Eagle Eye on That Door"* (The Gumps,
   1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 124 in The Comic Strip Century
   (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: Andy decides to
   shadow Carlos, whom he suspects of kidnapping the widow
   Zander. -- Seventh in a sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595
"My Life Wouldn't Be Worth a Dime if I Ventured in That Den
   without a Perfect Disguise"* (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney
   Smith. p. 124 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Summary: Andy gets out his book on how to
   be a detective. -- Eighth in a sequence. -- Call no.:
   PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"I'm Big Enough and Ugly Enough to Protect Myself"* (The
   Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 125 in The Comic Strip
   Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: Andy gets
   beaten up. -- Ninth in a sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595
"While the Breath of Life Lasts I Shall Scorn You and Look
   Upon You with the Contempt that You So Richly Deserve"*
   (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 125 in The Comic Strip
   Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: The widow
   Zander has a conversation with her captor, Carlos. -- Tenth
   in a sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"As the Clock Chimed Mid-Night a Beautiful Woman Could Be Seen
   Fleeing Through the Snow"* (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney
   Smith. p. 125 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Summary: The widow Zander makes a rope and
   escapes. -- 11th in a sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595
"I Am Very Sorry But Your Services are No Longer Required"*
   (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 125 in The Comic Strip
   Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: The widow
   Zander has lost her job because she was away being
   kidnapped. She talks to herself, calling herself Henrietta.
   -- 12th in a sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Adam and Eve on a Raft, a Hunk of Everything and Let it Come
   in a Snow Storm"* (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 126
   in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). --
   Summary: Henrietta Zander is now a waitress. -- 13th in a
   sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Our Hero Continues to Trail Carlos like a Human Blood-Hound"*
   (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 126 in The Comic Strip
   Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: Andy
   doesn't know that the widow Zander has escaped. -- 14th in
   a sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"As the Icy Water Closed Over His Head Our Hero Realized He
   Must Keep Cool"* (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 126
   in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). --
   Summary: Carlos dumps Andy into the river through a trap
   door. -- 15th in a sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595
"But Why Didn't You Tell the Police that Carlos and His Gang
   Kidnaped You?"* (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 126 in
   The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). --
   Summary: Henrietta is afraid her reputation will be ruined.
   -- 16th in a sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"We'll See How Long the Pretty Soup Slinger can Scorn My
   Love"* (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 127 in The
   Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary:
   Carlos visits the restaurant where Henrietta is working as
   a waitress. -- 17th in a sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595
"Detecting is a Trade like Glass-Blowing and Making
   Umbrellas"* (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 127 in The
   Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary:
   Andy vows to become a detective and land Carlos; he
   practices disguises. -- 18th in a sequence. -- Call no.:
   PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"The Delicate High Strung Woman Unused to Hardships can Carry
   On No Longer"* (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 127 in
   The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). --
   Summary: Henrietta gets a fever and faints, doesn't show up
   for work, and loses another job. -- 19th in a sequence. --
   Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Every Thanksgiving I Feel Like Waking Up Early and Laughing
   at the Vegetarians"* (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p.
   127 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995).
   -- Summary: The Gumps sit down for Thanksgiving dinner, and
   Uncle Bim drops in. -- 20th in a sequence. -- Call no.:
   PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"The Woman that Marries Him Won't Have to Break Her Finger
   Nails Off Searching for Loose Change in His Pockets"* (The
   Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 128 in The Comic Strip
   Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: A suitcase
   of Uncle Bims is accidentally opened, and it's full of
   money. -- 21sh in a sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595
"You Mean to Say that Mrs Zander Lost All Her Money?"* (The
   Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 128 in The Comic Strip
   Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: Bim is
   incensed to hear of the Henrietta Zander's situation. --
   22nd in a sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"I'll Crush You Like an Opera Hat"* (The Gumps, 1925) / Sidney
   Smith. p. 128 in The Comic Strip Century (Kitchen Sink
   Press, 1995). -- Summary: Carlos sees that Bim Gump is back
   in town, and makes a threat. -- 23rd in a sequence. -- Call
   no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"Every Year He Comes to Play Santa Claus for the Gumps"* (The
   Gumps, 1925) / Sidney Smith. p. 128 in The Comic Strip
   Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Summary: Carlos
   tells Carlotta his plan to get Bim's money. -- 24th in a
   sequence. -- Call no.: PN6726.C595 1995v.1
"I'm Gonna Bunk With You and I'll Be Sure You're Safe" (Barney
   Google, July 29, 1923) / Billy De Beck. p. 129 in The Comic
   Strip Century (Kitchen Sink Press, 1995). -- Call no.:
   PN6726.C595 1995v.1
Gurilåndia. -- São Paulo : O Cruzeiro, . -- col. ill. ; 26 cm.
   -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 5 (1962). -- Call no.: PN6790.B74G84
The Comic Messiah / Q-ray. -- Melb, Vic, Australia : Q-ray
   Comix, 1995-1997. -- ill. ; 21-30 cm. -- Complete in 2 nos.
   -- Alternative genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-2. -- Call no.:
   PN6790.A83Q2C6 1995
Pop Culture and 2 Minute Noodles. -- St Kilda Sth, Victoria,
   Australia : Dillon Naylor/Cowtown Comics, 1998- . -- ill. ;
   26 cm. -- Alternative genre. -- LIBRARY HAS: no. 1-3
   (1998). -- Call no.: PN6790.A84P63
Atomic Skate Comix. -- Gainesville, FL : Atomic Comix, 1986.
   -- 8 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. -- By Nimrod. -- Other title:
   Atomic Skate Comix Collection #1. -- New wave mini comic
   about skateboarding. -- Call no.: PN6728.55.N525A8 1986
Atomic Comix Own Pissing Dog. -- Gainesville, FL : Atomic
   Comix, 1986. -- 8 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. -- By Nimrod. -- Other
   title: Pissing Dog Comix #1. -- Funny animal new wave
   minicomic. -- Call no.: PN6728.55.N525P5 1986
Atomic Comix Present the 3 Mile Island Family. -- Gainesville,
   FL : Atomic Comix, 1986. -- 8 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. -- By
   Nimrod. -- New wave minicomic about the nuclear accident at
   Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania. -- Call no.:
   PN6728.55.N525T47 1986
On the Drawing Board : official newsletter of the Academy of
   Comic Art Fans & Collectors. -- St. Louis, Mo. : Gateway
   Comic Art Fan Club, . -- ill. ; 28 cm. -- Merged with The
   Comic Reader, with both numbering systems maintained. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 17-18 (1964). -- PN6700 .O59
Comickazi. -- San Jose, Calif. : Suicide Publications, 1969- .
   -- ill. ; 28 cm. -- Began with no. 1 (Sept. 1969). --
   Amateur periodical of and about comics. -- LIBRARY HAS: no.
   1. -- Call no.: PN6725.C593
The Collector Special / editor: Bill G. Wilson. -- Clairton,
   Pa. : Prince Printing, 1969. -- 21 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. --
   Includes an index to The Collector, no. 1-16 (1967-1969).
   -- Other titles: The Collector Spectacular ; The Collector
   Spectacular-Special. -- Call no.: PN6725.C4842 1969
The Best of Comicology, 1968-72. -- Adelphi, Maryland : Doug
   Fratz, 1976. -- 37 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. -- 500 copies
   printed. -- Call no.: PN6725.C597B4 1965
Mujercita. -- México, D.F. : Colección Libro Azul, . -- ill. ;
   16 cm. -- "Director Manuel del Valle". -- Romance genre. --
   LIBRARY HAS: no. 5 (1950s?). -- Call no.: PN6790.M44M773
Ratón Perez Contra Miguelito / por Manuel Angel Bayardi ;
   ilustrado por Dagoberto Dinorin F. -- Mexico : Secretaría
   de Educación Pública, 1945. -- 24 p. : col. ill. ; 32 cm.
   -- (Biblioteca de Chapulin) -- Funny animal fiction
   featuring Mickey Mouse. -- Call no.: folio PQ7297.A75R3
Tokyopop Presents The Librarian's Guide to Manga. -- Tokyopop,
   2004? -- 12 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. -- Contents: What is manga?
   ; Manga glossary ; How to order manga ; Reviews & resources
   ; Tokyopop rating information ; Sample manga pages ;
   Newsletter information. -- Call no.: PN6790.J3T6 2005
Sicario Especial. -- Santiago : Dedalos Ediciones, 1998. -- 24
   p. : ill. ; 26 cm. -- Horror genre. -- Call no.:
Longshot / Ann Nocenti, writer ; Arthur Adams, pencils ;
   Anderson & Portacio, inks. -- New York : Marvel Comics
   Group, 1985-1986. -- col. ill. ; 26 cm. -- Complete in 6
   nos. -- Superhero and science fiction genres. -- LIBRARY
   HAS: no. 1, 3-6. -- Call no.: PN6728.5.M3L6 1985
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